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Apple Rush Company Inc (PK)

Apple Rush Company Inc (PK) (APRU)

Cerrado 13 Marzo 2:00PM

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APRU Discussion

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Astro26 Astro26 6 horas hace
Bro !
Astro26 Astro26 6 horas hace
Zoey hasn't been back since I accused him of being Tony.

Think about it .
👍️ 1 😂 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 11 horas hace
You might have a point. I'll take it under consideration.
Maybe if you'll.......

throw just a little more at it that will change things.
hedge_fun hedge_fun 11 horas hace
GL with your dead money. Maybe if you'll.......

throw just a little more at it that will change things.
trading.jeff trading.jeff 11 horas hace
Are you trying to weasel your way out, now? It's not working.
👍️ 2
hedge_fun hedge_fun 11 horas hace
I can’t take credit for that one……but

I’ll never forget it!

The flip side is to scale into stock when it’s making you money.

That hooker is bringing me money, not taking it.
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 11 horas hace
He's probably thinking about that kind of stuff often...
🤣 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 11 horas hace
How long did it take for you to think this one up? You've got quite the imagination. HA!!
hedge_fun hedge_fun 11 horas hace
A great trader I know explained it like this.......

He grew up in San Fran. There were drug dealers and pimps.

The pimps had the best business model, and stocks are the hookers.

They can appear to be sexy but might not make you any money. The girls that don't make money you take and drop em off at Denny's.

It's business. It's a transaction. They don't give a chit about you.

You don't pick up hookers for long term relationships, but you have.

APRU is a skank.

Happy Thursday!
trading.jeff trading.jeff 11 horas hace
Someone had to do it. Glad you stepped up.
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 12 horas hace
It doesn't matter now; I'm the Lone Water Carrier 🤠
trading.jeff trading.jeff 12 horas hace
It was obvious you were the best water carrier. I was sure of it. My mistake.
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 12 horas hace
I talk to him. He still owns APRU; he just doesn't use ihub anymore.

You sell yet?
Cowboy1966 Cowboy1966 13 horas hace
What happened to the best water carrier Zoey? Must of woken up
grantastic grantastic 1 día hace
Profit margins on an imaginary LLC are HUUUGE. Much better than the profits from selling fruit juice.
👍 1
kickedoffagain kickedoffagain 2 días hace
Don't worry - it's in the Pipeline, coming soon, part of the plan and just around the corner. Stay tuned for Big Silence.
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 3 días hace
The lone water carrier lol I'll take the title. Sorry I missed the party I took a day off to spend outside with the kids. Glad you guys had fun without me though. 🤣
hedge_fun hedge_fun 3 días hace
Someone recently posted the fundamentals here….

were good.

👍 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 3 días hace
"Giving up" seems to be a bit of a stretch. The cup's handle was forming a year ago at this time. It failed because people started to realize, beginning at about that time, that Tony was blowing smoke up everyone's backsides. This play went from a technical play to a fundamentals play, and fundamentals trump technicals almost every time, with the fundamentals being Tony killing the momentum.

👍 2
grantastic grantastic 3 días hace
it looks like you've given up on this "cup and handle" prognostication for APRU?
grantastic grantastic 3 días hace
I don't know about breweries in particular, I do remember years ago Tony making a big deal about APRU becoming some kind of "conglomerate" and that's how he justified buying all this worthless OTC stocks, Mystik, Elev8 Hemp, etc. etc.

TBH, he just strikes me as a person who thinks real life operates like Monopoly, and if he just buys a whole bunch of worthless businesses, they will magically double their revenue once you get 3 of the same colour.

Personally, I don't see how anyone can trust a CEO to turn around a dozen failed businesses when he's proven incapable of turning around even the first 1.

Didn’t Tony say something about buying more……


He made it sound like that was part of the bigger or longer term strategy.

Yet they can’t acquire one.

👍 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 3 días hace
$APRU .0012, lowest pps since October 27, 2023, when the right side of the cup was beginning to form. We really had high hopes back then when there was momentum. Today's HOD is .0013. *sigh*
👍 1
Astro26 Astro26 5 días hace
Where's the Beef !
hedge_fun hedge_fun 5 días hace
Didn’t Tony say something about buying more……


He made it sound like that was part of the bigger or longer term strategy.

Yet they can’t acquire one.

👍 1
grantastic grantastic 6 días hace
An "expert" has explained Apple Rush keeps losing money, because the Apple Rush beverage margins are so low. Great news! APRU's new revenue stream is to purchase Lena Brewery over and over!

By 2030, APRU could own a dozen Lena Breweries across the multiverse. The profits will be immense.
👍 1
grantastic grantastic 6 días hace
Tony "closed" the Lena purchase 2 years ago, on MLK day. Tony also recently "Finalized" the Lena purchase 2 months ago.

Give it a few more months and we should see another video of Tony scribbling on papers, putting them in a fedex envelope, and promising this is the final-final purchase contract.

So, Tony did acquire Lena nearly three years ago!! Why didn't anyone tell me?? All this time, I've been thinking he's been blowing smoke up people's backsides about acquiring Lena. I guess I was wrong. lol
👍 1
grantastic grantastic 6 días hace
The only misery I see is from shareholders who insisted the PPS would never ever ever go below 0.0020 again.
👍 1
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
The most important question any APRU shareholder…..

should have is why haven’t the A’s been cancelled.

Nothing else matters.

Without complete control Tony’s hands are tied.

Corporate Law 101.
👍 1
kickedoffagain kickedoffagain 6 días hace
Sounds like "Dog Ate Homework".
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
Tony killed the pps last year when he……..

claimed they owned Lena.

There was enough volume last summer/fall for an occasional flip, but yes the interest has dried up.

I would be happy if he did get things worked out and I could load in the trips.

But 5 years to cancel shares?

Have a great weekend.
trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
We've been waiting for such "proof" for quite a while. Volume, on almost all days and for a long time, is telling us no one gives a rat's backside about $APRU.
👍 1
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
If I see proof something changes and APRU……

is moving in the right direction corporately, I will say so, as soon as I load the boat.

I like making money.

If proof of ownership of Lena can be shown, this will hit a nickel and I’ll pump the sheeeeet out of it!

trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
Can you show me where I said this?
Recently you were bragging about how proud you are to be an ass.
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
This isn’t a shareholder board, and it doesn’t……..

belong to APRU.

If he wants to post, what is it to ya?

Perhaps you should move along.

It doesn’t look like it’s just Tony’s BS folks are getting tired of.

Happy Friday!
👍 1
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 6 días hace
Recently you were bragging about how proud you are to be an ass. Now you're mad about getting blocked.

I also am not selling my shares.

So what then? You're just gunna keep the minstrel company until the next run? Misery loves company. You'll make quite a pair.
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
You have posted recently the fundamentals…..

were strong, yet there is no way to prove that.

You said recently there was good money in the production of other products, yet there is no way to prove that.

The control dispute was real and I never said they wouldn’t file. You claimed there was no Control Dispute even though OTCM had such a warning.

Tony even admitted he got his B shares as part of the control transaction.

That’s where he screwed up.

They should have cancelled the B series and he should have been issued A shares for control.

He’s not very bright which is why APRU is going nowhere fast.

But go ahead, tell us how great everything is going since you say you’re NOT promoting it.

BTW, you don’t have to be paid in order to promote.
👍 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
Maybe you've forgotten that Tony blocked me. Back in December, I sent him a Twitter DM with questions about the OS reduction, no samples, and why we haven't heard about many things, like I've posted here. I began the DM by saying I'm asking these questions respectfully even though I'm disgusted (I mentioned this, too). I didn't receive a response and, instead, was blocked. I'm not buying into anything that anyone is selling. I'm using my own judgment based on my perception of the company and experience with it. I also am not selling my shares. If another long-time shareholder is blocked for wanting to get answers to questions, what would that person do?

I've supported Tony in the past and have given him the benefit of the doubt many times, but he should come clean about everything he's mentioned or announced. This is the least he owes to his shareholders. Simple.

👍️ 1
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 6 días hace

Is he in on it?

Sorry to disappoint but I just like the products and own stock. I'm not "promoting"; not everyone is trying to play pretend bigshot. Another conspiracy bites the dust.
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
No, but if complicated perhaps 5 months. Now,.....

the question for Chef and Tony is, why haven't the shares been cancelled?

Beneficial ownership has to be clear.

The reason Tony paid to have it cancelled was so he could control APRU.

Further, I didn't run scams, I was paid to promote tickers, just like Tony paid Kyle, who did those videos. I disclosed as required. That's how they know I promoted tickers.

The other question for Chef is why he is still promoting APRU in light of Tony's lies to him.

Is he in on it?

He goes to see Ross and never asked about ownership?
IronChefQuezon IronChefQuezon 6 días hace
Boy you've really bought into what Hedge has been selling. I don't know if I'd trust a guy who used to run scams and has lied in the past about APRU.

Do you believe him when he thought the company wasn't real because he googled the address?

Consider a third option here:

3) The control dispute is an imagined issue.

Hedge said this could never go current and the stop sign would be up forever. Another "error." Ross said in the recent PR about Lena being finalized "We are extremely happy to conclude this with Apple Rush. It enables us to operate under a public entity, and my responsibility is to handle the operational side and deal with any and all regulatory concerns along with remaining the face of Lena Brewing."

Don't get caught up in Hedge's mental gymnastics. He's been here crying foul for a decade because of a tweet. Consider the source. If you still don't trust Tony then sell your shares or you're as full of it as anyone.
trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
Does it take 5+ years to cancel the certificates?
certificates are lost and shareholders are working to get final cancelation.
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
The lost CERT wasn't Tony's, so he can't......

do anything to resolve it.

Read the filings, he said the CERT(s) was lost but he already paid to have it cancelled.

Whoever he paid to cancel the CERT(s) hasn't resolved the issue.

Which begs the question, why not?

This was from 5 years ago,

Preferred Stock

The Company has been authorized to issue 170,000,000 shares of $0.0001 par value Preferred Stock. The Board of Directors is expressly vested with the authority to divide any or all, of the Preferred Stock into series and to fix and determine the relative rights and preferences of the shares of each series so established, within certain guidelines established in the Articles of Incorporation.

On July 17, 2019, the Company canceled 1,000,000 shares of its series A preferred convertible stock to LiveWire Ergogenics, Inc.

At December 31, 2020 and December 31, 2019 there are 3,250,000 and 3,250,000 shares of Series “A” Convertible Preferred Stock issued and outstanding, respectively. These shares have been bought back by the company but certificates are lost and shareholders are working to get final cancelation.

Here's what it takes to cancel shares.

There is still 3,250,000 Preferred A shares outstanding.
👍️ 1
Astro26 Astro26 6 días hace
Do everyone a favor Tony and move on.
👍 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
Well, this begs the question: Why isn't Tony doing anything to resolve issues? My answer, aka my opinion, is that there are two possibilities:

1.) Tony doesn't want to do anything to resolve the issues, i.e., he doesn't care.

2.) Tony is incompetent and doesn't know how to resolve the issues.

To help this company, if Tony even wants to help it, he needs to resign as CEO and have someone who can handle the above two points step in as CEO. Tony can remain as an adviser if he and the new CEO decide this would be good for the company. Otherwise, Tony would have to sever all ties to the company.

As things are going, Tony will never step down as CEO, so points 1 and 2 will persist.

👍️ 1
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
I don't think Tony is going to admit he doesn't.......

have complete control of APRU.

Alonzo had the similar type of issue with TEMN/DKTS. There was a DTC chill and so he was limited in what he could do. The issues were a result of the previous owners of the control shares. They transferred ownership to Bruce Klein and then to Alonzo, but the issues predated him.

If I recall, the TA was also scolded for some of the TEMN transactions.

A typical OTC lender doesn't want issues clearing their stock.

Eventually Alonzo went to a cleaner ticker, ISBG which is now BLQC.

Supposedly he owes some lenders about $12MM or more, which blows my mind that someone would lend him that much.

They can kiss that $$$ goodbye.

But have you noticed Tony hasn't been loaned very much money?

There's a reason for that. APRU is skank because beneficial ownership isn't clear. That's why he (APRU) can't get liquor licenses and acquire Lena.
👍 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
Just another thing that Tony has failed to explain. I guess he thinks if he doesn't say anything about anything, people will forget about everything. I forgot about this one, but there are some I haven't forgotten about. Thanks, Tony.
That was posted Jan 27, 2023, after they......

missed the MLK Day date.
👍️ 1
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
That was "allegedly" a contract, ie an agreement.......

not a closing

As a simple internet search shows, it wasn't worth the paper it was written on.

Yet some hold out hope.
👍️ 1
hedge_fun hedge_fun 6 días hace
That was posted Jan 27, 2023, after they......

missed the MLK Day date.

What a SNAG!
👍️ 1
trading.jeff trading.jeff 6 días hace
So, Tony did acquire Lena nearly three years ago!! Why didn't anyone tell me?? All this time, I've been thinking he's been blowing smoke up people's backsides about acquiring Lena. I guess I was wrong. lol

👍️ 1
kgw kgw 6 días hace
CEO Tony Signs Final Agreement to Acquire Lena Beverage #shorts
JUNE 2, 2022

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