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Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 meses hace
4K volume??
Acme Investments Acme Investments 1 año hace
Growing up in Cleveland I was always the stepchild of NY!! Always wondered what it would have been like to live there!!
4gh1rx 4gh1rx 1 año hace
re: Leaving on the light

Good thing! It gets kinda dark lurking here in
the backstreets of Gotham - even during
the day!
Acme Investments Acme Investments 1 año hace
I'll leave the light 🕯️ on for ya!!
👍️ 1
4gh1rx 4gh1rx 1 año hace
Might come back some day.
4gh1rx 4gh1rx 1 año hace
....definitely not icbt
4gh1rx 4gh1rx 2 años hace
error msg
Acme Investments Acme Investments 2 años hace
We are still in the game!! One thing is for sure, if it does get revived it will be worth a whole lot more than it is now!!
stju1979 stju1979 2 años hace
Could this summer that our shell will get pickup by someone or entity ?
4gh1rx 4gh1rx 2 años hace
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
New shells will be needed!! As soon as the market starts to recover the next wave of mergers will start!!
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
Last trade July 15..10,000 shares @ .00001 up 900%
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
Small blip!! Whopping 45 shares!!
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
10,000 shares @ call that alive?
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
It's alive!! It's alive!!
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
1 trade in Feb
1 trade in March..none in April,this is DEAD MONEY!
floridaboy floridaboy 3 años hace
Nice SS, buuut still just crickets...
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
We will be in the next wave of Custos!! Wait for it!!
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
I'm just enjoying the ride!!
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
Anthony your right about that. $$$$$$$ICBT
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
Time to throw in the towel.This scam is DEAD MONEY!
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
Beautiful share structure!! Staying updated!! It's all about timing!! If it comes back at the right time it will fly!!
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
You got that right. Shells can turn into a life changer. ICBT
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
.000001 is it possible to add any more zeroes?
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
The market dreams are made of!!
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
Very possible.
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
Dream on!
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
22' will be a good year!! Excellent shell opportunity!!
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
First trade today in nearly a month
1 65,000 $ 0.00001 $ 0.65
65,000 shares for .65
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
Amazed it even traded..totally worthless
0.000001 ? -0.000099 (-99.00%)
Volume: 105,000 @11/05/21 9:32:24 AM EDT
commdude commdude 3 años hace
No point having this on a watch list. Game's over.
floridaboy floridaboy 3 años hace
Ought some @ 3/4 before the lights went out. Keeping them, ya never know...
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
There are many money making stocks out there that does NOT need to be pumped.
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
Went up a few hundred percent a few times.
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
At least MANY have made money here on the past runs.
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
No one could have made any meaningful money here in the past 5 years,but suckers lost everything as it’s now totally worthless.
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
I’m finished,this worthless crap is over.Time for the pumpers to find another POS to pump!
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
It ain't over!!! Till it's over!!!
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
Could care less,my loss here is miniscule..will rather post on real companies,not worthless scams. Doesn’t trade,must be delisted..what took so long?Only 14 years on this waste of time arguing with those pumping this trashI guess I was correct all these years..worthless crap!
Dreamstock Dreamstock 3 años hace
What will you do if they are delisted and you can't post here anymore after 20 years???? That will be a sad day for you.
CMIH CMIH 3 años hace
No, per SEC guidelines they cleaned up the OTC. ICBT is delisted
Acme Investments Acme Investments 3 años hace
Hope it stays for a while!! Waking up to a 10,000 % gains is gggrreeaatt!!
floridaboy floridaboy 3 años hace
Nope, that's as low as low gets...
brightguy brightguy 3 años hace
Is this a misprint? 0.000001
-0.000099 (-99.0%) I think we finally hit ROCK BOTTOM!
Dreamstock Dreamstock 4 años hace
As predicted, going higher. $ICBT
brightguy brightguy 4 años hace
Still at trades so far today! Dead money!
Dreamstock Dreamstock 4 años hace
As predicted, going higher. $ICBT
brightguy brightguy 4 años hace
Time will tell,in any case not a good investment,no company news in over 5 years
Acme Investments Acme Investments 4 años hace
Now I'll give you my prediction!!! It's going back up!!
brightguy brightguy 4 años hace
As predicted this garbage finally hit .0001 today.Party over,nothing more to say here

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