green maschine
1 año hace
Plasma donations dropped drastically during the pandemic and is now recovering.
The plasma industry is a very lucrative business which pays the donors $30 - $50 for 880ml of plasma if not donated for free. That same 880ml bottle is then sold to biotechs for $1,000+ for R&D and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. This company was founded in 1940 and is involved in all aspects of plasma - from donation centers to final products.
"The company's products and services are used by healthcare providers to diagnose and treat patients with hemophilia, immune deficiencies, infectious diseases, and other medical conditions. Grifols, S.A. has collaboration agreements with Canadian Blood Services for the processing of other plasma-derived products, and with GIANT and GigaGen to develop recombinant polyclonal immunoglobulin therapies."
6 años hace
News: $GRFS Grifols Announces FDA Approval of Xembify®, 20% Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Primary Immunodeficiencies
BARCELONA, Spain , July 4, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Grifols (MCE:GRF) (MCE:GRF.P) (NASDAQ: GRFS), a leading global producer of plasma-derived medicines, announced today that Xembify ® , its new 20% subcutaneous immunoglobulin, has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F...
Read the whole news Grifols Announces FDA Approval of Xembify®, 20% Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Primary Immunodeficiencies
10 años hace
Grifols Reports Solid 2014; No Fair Value Estimate Change as Fundamentals Remain StrongFont size: A | A | A
9:34 AM ET 2/26/15 | Morningstar
10:53 AM ET 2/26/15
Symbol Last % Chg
34.12 0.71%
34.14 0.78%
Real time quote.
Grifols reported strong results for 2014, with 22% top-line growth (24% at constant currencies) and a 32% adjusted EBITDA margin. This was slightly below our forecast on the top line, but profitability was stronger than we expected, putting bottom-line performance closer to our forecast. We're maintaining our EUR 34 per share ($39 per ADR) fair value estimate, and we remain confident in Grifols' narrow moat, which rests in its significant cost advantages in the global plasma market. While performance was boosted by the Novartis diagnostics acquisition in January, about 60% of Grifols' revenue is derived from North America, likely giving the firm a strong currency tailwind in 2015 and driving continued double-digit growth this year.
Grifols' plasma sales were weaker in 2014, which we believe is due to ex U.S. Factor VIII pressure and a more competitive U.S. hospital sales environment. The Bioscience division (now 75% of revenue) grew 2.6% in 2014 (4% at constant currencies). Performance has improved each quarter this year, but the 4.8% constant currency growth in the fourth quarter was well below the 8% growth in 2013. We think this is largely due to double-digit declines in sales of the firm's Factor VIII products in a very competitive environment, as recombinant products are increasingly used in emerging markets. However, Grifols noted that the U.S. plasma market was quite competitive in 2014 and that it did increase marketing and negotiate contracts (probably implying some pricing pressure, even in this higher-priced market). We think these comments apply to the immunoglobulin market, confirming recent comments from CSL, which pointed to pricing pressure for its fighting brand Carimune in price-sensitive hospital channels. However, we continue to view the top three global plasma firms as holding significant cost advantages over smaller players, and we think pricing power remains strong for premium brands, which are increasingly used chronically and at home.
10 años hace
CEO Antonio Estabanell EDM
"We have used the falls to get more Grifols and Applus"
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EDM ManagementGrifolsGathered TechniquesIndraCatalana OccidenteMutual fundsFinancial marketsBusinessEconomyFinance
Estabanell Antonio, CEO of EDM.
It is one of the oldest Spanish managers, with 25 years of life. Of Catalan origin, a specialist in Spanish and European equities and a pioneer in alternative investment. In late September administered 2,400 million.
Question. What are the main strengths of EDM?
Answer . Independence. Our sole aim is to offer good long-term results for our clients. As managers we have a selection based on individual assets in the portfolio, looking for companies that can grow, having good fundamental valuations but paying the right price style.
Q. After a week of vertigo in the stock market, do you think that falls mark a turnaround or are punctual?
R. 're in a very nervous market, which at the slightest wobble there are important corrections for psychological reasons we are nothing more than opportunities. We have seized falls to reinforce positions in securities with good long-term prospects, as Grifols, Applus, Essentra or Aggreko.
Q. How will behave markets?
R . We believe that given the situation in Europe, with such stagnant growth, monetary policy rates so low, rather than a country approach will be a large scatter in the prices of securities. We can have the stock of a country with shares having an excellent behavior with other nefarious behavior. The banking sector will behave similarly in different countries, since their results depend more on how the macroeconomic situation work.
Q. What are your favorite settings?
R . A value that is strongly Acerinox have bet, because it is a company that has done its homework. We like, as I said, Grifols, Catalana Occidente, Techniques Gathered and Indra. We believe that good deeds give good long-term results. We currently have more Spanish portfolio values ??at other times.
Q. And in Europe, what are your bets?
R . We weighted Roche. We see great opportunities in Capita Group, British company outsourcing and the German software giant SAP.
Q. In your opinion, how does the behavior of the bond?
R . The situation will be fixed very low yields for some time. The investor has to be aware of the environment in which we are, which are very low and even negative inflation. You have to look at real interest rates.
P. His connection to Catalonia, do you harm?
R . We do not position ourselves as a manager of Catalonia. We deposited vehicles in Ireland and Luxembourg. Our investment scope is global. The fact that our management team is in Barcelona is an anecdote.
Q. What changes in taxation?
R . We positively lowering of taxation on capital gains. Regarding income, we do not believe that there will be much decrease in taxation of the middle segments of the tax. Regarding Plan May expect their development. It does not seem very attractive need to be transformed into an annuity. We believe that increase individual pension funds.
EDM Management is present in Spain, Ireland, Luxembourg and the past year in Latin America funds sold through two American trading platforms, Pershing and DBH.
Q. Why have entered Latin America?
R. We felt that our expertise in security selection and management style was transferable to that geographical area initially but European values ??have launched a fund that invests in Latin American stocks. We manage 200 million euros there.
Q. What values ??provide more travel puddle jumping?
R . Dufry, a company of Swiss origin, but gives sales services in major Latin American airports. We also betting on the Brazilian bank Itaú and cosmetics firm Natura. And in Chile Falabella.
P. The political situation in Venezuela, Bolivia or Argentina, can affect the Spanish firms involved in the markets?
R. There are important uncertainties for companies operating in those countries. However, the consolidation of political systems can have very sustained growth in Peru, Colombia and Mexico.
P. Son of the pioneers in alternative investment, this business is dead?
R. With the financial crisis has changed much alternative investments. For private banks is probably dead because it is difficult to understand for the customer, but not for institutions. The volume of assets between institutional has increased and currently manage 80 million euros.