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Thorntons Plc (THT)

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20/08/201502:00UK RegulatoryOfficial List CancellationLSE:THTThorntons
12/08/201504:48UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Compulsory Acqn of Thorntons SharesLSE:THTThorntons
31/07/201502:42UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Total Voting RightsLSE:THTThorntons
31/07/201501:01UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Offer Update - Offer ExtensionLSE:THTThorntons
23/07/201501:00UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Notice of Cancellation of ListingLSE:THTThorntons
21/07/201505:13UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Form 8 (DD) - Ferholding UK LtdLSE:THTThorntons
17/07/201501:00UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Offer Update - Extension of OfferLSE:THTThorntons
15/07/201502:12UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:THTThorntons
14/07/201501:59Alliance NewsAlliance NewsThorntons Takeover By Ferrero Is Wholly UnconditionalLSE:THTThorntons
14/07/201501:00UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Offer Update - Offer declared wholly unconditionalLSE:THTThorntons
08/07/201509:29UK RegulatoryCredit Industriel et Commercial Form 8.3 - Thorntons PlcLSE:THTThorntons
08/07/201507:54UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Rule 2.10 AnnouncementLSE:THTThorntons
07/07/201509:02UK RegulatoryLSV Asset Management Form 8.3 - [Thorntons PLC]LSE:THTThorntons
07/07/201502:10UK RegulatoryInvestec Bank plc Form 8.5 (EPT/RI) - Thorntons PlcLSE:THTThorntons
02/07/201501:52UK RegulatoryPeel Hunt LLP Form 8.5 (EPT/RI) - Thorntons PLCLSE:THTThorntons
01/07/201512:05Alliance NewsAlliance NewsFerrero Says Offer For Thornton Unconditional As To AcceptancesLSE:THTThorntons
01/07/201511:32UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Offer unconditional as to acceptancesLSE:THTThorntons
01/07/201502:29UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Blocklisting Interim ReviewLSE:THTThorntons
30/06/201511:57UK RegulatoryMaven Trading Limited Form 8.3 - Thorntons plcLSE:THTThorntons
30/06/201509:29UK RegulatoryM&G Inv Management Ltd Form 8.3 - Thorntons PlcLSE:THTThorntons
29/06/201509:38UK RegulatoryCigogne Management Form 8.3 - Thorntons PLCLSE:THTThorntons
29/06/201509:29UK RegulatoryCredit Industriel et Commercial Form 8.3 - Thorntons plcLSE:THTThorntons
26/06/201502:31UK RegulatoryPeel Hunt LLP Form 8.5 (EPT/RI) - Sinclair IS Pharma PLCLSE:THTThorntons
25/06/201504:08UK RegulatoryFerrero International SA Form 8 (OPD) Ferholding UK LtdLSE:THTThorntons
24/06/201511:20UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Rule 2.11 AnnouncementLSE:THTThorntons
24/06/201511:19UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Form 8 (DD) - Thorntons PLCLSE:THTThorntons
23/06/201510:17UK RegulatoryThorntons PLC Form 8 (OPD) - Thorntons PLCLSE:THTThorntons
23/06/201507:47UK RegulatoryHotchkis & Wiley Cap Mngmnt LLC Form 8.3 - Thorntons PlcLSE:THTThorntons
22/06/201511:24UK RegulatoryMaven Trading Limited Form 8.3 - Thorntons PLCLSE:THTThorntons
22/06/201509:23Alliance NewsAlliance News2nd UPDATE: Thornton's Accepts GBP112 Million Offer From Italy's FerreroLSE:THTThorntons
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