1 día hace
It'll be Chapter 7, nott 11. SnL's 15 years of unprofitability are incompatible with an approvable reorg plan. BK trustee will move it to liquidation.
Mister Burger @ SnL
SnL can use the used games and Nespresso machines at its latest new locations - Hamilton, Kitchener, Fort Collins, Denver, Charlotte, et seq. soonly
New Tijuana SnL location opening soonly using VA Beetch soiled games and Nespresso machine
The new expansion locations are progressing right on schedule, as usual.
And the grand opening of the St. Catharines Tokin weed dispensary should be soonly this summer
SnL señor management and siesta squad (minus LARRY, he was napping at the time)
Mourning game sales are going well - distributed by Starlit Citadel subsidiary
Rank: Overall 13,589
Rank: Overall 5,458
Another of ______Ben's new menu entrees - the cheese (and pickle) are +$3 each
4 días hace
Wellington Market shutting down March 30. I must of missed the PR. Trying to find a link for the song "Another one bites the dust"
Great management here..Our pop-up adventure at The Wellington Market is coming to an end! 🎲✨ After an amazing run, we’ll be closing our booth on March 30th—but there’s still time to roll the dice and drop by before we pack up!
A huge thank you to everyone who stopped by, played a game, and shared some laughs with us. We’ve loved bringing the Snakes & Lattes experience to The Well, and we’re grateful for all the support.
Come visit us in these final weeks, and don’t forget—you can always find us at our full-sized cafés in the city, ready with all the games, drinks, and good times you know and love!
📍 The Wellington Market (The Well) – Open until March 30th!
1 semana hace
It's March 15th - today is the Grand Reopening of VA-Beetch as prophesized by Nasty Susan. The painting and light remodel are finished and all the old staff have been rehired after almost a whole year of retraining in Toronto that began last May. ______Ben has finished the new menu which comprises 17 different entrees of 46 Spices Montagnard Popcorn, Nespresso coffee, Virginia-style poutine (no gravy or cheese curds), and the real star of the new show, the fountain soft drinks that dealerfool was begging for as a huge profit center.
Expect a huge frontpage promotional story of the huge reopening in tomorrow's (Sunday!) Virginian-Pilot newspaper (thanks to Anais!) and, for those who are local, watch for this story to lead the local news tonight or tomorrow night.
Plowboi has already reported long lines and the place is nott even open yett! There are (reportedly) already rumblings of reopening Guelph, Provo, Glendale, and Midtown soon. Work on the St. Catharines weedstore may resume shortly according to unnamed sources in the Markham burn~OUTT community. When reached for comment, he offered the following deeply thoughtful insight:
The newly lightly-remodeled VA-Beetch SnL - notice the new paint!
All customers at tonight's Grand Reopening of VA-Beetch will receive a raffle ticket for every game they rent and at then end of the night there will be a raffle drawing to win Nasty Susan's reciprocating saw that was used to make a recessed space for the new Nespresso machine. Second place prize will be the chunk of drywall she cut~OUTT of the wall. Third place prize is a set of steak knives.
This paid advertisement has been brought to you by AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ/MORTIMER FAMBLY SCAM, INC.
3 semanas hace
1985-2025: 40 years of this Mortimer turd and nott one sustainable, profitable business ever. Nott even one.
Butt it did have shelf-stable bread once. No, wait, according to Rogerinocchio, actually according to temp-CEO Rogaine three years later, no it dint.
It should be time by now to send some replacement Gro3 units or at least a maintenance crew down to the 10 Acre California Grow Site and the Colombian weed hothouses. And the ORLANDO SnL corner unit could prolly stand a light paint yobb and a new Nespresso machine after all the wear-and-tear the long lines of customers have inflicted over the years.
For the next decade of this scam, The Clownshow needs a new story. Mebbe rare earth element-infused cannabis energy drinks - loaded with the health-sustaining minerals unobtainium, scamium, and noobium - supplied from the ole Guyana gole mining claims.
And once they tally-up the megasales of Mourning games, The Clownshow can open the Tokin St. Catharines dispensary and kiosks and sell the new WEEEEED game wherein players compete to create and operate pot grows, middleman cannabis product manufacturers, and retail cannabinoid dispensaries in a Monopoly-style bored game.
The two prior blockbusters:
Rank: Overall 13,589
Rank: Overall 5,458
40 Years of Pure Success and Still Grifting: The MORTIMER FAMBLY SCAM
4 semanas hace
In re: AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ baggvestors:
"Prospect Theory
Developed by Nobel prize winners Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, this theory describes how people evaluate potential losses and gains unequally. Many studies have found that most people are susceptible to loss aversion. In other words, we are more sensitive to losses than to profits. This bias leads to risk-averse behaviors when facing potential gains and risk-seeking behaviors when facing potential losses. In other words, we are more likely to double down on a losing position than a winning position.
This cognitive bias occurs when individuals rely too heavily on an initial piece of information (the “anchor”) when making decisions. For example, many investors stay fixated on the price at which they bought an asset. In such a case, they may consider that to be the stock’s fair value even if conditions change. Thus, if the stock falls, they may perceive it as undervalued regardless of why the price declined. (See, Averaging Down to Zero)
Many professional and retail investors overestimate their knowledge and ability to predict market movements. This overconfidence can lead to excessive trading and risk-taking, often resulting in suboptimal investment outcomes.
Casinos and sports gambling sites prey on this bias. By default, the odds are less than fifty percent that a gambler will win a bet or hand. The more they play or bet, the better the odds they will lose money. So why do so many people bet and gamble? They have confidence that they have some knowledge or skill that others don’t. This same behavioral trait holds for many investors.
Herd Behavior
People often follow the actions of others, especially those deemed “experts” or viewed as popular. The social media term influencer applies to many in the financial media. The more uncertain the situation, the more this bias takes hold. Herd behavior, when strong enough, can lead to bubbles and crashes as investors push prices up or down based on the behavior of others.
If this weren’t the case, stock valuations would remain stable. Sellers would emerge when valuations became rich, and buyers would step in when they became cheap. Today, valuations are at record levels despite growing concern about the market’s fundamental economic underpinnings."
Does this necessarily mean that holding on to a pennystock that has LOST more than 99.9 percent of its value (and that is what going from 0.235 to 0.0022 is), and, worse, continuing to buy more of this crap is stupid?
Yes. Yes, that is quite exactly what it means.
(See also, The Sunk Cost Fallacy).
If you have a significant loss in this subpenny turd and you are still buying or thinking of buying more, look in the bathroom mirror - that person is an idiot.
1 mes hace
Who nose? It'll be whatever number _____Ben makes up. As per usual, the numbers won't add up nor be CONsistent with the prior fake, fony, false, fraudulent, fictitious financial advertisements cooked up by The Clownshow. And the never-ending, unstoppable, endless LOSSES will be swept under DaRugg in the Accounts UnPayable, unpaid taxes, and debt categories.
In a normal world, one wood expect that the magnitude of the EndlessLosses should decline after The Clownshow shuttered (nott shuddered, dingbats! - tho baggholders ought to shudder upon seeing the PPS) so many munny-loosing locations and now have a much smaller operational footprint. Butt this is nott a normal world in AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ-land. One ought to never underestimate the ability of The Clownshow to rack up LOSSES even well beyond the worst CONceivable worst case model. Generally, when a biz is basically selling $5 bills for $3.31, reducing the size of the biz operation should reduce the LOSSES - nott necessarily linearly as there is still the corporate overhead (e.g., Rogerinocchio's and _____Ben's (and mebbe LARRY's) compensation and expenses, debt interest accumulation, and the huge monthly tab for pickles and cheese (______Ben) and Oreo cookie crumbles (Nasty Susan and her ungloved hand). Butt with The Clownshow and book-cooking accounting chef ______Ben, the numbers they report need nott conform to the rigid mathematics; the numbers will be, like always, just what ________Ben makes up at the last minute before uploading the FIRST (unamended) financial ad to the advertising website.
So guessing the numbers is pointless because ______Ben is a pseudorandom number-generating CFO. A more fruitworthy(TM, Menachem Begin) inquiry is weather _____Ben will dump the badd nooze after DaClose to bury it, or if he will take a Mulligan stew and take the extra 5 daze, or post the ad before the due/do/dew date. At some point, nott quite/quiet/quit yett, IMO, the question will become "will The Clownshow ever post the required financial ads at all - as in ever again". Butt as long as they keep closing munny-loosing cafes and sweeping the endless LOSSES under DaRugg of unpaid rent, unpaid vendors, unpaid taxes, and the Accounts UnPayable and such categories, The Clownshow can prolly keep this turd trading as Pink excrement for anudder year or two - mebbe - best case. Fox is so deeeeeeep underwater in his CONvertible notes that Rogerinocchio will prolly just (again!) roll over those notes into new ones with much lower CONversion price(s) and YettAnotherPostponedMaturityDate. More creative accounting to paper over a lose-lose situation wherein the two parties are basically in a Mexican Standoff.
Never, never, never-ever underestimate the ability of The Clownshow to LOOSE munny. If these clowns are good at anything, it is at loosing munny. Well, and they are good at issuing themselves oodles of the equity for no munny paid in the form of supervoting CONvertible preferred shares which we can see they have already been CONverting some to common and presumably dumping the CONversion shares for cash or as payment-in-lieu thereof.
It should be kept in mind/mine that these fictitious financial ads posted by The Clownshow most likely represent the most favorable cooking of the books that they can do. Those old audits they had Manny do/due/dew for the Great QB "Uplist" show that The Clownshow CONsistently had misreported the quarterly and annual financial ads grossly in their favor, with Manny having to knock million$ off the revenoo claims made by The Clownshow. The unaudited numbers are obviously fake and, based on logiKKK and the old audits, are prolly skewed as far as they dare in favor of looking better than reality.
As always, The Clownshow produces nuffin butt LOSSES and the recurring financial shitshow/smokeshow on the paid advertising website Baggholders will never gett the opportunity to have their questions about this ansewered as there is never an annual meeting where common baggholders can attend and the defunct Axed and Ansewered munffly "updates" are long G-O-N-E in the dust of all the broken promises The Clownshow has made about transparency, communication, and disclosure over the many years. Hell, if it wasn't for ROGEN who, likely to avoid personal liability as CEO, forced the disclosure that NSI was GONE - almost three years GONE - and The Clownshow just never bothered to inform the investors or investment community about that.
Herb Kornfeld states that ______Ben's math on the "financials" is incomprehensible and uses imaginary numbers like 13i
_____Ben is a financial genius - just don't pay rents, taxes, or vendors and you can stay in business - for awhile anyway
Has _______Ben figgered~OUTT how to use the activation code on QuickBooks yett?
"Hay look, we're still nott on Blobb Loblaw's"
The new Salton City SnL location. Rogerinocchio picked it upp cheap or free. The VA Beetch espresso machine goes here. This SnL will feature drive-in gaming.
Say, when and where is this year's annual baggholder meeting? Sumbuddy (nott Goodbuddy) ought to axe Rogerinocchio how it is possible to loose munny plowing snow in Toronto.
1 mes hace
This coming quarterly fake, fony, fictional financial advertisement on OTCMarkets will be the last one that includes revenoo from the now-defunct flagship (and large) Midtown cafe, as it was open for a bit over two-thirds of the quarter. So from a revenoo standpoint, this quarterly will be as good as it's gonna be for the foreseeable future. It's all downhill from here. Especially as more of the leases come up for renewal at much higher rents or termination - oh, and that arrears thingy too.
"Growing! Thriving! Scaling!"
"Growing! Thriving! Scaling!"
Meanwhile, in the real world
3 meses hace
Rogerinocchio and _____Ben (aka "R&__B") should be drafting the annual year-end "accomplishments" update PR. In 2024 they have many accomplishments about which to bragg:
1. Abruptly closing VA Beetch and firing all workers there with zero notice and no severance, all whilst alleging they were crooks.
2. Reopening the VA Beetch after "light repainting" and "currently training a new team" timely on 15 March 2024 as promised.
3. Training the VA Beetch new team for 9 solid months going on 10.
4. Purchase and return of one DeWalt battery-powered reciprocating saw and a pack of saw blades for a full refund (nott including shipping from Tempe to VA Beetch and back again).
5. Closing the flagship Midtown loss leader location and adding the used games, china, silverware, kitchenware, and espresso machine to the pile of the same from Guelph, VA Beetch, Provo, and Glendale.
6. Replacing the menus with a new simplified higher-margin menu consisting of drip-brewed Farmer Brothers coffee and 26 Spices Viet Minh Popcorn.
7. Beginning research work on Hmong 33 Spices Carmelized and Decarbonized Popcorn for 2025 roll~OUTT.
8. Sold almost a dozen KTU games.
9. Tokin Dispensaries and the St. Catharines location and kiosks successfully spun~OUTT.
10. Maintained "strong partnerships" with Mr. Beast Burgers, Cineplex Wreck Rooms, and Blobb Loblaws with 2024 breakeven performance from all three partnerships.
11. Started a single-employee roadside fruit stand at Wellington Market cuz it was giving ~OUTT virtually rent-free space to try and fill mall slots in the start-up mall.
12. Successfully maintained the AMFIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. name with FINRA, securing the permanence of our legendary company name with 39+ years of history under the Mortimer Fambly CONtrol.
13. Reduced cash burn by nott paying bills, taxes, and, for some locations, rent and utilities.
14. Executed on our company credo of "Truth and Transparency" in communicating timely information to investors on our vibrant Community website.
15. Sold every KTU game delivered to WalMarts for the Christmas shopping season. 100 percent sold~OUTT.
16. Sold an absolute shit-ton of US Dollars for 77.2¢.
17. Held a boffo 2024 Annual Shareholders Meeting at an undisclosed strip clubb in Missisauga.
18. Growing, thriving, and scaling. Yeah, ummm, about that ...
19. Despite inflation, we have kept our common stock price increasingly affordable for the many investors who continue to average down. This is of particular importance to our investors who are retirees on fixed incomes and cannot afford expensive shares. Our investors are always our first CONcern.
Please direct all comments and questions to Anais (so she will have something to do).
Grab some discounted used kitchenware from the Midtown going-going-GONE ~OUTT-of-bidness sale!
Garbageman Santa coming to all AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ baggholders