RNS Number:8273Y
National Grid PLC
21 June 2007
21 June 2007
National Grid plc ('National Grid' or 'NGplc')
National Grid Gas plc (NGG)
National Grid Gas Holdings plc (NGGH)
National Grid Electricity Transmission plc (NGET)
-Annual Information Update
This Annual Information Update is issued on the issue of the National Grid
Report and Accounts 2007 and contains information in respect of National Grid
and the group entities headlined above as specified in this document.
It is required by and being made pursuant to Article 10 of the Prospectus
Directive as implemented in the United Kingdom and not for any other purpose and
neither the Company, nor any other person, takes responsibility for, or makes
any representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of,
the information which it contains. This information is not necessarily up to
date at the date of this annual information update and the issuing Companies do
not undertake any obligation to update any such information in the future.
Furthermore such information may have been prepared in accordance with the laws
or regulations of a particular jurisdiction and may not comply with or meet the
relevant standards of disclosure in any other jurisdiction. This annual
information update does not constitute an offer of any securities addressed to
any person and should not be relied upon by any person.
Section A:
Announcements to the London Stock Exchange by National Grid plc and/or by other
companies headlined, as indicated:
3.4.06 and NGET- Medium Tem Note Programme
6.4.06 NGET GBP 50m 1.6747% RPI linked instruments due 2036-
Publication of Final Terms on the RNS website AND NGGH GBP 100m
1.6747% RPI linked instruments due 2036- publication of Final
Terms on the RNS website.
7.4.06 National Grid Gas plc- Medium Tem Note Programme
10.4.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for National Grid Gas Holdings plc)
27.4.06 Directors interests- Lapse of certain Executive Options
(similar RNS for NGGH -on 28.4.06)
10.5.06 NGET GBP 50m 1.819% RPI-Linked Instruments due 2056 -
Publication of Final Terms on the RNS website
11.5.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)
11.5.06 NGET Announcement - Medium Tem Note Programme
12.5.06 NGplc/ NGET Euro 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note
Programme published on the RNS website.
18.5.06 Results for the year ended 31 March 2006.
Also released in the names of NGET, NGGplc, NGGHplc and NGGFplc
-as 'National Grid plc- annual results'
19.5.06 NGplc/ NGET Euro 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Prospectus
published on the RNS website.
23.5.06 NGGH /NGGplc 10,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme
published on the RNS website.
23.5.06 Director's share purchase (Sir John Parker)
25.5.06 NGET GBP 150m 1.823% RPI-Linked Instruments due 2056 -
Publication of Final Terms on the RNS website
26.5.06 NGET- Issue of Debt
30.5.06 Directors interests- (Steve Lucas share disposal)
(similar RNS for NGGH)
1.6.06 NGplc/ NGET Euro 250,000,000 5.25 per cent instruments due 2011.
Final Terms published on the RNS website.
2.6.06 National Grid Euro Medium Term note Programme- Issue Of Debt.
6.6.06 ESOT Operation- purchase of more shares.
6.6.06 Barclays interest reduced to 3.86%.
9.6.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan -
monthly update (Similar-for National Grid Gas Holdings plc-
and lapse of Executive. Options /Director's disposal)
9.6.06 Morgan Stanley notify a 3.01% interest.
13.6.06 Morgan Stanley interest falls below 3%
16.6.06 Deferred Share Plan Awards- and ESOT
20.6.06 Publication of Annual Report and Accounts
21.6.06 National Grid plc / National Grid Electricity Transmission plc
Euro 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme published on
RNS website.
22.6.06 Issue of Debt- Medium Term Note Programme
23.6.06 Annual Information Update
28.6.06 Shareholder Circular- Keyspan Acquisition and Notice of EGM
28.6.06 Issue of Debt- Medium Term Note Programme
(Separate RNS for NGGH)
28.6.06 Directors Interests - Performance Share Plan operation
(Similar RNS for NGGH)
20.6.06 US Debt Shelf Registration Statement
30.6.06 Fidelity notify an interest of 3.03%.
3.7.06 B share dividend
3.7.06 NGGH- Resignation of Director (Colin Buck))
4.7.06 Directors Technical Interests- ESOT Operation- purchase of
more shares (Similar RNS for NGGH plc)
10.7.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar RNS for NGGH)
12.7.06 NGET issue of #50,000,000 1.797 per cent. RPI Linked
Instruments due 2056 under the NG/ NGET Euro 12,000,000,000
Euro Medium Term Note Programme published on RNS website.
10.7.06 Update on National Grid Acquisition of Keyspan
And 12.7.06
13.7.06 Directors interests- Nick Winser Exercises Sharematch Award
13.7.06 Directors Technical Interests- ESOT Operation- disposal of
Trust shares (Similar RNS for NGGH)
14.7.06 NGET- Euro Medium Term Note Programme- debt issue
24.7.06 NG plc Final Terms published in relation to the NG issue of
#250m 5.5 per cent. Instruments due 24 July 2013 under the NG/
NGET Euro 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme
24.7.06 NGGH. Appointment of Director- A Wiltshire; and M Fairbairn
exercises sharematch award.
24.7.06 SEC-Registered Securities
24.7.06 Euro Medium Term Note Programme.
26.7.06 RNS announcement and PDF of the Final Terms- National Grid plc's
issue of EUR 300,000,000 Floating Rate Instruments due 2008
under the NG/NGET Euro 12Bn Euro Medium Term Note Programme -
published on RNS website.
And RNS announcement and PDF of the Final Terms- NGET issue of
GBP25,000,000 1.692 per cent. RPI Linked Instruments due 2056
under the NG/NGET Euro 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note
Programme (published on the RNS website.)
27.7.06 RNS announcement and PDF of the Final Terms- NGET's issue of
#25m 1.5842 per cent. RPI Linked Instruments due
2056 under the NG/ NGET 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note
Programme published on RNS website.
27.7.06 National Grid plc Medium Tem Note Programme
27.7.06 NGET Medium Term Note Programme
28.7.06 NGGH Directors Interests on appointment- A Wiltshire
28.7.06 NGET Medium Tem Note Programme- two announcements
28.7.06 Legal&General Interest at 3.98%.
1.8.06 AGM and EGM Poll Results.
2.8.06 Directors Share Interests- Lapse of 2003 tranche of
Performance Share Plan Awards (similar RNS for NGGH on 3.8.06)
7.8.06 Block Listing Six Monthly Return
9.8.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
including Directors B Share Repurchase (N Winser and R Urwin)
(Similar-for National Grid Gas Holdings plc)-
9.8.06 RNS announcement and PDF of the Final Terms. NG Gas plc's
issue of #100m 1.6298 per cent. RPI Linked Instruments
due 2048 under NGGH /N G Gas plc Euro 10bn Euro
Medium Term Note Programme published on RNS website.
10.8.06 NGGas- Euro Medium Term Note Programme
11.8.06 RNS announcement and PDF of the Prospectus of the National
Grid plc / National Grid Electricity Transmission
plc Euro 12,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme
published on the RNS website
11.8.06 National Grid Gas GBP 100m 1.5522% Instruments due 2048 -
Publication of Final Terms on the RNS website
14.8.06 NG Gas- Medium Term Note Programme
14.8.06 Return of Cash - Repurchase of B Shares
18.8.06 Update on National Grid Acquisition of Keyspan
23.8.06 Directors Technical Interests - NG Group Employee Share Trust
24.8.06 NGplc- Publication of Final Terms on the RNS Website
25.8.06 National Grid Completes Acquisition -New England Gas Rhode Island
25.8.06 Issue of Debt- Medium Term Note Programme.
25.8.06 Director interests on dividend reinvestment
1.9.06 NGGH - M Fairbairn exercises Sharesave
5.9.06 Director's Technical interests- Trust share purchases.
8.9.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
15.9.06 Calendar Update
15.9.06 Publication of Final Terms
18.9.06 Issue of Debt- Medium Term Note Programme.
18.9.06 Fidelity (FMR) Holding falls below 3%
22.9.06 Publication of Final Terms
25.9.06 Issue of Debt- NG Medium Term Note Programme.
26.9.06 Fidelity notify an interest of 3.01%.
28.9.06 Director's Technical interests- Trust share purchases and
3.10.06 National Grid close period trading update for the six months
ending 30 September 2006
4.10.06 Directorate - M Jesanis.
4.10.06 Fidelity interest reduced below 3%.
6.10.06 Credit Suisse interest reduced below 3%.
10.10.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
11.10.06 Capital Group notify Interest at 6.02%.
16.10.06 National Grid Gas #300m 1.754% Instruments due 2036 -
Publication of Final Terms on the RNS website
17.10.06 National Grid Gas- Euro Medium Term Note Programme
19.10.06 Fidelity interest increased above 3%.
19.10.06 National Grid Board Appointments
19.10.06 Notification of Board changes - further information
20.10.06 Capital Group notify Interest at 5.06%.
24.10.06 Update On National Grid Acquisition Of Keyspan
(US FERC Approval)
24.10.06 NGGH Debt Repurchase and NGGH/NGG/-
Publication of Prospectus on the RNS website
1.11.06 NG Gas- Debt Repurchase
6.11.06 Capital Group notify Interest at 4.90%.
8.11.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
13.11.06 Capital Group notify Interest at 3.75%.
16.11.06 Results for the six months ended 30 September 2006
(also released in the names of NGET, NGGplc, and NGGH -as
'National Grid plc-annual results')
21.11.06 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 20 Nov- first
And 22.11.06 - for 21 Nov. repurchase of 350,000
22.11.06 NGGH- M Cooper; Exec. options exercise and part- disposal
22.11.06 NG Gas- Debt Repurchase
24.11.06 NG plc - Repurchase of 300,000 shares (on 23 Nov.)
And 28.11.06 for 27 Nov repurchase 0f 550,000.
28.11.06 Legal&General Interest at 4.00%.
29.11.06 NG plc - Repurchase of 550,000 shares (on 28 Nov.)
And 30.11.06 for 29 Nov. repurchase of 270,000.
30.11.06 NG Gas- Debt Repurchase
30.11.06 Legal&General Interest at 3.99%.
1.12.06 NG- Publication of Prospectus on the RNS website
(Euro 12Bn Medium Term Note Programme)
1.12.06 NG Gas- Debt Repurchase
1.12.06 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 30 Nov.)
6.12.06 Legal&General Interest at 4%.
11.12.06 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
13.12.06 NG Gas- Debt Repurchase
15.12.06 UK Regulatory Price Controls: Final Proposals
19.12.06 NG plc - Repurchase of 200,000 shares (on 18 Dec.)
And 20.12.06 for 19 Dec. repurchase of 90,000.
And 21.12.06 for 20 Dec. repurchase of 500,000.
And 22.12.06 for 21 Dec. repurchase of 263,381.
29.12.06 Grant of Sharesave option to S Lucas
(similar RNS for 3 NGGH Directors)
29.12.06 NG.Total voting rights at 31.12.06.
And 2.1.07 and 3.1.07 and 4.1.07
2.1.07 Directors share interests on appointment- M Fairbairn
4.1.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 300,000 shares (on 3 Jan.)
And 5.1.07 for 4 Jan. repurchase of 375,000.
And 8.1.07 for 5 Jan. repurchase of 550,000.
8.1.07 NG. Total voting rights
9.1.07 Financial Timetable for the year ending 31 March 2008.
9.1.07 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
9.1.07 Directors Technical interests (NG Employee Share Trust
9.1.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 8 Jan.)
And 10.1.07 for 9 Jan repurchase of 500,000.
10.1.07 Publication of Prospectus
10.1.07 NG.Total voting rights
And 11.1.07
11.1.07 NG Medium Tem note programme
11.1.07 NGGas #140m 1.7864% Instruments 2037- Publication of Final
Terms on RNS website NGGas #50m 1.7552% Instruments 2037 -
Publication of Final Terms on RNS website
11.1.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 10 Jan.)
12.1.07 NGG- two issue of debt releases
15.1.07 NG.Total voting rights
15.1.07 NGET Debt Repurchase
And 16.1.07
16.1.07 NG.Total voting rights
And 17.1.07
16.1.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 15 Jan.)
And 17.1.07 for 16 Jan. repurchase of 500,000.
18.1.07 Directors Technical interests (NG Employee Share Trust
19.1.07 NG.Total voting rights (final RNS for reporting period to 20
Jan 07 -ongoing reporting - monthly).
22.1.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 600,000 shares (on 19 Jan.)
And 23.1.07 for 22 Jan. repurchase of 300,000.
And 24.1.07 for 23 Jan. repurchase of 300,000.
24.1.07 Directors Technical interests (NG Employee Share Trust
25.1.07 NG Gas #25m 1.7712% Instruments due 2037 - Publication of
Final Terms on RNS website
26.1.07 Directors- Dividend reinvestment (S Lucas/M Fairbairn SIP/
29.1.07 DRIP Dividend Reinvestment- The Chairman
29.1.07 NGG- Publication of Prospectus
29.1.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 250,000 shares (on 26 Jan.)
30.1.07 NGG Medium Term Note Programme
31.1.07 NG.Total voting rights (first monthly update).
2.2.07 S Lucas- Share interests (Disposal)
6.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 250,000 shares (on 5 Feb).
And 7.2.07 for 6.2.07 repurchase of 250,000.
7.2.07 Blocklisting Interim Review
8.2.07 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
8.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 235,000 shares (on 7 Feb).
And 12.2.07 for 9.2.07 repurchase of 200,000.
12.2.07 Directors' Technical Interests (Trust Operation)
13.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 100,000 shares (on 12 Feb).
14.2.07 Blocklisting Application (5m more shares for shareschemes)
14.2.07 DRIP Operation (Reinvestment for M Fairbairn)
15.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 450,000 shares (on 14 Feb).
And 16.2.07 for 15.2.07 repurchase of 500,000.
And 19.2.07 for 16.2.07 repurchase of 500,000.
19.2.07 Publication of Final Terms
(Separate NGG Releases on 19 and 20.2.07)
20.2.07 Issue of Debt
(separate RNS for NGG)
21.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 20 Feb).
And 22.2.07 for 21.2.07 repurchase of 700,000.
21.2.07 NGG Medium Term Note Programme
22.2.07 Legal & General Interest confirmed at 4% level.
23.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 22 Feb).
And 26.2.07 for 23.2.07 repurchase of 100,000.
26.2.07 NGGH - Publication of Prospectus
27.2.07 NGG- Publication of Final Terms
28.2.07 Total voting rights (NGplc monthly update).
28.2.07 NGG- Publication of Final Terms
(Separate NGG RNS- EMTN Programme)
28.2.07 NGG- Issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
28.2.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 650,000 shares (on 27 Feb).
And 1.3.07 for 28.2.07 repurchase of 800,000.
1.3.07 NGG- Issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
2.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 1 March).
And 5.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 100,000 shares (on 2 March).
And 6.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 350,000 shares (on 5 March).
And 8.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 400,000 shares (on 7 March).
8.3.07 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
8.3.07 NGG Debt Redemption
9.3.07 NGG issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
9.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 350,000 shares (on 8 March).
And 12.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 9 March)
And 13.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 12 March)
And 14.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 13 March)
And 15.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 14 March)
And 16.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 225,000 shares (on 15 March)
15.3.07 NGG - Publication of Final Terms on the RNS Website
16.3.07 NGG issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
16.3.07 NGplc- Publication of Final Terms
19.3.07 NGplc Issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
19.3.07 Fidelity interest confirmed above 4%
20.3.07 NGplc- Publication of Final Terms
20.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 380,000 shares (on 19 March).
And 21.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 20 March)
21.3.07 NGplc Issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
22.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 500,000 shares (on 21 March).
And 23.3.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 22 March)
27.3.07 NGG- Publication of Final Terms
28.3.07 NGplc- Publication of Final Terms (two releases)
28.3.07 NGplc- Issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
(-Separate issue by NGG)
29.3.07 NGplc Issue of Debt- EMTN Programme
29.3.07 National Grid close period trading update for
the twelve months ending 31 March 2007
3.4.07 Disposal- National Grid Wireless
3.4.07 Total voting rights (NGplc monthly update).
3.4.07 NGG - Publication of Final Terms on the RNS Website
4.4.07 NGET - Publication of Final Terms on the RNS Website
5.4.07 NGG - Publication of Final Terms on the RNS Website
12.4.07 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
27.4.07 Keyspan Update
30.4.07 Total voting rights (NGplc monthly update).
10.5.07 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
17.5.07 National Grid plc - Results for the year ended 31 March 2007
(also released in the names of NGET, NGG and NGGH
-as 'National Grid plc- annual results')
21.5.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 2,200,000 shares (on 18 May).
And 22.5.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 1,750,000 shares (on 21 May)
And 23.5.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 1,600,000 shares (on 22 May)
And 25.5.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 1,250,000 shares (on 24 May)
And 29.5.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 730,000 shares (on 25 May)
And 30.5.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 750,000 shares (on 29 May)
1.6.07 Total voting rights (NGplc monthly update).
1.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 650,000 shares (on 31 May).
And 4.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 360,000 shares (on 1 June).
And 5.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 700,000 shares (on 4 June).
And 6.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 730,000 shares (on 5 June).
7.6.07 Director Interests- N Winser exercises Sharematch Award
and part-disposal
7.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 2 million shares (on 6 June).
And 8.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 2,900,000 shares (on 7 June).
8.6.07 Directors Interests - Share Incentive Plan - monthly update
(Similar-for NGGH)-
11.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 1 million shares (on 8 June).
And 12.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 4 million shares (on 11 June).
And 13.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 3,500,000 shares (on 12 June).
And 15.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 2,200,000 shares (on 14 June).
15.6.07 Directors's interests- Deferred Share Plan Awards
(Similar-for NGGH)-
18.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 2,600,000 shares (on 15 June).
And 19.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 930,000 shares (on 18 June).
19.6.07 Annual Report and Accounts Published
19.6.07 Director Interests- S Lucas exercises Sharematch Award
and part-disposal.
20.6.07 Director Interests- M Fairbairn exercises Sharematch Award
and part-disposal.
20.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 1,600,000 shares (on 19 June).
And 21.6.07 NG plc - Repurchase of 2 million shares (on 20 June).
Section B:
Filings at UK Companies House by National Grid plc- the listed group holding
During the period, National Grid plc made the following filings:
Forms 88(2) in respect of various allotments of shares under the National Grid
Share Schemes.
Forms 169 in respect of various repurchases, and the subsequent cancellation, of
ordinary shares in the period from November 2006 to the date of this return.
5.4.06 and 5.4.07- Annual Returns.
2.4.07 Directors Particulars changed
23.1.07 Director Appointed (M Fairbairn)
Jan 07 Two Director Resignations (R Urwin and M Jesanis)
13.11.06 Director Appointed (L Adamany)
August 06 Memorandum of Association. And filing of other general meeting
resolutions passed for 2006; and Merger Agreement.
1.8.06 Director Resigns (J Grant)
11.8.06 Secretary's Particulars changed
28.7.06. Annual Report and Accounts (2005/06).
16.6.06 Directors Particulars changed.
Section C:
Filings with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the 'SEC')
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated May 2, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated May 18, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated June 5, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated June 20, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated June 20, 2006
National Grid plc Form 20-F for fiscal year ended March 31, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated July 7, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated July 14, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated July 21, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated August 1, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated August 25, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated October 2, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated October 3, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated October 4, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated October 19, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated November 16, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated December 7, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated December 15, 2006
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated January 12, 2007
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated March 1, 2007
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated March 29, 2007
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated April 3, 2007
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated May 4, 2007
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated May 17, 2007
National Grid plc Form 6-K dated June 1, 2007
National Grid plc Forms 6-K dated June 19, 2007
National Grid plc Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007
Form F-3ASR (Registration Statement) filed June 28, 2006
Form 8-A12B (registration of 10p shares) filed June 29, 2006
Form 11-K (for Thrift I plan) filed June 29, 2006
Form 11-K (for Thrift II plan) filed June 29, 2006
Form 424B2 (Preliminary Prospectus) filed July 14, 2006
Form FWP (Pricing Term Sheet for 6.30% notes) filed July 20, 2006
Form 424B2 (prospectus for 6.30% Notes) filed July 20, 2006
Form 8-A12B (Form 8-A registration of 6.30% Notes) filed July 21, 2006
Form CERTNYS (NYSE certification approving securities) filed August 1, 2006
SEC comment letter re 20-F filed September 22, 2006
SEC letter re 20-F comments filed October 31, 2006
Letter to SEC re responses to comments filed December 8, 2006
SEC letter re comments on 20-F filed January 9, 2007
Letter to SEC with responses to 20-F comments filed February 2, 2007
Form SC13G/A (Amendment to Schedule 13G - securities ownership) filed February
12, 2007
SEC letter re completion of 20-F review filed February 22, 2007
Contact for further information: D C Forward, Assistant Secretary 0207 004 3226
Note: Alternatively, detailed information may also be obtained from the London
Stock Exchange (Section A information) or UK Companies House (Section B
information) or the US Securities and Exchange Commission (Section C
information) as appropriate.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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