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Remote Dynamics Inc (CE)

Remote Dynamics Inc (CE) (RMTD)

Cerrado 22 Marzo 2:00PM

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RMTD Discussion

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RSI38 RSI38 3 días hace
I do not claim to be an expert here but I am very confident that this company will rise again when the world catches up to its many patents and assets

When will this happen don't know but I get that errie feeling it's sometime this year

Holding my shares like Billy used to say

Kong Fu Grip on them shares,,

Thanks sir


👍️ 2 🤑 1
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 4 días hace
AnywayI don't see volume increases before this is going up, this only can race up with news, stoping quote temporaly. before somebody will take some at 0.0001.
RSI38 RSI38 4 días hace
Thanks for the response!

Honestly, I hope this gets moving sooner than later


SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 4 días hace
i understood what you meant, but i also add a new rareness refer to the lack of volume, it´s the longest time without any volume in three years. for the stadistics lovers
RSI38 RSI38 4 días hace
Not sure what you are talking about sir,,

I was refering to some statements that were vague and ambigious for me.

I am not saying anything negative or positive on by that statement of mine

To be honest sir I think what Astro said has some beef to it as far as the patens but everyone here has a different story to tell.
This is whats crazy


SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 4 días hace
really.... it never was so dry the volume.... rare, rare,rare....
Termite7 Termite7 6 días hace
I need to hire people.......
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 semana hace
Track do you have some MTVX??? how do you see it´s moving more than this... I don´t know what is better.
RSI38 RSI38 1 semana hace
This board is getting weird!

Dancing with words and hints
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 semana hace
you are improving your humor sense,.... sorry this message was for RSI38, you too jajajajaj
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 semana hace
one eclipse? blood moon?
RSI38 RSI38 1 semana hace
The 18th of 2030 ?

Termite7 Termite7 1 semana hace
Nothing will happen on the 18th.......
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
Same here sir


Who knows at this point in time

Thanks so much
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 semanas hace
still quoting still alive.

you can´t buy but I can sell
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
First of all sir

Thank you so much for your response. Obviously I am responsible for my own decision when I did buy then sell then re buy again those shares.

I have already made good here

It just seams to me that this company's current status is vague and it's anybody's guess.

Time will tell

This time interval is from now until 2030 as Astro is thinking

GLTA here

cntryjo cntryjo 2 semanas hace
No one here says you have to believe anything I post and you are free to consider all possible scenarios. I simply explained that the patents belong to someone and RMTD was used as a vehicle to commercialize them. They are now on assignment to others. The owners, own the patents and can do whatever they want. RMTD developed nothing.
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
Back then there was rmtd company with assets. Fact

Those assets obviously included those Patents are property of rmtd the company not investors who work there.

If some engineer works for say apple and he come up with an idea while at work then thiscidea becomes a patent. This patent becomes property of the company not the employee.

So to assign something does not mean sale.. the word assign by definition is time framed.

So if those assets were company assets then who gave the right to those employees to assign or relocate those assets to another company?!

So we are at the very least here talking about someone broke the rules.

I don't buy at all that what happened was kosher at all..

This is possible of course but maybe illegal and for sure unethical

Some here say that rmtd HAVE assets like the gentleman Astro while others completely deny any Patents like mon

I believe the assets are assign or rented to a specific time and date and that rent is about to expire.

This is why vz got a hold of rmtd due to its Patents and technology

I am gonna wait this out be it 4 months or 4 years..

If this breaks the right way I will be billionaire, lol

If not, it will be just like usa

The American Dream
In thiscdream you enjoy working for that dream

The rmtd dream

Well...will we wake up one day from this dream to a beautiful happy and peaceful dream or

A complete nightmare

Let's hope it's the first

$14/ a share Astro

Now that would be a real nightmare

How can I spend all of that money at this old fart age of xx ,lol

Good rmtd?
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
No need to "believe " as Capitalism is REAL in USA

I love Capitalism but only when you got a real good grab of them horns

Juuust to keep the game somewhat fair and continuos

I think we'll get paid it's just when

Thanks Buddy
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 semanas hace
so in USA you can divide a company between assets and its liabilities (the liabilities needed for develope that asset) and every things remain so normal the debtors are so happy in disneyland.... you´ll never can separe totally from your shadow, i believe in USA capitalism...
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
Thanks so much for the info

So are you saying in summation that this rmtd has been 100% voided of ANY assets and is just an empty shell?

Thanks again

SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 semanas hace
Verizon keep RMTD brand still alive.
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 semanas hace
when the loan end, we will see, at the moment i´m in here. i haven´t seen bankruptcy over here. i bought many shares in otcbb and they went bankruptcy this the only alive LoL you can´t buy but I can sell.
cntryjo cntryjo 2 semanas hace
RMTD is not the lender. The patents were assigned to another entity who split them into 2 groups. The patents belong to the inventors who operate under another name. RMTD failed in their attempt to monetize and went belly up. The patents are currently assigned and those assignments are available at the patent office. It's public record. VZ came into the picture because they had the platform necessary to operate the technology. They benefited because in order to use the tracking systems you had to buy a VZ product. It goes on and on. I have been in this technology since it was first brought to light by MotoroXX. RMTD isn't the only operation who pump n dumped these patents. Yes the patents are assigned (on loan) but it's the owners that did that, not RMTD. You can find all this out by doing the 18 yrs of research related to the patents. Fleetmatics is the public company associated with consolidation of the industry. There is no logical reason for RMTD to be used for anything. If anyone has other evidence please post for the rest of us to see.
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
Hi Spanish_Gladiator

Hope you are doing well,

Of course I agree on the term "lending Technology " and believed this years ago when those assets of rmtd
Were sold or leased .

However sir the gracious gentleman Astro said 2028 to 2030 fir rmtd to start getting back up again

The question is even if it's 2030 doesn't it needs time to re- Kickstart this process

In my estimate to start a business and needs office building"s" to lease...etc takes at least a year depending on the company's wants and needs now.

Thanks so much

God Bless 🙌
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 2 semanas hace
RMTD is the "lender" of technology, not yet in the deal, the day D is nearest.
RSI38 RSI38 2 semanas hace
My guess is because rmtd is now separated from the rest and is a stand alone subsidiary?
CeebelieveItornot CeebelieveItornot 2 semanas hace
FYI: Without the extension " /company/telogis ", you will never reach the Verizon site that shows the posting about Telogis. *See link below. Question: Why are they hiding ? RMTD must be really big.
Termite7 Termite7 2 semanas hace
My contact lens broke..... now I cannot see!!!
Termite7 Termite7 2 semanas hace
"Think or Swim" stinks!!!

....that is all.......
SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 3 semanas hace
always trades at 9:30, somebody is in a harry????
Termite7 Termite7 3 semanas hace
Ghosts in the machine......
👍️ 1
RSI38 RSI38 4 semanas hace
RMTD does NOT have a CE designation.And it's NOT a shell either

RMTD Patents worth Billions

Holding until 26, 27, 28, 29, 30...etc.

Come on VZ let's go!!
👍️ 1
m0n m0n 4 semanas hace
Retail cannot buy a CE stock LoL
RSI38 RSI38 4 semanas hace
$5000/ Family

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 4 semanas hace
If July 2026 DOGE stimulus checks are going out to 79 million American taxpayers, stocks, penny stocks will be rocking! I would hope this company would have their filings current and be able to trade.
Also, July has always been an important month for RMTD.
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
RSI38 RSI38 1 mes hace
Yup sometimes a "hunch" is a great tool after doing the DD

It'll be worth the wait its just how much $XXX ?


Thanks so much buddy


SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 mes hace
for that reason was the first idea passed on my mind... when I realice in 2017.
RSI38 RSI38 1 mes hace
Sometimes the simplest thing is the solution

Rmtd is already a publicly traded company it just has to get current

This is so much cheaper than going the way of an IPO

Unless vz spin-off rmtd after restructuring

At any rate we are not that far from this becoming alive and current

SPANISH_gladiator SPANISH_gladiator 1 mes hace
everything does match wirh our theories, the temporary lending of patents, which is similar to delay of payment, the fleets control has demostrated it is working like lider of segment, only left fullfilling the agreement signed under secret, I think was in 2016 with the consentiment of the mainshareholder, like our friend m0n said.

it seems me that talk about an IPO dated, having on count that there are many parametres that condition this one, it is dificult to determine at 2028, an IPO of whom? Telogis? 2028 will be 12 years after first merger.

I know that employees were traspased along of two merges, creating the telematic department of VZ, and during this period this same company has encharged of mantain alive the dominion an the mark of Remote Dynamic INC.

Telogis it is already absorbed, now the agreement between Telogis and Remoted must lead to the next step, except others clauses add for VZ when it bought Telogis.

we are approaching good times for IPOS, there is a lot of liquidity in the markets.

What do you think about the presence of Miller Wealth Management like the unique institucional declarated as owner? did you notice that?
RSI38 RSI38 1 mes hace
I think this is what will end up happening anyways.

Spin spin

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 mes hace
A spin off would be nice.
Let V file all the paperwork and we just begin to trade...continue and carry on. Ha Ha Ha
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
👍️ 3
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 mes hace
I don't know, as their research and development could have them going in many different directions. Smaller projects might be touted before any 6G.
They have a tremendous amount of shares... so I really do not know.
?????? RMTD ???????? Keeps me guessing, searching, thinking.
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 mes hace
Thanks. Hopefully you stumbled upon and caught a few mergers during the consolidation period when this tech
started moving.
Was fun watching the world wake up. LOL
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
AstroHero96 AstroHero96 1 mes hace
I have been tracking them since foundation. The technology exchanges hands companies are only temporary. Researching a company is simple even at its most complex levels, You track history of top engineers they employ, the Ceos and their history, The places they live and travel and whom they speak with, study those people and their backgrounds and business portfolios, study the patents and global revenues, cross examine the economic code of law for each country they file and do business in and the current standing rights or patents of each equipment and then project which company will grow and into which future companies will take over those contracts and properties. Then once you have a success projection of what % you are comfortable in you invest in those companies. Me personally for anything over a 10,000,000 share or 4% fund equivalent equity to the current portfolio I am using depending on the sector but for tech I use these foundations it must have at least a 82% chance of full market success. I however invest very risky so my number at 82% is of course very risky, others are definitely higher and they are far better investors then me I am just a silly fun person. I have been researching the technology and following it both currently used and future use of for about 15 years I am sadly not very old. I followed the technology from technologies and from the engineer stand career history before it was company patents and still in development. Hey it let me click bull today lol, next time I will click bear for consistency of post lol. We'll I type this all I hear is MOJO Jojo saying this stuff not sure why lol.
RSI38 RSI38 1 mes hace
Hi Trackk,

I liked what Astro had to say. He confirmed to us what we have been saying for a very long time now that Rmtd AFTER the sale of " certain assets" understood this to be " not all assets were sold".Astro confirmed what I was thinking.

However, as he said this will start around 2028 or so due to market conditions for this 6g deal.

My point to the gentleman's statement of this being dormant until then is that there has to be a time set aside for bringing this company back to life and this setup takes time. So is three years enough to set up this company for the next phase of rmtd.

I think they would start this setup earlier than 2028 or so.

Plus, will rmtd be a subsidiary of vz or bevrolled into vz stock?

trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 mes hace
My opinion...this will be moving in less than 90 days, and it will move very fast.
Many here will not know what they have, until they lose it...
Best of luck to all of us.

$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
👍️ 1
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 mes hace
Here is a better question.
When did you discover this RMTD message board?
So many posters come and go...baffles me sometimes.
$$$$$ $RMTD $$$$$
trackkwizzard trackkwizzard 1 mes hace
I have only one question, Astro, because yes, this was and is still
such a fascinating company to discover, research, invest in, and follow.
My question is this, in what year did you discover RMTD and begin to research
The research can become, and for me did become quite addictive as there are so many layers
of such great stuff.
RSI38 RSI38 1 mes hace
Wow !!!!
What an amazing great heartfelt post.

A post with so much info and hope

You are so right sir money really isn't everything and that there is so much more to life than money.

For example hearing my autistic child try to speak means the whole world to me..

Peace On Earth

Thanks so very much sir


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