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Paragon Shipping Inc (CE)

Paragon Shipping Inc (CE) (PRGNF)

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Actualizado: 18:00:00

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mrkaplan mrkaplan 5 meses hace
due to an unexpected error, my last post was deleted...

Dear inv justice i am amazed by your anger!!
I am just a shareholder who wants to find out any wrongdoing against me and seek justice.

All we have is your own word and "evidence" provided by you!!
Moreover , you reply to questions only selectively while you respond to the others with anger!

I asked if it is true that B's employee Skrizas is prosecuted in Greece and whether his trial happened and you replied:

" Skras and anything else is not of shareholders concerns and it is suspicious that several of you mention this. How do you know?

I know because it has been written several times by others on this site.
I ask because it is critical for me to know if i am being used by other crooks to serve their ends!

Why do you not reply to a factual question and why does the question anger you?
Why do you monopolize shareholder's concerns?

After all , If Skras stole from B he probably also stole from us.

Can we have a reply rather than anger please?
thespostman thespostman 5 meses hace

?I am an investor that lost money in Paragon but as i continue investing with Greek companies I have been following B's and his employee's ( Skrimizas) case through my Greek contacts and local media.

In light of the recent postings i'd like to share the information and facts that i have obtained from Greek media sites and mainstream newspapers for the benefit of investors who have not been following the case in Greece.


1. The alleged violations by B are supposed to have taken place in 2015 and 2016.
There has not been any evidence or any rumors that there have been any negative findings relevant to Box or Paragon by the SEC to this date and I now understand from the recent postings that the Greek prosecution service has just dismissed the criminal law suit against B, filed by some of my co-investors, based on the allegations made and information provided by "inv justice" some years ago.

The Logical conclusion is that the allegations against B are unfounded and not the opposite.

2. That the allegations on B originally launched on this site by "Inv justice" are time barred since long ago from civil consequences.

3. That one of B's employees named G. has been charged by the Greek authorities for theft of about 5 mill usd from B ( he is due to appear in the Greek criminal high court shortly)
, he is obligated to physically present him self to the police station monthly and there is a court injunction in force against him for the 5 mill . All the above info has been extensively circulated in mainstream greek media such as "proto thema", " mononews" etc


4. It has also been circulated extensively in the Greek media ( " edolio", "mononews"etc) that the above named employee , has launched a series of defamation campaigns against B in order to use them as leverage against the latter's law suits against him. To my knowledge none of the allegations were substantiated by the subsequent official investigations that took place by the Greek Authorities . I strongly suspect therefore that the allegations concerning Box and Paragon were also initiated and being pursued by the particular employee for the same reasons.
Frankly i suspect that "inv justice",
" faitrgoal" and others adopting the aggressive tone of the " prosecutor" against B are in fact acting at the instructions of the former employee aiming at luring investors into filing criminal law suits!

5. Why i care? Because I believe that All investors should be aware of the above facts since I am sure that none of us would like to be mislead and be used for unlawful "goals " of a third party while risking of being sued for libel in the process.
Especially so when there can be no financial gain to be expected for any of us due to the time bar.
mrkaplan mrkaplan 6 meses hace
I want my money back from bugaloo or skras or whoever too .

I am really confused by what i read.

Why did Tadlock walk away 4 years ago?
Was it because he realized he was being played by skrimas? Was it because he realised that the acts of Bugaloo were done in 2015 and 2016 and were time barred for a civil law suit?
I don't know!

I want to be assured however that the lawyers are not engaged and paid for by skrimsas and use us the investors for suckers!

Can the lawyers confirm that they are not engaged by bugaloo's employee who is charged for theft and is fighting for his freedom?

Can faitrgoal1 who speaks to the lawyers , as he admits, confirm that the lawyers are not engaged by skrimsas?
Hiding this would be fraudulent under US law and this is probably why Tadlock gave up.

Tadlock is a smart guy and ahead in the game.
That i know!
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
Please note the correct email
If you want to join send me your email address so that the Lawyer gets in contact with you.
carusso carusso 4 años hace
Inv justice: Thank You, just now saw your note. I got the email from another of your posts. Thanks.
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
A team of investors are filling a lawsuit against B pursuing compensation. There is not legal costs involved because the Lawyer will be paid based on a succession fee. If you want to particiipate please let us have an email address where you will receive the contact details of the Lawyer, his resume, scope of work and information about the case.
Alternatively send an email to
The lawsuits will be for both PRGNF and TEUF where B was CEO.
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
A team of investors are filling a lawsuit against B pursuing compensation. There is not legal costs involved because the Lawyer will be paid based on a succession fee. If you want to particiipate please let us have an email address where you will receive the contact details of the Lawyer, his resume, scope of work and information about the case.
Alternatively send an email to
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
Criminal and Civil lawsuits will be filed in Greece against Boogaloo.
The headquarters of both Box Ships and Paragon Shipping have been in Greece so the action can take place there. Action will be taken in the USA immediately after.
The lawsuits will be also against the BOD members, for their decisions to allow B to take assets from both Companies. Assets that now worth tens of millions (each ship) and generate great income.
For the civil lawsuit the Lawyer will need to know (apart from the details of each shareholder who will participate in the lawsuit) the number of shares owned and the year purchased.
The lawyer will be paid based on a succession fee as previously communicated.
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
awsuits that he has been preparing based on the evidence collected. His resume together with the scope of his work will be uploaded on this site so that those who want to participate in this pursuit provide him with their details. As communicated before he prefered to make his contact details public only after he had evaluated the case, the evidence and he was ready to proceed.
All going well he estimates to be ready by next week
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
Lawyers have been engaged to go after Boogaloo. Check the posts on TEUF.
Those who want to either make the companies have value again through the return of ships or be compensated by B (for his fraud) can contact the Lawyers and give their names. It will cost nothing, the Lawyers will be paid if / when results generated.
The more of us the better.
the Lawyers contact details will be uploaded both here and on TEUF.
The lawyers will move both in Greece and in the USA.
temp luvs amy temp luvs amy 4 años hace
You see, he paid off the debt on all of the ships, because shorty prevented him from getting any funds from the capital markets. The bid fell out on the stock and the normal funding fell apart. Robin Hood comes in and squeezes the shorts, and the funding becomes available again.

Too late? Yeah, probably. Going dark allowed more time and reduced expenses.

It ain't over 'til its over.
temp luvs amy temp luvs amy 4 años hace
True, he rescued the rust buckets when the scrap companies were overloaded and wouldn't pay. No wonder he's been in this business for so long.

Robin Hood investors are very popular these days. Maybe he's just waiting for the right time?
inv justice inv justice 4 años hace
Boogaloo raided both PRGN n TEUF funds and now he has his own private fleet. check on how many ships he "bought" from the two companies. Now he owns the ships, he makes a fortune and the investors of both cos........

do u really believe he has any reason to restart any of them???? instead, he prefers both to go more dark so that his fraudulent actions are covered......
munhoi munhoi 4 años hace
I prefer CEO give us a decent stake in new company or give us a cash out option to existing shareholders, then he can re-issue the cashed out shares as a secondary

do you have a link to the restart , conversations by CEO with underwriters in New York etc.

or are you just guessing because the economies are set to recover and bulker shipping shortage happens next year etc
big_premium big_premium 4 años hace
Check as well TEUFF the sister company . . . Mr Boudourglou wants to restart his companies . . . merger? SPO? company restructuring? strategic investment funds? acquisition of Containerships? . . . keep in mind these companies are HOLDINGS debt-free
Burntcheeze Burntcheeze 5 años hace
Watkins Watkins 5 años hace
Orphan Orphan 6 años hace
Whoever is lucky to check in this stock is going to skyrocket in the very near future I am buying a ton as you should do the same
Orphan Orphan 6 años hace
Ahhh nice spike this morning this is about to be huge and I'm going to ride this baby to the top
patleo patleo 6 años hace
Follow TEUF, the other BOOGALOO’s company where there are investors who seem to be taking some action.
Zowie Zowie 6 años hace
Bagholder of both and interested in hearing what’s planned by other share holders.
carusso carusso 6 años hace
Any update on all that?
All_In4DNAX All_In4DNAX 6 años hace
Not sure why anyone is buying a dead stock but let’s get it going so I can get out
Zowie Zowie 6 años hace
Hmmmm back to copper on low volume? How about huge volume testing silver.
All_In4DNAX All_In4DNAX 6 años hace
Maybe someone will come along and do something with this down the road and I can get out. If not oh well it’s not my first loss and unfortunately wont be my last.
All_In4DNAX All_In4DNAX 6 años hace
I’m just glad I only invested a few hundred dollars. I bought a lottery ticket and didn’t win.
Zowie Zowie 6 años hace
Paragon has filed Termination of Registration of a Class of Security Under Section 12(b) (15-12b). ut OTC is showing they’re still current?
Helptheinvestors Helptheinvestors 6 años hace
$4,290,000 ... Paragon Shipping received from Nordea BAnk
In the 2017 20F in the financial notes , 7d..
huge amount for extra trading debt.. was it real? Were the financials of these vessels audited to verify the existence of these trading debt or it ended up elsewhere?...
Helptheinvestors Helptheinvestors 6 años hace
With so many affiliate companies transactions definitely there are grounds for a lawsuit.
In paragon shipping in 20f of 2017. Paragraph 4 transactions with affiliated parties: two ships were taken over from Boogalloo for peanuts. How was this justified and who investigated it.....
These ships today worth more than 45 millions........
tinojax tinojax 7 años hace
Greetings from Boogaloo's other scam TEUFF

We've noticed that there are several ihub posters from this fiasco that used to message on TEUFF.

We are both (PRGNF and TEUFF) being fleeced by the CEO of both companies. And both have just entered the dark side.

We are wondering if there is any interest from the remaining PRGNF common shareholders to join us TEUFFies in a lawsuit.

It would be awesome to see Boogaloo in pinstripes even if we don't recoupe the theft.

Check out the TEUFF board and let us know.
Skeeter Man Skeeter Man 7 años hace
It would make a lovely Christmas gift
Skeeter Man Skeeter Man 7 años hace
I would say so to.
All_In4DNAX All_In4DNAX 7 años hace
I’ll sell you my shares today @.50 and you can still double your money when it gets to 1.00 at the end of the year ??
Cannoli Cannoli 7 años hace
I’ll take .53 a share by Christmas 2018
Skeeter Man Skeeter Man 7 años hace
Get ready the ship is about to come in. I say by the end of the year expect at lease a dollar a share and that is a fact.
bigtimetrader bigtimetrader 7 años hace
I'm just reporting the facts, Max, not bashing. I'm bullish all shipping stocks. Ask someone else.
alwaysthankfull alwaysthankfull 7 años hace
why then some entity is loading above 2? inquiring minds want to know...
Cannoli Cannoli 7 años hace
Thank you for the information.
bigtimetrader bigtimetrader 7 años hace
They filed for termination of registration, this company has effectively "gone dark" and is thus delisted and under no obligation to report.

Regarding "going dark":

There is only one OTC shipping company stock I know of that has not yet delisted, and actually filed a 20-F for this year (hence they are current in their reporting) and that is
Cannoli Cannoli 7 años hace
Is Paragon (PRGNF) delisting or going dark? Been awhile and quickly browsed the 4/20 release.

carusso carusso 7 años hace
6-K dated April 10. sorry my typo in last, stated April 20, but meant 10th. You can read it under the News tab right here.
joseytheoutlawwales joseytheoutlawwales 7 años hace
Regarding debt?
carusso carusso 7 años hace
Everybody saw the Report dated 4/20/18?
alwaysthankfull alwaysthankfull 7 años hace
burning a $10 on a one and half penny trade is mind boggling! 1 share at a time, a mule ride, but we will be there.
alwaysthankfull alwaysthankfull 7 años hace
Thank you car, a hidden gem with 4 million shares
carusso carusso 7 años hace
Paragon Shipping. Don’t ask me where the numbers come from or what they mean. That was quarterly increase in profit, shown as a %.
alwaysthankfull alwaysthankfull 7 años hace
carusso whose profit?
carusso carusso 7 años hace
Despite the apparent heavy debt level, the financial stats at my broker say profit in most recent quarter +1100%.
carusso carusso 7 años hace
On reflection, redsky7, i think it means a major improvement in value coming up.


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