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Isa Energia Brasil S.A.

Isa Energia Brasil S.A. (ISAE-DEB71L1)

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pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 37 segundos hace
The left's great minds are in synch..
papaphilip papaphilip 41 segundos hace
Oh great. Ya'll talking about the buying and woke up a selller. 😂
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 53 segundos hace
The left's great minds are in synch..
sirant sirant 1 minuto hace

Gmenfan Gmenfan 1 minuto hace
Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos has some nerve seeking yet more cash for NYC schools with a budget already exceeding $41B
By Post Editorial Board Published March 13, 2025, 8:42 p.m. ET

In testament to the political power of the United Federation of Teachers, spending on the pub
Shawonsarker84 Shawonsarker84 2 minutos hace
Remember it took four hours for HMBL run 300% from .0009 to .0046! I loaded some at .0004 today because I am a loser lol
linkvest linkvest 2 minutos hace
For sure... I don't mind a stack on the ASK sometimes but this has been going on for weeks now... We got to get out of this channel trading with these fools...
AyaStocks AyaStocks 2 minutos hace
$ADIA is seeking sales talent to power expansion!
AyaStocks AyaStocks 2 minutos hace
$ADIA is seeking sales talent to power expansion!
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 2 minutos hace
The left's great minds are in synch..
TruthSheperd TruthSheperd 2 minutos hace
Still waiting on my cash + shares. My account always seems to get the distribution a day or two late.
Jimmy Joe Jimmy Joe 2 minutos hace
And Teslas have no gas tanks so that wouldn’t have even been a problem!!

You don't say~? Thanks for that great information. Was wondering what EV stood for.
Just don't catch fire, you'll have to let it burn baby burn till it goes out.

No good in cold weather.
fink fink 2 minutos hace
Not sure. If it's American, then they will drag it out and rape the shareholders as long as they can.
Chinese auditors rip anyone off, the CCP will make them disappear.

We are a Canadian Compsny. So I'm not sure how that all works out. What is accepted by FIRNA as to what is
Gmenfan Gmenfan 3 minutos hace
Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos has some nerve seeking yet more cash for NYC schools with a budget already exceeding $41B
By Post Editorial Board Published March 13, 2025, 8:42 p.m. ET

In testament to the political power of the United Federation of Teachers, spending on the pub
jimr1717 jimr1717 3 minutos hace
The slow painful death to No Bid.
janice shell janice shell 3 minutos hace
You aren't getting it. While posters here have different feelings about political content on this board, that extends to genuine political issues that have had or will have an effect on our capital markets.

Not conspiracy rubbish, which is what you're mostly offering. What is not cons
BakedLangostino BakedLangostino 3 minutos hace
You've clearly not heard of the Patent Cooperation Treaty of 1970.

But keep going, this is fun.
zab zab 3 minutos hace
RED states really do not contribute much to the GDP of America, especially as compared to those pesky Blue state. But why discuss reality, you live in your world, and I am happy you do.

Once again NATO and the EU gave much more money to Ukraine than America ever did, but again please
Yahsho Yahsho 3 minutos hace
Whalatane Whalatane 3 minutos hace
There was an interim analysis scheduled for their P 3 trial this Qt with results etc released early in Q2
Interim results will determine if trial is stopped for futility , need to have more patients added to increase power of the trial ...or continue as is .
If continue as is ...topli
PatB1 PatB1 3 minutos hace
Why is this thing stuck at 35? Where is the friggin name change? This is horse sh$t!!!
nowwhat2 nowwhat2 4 minutos hace
XRP !......2.34 !
BADALI BADALI 4 minutos hace
Who wants .009 today?
ksquared ksquared 5 minutos hace
Thanks, Shelly. Good luck to the tech folks.