RNS Number:4537Y
Griqualand West Diamond Mng Co Ld
6 February 2001

for the year 2000                               2000      1999 
                                      Note        R         R 
Amount received from holding company 
in terms of working agreement                 84 560    84 560 
Dividends from listed investment        2        612       612 
Interest received                       3      4 776     5 092 
                                              89 948    90 264 
General charges                         4      4 150     3 700 
Net income before taxation                    85 798    86 564 
Taxation                                5     31 054    31 284 
Net income after taxation                     54 744    55 280 
Retained earnings 31 December 1999            33 781    22 366 
                                              88 525    77 646 
Dividends                                     43 865    43 865 
Retained earnings 31 December 2000            44 660    33 781 
Number of shares in issue                    105 700   105 700 
Earnings per share                             51,8c     52,3c 
Dividends per share                            41,5c     41,5c 
31 December 2000                                2000      1999 
                                  Note            R         R 
Capital employed: 
Share capital                       6      2 114 000 2 114 000 
Retained earnings                             44 660    33 781 
                                           2 158 660 2 147 781 
Represented by: 
Fixed assets                        7      2 111 722 2 111 722 
Investment                          8          2 448     2 448 
Net current assets                            44 490    33 611 
Current assets                                99 350    85 051 
Amount due by holding company                 84 406    73 390 
Cash                                          14 944    11 661 
Current liabilities                           54 860    51 440 
Shareholders for unpaid and unclaimed  
dividends                                     42 469    39 185 
Creditors                                      9 905     9 540 
Tax                                            2 486     2 715 
                                           2 158 660 2 147 781 
for the year 2000                               2000      1999 
                                    Note          R         R 
Operating activities: 
Cash generated by operations          9       85 186    85 952 
Investment income                                612       612 
                                              85 798    86 564 
Increase in working capital          10        7 367    10 477 
Cash generated by operating 
activities                                    78 431    76 087 
Taxation paid                                (31 283)  (31 930) 
Dividends paid                               (43 865)  (43 865) 
Increase in cash                               3 283       292 
1. Accounting policies 
1.1 The financial statements are prepared on the historical 
    cost basis. 
1.2 Foreign currencies have been converted at the rates 
    ruling at balance sheet date. 
1.3 In accordance with South African mining practice the 
    fixed assets have not been depreciated and their book 
    value is considerably in excess of any residual value 
    which they may have at the end of the lease. 
These policies are consistent with those applied in the 
previous year.                                 2000       1999 
                                                 R          R 
2. Dividends from listed investment 
   Dividends on preference shares in 
   holding company                              612        612 
3. Interest received 
   Holding company                            4 776      5 092 
4. General charges 
   Secretarial fee                              200        200 
   Directors' fees                              500        500 
   Audit fee                                  3 450      3 000 
                                              4 150      3 700 
5. Taxation 
   South African normal company tax          25 529     25 758 
   Secondary tax on companies                 5 406      5 407 
   District Council levies                      119        119 
                                             31 054     31 284 
6. Share capital 
   Authorised and issued: 
   105 700 shares of R20 each             2 114 000  2 114 000 
7. Fixed assets 
   Claims at cost                         2 497 519  2 497 519 
   Less amounts written off                 385 797    385 797 
                                          2 111 722  2 111 722 
8. Investment 
   Listed investment in 40 per cent 
   preference shares of De Beers 
   Consolidated Mines Limited: 
   306 shares                                 2 448      2 448 
   Market value R6 120 
        (1999 : R7 038) 
9. Cash generated by operations 
   Net income before taxation                85 798     86 564 
   Less investment income                       612        612 
                                             85 186     85 952 
10. Increase (Decrease) in working capital 
Unclaimed dividends                          (3 284)      (292) 
Creditors                                      (365)      (158) 
Amount due by holding company                11 016     10 927 
                                              7 367     10 477 
for the year 2000 
The annual financial statements contained herein have been approved by the
board of directors and are signed on its behalf by:- 

6 February 2001 

To the members of Griqualand West Diamond Mining Company Dutoitspan Mine
We have audited the annual financial statements of Griqualand West Diamond
Mining Company Dutoitspan Mine Limited for the year ended 31 December 2000
set out herein. These annual financial statements are the responsibility of
the company's directors. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
annual financial statements based on our audit. 
We conducted our audit in accordance with Statements of South African
Auditing Standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the
audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the annual financial statements are
free of material misstatement. An audit includes: 
- examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures 
  included in the annual financial statements, 
- assessing the accounting principles used and significant 
  estimates made by management, and  
- evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. 
We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. 
Audit opinion 
In our opinion, the annual financial statements fairly present, in all
material respects, the financial position of the company at 31 December 2000
and the results of its operations and cash flow information for the year then
ended in accordance with South African Statements of Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice, and in the manner required by the Companies Act in South
Chartered Accountants (S.A.) 
6 February 2001 

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