5 años hace
News: $CATO Cato Reports Increase In 2Q Net Income And EPS
CHARLOTTE, N.C. , Aug. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cato Corporation (NYSE: CATO) today reported net income of $11.9 million or $.48 per diluted share for the second quarter ended August 3, 2019 , compared to a net income of $6.5 million or $.26 per diluted share for the sec...
Read the whole news Cato Reports Increase In 2Q Net Income And EPS
5 años hace
News: $CATO Cato Reports June Same-Store Sales Up 8%
CHARLOTTE, N.C. , July 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cato Corporation (NYSE: CATO) today reported sales of $76.6 million for the five weeks ended July 6, 2019 , a 5% increase from sales of $72.9 million for the five weeks ended July 7 , 2018. Same-store sales for the five weeks...
Got this from Cato Reports June Same-Store Sales Up 8%
6 años hace
News: $CATO Cato Reports Decrease In 1Q Net Income And EPS
CHARLOTTE, N.C. , May 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cato Corporation (NYSE: CATO) today reported net income of $21.3 million or $.87 per diluted share for the first quarter ended May 4, 2019 , compared to net income of $23.4 million or $.94 per diluted share for the first qua...
In case you are interested https://marketwirenews.com/news-releases/cato-reports-decrease-in-1q-net-income-and-eps-8233906.html
10 años hace
$CATO DD Notes ~ http://www.ddnotesmaker.com/CATO
$CATO recent news/filings
## source: finance.yahoo.com
Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:07:28 GMT ~ 10-Q for The Cato Corp.
read full: http://www.companyspotlight.com/routers/headline/27629/10004/6429202?cp_code=YAH1&1417738048
Thu, 04 Dec 2014 22:00:36 GMT ~ U.S. retailers' November same-store sales
read full: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-retailers-november-same-store-220036195.html
Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:15:39 GMT ~ Cato Reports November Same-Store Sales Up 7%
[at noodls] - CHARLOTTE, N.C. , Dec. 4, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cato Corporation (NYSE: CATO) today reported sales for the four weeks ended November 29, 2014 of $73.8 million , a 10% increase over sales of $67.3 million ...
read full: http://www.noodls.com/view/B57C81906C066CA55F8BD1F9B7F432426DBD826D
Thu, 04 Dec 2014 12:00:00 GMT ~ Cato Reports November Same-Store Sales Up 7%
[PR Newswire] - CHARLOTTE, N.C., Dec. 4, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Cato Corporation (CATO) today reported sales for the four weeks ended November 29, 2014 of $73.8 million, a 10% increase over sales of $67.3 million for the four week period ended November 30, 2013. Same-store sales for the month were up 7% to the prior year. Sales for the ten months ended November 29, 2014 were $813.8 million, a 7% increase from sales of $762.6 million for the ten months ended November 30, 2013. The Company's year-to-date same-store sales increased 4%.
read full: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cato-reports-november-same-store-120000664.html
Tue, 02 Dec 2014 19:38:56 GMT ~ CATO CORP Files SEC form 10-Q, Quarterly Report
read full: http://biz.yahoo.com/e/141202/cato10-q.html
$CATO charts
basic chart ## source: stockcharts.com
basic chart ## source: stockscores.com
big daily chart ## source: stockcharts.com
big weekly chart ## source: stockcharts.com
$CATO company information
## source: otcmarkets.com
Link: http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/company-info
Ticker: $CATO
OTC Market Place: Not Available
CIK code: 0000018255
Company name: Cato Corp.
Company website: http://www.catofashions.com
Incorporated In: DE, USA
$CATO share structure
## source: otcmarkets.com
Market Value: $1,044,151,705 a/o Dec 05, 2014
Shares Outstanding: 26,168,286 a/o Nov 01, 2014
Float: Not Available
Authorized Shares: Not Available
Par Value: 0.0333
$CATO extra dd links
Company name: Cato Corp.
Company website: http://www.catofashions.com
After Hours Quote (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/after-hours
Option Chain (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/option-chain
Historical Prices (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=CATO+Historical+Prices
Company Profile (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=CATO+Profile
Industry (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/in?s=CATO+Industry
Market Stream (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/stream
Latest news (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/news - http://finance.yahoo.com/q/h?s=CATO+Headlines
Analyst Research (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/analyst-research
Guru Analysis (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/guru-analysis
Stock Report (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/stock-report
Competitors (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/competitors
Stock Consultant (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/stock-consultant
Stock Comparison (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/stock-comparison
Investopedia (investopedia.com): http://www.investopedia.com/markets/stocks/CATO/?wa=0
Research Reports (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/research
Basic Tech. Analysis (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=CATO+Basic+Tech.+Analysis
Barchart (barchart.com): http://www.barchart.com/quotes/stocks/CATO
DTCC (dtcc.com): http://search2.dtcc.com/?q=Cato+Corp.&x=10&y=8&sp_p=all&sp_f=ISO-8859-1
Spoke company information (spoke.com): http://www.spoke.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Cato+Corp.
Corporation WIKI (corporationwiki.com): http://www.corporationwiki.com/search/results?term=Cato+Corp.&x=0&y=0
WHOIS (domaintools.com): http://whois.domaintools.com/http://www.catofashions.com
Alexa (alexa.com): http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/http://www.catofashions.com#
Corporate website internet archive (archive.org): http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.catofashions.com
Call Transcripts (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/call-transcripts
Annual Report (companyspotlight.com): http://www.companyspotlight.com/library/companies/keyword/CATO
Income Statement (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/financials?query=income-statement
Revenue/EPS (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/revenue-eps
SEC Filings (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/sec-filings
Edgar filings (sec.gov): http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0000018255&owner=exclude&count=40
Latest filings (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/filings
Latest financials (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/financials
Short Interest (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/short-interest
Dividend History (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/dividend-history
RegSho (regsho.com): http://www.regsho.com/tools/symbol_stats.php?sym=CATO&search=search
OTC Short Report (otcshortreport.com): http://otcshortreport.com/index.php?index=CATO
Short Sales (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/short-sales
Key Statistics (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=CATO+Key+Statistics
Insider Roster (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ir?s=CATO+Insider+Roster
Income Statement (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=CATO
Balance Sheet (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=CATO
Cash Flow (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cf?s=CATO+Cash+Flow&annual
Major holdings (cnbc.com): http://data.cnbc.com/quotes/CATO/tab/8.1
Insider transactions (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/it?s=CATO+Insider+Transactions
Insider transactions (secform4.com): http://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/CATO.htm
Insider transactions (insidercrow.com): http://www.insidercow.com/history/company.jsp?company=CATO
Ownership Summary (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/ownership-summary
Institutional Holdings (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/institutional-holdings
Insiders (SEC Form 4) (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/CATO/insider-trades
Insider Disclosure (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/CATO/insider-transactions
PST (pennystocktweets.com): http://www.pennystocktweets.com/stocks/profile/CATO
Market Watch (marketwatch.com): http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/CATO
Bloomberg (bloomberg.com): http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/CATO:US
Morningstar (morningstar.com): http://quotes.morningstar.com/stock/s?t=CATO
Bussinessweek (businessweek.com): http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot_article.asp?ticker=CATO
$CATO DD Notes ~ http://www.ddnotesmaker.com/CATO