RNS Number : 3288L 
Japan Leisure Hotels Ltd 
05 May 2010 

5 MAY 2010 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                ("Japan Leisure Hotels", "JPLH" or "the Company") 
                Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
Japan Leisure Hotels (AIM: JPLH) announces its final results for the year ended 
31 December 2009. JPLH's current portfolio comprises 6 hotels with 242 rooms. 
This announcement does not constitute the Company's full Annual Report. It 
consists of extracts from the Company's Annual Report for the year ended 31 
December 2009: the Chairman's Statement, Asset Manager's Report, Financial 
Statements and Abridged Notes. 
·    Continued steady trading during a severe recession; daily occupancy rates 
of the portfolio remain in excess of 240% 
·     Recommendation of interim dividend of 1p per share in respect of 2009, in 
line with previously stated intention 
·     EBITDA margin before asset management fees increased to 38.2% in 2009 from 
34.5% in 2008 * 
·     Cash from operations in 2009 increased to JPJPY243 million (GBP1.7 
million) (2008: JPJPY213 million (GBP1.1 million)) 
· Cash position of approximately JPJPY413 million (GBP2.8 million) with no debt, 
compared to JPJPY263 million at the end of 2008 
·     Adjusted NAV of JPJPY108.41  (74p ) per share as at 31 December 2009 
·     Refurbishment and rebranding of Yokkaichi expected to be complete by the 
end of May 2010, on time and within budget 
·     Numerous  attractive acquisition opportunities continue to be available 
Alan Clifton, JPLH's Chairman, commented: 
"I am pleased to report that Japan Leisure Hotels performed well in 2009 despite 
the deepest global recession in living memory. This has enabled us to deliver on 
our promise of recommending a cash dividend in respect of 2009. Trading to date 
in 2010 continues to be very challenging, but JPLH's performance during the last 
two years provides comfort that it can perform well even in a difficult 
environment. The Directors are therefore cautiously optimistic with regard to 
prospects for the current year." 
Stephen Mansfield, Asset Manager, commented: 
"There is a growing awareness of the opportunity in the Japanese leisure hotel 
industry.  The challenge is to grow the business so that operational 
efficiencies will generate further  improvements in margins.  Our progress to 
date provides us with every confidence that we can move to the next stage of our 
A full copy of the 2009 Annual Report is available in PDF format on the 
Company's website, www.japanleisurehotels.com. The Annual Report is expected to 
be posted to shareholders by the end of May 2010. 
*      Excludes Yokkaichi hotel 
| Asset Manager                | +81 3 4550 1808                     | 
| Steve Mansfield              |                                     | 
|                              |                                     | 
| Shore Capital (NOMAD to      | 020 7408 4090                       | 
| JPLH)                        |                                     | 
| Dru Danford                  |                                     | 
| Stephane Auton               |                                     | 
|                              |                                     | 
| Pelham Bell Pottinger        | 020 7337 1509 or 07802 442486       | 
| Archie Berens                |                                     | 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                ("Japan Leisure Hotels", "JPLH" or "the Company") 
                Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT 
I am pleased to report that in 2009, Japan Leisure Hotels ('JLH') performed well 
in the face of the deepest global recession in living memory, the impact of 
which was particularly severe in Japan. To have withstood these headwinds and 
not only managed to maintain the revenues of the business in a deflationary 
environment but also to have increased the free cash flow from the business is 
testament not only to the leisure hotel industry's relative insulation from 
recessionary forces but also our management team's abilities.  If we look at the 
performance in real terms, taking account of deflation in 2009 of 3%, revenues 
have effectively increased by 4% compared to 2008. 
As we have previously observed, it is the lack of privacy in Japan that is the 
key driver that underpins the leisure hotel industry.  Nevertheless, commercial 
skill and high standards are required to operate successfully and we are 
fortunate to have a team who exhibit these qualities in abundance. 
Financial Performance 
Last year, our portfolio of leisure hotels continued to enjoy high levels of 
occupancy, albeit not quite as high as historically. Revenue for the portfolio 
for the full year grew marginally to JPJPY 1.20 billion (GBP8.2 million), 
compared to JPJPY1.18 billion (GBP6.1 million) in 2008. REVPAR1, however, 
declined from JPJPY14,215 (using annualised figures for Yokkaichi) to 
Careful management of the operations, and a significant reduction in energy 
costs from 2008, resulted in increased operating profit before exceptional items 
of JPJPY33.3 million compared to JPJPY9.6 million in 2008. Similarly, cash from 
operations in 2009 was JPJPY243 million (GBP1.7 million), compared to JPJPY213 
million (GBP1.1 million) in 2008, resulting in a cash position as at 31 December 
2009 of JPJPY413 million (GBP2.8 million) (2008: JPJPY263 million). Our company 
is free of debt and continues to generate strong cash flows. 
JLH's portfolio of 6 leisure hotels was valued by Colliers International (Hong 
Kong) Ltd at 31 December 2009 at approximately JPJPY4,632 million. When this is 
combined with other net assets, including cash, the Adjusted Net Asset Value as 
at 31 December 2009 was JPJPY4,780 million (GBP32.5 million) or JPJPY108.41 
(74p) per share. 
The Directors concluded that a change in the application of its accounting 
policy was necessary to ensure that tax liabilities are recognised in the same 
period as income for accounting purposes. As a result of this change in policy, 
the 2008 figures have been restated in two important areas: the amount of 
negative goodwill was reduced to reflect the tax that would ultimately be 
incurred if that benefit were actually realised; and the tax expense was 
1              REVPAR: revenue per available room per day 
It is gratifying to announce that, as a result of the Group's cash resources 
having been built up to a sufficient level, an interim dividend will be 
recommended in respect of 2009.  This is in line with our previously stated 
intention.  An interim dividend of 1p per share will be paid on 20 August 2010 
to shareholders on the register as at 7 July 2010 and the record date will be 9 
July 2010. 
The Board hopes again to be in a position to recommend a dividend payment at 
this point next year, subject to a continued resilient business performance by 
our hotels. 
Management and Administration 
During the year, Mark Huntley resigned from the Board as a non-executive 
director. We thank Mark for his contribution and the role he played in the 
listing of the company on AIM. 
Since the year end, we have appointed Praxis Property Fund Services Limited as 
the Company's Administrator in place of Heritage International Fund Managers 
Current Trading and Outlook 
Trading to date in 2010 continues to be very challenging and revenue levels are 
falling short of 2009. However, there is hope that with the improvements in the 
Japanese economy, greater confidence will filter through to consumers in general 
and they will become more willing to spend during the remainder of the year. 
JLH's performance during the last two years provides comfort that it can perform 
well even in a difficult environment. The Directors are therefore cautiously 
optimistic with regard to prospects for the current year.   In the longer term, 
the Board is steadfast in its intention to pursue its goal of delivering 
sustained cash returns to investors through pursuit of its declared corporate 
We remain convinced that the opportunity still exists to become a major 
consolidator in the leisure hotel market in Japan.  We believe that having 
successfully demonstrated our ability to grow earnings and cash, and pay a 
dividend, we are an even more attractive proposition to potential investors. 
Not all owners and operators of leisure hotels have managed their way through 
the recession as astutely as our Asset Manager, resulting in plenty of 
distressed assets becoming available on attractive terms. We continue to 
investigate ways of raising the necessary finance to take advantage of these 
opportunities to grow our portfolio.   Our intention would be to renovate and 
rebrand them, as we have successfully achieved with our first acquisition. This 
would provide worthwhile economies of scale, enhance the value of our brand and 
increase our ability to generate cash, thus offering the prospect of improved 
levels of dividend payments. 
Annual Meeting 
We look forward to discussing our current strategy and recent performance with 
shareholders at the Annual General Meeting, to be announced in due course.  This 
will be held at the registered office of the Company, Praxis Property Fund 
Services Limited, Sarnia House, St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands. 
Alan Clifton 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                ("Japan Leisure Hotels", "JPLH" or "the Company") 
                Final Results for the year ended 31 December 2009 
                             ASSET MANAGER'S REPORT 
The Japanese economy 
2009 was a very challenging period for Japan. The economy posted a 5% decline in 
GDP during the year, the worst recession since the Second World War, but 
recovered in the final quarter with growth of 1.1%, which translates to a 4.6% 
annualised increase. Deflation returned with a vengeance; prices were on average 
3% lower in January 2010 compared to January 2009. There was also an historic 
change of leadership in the government with the Liberal Democratic Party being 
removed after 54 years of almost unbroken rule and being replaced by the 
Democratic Party of Japan government under the leadership of Yukio Hatoyama. 
Clearly, like many other countries in the world, Japan has many economic issues 
to address: growing deflation, a cut back in the public investment introduced 
last year now looms and national debt is twice the country's GDP. On the other 
hand, fears of a double dip recession are now receding, as the global economic 
problems subside and export demand returns. 
The new government appears determined to tackle the problems of deflation; the 
Bank of Japan injected JPJPY10 trillion of virtually interest free liquidity 
into the banking system in November with the objective of reducing the strength 
of the yen and helping to boost export earnings, although the currency has so 
far shown little sign of responding.  Nevertheless, Japan's new finance minister 
has stated that he wants the Bank of Japan to be more accountable and has 
started to apply pressure for a formal inflation target to be set. 
Japan's foreign policy appears to be shifting as well with moves being made to 
establish stronger economic ties with the rest of Asia, especially China. It 
remains to be seen how this will play out but it is indicative of a fresh 
Although consumer spending remains low the leisure hotel sector has shown great 
resilience, as in previous recessionary periods. In a country where 80% of 
people live in densely populated cities and where multi-generational households 
are the norm, spending quality time with a partner continues to be seen as a 
necessity as opposed to a discretionary luxury. Moreover, the fact that the 
Consumer Confidence Index rose for the third successive month in March will only 
improve consumer spending. 
The leisure hotel industry 
The Japanese leisure hotel industry consists of approximately 25,000 hotels with 
an average of 24 rooms per hotel. The industry's turnover is estimated at more 
than JPY4 trillion (UKGBP30 billion) per year, with approximately 500 million 
visits made each year, translating into over two million Japanese visiting one 
of Japan's  leisure hotels each day. 
In an industry with such a fundamentally robust demand and significant size, it 
would be natural to expect it to be well consolidated - but this is not the case 
with the leisure hotel industry in Japan. The fragmentation of the industry 
persists and, in the current environment, may even be increasing. No single 
operator controls more than 100 hotels and 90% of owners own five or fewer 
The strategy of consolidating the industry is even more compelling now than it 
was when Japan Leisure Hotels listed in 2008.  There is now an even greater 
number of leisure hotels available for sale in Japan which can be refurbished 
and re-branded and, through this consolidation, value can be realised. We 
believe that these current conditions in the leisure hotel industry are 
unprecedented and provide us a unique opportunity to gain a significant market 
share in this industry - provided we have the resources at hand. 
There is a real opportunity for operators of size and those with the management 
infrastructure to maintain their hotels at high standards to benefit from the 
maturing of the industry and its expected consolidation. 
Financial Results 
Presented below are statements of the EBITDA2 relating to the hotel operations, 
based on audited figures, for the year ended 31 December 2009. 
|                   |   Bonita Portfolio    |      Yokkaichi        |        Total          | 
|                   | 2009      | 2008      | 2009      | 2008      | 2009      | 2008      | 
|                   | JPJPY'000 | JPJPY'000 | JPJPY'000 | JPJPY'000 | JPJPY'000 | JPJPY'000 | 
| Revenue           | 1,099,188 | 1,153,491 | 99,305    | 34,066    | 1,198,493 | 1,187,557 | 
| Variable          | (570,012) | (608,013) | (60,522)  | (30,125)  | (630,534) | (638,138) | 
| operating         |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
| expenses          |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
| Fixed operating   | (205,820) | (228,065) | (29,538)  | (23,380)  | (235,358) | (251,445) | 
| expenses          |           |           |           |           |           |           | 
| EBITDA            | 323,356   | 317,413   | 9,245     | (19,439)  | 332,601   | 297,974   | 
The overall performance of the hotels has been pleasingly resilient in the face 
of the prevailing economic conditions and considering that no significant 
investment has been made into any of the hotels for the last three years. 
Overall guest numbers were up slightly on 2008 to 190,897 (2008: 189,928), and 
this is reflected in the revenue figures up to JPJPY1,198,493,000 from 
JPJPY1,187,557,000. It should be noted that the main reason for the increase is 
the fact that the hotel in Yokkaichi purchased in August 2008 was open for 
business for all of 2009, and it made a positive contribution to EBITDA. For the 
Bonita portfolio3, the number of guests declined by 5.9% and sales by 4.7%, 
reflecting the significant problems in the broader economy combined with an 
expected softening in performance at some of the hotels versus the competition 
as some of our properties head towards their scheduled capital improvements. 
We took the strategic decision to operate the business for the best returns 
possible. This has required Bonita Hotels to maintain its focus on quality and 
experience and sacrifice higher occupancy, in some locations, to some of our 
competitors where they have engaged in severe price competition. 
| 2| EBITDA comprises earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and    | 
|  | amortisation and excludes the operating expenses of the Guernsey    | 
|  | companies. Revenue shown here differs from "revenue" shown in the   | 
|  | Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income because it includes  | 
|  | other income that is attributable to the operation of the hotels    | 
|  | that is included in "other income" in the Consolidated Statement of | 
|  | Comprehensive Income.                                               | 
| 3| The Bonita portfolio refers to the five hotels that are operating   | 
|  | under the Bonita brand located at Sendai, Yamagata, Isawa, Komaki   | 
|  | and Matsusaka                                                       | 
Notwithstanding this, operating expenses decreased, due largely to a fall in 
energy costs, but also to reductions in energy use, a shift to self laundry at 
more of the hotels in the last year and more efficient staff scheduling.  This 
has resulted in an increased EBITDA in terms both of gross amount - by 1.9% - 
and EBITDA margin4 - from 27.95% to 29.42% from the previous year5 -  and an 
increase in cash from operating the hotels, before tax6 JPJPY306.4 million in 
2008 to JPJPY343.2 million. 
The following key performance indicators illustrate the performance of the 
Bonita portfolio: 
|           |    2005     |    2006     |    2007     |  2008   |  2009  | 
| REVPAR    |JPJPY10,506  |JPJPY15,350  |JPJPY16,572  |  JPJPY  | JPJPY  | 
|           |             |             |             | 16,206  |15,443  | 
| Occupancy |    160%     |    239%     |    254%     |  257%   |  242%  | 
| rate      |             |             |             |         |        | 
| EBITDA    |  (43.5)%    |    25.5%    |    28.7%    |  27.5%  |29.42%  | 
| Margin    |             |             |             |         |        | 
 Operating commentary 
At the end of the period Bonita Services assumed the operations at Matsusaka, 
Komaki and Yokkaichi hotels from the previous operator; this change will improve 
the delivery of services to our guests and drive more consistency across the 
As stated above, the renovation of Yokkaichi is almost completed and it is 
scheduled to reopen as the sixth Bonita branded hotel towards the end of May. As 
part of the renovation process we have developed our own management software and 
integrated this with both the entertainment system to improve the guest 
experience and the air-conditioning and lighting system to improve energy 
efficiency; we expect this action to provide significant benefits in the future. 
Despite the continuing tough conditions for consumers they continue to respond 
positively to our flexible and attractive prices, we continue to win new guests 
and our loyalty programme is the key means of retaining existing guests. Our 
loyalty schemes and mobile and online marketing initiatives remain effective. 
Mobile marketing has been especially successful, with a 43% increase in the 
number of visits to the Bonita hotels website via mobile phone. We have also 
seen a slight increase in the overall number of members of our loyalty scheme. 
There are continuing efforts to upgrade the guest services across the Bonita 
chain as a whole. One of the most significant improvements of 2009 was the 
implementation of a group wide food and beverage offering which included the 
implementation of a centralised procurement system. These initiatives have shown 
a good return so far. The introduction of a new menu has had a particularly 
strong impact, with revenue per item served up between 60% and 130%, depending 
upon the location of the hotel.  We expect further improvements and a positive 
impact in 2010. 
As noted earlier, a number of the properties are now reaching the point where 
some significant expenditure will be required to maintain the competitiveness of 
the property. For example, our Komaki property opened almost exactly five years 
ago.  Our plan is to provide an update to each property at the five year point. 
| 4| EBITDA margin is EBITDA expressed as a percentage of revenue        | 
| 5| Under the terms of the asset management agreements, fees paid to    | 
|  | the asset manager with respect to the Bonita portfolio increased by | 
|  | 19% in 2009. Excluding asset manager fees, EBITDA margin on the     | 
|  | Bonita portfolio increased from 34.51% to 38.19%                    | 
| 6| Calculated by adding tax paid as shown in the consolidated          | 
|  | statement of cash flows and the Guernsey total profit as shown in   | 
|  | Note 7 to the accounts to net cash from operating activities as     | 
|  | shown in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                   | 
However, for Komaki and other properties, we have chosen to delay action. There 
are a number of new processes we have instigated for the renovation at Yokkaichi 
which we will seek to utilise during future renovations at other properties.  We 
would expect work to start in Komaki towards the end of this year or early in 
The current opportunity 
The combination of Japan Leisure Hotels and New Perspective is unique in this 
industry. Both are exclusively focussed on this industry alone and are committed 
to a transparent operating ethos; this sets us apart both from the many 
operators for whom leisure hotels are a small adjunct to a main business, and 
from the more specialised private chains in the industry.  There are 
considerable economies of scale to be gained from operating a hotel group of 
size. Combined with the creation of an established and visible brand in an 
industry that lacks any brand recognition, these would provide significant 
competitive advantages. 
The current financial crisis continues to provide a plethora of opportunities to 
acquire assets from financially distressed businesses; these businesses are on 
the whole sound but are currently facing refinancing issues in the current 
environment. Consolidation and the resulting economies of scale would allow a 
larger group to provide significantly better value to its guests and thus 
increase competitive pressures on the smaller operators which would ultimately 
allow the larger operators significantly greater pricing power. 
Opportunities to acquire suitable assets to add to our portfolio continue to be 
available and, if anything, these opportunities are increasing.  Although 
corporate bankruptcies have fallen from their peaks of last year, the number of 
owners of leisure hotels who are seeking to divest these assets has risen as 
lenders continue to refuse to extend loans due to their desire to strengthen 
their balance sheets. It remains a buyer's market. 
We have demonstrated that we can grow guest numbers, maintain revenues, manage 
costs and improve the profitability of, and free cash flow from, the properties 
in the face of considerable headwinds from the economy as a whole. Yokkaichi is 
on track to further establish the Bonita brand and differentiate it from the 
rest of the market and once again proves our ability to successfully renovate 
and rebrand a hotel on time and within budget. This confirms our ability to 
execute the strategy we have sought to pursue. 
Economic conditions in Japan appear to be improving slowly and there is a 
growing awareness of the leisure hotel industry's size and resilience.  We are 
increasingly hopeful that this, together with our performance to date, will 
persuade a greater number of investors to invest in JLH and allow us to release 
the value that is available in the market.  There is evidence of an increased 
level of interest from a variety of sources of investment in the sector, which 
gives us encouragement as we consider ways of raising new finance. 
We are confident and see the current trials and tribulations in the industry as 
a significant opportunity for any investor. Our vision is to develop our 
business into an established, mainstream part of Japanese life. This will be 
achieved by delivering consistently high standards of service to our guests 
through strong management and training for our staff.  Our intention is to make 
the guest experience one that all our guests will seek to recapture time and 
again. We will continue to challenge the norm and seek new and innovative 
offerings for our guests and seek to challenge our suppliers to deliver the best 
value for money.  This will result in a business which is not only transparent 
for investors but will provide exceptional returns. 
Our challenge is to create the scale that is required to build the business into 
a leading player in the Japanese leisure hotel industry. Our progress to date 
provides us with every confidence that we can move to the next stage of our 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                      For the year ended 31 December 2009 
|                                  |       |                    2009 |  |                    2008 | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                Restated | 
|                                  |Notes  |               JPJPY'000 |  |               JPJPY'000 | 
| Revenue                          |  6    |              1,197,181  |  |              1,183,950  | 
| Total Revenue                    |       |              1,197,181  |  |              1,183,950  | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Raw materials and consumables    |       |               (123,011) |  |               (124,648) | 
| Personnel costs                  |       |               (279,838) |  |               (276,242) | 
| Depreciation and amortisation    |       |               (230,401) |  |               (217,141) | 
| Other expenses                   |  7    |               (530,651) |  |               (556,306) | 
|                                  |       |             (1,163,901) |  |             (1,174,337) | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Operating profit before          |       |                 33,280  |  |                  9,613  | 
| exceptional item                 |       |                         |  |                         | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Negative goodwill                |       |                         |  |                586,946  | 
|                                  |       |                       - |  |                         | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Profit on operations             |       |                 33,280  |  |                596,559  | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Net loss on sale of tangible     |       |                   (228) |  |                 (3,068) | 
| assets                           |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Other income                     |       |                 11,271  |  |                         | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                       - | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Net foreign exchange losses      |       |                 (1,102) |  |                (36,410) | 
| Finance income                   |       |                    259  |  |                 11,487  | 
| Finance costs                    |       |                    (14) |  |                         | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                       - | 
| Cost of warrants                 |       |                         |  |                 (2,364) | 
|                                  |       |                       - |  |                         | 
| Net finance costs                |       |                   (857) |  |                (27,287) | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Profit before taxation           |       |                 43,466  |  |                566,204  | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Taxation charge                  |  8    |                (23,142) |  |                (21,520) | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Profit for the year              |       |                 20,324  |  |                544,684  | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Total comprehensive income for   |       |                 20,324  |  |                544,684  | 
| the year                         |       |                         |  |                         | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Profit attributable to:          |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Owners of the Company            |       |                 17,805  |  |                542,442  | 
| Non-controlling interest         |       |                  2,519  |  |                  2,242  | 
| Total profit for the year        |       |                 20,324  |  |                544,684  | 
| Total comprehensive income       |       |                         |  |                         | 
| attributable to:                 |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Owners of the Company            |       |                 17,805  |  |                542,442  | 
| Non-controlling interest         |       |                  2,519  |  |                  2,242  | 
| Total comprehensive income for   |       |                 20,324  |  |                544,684  | 
| the year                         |       |                         |  |                         | 
|                                  |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Basic earnings per share (Yen)   |  9    |                    0.40 |  |                   12.83 | 
| Diluted earnings per share (Yen) |  9    |                    0.32 |  |                    9.91 | 
| Adjusted earnings/(loss) per     |  9    |                   0.40  |  |                  (1.05) | 
| share - basic (Yen)              |       |                         |  |                         | 
| Adjusted earnings/(loss) per     |  9    |                   0.32  |  |                  (0.81) | 
| share - diluted (Yen)            |       |                         |  |                         | 
|            |     |     |         |    |  |                         |  |                         | 
| All items in the above statement are derived from continuing operations.                        | 
|            |     |     |         |    |  |                         |  |                         | 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                  Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
                              At 31 December 2009 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                   2009 |          |                   2008 |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |               Restated |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |Notes  |              JPJPY'000 |          |              JPJPY'000 |          | 
| Assets                         |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Non-current assets                        |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Property, plant and equipment                        |  |       |             4,899,264  |          |             5,055,240  |          | 
| Intangible assets                         |          |  |       |                32,883  |          |                 3,872  |          | 
| Rental deposits                           |          |  |       |                 3,220  |          |                 3,420  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |             4,935,367  |          |             5,062,532  |          | 
| Current assets                            |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Inventories                    |          |          |  |       |                21,971  |          |                18,354  |          | 
| Trade and other receivables                          |  |       |                17,874  |          |                62,805  |          | 
| Cash and cash equivalents                            |  |       |               413,424  |          |               263,369  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |               453,269  |          |               344,528  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Total assets                              |          |  |       |             5,388,636  |          |             5,407,060  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Liabilities                               |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Current liabilities                       |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Trade and other payables                             |  |       |               135,578  |          |               165,069  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Non-current liabilities                   |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Deferred tax liabilities                  |          |  |  8    |               203,749  |          |               214,304  |          | 
| Other long-term payables                             |  |       |                 1,298  |          |                        |          | 
|                                                      |  |       |                        |          |                      - |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |               205,047  |          |               214,304  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Total liabilities                         |          |  |       |               340,625  |          |               379,373  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Total net assets                          |          |  |       |             5,048,011  |          |             5,027,687  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Equity                         |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Share capital                             |          |  |       |                97,121  |          |                97,121  |          | 
| Distributable reserve                     |          |  |       |             4,365,514  |          |             4,365,514  |          | 
| Retained earnings                         |          |  |       |                555,220 |          |               537,415  |          | 
| Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company   |  |       |             5,017,855  |          |             5,000,050  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Non-controlling interest                             |  |       |                30,156  |          |                27,637  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Total equity                              |          |  |       |             5,048,011  |          |             5,027,687  |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
| Net asset value per share                            |  |  10   |                    JPY |          |                    JPY |          | 
|                                                      |  |       |                 114.47 |          |                 114.01 |          | 
|                                |          |          |  |       |                        |          |                        |          | 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                      For the year ended 31 December 2009 
| For the year ended 31               |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| December 2009                       |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |             Share |          Share |  Distributable |          Retained |              Total |    Non-controlling |              Total | 
|                 |           capital |        premium |        reserve |          earnings |      shareholders' |           interest |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |             equity |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |         JPJPY'000 |      JPJPY'000 |      JPJPY'000 |         JPJPY'000 |          JPJPY'000 |          JPJPY'000 |          JPJPY'000 | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| At 1 January    |           97,121  |                |     4,365,514  |          537,415  |         5,000,050  |            27,637  |         5,027,687  | 
| 2009            |                   |              - |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| Total           |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| comprehensive   |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| income for      |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| the period      |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
+                 +-------------------+----------------+----------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ 
|                 |                   |                |                |           17,805  |            17,805  |             2,519  |            20,324  | 
|                 |                 - |              - |              - |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| At 31           |           97,121  |                |     4,365,514  |          555,220  |          5,017,855 |             30,156 |         5,048,011  | 
| December        |                   |              - |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| 2009            |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| For the year ended 31 December                       |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| 2008 restated                                        |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |             Share |          Share |  Distributable |          Retained |              Total |    Non-controlling |              Total | 
|                 |           capital |        premium |        reserve |          earnings |      shareholders' |           interest |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |             equity |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |         JPJPY'000 |      JPJPY'000 |      JPJPY'000 |         JPJPY'000 |          JPJPY'000 |          JPJPY'000 |          JPJPY'000 | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| At 1 January    |                   |                |                |           (5,027) |            (5,027) |                    |            (5,027) | 
| 2008            |                 - |              - |              - |                   |                    |                  - |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| Issue of        |           94,757  |     4,643,102  |                |                -  |          4,737,859 |                    |          4,737,859 | 
| share           |                   |                |              - |                   |                    |                  - |                    | 
| capital         |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| Share issue     |                   |      (277,588) |                |               -   |          (277,588) |                    |          (277,588) | 
| expenses        |                 - |                |              - |                   |                    |                  - |                    | 
| Conversion      |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| of share        |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| premium         |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| account         |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
+                 +-------------------+----------------+----------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ 
|                 |                   |    (4,365,514) |     4,365,514  |              -    |                    |                  - |               -    | 
|                 |                 - |                |                |                   |                  - |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| Cost of         |            2,364  |                |                |              -    |             2,364  |               -    |             2,364  | 
| warrants        |                   |              - |              - |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| Minority        |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| interest in     |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| pre-acquisition |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| reserves        |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
+                 +-------------------+----------------+----------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ 
|                 |                   |                |                |              -    |                    |            25,395  |            25,395  | 
|                 |                 - |              - |              - |                   |                  - |                    |                    | 
| Total           |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| comprehensive   |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| income for      |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| the period      |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
+                 +-------------------+----------------+----------------+-------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ 
|                 |                   |                |                |          776,555  |           776,555  |              2,242 |           778,797  | 
|                 |                 - |              - |              - |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| Restatement     |                   |                |                |         (234,113) |          (234,113) |                    |          (234,113) | 
| (note 3)        |                 - |              - |              - |                   |                    |                  - |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| At 31           |           97,121  |                |     4,365,514  |          537,415  |          5,000,050 |             27,637 |         5,027,687  | 
| December        |                   |              - |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
| 2008            |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
|                 |                   |                |                |                   |                    |                    |                    | 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
                      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
                      For the year ended 31 December 2009 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                     2009 |  |                   2008 | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |               Restated | 
|      |        |        |        |                |Notes  |                JPJPY'000 |  |              JPJPY'000 | 
| Cash flows from operating       |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| activities                      |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Profit before taxation |        |                |       |                  43,466  |  |               566,204  | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Adjustments   |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| for:          |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
|      | Depreciation and         |                |       |                 230,401  |  |               217,141  | 
|      | amortisation             |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
|      | Finance income  |        |                |       |                    (259) |  |               (11,487) | 
|      | Finance costs   |        |                |       |                      14  |  |                        | 
|      |                 |        |                |       |                          |  |                      - | 
|      | Loss on disposal of      |                |       |                     228  |  |                 3,068  | 
|      | assets                   |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
|      | Cost of         |        |                |       |                          |  |                 2,364  | 
|      | warrants        |        |                |       |                        - |  |                        | 
|      | (Decrease)/increase in deferred income    |       |                    (960) |  |                 6,561  | 
|      | Negative        |        |                |       |                          |  |              (586,946) | 
|      | goodwill        |        |                |       |                        - |  |                        | 
| Changes in working capital      |                |       |                   9,743  |  |                 4,523  | 
| Cash inflows from      |        |                |       |                 282,633  |  |               201,428  | 
| operations             |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Interest      |        |        |                |       |                     259  |  |                11,546  | 
| received      |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Finance costs |        |        |                |       |                     (14) |  |                        | 
|               |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                      - | 
| Tax paid      |        |        |                |       |                 (40,045) |  |                  (189) | 
| Cost of disposal of    |        |                |       |                          |  |                  (100) | 
| assets                 |        |                |       |                        - |  |                        | 
| Net cash from operating         |                |       |                 242,833  |  |               212,685  | 
| activities                      |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Cash flows from investing       |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| activities                      |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Purchase of plant, property and equipment        |       |                 (68,662) |  |              (474,172) | 
| Purchase of intangible assets   |                |       |                 (30,310) |  |                        | 
|                                 |                |       |                          |  |                      - | 
| Increase in payables on property, plant and      |       |                   4,696  |  |                        | 
| equipment                                        |       |                          |  |                      - | 
| Decrease/(increase) in deposits on rented land   |       |                     200  |  |                  (200) | 
| Cash acquired on acquisition of SPE's      |     |       |                          |  |                91,730  | 
|                                            |     |       |                        - |  |                        | 
| Net cash used in investing activities      |     |       |                 (94,076) |  |              (382,642) | 
|      |        |        |                   |     |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Cash flows from financing activities       |     |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Share         |                    |       |     |       |                          |  |               655,350  | 
| proceeds      |                    |       |     |       |                        - |  |                        | 
| Share issue costs                  |       |     |       |                          |  |              (222,024) | 
|                                    |       |     |       |                        - |  |                        | 
| Increase in other long-term        |       |     |       |                   1,298  |  |                        | 
| payables                           |       |     |       |                          |  |                      - | 
| Net cash from financing activities         |     |       |                   1,298  |  |               433,326  | 
|      |        |        |                   |     |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Net increase in cash and cash equivalents        |       |                 150,055  |  |               263,369  | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Balance at the beginning of the |                |       |                 263,369  |  |                        | 
| year                            |                |       |                          |  |                      - | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
| Balance at the end of the year  |                |       |                 413,424  |  |               263,369  | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
|      |        |        |        |                |       |                          |  |                        | 
|      |        |        |        |  |       |     |       |                          |  |                        | 
                          JAPAN LEISURE HOTELS LIMITED 
            Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements 
                      For the year ended 31 December 2009 
1.      Basis of Accounting 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2008 or 2009 but is 
derived from the statutory accounts for that year. 
The annual financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance 
with IFRS, which comprise standards and interpretations issued by the 
International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") and the International 
Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") approved by the 
International Accounting Standards Committee ("IASC") that remain in effect, to 
the extent that they have been adopted by the European Union. 
2       General Information 
Japan Leisure Hotels Limited was incorporated in Guernsey on 17 October 2007 and 
commenced operations on 7 January 2008. The Company is a closed ended investment 
company registered under the provisions of The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. 
The address of the registered office is given in the Management and 
Administration section at the beginning of the Annual Report.  The Company has 
been established to derive cash flow and capital gains by investing in Japanese 
leisure hotels. 
The Company was listed and admitted to trading on AIM, the market of that name 
operated by the London Stock Exchange, on 16 January 2008 (the "Placing").  On 
admission 44,100,000 shares were issued at GBP0.50 per share resulting in gross 
proceeds of GBP22,050,000. 
3       Group Structure 
The Group comprises the Company, its wholly-owned subsidiaries and those special 
purpose entities ("SPEs") which invest in hotels in Japan. The funds raised in 
the Placing have been invested through wholly-owned subsidiary companies of the 
Company, which are also Guernsey registered companies: JLH 1 Limited and JLH 2 
Limited (the "Subsidiaries"). 
The hotels and other assets are owned by SPEs all of which are Japanese 
corporations.  The Company, through its Subsidiaries, has invested in the SPEs 
by entering into Tokumei Kumiai agreements ("TK Agreements").  A TK Agreement is 
a contractual relationship whereby one party, the "TK Investor", agrees to 
contribute capital to the other party, the "TK Operator" or SPE, to undertake an 
agreed business and receives a share of the economic benefits of investment in 
that business. The TK Investor's investment is referred to herein as its "TK 
Interest".  Further information regarding the group structure is available on 
the Company's website www.japanleisurehotels.com. 
4        Restatement of prior period figures 
          Tax expense and deferred taxation have been restated for the 2008  as 
detailed below 
The taxation expense included in the 31 December 2008 Annual Report was reported 
as JPJPY1,711,000. On completion of this Annual Report this has been changed to 
JPJPY21,520,000. Accordingly the profit for the year ended 31 December 2008 has 
been decreased by JPJPY19,809,000. 
The reason for the restatement is that, in the past, tax liability was only 
recognised when profits that are subject to Japanese withholding tax were 
distributed by the SPEs to the holding companies. The Board has reviewed this 
policy and has decided that it is more prudent to recognise the tax liability 
when the profit occurs. 
In addition the purchase of SPEs at a discount to their net asset value that 
gave rise to negative goodwill described in note 10 of the Annual Report has 
been adjusted for deferred taxation. The amount of this adjustment arises from 
the difference between the Japanese tax base and the carrying value of the net 
assets as at acquisition date. The negative goodwill included in the 31 December 
2008 Annual Report was reported as JPJPY801,250,000. On completion of this 
Annual Report this has been changed to JPJPY586,946,000. Accordingly the profit 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 has been decreased by JPJPY214,304,000. 
The table below shows the effect of these restatements on the results of the 
Company for the year ended 31 December 2008: 
|    |   |       |    |             |                As per Annual |                 |      Change |          |                            As | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                  Report 2008 |                 |        from |          |                      restated | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |      Annual |          |                       in this | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |      Report |          |                        report | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |        2008 |          |                               | 
+----+---+-------+----+-------------+                              +-----------------+             +----------+                               + 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Restated item       |             |                    JPJPY'000 |                 |   JPJPY'000 |          |                     JPJPY'000 | 
| Negative goodwill   |             |                     801,250  |                 |   (214,304) |          |                      586,946  | 
| Taxation            |             |                      (1,711) |                 |    (19,809) |          |                      (21,520) | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Profit for the |    |             |                     778,797  |                 |   (234,113) |          |                      544,684  | 
| year           |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Profit         |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| attributable   |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| to:            |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Equity         |    |             |                     776,555  |                 |   (234,113) |          |                      542,442  | 
| shareholders   |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Deferred tax        |             |                              |                 |   (214,304) |          |                     (214,304) | 
|                     |             |                            - |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Trade and payables  |             |                    (145,260) |                 |    (19,809) |          |                     (165,069) | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Net asset value                   |                    5,261,800 |                 |   (234,113) |          |                     5,027,687 | 
|    |   |       |         |        |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Net asset value per      |        |                  JPJPY119.32 |                 | (JPJPY5.31) |          |                   JPJPY114.01 | 
| share (Yen)              |        |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Net asset value per share         |                      GBP0.91 |                 |   (GBP0.04) |          |                       GBP0.87 | 
| (Sterling)                        |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
|    |   |       |    |             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Adjusted net asset value per      |                  JPJPY118.65 |                 | (JPJPY5.31) |          |                   JPJPY113.34 | 
| share (Yen)                       |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Adjusted net asset value per      |                      GBP0.91 |                 |   (GBP0.05) |          |                       GBP0.86 | 
| share (Sterling)                  |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
|    |   |       |           |      |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
|    |   |       |           |      |                        JPJPY |                 |       JPJPY |          |                         JPJPY | 
| Basic earnings per share   |      |                        18.36 |                 |      (5.53) |          |                         12.83 | 
| (Yen)                      |      |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Diluted earnings per share (Yen)  |                        14.19 |                 |      (4.28) |          |                          9.91 | 
| Adjusted basic earnings per share |                       (0.58) |                 |      (0.47) |          |                        (1.05) | 
| (Yen)                             |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
| Adjusted diluted earnings per     |                       (0.45) |                 |      (0.36) |          |                        (0.81) | 
| share (Yen)                       |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
|    |   |       |    |    | |      |                              |                 |             |          |                               | 
5        Operating segments 
The Board of Directors is charged with setting the Company's investment strategy 
in accordance with the Prospectus. The Board of Directors is the Chief Operating 
Decision Maker. The Board has delegated the implementation of strategy to the 
Strategy Committee. Under its agreements with the SPEs, the Asset Manager is 
responsible for day to day implementation of this strategy and the management of 
the assets, but the Board of Directors retains responsibility to ensure that 
adequate resources of the Company are directed in accordance with their 
The investment proposals of the Asset Manager are reviewed by the Strategy 
Committee from time to time to ensure compliance with the policies and legal 
responsibilities of the Board of Directors.  The Board retains full 
responsibility as to the major funding decisions of the Company. 
The Asset Manager and the Strategy Committee will always act under the terms of 
the Prospectus which cannot be materially changed without the approval of the 
Board of Directors. The detailed investment restrictions are available for 
review in part I of the Admission Document and the Investment Strategy. 
The Group's primary reporting segments are geographical with the Group operating 
in two geographical areas, being Japan and Guernsey. The Group has only one 
business segment, being investment in leisure hotels, therefore no additional 
segmented information is given. The Group has no major single customer. 
6       Revenue 
|    |  |   |  |    |          |          |          |                               |          |                               | 
|           | |    |          |          |          |                            31 |          |                            31 | 
|           | |    |          |          |          |                      December |          |                      December | 
|           | |    |          |          |          |                          2009 |          |                          2008 | 
|    |  |   | |    |          |          |          |                     JPJPY'000 |          |                     JPJPY'000 | 
| Revenue - room   |          |          |          |                    1,086,620  |          |                    1,074,611  | 
| rental           |          |          |          |                               |          |                               | 
| Revenue - goods, food and   |          |          |                      110,561  |          |                      109,339  | 
| beverage                    |          |          |                               |          |                               | 
|    |  |   | |    |          |          |          |                    1,197,181  |          |                    1,183,950  | 
|    |  |   | |    |          |          |          |                               |          |                               | 
7              Other expenses 
|                         |          |            |          |          |                    31 December |          |                             31 | 
|                         |          |            |          |          |                           2009 |          |                       December | 
|                         |          |            |          |          |                                |          |                           2008 | 
|    |   |   |            |          |            |          |          |                      JPJPY'000 |          |                      JPJPY'000 | 
| Hotel operating         |          |            |          |          |                        325,561 |          |                        289,699 | 
| expenses                |          |            |          |          |                                |          |                                | 
| Operating lease expense |          |            |          |          |                          5,479 |          |                          5,673 | 
| Asset Manager's fees    |          |            |          |          |                       105,648  |          |                        86,925  | 
| Professional services   |          |            |          |          |                        39,349  |          |                        55,732  | 
| Auditors' remuneration  |          |            |          |          |                        13,431  |          |                        11,616  | 
| Administrator's fees               |            |          |          |                        13,729  |          |                        15,587  | 
| Directors' fees                    |            |          |          |                        13,821  |          |                        16,931  | 
| Other expenses                     |            |          |          |                        13,633  |          |                        74,143  | 
|    |   |   |  |                    |            |          |          |                       530,651  |          |                       556,306  | 
|    |   |   |  |         |          |            |          |          |                                |          |                                | 
8          Taxation 
Taxation on profit on ordinary activities 
The Company is exempt from taxation in Guernsey under the provisions of the 
Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989, as amended, and is 
charged an annual exemption fee of GBP600 (JPJPY 88,128). 
The reasons for the difference between actual tax charge for the year and the 
standard rate of tax in Japan applied to the results for the year are as 
|      |          |      |          |               |           |                             31 |           |                             31 | 
|      |          |      |          |               |           |                       December |           |                       December | 
|      |          |      |          |               |           |                           2009 |           |                           2008 | 
|      |          |      |          |               |     Gross |                            Tax |     Gross |                            Tax | 
|      |          |      |          |               |           |                         effect |           |                         effect | 
|      |          |      |          |               |           |                         at 20% |           |                         at 20% | 
|      |          |      |          |               | JPJPY'000 |                      JPJPY'000 | JPJPY'000 |                      JPJPY'000 | 
| Profit before taxation                            |   43,466  |                         8,693  |  566,204  |                       113,241  | 
| Income not  subject to tax                        |   (3,706) |                          (741) | (484,696) |                       (96,939) | 
| Other items deductible for tax                    |      -    |                                |  (79,455) |                       (15,891) | 
|                                                   |           |                              - |           |                                | 
| Expenses not deductible for tax                   |   61,222  |                        12,244  |  112,592  |                        22,518  | 
| Taxable income before tax losses                  |  100,982  |                        20,196  |  114,645  |                        22,929  | 
| Tax losses brought forward                        |      -    |                                |   (7,890) |                        (1,578) | 
|                                                   |           |                              - |           |                                | 
| Tax losses not utilised                           |    9,807  |                         1,961  |      -    |                                | 
|                                                   |           |                                |           |                              - | 
| Net taxable income                                |  110,789  |                        22,158  |  106,755  |                        21,351  | 
| Minimum charge on SPEs with nil taxable income    |           |                                |           |                                | 
+                                                   +-----------+--------------------------------+-----------+--------------------------------+ 
|                                                   |           |                           984  |           |                           169  | 
| Tax charge                                        |           |                        23,142  |           |                        21,520  | 
|      |          |      |          |               |           |                                |           |                                | 
The following are the major deferred tax liabilities recognised by the Group and 
movements thereon: 
|      |  |  | |    |          |                                |      |           | 
|      |  |  | |    |          |                    31 December |      |        31 | 
|      |  |  | |    |          |                           2009 |      |  December | 
|      |  |  | |    |          |                                |      |      2008 | 
|      |  |  | |    |          |                      JPJPY'000 |      | JPJPY'000 | 
| At the beginning of the year |                      (214,304) |      |           | 
|                              |                                |      |         - | 
| Movements:                   |                                |      |           | 
| Revaluation of property,     |                                |      | (214,304) | 
| plant and equipment          |                              - |      |           | 
| Accelerated tax depreciation |                        10,555  |      |           | 
|                              |                                |      |         - | 
| Total movements for the year |                        10,555  |      | (214,304) | 
| Balance at the end of the    |                      (203,749) |      | (214,304) | 
| year                         |                                |      |           | 
9              Earnings per share 
| Number of       |          |          |          |          31 |    |                31 December | 
| ordinary shares |          |          |          |    December |    |                       2008 | 
|                 |          |          |          |        2009 |    |                            | 
| Number of ordinary shares for basic and diluted  |             |    |                            | 
| earnings per share:                              |             |    |                            | 
| Weighted average number of shares in issue       | 44,100,002  |    |                42,292,623  | 
| during the year                                  |             |    |                            | 
| Dilutive   |    |          |          |          | 12,420,500  |    |                12,420,500  | 
| potential  |    |          |          |          |             |    |                            | 
| shares     |    |          |          |          |             |    |                            | 
|    |  |  | |    |          |          |          | 56,520,502  |    |                54,713,123  | 
|    |  |  | |    |          |          |          |             |    |                            | 
Basic earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to equity 
shareholders and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
Diluted earnings per share 
Diluted earnings per share is based on the profit attributable to equity 
shareholders and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
year, also taking into account the effect of the potential shares which would 
arise in the event of the warrants being exercised. 
Adjusted basic earnings per share - before exceptional items and after tax 
Adjusted basic earnings per share - before exceptional items and after tax is 
based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders before exceptional items 
and after tax and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
Adjusted diluted earnings per share - before exceptional items and after tax 
Adjusted diluted earnings per share - before exceptional items and after tax is 
based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders before exceptional items 
and after tax and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
year, also taking into account the effect of the potential shares which would 
arise in the event of the warrants being exercised. 
|  |           |   |            |  |    |          |          |   |                             |   |                             | 
|10 | Net asset value per share          |          |          |   |                          31 |   |                          31 | 
|  |                                    |          |          |   |                    December |   |                    December | 
|  |                                    |          |          |   |                        2009 |   |                        2008 | 
|  |           |   |            |  |    |          |          |   |                   JPJPY'000 |   |                   JPJPY'000 | 
|  | Net asset value per Consolidated Statement of Financial      |                  5,048,011  |   |                  5,027,687  | 
|  | Position                                                     |                             |   |                             | 
|  | Difference between the value per the independent valuation   |                             |   |                             | 
|  | and the book value of plant, property and equipment as shown |                             |   |                             | 
|  | in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position          |                             |   |                             | 
+--+                                                              +-----------------------------+---+-----------------------------+ 
|  |                                                              |                   (267,264) |   |                    (29,240) | 
|  | Adjusted net asset value      |    |          |          |   |                  4,780,747  |   |                   4,998,447 | 
|  |           |   |            |  |    |          |          |   |                             |   |                             | 
|  | Net asset value per share (Yen)    |          |          |   |                 JPJPY114.47 |   |                 JPJPY114.01 | 
|  | Net asset value per share (Sterling)          |          |   |                     GBP0.78 |   |                     GBP0.87 | 
|  |           |   |            |  |    |          |          |   |                             |   |                             | 
|  | Adjusted net asset value per share (Yen)      |          |   |                 JPJPY108.41 |   |                 JPJPY113.34 | 
|  | Adjusted net asset value per share (Sterling) |          |   |                     GBP0.74 |   |                     GBP0.86 | 
Exchange rates applied for the Japanese Yen to Sterling as per 31 December 2009 
146.92:1 (2008: 131.12:1) 
Net asset value per share is based on total assets per the Consolidated 
Statement of Financial Position at the end of the year and the number of shares 
in issue at the end of the year. 
Adjusted net asset value per share is based on the net asset value per 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position adjusted for the revaluation of 
property and equipment, as per the Colliers International (Hong Kong) Ltd 
valuation detailed in note 13, and the number of shares in issue at the end of 
the year. 
11   Related parties and material contracts 
      Mark Huntley, Director of the Company until his resignation on 2 October 
2009, is also a director of Heritage International Fund Managers Limited, which 
was the Company's administrator until 31 January 2010. During the year Mr. 
Huntley earned JPJPY1,686,000 (2008: JPJPY2,617,000) by way of a Director's fee, 
none of which was outstanding at the year end.  Heritage International Fund 
Managers Limited earned JPJPY13,729,000 (2008: JPJPY13,190,000 ) in 
administration fees of which JPJPY3,203,000 (2008:JPJPY2,454,000 ) was 
outstanding at the year end. 
          New Perspective, the Group's Asset Manager, earned JPJPY105,758,000 
(2008: JPJPY86,925,000) by way of asset management fees and JPJPY14,812,704 
(2008:JPJPY11,379,343) for accounting and other services during 2009. Of these 
fees JPJPY1,579,000 (2008: JPJPY6,947,000) was outstanding at the year end. 
On 9 July 2009, the New Perspective Employee Trust purchased 10,000 ordinary 
shares in the Company. 
12     Events after the reporting period 
Subsequent to the end of the fiscal year covered by these accounts, the Group 
continued development of a software system for the purpose of managing the hotel 
in Yokkaichi and entered into contracts for the renovation of the same hotel. In 
this connection, it entered into contracts for a total of approximately JPJPY 
300 million since the year end, in addition to the contract for development of 
the necessary software executed in 2009 and continued in 2010 of which 
approximately JPJPY 25 million is expected to fall due in 2010. 
Apart from the above, there have been no significant events subsequent to the 
reporting date. 
Copies of the 2009 accounts will be posted to shareholders in due course. Copies 
of this announcement are available from the Company at Bond Street House, 14 
Clifford Street, London W1S 4JU. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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