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Enviro Serv Inc (PK)

Enviro Serv Inc (PK) (EVSV)

Cerrado 01 Marzo 3:00PM

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MarkTrouble MarkTrouble 3 semanas hace
All that. Held this stock for a long time. No reason to sell but with its history it will take something real to get me buying more.
searay2701 searay2701 3 semanas hace
Anyone know why the EVSV stock is dropping lately? Is it just the current lack of something positive not legally being reported like much better revenues or an acquisition etc?
Slojab Slojab 4 semanas hace
He sure does like his emojis.
The_Medik The_Medik 4 semanas hace
Their Twitter has been active over the last week. Good sign imo
searay2701 searay2701 1 mes hace
Medik, thank you for digging up that info. Let’s hope that Read will be in touch with his EVSV shareholder’s regularly in 2025.
👍 1
Slojab Slojab 1 mes hace
I was only thinking of the link being made readily available for shareholders to check on since that will probably be the primary source of information.

Maybe if someone takes the mod spot, they can put the link in the iBox and sticky it, as well.
The_Medik The_Medik 1 mes hace
Lets hope he does more than just update OTCMARKET. Lol
Slojab Slojab 1 mes hace
Good find. Read may eventually update OTC Markets with it.
👍 1
The_Medik The_Medik 1 mes hace
I think I found their new Twitter account. The one on OTCMarket is suspended
The_Medik The_Medik 1 mes hace
I'm still keeping an eye on both tickers Read and Reno are involved in, they seem to be spending more time on TICJ  currently, hopefully we see more involvement here. 

TICJ was around a penny about 6 months ago, now trading at $0.60, hopefully they do the same here. 
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
SAME description on both OTC positions: EVSV Martin S. Read
CEO, President, Secretary, Treasurer
With over 10 years experience Martin has a detailed understanding of all aspects of Real estate and what it takes to best represent and assist his clients. Whether its Condos in the heart of Toronto or housing in the suburbs and anything in between, Martin has the experience and knowledge the client needs to make the right decision and get the best deal possible when buying or selling. Known as a no nonsense agent with a strong attention to detail, and as many clients have said "a good listener" Martin is a great choice to get the job done, whether resale or new development. Also experienced in marketing, business and property management, commercial sales and leasing. Martin is a five time Masters award and three time Centurion Award recipient as a top producer. Martin has contacts with all professions to assist with all aspects of any transaction to make it as easy and seamless as possible.

TICJ Martin S. Read
Company Secretary
With over 10 years experience Martin has a detailed understanding of all aspects of Real estate and what it takes to best represent and assist his clients. Whether its Condos in the heart of Toronto or housing in the suburbs and anything in between, Martin has the experience and knowledge the client needs to make the right decision and get the best deal possible when buying or selling. Known as a no nonsense agent with a strong attention to detail, and as many clients have said "a good listener" Martin is a great choice to get the job done, whether resale or new development. Also experienced in marketing, business and property management, commercial sales and leasing. Martin is a five time Masters award and three time Centurion Award recipient as a top producer. Martin has contacts with all professions to assist with all aspects of any transaction to make it as easy and seamless as possible.
searay2701 searay2701 2 meses hace
Maybe it is too early since the The TICJ deal was just mentioned today but, nothing came up when I tried to research info on Martin S. Read of EVSV being the same Martin S. Read being with TICJ. Can someone fill me in on both company’s having the same Martin S. Read and if there could be any connection in some way for EVSV’s and TICJ’s business association going forward? Thank you.
The_Medik The_Medik 2 meses hace
Looks like they just closed a deal on TICJ (same management for both companies). Hopefully we start to see more concentration on EVSV from them.
MarkTrouble MarkTrouble 2 meses hace
Well I mean they wouldn't be penny stocks if they were well run companies.
Slojab Slojab 2 meses hace
Even if it doesn't, real estate doesn't bring the returns that OTC traders want to see. And its capital intensive to get started, so there will be a lot of share selling happening in the future. No wonder Read is taking this route. It's always better to work with other people's money than your own, and there's no repayment to shareholders. Only note holders. Which again, goes back to shareholders. All the while still paying yourself, whether you succeed or fail.
👍️ 1
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
IMO the real estate bubble is about to BURST.
Slojab Slojab 2 meses hace
Ah, I see that. So, real estate is the new direction. Good luck with that, I say.
👍️ 1
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
website has been updated- contains additional info
Slojab Slojab 2 meses hace
Maybe it paid the developer for the changes to the website. 😉
👍️ 1
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
percentage wise-- thats a large amount!
Slojab Slojab 2 meses hace
O/S, taken from the Q3 report.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
AS? OS? DTC?? which ones????????????????
Slojab Slojab 2 meses hace
30,633,489 as of September 30, 2024
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
Authorized Shares
Outstanding Shares
Held at DTC
Cookiedk Cookiedk 2 meses hace
We invested into this company, before they did a reverse split.
I dislike when they do this..
Sad part is, they do the split your stuck with hardly any shares left at huge price.
Your forced to purchase only to try and recover your shares and bring the price back down.
It's like they monopolize the market for their own benefits
👍️ 1
The_Medik The_Medik 2 meses hace
Site looks very familiar. Same concept as TICJ (Both Read and Calabrigo are on that company as well).
TICJ signed a recent MOU and it seems that they might be porting the real-estate company here.

Just my speculation.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
at least they got the site up and running! Only took a year! (sarcasm)
Slojab Slojab 2 meses hace
Hmmmmmm.... So, it seems that they'll continue with the businesses that were already in EVSV when they took over. What's not clear is what the existing real estate business in Canada is. There hasn't been any indication in the financials since Read took over that additional revenue has been added from his Canadian real estate company, if there is one.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 2 meses hace
the evsv site is functional
searay2701 searay2701 2 meses hace
Whatever happened to The SOON’s. Not much happening in Tampa, Florida either. The many years have kept ticking by, inflation continues and EVSV is not keeping up but just existing with no news from CEO Read.
Slojab Slojab 3 meses hace
However, that low float and actual business running has been the case throughout the time I've been following this ticker. Where has it gotten shareholders?

The only thing that's changed has been Read's takeover of the ticker. But the company? Who is in charge of running it? Certainly not Read from Canada. And what will become of the pest control business in the future?

I hope things work out for you somehow.
MarkTrouble MarkTrouble 3 meses hace
😂 I own 16k shares of this at an embarrassingly high average cost basis. Only plus is low float share structure with an actual business running unlike many penny stocks. Hopefully get lucky one day.
👍️ 1
Slojab Slojab 3 meses hace
Glad to hear that.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 3 meses hace
its dead money- agree. have it on watch and do not own any shares. sold long ago.
Slojab Slojab 3 meses hace
It says something about a CEO who would put up a notice like that and then just let it sit there for months.

But then, what should one expect from a person who takes over an OTC company and does nothing with it for 2 years and 8 months?
👍️ 2
getmoreshares getmoreshares 3 meses hace
nobody knows
searay2701 searay2701 3 meses hace
What happened to the SOON here of long ago?
getmoreshares getmoreshares 3 meses hace
same to you!
searay2701 searay2701 3 meses hace
👍️ 1 😎 1
searay2701 searay2701 3 meses hace
Starting to believe that this CEO is keeping this stock alive just to make his salary coming in year after year. JMOO
👍️ 1
getmoreshares getmoreshares 4 meses hace
coming soon

wonder what decade???
searay2701 searay2701 4 meses hace
Looks like the same situation still going on here. I know that there was suppose to be a new website but I went to EVSV and it came up 8875 Hidden River Parkway, Tampa, Florida, that was the very old address that this company had years ago. At the rate that EVSV is going, it may take until the turn of this century before, and if, we see something happening from this company.
getmoreshares getmoreshares 4 meses hace
coming soon? 2026?
searay2701 searay2701 5 meses hace
TICJ is currently shown as a shell company with little capital resources. TICJ has engaged the consulting services of four companies of which the four companies will be paid with TICJ restricted stock. Maybe we have not heard or seen anything from the CEO of EVSV because he was too busy with TICJ and while he WAS The CEO did not want any conflict of being a CEO of both EVSV and TICJ at the same time, it’s anyone’s guess of which or neither. JMOO
👍️ 1
The_Medik The_Medik 5 meses hace
Agreed, hopefully the otc market turns around in the near future.
Slojab Slojab 5 meses hace
Yeah, I edited my post a couple of times to add that info as I came across it. 😁

There may be a chance of a connection in the future but so far, TICJ seems not to have reacted at all to the news.

The OTC just ain't what it used to be, eh?
The_Medik The_Medik 5 meses hace
Hopefully something positive happens on TICJ and Reno takes over here as well and turn EVSV around.

Ignore my last post, missed the last part of your post where your referenced the filing.
The_Medik The_Medik 5 meses hace
According to OTC disclosure, Reno took over several positions in July, this filing was done in September. Read is still on the company as a secretary.
Slojab Slojab 5 meses hace
When I looked into Reno, Marketscreener only showed him as a director of TICJ. Still does.

Read also. Not as Secretary.

From what I see of TICJ, though, there doesn't seem to be much there to spill over into EVSV. But maybe ......

I also just saw that Read was CEO of TICJ in 2022.

Tritent CEO Martin S. Read had the following to say about the corporate brand update: "Much has been happening quietly behind the scenes over the past several months. As we gear up to announce business development I felt it was important to put our "best foot forward" with a total revamp of our corporate brand. I'm so pleased with how our new website and logo conveys the spirit and mission of Tritent and I invite all interested parties to come kick the tires!"

Reno replace Read in July.
The_Medik The_Medik 5 meses hace
Same management on EVSV and TICJ. Looks like something is stirring on TICJ, hopefully it spills over to EVSV soon.