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Enterprise Products Partners LP

Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD)

Cerrado 22 Marzo 2:00PM
Fuera de horario: 5:45PM


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado
29.004.306.204.425.250.000.00 %01-
29.503.855.700.004.7750.000.00 %00-
30.003.305. %00-
30.502.824.650.003.7350.000.00 %00- %11121/3/2025
31.501.973.450.002.710.000.00 %00-
32.001.412.191.651.800.000.00 %04-
32.500.871.621.391.245-0.28-16.77 %4421/3/2025
33.000.740.980.840.86-0.36-30.00 %46321/3/2025
33.500.360.540.370.45-0.55-59.78 %1339621/3/2025 %27881421/3/2025
34.500. %501,37621/3/2025 %01,759-
35.500. %16121/3/2025 %066-
36.500. %00- %2721/3/2025
37.500. %00- %00- %00-

Herramientas de nivel profesional para inversores individuales.


StrikeCompraVentaUltimo PrecioP. MedioVariaciónVariación %VolumeInt AbiertoÚltimo Operado %01-
29.500. %00- %019-
30.500. %02- %013-
31.500. %06- %0177-
32.500. %91621/3/2025 %3841821/3/2025
33.500. %4129421/3/2025 %538621/3/2025
34.500.640.870.720.7550.2450.00 %161721/3/2025 %00-
35.501.371.931.471.650.000.00 %02-
36.001.433.550.002.490.000.00 %00-
36.502. %00-
37.002.784.700.003.740.000.00 %00-
37.502.995.200.004.0950.000.00 %00-
38.003.755.654.454.700.000.00 %00-
39.004.756.655.495.700.000.00 %00-


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EPD Discussion

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pete807 pete807 2 meses hace
Good Morning and Happy 2025 to you too Tom.
Few partnerships are run better than EPD. None come to mind as they seem to factor all possible scenarios into their conservative steady increase of distributions over the decades-long time line.
Thanks to the philosophy Dan Duncan began with and Rhonda and the board have followed.
Stay warm
👍️ 1
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 2 meses hace
And far more generous to their holders!
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 2 meses hace
Hi Pete,
The EPD chart is rather pretty for the last three years:

Let's hope either for a continuing trend upward or a nice, healthy correction so we can add shares back to inventory in our Equity Warehouses!

Best wishes for 2025,
pete807 pete807 2 meses hace
Distribution raised to .535.
EPD is safer than a bank!
👍️ 2
Lime Time Lime Time 4 meses hace
EPD 34.63 🚀
👍️ 2
velcro velcro 4 meses hace
One month ago, I doubled my EPD investment. EPD pipelines will be carrying more volume as both oil and gas production increase.
👍️ 2
Lime Time Lime Time 4 meses hace
Hello 32s EPD 🚀
👍️ 2
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 4 meses hace
We're stacking up more and more new share price highs here.
This is shaping up to be a banner year for EPD.
Best wishes,
👍️ 1
Think1st Think1st 4 meses hace
Thank you both..
I see insider sold if I read it correctly.

If one knows how to trade..Great..
For me sometimes take some off the table...however one must know how to do it.
have 125 grand in treasury earns 4.46 %
Looking to sell some and get 7 % that's why I bought epd. Et is in same business though didn't buy it.
Bought spyt it earns 20%
Lost ton on lwlg
👍️ 1
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 4 meses hace
Hi T 1st,

Cash is currently earning a good portion of what EPD pays in dividends. If I collect a LIFO gain of 25% to 30% trading around my core holding, those $$$ can sit a while at ~5% interest and quite a bit of time can pass with no trades and Time/Value hasn't been hurt.

I look at both Frequency and Amplitude of price movement. I could have higher frequency of trades, but only by lessening the amplitude needed to trigger those trades. In other words, smaller profits with more frequent trading or larger profits with fewer trades. I've chosen the second as this is a higher yielding investment.

It's like shopping. Do you want to buy a $30 Shirt on SALE for $29.95 or wait for them to be selling two shirts for $23? When black swans fly over, I'll be there to harvest their eggs.

Best wishes,
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 4 meses hace
Hi T 1st, Re:Current price $31.46 & you say it will fall to 23.85????

I have no idea where the price will go next. I use 20/20 hindsight, not a 50/50 guess about the future. I have a plan, it says "If the price should drop to around $23.85 you should look to accumulate 12% more shares." Not a prediction, just how I'll react if it does dip. Same with the Next Sell target. It may never hit $33 but it might also go to $40. In either case, I have a plan. I'll unload 10% of the remaining position if it goes much above $33. If it continues on from there, I'll still have shares to sell if it reaches all the way to some much higher number.

In between is what some might call the 'hold zone.' Nothing happens there except to collect the distributions as I await the chance to profitably trade around my core position value. The inventory management method is based on Robert Lichello's AIM model, first described in his book in 1977. I adopted his inventory control method in 1988 and have used it on all my investments ever since. My motto is "Buy from the Scared, Sell to the Greedy." There's about a 25% to 30% gap in between the buy and sell targets, so that generates enough profit on a round trip to justify missing a dividend or two for a while.

Hope this helps,
pete807 pete807 4 meses hace
Frequency of daily vs weekly attention to it is the difference IMO. Hence my narrower bookends.
As I hold longer and rely on both Q and monthly D's I have increased reward with less risk.
A larger cash reserve and with the addition of good monthlies I will often sell for that 5% while calculating the swings leading up to monthly vs. quarterly.
Fine tune your trading. Oh, and mostly avoid penny plays, Too few are real, and be happy to miss that 1% that are... JMO
👍️ 2
Think1st Think1st 4 meses hace
I hear.however to post on a ten dollar drop, to then get in.
Is just too much.. its now $31.60 if one says if it drops 3-4 % that's reasonable
pete807 pete807 4 meses hace
I will answer for him.
First, understand the 1400+ institutions that manage money for clients move money in and out of EPD. Every trading day there is the long and short side trading working to capture bits and cover fees to do that managing.
He sets bookends, which is wise IMO. Know your plan to take profit, and when you think the price says invest.
EPD is a rare solid respected MLP operator. We are lucky to be limited partners. My core is about 25% of my equities.
I also recently took profit and hope to add back at the bid I placed in July @ 25.71.
As a long time holder and follower I know my bookends are a bit narrower than his but I adjust them more often, lol. We still think alike.
My last add was 5/18/2020 @ $17.88
Good Luck trading
👍️ 1
Think1st Think1st 4 meses hace
Current price $31.46 & you say it will fall to 23.85????
👍️ 1
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 4 meses hace
10% of my EPD share inventory was shipped off to new owners yesterday at $31.415. I've reset my targets to $23.85 to accumulate 12% more shares and $33.07 to liberate 10% more inventory.
All's well in the Equity Warehouse. The Sales Dept took the rest of the day off!

BTW, my last addition of shares was back in 2020 at $16.79/share with a yield at above $10%, I believe.
Lime Time Lime Time 4 meses hace
Dividend hit. Pretty good EPD 🚀
👍️ 2
Lime Time Lime Time 4 meses hace
Nice to hear from you and your thoughts EPD.

I'll hold mine, divi goes into penny play with huge potential. Profit from penny plays goes back into this and the cycle continues. 2025 will be a great year for stocks.
👍️ 1
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 4 meses hace
Best to you as well, Pete.

Taxing unrealized gains. How to kill an economy with mindless bureaucrats. SMH.
👍️ 1
pete807 pete807 4 meses hace
Hi Phil,
Like OldAIMguy's profile siggy that I responded to says... Buy from the scared, sell to the greedy. We been here a long time.
In the case of EPD it is my least risky play, so fear not, save up even couch change and buy on ex day for a quick 50+ cent sustained payback When the D is covered, shortly thereafter. Hold for at least 3 months for another 50+ cents, or for a decade or two for "all" the capital returned without taxation, as a partner. You knew the idea to tax unrealized gain was idiotic.
Somewhere around 1450 institutions own shares in EPD. Yahoo says 1454. Last month 700+ were buyers and 400+ were sellers. Truth be known different desks of the same institutions probably do both all the time. They move in and out to cover the fees they charge to manage private money.
My kids will get a stepped up cost basis and hopefully will learn to do the same as I did.
-be well
👍️ 3
pos_stock_hoarder pos_stock_hoarder 4 meses hace
I love reading posts from folks like you. Very educational. If I ever accumulate more of this gem, I'll have to put on my thinking cap. For now, with only 400 shares, I'm just holding and worrying.

OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 4 meses hace
Hi Pete, Re: Inventory Management of EPD shares.................

I need $30.77 to make my target for reducing the share count. That's very close at hand.
The last activity I had was a buy, quite some time ago. It would be nice to have some Round Trips again.

Best wishes,
👍️ 1
pete807 pete807 4 meses hace
GM Tom,
Almost flipped some at over 30, but moved back down so fast above the 70RSI line I waited a bit too long yesterday to hit the button, lol.
Because of the uncertainty before Nov 5.
Now it is back and I am there again. Today I got it done.
Been having to raise my buy back bids on this very strong company, but we won years ago picking it, anchors my philosophy, which was reaffirmed this week.
Good to connect with you again,
take care,
👍️ 2
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 4 meses hace
Hi LT,
Nice dividend along with solid price appreciation in 2023 and 2024.
Note that the Accumulation/Distribution line has been favorable for a long time.
EPD is approaching a price where I'll reduce share inventory a small amount.
Cash will be set aside for future "restocking" of share inventory.
Best wishes,
Lime Time Lime Time 4 meses hace
EPD 52 week high today 30.12

Love the divi here 🚀
👍️ 1
RubyMartin RubyMartin 6 meses hace
So $.525 on Nov. 14, 2024 for holders of shares on close of Oct. 31.
👍️ 3
Think1st Think1st 7 meses hace
Ok Bought EPD @ 28.67
Thank you
Would of bought ectm
However refuse to pay the $5 fee for buying, etrade charges
👍️ 1
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 8 meses hace
.....and just like that, EPD's yield is back above 7.3%/yr............
Lime Time Lime Time 8 meses hace
29.99 come on 30s 🚀
👍️ 2
RubyMartin RubyMartin 8 meses hace
$.525 On Aug.14th for holders of shares on close of July 31st.
👍️ 2
pete807 pete807 10 meses hace
I'll tel Gary when I see him you were rambling....
Lime Time Lime Time 10 meses hace
Break 30 bucks next week. Fat divi hit my account love it 🚀
👍️ 1
RubyMartin RubyMartin 11 meses hace
Again $.515 On May 14 for holders on close of April 30
tdeck tdeck 11 meses hace
Whats up brother, well your EPD has been a shining star well done was so tempted to jump in for Doug but just need not steady great income as it give you, I need some Peace Out focus to get Doug where he needs (wants and I promised) to be by years end, but man you really picked a sweety in EPD give credit where credit is due.

Hope Doug sent you the links about a month ago about your area of expertise midstream upstream they said a few months ago was severely undervalued.

Send me a text I cannot find your number on the phone want to have a chat and I am paying $13 a month to PM until I know the yo's are gone but I am here until pluck my nerves, LOL.

One thing a heads not so much an investment more a flip (only because I don't do the investing longterm in the drilling game) but borr had a hit lately because Saudi Arabia cancelled a few rigs and that was a gut punch but they had finally started paying divies it hit $9 I think a good number to shoot for for a flip is anywhere between $7.50-8.00 opened up just above 6 on news at 4AM but I think decent % flip I am gonna try to grab some $5.50-6.00 on open sell the news dip, we shall see. u just a swing to make the Augie dog some steak money LOL hope the Augie dog is doing good been thinking about him.

Will be seeing you more than likely January just a couple day stop am heading out to have a look at Montana for a home, but may make it August as I am supposed to go to Boeing classic with Doug and between idiots that are in the airports and on planes now and the Boeing planes as of late (where would one start) if I go I am gonna take a sleeper car and stop various places along the way, we will speak and see when and if is good time with the misses hope she is doing well I send my best. I probably will go in August it's like but even taking the sleeper car on Amtrack I still have to go to Seattle blah, but he's my buddy and asked more than a few times so I am gonna bite the bullet most likely make a month long trip out of it and deal with the crazies in Seattle for a week then the rest wherever just to stretch my legs for a minute as I am almost done mommys house.

Okay sorry EPD guys i started talking about it but had to speak to him on something else my apologies, and BTW as I told Gary damn good turn of events here, he always knew, sometimes us younger know it alls need to listen to the old dogs, makes us look in the mirror and check our young arses LOL

Congrats to all, futures so bright you gotta wear shade.

peace out.
pete807 pete807 12 meses hace
GM Tom, Another bank

Scotiabank raises $EPD PT to 31 from 30. Banks know where to put money, even though they wish it were in your accounts with them.

Each month banks give a tiny fraction of the 7% tax free distribution, as those pennies appear rather miniscule on our statements.

OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 12 meses hace
EPD tipping the scales at nearer $30/share. Value Line offers an 18 month "Appreciation Potential" of $23 to $32. It's 3-5 Year estimated potential is $45 to $70! Even the lower end of that would make me smile.

From Value Line:

Enterprise’s finances ought to able to manage its large construction program. The partnership reduced spending in 2021 and 2022, but it returned to more normal levels in 2023. The U.S. has become the world’s biggest exporter of LNG and EPD should benefit from this.

MLP investors may want to take a closer look at these neutrally ranked units. The current yield of around 8% is well above the Value Line median and in line with other midstream entities. Moreover, potential returns out to 2027-2029 are attractive. In addition, the partnership size and presence in all the major shale plays and end markets makes it less vulnerable to a specific problem in any sector or territory.

James A. Flood February 23, 2024
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 12 meses hace
Hi Pete, Re: Spreading it around...............

I own EMLP as a catch-all in this space, too. It's in a different portfolio. I trim it by 5% as prices climb and add 6% on the dips. Roughly there's a 20% LIFO turn on the round trips. They don't happen very often, however!

Thanks for the thoughts. Barclays upper target is about where I'll let the next 10% of shares go.

Best wishes,
pete807 pete807 12 meses hace
Barclay's is a bigger name player than Truist, with the latest upgrade which you probably noticed.
Barclays upgraded our steady $EPD to $31. I moved the long term sells higher after selling 8% which were short term. None left to take off the table.
I started a position in MPLX to compliment my energy long term passive income with MLP's strategy.
Bought the dip...
👍️ 1
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Nice to be aboard for a breakout
👍️ 2
Lime Time Lime Time 1 año hace
28 bucks. Hit new 52 week high.

I diggit
👍️ 2
Lime Time Lime Time 1 año hace
One penny short from 52 week high 🚀
👍️ 1
OldAIMGuy OldAIMGuy 1 año hace
Hi Pete, Re: EPD Price and Upgrade.......................

Those are just above my next targeted harvest price. I'll take some $$ off the table at $30.77 for future rainy day purchases.

I now have about 16% more shares in EPD than when I started and slightly more cash held in reserve as well. Without dividends, the holding is up 19%. I've had 5 Buys and 4 Sells of incremental amounts over the holding period. The best accumulation price was $13.48 while the best distribution price was $29.38 so far.

Through those small, opportunistic trades, I've been able to take a stock that's only gone up 3.8% and managed to increase the return to 19%. Collecting EPD's generous distributions has also helped in the total return.

Best wishes,
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Another upgrade
Truist Securities raises price target to $33 from $31
👍️ 2
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Beat consensus by .04
Crude pipeline volume up 15% all time record
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Jump in earnings.
Jim Teague speaks to the current state of affairs
👍️ 1
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Steady as she goes
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Thanks for letting me know. Good luck to you as well. I have flipped short term shares that were up more than the generous dividend and plan to get them back. The long term core is 2/3 of the position, untouched for years. The rest I treat like the 1500 institutions that are invested in EPD. They move the money in and out to increase the earnings and cover their fees they charge clients to invest their money. Today is the last day to earn the .515 distribution because of the + 2 day settlement.
👍️ 1
buford78 buford78 1 año hace
Thanks Pete,

I appreciate the help. You are correct.
Got the same response from Investor relations.
Good luck to you in the new year, and all your ventures.

pete807 pete807 1 año hace
Enterprise Products Company, formed in 1968 by Dan Duncan and two partners as a wholesale marketer of natural gas liquids.
It became the current Master Limited Partnership (MLP) in 1998. It could be you knew it back in the 80's as the name you said. Those shares would not be the same now. I have held it all the way back to my father's time last century.
Hope this helps.

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