The California Democratic Party has once again endorsed the expansion of rent control in California.

This weekend at its executive board meeting the party unanimously supported the Justice for Renters November ballot initiative.

The party swept aside the lies and distortions of the California Apartment Association and others to stand with the 17 million suffering renters of California.

“California has more people who are rent burdened than anywhere in the country. This weekend, in a unanimous vote for endorsement, the Democratic Party sent a strong message that Democrats care about the 17 million renters that live in California, including those who are suffering and struggling to pay rent,” said Susie Shannon, campaign manager for the Justice for Renters campaign.

Democratic Party icons Rep. Maxine Waters, Dolores Huerta, UNITE HERE Co-President Ada Briceño, DNC Member Christine Pelosi, CDP Controller Carolyn Fowler and CDP Regional Director Larry Gross spoke in support backed up by dozens of grass-roots activists who were in attendance. The party understands that there is a clear choice in November between corporate greed vs. addressing the housing crisis.

Big Real Estate will spend untold tens of millions to mislead voters but with the endorsement of the Democratic Party, and help from well-informed Californians, we will strike a crucial blow for tenant justice.

The Justice for Renters Act would remove California’s statewide rent control ban and give local communities the right to stabilize rents and make apartments more affordable for low-income and middle-income renters.

Ged Kenslea, AHF Senior Communications Director 323.791.5526