Capital Management and Investment PLC 
   ("CMI" or the "Company") 
   Interim Results for the six month period ended 31 July 2013 
   Chairman's Statement 
   As at 31 July 2013 the Company had 2 investments: a 2.8% (2012 - 7%) 
shareholding in Algeco Scotsman Holdings ("ASH") and a 7% (2012 - 7%) 
shareholding in Magticom. The fair value of the Company's investment in 
ASH was increased in the final accounts for the year to 31(st) January 
2013 to reflect recent performance, growth, and refinancing. The fair 
value of the Company's investment in Magticom remains unchanged. 
   Results for the period 
   The Consolidated Income Statement shows a loss before tax of GBP0.191m 
(2012 - Loss GBP0.108m). 
   Other income of GBP0.121m (2012 - GBP0.181m) comprises GBP0.058m (2012 - 
GBP0.03m) fees paid by Algeco Scotsman in relation to the monitoring of 
our investment and GBP0.063m (2012 - GBP0.151m) from Yola Investments 
SARL in relation to monitoring fees of our investment in Magticom. 
   Administrative expenses of GBP0.312m (2012 - GBP0.287m) include 
GBP0.125m (2012 - GBP0.125m) payable for office services and GBP0.108m 
(2012 - GBP0.099m) of professional fees. Your board continues to take 
steps to minimise administrative expenses where possible. 
   Net asset value ("NAV") per share is GBP3.51 (2012 - GBP1.40) and the 
Company had net cash balances of GBP0.886m (2012 - 1.471m) at the period 
   Investment in Algeco Scotsman Holdings ("ASH") 
   On 14 May 2013 ASH announced a $400m 5 year payment-in-kind loan 
placement. The proceeds of the issue are intended to be used to return 
funds to shareholders. CMI's share of the proceeds is approximately 
GBP6.77m. CMI received this amount in the form of a loan from ASH on 10 
October 2013. This is in anticipation of a proposed share capital 
reduction by ASH in January 2014. Assuming the capital reduction takes 
place then the cash will be classified as a return of capital. 
   Investment in Yola Investments Sarl ("Yola") 
   The Company holds an indirect investment of 7% in Magticom, the largest 
mobile telephone operator in The Republic of Georgia via its 33% 
shareholding in Yola Investments Sarl. Yola owns 43% of Metromedia 
International Group ("MIG") which in turn owns 46% of Magticom. 
   Your board believes that the 46% shareholding that MIG holds in Magticom 
is worth less than the value of the loan notes to third parties, 
outstanding in MIG, as the value of the outstanding loan notes of 
c.$210m is higher than a likely exit value based on a multiple of 
EBITDA.  Consequently your Board continue to show the carrying value of 
its shareholding in Yola in the Financial Statements at GBPNil. 
   Strategy going forward 
   CMI continues to actively monitor its investments in Yola and ASH 
through regular meetings with the management teams of ASH and Magticom, 
receipt of monthly financial reports, and attendance at board meetings. 
   Your board takes the view that the market capitalisation of CMI should 
move broadly in line with the value of the underlying investments in ASH 
and Yola. The market price of CMI shares is a significant discount to 
NAV at the balance sheet date. Your board believes that part of the 
reason is both the illiquidity of the shares and the current illiquidity 
of the investments that it holds. 
   The board is not recommending payment of a dividend for the period under 
review (2012 - GBPNil). 
   Giles Davies 
   22 October 2013 
   Consolidated Income Statement 
   for the six month period ended 31 July 2013 
                                   Unaudited      Unaudited        Audited 
                                  Six months     Six months     Twelve months 
                                     Ended          Ended           Ended 
                                  31 July 2013   31 July 2012  31 January 2013 
                                    GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
Fair value gain on investments               -              -           14,078 
Other income                               121            181              348 
                                           121            181           14,426 
Administrative expenses                  (312)          (287)            (638) 
Operating (loss)/profit                  (191)          (106)           13,788 
Finance income                               -              -                1 
(Loss)/profit before tax                 (191)          (106)           13,789 
Taxation                                     -            (2)              (5) 
(Loss)/profit for the period             (191)          (108)           13,784 
Basic (loss)/profit per      2       GBP(0.03)      GBP(0.02)          GBP1.92 
Fully diluted (loss)/profit per      GBP(0.03)      GBP(0.02)          GBP1.89 
   Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
   As at 31 July 2013 
                                            Share    Share Premium   Merger    Translation  Retained   Total 
                                           Capital      Account     Reserve      Reserve    Earnings   Equity 
                                            GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Balance as at 31 January 2012                 7,162         40,305     1,693        37,415  (75,960)    10,615 
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for 
 the period                                       -              -         -         (495)     (108)     (603) 
Share options charge                              -              -         -             -        28        28 
Balance as at 31 July 2012                    7,162         40,305     1,693        36,920  (76,040)    10,040 
Total comprehensive expense for the 
 period                                           -              -         -           816    13,892    14,708 
Share options charge                              -              -         -             -        28        28 
Balance as at 31 January 2013                 7,162         40,305     1,693        37,736  (62,120)    24,776 
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for 
 the period                                       -              -         -           512     (191)       321 
Share options charge                              -              -         -             -        12        12 
Balance as at 31 July 2013                    7,162         40,305     1,693        38,248  (62,299)    25,109 
   Consolidated Balance Sheet 
   As at 31 July 2013 
                                  Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited 
                                  Six months      months     Twelve months 
                                    Ended         Ended           Ended 
                                 31 July 2013  31 July 2012  31 January 2013 
                                   GBP'000       GBP'000         GBP'000 
Non Current assets 
 Investments                           24,278         8,877           23,765 
                                       24,278         8,877           23,765 
Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables              258           135              187 
 Cash and cash equivalents                886         1,471            1,111 
Total Current Assets                    1,144         1,606            1,298 
Total Assets                           25,422        10,483           25,063 
Current Liabilities 
 Trade and other payables               (275)         (423)            (282) 
 Corporation tax payables                (38)          (20)              (5) 
Total Current Liabilities               (313)         (443)            (287) 
TOTAL NET ASSETS                       25,109        10,040           24,776 
 Share capital                          7,162         7,162            7,162 
 Share premium accounts                40,305        40,305           40,305 
 Merger reserve                         1,693         1,693            1,693 
 Foreign currency translation 
  reserve                              38,248        36,920           37,736 
 Retained earnings                   (62,299)      (76,040)         (62,120) 
TOTAL EQUITY                           25,109        10,040           24,776 
   Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
   For the six months ended 31 July 2013 
                                                Unaudited  Unaudited  Audited 
                                                   Six        Six     Twelve 
                                                 months     months    months 
                                                  Ended      Ended     Ended 
                                                 31 July    31 July   January 
                                                   2013       2012    2013 
                                                 GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss/(profit) for the period                       (191)      (108)    13,784 
 Adjustments for: 
 Fair value gain on investment                          -          -  (14,078) 
 Finance Income                                         -          -       (1) 
 Foreign Exchange (gains)/losses                     (15)          6       (7) 
  Equity settled share based payment expense           12         28        56 
 Income tax expense                                     -          2         5 
                                                    (194)       (72)     (241) 
Cash flows from operating activities before changes 
 in working capital and provisions 
(Increase)/decrease in trade and other 
 receivables                                         (71)        332        24 
Decrease in trade and other payables                   26        165       280 
                                                     (45)        497       304 
Cash (outflow)/inflow from operations               (239)        425        63 
Income taxes paid                                       -          -      (15) 
Net cash flows from operating activities            (239)        425        48 
Investing activities 
Interest received                                       -          -         1 
Net cash used in investing activities                   -          -         1 
Share capital issued net of expenses                    -          -         - 
Net cash from financing activities                      -          -         - 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
 equivalents                                        (239)        425        49 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the 
 period                                             1,111      1,058     1,058 
Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and cash 
 equivalents                                           14       (12)         4 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period        886      1,471     1,111 
   1        Basis of Preparation 
   These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards, International Accounting 
Standards and Interpretations (collectively IFRS) issued by the 
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by European 
Union ("adopted IFRSs"), and are in accordance with IFRS as issued by 
the IASB and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to 
companies preparing its financial statements in accordance with IFRS. 
   The principal accounting policies used in preparing the interim results 
are those the group expects to apply in its financial statements for the 
year ended 31 January 2014 and are unchanged from those disclosed in the 
Group's Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 January 
   The financial information for the six months ended 31 July 2013 and 31 
July 2012 is unreviewed and unaudited and does not constitute the 
Group's statutory financial statements for those periods.  The 
comparative financial information for the full year ended 31 January 
2013 has however been derived from the audited statutory financial 
statements for that period. A copy of those statutory financial 
statements has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The 
auditors' reports on those accounts were unqualified, did not include 
reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of 
emphasis without qualifying their report and did not contain a statement 
under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
   2        Earnings per ordinary share 
   The basic and diluted loss per share of GBP0.03 (2012 - GBP0.02 per 
share) is calculated by reference to the loss after taxation of 
GBP191,000 (2012 - GBP108,000) and the weighted average number of 
ordinary shares in issue during the year of 7,162,133 (2012 - 
                 Unaudited Six   Unaudited Six 
                  months ended    months ended          Audited Twelve 
                  31 July 2013    31 July 2012    months ended 31 January 2013 
Basic number of 
 shares               7,162,133       7,162,133                      7,162,133 
   3        Interim Report 
   Copies of the interim report are available from the Company Secretary, 
Capital Management and Investment PLC, 54 Baker Street, London W1U 7BU. 
A copy will also shortly be placed on the company's website 
Tim Woodcock, Capital Management and Investment plc   020 7725 0800 
Jonny Franklin-Adams / Alex Wright, N+1 Singer        020 7496 3000 
   This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of Thomson 
Reuters clients. 
   The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
   (i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and other 
applicable laws; and 
   (ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
originality of the 
   information contained therein. 
   Source: Capital Management & Investment Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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