5 años hace
One Day After Zero Hedge, FT "Unmasks" SoftBank As Call-Buying "Nasdaq Whale"
by Tyler Durden
Sat, 09/05/2020
How much did SoftBank buy? According to the WSJ, which also moments ago confirmed our original reporting, SoftBank...
... spent roughly $4 billion buying call options tied to the underlying shares it bought, as well as on other names
... which due to the embedded leverage in options, is the equivalent of buying tens if not hundreds of billions of underlying stocks, thus sparking the massive upward move in the handful of tech stocks which then spilled over everywhere.
And speaking of underlying stocks, in Q2 SoftBank just so happened bought brand new stakes in all the super high beta names including Amazon, Google, NVidia, Tesla, Netflix, Zoom and so on.
8 años hace
SoftBank Group Corp. invested $300 million in WeWork Cos., a person familiar with the matter said, an influx of cash that values the New York-based coworking giant at more than $17 billion.
The investment from SoftBank is the first in what will probably be a much larger stake, said the person, who asked not to be identified .
The additional cash is expected to come from the $100 billion Vision Fund. With the new money, WeWork's valuation increases to about $18 billion, according to an estimate by private stock market provider Equidate.
WeWork, which rents out desks and offices to small businesses, freelancers and other people seeking temporary working space,
sold the shares at a higher price than in its previous round,
which valued it at about $16 billion a year ago.
The new investment was disclosed in a securities filing. WeWork and SoftBank declined to comment. SoftBank's investment was reported
earlier Monday by the Wall Street Journal. The Japanese firm plans
to invest $3 billion or more in total, CNBC said last month.
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SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son is in the process creating the $100 billion fund,
a bet on the Japanese billionaire's vision for a future centered on artificial intelligence and connected devices.
One of its first investments will be an acquisition of a 25 percent stake in ARM Holdings Plc,
a wholly-owned unit of SoftBank,
people familiar with the matter have said. Son has also said the SoftBank-led $1.2 billion investment in satellite startup OneWeb Ltd. will be included in the Vision Fund when it closes.
The shares of SoftBank traded 2.1 percent lower as of 10:23 a.m.
in Tokyo on Tuesday.
The stock, which is up about 6 percent this year,
has been buoyed by the prospects of the Vision Fund easing the
strain on the Japanese conglomerate's balance sheet.
Son's appetite for deals has left SoftBank with a record $130 billion debt load, one of the heaviest in Japan.
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SoftBank said it will contribute $25 billion to the fund,
while Saudi Arabia is putting in $45 billion.
Abu Dhabi's Mubadala Development Co. will invest as much as
$15 billion and should reach a formal agreement by the end of this month, people familiar with the matter have said. Apple Inc.,
Qualcomm Inc. and Oracle Corp.
Chairman Larry Ellison may invest $1 billion each, people familiar with the matter have said.
Updates with details on Vision Fund.
More fromhttp://www.
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8 años hace
As to cost of S to SB, I believe SB has 80% ownership of S later data? If that is correct, then 80% of S stock price when SB acquired that share of S could be rough cost to SB? Perhaps some accounting folk on board could guessimate that is in the ball park.
As to how $50 Bil offered to USA economy by SB would be spend herein is the puzzle. Would it include, for example, low-orbit system of cellphone relay/transmission sats costed, or is it to be build-out of USA surface cell phone coverage construction? I am suspecting some of it goes also to improving S stores. It looks like SB plan is to use S stores s service and launch of its companion/business robotics business in USA. <---I have o proof of any of above
And, evidently, some of it goes to new manufacturing facilities build in USA. SB and S might lease their robots to businesses and individuals? Robotics will advance very fast in tech evolution from now on (due to AI), so it does make business sense to just lease the robots and then the purchasers would be more comfortable
with using them in their enterprise plans.
TSLA is building solar cell plant back east and I doubt they can afford to put in say $2-5 Bil into that plant, even with Pan Sonic help . . . without more outside funding or stock issues.
8 años hace
S as part of SB . . . I really wonder if they do not have sufficient spectrum access . . . how can SB use S as way to control Iots?
AV security for Iots from hackers is the basic flaw preventing consumers from accepting it? W10 has to maintain open access back doors to its SW for paid Ads to post firstly, and I do wonder if one goes to open their digital display icebox . . . will they have to see Ads? You dial up your house, say to up the heat before you get there and the signal gets hacked or over-signaled and your house is 87 degrees.
We really need a fundamental set of AV and anti-hacking standards agreements by all countries to stop this sort of thing: you hack and everyone joins in and shuts you down permanently. You just cannot have a more digital economy w/o real solid defenses and penalties. <---and if this happens, what kind of society do we all get?
In past post, I alluded to SB using S stores, etc. as way to launch
their AI mobile robots into USA along with Iots; thus I foresee mucho political steps needed to get that to work out.
I think what I have said above, is definitely within the SB stock price equation.
8 años hace
sftby may go casino way too
I know nothing about ADRs, I just suspect investing in Soft Bank will be good bet. Would be interesting to know more about who is heavily invested in SB.
When I get a chance, I shall go over to my local S store at nearby Mall and run some of my Iots ideas pass their staff. Might be also useful to talk to some other potential competitors in the field?
If SB actually manufactures their smart robots in USA, they should be able to sell say 10-20K no problem. Nursing facilities, fast foods, and greeters at store entrances would be logical first users.
IF SB uses S store as demo sites, and nearby small businesses and malls where S staff can watch over the robots and study how to improve them, this type of business venture could be upgraded to S staffed tech trucks that work with local home health care workers as home companions for disabled and elderly.
The first tiny USA-based robotics companies in the 1960s just seem to look at first generation robots as toys. They, in effect, dropped the ball . . . as AI and software were hardly suitable then for private/public uses.
SB moving so aggressively into USA with huge backup financing and tactful support of new administration, is going to be hard act to
compete with? SB is not afraid to fail and learn from it quickly.
SB is first real retail firm that is taking public use robots as product potential. USA is currently in status of college grant studies and quite small companies focusing on public-use robots.
Wait until some major burger chain places a robots order.
Just imagine being in line at say a bank or movie house, and robot takes your business order and taps out a ticket for you. Family
centric appeal might just draw in customers? And, robot could also give out ads and menus and local business coupons.
Or, how about getting children robot conscious at kindergartens and becoming moving lessons for kids to learn to key-tap and say voice answers too? Early childhood education is confusing to young folks, and would be more in-spy-er-ing if you wanted to go the next day to talk and interact with neutral learning source.
8 años hace
I know nothing about ADRs, I just suspect investing in Soft Bank will be good bet. Would be interesting to know more about who is heavily invested in SB.
When I get a chance, I shall go over to my local S store at nearby Mall and run some of my Iots ideas pass their staff. Might be also useful to talk to some other potential competitors in the field?
If SB actually manufactures their smart robots in USA, they should be able to sell say 10-20K no problem. Nursing facilities, fast foods, and greeters at store entrances would be logical first users.
IF SB uses S store as demo sites, and nearby small businesses and malls where S staff can watch over the robots and study how to improve them, this type of business venture could be upgraded to S staffed tech trucks that work with local home health care workers as home companions for disabled and elderly.
The first tiny USA-based robotics companies in the 1960s just seem to look at first generation robots as toys. They, in effect, dropped the ball . . . as AI and software were hardly suitable then for private/public uses.
SB moving so aggressively into USA with huge backup financing and tactful support of new administration, is going to be hard act to
compete with? SB is not afraid to fail and learn from it quickly.
SB is first real retail firm that is taking public use robots as product potential. USA is currently in status of college grant studies and quite small companies focusing on public-use robots.
Wait until some major burger chain places a robots order.
Just imagine being in line at say a bank or movie house, and robot takes your business order and taps out a ticket for you. Family
centric appeal might just draw in customers? And, robot could also give out ads and menus and local business coupons.
Or, how about getting children robot conscious at kindergartens and becoming moving lessons for kids to learn to key-tap and say voice answers too? Early childhood education is confusing to young folks, and would be more in-spy-er-ing if you wanted to go the next day to talk and interact with neutral learning source.
8 años hace
reading interesting subject arm and s. also s sprint is doing much better.
Combine ARM and S and what do you have?
Physical stores and the IoT displayers, while having cell towers
via S to make in-home personal and retail robotics happen.
China is hungry for international business and who has the associated tech already developed?
PLA sovereign investors are heavily associated with exports and other things like the new warfare field of economics.
They laugh when Trump is brought up . . . too little, too late.
Will USA and EU collapse back to nationalism? Ever hear of The Silk Route (high-speed trains planning to EU markets).
China is moving in . . . Move Over for your new neighbors!
Real Estate prices and Taxes are going up.
they are more than happy to invest in net upgrading of our infrastructure. Why not . . . they will be busy users of it.
Trump is best thing that ever happened to them and their plans.
Let him tax heir imports and the taxes will go to boost their
domestic Americas investments and plans.
Do not be surpised if we start taxing robots to replace the lost
worker wages, as governments wise-up.
The major problem with IoT is hackers and AV security.
But once it happens in China, USA and EU look for massive and
tough counter actions against these dub and bored and Greedy hackers.
Russia will come around when they see the profits to be made
and protected from anti-hacking economics.
Softbank is sitting on the biggest opportunity to roll into novel profits and has huge financing available for internal Chinese sources.
And, do not be too bend-out-of-shape when Soft Bank moves into online banking and retail wireless transactions.
One guess who has the fastest and most super-computers as their
national goal. Watch out MSFT, etc.
In 2-6 years, this stock might be above $100?
msft ?????
wonder if this company will buyout some gaming casino's ?????
8 años hace
Combine ARM and S and what do you have?
Physical stores and the IoT displayers, while having cell towers via S to make in-home personal and retail robotics happen.
China is hungry for international business and who has the associated tech already developed? PLA sovereign investors are heavily associated with exports and other things like the new warfare field of economics. They laugh when Trump is brought up . . . too little, too late. Will USA and EU collapse back to nationalism? Ever hear of The Silk Route (high-speed trains planning to EU markets).
China is moving in . . . Move Over for your new neighbors!
Real Estate prices and Taxes are going up. they are more than happy to invest in net upgrading of our infrastructure. Why not . . . they will be busy users of it.
Trump is best thing that ever happened to them and their plans.
Let him tax heir imports and the taxes will go to boost their domestic Americas investments and plans.
Do not be surpised if we start taxing robots to replace the lost worker wages, as governments wise-up.
The major problem with IoT is hackers and AV security.
But once it happens in China, USA and EU look for massive and tough counter actions against these dub and bored and Greedy hackers. Russia will come around when they see the profits to be made and protected from anti-hacking economics.
Softbank is sitting on the biggest opportunity to roll into novel profits and has huge financing available for internal Chinese sources. And, do not be too bend-out-of-shape when Soft Bank moves into online banking and retail wireless transactions.
One guess who has the fastest and most super-computers as their national goal. Watch out MSFT, etc.
In 2-6 years, this stock might be above $100?