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ERHC Energy Inc (CE)

ERHC Energy Inc (CE) (ERHE)

Cerrado 14 Marzo 2:00PM

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nwtf nwtf 2 días hace
At least if he repeats something its the truth. You on the other hand keep telling the same old lies.
ssc ssc 2 días hace
guerguerian dickran - positioned, patient, and fine with a quarter of a million dollar loss in this triple zero piece of crap. Gonna take a whole lot of dr. gus insider info at $100/clip to get that back.
badog badog 2 días hace
We’re positioned. We’re patient. And we’re fine with that.

I'll believe that when you quit posting...when you sit back and relax and wait for the huge sp display.of wonder.. You are not patient now. More like desperate.
And you promote shorts to cover now.... but then you say this is not a good time? Is that some sort of a secret chess move strategy? Confuse the opponent with moves that oppose each other?. Next thing I know its 'Check Mate'. Or maybe it was 7 years ago. Game won by managment.

Krombacher Krombacher 2 días hace
Badog & SSC: Mistaking Positioning for Desperation

I’m glad you’re amused. You mistake strategic positioning for being “underwater.”
We know exactly what we hold and why we hold it.
Some investors flip for pennies. Others take positions with long-term catalysts in mind, even if they take time to materialize.
But if waiting patiently while things align is funny to you, I’m glad to provide entertainment.
Just remember—no one laughs harder than those who stuck with their strategy when it pays off.


SSC, Same Broken Record

You’ve repeated this tired playbook for years.
Let me clear it up for you:

We don’t need your approval.

We don’t care about your insults.

We’re not “hyping” anything.
We’re discussing strategies, scenarios, and realities that bother you because they make sense.

You pretend to know how this ends. You don’t.
You laugh at patience like it’s a weakness—but it’s a strength you never had.
And when ERHC makes its move, you’ll still be here, posting the same lines you’ve recycled since 2008.


We’re positioned. We’re patient. And we’re fine with that.

ssc ssc 2 días hace
That's some track record you have:

Fail to take a 300% profit

Buy and hold for 15 years all the way down to zero and reverse split booking a six figure loss

Then dump another $150,000 into a triple zero stock not even insiders will buy

And hold on to that forever as the stock sits near zero.

Still unable to face the truth while hyping lie after lie hoping someone will buy. Pathetic. Why not add that to your linkedin profile with all your worthless degrees and certifications?
badog badog 2 días hace
We're not “stuck”—we’re positioned.

Every underwater investor will enjoy knowing that they are merely 'positioned'. I doubt that will fly with their spouce.

Peter J Peter J 2 días hace
And yes you are stuck as you cant sell it because you cant buy it because nobody wants it.

I looked it up in the dictionary: "Stuck"

The dictionary said: 6498

Peter J Peter J 2 días hace
I know why you all are not selling. There is no point at todays sp. You are STUCK and you have to live with bad decisions now.badog, you have been UNCOVERED to the bone.

Ask Kingpin or someone from your inner circle for some objective advice.

You are not here to debunk krombacher's pie in the sky narratives, you are here for ERHC, as are your altruistic homies.

You don't care about people you never met. And certainly not if they are gamblers... stop making a fool of yourself, and get on with your life.

No one will act on krombacher's fairy tales, you know that, I know that, everybody knows that!

Yes, you can try to realize your gameplan for another few years... but it ain't gonna fly.

Deal with it, and don't be STUCK YOURSELF, mr. Berkshire Hathaway...
nwtf nwtf 2 días hace
Dude your script was exhausted years ago. And yes you are stuck as you cant sell it because you cant buy it because nobody wants it.

May be the African Queen????
Krombacher Krombacher 2 días hace
Badog & SSC: Still Missing the Obvious

You said:

> "I know why you all are not selling. There is no point at today's SP. You are STUCK and you have to live with bad decisions now."

That’s where you’re wrong.
We're not “stuck”—we’re positioned.
Big difference.
The group of 70 stopped buying because we’re content with our holdings and, frankly, don’t want to trigger a premature squeeze before the backstop event is in place.
And as for bringing in "gullible investors"?
We’re not trying to convince anyone.
SpeedTrader was mentioned because access exists, not because we’re pitching anyone.
People can do their own due diligence, like we did.


SSC, Your Script Is Exhausted

I get it—you’re proud of your “greatest hits” from 2008.
But let’s break it down for clarity:

ERHC still trades.

Americans can buy the stock.

Preferred shares have been authorized since 2012.

Revocation was dismissed.

These are facts.
But your playbook never changes:

1. Insult

2. Deny

3. Distract

4. Repeat

You try to paint me as some con artist, but the truth is simple:
We believe there’s significant value here, we’ve held for years, and we’ve taken steps to be strategically ready when ERHC finally moves.
And the moves are coming.
You can mock it, but you can’t stop it.


Why Are You Still Here?

You both know the answer.
You wouldn’t waste your time here—day after day—if this was truly over.
You’re here because you feel the pressure.
And when ERHC executes its next step—whether through a preferred share dividend, settlement, or asset deal—the real price discovery begins.

We’re ready.
Are you?

ssc ssc 2 días hace
From erhe's largest shareholder and known liar:

guergurian dickran's guide to speculating with erhe

Founded on the principles that:
1)share price doesn't matter
2)it's not a lie if you say you believe it

Load up on shares at 30 cents or less 20 years ago, watch shares go to 99 cents but allow greed and hubris to keep you from taking those profits.

Then, as exploration failures and management's poor handling of cash tank the stock, continue to hold and buy more all the way down to triple zeros and outstanding share count maxed out at 3 billion.

When a 1:100 reverse split wipes out all those shares, incur huge losses and then plunk down $150,000 more, ending up with close to 400 million shares that have been sitting near zero for years and years.

As management goes silent, attempt to promote any asinine bullish scenario you can think of with hopes of an epic short squeeze that would bail you out even though no short positions exist.

And remember, if an African Queen doesn't come along to give back all your losses, surely erhc insiders will issue preferred stock dividends to make you a billionaire "sometime soon".

While waiting patiently, rip off anyone who still believes by selling supposed inside info at $100/clip. Of course that info is as bogus as all the other thousands of dickran lies. And don't forget, great things are already in motion, as they have been for the last 7 years. All part of the best kept secret in the history of the stock market lmao.
badog badog 2 días hace
And you’re here, day in, day out, because you’re still trying to figure out why we aren’t selling.

I know why you all are not selling. There is no point at todays sp. You are STUCK and you have to live with bad decisions now.
The reason you keep posting is to try to find more gullible investors that would like to rid you of this disaster.

Krombacher Krombacher 2 días hace
Badog & SSC—Missing the Big Picture (Again)

Badog, you said:

> “Maybe you should just post your scenarios to your private group of 70.”

I do share insights with them. But here’s something you don’t seem to grasp: The group of 70 already has their shares. They’re not buying more. They’re not looking for validation on iHub, and they certainly aren’t waiting for public reassurance to make decisions.

And no, they’re not “gullible.” They made their moves while others hesitated.
They understood the risk and positioned themselves early. If that makes them “gullible,” then we can add every early investor in history to the same category.

You said:

> “The rest of the investors in the world are not so gullible.”

The “rest of the world” isn’t reading this board, Badog.
You are.
And you’re here, day in, day out, because you’re still trying to figure out why we aren’t selling.


SSC, Same Broken Record

You said:

> “You don't post truth. Just look at every one of your 'speculations' and realize that not a single one of them has ever come true for more than 10 years.”

Yet here we are.

ERHC trades again.

Americans can buy through SpeedTrader.

The 10 million preferred shares were authorized in 2012.

Revocation was dismissed.

Facts. Not speculation.
And there are more pieces in motion—just because they aren’t announced doesn’t mean they’re not happening.

You keep repeating “seven years of silence” like a mantra.
I see it as seven years of positioning.
There’s a difference.


What You Both Don’t Get

I post because I enjoy thinking through scenarios—yes, some speculative, but all based on the logical endgame of how this plays out.
And no, I’m not trying to “unload” anything.

The group is holding.

No one is selling into triple zeros.

We’re waiting for the backstop event.
That’s not desperation. That’s patience.


Final Thought: You’re Both Still Here

If this stock was as dead as you say, neither of you would be here.
You’re here because you both know something is coming, and you’re worried you’ll be caught flat-footed when it does.

We already made our moves. We can wait.
Can you?

nwtf nwtf 3 días hace
"""No buying? No—no buying from us.
The 70-person investor group already holds over 55% of the shares. We’re not buying more because we don’t want to start a premature short squeeze. It’s not about belief—it’s about strategy. """"


You cant make this stuff up LOL LOL
nwtf nwtf 3 días hace
Same bullshit as always.
ssc ssc 3 días hace
You cannot be serious. "The more the truth comes out"? You don't post truth. Just look at every one of your "speculations" and realize that not a single one of them has ever come true for more than 10 years. You post about sketched heads, African Queens, nonexistent dividends, nonexistent short positions, nonexistent done deals, nonexistent spv, nonexistent drilling results - all blatant lies.

So feel free to keep posting, but no one is fooled for the reason why. You are stuck with 400 million shares and six figure losses and you would do or say just about anything to unload. But the truth is erhc management has no interest in the price of erhe shares and the proof of that is seven years of silence, no insider ownership, and a share price near zero.
badog badog 3 días hace
Maybe you should just post your scenarios to your private group of 70. They believed you enough to throw their money at this as it was tanking so you know they are gullible to believe most anything you tell them now. The rest of the investors in the world are not so gullible. You may have noticed based on the sp and volume. And no....they are not waiting till after news when it would be too late. They just don't believe your scenarios. They don't believe in a CEO that won't communicate for years and no required filings. They don't care about your chess game.

Krombacher Krombacher 3 días hace
Badog & SSC—Why I’m Still Posting, and Why You’re Still Here

Badog, you asked a fair question:

> “If you are so sure of the outcome why do you keep throwing out new scenarios? Why not just wait for your predetermined outcome?”

Simple. Speculation is the joy of investing.
If I was content to sit in silence waiting for the outcome, I wouldn’t be an investor—I’d be a spectator. I enjoy analyzing, debating, and forecasting different scenarios. That’s part of the game. Some people collect stamps. Some golf. I explore the possibilities of a highly speculative stock.

But let’s be clear:
The ultimate outcome doesn’t change.
Speculating on how we get there is the fun part.
And if that bothers you, you’re free to scroll on by.


SSC—You Can’t Debate the Inevitable

You said:

> “The only reality that matters - erhe is closer to zero than to dollars. As long as that is true, dickran is a proven liar.”

By that logic, Amazon was garbage at $6. And Tesla was doomed at $20.
You only look at price. I look at positioning.

55% of ERHC shares are locked up.

The preferred share dividend is a live option.

SpeedTrader has restored U.S. investor access.

And management has every incentive to align the execution of these strategies with a larger financial event.

You keep obsessing over the present.
I’m focused on the endgame.


Why We Post (And Why You Keep Replying)

Both of you claim:

> “If no one posted unverifiable scenarios, there’d be no posts.”

And yet, here you are, post after post.
You’re not here to “save” anyone—you’re here because you’re stuck.
Stuck in your position.
Stuck in your narrative.
And stuck waiting for me to stop posting because you know the more the truth comes out, the less chance you have to cover quietly.


Final Thought: Speculating Is Fun. Watching Shorts Panic Is Even Better.

I’ll keep speculating because that’s what investors do.
I’ll keep analyzing because every scenario that exposes shorts matters.
And I’ll keep posting because someone has to offer a different narrative from the defeatism you’re selling.

You can call it "games," or you can call it "chess."
Either way—the outcome is the same.

ssc ssc 3 días hace
The only reality that matters - erhe is closer to zero than to dollars. As long as that is true, dickran is a proven liar.

Just think, for every $100 gullible fools paid for made up, lying, gus bus, dickran "insider info", 1 million erhe shares could have been purchased. But volume remains at zero, just like dickran's credibility. Once again, everyone can watch in real time how this latest preferred dividend claim plays out. My opinion is it will end up on the huge pile of thousands of dickran baseless claims, false rumors and outright lies. All the chatbots, overly verbose cut and pastes, and alternate personas can't change reality.
badog badog 3 días hace
If you are so sure of the outcome why do you keep throwing out new scenarios? Wny not just wait for your predetermined outcome? Relax.
If no one posts unverifiable scenarios no one will post back. Do you understand that no posts would be much easier than your game of chess.

Krombacher Krombacher 3 días hace
Badog & SSC: The Reality You’re Ignoring

Let’s simplify this—since the only ones repeating themselves are you two.


1️⃣ Badog—You’re Missing the Obvious (Or Pretending To)

You said:

> “No buying. No one believes the speculation crap.”

No buying? No—no buying from us.
The 70-person investor group already holds over 55% of the shares. We’re not buying more because we don’t want to start a premature short squeeze. It’s not about belief—it’s about strategy.

Once you trigger a squeeze without a backstop like a dividend, short sellers simply print more shares and ride it out. We’re holding our fire until the catalyst hits. SpeedTrader was only mentioned for anyone who might have been fooled by all the propaganda and wants a shot to get back in. But this isn’t about “bagholders”—we’re playing chess. You’re still playing checkers.

And as for:

> “It was stated publicly that Shell owns 85% of Block 4…”

False. Shell took an 85% position, but ERHC still retains a legal claim, which is why there’s no final settlement. You want it to be over. It’s not. The issuance of the international caveat emptor by ERHC (not to be confused with the caveat emptor status of the stock) proves it.


2️⃣ SSC—You Keep Saying the Same Thing, Hoping It Will Be True

You love calling me “Dickran,” saying I have “minions,” and claiming there’s no short squeeze, no preferred shares, no future.

If you really believed that:

You wouldn’t be here every day.

You wouldn’t care what I post.

You wouldn’t have to attack with such desperation.

You can’t “debunk” reality just by denying it loudly enough.

The preferred share dividend? You’re rattled. You mock it because you’re afraid of it. But here’s the thing:
Short sellers can’t print preferred shares. They can’t cover them with lies. They either deliver real shares—or they’re done. You know this. That’s why you’re still here, praying someone sells you a lifeline.


3️⃣ Bottom Line: Cowardice is the Short Seller’s Prison

You both think this is a poker game—bluffing and trash talk will save you.
It’s not.
It’s chess.
And the next few moves are already on the board.
The outcome is pre-determined, and courage was your only chance to mitigate the damage.
Too late.

For the record:

No one is manipulating anything.

We’re waiting.

You can either keep talking…
…or finally face reality.

ssc ssc 3 días hace
This "we" dickran refers to again and again, is he referring to himself and sketched head of a short seller? Or himself and "the other dickran" he turns to for comfort and pretend phone conversations? Or is it dickran and the made up Dr. Gus with all the insider info that never pans out? Or has dickran joined the African Queen's tribe? Because other than those deceitful, fake, demented partners, he is the only one who posts the bullish lies and speculation. Even alternate persona peterj, in a lame ass attempt to garner credibility of his own, uses the strategy of saying dickran is a nut ball and his asinine claims are total bullshit.

Using "we" to try and add some credibility to a stuck, triple zero erhe position might have worked 10 years ago, or while dickran was convincing gullible investors to buy erhe all the way down from split-adjusted $70 to triple zeros and then again after the reverse split from 20 cents down to triple zeros again. Maybe some of those minions even handed over $100 per clip for Gus Bus insider info scam. But the fact is he is all alone with 400 million shares hatching these embarrassing new narratives and no one is buying any of it.

Preferred share dividend? The only stock that kaka is making go up is dickran's laughing stock. So hilarious he didn't take his own advice and wait for a catalyst before dumping six figures into this piece of crap front running the big event that never comes.
badog badog 3 días hace
Most investors are still in wait-and-see mode, which makes sense when there’s no major announcement yet. But that doesn’t mean no one wants them. It means the big move hasn’t happened yet.
I'm sure you are aware that if an investor waits until an anticipated will get the shaft while others got the uranium. The object is to buy ahead of an anticipated announcement. That's my point. No buying. No one believes the speculation crap.

The problem with your latest post is the same one that’s always been there: You act like you know how this story ends.
Maybe you missed where I said if ERHC can pull a rabbit out of the hat. That leaves room for success. The problem with your criticisms is that you leave out items. You conveniently leave out where I have said my 60,000 shares are rooting for ERHC. I would be happy for $8/share. Maybe you just forgot.

We know there was a Shell move on Block 4. We also know ERHC still has a legal position and may be due compensation.
It was stated publicly that Shell owns 85% of block 4. Never did it say that ERHC owns any of it. ERHC has never said they own any of it. Maybe ERHC can win a settlement but they did not fulfill their end of the bargain with the STP. Weren't they supposed to form a drilling plan and drill. ERHC couldn't do it and they never got a partner that was capable of doing that. Were they supposed to retain their rights forever with no progress?

“Desperate… stuck… manipulation.”
You throw these words around because you think it’s all over. But the largest shareholders are still here. Still holding. Still strategizing.
I throw those words around because it appears that it's you who thinks it is all over and you are desperately trying to get your illusive shorts to cover. It appears that you can't wait patiently for this to play out. You need to try to force this short covering issue now. You predict a Christmas demolition of shorts. It was a joke. So it is you that is desperate.

If you think this is over, take your tax write-off and move on. But don’t trash the people still in the game just because they haven’t given up.
Unlike you I can wait patiently for the end to reveal itself. I don't feel the need to attract gullible gamblers. I don't try to endlessly dream up scenarios that have no merit... the 'anything is possible' reasoning with nothing to back it up.

When we talk about preferred shares or other shareholder-friendly moves, we’re not manipulating anything.
You look at the sp and the volume and desperately try to create excitement that may draw in gullible investors.

If you think it's going to end up great then just patiently wait for the end to reveal itself. If it's as great as you hope you don't need to be a promoter. Just patiently wait.

Krombacher Krombacher 4 días hace
Badog, You’re Missing the Bigger Picture

I remember your posts back then. I didn’t criticize you for using “I” too many times because I was worried about grammar. It was because you made it clear your view was purely personal—and that’s fine. But we’re not here to rehash ancient history.

The problem with your latest post is the same one that’s always been there: You act like you know how this story ends. You don’t. None of us do. That’s why we’re still here. And pretending otherwise isn’t realism—it’s defeatism.


Let’s Address Some of What You Said:

✅ “No one wants the shares.”
You conveniently ignore that U.S. broker access only recently opened up (SpeedTrader). Most investors are still in wait-and-see mode, which makes sense when there’s no major announcement yet. But that doesn’t mean no one wants them. It means the big move hasn’t happened yet.

✅ “No volume, even though Americans can buy.”
Again, you’re implying that if people aren’t piling in right now, nothing is happening. You’re ignoring the fact that patient investors wait for catalysts, and the preferred share dividend discussion (or any potential deal) could change everything overnight.

✅ “They didn’t get it done, so it seems they lost the block.”
That’s speculation. We know there was a Shell move on Block 4. We also know ERHC still has a legal position and may be due compensation. You’re assuming a loss with no evidence.

✅ “Desperate… stuck… manipulation.”
You throw these words around because you think it’s all over. But the largest shareholders are still here. Still holding. Still strategizing. That’s not desperation. That’s focus.


What You Call Manipulation, I Call Strategy

When we talk about preferred shares or other shareholder-friendly moves, we’re not manipulating anything. We’re discussing strategies that could benefit everyone—including you, if you still hold.

You’re right about one thing: If Shell drills and hits oil, it changes the game. But even without that, ERHC has cards left to play. You don’t see them because you’re looking in the rearview mirror.


Final Thought

If you think this is over, take your tax write-off and move on. But don’t trash the people still in the game just because they haven’t given up.

As for me? I’ll stay focused on what’s ahead.

badog badog 4 días hace
Back in the days shortly after the JDZ drilling Krom/Dickran criticized me for using the word 'I' too many times in my post. That was his big concern then. That was how he decided to ruin my credibility. LOL I was pointing out the lies and questioning the speculation by more than just him/her. There were several that tried to manipulate the other investors. You and I have dealt with this for many years. It would seem that many of them were gullible enough to over invest in ERHE and after PN was thru with them they are even in worse shape with this investment. They won't try to force PN to announce the current situation. They either don't want everyone to hear the truth about the current ERHC situation or they just don't trust PN. Maybe they are afraid PN would say that he is not aware of massive shorts. So on with the manipulation attempts. Desperate attempts to save their investment. But no shorts and still .0001 sp. No volume even though Americans can buy shares I guess. Doesn't matter. No one wants them. Can PN pull a rabbit out of the hat? IMHO only if Shell ever drills and if they were to happen to find oil. Maybe ERHC can sue that they lost their rights without cause or something? ERHC had their chance to get a partner that would give them a free ride. They didn't get it done so it seems they lost the block. Now the largest investors are desperate....and STUCK. Manipulation, soothsaying, never ending speculations that don't pan out. It never ends.

ssc ssc 4 días hace
lmao. So you dedicate your time here to attacking truth tellers and fact checkers so 8 people can see your efforts. Lying, pissant troll. This dickran alternate persona started out with lies from the get go and never looked back.
nwtf nwtf 4 días hace
This is about as accurate as your facebook conspiracy and the African Queen hoax.
Peter J Peter J 4 días hace
Can you define 'soon enough'? Thanks for all your altruistic work. I agree that this should be a top priority on the altruistic agenda... so much going on these days... but this one is important for sure yes.


I recognize an obsession when I see one. You don't have to be Freud for this one... 🤔

The only thing I'm trying to convey here: everybody (8 people max, lol) can see you altruistic homies aren't done with ERHC yet...

Yes, it's about ERHC.

Since another krombacher is living next door on the next board... and the next... and the next...
badog badog 4 días hace
We’ll all see soon enough.

You have been saying this for years. Can you define 'soon enough'? Are you speaking of decades?....centuries? Obviously it doesn't mean anytime soon.
I believe you have adopted PN;s timelines. Unlike him you are not afraid to put out wild speculations and keep being wrong. I am enjoying the humor in your speculations and predictions. And it costs nothing to hear a real soothsayer. I see why your 70 followers don't post here. Far to embarrassing to admit you were this gullible.

ssc ssc 4 días hace
Classic lying guerguerian dickran. First he claims I said erhe would never trade again. Then when confronted with his blatant lie he tries to snivel and squirm his/her way out of it by saying "Maybe not in those exact words, but you dismissed any chance of the company coming back. Now Americans can buy through SpeedTrader. You swore there were no avenues left for ERHC to trade."

Then, pathological liar that dickran is, he/she can't refrain from piling on another lie. He/she claims I said there were no avenues for erhc to trade, when ihub history clearly documents all the times I cited the Expert Market trading. It is truly a sickness. Then he cites my statements about erhe being worthless and claims they are all wrong as the price sits at $.0001 with no volume. Duh. And he says I'm wrong about no dividends but no dividend has been announced. Duh again.

With brain power like that it is no wonder dickran sits with 4 million shares, 6 figure losses, has been stuck like that for years, and still claims he/she is winning. And trying to peddle inside info at $100 a clip? Pathetic laughing stock, dickran and erhc.
Krombacher Krombacher 4 días hace
Badog and SSC—Two Sides of the Same Denial

Badog, you say “nothing is happening and hasn’t for years”. That’s the entire point. Nothing public is happening. But you and I both know that doesn’t mean nothing is happening. ERHC’s silence, the lack of filings, and Peter’s decision to climb mountains rather than provide updates? It’s the calm before the storm, not the end of the story.

The fact that you bring up tax loss harvesting tells me you’re thinking like a guy who’s already conceded. You’ve written it off in your mind. But here's the irony—you can declare it worthless for tax purposes and still find yourself blindsided when the something you claim isn't happening suddenly does happen.

As for the strategy? It’s simple: don’t let shorts know when to panic. Keep it quiet until the backstop is ready. Why show your hand before you play it? Silence is strategy. Always has been.


SSC, you keep repeating “let’s watch and laugh as the preferred dividend nonsense fades away”—but we’ve heard you say that about everything that’s eventually proven you wrong. You did deny ERHC would trade again. Maybe not in those exact words, but you dismissed any chance of the company coming back. Now Americans can buy through SpeedTrader. You swore there were no avenues left for ERHC to trade. Oops.

The pattern here is simple: you reject every possibility that doesn’t fit your narrative. And when they happen, you pretend they didn’t. You “debunk” things that haven’t even played out yet because you need to believe you’re right.

But you’re not.

And the biggest tell? You’re still here. Badog claims he’s written this off as worthless, and yet he’s still commenting. You’re still posting. Why? If it’s worthless, why not move on?

Because deep down, you’re both waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And it will. Not because of wishful thinking, but because the groundwork has already been laid. You can call it delusional all you want, but time has a way of making the truth loud and clear.

All I ask is this: when it happens, keep your promise. No squealing. No lawsuits. No backpedaling. Just own it.

We’ll all see soon enough.



SSC’s Long Track Record of Being Wrong About ERHC

SSC loves to pretend he’s the voice of reason on this board. But let’s look at his actual track record—and how it’s already falling apart.

1️⃣ “ERHC Will Never Trade Again” (Implied and Repeated)

For years, SSC mocked the idea that ERHC would ever be tradable again for U.S. investors. He dismissed the notion completely:

“No one is stupid enough to buy this garbage.”

“No one is buying ERHC in spite of it being near zero.”

“ERHC is worthless—no incentive for insiders to act.”

These aren’t just casual remarks. They reveal his belief that ERHC was finished. Dead. That there would be no market for it.
And yet…
ERHC is tradable today on SpeedTrader. U.S. investors are buying.
SSC was wrong.


2️⃣ “ERHC Is Worthless—No One Cares”

For years, SSC’s drumbeat has been the same:

“ERHC has been rotting near zero for 7+ years.”

“ERHC management has done nothing for shareholders for 7 years.”

“Ntephe is mountain climbing instead of running the company.”

And yet…

U.S. brokerages are opening the door for buying again.

Investors are watching carefully for ERHC’s next move.

The preferred share dividend strategy is under discussion—because it works.

SSC says nothing is happening, but the facts suggest otherwise.


**3️⃣ “There Will Never Be a Dividend / Drilling / Buyout”

He has repeatedly claimed:**

“There won’t be a dividend. Not in March 2025, not ever.”

“No drilling results are coming.”

“No buyouts or deals.”

He states these things as facts…
And yet, every time he’s so sure, reality creeps up behind him.


So Why Is He Still Here?

SSC’s job is to prevent investors from seeing the truth until it’s too late.

He’s not protecting you.

He’s protecting himself—and whatever position he’s stuck in.


The Reality He Can’t Accept:

ERHC is tradable.
Preferred shares are pre-authorized.
When the next step comes—whether it’s a dividend, a deal, or a buyout—he’ll be the last to know and the first to panic.


SSC… you were wrong before.
You’ll be wrong again.

ssc ssc 4 días hace
No need to debunk all your repetitive bullshit or the new narrative about preferred stock dividend because it is nothing more than continued dickran lies.

I do take exception to your false claim that I "denied ERHC would ever trade again". You have posted this lie before even though you are unable to provide a link to where I made such a statement for the simple reason that I never did. The pathological side of your lying personality is always on display as your greed and hubris will not allow you to stop.

Let's all watch and laugh as the preferred dividend nonsense slowly fades away.
nwtf nwtf 5 días hace
Wow the delusion is strong in this one.
badog badog 5 días hace
You think silence from management equals nothing happening.

Actually...........nothing is happening... and hasn't for years. I Have never heard of a strategy previously that involved running the sp to .0001 and not reporting financials and not communicating to shareholders. Yea....great strategy. The CEO must be a top thinker. Is he thinking more strategy up on his mountain climb? Maybe you should write a book on it. Have you declared ERHC worthless and taken youi tax losses yet?

Krombacher Krombacher 5 días hace
Badog & SSC: The Broken Record Duo

Badog, you’re like the guy who shows up at a movie halfway through, claiming you know how it ends. You think silence from management equals nothing happening. Ever heard of strategy? You may not see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. And frankly, the only embarrassing thing is watching you repeat the same tired lines year after year, pretending you're above it all while glued to this board.

SSC, you’re still clinging to your “fact-checker” fantasy, but we both know what’s really going on here. If ERHC was worthless, you’d be gone. If you truly believed there was nothing here, you wouldn’t waste a decade of your life posting about it. Your obsession proves the opposite.

You say Peter Ntephe deserves credit for 7 years of silence. I say silence is leverage. And when the time is right, that silence will break—whether you like it or not.

Preferred share dividend? It’s coming. Just like you denied ERHC would ever trade again… and now SpeedTrader has it open for U.S. investors.

You can keep mocking “soon enough” all you want, but every day you’re here proves you know something is coming. Otherwise, you’d have walked away years ago.

But you didn’t. And you won’t.

Cowardice Is the Real Prison

At the end of the day, it’s not the preferred share dividend or the strategic silence that traps the short sellers.

It’s their own cowardice.

They know something is coming. Every fiber of their instincts tells them the smart move is to cover before the backstop drops—before the preferred share dividend or a buyout or a drilling announcement forces them to cover on someone else’s terms.

They could manage a premature short squeeze now, take the hit, and minimize their losses. But they won’t. They can’t. They’re waiting for definitive proof—something public and undeniable.

But by the time that proof arrives, it’ll be too late.

That’s the trap.

Short sellers need courage to save themselves. Courage to act on incomplete information. Courage to cover before the blade falls.

But they have none. They need certainty. And certainty only comes when the hammer drops, when the backstop triggers… when the cost is at its highest.

So they wait. And they post. And they cling to denial like it’s life support.

And in the end, their cowardice guarantees their destruction.

👍️ 1
nwtf nwtf 5 días hace
He said the same thing 10 years ago.
nwtf nwtf 5 días hace
Have you asked the African Queen where she stands on this????? LOL
nwtf nwtf 5 días hace
Drugs are not your friend. Just say no.
nwtf nwtf 5 días hace
Not sloppy at all just having some fun at your expense. And you replied just like a thought you would. Just more blah blah bullshit.
ssc ssc 5 días hace
Only one losing big time is erhe's largest shareholder with 400 million worthless shares. You've been saying "soon enough" for more than a decade and still nothing but a well earned reputation as a greed and hubris filled laughing stock. And once again you are completely wrong with your lying arguments. The need for those who fact check and debunk your lies is absolutely because erhe is worthless. The only way you have any chance to get out of the huge, bullshit filled hole of debunked lies you have created is to convince gullible investors to buy your shares. Your total fear of the truth is obvious along with your fear that erhc management might actually disclose how bad things really are.

I give ntephe credit for not trying to hype his company and the 7 years of silence attests to having nothing to hype. The one and only person putting out one lying bullish narrative after another is guerguerian dickran (and his alternate personas). Preferred stock dividend is as deceitful and ridiculous as so many other dickran scams - done deal buyout, epic short squeeze, African Queen buyer, spv, cease and desist orders, Offor owning all the shares, inside info from Dr. Gus, consortium, drilling results - all dickran claims and all false and despicable. No one has to wait for "soon enough" to see the thousands of lies you have tried t promote, they have already happened and are well documented in ihub history.
badog badog 5 días hace
And you’ll see soon enough.

Gotta be so embarrassing saying 'you'll see' for years and years. No one ever sees. Why? Because there is never anything to see. Even management does not claim that there will be something to see. They haven't for 7 years. Again....because there is nothing to see. Everyone knows it but you.

You want people to think you are a brilliant soothsayer but your record has even more zeros than the sp.

'Soon enough'.....what a joke. LOL

Krombacher Krombacher 5 días hace
SSC: Still Talking, Still Losing

SSC, the irony is rich. You’re ranting about my so-called “false narratives,” yet you’ve spent over a decade glued to this board, arguing with someone you say is irrelevant, over shares you claim are worthless, about a company you insist is finished.

But here you are. Still. Posting. Every. Day.

If ERHC was really worthless, you wouldn’t be here. If you were confident, you’d be silent. But you can’t shut up because you’re stuck. You know it. We know it.

And you can mock preferred share dividends, drilling, or whatever you want—but nothing changes the reality:
This ends when ERHC says it ends.
Not you. Not your posts. Not your “debunking.”

You call it pathetic. I call it inevitable.
And you’ll see soon enough.

ssc ssc 5 días hace
If only a single thing you claim to be true ever made it out of your demented, delusional world and into reality.

The deals are in motion. The preferred share strategy is in play.
The divers in Block 4? Yeah, even they’ll deliver the news that seals your fate.

Your made up deal bullshit has been going on for years, but erhe still near zero. Your lie-based short squeeze claims are just as old and not a shred of proof any erhe short positions exist. And now that your greed and hubris driven false nonsense about Christmas 2024 destruction of shorts, March 2025 dividends, and March 2025 drilling results have been exposed and debunked (along with your asinine red dots canard), you come out with this latest, unfounded preferred stock dividend. Will you be blaming Dr. Gus when that one fades away? Did you collect any $100 fees? Or did you concoct it all by yourself in your sketched head laboratory of deceit?

And when will any of this happen? July 2025? Next year? The year after that? Of course you have no answer, just keep on rolling out 1 false narrative after another as erhc management operates in silence and shares are worthless. As always, I say bring it on, bring on something truthful to back up your thousands of lies. But you can't. Just the worn out cries of any day now, inevitable, predetermined, followed by one embarrassing debunking after another. Yet you just can't stop. Pathetic.
Krombacher Krombacher 5 días hace
SSC, You’re Not Fooling Anyone—Least of All Yourself

You keep repeating the same tired lines about me, alternate personas, and "deals"—as if saying it enough times makes it true. Let's get real:

1️⃣ I Don’t Control Anyone

You demand an impossible condition: that I control someone else’s posts. You want me to silence other people who have their own minds and opinions. Why? Because you need an excuse to justify your non-stop posting.

Here’s the truth: You never wanted a deal in the first place. You need to post because you think it’s the only way you can somehow “convince” someone—anyone—to sell you shares so you can cover.

But that door’s closed. You know it. That’s why you’re desperate.

2️⃣ You’re Betting on Silence to Save You, and You’re Losing

You’re hoping that if you post enough, if you deny enough, if you keep repeating “there are no shorts,” somehow you’ll buy yourself more time. But all you’re doing is digging the hole deeper.

Every post is more evidence of how trapped you are. You’re not debating anymore. You’re begging people to believe something even you don’t believe.

3️⃣ You Can’t Accept What’s Coming

I don’t need to control anyone. The outcome is already decided.
You can mock, deny, and post till your fingertips bleed.
The deals are in motion. The preferred share strategy is in play.
The divers in Block 4? Yeah, even they’ll deliver the news that seals your fate.

4️⃣ You Could Have Waited in Peace—You Chose to Fight Fate

It could have been simple. You could have waited.
But you chose to keep going. Because you have no choice.

And that’s what makes this inevitable.

ssc ssc 5 días hace
Even though ihub history proves I have posted on many stocks besides erhe and that I post positively and negatively, you just can't restrain yourself from lying about those things. I've answered why I post here, particularly focusing on debunking the flagrant, despicable lies of guerguerian dickran because I want to do everything possible to prevent him/her from profiting on misinformation and deceit. But still your lies run on, kind of like piss down your legs which you are always posting about. I'd see a urologist for that problem, and perhaps some type of spiritual advisor to address the chronic problems with the truth.

And yes, everyone knows you are just an alternate dickran persona violating a proposed deal in less than a day. Hopeless, just like a preferred stock dividend and the fantasies of dollars/share. If only dickran in all his real and alternate personas spent as much time demanding answers from erhc management.
Peter J Peter J 6 días hace
All the posts seem to use unverifiable speculations to try Not all posts... mine not. The posts of the altruist homies neither...

So when the nonsense posts stop....I'm gone and good luck. But I will always monitor to verify. And if ERHC ever has a business success so much the better. I'm ready with my $12 investment of 60,000 shares.Me thinks you have a narrative to sell here... "I spend my life on the IHUB ERHE chatboard, to help the Gullible Gambler" ....

Would Charlie Munger believe mr. Teresa? I'm not sure about that... 😜
Peter J Peter J 6 días hace
Why???? Why not. You are getting sloppy, nwtf...😆
You make exactly my point: Evidently the altruist homies post a combined 10.000 plus posts on ERHC "FOR NO REASON" ... 🤣🤣🤣

But you homies have been uncovered already... 'ethical' ssc is still "here for tha money"... 😂

The group is human... after all. Hahaha
nwtf nwtf 6 días hace
Why???? Why not.
nwtf nwtf 6 días hace
You need to invest in some Depends.
Peter J Peter J 6 días hace
for their own the expense of others That is exactly what Charlie Munger said... so what is your point here? 🤣