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Duluth Holdings Inc

Duluth Holdings Inc (DLTH)

Cerrado 21 Marzo 2:00PM
Fuera de horario: 5:54PM


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
2.500.370.650.370.510.000.00 %016- %00-

Herramientas de nivel profesional para inversores individuales.


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
2.500.400.550.250.4750.000.00 %015-
5.002.853.102.502.9750.000.00 %01-


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DLTH Discussion

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whytestocks whytestocks 5 años hace
Breaking News: $DLTH Duluth Holdings (DLTH) Q2 2020 Earnings Call Transcript

Image source: The Motley Fool. Duluth Holdings   (NASDAQ: DLTH) Q2 2020 Earnings Call Sep 03, 2020 , 9:30 a.m. ET Operator Continue reading

Read the whole news DLTH - Duluth Holdings (DLTH) Q2 2020 Earnings Call Transcript
whytestocks whytestocks 5 años hace
BREAKING NEWS: $DLTH Duluth Holdings Inc. Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2020 Financial Results

MOUNT HOREB, Wis., Sept. 03, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Duluth Holdings Inc. (dba, Duluth Trading Company) (“Duluth Trading” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: DLTH), a lifestyle brand of men’s and women’s casual wear, workwear and accessories, today announce...

Read the whole news DLTH - Duluth Holdings Inc. Announces Second Quarter Fiscal 2020 Financial Results
ClayTrader ClayTrader 5 años hace
* * $DLTH Video Chart 12-05-2019 * *

Link to Video - click here to watch the technical chart video

bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
DLTH's turning into a monumental loser and I can't find the reason other than the fact that The Street hates retailing. Yes, summer would be slow but summer's almost over.

I heard a lot of TV advertising for DLTH a month or two ago, but none now.

My view has always been that DLTH stores can only thrive in the coldest places... like Duluth. They've opened stores in Texas, Georgia and even Florida lately.
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
I was glad to make a swing trade from it before but I am not sure about down here. Summer for Duluth must be the slowest time.
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Now below IPO price. Quite a tumble today.
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
Guess no one is buying plaid shirts in June.
tavito tavito 6 años hace
Seems we have the beginning of it. Next couple trading days will be very telling.
T695 T695 6 años hace
Cover and watch for reversal
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
DLTH IPO $12.00 on Nov 25, 2015
T695 T695 6 años hace
Short down to $13 or so
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
Where do I find your criteria list?

What do you think about Buffett's TEVA investment? Seems a bit beyond his usual risk tolerance to me.
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Bought it because I've had business dealings with them for decades and their products always sold well. Actually they don't sell that well in recent years. LOL!

Some years ago I made a list for my family of about 17 criteria I use for for stock selection. Originally it was about 14-15 rules and I added a few more with time. The list boils down to this: Buy Blue Chips, never buy tips or cutting edge tech, and don't trade often. Buffett rules generally. Produced better than S&P 500 performance for me for years, and my portfolio should survive tough times when they arrive.

Just scanned the 17 and neither of your two "perpetual start ups" passed more than one or two of the 17 tests. No way would I buy junk like that.

Heck, DLTH fails because it's too small, too young and doesn't pay a regular dividend. DLTH is also a retailer but that's not one of my 17 written rules. Interesting how almost all scams fail the simple dividend test!
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
Saw MMM, seems prone to movements. Do you remember why you bought 3M originally?
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Probably not smart to ask me for tips this week. One of my larger holdings is 3M. Of course I've had it for years.

Market timing doesn't work for Buffett or especially IHUBBers. Huge numbers of locals are mostly in cash because they decided the S&P was too high... five or six years ago. Of course they never admit to that huge mistake. "The More You Trade The More You Lose."
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
Do you have any blue chip suggestions for my Roth account? Are you anti timing your entries?
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
DLTH. I guess it depends on your perspective. Retail is too risky for a buy and hold strategy.

What would you buy?
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
Twitter and StockTwits are loaded up with pumping accounts. I heard that Yahoo message boards are back, but I haven't looked.
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
"I own real stocks and a few funds too. Not many people like to discuss that here. "

IHUB is dying. That's a huge problem for Pennyland rubbish, although some of the pumping has migrated to twitter and facebook. I've been saying for years that the public's lost interest in PLAYING all stocks despite the continuing bull market. They buy index funds or ETFs and are content to hold, as they should be.

BTW, I think I made a good call with DLTH. The market was amazingly quick to pound it after a fairly small miss. No retail stocks for me. I know retailing!

bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Mining especially outside the US is rife for fraud. Would never invest in oil/uranium or something more exotic. No one knows what's going on underground. Certainly not the average IHUB "player."

Just about the first stock I ever bought was in molybdenum mining, a necessary component in steel manufacturing. It was a huge NYSE div-paying stock that was totally legit, and I think I made a few cents. But 30-40 years later I read an article about that company and learned something they never told shareholders... NO ONE wants to work in a dirty dangerous molybdenum mine. Certainly no American when cushy jobs in Las Vegas are nearby.

They'd hire trainees with a fat salary. Something like half would quit the first day.
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Oops. "I'm guessing LWLG is lagging your exceptions."

spell check. Lagging your expectations
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
That stock is wall to wall red flags as I point out when I arrive on a discussion board. I'm guessing LWLG is lagging your exceptions.

As for NIOBF you seem to have lost some enthusiasm for it lately.
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
Perhaps give some consideration to why they would ask you. I think you're getting played by the real scum bags who want you posting while they attempt to spread FUD ahead of a capital raise.
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
I was asked for my opinion on that stock. I've followed LWLG for ages too. Typical IHUB OTC rubbish, always on the brink of actually selling something. Drives players nuts when someone new asks where the audited numbers are. Such a basic request.

inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
How did you end up on my LightWave logic message board? 236 is a paid shill for a scum financing firm called Lincoln Park Capital. He salt boards when Lincoln Park is trying to beat the stock down.
I-Man I-Man 6 años hace
I just read news on Duluth, been receiving their catalogs many years.

Guess there extra big bulge underwear adds just aren't doing it for them??
T695 T695 6 años hace
Short to $13 or so
T695 T695 6 años hace
This’ll be cut in half and then some
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Everyone should be a fan of Bogle. He did so much for all investors not just index fund investors:

"Why Jack Bogle mattered so much to the investing world

-Bogle created the first index fund built around the S&P 500 in 1975. It initially operated under the name First Index Investment Trust.
-Indexing was not his only insight. He sought to outperform by keeping costs as low as possible."

inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
I saw my local index fund guru, Jack Bogle, passed away today and remember that you were a fan of his?
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Off 20%? What da heck happened here today?
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
As far as I know, Sears Auto Center is a profitable entity.
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
Auto centers won't likely survive if Sears doesn't. Same ownership. I remember decades ago when I'd drop off my car for repair and then shop in the mall until fixed. Convenient.
inversor86 inversor86 6 años hace
I agree, for a certain % of their working shoppers. Do you know if the Auto centers will still stay in business?
bar1080 bar1080 6 años hace
DLTH may benefit from the closing of Sears which is a big seller of workwear.
bar1080 bar1080 7 años hace
Yep, next to nothing unless you tie up funds for awhile, a year or two or more. I have cash in MM funds that have yielded exactly ZERO for a few years. The fund sponsor actually loses on them but they want to hold onto depositors like me.

Most interest rates were up a bit more today. That story isn't getting much attention amid the Bitcoin hoopla.
growtheport growtheport 7 años hace
New add to my 401K. In at $16.50ish. A lot to like at this price point and, with the corp tax rate droping from 39% to 21%, more cash for DLTH to grow the brand.
inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
Rising from next to nothing.
bar1080 bar1080 7 años hace
Are you watching interest rates rising? That could be a problem for stocks down the road. It's good news for me as I have lots of cash earning about zero in MM funds and short term CDs.
inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
I see a very similar sized trade that dropped DLTH back in June, if you look at the Ihub 1 year chart.
bar1080 bar1080 7 años hace
The fact that swing trading boards die out suggests that people don't make money in them over long periods. Also, be careful with any investment or investing style that's fun.

I prefer slow, boring growth stocks. My Boeing doubled in 2017 or so, just increased its div 20% (again) and it has virtually no IHUB following. #1 Dow stock in 2017. Fabulous track record for 100 years!!!

Why no IHUB following? Because it's boring. DLTH could be good once the IPO froth wears off and they stop running ads on TV. Virtually none of my winners advertise on TV.
inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
I expect Christmas sales to be great. URBN has been doing well. I've never seen more day time and shopping traffic in my entire life.

Swing trading, for me, is somewhat easy, maybe because I enjoy it. But I am not maintaining wealth, I'm trying to create it. I don't see how someone can loose real money buying and selling in and out of long term trading ranges.

Following GE at all? A buy and hold failure for so many.
bar1080 bar1080 7 años hace
IHUB's had tons of swing trading boards. Virtually all died out quickly.

As for DLTH, I decided years ago to avoid anything connected with retailing, even online and catalog. That was a profitable decision. Should have sold my Walgreens as part of that thinking. On the plus side, there's a feeling that Christmas selling may be good this year, and a belief that some retailing will survive, perhaps thrive.

inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
Bid drop, might be worth buying for a swing trade!
inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
Long lasting clothing is pricey. He bought a few $90 pair of pants, waterproof jacket, shirts, flannels, socks, underwear, belt. My brother is not afraid to spend money. He's the ideal customer. Lots of discretionary income and working in an environment that utilizes the benefits of the clothing fully. Yesterday he told me that he ordered more items online on Saturday.

Duluth seems to put a lot of thought into their goods. Outside pockets on jackets that have grommeted portals inside so your headphones can go through to the inside, brilliant. On the heavy duty work pants, when you flip the side pocket flaps up they hold themselves straight up until you flip it down. They have a very straightforward system to tell you exactly what temperature items are ideal for. And everything is comfortable and flexible.

Carhart is working on upping their own creativity.
bar1080 bar1080 7 años hace
What the heck did he buy there? Been hearing some TV ads for them. That makes a lot more sense than those ads they ran back in springtime. They really need cold weather.
inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
My brother spent over $1000 at a DLTH store over the weekend.
inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
I half expect Amazon to get slapped with some sort of anti-trust. More because Trump doesn't like what the Washington Post writes about him than anything else.

DFS had a nice run. 58 to 65. Still worth buying IMO. Hard to find secure large-cap stocks at a discount. I've been having more luck buying and selling odd cars, classics etc. Still trying to buy a horse. Most of my money is still invested but I have a low low six-digit cash position right now which is unusual for me and about 100k worth of cars in limbo.

Kind of funny and even more offtopic, being single again I'm getting much more in touch with the 25-33-year-old crowd. Their finances are atrocious. Like, I can't even comprehend how some decisions are made or how stupid the parents are that co-signed or just allowed some of it to happen. I think I should start a company where people just pay me to make their decisions for them or advise them on anything having to do with decisions costing over $500.
bar1080 bar1080 7 años hace
One stock really hurt me this month, Walgreen's. The whole drugstore sector is crashing from Amazon's announcement that it's considering selling prescriptions.

OTOH, stocks that are Amazon-proof are at record highs. I doubt Amazon will ever make aircraft (LOL!). Hence, Boeing is soaring. Rockwell Automation continues to outperform. What a great stock, and totally unknown to IHUBers.

DLTH still doing well compared to most retailing stocks.

inversor86 inversor86 7 años hace
I bought DFS between $58.30-$59.50 and sold at $61. Up to $64 today, breakout missed.