5 años hace
$HLX | #HelixEnergy Surges On Earnings
May be setting up a short squeeze , after posting earnings surprise
Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. is an international offshore energy company. It focuses on subsea construction, maintenance and salvage services to the offshore natural gas and oil industry. The firm also provides specialty services to the offshore energy industry, with a focus on well intervention and robotics operations. The company operates through three segments: Well Intervention, Robotics and Production Facilities. The Well Intervention segment offers vessels and related equipment that are used to perform well intervention services primarily in the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea regions. The Robotics segment involves four chartered vessels and also includes ROVs, trenchers and ROVDrills designed to complement offshore construction and well intervention services. The Production Facilities segment includes its investment in the Helix Producer I and Kommandor LLC. Helix Energy Solutions Group was founded in 1979 and is headquartered in Houston, TX .
Daily Chart Analysis on NYSE & NASDAQ-listed Companies:
5 años hace
Dec 18 2019
Helix Robotics Solutions awarded Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm project work
Aberdeen, Scotland, December 16, 2019 – Helix Robotics Solutions Limited has been awarded three scopes of work for the Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm project by EDF Renewables.
Gary Aylmer, Helix Robotics Solutions Vice President – Europe and West Africa, stated “This is a significant award for Helix as it represents an expansion to our current renewable offering - to better support the development of the UK’s offshore renewable energy sector. As a company based in Scotland, we are immensely proud to have been selected by EDF Renewables to perform the work on a Scottish offshore windfarm and look forward to working with them and the local supply chain in delivering this significant project.
7 años hace
Either my instincts are right on the mark or what we're seeing here is a reaction laced with disapproval over the merger involving MDR. I suspect it's a combination of the two.
HLX is moving independently of any sudden change of perception stemming from a move predicated by a need to consolidate with another company for the sake of financial stability. In spite of the fact that HLX has seen fit to put itself up for sale, the fact remains that HLX is very much in command of its future, at least until such time as the company elects to change something. As of this moment, nothing of the sort has emerged.
My take is that MDR is being regarded as having moved in concert with financial discomfort. That equates to a position of weakness, doesn't it?
No surprise, then, that we find MDR down 2.69% while HLX is above 4.37%.
As is my policy, my participation at this early stage follows:
Shares held: 300
Cost basis: $7.08
I'm operating on margin (borrowed $). This speaks to my positive expectations for HLX despite its being in the throes of struggling to rise above suffocation common to many entities within the hydrocarbon sector. My hope is to find ways to add meaningfully to my temporarily anemic position.
Good luck to others pursuing this pick.
8 años hace
Well, I'm underwater here but things could be a lot worse, I guess.
So for now I await public sentiment leveling out a bit as I'm sure we all know will soon follow. After all, we're going through the first moments of uncertainty following Mr. Trump's moving into the Oval Office. Mixed emotions were sure to follow as anybody can understand.
Hang tight, folks. This is a fine company and an excellent investment vehicle. Right now, we're caught in a storm and it's too big for HLX to manhandle alone. So we await sunny skies. It will be.
8 años hace
Today is sure peculiar, isn't it? HLX appears to be cycling through a market churn. Usually it's the result of market manipulation with computers executing rapid-fire trades designed to kill investor confidence.
I got lucky selling most of my position yesterday but I came close to buying on today's dip. I didn't give in as I'd have to use margin and I'm unwilling to use more than is already in play. But I'm absolutely convinced that HLX will be springing back soon. There's nothing out there suggesting otherwise.
What today tells us is that this stock is available to wicked manipulation. We know it can happen with any stock, naturally.
But the ones it happens to are usually chosen carefully. I believe a qualifier for such activity is a normally calm trading pattern. NGL would be a good example, ALDW another. But I'd be nervous if NGL or ALDW suddenly dropped a dollar or two.
I'm holding HLX, albeit a reduced position. I don't do options so the only clock I have to respond to is my own.
I think you'll be ok unless the Big Bad Timekeeper is determined to make things rough for you. I hope it works out, though.
8 años hace
There's a contest happening in this poster's portfolios---involving HLX & MDR versus KNOP.
For the sake of 100% visibility I feel compelled to disclose that I've sold much of my HLX and may temporarily liquidate altogether.
After digesting things said in my previous post, I gradually came to realize I wasn't being 100% true to my own rules of investing, namely that I almost never sacrifice an income-producing winner in lieu of a pure speculative play.
So I came to the conclusion that there's no time like the present to lunge for the income producer...not because of the income, mind you, but the certainty I'm sensing on the capital appreciation side of KNOP.
Spec plays depend upon stars lining up favorably as everybody must surely know. If things go exactly right, then we dance in the streets with a fistful of freshly minted profits. But it's predicated on "...if things go exactly right." Even then, assuming things go according to Hoyle, the dollars result from our being on top of things/events and being available and ready to execute the trades. Also, we usually ladder our sells just as we will on the buy side as we accumulate our desired positions.
With an income producer that we are especially confident about, we don't question the income side until our positions are sufficient to warrant it. Instead, we focus entirely or nearly so on the appreciation side for this is where our chances for immediate gratification will lie. This is what makes distributions so alluring as they become icing on the cake.
There's no doubt in my mind but that KNOP should be at $25+ and not
in the $22 area. And as I look at my holdings it comes as no surprise that KNOP is one of just two out of eleven picks showing green. If I'm right, then, KNOP may surge by 12% fairly soon.
I'm growing ever more convinced that KNOP is destined to become our next major winner and that means I've got to embrace it as determinedly as I have NGL and ALDW.
Then I look at the bigger picture and am hit with the "What if?" syndrome:
What happens if I sell MDR and HLX, two of my three purely spec plays? (HDYN is the third.)
This is a head thing for me as I feel somehow safer with a few of these youngsters hanging around. And this is where and when I need to pick myself up by the britches and get back on track. I am an old man having a huge amount of great fun in the market while sharing details on the boards. Good things coming my way here happen as a result of guidelines I've put in place. Making money is not an accident, by any means.
So I've got to go with my proven winners whose times seem to be opening up right now, not way off somewhere in the future.
Please understand HLX and MDR have been great winners for me repeatedly in the past. But right now---today, in fact, I've found opportunity to grow my KNOP position at a smart price point and I'd be the fool to not respond accordingly.
I hope you folks will make your own decisions independently of my way of going about it. I have no reason to think your instincts are less deserving of our mutual respect than mine or anyone else's. So have at it and let us know what and how you self-manage.
My best of good fortune to all here!
8 años hace
Fishing works for you and is all that matters in my opinion.
Too much to pay for a stock pick?
It must address to some degree how much the investor feels comfortable putting at risk. And it invariably has to come down to how prepared the purchaser is. This may mean researching a lot. For me it's always a combination of finding comfort in the business model and management's success over the past two years or longer. I rarely get involved without that much available to me.
I never approach the checkout counter in a store without knowing what the cost of my items is. It has nothing to do with what is affordable, but everything to do with my need to be comfortable in paying the asking price. When it comes to a stock, I've got to believe that the price I pay today will pale in comparison to the value I see ahead. If I don't find a pleasant number floating in my head, I will not buy the stock. Once Trump is firmly in office, I think it would be reasonable to expect to find HLX back above $10, given that the Gulf of Mexico is on the cusp of breaking wide open. Ditto with MDR. I can see $8+ in the case of MDR.
I'm very open on the NGL and ALDW boards as to my expectations and why.
That said, then, if I don't seem to have concrete ideas as to near-to-mid-term expectations, I don't buy the stock. I know that sounds like a lot of needless pressure but my wallet would tell you otherwise.
When it comes to accepting gains---I have a saying I coined some years ago: "I never met a profit I didn't like."
I NEVER think little of a profit no matter how trifling it might seem to others. A win is a win. Add enough of them together and you become a winner!
Liquidating is one thing, taking profits is another. I love to take profits and believe strongly in doing it. But the only time I liquidate is when I no longer see opportunity to eke out strong gains AGAIN. If a stock is handing you gains, why would you kill the goose? Grab them thar golden eggs and feel blessed for you are.
When I need cash, I'll look to winners with cash-rich gains on the table and, of course, I'll sell off some. But I almost never sell more than half of the position except for when I've soured on the stock itself. That's when I dump it all. Some insist I marry some of my stocks. But I know better for it's important to love your wife despite the ups and downs. So long as she appreciates you for who and what you are, who could ask for more? Same with a great pick---marry the damned sucker and love that relationship!
In the end, then, I buy when I see potential. I sell when I need money for something with greater promise. And I liquidate when I need to divorce myself from a dying company.
Lastly--- It's hard to reset our rules when we're not behind them 100%. This is an easy one for me as I've created a few rules I almost never violate. An example or two:
I sell spec stocks when I've enjoyed the expected run. I always take at least half of the gains and put them into an income producer, no ifs, ands or buttheads (me, lol). This ensures that I'm respecting my own rules I designed to protect my interests.
The year 2015 handed me a 46% overall gain in the market. This past year it came to 65.9%. If you've been ploughing cash into some of these picks, then you're enjoying similar gains.
I have no projections for this new year now upon us but I will say I'm having a fantasy of ALDW moving to $27 or more and NGL possibly making it into the $30's+. With deep positions in both, I may make it into the 70% range or more.
One last word--- four years ago I held 83 individual stocks. I did well but gradually came to see that for me, at any rate, embracing a lot of picks meant I was not free to really get behind my choicest picks. If I'm working with $200K, for example, putting half of that into a stock I'm absolutely positive is about to break out (within 6 months or so) may benefit me dramatically whereas spreading it out equally over thirty picks is the worst dilution imaginable.
I want to find winners and really get behind them. This is why I've got 71% of my investable cash in these two picks. I see no point in putting a lot of money into any pick with limited upside.
CEQP is an incredible find and I can easily see $35 or more later this year. My cost basis is $11.59. I'll be happy with HLX at $11. MDR will please me at $10. And KNOP is the one I know I need to chase and accumulate.
I think I've run out of stuff. I do hope it has value to some folks here. Looking forward to a fantastic new year with all of you!
8 años hace
Yours is a hugely fascinating message in a number of ways.
It's 7am Sunday morning and I've got a workout pending---abdominal stuff. And then it's off to church. But as we've heard:
"I'll be back!"And I will be back for I'm feeling a pull to see if I can't be of a little help here. There are questions such as:
1. Do we sometimes find internal roadblocks preventing us from letting go of the absence of reason?
2. How much is too much to pay?
3. How little is too little to accept for our gains?
4. What is an acceptable extrication practice when liquidating?
5. Why is it so hard to reset my own rules of investing?
These are issues I find myself facing every day. And it's appropriate, given that I've chosen to make my living this way and have stuck to it for a quarter century now. Times change, we must change with them. If we fail to keep up, then we kill any possibility of maintaining a personal standard.
To me that sounds like a formula for outofkilterization. Some might call it an invitation to insanity but I don't. We're simply identifying a process that CAN ENABLE us to define and then redefine ourselves in various ways specific to self-initiated foraging.
Virtually all we do is part of that process, from eating to sleeping to exercising to----you name it, it's part of our design to prolong and/or increase the quality of our lives.
Gotta go but this is something I'm looking forward to exploring further with you and I'm expecting others may find something useful as well.
8 años hace
You are so thoughtful! It's a pleasure finding your notes, really.
I love a good story. Sometimes it's about choosing a particular stock and at other times it's mostly about figuring out how to survive at all. In the end, I view all of these things as well as related issues as part of the process of foraging. You know this.
There've been some stunning successes for sure, I know by your picks that you get the big picture without getting messed up in the lesser details that often obscure an investor's judgment.
CEQP, for example, is in four-bagger territory. NGL is knocking on the 2-bags door now. The others are clearly well into the profit zone and just need to be left to do their thing.
I'm of the belief that ALDW is going to break out any day now and absolutely definitely within a month. NGL is already trudging ever higher.
Sometimes there's a voice from within that seems to just scream at me. It's been this way for about twenty-five years now. A psychologist friend and I used to share picks and life stories until he got married to a high flying business lady in her own business and he moved out of the area. He maintained that market success or failure results from the marriage of intellect and instinct. I know he's onto something but I've never seen it in print by the hand of a market guru, so it remains a question mark in my mind.
Anyhow, at times stocks speak calmly to me, or they tell me it's time. Then some will insist I make a move and I can't help but notice when they yell at me. But when they scream "ASSHOLE!" I throw caution to the wind and submit to a force greater than my own, whatever that might be.
It's funny for me as I look back at what I've said here yet there's one unalterable truth I can't escape:
I've never failed to stumble upon a huge gain when I've yielded to "The Scream." lol
NGL has been an enormous winner for me. ALDW has been in my stable since the IPO but it was only this year (first quarter and towards the end) that the screams were undeniable. I've got a growing gain already ($32.3K) but I'm absolutely certain this will take off soon on a far greater scale. How I wish others would/could trust themselves enough to take a chance!
As for HLX? The whole robotic part is going to make a huge mark. And this one along with MDR will both be dazzling, I believe. There's no scream yet but I see good times ahead...especially in the case of MDR as it moves into greater Gulf of Mexico operations.
You're posting wonderful numbers, by the way. I love hearing stories such as yours. 2016 handed me a 65.9% overall gain. I'm pleased, of course, but more than anything...I'm especially appreciative that I'm able to crank out good returns for myself and friends year after year.
This is going to be the ALDW/NGL year to top all years. I could not be more sure of it. These two picks represent 71% of my total stock-based value. I currently hold 25,000 units of ALDW and 6,000 units of NGL.
Life is sure exciting when you're having fun!