Fingrid Group – Management’s Review 1.1.−31.3.2024
Fingrid follows a six-month reporting period in compliance with
the Securities Markets Act and publishes Management’s Reviews for
the first three and nine months of the year; the Management’s
Reviews contain key information illustrating the company’s
financial and other development.
The information presented in the Management’s Review relates to
Fingrid Group’s performance in January–March 2024 and the
corresponding period of 2023, unless otherwise indicated. The
figures presented here have been drawn up in accordance with the
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The
Management’s Review is not an interim report in accordance with the
IAS 34 standard. The figures are unaudited.
- The transmission reliability rate of Fingrid’s grid was high,
at 99.99991 (100) per cent. Fingrid transmitted in its grid a
total of 80 (76) per cent of the total electricity transmission in
- The company’s investment programme is moving forward as
planned, and investments were higher than in the previous year. The
company’s estimate of the gross investments for the next four years
is approximately EUR two billion. Fingrid’s liquidity remained
- 528 (481) MW in renewable production capacity was connected to
the main grid. Of that volume, wind power accounts for 491 MW and
solar power for 37 MW.
- Turnover for January–March was significantly higher than in the
previous year. The balance service’s share of the company’s
turnover was 59 (69) per cent. The increased price of electricity
and expansion of operations have raised operating expenses.
- Grid service fees were waived in January and February. This,
and growing costs, were compensated by recognising EUR 182.3 (88.4)
million in congestion income in the company’s result. Balance
service fees were reduced as of 1 March 2024.
- Operating profit, excluding the change in the fair value of
derivatives linked to operational activities, amounted to EUR 119.8
(70.9) million. The company’s allowed profit has risen due to the
higher interest rate level and extensive investment programme.
Profit before taxes was EUR 81.0 (-80.4) million.
Key figures
€M |
1−3/24 |
1−3/23 |
change % |
1−12/23 |
Turnover |
472.9 |
355.3 |
33.1 |
1,193.2 |
result* |
119.8 |
70.9 |
69.0 |
186.1 |
Earnings before
taxes * |
118.1 |
69.6 |
69.6 |
186.0 |
Result for the
period |
64.9 |
-64.3 |
201.0 |
1.2 |
Net cash flow
from operations |
36.7 |
73.2 |
-49.9 |
219.3 |
congestion income |
86.4 |
82.6 |
4.6 |
317.0 |
expenditure, gross |
77.0 |
56.9 |
35.3 |
322.0 |
net debt |
672.2 |
300.1 |
124.0 |
535.2 |
* Excluding the change in the fair value of derivatives |
Review by the President & CEO:
Period of bitter cold underscores need to discuss demands
of evolving power system
“2024 began with bitter cold weather that raised electricity
consumption to its highest level for the winter of 2023–2024. The
hourly average load rose to its peak of 14,993 megawatt on 3
January 2024. In the same week, the price of electricity also rose
to a high level when the peak hourly price surged on 5 January 2024
to close to EUR 1,900 per megawatt hour and the average price for
electricity for the day was EUR 890. Fluctuations in the power
system and the price of electricity were large. Despite the
challenging circumstances, there was enough electricity and the
significant flexibility in electricity consumption contributed to
ensuring an adequate supply.
The prolonged period of below-zero weather made the adequacy of
electricity generation and possible means for ensuring it a hot
topic. In addition to rising electricity consumption, the power
system was tested by disturbances in the availability of individual
electricity generation facilities. Fingrid highlighted the need to
quickly launch the planning and preparation of a well-defined and
proportionate capacity mechanism or other arrangement supporting
the adequacy of electricity supply.
Fingrid continued to implement the sizeable investment programme
revealed last year and made new investment decisions based on
customer needs to enable the connection of production and
consumption and to maintain high system security. One major new
investment that was decided was the construction of a
210-kilometre-long, 400-kilovolt transmission line from Rovaniemi
to Vaala. The connection will increase transmission capacity from
the north to the south.
Fingrid updated the electricity production and consumption
forecasts used for planning the main grid. In the big picture,
forecasts remain intact and we are prepared for significant growth
in both production and consumption by 2030. The number of new grid
connection enquiries that Fingrid receives from electricity
producers and electricity-intensive industries has continued to
grow. The enquiries, which mostly concern electricity-intensive
industrial and electric heating projects, come to more than 25
gigawatts, while the enquiries number of wind and solar power
projects equal approximately 350 gigawatts. In addition, the number
of projects related to grid energy storage has increased rapidly to
roughly 8 gigawatts. Naturally, there are uncertainties with regard
to the schedules and implementation of the projects.
The continued efforts to improve corporate culture were
recognised when Fingrid placed second in the list of Finland’s Most
Inspiring Workplaces in the mid-sized companies category. This
year, the goal of Fingrid’s entire personnel is to build an even
more unified safety culture through an occupational safety promise
made by each team and unit.
After the publication of the company's reasonable return
regulatory model, which changed at the start of
2024, Fitch Ratings confirmed Fingrid’s long-term company rating as
‘A+’ and changed the rating’s outlook from stable to negative.
S&P Global Ratings reduced Fingrid’s long-term and short-term
credit ratings to “A+/A-1” from “AA-/A-1+”. The outlook for the
ratings is stable. Carrying out the sizeable investment programme
requires a level of financing that matches the needs of the
programme. Fingrid’s Green Finance Framework and green commercial
paper programme allow the company to implement its debt financing
entirely by means of green financing. In March, the company issued
a EUR 500 million green bond.”
Main business events
- The consumption peak for winter 2023–2024 was seen in the first
week of January during a long period of below-zero weather. At its
highest, electricity consumption came to 14,993 megawatt hours on 3
January 2024 between 7 pm and 8 pm, with Finland’s electricity
production contributing 12,112 MWh/h and net imports from
neighbouring countries amounting to 2,881 MWh/h. A new wind
power production record was set on 14 March 2024, with Finnish wind
power generating a total of 6,076 MWh/h.
- The colder than average weather drove Finland’s electricity
consumption up and it came to 24.2 (22.3) terawatt hours in
January–March. In the same period, Fingrid transmitted a total of
20.1 (18.3) terawatt hours in its grid, representing 80.4 (75.9)
per cent of the total electricity transmission in Finland. During
this period, the electricity Fingrid transmitted to its customers
amounted to 18.7 (16.1) terawatt hours, which represents 77.4
(72.3) per cent of Finland’s total consumption.
- As of 1 March 2024, the volume fee for production and
consumption paid by balance responsible parties fell from EUR 1.50
to EUR 1.33 per megawatt hour. It was possible to reduce the fee
because the power system reserve costs covered by the balance
service fees had fallen. Other balance service fees remained
- The second transmission connection between Finland and Estonia,
EstLink 2, experienced a failure on 26 January 2024, and it is
still undergoing repairs. The failure in the EstLink2 connection
has not caused any disturbances in the functioning of the power
- The company estimates that gross investments will come to
approximately EUR two billion over the next four years, including
the current year. Fingrid had 72 substations and 560 kilometres of
transmission lines under way. Investment commitments came to EUR
751 million.
- Of the company’s investments, the majority are new investments
based on customer needs. During the start of the year, the company
made investment decisions to enable new connections and to maintain
system security. Among other things, a decision on a new
210-kilometre-long, 400-kilovolt Rovaniemi–Vaala transmission line
connection and two connected substations will increase the
north-south electricity transmission capacity.
- The rapid development of the power system and dramatic growth
in transmission needs require a variety of new solutions to enable
customer connections. Fingrid will initiate discussions with
customers to find new grid service pricing solutions, with the goal
of effectively utilising the grid’s transmission capacity for the
needs of new connectors.
- At the end of the review period, the total capacity of
electricity production connection enquiries was 367 GW, and the
total capacity of consumption connection enquiries was 35 GW.
- On 16 January 2024, the Energy Authority approved the reserve
market terms and conditions for aFRR, FCR and FFR reserves, which
will expand trading opportunities between Finland and Sweden. The
terms will be adopted in two phases during spring 2024.
- Fingrid came second in Finland’s Most Inspiring Workplaces
competition’s mid-sized companies category. The selection was based
on the results of the PeoplePower personnel survey.
- On 1 March 2024, Antti Keskinen, M.Sc. (Tech.), took on the
role of Senior Vice President, Markets at Fingrid and became a
member of the executive management group. He reports to the
President & CEO Asta Sihvonen-Punkka.
- On 21 March 2024, Fingrid Oyj’s
Annual General Meeting approved the financial statements for 2023
and decided on the dividend payment. The first instalment of the
dividend, totalling EUR 91,268,400.00, was paid on 26 March 2024.
Hannu Linna was re-elected as the Chair of the Board of Directors,
and Leena Mörttinen was re-elected as Deputy Chair of the Board of
Directors. In addition, Jero Ahola and Anne Jalkala were re-elected
as Board members and Mikko Mursula was elected as a new Board
Legal proceedings and proceedings by
On 14 September 2022, the EU Agency for the Cooperation of
Energy Regulators (ACER) made a decision on long-term price risk
hedging opportunities between Finland and Sweden. In its decision,
ACER requested that the Finnish and Swedish TSOs ensure the
availability of other long-term cross-zonal hedging products and
develop the necessary arrangements for providing hedging
products. Fingrid filed an appeal against the decision to
ACER’s Board of Appeal on 14 November 2022. The Board of Appeal
issued its resolution on the appeal on 24 October 2023, where it
confirmed ACER’s original decision. Fingrid submitted to the Energy
Authority on 22 December 2023 its proposal for improving the price
risk hedging opportunities between Finland and Sweden.
Fingrid received an expropriation permit for the widening of the
Torna–Lautakari right-of-way for the neutral line on 27 October
2022. In the kick-off meeting for the expropriation procedure on 1
December 2022, the expropriation committee decided that the
expropriating party is obligated to assume responsibility for the
tree stands within the scope of the rights and restrictions set in
the expropriation permit, unless otherwise agreed. The final
meeting of the expropriation procedure was held on 16 November
2023. Fingrid has appealed the decision concerning the
Torna-Lautakari tree stands’ expropriation to the Southwest Finland
District Court’s Land Rights Court on 22 December 2023.
On 20 December 2023, Fingrid Datahub Oy filed a proposal with
the Energy Authority to change the model concerning Fingrid Datahub
Oy’s financial regulation for the regulatory period 2024–2027 and
simultaneously proposed that the regulatory model be developed
On 2 January 2024, Fingrid appealed the Energy Authority’s
decision on the terms and conditions of balance service at the
Market Court. The appeal mainly concerns the collateral model for
balance responsible parties presented in the decision. In November
2023, the Energy Authority issued a decision on the terms and
conditions for balance responsible parties, which include the
principles for how collateral requirements are determined. The
Energy Authority’s decision includes major changes to the current
collateral terms and conditions and sets apart Finland’s collateral
model from that used in other Nordic countries. The most
significant changes to the current collateral model include a major
reduction in the required collaterals, elimination of the
requirement to provide an adequate additional collateral and a
possible collateral ceiling.
On 29 January 2024, Fingrid appealed the Energy Authority’s
decision on the methods concerning the specification of the profit
for the electricity transmission grid operations for the sixth
regulatory period 1 January 2024–31 December 2027 and seventh
regulatory period 1 January 2028–31 December 2031 at the Market
Court. According to Fingrid’s assessment, the decision on the
regulatory methods is a significant weakening of the electricity
transmission grid operations’ reasonable profit regulatory method
that expired at year-end. In Fingrid’s view, the assessment of
impacts in preparing the regulatory model decision has been
deficient and there are still issues open to interpretation related
to the presented decision. Fingrid’s goal is a solution that would
also enable the future development of the grid, allowing the
hundreds of billions in green transition investments in Finland to
be implemented as planned.
On 15 February 2024, Fingrid appealed the decision given by the
Energy Authority on 11 January 2024 on the scope of the national
transmission system operator’s systems responsibility regarding the
grid connection of the OL3 nuclear power plant at the Market Court.
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (“TVO”) lodged a request for an
investigation with the Energy Authority on 25 May 2022 related to
the claims by TVO that Fingrid has neglected its obligation to
develop the main grid as stated in the Finnish Electricity Market
Act and/or other applicable legislation, and that, as a result, it
has placed unlawful restrictions on connecting the Olkiluoto 3
nuclear power plant to the grid, and that Fingrid is in breach of
its administrative obligations linked to carrying out its public
administrative task. The Energy Authority states in its decision on
11 January 2024 that Fingrid fulfilled its development, connection
and transmission obligations in accordance with the Electricity
Market Act. The Energy Authority also found the 1,300 MW power
limit specified in Fingrid’s connection terms justified and did not
find Fingrid to have restricted Olkiluoto 3’s access to the grid.
In its decision, the Energy Authority sees, however, that Olkiluoto
3’s grid load limitation falls under Fingrid’s responsibility based
on a transmission system operator’s special protection system as
intended by legislation and that Fingrid is in breach of Article 9
of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 establishing a
guideline on electricity transmission system operation and its
obligation in line with Section 10, Subsection 1 of the Act on the
Control of the Electricity and Natural Gas Market (2013/590) to
bring the determination principles for fees it applies before the
Energy Authority for approval prior to their implementation.
HiQ Finland Oy (name changed on 6 February 2024 to Frends
Technology Oy) presented a claim for a revised decision and filed
an appeal with the Market Court on Fingrid’s procurement decision
related to the procurement of the user license for an integration
platform on 6 February 2024. On 16 February 2024, Fingrid revoked
its procurement decision and reported on 19 February 2024 to the
Market Court that the procurement decision had been revoked.
Following the revoking of the procurement decision, the Market
Court will decide on the claim for legal costs presented by HiQ
Finland Oy. Fingrid considers the claim for legal costs to be
Events after the review period
In line with the decision given by the Energy Authority on 11
January 2024, Fingrid initiated on 4 April 2024 a hearing on the
terms of Olkiluoto 3’s grid load limitation and the determination
principles for fees linked to the grid load limitation.
Fingrid has released a new contract notice on the procurement of
user licenses for an integration platform on 5 April 2024.
The company has not changed its earnings guidance from
what is stated in the Financial Statements Bulletin of 27 February
Further information:
Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, President & CEO
+358 30 395 5235 or +358 50 573 9053
Jukka Metsälä, Chief Financial Officer
+358 30 395 5213 or +358 40 563 3756
Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure
reliable electricity for our customers and society, and shape the
clean, market-oriented power system of the future.
Fingrid delivers. Responsibly.
Fingrid 29 (LSE:38FE)
Gráfica de Acción Histórica
De Dic 2024 a Ene 2025
Fingrid 29 (LSE:38FE)
Gráfica de Acción Histórica
De Ene 2024 a Ene 2025