9 años hace
CCBT program like Beating The Blues less effective than standard treatment...
The researchers' cognitive behavioral therapy is effective even lower than the standard treatment, but computers, computer, cognitive behavioral therapy for patients who do not try, you are bound by these methods, we have the problem that sometimes reluctant to participate, "he said.
9 años hace
Investors should complain imo....
To ultrasis customers, they remain selling their interactive program when they are bust, we have no information to say otherwise!
Site last modified 6 September 2015.
Example of people who can be contacted, they are buying a product from a bust company, we have no information to say otherwise.
Administration is expected in next few days according to surely on the moody.
10 años hace
Company shares remain suspended, screenetics sold after PS contract was withdrawn.
CEO remains silent investors left in the dark, no idea what is happening, left to expect the worse, I assume!
Major investors unable to carry on funding after HMRC arrest earlier this year, John Smith posted that he is talking to numerous others about refinancing, no update!
10 años hace
Summary 13/11/2014.
After a positive RNS saying the company is expecting a return to profit, first half of 2015, investors plow in more of their hard earned money, then to be hit with another RNS, major share holder wants to delist, followed by 90% price drop. Investors lost a fortune to-date, the company remain silent!!!!!!!
10 años hace
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2014 guideline about treatment for psychosis and schizophrenia* recommends mental health professionals should offer CBT to people who are experiencing psychosis alongside antipsychotic medication. People should be offered one-to-one therapy for at least 16 sessions over a period of six months or more.
When people are experiencing their first episode of psychosis some may want to try treating their symptoms using only talking therapies, without medication. The 2014 NICE guideline* about psychosis and schizophrenia stresses that CBT for psychosis and family therapy are proven to be more effective when given with medication. However, if someone wants to try family therapy and CBT without medication, NICE recommends* a short trial (up to a month) of talking therapies only. During that time, mental health professionals should monitor their symptoms and when treatment is reviewed, antipsychotics should once again be considered.
People can have CBT individually or in groups. There are self-help versions available for some problems, available in books, on line or via computer. Beating the Blues, for example, is offered by some NHS services to people who have mild to moderate depression.
10 años hace
BtB Clinical Gov Trials April 2014 to April 2015.
Standard treatments for depression in specialty care settings are effective but resources for delivering empirically supported psychotherapies are often limited. Computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (cCBT) is an effective and highly scalable treatment for depression that might help expand services in psychiatric settings, however, little is known about its efficacy in this population.
The present study aims to establish the efficacy of an internet-delivered cCBT program ("Beating the Blues") plus email and telephone support for depression in a psychiatric outpatient clinic setting. The secondary aim is to pilot an assessment procedure designed to identify moderators of treatment effectiveness.
Currently, outpatient psychiatric settings are plagued by long wait times and are often unable to accommodate all individuals seeking services. Furthermore, a lack of trained therapists in these settings means that many treatment seekers do not have access to empirically supported psychotherapeutic treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy.
"Beating the Blues" (BtB) is a computerized, internet-delivered, cognitive behavioral treatment for depression. BtB is highly scalable and might enable a larger proportion of individuals to receive cognitive behavioral therapy in a psychiatric setting while also reducing therapist time. Although computerized CBT interventions have proven effective in primary care settings, there is no research demonstrating the effectiveness of cCBT is secondary care settings in the United States. Thus the primary goal of the proposed research is to test the efficacy of BtB in a specialty care sample.
Patients presenting to these settings tend to have more severe and complex psychopathology than those presenting to primary care. Although BtB is likely effective, computerized treatments do carry a higher risk of dropout and non-response. Therefore, reliable and valid predictors of response are needed to determine who is most likely to respond to the treatment, versus who is likely to fail or drop out. Thus the second aim of the current proposal is to pilot an assessment procedure containing a number of potential predictors of
cCBT response and investigate these predictors for inclusion in a larger validation study.
The current trial is a pilot study with a randomized waitlist control design with optional delayed treatment for individuals randomized to the waitlist condition. We will enroll 90 treatment-seeking adults 18 or older recruited from a pool of individuals seeking outpatient psychiatric services at a hospital clinic. Sixty (n=60) individuals will be assigned immediate treatment group with BtB plus telephone and email support, and n=30 to the wait list delayed BtB plus telephone and email support group. Efficacy will be assessed over 8 weeks using the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (pre to post treatment) and the PHQ9 (measured at weeks 1, 3, 5 and 8). There will also be a 1-month follow-up. Potential predictors of outcome include demographics, CBT skills, personality measures, cognitive functioning, measures of attitudes and beliefs, social functioning, psychiatric comorbidity and depression illness characteristics, and psychophysiological measures.
ClinicalTrials.gov processed this data on October 16, 2014 ...
Computerized cognitive behavioral therapy (cCBT) is an effective and highly ... the efficacy of a internet-delivered cCBT program ("Beating the Blues") plus email and ... Recruiting April 2014 April 2015 April 2015 N/A Interventional Allocation: ...
11 años hace
Silence/News Block/Zero/Nothing/Nowt...
Ultrasis (nomad team) ten points.!
Un-informed ultrasis investors minus one.!
NB training camp active.!
Current trading information ultrasis team ten - investors zero,nothing,nowt,zilch,not a clue,no idea,guessing game,another twist,answers on a post card to woolie appreciated!!
Disgusting that we return to guessing games 2014 was supposed to be our year uh...
Annual accounts in hand, not a whisper for months and months...market spoke confidence low, the ultrasis 2014 saga, paper back from all good stores!
Withholding current information, WHY...!!!!! another sp drop 10.30am..
Only positive drawn from the graph, the low is higher than the previous one