RNS Number : 8953W
Indus Gas Limited
15 December 2023
Indus Gas Limited and its subsidiaries
("Indus" or the "Company")
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial
Statements for the six-month period ended 30 September 2023
Indus Gas Limited (AIM: INDI), an oil & gas exploration and
development company, is pleased to report its interim results for
the six-month period ending 30 September 2023.
Consolidated reported adjusted revenues, operating profit and
profit before tax for the interim period ending 30 September 2023
were US$ 26.18m (US$ 27.42m interim 2022), US$ 22.61m (US$ 22.72m
interim 2022) and US$ 22.63m (US$ 22.68m interim 2022)
The Company has continued to make provision for a notional
deferred tax liability of US$ 9.88m (US$ 9.95m interim 2022), in
accordance with IFRS requirements.
The Company is currently producing from the SGL field as well as
the SSF & SSG fields. All gas production from the three fields
is currently being sold to GAIL. The Petroleum & Natural Gas
Regulatory Board ("PNGRB") is undertaking consultations for
deciding on the pipeline route for evacuation of the gas from the
SSG and SSF fields.
The gas price for RJ-ON/6 block effective from 1 April 2023 has
been agreed to be as per the domestic gas price on Gross Calorific
Value ("GCV") basis as notified by petroleum planning and analysis
cell of the Government of India. The floor price will continue at
US$ 4.5146 per MMBTU on GCV being the existing price of US$ 5 per
MMBTU on Net Calorific Value ("NCV") basis.
Jonathan Keeling, Chairman of Indus Gas, commented:
"The Company is well positioned given the strong demand for gas
in India and the positive pricing environment.
"The Company welcomed the Gas Price formula revision of domestic
gas as announced by Government of India, which was effective from
April 2023."
For further information, please contact:
Indus Gas Limited
Jonathan Keeling +44 (0) 20 81333375
Executive Chairman
Strand Hanson Limited (Nominated & Financial Adviser and
Ritchie Balmer, Rory Murphy +44 (0) 20 7409 3494
Notes As at As at As at
30 September 30 September 31 March
2023 2022 2023
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 6 1,257,875,924 1,189,884,758 1,223,434,478
Tax assets 1,427,667 1,431,777 1,140,605
Other assets 7,886 549 7,891
Total non-current assets 1,259,311,477 1,191,317,084 1,224,582,974
-------------- -------------- --------------
Current assets
Inventories 7,841,685 6,516,961 9,932,047
Prepayments - 3,715,982 -
Trade and other receivables 5,689,457 7,081,049 6,640,424
Receivable from related party 106,832,686 108,775,152 107,348,170
Cash and cash equivalents 4,796,883 4,122,096 11,765,514
Total current assets 125,160,711 130,211,240 135,686,155
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total assets 1,384,472,188 1,321,528,324 1,360,269,129
============== ============== ==============
Shareholders' equity
Share capital 3,619,443 3,619,443 3,619,443
Additional paid-in capital 46,733,689 46,733,689 46,733,689
Currency translation reserve (9,313,782) (9,313,782) (9,313,782)
Merger reserve 19,570,288 19,570,288 19,570,288
Retained earnings 295,579,974 264,787,793 282,833,686
Total shareholders ' equity 356,189,612 325,397,431 343,443,324
-------------- -------------- --------------
(All amounts in US$, unless otherwise stated)
a Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Non-current liabilities
Long term debt, excluding
current portion 7 163,715,686 27,200,889 175,475,431
Payable to related parties,
excluding current portion 9 647,962,891 627,488,125 633,924,200
Deferred tax liabilities (net) 154,280,157 130,350,919 144,392,951
Provision for decommissioning 1,881,607 1,920,701 1,894,795
Deferred revenue 30,311,748 25,563,995 30,311,748
Total non-current liabilities 998,152,089 812,524,629 985,999,125
-------------- -------------- --------------
Current liabilities
Current portion of long-term
debt 7 28,253,210 176,433,130 28,458,200
Current portion payable to
related parties 9 338,019 9225 333,611
Trade and other payables 1,539,258 2,086,823 2,034,869
Deferred revenue - 5,077,086 -
Total current liabilities 30,130,487 183,606,264 30,826,680
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total liabilities 1,028,282,576 996,130,893 1,016,825,805
-------------- -------------- --------------
Total liabilities and equity 1,384,472,188 1,321,528,324 1,360,269,129
============== ============== ==============
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements)
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive
(All amounts in US $, unless otherwise stated)
Notes Six months ended Six months ended
30 September 30 September
2023 2022
Unaudited Unaudited
-------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Revenue 26,180,911 27,416,956
Cost of sales (3,184,107) (4,282,747)
Administrative expenses (385,179) (405,865)
Profit from operations 22,611,625 22,728,344
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Foreign exchange gain/(loss),
net 21,869 58,132
Interest income - -
Profit before tax 22,633,494 22,786,476
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Income taxes
Provision for Deferred tax
charge (9,887,206) (9,952,486)
------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
Profit for the period (attributable 12,746,288 12,833,990
to the shareholder of the
----------- -----------
Total comprehensive income
for the period (attributable
to the shareholders of
the Group) 12,746,288 12,833,990
----------- -----------
Earnings per share 10
Basic 0.07 0.07
Diluted 0.07 0.07
(The (The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited Condensed Consolidated
Interim Financial Statements)
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in
(All amounts in US $, unless otherwise stated)
Common Stock Additional Currency Merger (Accumulated Total
Number Amount paid-in translation reserve Profits)/ stockholders'
capital reserve Retained equity
Balance as at
April 2023 182,973,924 3,619,443 46,733,689 (9,313,782) 19,570,288 282,833,686 343,443,324
--------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------
Profit for the
period - - - - - 12,746,288 12,746,288
--------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- --------------
income for
the period - - - - - 12,746,288 12,746,288
--------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------
Balance as at
2023 182,973,924 3,619,443 46,733,689 (9,313,782) 19,570,288 295,579,974 356,189,612
--------------- ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------------
Balance as at 1
April 2022 182,973,924 3,619,443 46,733,689 (9,313,782) 19,570,288 251,953,803 312,563,441
------------------------ ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------
Profit for the period - - - - - 12,833,990 12,833,990
------------------------ ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------
Total comprehensive
income for the period - - - - - 12,833,990 12,833,990
------------------------ ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------
Balance as at 30
September 2022 182,973,924 3,619,443 46,733,689 (9,313,782) 19,570,288 264,787,793 325,397,431
------------------------ ------------ ---------- ----------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ------------
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements)
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(All amounts in US $, unless otherwise stated)
Six months
Six months ended ended
30 September 30 September
2023 2022
(Unaudited) (Unaudited)
---------------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- -----------------
(A) Cash flow from operating
Profit before tax 22,633,494 22,786,476
Unrealised exchange loss/ (gain) (21,869) (58,132)
Depreciation 2,832,274 3,697,287
Changes in operating assets and
Inventories 2,090,362 2,942,792
Trade receivables 980,864 11,254,024
Trade and other payables 2,845,043 3,996,329
Other current and non-current
assets (29,924) (1,945,215)
Provisions for decommissioning (13,190) (66,625)
Other liabilities (491,168) 251,975
---------------------------------------- -----------------
Cash generated from operations 30,825,886 42,858,911
Income taxes paid/refund (287,062) (217,791)
---------------------------------------- -----------------
Net cash generated from operating
activities 30,538,824 42,641,120
---------------------------------------- -----------------
(B) Cash flow from investing
Purchase of property, plant and
equipment (A) (10,988,404) (8,647,153)
Interest received - -
Net cash used in investing
activities (10,988,404) (8,647,153)
---------------------------------------- -----------------
(C) Cash flow from
Repayment of long-term debt from banks (12,168,000) (8,568,000)
Proceeds from Related Party (6,500,000) (18,250,000)
Payment of interest (7,872,920) (7,564,013)
Net cash used in financing activities (26,540,920) (34,382,013)
------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (6,990,500) (388,046)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
of the period 11,765,514 4,452,010
Effect of exchange rate change on cash
and cash equivalents 21,869 58,132
------------------------------------ -----------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at the end
of the period 4,796,883 4,122,096
------------------------------------ -----------------------------
(The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Unaudited
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements)
Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial
(All amounts in US $, unless otherwise stated)
Indus Gas Limited ("Indus Gas" or "the Company") was
incorporated in the Island of Guernsey on 4 March 2008 pursuant to
an Act of the Royal Court of the Island of Guernsey. The Company
was set up to act as the holding company of iServices Investments
Limited. ("iServices") and Newbury Oil Co. Limited ("Newbury").
iServices and Newbury are companies incorporated in Mauritius and
Cyprus, respectively. iServices was incorporated on 18 June 2003
and Newbury was incorporated on 17 February 2005. The Company was
admitted to trading on the AIM of the London Stock Exchange on 6
June 2008. Indus Gas, through its wholly owned subsidiaries
iServices and Newbury (together the "Group"), is engaged in the
business of oil and gas exploration, development and
Focus Energy Limited ("Focus"), an entity incorporated in India,
entered into a Production Sharing Contract("PSC") with the
Government of India ("GOI") and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
Limited ("ONGC") on 30 June 1998 for petroleum exploration and
development concession in India known as RJ-ON/06 ("the Block").
Focus is the Operator of the Block. On 13 January 2006, iServices
and Newbury entered into an interest sharing agreement with Focus
and obtained a 65 per cent and 25 per cent share respectively in
the Block. The balance 10 per cent of participating interest is
owned by Focus. The participating interest explained above is
subject to any option to acquire 30 per cent Participating Interest
exercised by ONGC in respect of discoveries. ONGC has already
exercised 30 per cent PI option for SGL field (as further explained
in Note 3).
The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial
statements are for the six months ended 30 September 2023 and are
presented in United States Dollar (US$) , which is the functional
currency of the parent company and other entities in the Group.
They have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial
Reporting. They do not include all of the information required in
annual financial statements in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European union, and
should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial
statements and related notes of the Group for the year ended 31
March 2023.
The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial
statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The
accounting policies applied in these unaudited condensed
consolidated interim financial statements are consistent with the
policies that were applied for the preparation of the consolidated
financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023.
These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial
statements are for the six months ended 30 September 2023 and have
been approved for issue by the Board of Directors.-
As explained above, the Group through its subsidiaries iServices
and Newbury has an "Interest sharing arrangement" with Focus in the
block, which under IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements, is classified as a
'Joint operation'. All rights and obligations in respect of
exploration, development and production of oil and gas resources
under the 'Interest sharing agreement' are shared between Focus,
iServices and Newbury in the ratio of 10 per cent, 65 per cent and
25 per cent respectively.
Under the PSC, the GOI, through ONGC has an option to acquire a
30 per cent participating interest in any discovered field, upon
such successful discovery of oil or gas reserves, which has been
declared as commercially feasible to develop.
The block is divided into 3 fields - SGL, SSG and SSF.
The SGL field received its declaration of commercial discovery
on 21 January 2008. Subsequent to the declaration of commercial
discovery in SGL field, ONGC exercised the option to acquire a 30
per cent participating interest in the discovered fields on 6 June
2008. The exercise of this option would reduce the interest of the
existing partners proportionately.
However, on exercise of this option, ONGC is liable to pay its
share of 30 per cent of the SGL field development costs and
production costs incurred after 21 January 2008 and in order to be
entitled to their 30 per cent share in the production of gas
subject to recovery of contract costs as explained below.
The allocation of the production from the field to each
participant in any year is determined on the basis of the
respective proportion of each participant's cumulative unrecovered
contract costs as at the end of the previous year or where there is
no unrecovered contract cost at the end of previous year on the
basis of participating interest of each such participant in the
On the basis of the above, gas production for the period ended
30(th) September 2023 continues to be shared between Focus,
iServices and Newbury in the ratio of 10 percent, 65 percent, and
25 percent, respectively. ONGC will not be entitled to any
participating interest in the production until the full exploration
and development cost is recovered by other participants.
The aggregate amounts relating to jointly controlled assets,
liabilities, expenses, and commitments related thereto that have
been included in the consolidated financial statements are as
Particular Period ended Period ended Year ended
30 September 30 September 31 March
2023 2022 2023
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
---------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ----------------
Non-current assets 1,257,875,924 1,189,884,758 1,223,434,478
Current assets 114,674,371 115,292,113 111,000,741
Non-current liabilities 1,881,607 1,920,700 1,894,797
Expenses (net of finance
income) 2,845,043 3,996,329 6,342,915
Further, the SSF and SSG field has also received its declaration
of commerciality on 24th November 2014. Subsequent to the
declaration of commerciality for SSF and SSG discovery, ONGC did
not exercise the option to acquire 30 percent in respect of SSG and
SSF field. The participating interest in SSG and SSF field between
Focus, iServices and Newbury will remain in ratio of 10 percent, 65
percent and 25 percent respectively for exploration, evaluation and
development cost, and production revenue for SSF and SSG in the
The preparation of interim financial statements requires
management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that
affect the application of accounting policies and the reported
amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual
results may differ from these estimates.
In preparing these unaudited condensed interim consolidated
financial statements, the significant judgments made by management
in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of
estimation uncertainty were consistent with those that applied to
the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended
31 March 2023.
Operating segments are identified on the basis of internal
reports about components of the Group that are regularly reviewed
by the management in order to allocate resources to the segments
and to assess their performance. The Company considers that it
operates in a single operating segment being the production and
sale of gas.
Property, plant and equipment comprise of the following:
Cost Land Extended Development Production Bunk Houses Vehicles Other Capital Total
well test Assets Assets assets work-in-progress
---------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------- --------------
Balance as at
1 April 2023 167,248 9,131,202 878,686,884 393,696,456 7,869,575 4,963,923 1,695,265 3,024,746 1,299,235,299
Additions - 44,140 (12,688,624) 3,639 - - - 1,243 37,617,944
Disposals/Transfers - - 12,688,624 - - - - -
---------------------- --------
Balance as at
September 2023 167,248 9,175,342 903,567,182 406,388,719 7,869,575 4,963,923 1,695,265 3,025,989 1,336,853,243
---------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------- --------------
Accumulated depreciation
Balance as at
1 April 2023 - 3,129,668 - 59,656,825 6,412,709 4,916,324 1,685,294 - 75,800,820
Depreciation for
the period - 211,426 - 2,832,274 97,768 34,625 406 - 3,176,499
---------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------- --------------
Balance as at
30 September 2023 - 3,341,094 - 62,489,099 6,510,477 4,950,949 1,685,700 - 78,977,319
---------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------- --------------
Carrying value
As at 30 September
2023 167,248 5,834,248 903,567,182 343,899,621 1,359,0984 12,974 9,565 3,025,989 1,257,875,924
---------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------- --------------
Cost Land Extended Development Production Bunk Vehicles Other Capital Total
well test Assets Assets Houses assets work-in-progress
---------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- --------------
Balance as at
1 April 2022 167,248 5,172,729 865,416,249 329,916,943 7,869,575 4,917,035 1,695,265 2,978,870 1,218,133,914
Additions - 162,004 44,341,029 66,383,013 - 46,888 - 26,293 110,959,227
Disposals/Transfers - (66,383,013) - - - (66,383,013)
---------------------- --------
Balance as at
September 2022 167,248 5,334,733 843,374,265 396,299,956 7,869,575 4,963,923 1,695,265 3,005,163 1,262,710,128
---------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- --------------
Accumulated depreciation
Balance as at
1 April 2022 - 2,898,821 - 53,213,090 6,217,173 4,897,781 1,683,377 - 68,910,242
Depreciation for
the period - 108,295 - 3,697,139 97,770 10,007 1,917 - 3,915,128
---------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- --------------
Balance as at
30 September 2022 - 3,007,116 - 56,910,229 6,314,943 4,907,788 1,685,294 - 72,825,370
---------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- --------------
Carrying value
As at 30 September
2022 167,248 2,327,617 843,374,265 339,389,727 1,554,632 56,135 9,971 3,005,163 1,189,884,758
---------------------- -------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ------------- ----------------- --------------
Cost Land Extended Development Production Bunk Vehicles Other Capital Total
well test assets houses assets work-in-progress
--------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
Balance as at
1 April 2022 167,248 5,172,729 865,416,249 329,916,943 7,869,575 4,917,035 1,695,265 2,978,870 1,218,133,914
Additions - 3,958,473 77,050,148 - - 46,888 - 45,876 81,101,385
Disposals/Transfers - - (63,779,513) 63,779,513 - - - - -
--------------------- --------
Balance as at
31 March 2023 167,248 9,131,202 878,686,884 393,696,456 7,869,575 4,963,923 1,695,265 3,024,746 1,299,235,299
--------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
Accumulated depreciation
Balance as at
1 April 2022 - 2,898,821 - 53,213,090 6,217,173 4,897,781 1,683,377 - 68,910,242
Depreciation for
the period - 230,847 - 6,443,735 195,536 18,543 1,917 - 6,890,578
--------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
Balance as at
31 March 2023 - 3,129,668 - 59,656,825 6,412,709 4,916,324 1,685,294 - 75,800,820
---------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
Carrying value
As at 31 March
2023 167,248 6,001,534 878,686,885 334,039,630 1,456,864 47,599 9,971 3,024,749 1,223,434,478
--------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- ----------------- ----------------
Borrowing costs capitalised for the period ended 30 September
2023 amounted to US$ 28,614,875 (30 September 2022: US$ 28,074,577
and 31 March 2023: US$ 55,091,974 ).
Maturity 30 September 30 September 31 March
2023 2022 2023
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
------------------------------ ----------- -------------- -------------- ------------
Non-current portion of
long-term debt 2024 4,063,925 27,200,889 15,859,060
Current portion of long-term
debt from banks 23,915,432 22,665,893 24,155,800
Total 27,979,357 49,866,782 40,014,860
------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- ------------
Current interest rates are variable and weighted average
interest for the period was 6.80per cent per annum (30 September
2022:6.75 per cent per annum and 31 March 2023: 6.76 per cent per
annum). The fair value of the above variable rate borrowings is
considered to approximate their carrying amounts.
The term loans are secured by following: -
-- First charge on all project assets of the Group both present
and future, to the extent of SGL Field Development and to the
extent of capex incurred out of this facility in the rest of
RJ-ON/6 field .
-- First charge on the current assets (inclusive of condensate
receivable) of the Group to the extent of SGL field.
-- First Charge on the entire current assets of the SGL Field
and to the extent of capex incurred out of this facility in the
rest of RJON/6 field.
From Bonds
Maturity 30 September 30 September 31 March
2023 2022 2023
(Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
---------------------------------- ----------- -------------- -------------- ---------------
Non-current portion of long-term 2023 - - -
Current portion of long-term - 153,767,237 -
Non-current portion of long-term
debt 2027 159,651,761 - 159,608,734
Current portion of long-term
debt 4,337,778 - 4,302,400
Total 163,989,539 153,767,237 163,911,134
----------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------------ ------------
The Group has issued US Dollar 160.00 million bonds which
carries interest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, for the
purpose of re-financing the bonds which were repayable in December
2022. These bonds are unsecured bonds and are fully repayable at
the end of 5 years i.e., November 2027, further interest on these
notes is paid semi-annually.
The related parties for each of the entities in the Group have
been summarised in the table below:
Nature of the relationship Related Party's Name
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
I. Holding Company Gynia Holdings Ltd.
II. Ultimate Holding Company Multi Asset Holdings Ltd. (Holding
Company of Gynia Holdings Ltd.)
III.Enterprise over which Key Management Focus Energy Limited
Personnel (KMP) exercise control (with
whom there are transactions)
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Disclosure of transactions between the Group and related parties
and the outstanding balances as of 30 September 2023 and 30
September 2022are as follows:
Transactions during the period
Particulars Period ended Period ended
30 September 2023 30 September
-------------------------------- --- ------------------- --------------
Transactions with the Holding
Amount Received (6,500,000) (18,250,000)
Interest 20,538,691 -
Transactions with KMP
Short term employee benefits 90,382 69,055
Entity over which KMP exercise
Cost incurred by the Focus
on behalf of the group in
respect of the Block 7,815,484 12,952,972
Remittances 7,300,000 1,320,000
------------------------------------- ------------------- --------------
Particulars As at As at As at
30 September 30 September 31 March
2023 2022 2023
---------------------------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------
Entity over which KMP
exercise control
Receivable to Focus Energy
Limited 106,832,686 108,775,152 107,348,170
Payable with the Holding
Payables to Gynia Holding
Limited* 647,962,891 627,488,125 633,924,200
Payable to KMP
Employee obligation 338,019 9,225 333,611
*Including interest
Directors' remuneration
Directors' remuneration is included under administrative
expenses, evaluation and exploration assets or development assets
in the unaudited consolidated financial statements allocated on a
systematic and rational manner.
Amount receivable from Focus
Amount receivable from Focus represents amounts paid in advance
to them in respect of contract costs in Block RJ-ON/6.
Liability payable to Gynia
Borrowings from Gynia Holdings Ltd. carries interest rate of 6.5
per cent per annum compounded annually. The outstanding balance was
made subordinate to the loans taken from the banks and therefore,
is payable subsequent to repayment of bank loan in year 2024.
The calculation of the earnings per share is based on the
profits attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the
weighted average number of shares issued during the period.
Calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is as
Period ended Period ended
30 September 30 September
2023 2022
------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
Profit attributable to shareholders
of Indus Gas Limited, for
basic and dilutive 12,746,288 12,833,991
Weighted average number of
shares (used for basic profit
per share) 182,973,924 182,973,924
No. of equivalent shares - -
in respect of outstanding
Diluted weighted average
number of shares (used for
diluted profit per share 182,973,924 182,973,924
Basic earnings per share
(US$) 0.07* 0.07*
Diluted earnings per share
(US$) 0.07* 0.07*
-------------------------------------- -------------- --------------
* Rounded off to the nearest two decimal places.
At 30 September 2023, the Group had capital commitments of US$
Nil (30 September 2022: US$ Nil;31 March 2023: US$ Nil) in relation
to property, plant & equipment - development/producing assets,
in the Block. The Group has no contingencies as at 30 September
2023 (30 September 2022: Nil;31 March 2023: Nil).
The Group's financial risk management objectives and policies
are consistent with those disclosed in the consolidated financial
statements as at and for the year ended 31 March 2023.
Indus Gas profits are taxable as per the tax laws applicable in
Guernsey where zero per cent tax rate has been prescribed for
corporates. Accordingly, there is no tax liability for the Group in
Guernsey. iServices and Newbury being participants in the PSC are
covered under the Indian Income tax laws as well as tax laws for
their respective countries. However, considering the existence of
double tax avoidance arrangement between Cyprus and India, and
Mauritius and India, profits in Newbury and iServices are not
likely to attract any additional tax in their local jurisdiction.
Under Indian tax laws, Newbury and iServices are allowed to claim
the entire expenditure in respect of the Oil Block incurred until
the start of commercial production (whether included in the
exploration and evaluation assets or development assets) as
deductible expense in the first year of commercial production or
over a period of 10 years. The Group has opted to claim the
expenditure in the first year of commercial production. As the
Group has commenced commercial production for SGL field in 2011 and
has generated profits in Newbury and iServices, the management
believes there is reasonable certainty of utilisation of such
losses in the future years and thus a deferred tax asset has been
created in respect of these.
As at 30 September 2023, the Group had current liabilities
amounting to US$ 30,130,487 the majority of which is towards
current portion of borrowings from banks and bonds. As at 30
September 2023, the amounts due for repayment (including interest
payable) within the next 12 months for long term borrowings were
US$ 28,253,210 which the Group expects to meet from its internal
generation of cash from operations.
Further, there is no significant impact of Covid-19 on the
Company's ability to continue as going concern considering that the
entity is in the business of essential services
A summary of the Group's financial assets and liabilities by
category is mentioned in the table below. The carrying amounts of
the Group's financial assets and liabilities as recognized at the
end of the reporting periods under review may also be categorized
as follows:
30 September 30 September 31 March
2023 2022 2023
----------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------
Non-current assets
- Security deposits 7,886 549 7,891
Current assets
-Trade receivables 5,689,457 7,081,049 6,598,149
-Cash and cash equivalents 4,796,883 4,122,096 11,765,514
----------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------
Total financial assets 10,494,226 11,203,694 18,371,554
----------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- ------------
Financial liabilities measured
at amortized cost
Non-current liabilities
- Long term debt from banks 163,715,686 27,200,889 175,475,431
- Payable to related parties 647,962,891 627,488,125 633,924,200
Current liabilities
- Current portion of long-term
debt 28,253,210 176,433,130 28,458,200
- Current portion of payable
to related parties 338,019 9,225 333,611
* Accrued expenses and other liabilities 1,539,258 2,086,824 1,550,911
----------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------
Total financial liability
measured at amortized cost 841,809,064 833,218,193 839,742,353
----------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------ ------------
The fair value of the financial assets and liabilities described
above closely approximates their carrying value on the statement of
financial position dates.
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires
December 15, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)
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