10 años hace
From the DD board...
scion Member Level Tuesday, 01/20/15 12:34:26 PM
Re: None
Post # of 83341
Toronto ex-broker fails to reverse 25-year U.S. fraud sentence
By Jonathan Stempel
Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:53am EST
Jan 20 (Reuters) - A former Toronto stockbroker failed to persuade a U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia to overturn his fraud conviction and 25-year prison sentence for causing more than $55 million of losses in an international stocks scam.
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday rejected the defendant George Georgiou's argument that the trades in question were not "domestic," having been processed for foreign accounts and involved stocks not listed on major U.S. exchanges, therefore excusing him from U.S. prosecution for fraud.
Scott Splittgerber, a lawyer for Georgiou, had no immediate comment, saying he had yet to review the decision.
A federal jury in February 2010 convicted Georgiou, now 45, of securities fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy over trades in Avicena Group Inc, Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies Inc, Neutron Enterprises Inc and Northern Ethanol Inc, which were listed on the OTC Bulletin Board or Pink Sheets.
Prosecutors said Georgiou and others traded the stocks from 2004 to 2008 in accounts they controlled in Canada, the Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands, and artificially inflated prices by creating a false appearance of an active market.
Georgiou was arrested in an FBI sting. He had been banned as a broker in Canada in 1995.
In his appeal, Georgiou said Morrison v. National Australia Bank Ltd, a June 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision that limited the use of U.S. securities laws to fight deceptive non-U.S. conduct, justified reversing his fraud conviction.
While agreeing that the Bulletin Board and Pink Sheets were not national securities exchanges, Circuit Judge Joseph Greenaway wrote for the 3rd Circuit that Georgiou had conducted "domestic" trades in all four stocks because he had incurred "irrevocable liability" for them in the United States.
Greenaway said this was because the trades involved working with U.S.-based market makers, or purchases or sales at Georgiou's direction involving entities in the United States.
"We now hold that irrevocable liability establishes the location of a securities transaction," Greenaway wrote. He said three other federal appeals courts have used that standard.
Georgiou was in 2010 also sentenced to pay $55.8 million of restitution. He is housed at a low-security facility in Milan, Michigan, and eligible for release in December 2031.
The case is Georgiou v. U.S., 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Nos 10-4774, 11-4587, 12-2077. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; editing by Gunna Dickson)
Kobe Ginobili
12 años hace
Contact Info
1845 Sandstone Manor
Unit 11
Pickering, ONT L1W 3X9
Website: http://www.HydrogenHT.com
Phone: 905-697-4880
Update Company Info
Business Description
Financial Reporting/Disclosure
Reporting Status SEC Filer
Latest Report Not Available
Regulatory Agency Not Available
CIK 0001163002
Fiscal Year End 9/30
OTC Market Tier Grey Market
Profile Data
SIC - Industry Classification 3510 - Engines & Turbines
Incorporated In: NV, USA
Year of Inc. Not Available
Employees Not Available
Company Officers
Ira Lyons President
Company Directors
Ira Lyons
Company Notes
Formerly=Eaton Laboratories, Inc. until 6-07
Note=1-04 company is in the development stage planning to produce generic pharmaceutical products
Service Providers
Moore & Associates, Chartered
6490 West Desert Inn Rd.
Suite 109
Las Vegas, NV, 89146
United States
Legal Counsel
Law Offices of Thomas C. Cook
500 N Rainbow Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV, 89107
United States
Investor Relations Firm
Not Available
HYHY Security Details
Share Structure
Market Value1 $89,071 a/o Sep 28, 2012
Shares Outstanding 89,071,362 a/o Jan 10, 2009
Float Not Available
Authorized Shares Not Available
Par Value 0.001
Shareholders of Record 209 a/o Jan 13, 2009
Security Notes
Trading temporarily suspended by the SEC pursuant to Section 12(k) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 from 9:30 AM EST on 02/12/2009 through 11:59 PM EST on 02/26/2009.
Capital Change=shs increased by 2 for 1 split. Ex-date=06/26/2007.
Short Selling Data
Short Interest 2,500 (0%)
Sep 14, 2012
Significant Failures to Deliver No
Transfer Agent(s)
14 años hace
Learn a little about your own company before you wander aimlessly over to other boards:
"Welcome to the solution - Hydrogen Fuel Injection (HFI)! The science behind HFI is well documented and, in fact, it has been known for some time (since a 1974 paper by the Jet Propulsion Lab of the California Institute of Technology) that the addition of hydrogen to fossil fuels, burned in internal combustion engines, will increase the efficiency of that engine. This study has been validated by a number of papers published by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and other researchers, and the development of the HFI product line began as far back as 1979. The process is effective with any fossil fuel (diesel, gasoline, propane, natural gas) or bio-fuel (biodiesel, ethanol) though it is most effective in diesel engines. Among other, more subtle effects, the presence of the hydrogen alters the initial stages of the unfolding combustion dynamic, altering the kinetic chemical pathway which the combustion follows. The net effect is to alter the time at which heat energy is released relative to the power cycle. The end result is to increase the adiabatic efficiency of the engine, which, in turn, means decreased fuel consumption, decreased emissions, improved horsepower and torque and decreased maintenance expenses. "
14 años hace
I posted this on another Ihub board. I'll have more on this technology in the near future. Also may have some new news on the simple electrolysis generated hho that Hydrogen Hybrid Technologies was promoting before it took a dump. Any a you boys up on the technology I'm talkin about?
Post Date: 4/6/2011 1:53:12 PM in reply to 61784370 by hugejboy
Board: Highline Technical Innovations. Inc.
Want BIG hugeboy?
I'll tell ya about big in the hydrogen world. Might even get you hho investors ta do some real DD. As ya read this, hark back to when I first posted to help this company. Some of your shareholders didn't get it then and I expect most won't get this but i'm gonna tell ya a bit about the hydrogen power production future.
A few days ago and friend in the hydrogen field gave me a call. Had some questions on hydrogen isotopes, deuterium (2H isotope) in particular. Stay with me hear and remember that water + deuterium = heavy water. Heavy water as in Spent Fuel Ponds. Think Japan and Nuclear Power. Also that over 50 identical Nuclear PP's are in the U.S. Think about that problem and the rush to negate it. Now I'm gonna move to fusion. Don't let the word throw ya. It simply means the combining of two or more distint things. Fusion Power is power generation usin controlled nuclear fusion reactions. Best study on that until now has been the Joint European Torus (JET)project. A poject that has produced up to 40 megawatts of DC power (easy to convert to AC).
Now it seems and I say seems cause wasn't given the new patentable info, that a US European team is combining patents to develop a far superior fusion reaction than the JET project. Units that will make the Japan problem a non problem. Those that actually go and study the JET project should consider magnets as well as acoustic cavitation. All pretty tech stuff fo most, i know but it gets more interestin for you dudes. A demo they are considerin is aa electric car that will run across the US on a couple a gallons of water. No gas, no hho, no combustion. Just sonofusion poducing enough DC power to charge batteries at a rate sufficient to cross the US without stopping. That's the future boys and ya might wanna watch for more details to come by watchin the Nuclear Power Plant developments.