RNS Number:0027O
Merrill Lynch International
14 February 2008

                                                             FORM 38.5 (SUMMARY)

This announcement amends the EPT Disclosure - Amendment released on 13/02/2008 at 
12:32 under number 9186N.  The total number of securities purchased and sold for 
BHP Billiton Plc has been amended.

           Lodge with Company Announcements Office and the Panel. Use a separate form for each class of

                                   securities in which dealings have been made.

                                                    CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPLE TRADER:


Name of EPT                                               Merrill Lynch International

Date of disclosure                                        12 February 2008

Date of dealing                                           11 February 2008

Telephone number                                          020 7996 2121

Please see attached disclosure of dealings under Rule 38.5 in the securities of the following companies:
BHP Billiton Plc
Northern Rock Plc
Punch Taverns Plc
Rio Tinto Plc


state which element(s) of previous disclosure was incorrect:  The total number of securities purchased and sold for BHP
Billiton Plc has been amended.

In the case of option business or dealings in derivatives full details should be given on a separate sheet so

that the nature of the dealings can be fully understood. For options this should include the number of

securities under option, the exercise period (or in the case of exercise, the exercise date), the exercise price

and any option money paid or received. For derivatives this should include, at least, the number of reference

securities to which they relate (when relevant), the maturity date (or if applicable the closing out date) and the

reference price.

For full details of disclosure requirements see Rules 8 and 38 of the Code. If in doubt contact the Monitoring

Section of the Panel, Tel. No:0207 638 0129

AMENDMENT                                                                                               FORM 38.5

                                       DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS

                                    (Rule 38.5 of The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers)


   Name of exempt principal trader                                  Merrill Lynch International

   Company dealt in                                                      BHP Billiton Plc

  Class of relevant security to which the dealings                            Common

   disclosed relate

   Date of dealing                                                          11/02/2008


   (a) Purchases and sales

      Total number of securities              Highest price paid                     Lowest price paid

                2,399,881                           GBP 15.12                           GBP 14.65

    Total number of securities sold         Highest price received                 Lowest price received

                 937,487                            GBP 14.83                           GBP 14.66

   (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)

     Product name,             Short/Long                    Number of securities              Price per unit

                 eg. CFD

        Long Swap                LONG                              1,200                         GBP 14.77

        Long Swap                LONG                             13,103                         GBP 14.74

        Long Swap                LONG                             85,000                         GBP 14.78

        Long Swap                LONG                             415,000                        GBP 14.78

        Long Swap                LONG                               516                          GBP 14.72

     Product name,             Short/Long                    Number of securities              Price per unit

                 eg. CFD

       Short Swap                SHORT                            12,581                         GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                            37,085                         GBP 14.81

       Short Swap                SHORT                            33,678                         GBP 14.76

       Short Swap                SHORT                            14,399                         GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                              24                           GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                             8,310                         GBP 14.78

       Short Swap                SHORT                             6,724                         GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                             5,629                         GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                             5,468                         GBP 14.78

       Short Swap                SHORT                             1,450                         GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                              571                          GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                              164                          GBP 14.73

       Short Swap                SHORT                            18,479                         GBP 14.73

   (c)        Options transactions in respect of existing securities

   Product name     Writing,         Number of         Exercise     Type, e.g.   Expiry       Option money
                    selling,                           price

   eg call option   purchasing,      securities under               American,    date         paid/received

                  varying etc.     option                         European etc                per unit

   (ii) Exercising
   Product name                        Number of securities under       Exercise price

   eg call option


  Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

  Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person

  relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating
  to the voting

  rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this
  form is

  referenced. If none, this should be stated.


   Date of disclosure                                                          12/02/2008

   Contact name                                                               Louise Howard

   Telephone number                                                         +44 20 7996 2121

   Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected                              BHP Billiton Plc

   Nature of connection #                                                        Advisor

                                                                                                     FORM 38.5(a)



                                (Rule 38.5(a) of The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers)


   Name of exempt principal trader                                  Merrill Lynch International

   Company dealt in                                                      Northern Rock Plc

  Class of relevant security to which the dealings                            Common

  disclosed relate

   Date of dealing                                                          11/02/2008


  (a) Purchases and sales

      Total number of securities              Highest price paid                     Lowest price paid

                 59,089                             GBP 1.01                            GBP 0.96

    Total number of securities sold         Highest price received                 Lowest price received

                 45,562                             GBP 1.01                            GBP 0.96

  (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)

   Product name,       Short/Long               Number of securities                   Price per unit

  eg. CFD

  (c)        Options transactions in respect of existing securities

   Product name     Writing,         Number of         Exercise     Type, e.g.   Expiry       Option money
                    selling,                           price

   eg call option   purchasing,      securities under               American,    date         paid/received per

                  varying etc.    option                         European etc                unit

  (ii) Exercising

   Product name                        Number of securities under       Exercise price

  eg call option


    Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

    Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person

    relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating
    to the voting

    rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this
    form is

    referenced. If none, this should be stated.


   Date of disclosure                                                          12/02/2008

   Contact name                                                               Louise Howard

   Telephone number                                                         +44 20 7996 2121

   Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected                              Northern Rock Plc

   Nature of connection #                                                        Advisor

                                                                                                     FORM 38.5(a)

                                        DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS

                                    (Rule 38.5 of The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers)


   Name of exempt principal trader                                  Merrill Lynch International

   Company dealt in                                                        Rio Tinto Plc

  Class of relevant security to which the dealings                            Common

  disclosed relate

   Date of dealing                                                          11/02/2008


   (a) Purchases and sales

      Total number of securities              Highest price paid                     Lowest price paid

                 982,069                            GBP 52.85                           GBP 51.94

    Total number of securities sold         Highest price received                 Lowest price received

                1,268,861                           GBP 53.98                           GBP 51.93

   (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)

     Product name,             Short/Long                    Number of securities              Price per unit

                 eg. CFD

        Long Swap                LONG                              3,950                         GBP 52.34

        Long Swap                LONG                               30                           GBP 52.29

        Long Swap                LONG                               99                           GBP 52.41

        Long Swap                LONG                               200                          GBP 52.22

        Long Swap                LONG                               643                          GBP 52.22

        Long Swap                LONG                               843                          GBP 52.51

        Long Swap                LONG                              1,500                         GBP 52.29

        Long Swap                LONG                              3,157                         GBP 52.51

        Long Swap                LONG                              9,470                         GBP 52.29

        Long Swap                LONG                              9,670                         GBP 52.22

        Long Swap                LONG                             10,000                         GBP 52.08

        Long Swap                LONG                             11,000                         GBP 52.48

        Long Swap                LONG                             20,496                         GBP 52.36

        Long Swap                LONG                             20,496                         GBP 52.36

        Long Swap                LONG                             20,000                         GBP 52.63

        Long Swap                LONG                              2,317                         GBP 52.38

     Product name,             Short/Long                    Number of securities              Price per unit

                 eg. CFD

       Short Swap                SHORT                             2,000                         GBP 52.21

       Short Swap                SHORT                            118,991                       AUD 112.46

       Short Swap                SHORT                            90,000                        AUD 112.96

       Short Swap                SHORT                            82,715                        AUD 112.96

       Short Swap                SHORT                            16,009                        AUD 112.46

       Short Swap                SHORT                             8,428                        AUD 112.46

       Short Swap                SHORT                             7,099                        AUD 112.46

       Short Swap                SHORT                             5,845                        AUD 112.96

       Short Swap                SHORT                             1,440                        AUD 112.96

       Short Swap                SHORT                              482                         AUD 112.46
       Short Swap                SHORT                             1,018                         GBP 52.36

       Short Swap                SHORT                             3,750                         GBP 52.47

       Short Swap                SHORT                             6,250                         GBP 52.47

       Short Swap                SHORT                            15,000                         GBP 52.97

       Short Swap                SHORT                            118,991                       AUD 112.46

       Short Swap                SHORT                            20,000                         GBP 52.26

       Short Swap                SHORT                              413                          GBP 52.43

       Short Swap                SHORT                            47,490                         GBP 52.11

       Short Swap                SHORT                            47,490                         GBP 52.11

       Short Swap                SHORT                              670                          GBP 52.43

  (c)        Options transactions in respect of existing securities

  (i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varying

   Product name     Writing,         Number of         Exercise      Type, e.g.   Expiry date  Option money
                    selling,                           price

  eg call option   purchasing,      securities under               American,                   paid/received

                   varying etc.     option                         European etc                per unit

        Warrant           Selling            -1,000            �2.41        AMERICAN         17-Apr-09

  (ii) Exercising

   Product name                        Number of securities under option Exercise price

  eg call option


  Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

  Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person

  relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating
  to the voting

  rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this
  form is

  referenced. If none, this should be stated.


   Date of disclosure                                                          12/02/2008

   Contact name                                                               Louise Howard

   Telephone number                                                         +44 20 7996 2121

   Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected                              BHP Billiton Plc

   Nature of connection #                                                        Advisor

                                                                                                        FORM 38.5

                                       DEALINGS BY CONNECTED EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADERS

                                    (Rule 38.5 of The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers)


   Name of exempt principal trader                                  Merrill Lynch International

   Company dealt in                                                      Punch Taverns Plc

  Class of relevant security to which the dealings                            Common

   disclosed relate

   Date of dealing                                                          11/02/2008


   (a) Purchases and sales

      Total number of securities              Highest price paid                     Lowest price paid

                 17,547                             GBP 6.28                            GBP 6.13

    Total number of securities sold         Highest price received                 Lowest price received

                  8,876                             GBP 6.28                            GBP 6.21

   (b) Derivatives transactions (other than options)

     Product name,             Short/Long                    Number of securities              Price per unit

                 eg. CFD

        Long Swap                LONG                             15,606                         GBP 6.13

        Long Swap                LONG                              1,941                         GBP 6.17

     Product name,             Short/Long                    Number of securities              Price per unit

                 eg. CFD

       Short Swap                SHORT                              656                          GBP 6.27

       Short Swap                SHORT                             3,350                         GBP 6.21

       Short Swap                SHORT                             4,870                         GBP 6.21

   (c)        Options transactions in respect of existing securities

   Product name     Writing,         Number of         Exercise     Type, e.g.   Expiry       Option money
                    selling,                           price

   eg call option   purchasing,      securities under               American,    date         paid/received

                  varying etc.     option                         European etc                per unit

   (ii) Exercising

   Product name                        Number of securities under       Exercise price

   eg call option


  Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives

  Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person disclosing and any other person

  relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating
  to the voting

  rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to on this
  form is

  referenced. If none, this should be stated.


   Date of disclosure                                                          12/02/2008

   Contact name                                                               Louise Howard

   Telephone number                                                         +44 20 7996 2121

   Name of offeree/offeror with whom connected                              Punch Taverns Plc

   Nature of connection #                                                        Advisor

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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