Clariant Improves Operational Performance and Strengthens Focus on 
Cash Generation and Cost Reduction 
*         Sales of CHF 8.1 billion in 2008, up 1% in local currencies 
*         Price increase of 7% compensates for a 15% increase in raw 
  material costs 
*         Volume erosion in most businesses in Q4 
*         Operating income margin before exceptionals up to 6.6% from 
  6.3% in 2007 
*         SG&A costs down to 20.3% from 20.8% of sales 
*         Net loss of CHF 37 million due to CHF 180 million 
  impairment in Textile and Leather Businesses 
*         Operating cash flow at CHF 391 million 
*         Net debt reduced to CHF 1.21 billion from CHF 1.36 billion; 
  solid maturity profile 
*         Outlook: Clariant addresses challenging economic 
  environment by further restructuring and focusing on cash 
  generation and cost reduction 
CEO Hariolf Kottmann commented: "Our company achieved an improved 
operating margin and a solid cash flow from operations in 2008 
against the backdrop of a steep decline in demand in the last 
quarter. We will adjust for declining demand in our markets. At the 
same time, we need to accelerate our restructuring efforts in order 
to catch up with our competitors. On the foundation of a sustainable 
operational performance we will manage the company for profitable 
growth in 2011 and beyond." 
Muttenz, February 17, 2009 -  Clariant, a world leader in specialty 
chemicals, today announced sales of CHF 8.1 billion for the Full Year 
2008 compared to CHF 8.5 billion in 2007. This translates into a 1% 
growth in local currency and a 5% decline in CHF. 
Clariant went through two distinct phases during fiscal year 2008. In 
the first nine months, the company continued to benefit from a stable 
demand and could cope with rising raw material costs and adverse 
currency movements by substantially increasing sales prices. In the 
fourth quarter, Clariant was significantly impacted by an 
unprecedented decline in global economic activity that led to a 
weaker demand from customer industries such as textile, leather, 
automotive and construction. Other markets such as agrochemicals, oil 
services or de-icing showed resilience against the downturn. Clariant 
countered the unfavorable demand development in Q4 by reducing 
temporary employees and overtime as well as extended plant shutdowns 
over Christmas. 
The company could offset a 15% increase in raw materials costs in 
2008 by sales price increases of 7%. Due to low capacity utilization 
in the fourth quarter the gross margin was slightly down to 28.7% 
from last year's 29.2%. Because of Clariant's strong focus on SG&A 
costs reduction, the operating margin before exceptional items 
improved to 6.6 % from 6.3 % in the previous year. The operating 
income before exceptionals reached CHF 530 million compared to CHF 
539 million in 2007. 
As a result of the deterioration of the leather and textile markets 
and their uncertain evolution in 2009, Clariant revised the business 
plans for these two businesses, which led to an impairment of CHF 180 
By the end of 2008, Clariant had reduced roughly 1 650 job positions 
out of the reduction target of approximately 2 200 that was announced 
in 2006. The activities to reduce SG&A costs as well as the 
production site closures that were announced previously - namely in 
Horsforth, Coventry, Selby and Naucalpan - proceeded as planned. 
Restructuring and impairment costs related to those activities 
amounted to CHF 141 million. Total restructuring and impairment costs 
were at CHF 321 million. The Group recorded a net loss of CHF 37 
The operating cash flow remained solid in 2008 and reached CHF 391 
million despite a negative impact from inventories buildup in the 
first nine months. This compares to an operating cash flow of CHF 540 
million in the previous year. 
The balance sheet of the company remains solid. Clariant was able to 
reduce its net debt by 11% to CHF 1.21 billion from CHF 1.36 billion. 
The interest expenses also developed favourably, falling to CHF 85 
million from CHF 107 million in 2007. The company will not face 
maturities in capital markets for almost three years as all mid- and 
long-term debt was refinanced under favorable conditions between 
April 2006 and July 2008. Therefore the liquidity of the Clariant 
Group is strong and the company is prepared for a potential further 
economic downturn. 
Divisional Overview 
Pigments & Additives Division significantly improves operating income 
Sales in the Pigments & Additives Division remained stable in local 
currency while sales in CHF declined 6%. Solid growth in the first 
nine months could not compensate for the dramatic decline in demand 
from key customer industries such as automotive and plastics in the 
fourth quarter. Only the division's Specialties Business could offset 
the unfavorable demand development in Q4; Full Year sales in the 
Coatings and Plastics businesses declined. 
The division's gross margin remained stable compared to the previous 
year despite significant underutilization costs in the last quarter, 
whereas the operating margin significantly increased. The negative 
impact of currency effects on EBIT was more than offset by the 
systematic implementation of the restructuring measures and the focus 
on cost leadership. 
In order to streamline its portfolio and contribute to the 
consolidation of the wax markets, the division sold its 
Netherlands-based affiliate Dick Peters B.V. to the German specialty 
chemicals group Altana. The transaction was worth EUR 18 million. 
Textile, Leather & Paper Chemicals Division facing deteriorating 
Clariant's Textile, Leather & Paper Chemicals Division was 
significantly impacted by the deterioration of the leather and 
textile markets that commenced already in early 2008 and continued 
with increasing momentum after the Olympic Games, when the demand 
decline reached the markets in Asia. Divisional sales decreased 6% in 
local currencies and 13% in CHF. The Paper Business held up 
relatively well in the economic downturn. 
The gross margin as well as the operating margin of the division 
declined significantly. The gross margin was impacted by weak top 
line growth in the Leather and Textile businesses, the resulting 
capacity underutilization towards the end of the year and by a supply 
shortage resulting in escalating raw material costs in the Paper 
Business. At the operating margin level, restructuring efforts and 
cost-cutting measures, in particular in SG&A, proceeded as planned 
but were not sufficient to compensate for the capacity 
underutilization that worsened the gross margin. 
Masterbatches Division strongly affected by declining demand in key 
customer segments 
Demand for the products of the Masterbatches Division declined with 
increasing momentum during the year. Weak market environments in the 
United States, e.g., in the automotive and housing sectors spilled 
over to Europe and - in the last quarter - also to the other regions. 
Consequently sales declined 1% in local currencies and 7% in CHF. 
The weakening demand caused underutilization of capacities in the 
last quarter - countered by extended plant shutdowns - which 
negatively impacted the gross margin. The division's decisive 
approach on reducing temporary employees and overtime mitigated the 
impact on operating profitability but could not totally offset it. As 
a result, the operating margin of the division declined compared to 
The division strengthened its position as world leader in the 
masterbatch business by the acquisition and integration of US-based 
Rite Systems / Ricon Colors in July 2008, which positively 
contributed to the results of the division. 
Functional Chemicals Division with solid top and bottom line growth 
Sales in the Functional Chemicals Division grew 9% in local 
currencies or 3% in CHF. Volumes showed resilience against the 
macroeconomic downturn in the first nine months. In particular the 
Agro Chemicals Business, the Oil and Mining Services and - in the 
last quarter - also the de-icing business contributed to the 
favorable top line development. The Personal Care Business also 
developed very positively. The division was able to offset a 
declining demand in the United States by market share gains. 
Due to the consequent implementation of cost-cutting measures, in 
particular in SG&A, as well as a consistent price-over-volume 
approach, the division could increase both the gross margin and the 
operating margin before exceptionals. 
Currently there is no evidence that the global economy will recover 
soon from the depressed levels seen in recent months. However, a 
differentiated development among Clariant's market segments as 
already observed in 2008 can be expected as parts of the company's 
portfolio are less exposed to economic developments than others. 
In this challenging environment, Clariant will accelerate several 
actions to address both the unsatisfactory performance and the 
economic slowdown. Cash generation through significantly decreasing 
net working capital and spending discipline will be the prevailing 
priority for 2009 in order to create the financial headroom for 
decisive restructuring. 
Following this approach, Clariant will rapidly and forcefully 
implement the announced significant decrease in personnel costs by 
reducing 1 000 job positions in addition to the 2 200 announced in 
2006. Also, Clariant will simplify its organization in order to 
unwind additional cash generation and cost savings potential - in 
particular in the SG&A area. Restructuring costs in 2009 will amount 
to approximately CHF 200 to 300 million. 
Reflecting the current uncertainties in the economic environment, the 
Board of Directors will recommend to Clariant's 14th General Assembly 
on April 2 to suspend dividends, grants or payouts to shareholders 
for 2008. 
For 2010, Clariant confirms its target of an above industry average 
return on invested capital (ROIC). 
 - end - 
Media Relations 
Arnd Wagner          Phone +41 61 469 61 58 
Investor Relations 
Ulrich Steiner       Phone +41 61 469 67 45 
|Key Financial Group Figures                                                                          | 
|                           |                                Full Year|                 Fourth Quarter| 
|Continuing operations:     |                2008|                2007|           2008|           2007| 
|                           |      CHF mn|   % of|      CHF mn|   % of| CHF mn|   % of| CHF mn|   % of| 
|                           |            |  sales|            |  sales|       |  sales|       |  sales| 
|Sales                      |       8'071|  100.0|       8'533|  100.0|  1'744|  100.0|  2'086|  100.0| 
|                           |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Local currency growth (LC):|          1%|       |            |       |    -9%|       |       |       | 
|   Organic growth1         |          1%|       |            |       |    -9%|       |       |       | 
|                           |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Acquisitions/Divestitures  |          0%|       |            |       |     0%|       |       |       | 
|   Currencies              |         -6%|       |            |       |    -7%|       |       |       | 
|                           |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Gross profit               |       2'314|   28.7|       2'488|   29.2|    440|   25.2|    580|   27.8| 
|EBITDA before exceptionals |         783|    9.7|         812|    9.5|    104|    6.0|    194|    9.3| 
|EBITDA                     |         691|    8.6|         628|    7.4|    102|    5.8|     90|    4.3| 
|Operating income before    |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|exceptionals               |         530|    6.6|         539|    6.3|     42|    2.4|    122|    5.8| 
|Operating income           |         229|    2.8|         278|    3.3|   -148|    8.5|      7|    0.3| 
|Net income from continuing |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|operations                 |         -28|    0.3|         108|    1.3|   -199|   11.4|    -21|    1.0| 
|Net income                 |         -37|    0.5|           5|    0.1|   -207|   11.9|    -17|    0.8| 
|Operating cash flow (total |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|operations)                |         391|       |         540|       |    217|       |    220|       | 
|                           |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Discontinued operations:   |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Sales                      |           0|       |          82|       |      0|       |      1|       | 
|Net loss from discontinued |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|operations                 |          -9|       |        -103|       |     -8|       |      4|       | 
|                           |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|Other key figures:         |  31.12.2008|       |  31.12.2007|       |       |       |       |       | 
|Net debt                   |       1'209|       |       1'361|       |       |       |       |       | 
|Equity (including          |            |       |            |       |       |       |       |       | 
|minorities)                |       1'987|       |       2'372|       |       |       |       |       | 
|Gearing                    |         61%|       |         57%|       |       |       |       |       | 
|Return on invested capital2|        9.0%|       |        7.8%|       |       |       |       |       | 
|Number of employees        |      20'102|       |      20'931|       |       |       |       |       | 
1Throughout this statement the term "organic growth" is being used. 
It means volume and price effects excluding the impacts of changes in 
FX rates and acquisitions/divestitures. 
2 Clariant calculates ROIC by dividing NOPLAT before exceptional 
items by the average net capital employed. NOPLAT is calculated by 
taking the operating income before exceptional items adjusted by the 
expected tax rate. Net capital employed also considers operating cash 
and capitalized operating leases. 
Clariant - Exactly your chemistry. 
Clariant is a global leader in the field of specialty chemicals. 
Strong business relationships, commitment to outstanding service and 
wide-ranging application know-how make Clariant a preferred partner 
for its customers. 
Clariant, which is represented on five continents with over 100 group 
companies, employs around 20 000 people. Headquartered in Muttenz 
near Basel, Switzerland, it generated sales of CHF 8.1 billion in 
2008. Clariant's businesses are organized in four divisions: Textile, 
Leather & Paper Chemicals, Pigments & Additives, Masterbatches and 
Functional Chemicals. 
Clariant is committed to sustainable growth springing from its own 
innovative strength. Clariant's innovative products play a key role 
in its customers' manufacturing and treatment processes or else add 
value to their end products. The company's success is based on the 
know-how of its people and their ability to identify new customer 
needs at an early stage and to work together with customers to 
develop innovative, efficient solutions. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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