White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTCQX: WHGOF, FRA:
29W) (the "Company") is pleased to provide an exploration
update on two large copper-molybdenum porphyry targets on its
Pedlar and Hayes properties situated in the southern portion of its
350,000 hectare land package, and located approximately 25 km
northeast and 30 km east of Western Copper and Gold Corporation’s
Casino copper-gold porphyry deposit respectively. The Casino
deposit has Measured & Indicated Resources of 7.6 Blbs copper
& 14.8 Moz gold and Inferred Resources of 3.1 Blb copper &
6.3 Moz gold(4) and is contiguous to the Company’s Betty property
(see Figure 1). The Company is primarily targeting similar
Casino-style porphyry mineralization on these early-stage projects.
These results form part of the Company’s 2022 $6 million
exploration program on its extensive and underexplored land package
in the emerging White Gold District, Yukon, supported by strategic
partners including Agnico Eagle Mines Limited and Kinross Gold
Terry Brace, VP Exploration stated, “Our primary
exploration focus is discovering new orogenic gold deposits in the
White Gold District and growing our existing gold resources.
However, the Yukon is rich in various other metals which is also
the case in our large land package. The Bridget porphyry target on
the Pedlar property has been known for decades but has seen minimal
exploration and no diamond drilling. The Hayes is a recently
identified porphyry target and has seen only soil sampling and
limited mapping and prospecting. The soil geochemistry anomalies at
both targets have the earmarks of large porphyry systems, with
apparent mineralization footprints in the order of several
kilometres each, which in combination to their proximity to the
Casino deposit, make them very compelling targets warranting
further exploration work.”
“The Yukon is an area with vast mineral
potential that remains largely underexplored. The recent investment
in the Yukon, and in particular the White Gold District by numerous
major mining companies further enhances our belief in the robust
mineral potential. White Gold’s large land package and unique
exploration methodologies, which have led to several significant
high grade gold discoveries already, represents a truly unique
district scale opportunity in a premier underexplored district in a
tier 1 mining jurisdiction,” stated David D’Onofrio, CEO of the
Maps and photos accompanying this news release
can be found at
- The Bridget soil anomaly on the
Pedlar property measures 3 km NW-SE by 3.5 km NE-SW and is
interpreted to represent a copper-molybdenum porphyry target. It is
geochemically zoned with a molybdenum-copper-bismuth core and a
silver-zinc-lead-tungsten halo. Rock grab samples collected on the
Pedlar property in 2022 included copper-gold-silver values up to
1425 ppm Cu, 0.421 g/t Au and 5.588 g/t Ag which were returned from
a sample located approximately 3 km east of the main Bridget target
suggesting the potential for further expansion of the already large
- The Hayes soil anomaly is a newly
discovered target which measures 2 km E-W by 1.5 km N-S, and is
interpreted to represent a copper-molybdenum porphyry target. It is
geochemically zoned with a bismuth-arsenic-copper-molybdenum core
and a silver-zinc-lead halo. Rock grab samples collected at the
Hayes target included 730.6 – 1269.2 ppm Cu.
- The results on both targets and
their proximity to other porphyry deposits validate their porphyry
potential and warrants additional exploration, including induced
polarization – resistivity surveys and initial diamond drilling to
further evaluate their potential.
- The Company also continues to work
on its updated mineral resource estimate to incorporate the results
from drilling at the Ryan’s Surprise target into its flagship
Golden Saddle, Arc & VG gold deposits and aims to release the
update in the near term.
- Details of the Company’s fully
funded 2023 exploration program focused on new discovery follow-up,
target evaluation and continued regional exploration to be
announced in the coming weeks.
The Bridget and recently identified Hayes soil
geochemical anomalies represent highly prospective early-stage
porphyry targets in an area with several significant existing
porphyry deposits that warrant additional exploration. The
Company’s immediate goal is to develop a better understanding of
the alteration and mineralization system at the targets, followed
by diamond drill testing as warranted. Induced polarization –
resistivity surveys are required to better define the character of
the targets at depth. Additionally, the geochemistry of surface
rock samples which were collected during the 2022 field season will
be examined in detail, and the samples will be scanned with an ASD
Terraspec mineral analyzer to aid in identifying associated
alteration mineral assemblages.
Regional Setting – The Dawson
The Dawson Range forms an east-southeast
trending mountain range which hosts several important mineral
deposits and prospects (Figure 2) including the Casino porphyry
Copper-Gold deposit in the west. In the southeast near the
community of Carmacks, the Minto Mine contains resources of 356 Mlb
copper, 189 Koz gold, and 1.7 Moz silver in Indicated Resources and
370 Mlb copper, 207 Koz gold, and 1.9 Moz silver in Inferred
Resources(5) (Minto Metals Corp.), and the Carmacks Copper project
hosts 652 Mlb copper, 302 Koz gold, 3.8 Moz silver in Measured and
Indicated Resources and 38 Mlb copper, 13 Koz gold, and 215 Koz
silver in Inferred Resources(6) (Granite Creek Copper Ltd.), both
interpreted to represent metamorphosed Cu-Au-Ag porphyry deposits.
Porphyry deposits in the Dawson Range can be divided into 2 major
ages, Late Triassic (Minto, Carmacks) and Late Cretaceous (Casino,
Cash, Revenue). In addition to porphyry mineralization, epithermal,
skarn, and polymetallic to gold-dominant mineralized veins,
breccias and fracture zones also occur throughout the Dawson
Range(7). In recent years this area has drawn increased attention
and investment from both junior and major mining companies due to
its high mineral potential.
Pedlar Property
The Pedlar property was first explored by Silver
Standard Mines Ltd. (“Silver Standard”) and Asarco Exploration
Company of Canada Ltd. (“Asarco”) in the early 1970’s following the
discovery of the Casino porphyry deposit located 25 km to the
southwest. A series of regional silt samples, soil sampling, and
geophysical programs by Silver Standard in 1971 and 1972 led to the
discovery of a significant Copper-Molybdenum geochemical anomaly,
now known as the Bridget target. Since its initial discovery, the
Bridget target has seen intermittent exploration by various
operators, including Shawn Ryan and Ethos Gold Corp. (now
Prospector Metals Corp.). The limited exploration to date has
continued to expand the anomaly’s known footprint measuring 3 km
NW-SE by 3.5 km NE-SW through soil geochemical sampling (Figure 3),
prospecting, mapping, and geophysical surveys. In 2016 White Gold
Corp. acquired ownership of the property and has continued to
advance the project through soil sampling, geological mapping and
prospecting, and in 2018 rotary air blast (RAB) drilling (10 holes
totalling 548.6 m). The RAB holes were short testing to a maximum
vertical depth of only 70 m. Hole PEDBRGRAB18-009 intersected two
narrow intervals of molybdenum mineralization including 622.3 ppm
Mo over 1.5 m from 12.2 m, and 631.9 ppm Mo over 1.5 m from 30.5
Geological and structural mapping at the Bridget
target in 2018 by consulting structural geologist Dr. Michael
Cooley indicates that the bedrock geology is characterized by
WNW-ESE trending units. Hornblende gneiss dominates in the northern
part of the area, with a narrow (300 m) zone of felsic gneiss at
the center, and metasedimentary schist and gneiss in the southern
half of the area that includes a distinctive megacrystic
kyanite-andalusite bearing unit and marble units that are largely
altered to calc-silicate skarn (Photo 1). At least two distinct
generations of felsic dykes and sills that strike
northwest-southeast to east-west were recognized: 1) quartz eye
granite dykes/sills; and 2) aplite dykes/sills. Field evidence for
a porphyry mineralization model includes shreddy biotite (Photo 2),
local occurrences of magnetite alteration, and potassic alteration
where molybdenite was observed in quartz veinlets in float (Photo
Analytical results for rock grab samples
collected during the 2022 mapping and prospecting program at the
Bridget target were generally consistent with the chemical zonation
displayed in the soil geochemistry and complimented historical
results on the property. The highest copper-gold-silver values
(1425 ppm Cu, 0.421 g/t Au, 5.588 g/t Ag) were returned from a
sample located approximately 3 km east of the main Bridget target
along a series of previously unmapped ridge and spur soil samples
(13 samples, 600m long, Cu values up to 465.5 ppm Cu) suggesting
the potential for the further expansion of the already large
footprint (see Figure 3).
Additional field work on the Pedlar property in
2022 approximately 15 km from the main Bridget target consisted of
a soil geochemistry survey in the southeastern portion of the
property and mapping and prospecting primarily in the Bridget
target area. The soil survey was designed to follow up on previous
reconnaissance ridge and spur soil sampling to identify new targets
on the Pedlar property and comprised a total of 452 soil samples
which were collected at 50 m sample intervals on 100 m spaced
survey lines. The soil grid covered an area measuring 2 km
southeast-northwest by 1 km northeast-southwest over an area
underlain by Minto suite intrusive rocks which are prospective for
copper-gold-silver porphyry mineralization. The soil survey did not
identify additional significant copper-gold-silver anomalies in
this area of the property.
Hayes Property
A soil geochemistry survey in 2021 identified a
new multi-element anomaly in the north-central part of the Hayes
property located approximately 5 km south of the Yukon River (see
Figure 4 and Company News Release dated April 21, 2022). During the
2022 field season additional soil sampling was carried out to
extend coverage peripheral to the anomaly and extending several
kilometres to the northwest to cover similar prospective
The known soil anomaly measures approximately 2
km east-west by 1.5 km north-south and forms a broad geochemically
zoned multi-element soil anomaly with a central core measuring from
750 m to 1,000 m in diameter and enriched in bismuth and arsenic,
which is surrounded by a halo of anomalous silver, lead and zinc
that is greater than 400 m wide. Anomalous copper occurs in the
southern portion of the core, and a relatively small area of
anomalous molybdenum occurs near the core’s northern margin.
Geologically the soil anomaly is associated with a plug of Late
Cretaceous Prospector Mountain suite, which is known to be
prospective for porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum and epithermal
style mineralization. The geochemical zonation and elemental
distributions indicate that the anomaly may represent the surface
expression of a Copper-Molybdenum porphyry core surrounded by
epithermal style silver-lead-zinc mineralization.
Follow-up geological mapping and prospecting in
the Hayes soil anomaly area has returned anomalous copper values
from the core area of the soil anomaly, with three grab samples
returning from 730.6 – 1269.2 ppm Cu (see Figure 4).
The Prospector Mountain suite plug and
associated Hayes soil anomaly are located in the hanging wall of
the Yukon River Thrust that thrusts rocks of the Simpson Range
suite over Snowcap assemblage. The anomaly appears to be confined
to a single fault block between two major WNW-ESE trending faults
and two NW-SE trending second order faults. The WNW-ESE faults are
subparallel to the Yukon River Thrust and Pyroxenite Fault located
4.5 km and 1.5 km south respectively of the anomaly. The Company
considers the close proximity of the Hayes target to a possible
crustal scale fault as favourable for the development of
hydrothermal and mineralizing systems.
Sampling Methods and
Soil SamplesAll 2022 soil
geochemistry surveys were contracted to GroundTruth Exploration
Inc. of Dawson City, Yukon. Field technicians navigated to
pre-planned sample sites using handheld GPS units and collected
C-Horizon soil samples using an Eijklcamp brand hand auger at a
depth of between 20 cm and 110 cm. Typically, 400 to 500 g of soil
is placed in a pre-labeled bag, and a field duplicate sample is
taken once every 25 samples. The GPS location of the sample site is
recorded with the GPS unit, and the waypoint location is labeled
with the project name and the sample identification number. A
weather-proof handheld device equipped with a barcode scanner is
used in the field to record the descriptive attributes of the
sample collected, including sample identification number, soil
colour, soil horizon, slope, sample depth, ground and tree
vegetation, sample quality, and any other relevant information.
Analytical work for the 2022 soil geochemistry
surveys was carried out at Bureau Veritas (BV) Canada, with
preparation completed at their Whitehorse, YT facility and analysis
at their hub laboratory located in North Vancouver, BC. All soil
samples were assayed for gold and a 37 multi-element suite using
0.25g aqua-regia digestion and ICP-MS analysis (Code AQ201). BV is
an ISO 9001:2008 accredited facility, certificate number
Prospecting Rock SamplesAll
2022 prospecting and mapping work was completed by White Gold Corp.
field personnel. Geologists completed field mapping traverses over
soil geochemical anomalies to locate, identify, and characterize
the source of the targeted anomalies. Structural measurements were
collected using a structural mapping compass, with field notes
collected and recorded in a handheld digital logging device. Rock
samples selected for assay were placed in a poly sample bag with
its corresponding sample tag and then sealed shut. The GPS location
of the sample site is recorded with a GPS unit, and the waypoint
location is labeled with the project name and the sample
identification number. The weather-proof handheld device equipped
with a barcode scanner is used in the field to record the
descriptive attributes of the sample. At the end of each day, all
samples were transported back to a secure location, where they
awaited transport to the laboratory.
Analytical work for all 2022 prospecting rock
samples was performed by Bureau Veritas (BV) Canada, with
preparation completed at their Whitehorse, YT facility and analysis
at their hub laboratory located in North Vancouver, BC. All rock
samples were prepared using the PRP70-250 package, where samples
were weighed, dried, and crushed to greater than 70% passing a 2mm
sieve, then pulverized to greater than 85% passing 75 microns. Rock
samples were analyzed in accordance with BV’s FA430 and MA250
packages, for both gold analysis by fire assay (30g fire assay with
AAS finish) and ultra-trace multi-element ICP analysis (0.25 g, 4
acid digestion and ICP-MS analysis). BV runs a comprehensive QA/QC
program of standards, duplicates, and blanks within each sample
About White Gold Corp.The
Company owns a portfolio of 17,584 quartz claims across 30
properties covering approximately 350,000 hectares representing
over 40% of the Yukon’s emerging White Gold District. The Company’s
flagship White Gold property hosts the Company’s Golden Saddle and
Arc deposits which have a mineral resource of 1,139,900 ounces
Indicated at 2.28 g/t Au and 402,100 ounces Inferred at 1.39 g/t
Au(1). Mineralization on the Golden Saddle and Arc is also known to
extend beyond the limits of the current resource estimate. The
Company’s recently acquired VG Deposit also hosts an Inferred gold
resource of 267,600 ounces at 1.62 g/t Au(2). Regional exploration
work has also produced several other new discoveries and
prospective targets on the Company’s claim packages which border
sizable gold discoveries including the Coffee project owned by
Newmont Corporation with Indicated Resources of 2.14 Moz at 1.23
g/t Au, and Inferred Resources of 0.23 Moz at 1.01 g/t Au(3), and
Western Copper and Gold Corporation’s Casino project which has
Measured and Indicated Resources of 7.6 Blb Cu and 14.5 Moz Au and
Inferred Resources of 3.3 Blb Cu and 6.6 Moz Au (4). For more
information visit www.whitegoldcorp.ca.
(1) See White Gold Corp. technical report titled
“Technical Report for the White Gold Project, Dawson Range, Yukon
Canada”, Effective Date May 15, 2020, Report Date July 10, 2020,
prepared by Dr. Gilles Arseneau, P.Geo., and Andrew Hamilton,
P.Geo., available on SEDAR.(2) See White Gold Corp. technical
report titled “Technical Report for the QV Project, Yukon, Canada”,
Effective Date October 15, 2021, Report Date November 15, 2021,
available on SEDAR.(3) See Newmont Corporation news release titled
“Newmont Announces Increased 2022 Mineral Reserves of 96 Million
Gold Ounces and 68 Million Gold Equivalent Ounces”, dated February
23, 2023:
https://www.newmont.com/investors/news-release/default.aspx.(4) See
Western Copper and Gold Corporation technical report titled “Casino
project, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report Feasibility Study, Yukon
Canada”, Effective Date June 13, 2022, Issue Date August 8, 2022,
prepared by Daniel Roth, PE, P.Eng., Mike Hester, F Aus IMM, John
M. Marek, P.E., Laurie M. Tahija, MMSA-QP, Carl Schulze, P.Geo.,
Daniel Friedman, P.Eng., Scott Weston, P.Geo., available on
SEDAR.(5) See Minto Metals Corp. technical report titled “Form
43-101F1 Preliminary Economic Assessment Technical Report, Minto,
Yukon Canada”, Effective Date March 31, 2021, Report Date May 7,
2021, prepared by Dino Pilotto, P.Eng., Tysen Hantelmann, P. Eng.,
Mike Levy, P.E., Sue Bird, P. Eng., Carl Schulze, P. Geo., Tad
Crowie, P. Eng., Cheibany Elemine, Ph. D., P. Geo., Sam Amiralaei,
P. Eng., John Kurylo, P. Eng., available on SEDAR.(6) See Granite
Creek Copper Ltd. technical report titled “Updated Mineral Resource
Estimates for the Carmacks Cu-Au-Ag Project Near Carmacks, Yukon,
Canada”, Effective Date February 25, 2022, Report Date April 29,
2022, prepared by Allan Armitage, Ph. D., P. Geo., available on
SEDAR.(7) Allan, M.M., Mortensen, J.K., Hart, C.J.R., Bailey, L.A.,
Sánchez, M.G., Ciolkiewicz, W., McKenzie, G.G. and Creaser, R.A.,
2013, Magmatic and Metallogenic Framework of West-Central Yukon and
Eastern Alaska: Society of Economic Geologists, Special Publication
17, pp. 111-168.
Qualified Person Terry Brace,
P.Geo. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is a
“qualified person” as defined under National Instrument 43-101 –
Standards of Disclosure of Mineral Projects and has reviewed and
approved the content of this news release.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward
Looking InformationThis news release contains
"forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements"
(collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of
the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements,
other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking
statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections
as at the date of this news release. Any statement that involves
discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs,
plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or
performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects",
or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not
anticipate", "plans", “proposed”, "budget", "scheduled",
"forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of
such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or
results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to
occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may
be forward-looking statements. In this news release,
forward-looking statements relate, among other things, the
Company’s objectives, goals and exploration activities conducted
and proposed to be conducted at the Company’s properties; future
growth potential of the Company, including whether any proposed
exploration programs at any of the Company’s properties will be
successful; exploration results; and future exploration plans and
costs and financing availability.
These forward-looking statements are based on
reasonable assumptions and estimates of management of the Company
at the time such statements were made. Actual future results may
differ materially as forward-looking statements involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the
actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to
materially differ from any future results, performance or
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. Such factors, among other things, include: the
expected benefits to the Company relating to the exploration
conducted and proposed to be conducted at the White Gold
properties; the receipt of all applicable regulatory approvals for
the Offering; failure to identify any additional mineral resources
or significant mineralization; the preliminary nature of
metallurgical test results; uncertainties relating to the
availability and costs of financing needed in the future, including
to fund any exploration programs on the Company’s properties;
business integration risks; fluctuations in general macroeconomic
conditions; fluctuations in securities markets; fluctuations in
spot and forward prices of gold, silver, base metals or certain
other commodities; fluctuations in currency markets (such as the
Canadian dollar to United States dollar exchange rate); change in
national and local government, legislation, taxation, controls,
regulations and political or economic developments; risks and
hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration,
development and mining (including environmental hazards, industrial
accidents, unusual or unexpected formations pressures, cave-ins and
flooding); inability to obtain adequate insurance to cover risks
and hazards; the presence of laws and regulations that may impose
restrictions on mining and mineral exploration; employee relations;
relationships with and claims by local communities and indigenous
populations; availability of increasing costs associated with
mining inputs and labour; the speculative nature of mineral
exploration and development (including the risks of obtaining
necessary licenses, permits and approvals from government
authorities); the unlikelihood that properties that are explored
are ultimately developed into producing mines; geological factors;
actual results of current and future exploration; changes in
project parameters as plans continue to be evaluated; soil sampling
results being preliminary in nature and are not conclusive evidence
of the likelihood of a mineral deposit; title to properties;
ongoing uncertainties relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; and those
factors described under the heading "Risks Factors" in the
Company's annual information form dated July 29, 2020 available on
SEDAR. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this
news release are based upon what management of the Company
believes, or believed at the time, to be reasonable assumptions,
the Company cannot assure shareholders that actual results will be
consistent with such forward-looking statements, as there may be
other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated,
estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue
reliance on forward-looking statements and information. There can
be no assurance that forward-looking information, or the material
factors or assumptions used to develop such forward-looking
information, will prove to be accurate. The Company does not
undertake to release publicly any revisions for updating any
voluntary forward-looking statements, except as required by
applicable securities law.
Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the
TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this
news release.
For Further Information, Please
Contact Information:David
D’OnofrioChief Executive OfficerWhite Gold Corp.(647)
To Book a Meeting with Management:
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
White Gold (TSXV:WGO)
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White Gold (TSXV:WGO)
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