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Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd

Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd (NCLH)

Cerrado 08 Marzo 3:00PM
Fuera de horario: 6:57PM


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado %0134-
15.500. %00- %00-
16.503.104.600.003.850.000.00 %00- %00-
17.500. %00- %06-
18.501.271.761.271.5150.000.00 %5007/3/2025 %351607/3/2025
19.500. %00- %00-
20.500. %00- %00-
21.500. %00- %9755007/3/2025
22.500. %18721007/3/2025 %3120207/3/2025
23.500. %00- %00-
24.500. %00-

Mejore su cartera: debates en tiempo real e ideas comerciales prácticas.


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado %00-
15.500. %00- %2107/3/2025
16.500. %00- %0189-
17.500. %11007/3/2025 %541,11607/3/2025
18.500. %00- %5238007/3/2025
19.500. %00- %00-
20.500.690.900.900.795-0.05-5.26 %192507/3/2025 %00-
21.500. %00- %00-
22.500. %00- %00-
23.502.973.653.683.311.0539.92 %66007/3/2025 %00-
24.500. %00-


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CAPSCapstone Holding Corp
US$ 3.50
ABLVAble View Global Inc
US$ 1.73
SUNESUNation Energy Inc
US$ 0.402999
BTOGBit Origin Ltd
US$ 0.6117
DWTXDogwood Therapeutics Inc
US$ 6.63
ALBTAvalon GloboCare Corporation
US$ 6.96
SCNXScienture Holdings Inc
US$ 1.55
ACXPAcurx Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0.4572
RETOReTo Eco Solutions Inc
US$ 5.42
OCTOEightco Holdings Inc
US$ 1.08
BTOGBit Origin Ltd
US$ 0.6117
SUNESUNation Energy Inc
US$ 0.402999
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 112.69
ICONIcon Energy Corporation
US$ 0.169898
TSLLDirexion Daily TSLA Bull 2X Trust ETF
US$ 10.675

NCLH Discussion

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cottonmather cottonmather 17 horas hace
SP at critical Fib. If it closes below a large drop likely follows.
cottonmather cottonmather 19 horas hace
The Dollar still falling eom
cottonmather cottonmather 20 horas hace
Chevron laying off 9000 employees eom
cottonmather cottonmather 1 día hace
On The Border filing bankruptcy eom
cottonmather cottonmather 2 días hace
7 - Eleven Stores are filing bankruptcy. AND highest unemployment since 2009. Yeah boy. nclh ships are gonna be full...... of homeless people or illegal migrants. Stupid prick.
cottonmather cottonmather 2 días hace
The Dollar keeps falling. That means inflation will keep rising. But oil is falling too. j-bear said it wouldn't do that. Make it stop. Dumbass.
cottonmather cottonmather 2 días hace
The Dollar keeps falling. That means inflation will keep rising. But oil is falling too. j-bear said it wouldn't do that. Make it stop. Dumbass.
cottonmather cottonmather 3 días hace
Walgreens planning to close hundreds of more stores.
cottonmather cottonmather 3 días hace
I've been telling you the stock market means little or nothing. It is for stupid people. The bond market means everything. When bonds collapse, and they will, banks collapse with them. No banks. no money moving around. No money, no food, water, electricity, etc. Get rid of all paper assets. Buy physical gold and silver. Buy weapons and ammo. Horde food and water. Learn fishing and growing food. Get a bad ass dog and bond with them. Horde medical supplies and medicines. If you can, move to a rural area and learn your way around. Team with like people if possible. No matter where you are, always have a bugout plan. Plan alternate routes. Good luck.

This may not be when shtf but we are certainly not far away. Prepare asap Most will not be able to live through this.
cottonmather cottonmather 3 días hace
Southwest Airlines and a few others are canceling routes. US Dollar is falling. BUT j-bear SAID IT'S TIME TO BUY. Dimwit.
cottonmather cottonmather 3 días hace
The Atlanta Fed said today the US should be entering an inflationary depression in six months. I told ya so. Can you say "Venezuela"?

More nclh insider selling reported today.

Let me inform you of a secret...... The Supreme Court and several states have been relaxing weapons carry laws because they know shit is gonna hit the fan. Prepare.
cottonmather cottonmather 4 días hace
Although I've never seen one, Red Robin is closing more than half their stores. The point being discretionary spending is declining.

I've told you Trump cannot fix what is happening. He is one of them. I told you WW3 is coming. I told you the US is going to lose control of criminals. I told you disease and famine will arrive. And that is just part of the destruction....... the economy will collapse 50% or more. Banks will implode. I told you this a few years ago. You can see it beginning to happen. I've also told you how to prepare and circumvent most of the trouble. Ya better get on the stick. Time is running out. Prepare.
cottonmather cottonmather 4 días hace
More banks closing more accounts. eom
cottonmather cottonmather 5 días hace
Bad, bad news: International Paper closing several plants. This proves economy is destroyed.
cottonmather cottonmather 6 días hace
Sonic Drive In company stores are beginning to close.
J-Bear J-Bear 6 días hace

You remind me of Glum....only difference is he was cool and you're just dumb
cottonmather cottonmather 7 días hace
Home sales crashing eom
cottonmather cottonmather 7 días hace
Several company Papa Johns are closing.
cottonmather cottonmather 1 semana hace
.....and a petite brunette who always dropped things for my visit.

You have no intelligence at all, do you? Perfect for nclh bagholding.
J-Bear J-Bear 1 semana hace
It's overpriced lab made frozen goop....aimed at Ft. Lauderdale Hooters fans......
cottonmather cottonmather 1 semana hace
Several Dairy Queen groups are closing/filing bankruptcy. Don't worry. Everything is fine. Idiots.
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
I did like the Hooters in Ft Lauderdale across from the beach. I knew David, one of the first owners group who left when Hooters began buying passenger jets.

The point is thousands of discretionary spending businesses are closing and have been for years. Government statistics have been lies for at least two years. They count on the public to be stupid like you and be bagholders of insider selling. The wait is almost over, dumbass.
J-Bear J-Bear 2 semanas hace
Your favorite place....sorry for your loss, CottonBallz 🤡💩er
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
Hooters files bankruptcy eom
👍 1
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
Don't you ever get tired of being stupid?
J-Bear J-Bear 2 semanas hace
CottonBaLLess....... Your Mom called and said white your nose and pick up your fart striped undies.

You little crap staining closet trader ...dumpster fire 🔥
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
PepsiCo selling assets. Yeah, that jbear is a loser, dumbass and prick. He hproves it every day. BUY BUY BUY. Stupid shit galore.
🧻 1
J-Bear J-Bear 2 semanas hace
Look Mom it's CottonBallz.....the dumbest trader...scammer alive. ❤️ Or 💚 is better than just being dumb like him. 

Stay in school kids, be better than him. 😆
👍 1
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
HEY DUMBASS!!!!!!! Trump has agreed to stimulus checks. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Walmart anounces earnings decline.
🪵 1
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
nclh news after the bell...... LOL More insider selling.
cottonmather cottonmather 2 semanas hace
Hey, dumbass! Why are markets going up but nclh is going down?
J-Bear J-Bear 2 semanas hace
Green 💚..... 🍏 A day keeps CottonBallz away.

Now take your garbage out and brush your tooth.....singular, champ 🏆 

cottonmather cottonmather 3 semanas hace
It's pretty simple. Do exactly the opposite of what you do, stupid-ass wanky.
J-Bear J-Bear 3 semanas hace
Look Mom, it's Negatron....only thing that he's positive about is that he's GayTarded.

I accept and love cottonmouther...he's a mouth breather and drags his knuckles, but he alright!! Go Prideful Bro
cottonmather cottonmather 3 semanas hace
nclh is officially a zombie company for years now. del Rio was a Mickey Mouse manager. He got nclh over its head and began selling ships,,,,,, then began selling stock...... tried selling more bonds and no one wanted them. nclh can't make payroll. Ticket sales aren't enough. These stupid-ass clowns around here tell you to buy when a world-wide depression is upon us. Do what I've told you soon. Time is running out.
J-Bear J-Bear 3 semanas hace
This guy.... CottonBallzMouther

He rides the short bus...meep meep
👍️ 1
cottonmather cottonmather 3 semanas hace
These dumbasses have been around for ever. That proves they are underwater. If you want good advice, they have zero. AND they are all the same person.
J-Bear J-Bear 3 semanas hace
Just remember she's goes and we win and cottonmouther blows......dudes🤪

👍️ 1
Steady as she goes; all ahead full speed.
👍 1
cottonmather cottonmather 4 semanas hace
.....Oh, yeah. The equanimity of a maggot. You must be miserable.
💄 1
J-Bear J-Bear 4 semanas hace
What's up fart breath 🫁 ....still talking we with that shit spreader of a mouth. 🤡💩Er
cottonmather cottonmather 4 semanas hace
Fed Ex has begun selling parts of the company eom
cottonmather cottonmather 4 semanas hace
nclh news late today: the company is doing private placements with converible debentures. That means nclh is selling millions and millions and millions of shares, diluting your equity, and many of the more sophisticated takers will run shorts on the stock which will destroy destys even more of your equity. There are two elements of the regulation play - one as described the other is a notice where some blocks of stock can be removed from outstanding share counts and enter other entities specific, which then kinda acts like a reverse split. Don't worry. You're screwed.
cottonmather cottonmather 4 semanas hace
ALL employment reports of the last two years to be adjusted lower per BLS.
cottonmather cottonmather 1 mes hace
Don't believe the fools around here. Walmart warns the economy is collapsing Amazon did the same Wednesday.
cottonmather cottonmather 1 mes hace
65ft, 2200hp Cats, sunbridge, 10ft sea certified, full gyro, remote thrusters. Your posts say you are long $34. I wouldn't brag about that.
 Gmoney Gmoney 1 mes hace
Living the dream with NCLH while Cottonmouth sails on his dingy. Buy now $$$, you'll thank me later. Happy cruising.
👍 2
cottonmather cottonmather 1 mes hace
Oh, boy. Another one who can't read, understand simple math or economics. nclh is bound for $2.50. Haven't you heard? As soon as they pick it, a new scamdemic is coming.

Funny. This conman with multiple alias' posts three of his names in one day. Ya scared, dumbass? $36 is Fib to 68. Freudian Slip, Mr Bullshit??????? According to one of your posts, you sold $24. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

All sane, real people..... Read financial reports. nclh cannot make its payroll and sells its stock to pay bills. If it wasn't for fuel costs they could almost break even. nclh wants to refinance billions and billions in bonds but can't find someone stupid enough to do it. The world is in a recession and about to fall into a depression. Automakers are losing money. RAM, Nissan and Jeep are exploring bankruptcy. Look at thousands of retail and restaurants closing down. Japan and China are selling all American debt which trashes the Dollar. This is todays news: UPS stock crashes as Amazon business is cut in half. EVERYTHING I've said for years is public info. The government lies nonstop.
 Gmoney Gmoney 1 mes hace
NCLH Buy Buy Buy. $$$$$$$$ Someone on this board (Cotton) said the shares were worthless and the cruise industry was done after the pandemic. Fake News lol. Enjoy the ride to $35 and higher.
👍️ 1
cottonmather cottonmather 1 mes hace
While very incorrect it was good seeing you say something. Oil will go down in price because of demand. Here is a lesson for you in finance and economics. It is not diffucult. Even you may understand...... The dollar goes down and the stock market goes up. If the dollar goes far, think Venezuela - hiperinflation, famine, corruption galore.