RNS Number : 2072V
  Celoxica Holdings PLC
  27 May 2008


    Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2007

    Celoxica Holdings plc (AIM: CXA) - 27 May 2008, a leading provider of High Performance Computing solutions today announces its
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2007.

    *     Accelerated Computing (AC) revenue £354k (2006: £166k); increase of 113%
    *     Total revenue £1.8m (2006: £3.6m) 
    *     Total loss before tax £3.9m (2006: £4.3m)
    *     Loss per share 5.2p (2006: 7.8p)
    *     Fund raising of £2.0m (gross) in May 2008

    *     Recruitment of Lee Staines as Chief Executive in July 2007
    *     Revised strategy focusing on Market Data Acceleration for Financial Services
    *     Creation of Technical Advisory Committee with industry experts
    *     Completion of sale of ESL market presence in January 2008

    Lee Staines, Chief Executive Officer, Celoxica, commented, "2007 results represent a period of change for Celoxica. Much work has been
undertaken to restructure our business in line with our strategy to focus on Accelerated Computing. Over this period we have raised finance
to support our restructuring, sold part of the non-core Celoxica business and have redefined our business strategy to concentrate on key
applications in the Financial Services industry. I believe our restructuring provides us with a platform to exploit unique advantages in a
specific target market.  Timing is now right as companies appreciate that acceleration solutions are the right way to deliver competitive
edge in high volume trading environments.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank both our staff and our investors for their
continued support through this period."


 Celoxica Holdings plc (www.celoxica.com)  Tel.    +44 (0)1235 863656  
 Lee Staines (CEO)
 Michelle Young (CFO)

 Arbuthnot                                 Tel.    +44 (0) 20 7012 2000
 Tom Griffiths
 Alasdair Younie

 ICIS                                      Tel.    +44 (0) 20 7651 8688
 Tom Moriarty                                        +44 (0) 7843 260 623    
 Caroline Evans-Jones

    About Celoxica
    Celoxica is a leader in accelerated computing solutions, with a focus on low latency solutions for Financial Services.  Headquartered in
Abingdon, Oxfordshire and New York, Celoxica is a public company quoted on AIM at the London Stock Exchange (AIM: CXA).  

    Our IP lies in the unique Accelerator Card by Celoxica and our solutions combine accelerated hardware, firmware, Application Programming
Interfaces (APIs) and professional services. 

    For more information, please visit the company website at www.celoxica.com.   

    Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2007

    Chairman's Review

    During the last year Celoxica has completed the transition from an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) company with activities primarily
in the Embedded System Level (ESL) market to a highly focussed Accelerated Computing (AC) group. We believe this is where the true potential
of our technology lies, there is a significant market demand and where the Group can generate significant shareholder return.

    The transformation of Celoxica culminated in January 2008 with the completion of the sale of the ESL business to Catalytic Inc based in
the USA.

    The sale of the ESL business, in addition to allowing total focus on the AC market, has also provided funds for future development and
has caused a major reduction in the cost base of the group.

    During the year, ESL revenues declined as more emphasis was placed on AC.  Accordingly, AC revenues have more than doubled over the
previous year which we believe is a good indication of the potential of the business, particularly given its highly scalable nature. 

    The AC revenues derive from business success in three sectors that we had highlighted previously as our initial focus, namely Finance,
Oil and Gas and Life Sciences. As we move into 2008 our focus will be almost entirely on the Financial markets where we have defined a new
range of products specifically targeted at this sector. So far, these products have demonstrated major benefits in customer benchmarking
tests and are expected to be our primary source of revenue for the coming year.

    Financial Results
    The Group's revenue was £1.8m, down 51% on 2006. This decline was due entirely to the ESL business, which was de-emphasised within the
Group in favour of the AC business. AC revenues increased by over 100% at £354k (2006: £166k).

    In spite of the overall reduction in revenue, the operating loss was reduced by 7.1% to £3.9m compared with £4.2m in 2006.

    Since my last review in September 2007, we completed a placing of shares with existing shareholders which raised £616k after expenses.
This funding provided bridging finance to support the sale of the ESL business and the restructuring.

    In January 2008 we completed the sale of the ESL business with gross proceeds of US $3.0m.

    Our participation in the emerging AC market during 2007 has demonstrated that our technology has a wide range of applications over a
number of different market sectors. In the latter few months, it has become obvious that the fastest returns will be achieved in the Finance
markets where our technology has been very favourably benchmarked and shown to address some current critical issues. The first of these
issues is market data capture where Celoxica technology transforms the speed, accuracy and usability of key transactional data for trading
organisations and stock exchanges by reducing latency. We believe that this market data capture opportunity will provide revenue growth in
2008, and the potential for recurring revenues in later years.

    Board Changes
    In July 2007, Lee Staines was appointed as Chief Executive Officer. Ian Yeoman who had been interim CEO since January stepped down at
that time. In October Ian resigned from his Non- Executive Director position and I would like to thank him for his contribution to Celoxica
both as a Non- Executive Director and also for the period as interim CEO. In October 2007, Jean- Marc Bouhelier joined the Board as a Non-
Executive Director and brings with him a wealth of industry expertise which has already been of great value to the Group. 

    Celoxica is now a small highly focussed AC group addressing initially critical issues in the Finance sector, along with Life Sciences
and Oil & Gas. We have demonstrated that our technology is superior in these areas to that currently available. 

    In market data capture we have identified one such issue which we believe will provide significant revenues in the short to medium term.
With the resources from the sale of the ESL business, we view the future with confidence.

    Finally, I would like to thank our customers, partners, shareholders and staff for their continued support.

    Jack Fryer, 

    Chief Executive's review

    Since joining Celoxica in July 2007 much work has been undertaken to restructure our business in line with our strategy to focus on AC.
Over this period we have raised finance to support our restructuring, sold part of the non-core Celoxica business and have redefined our
business strategy to concentrate on key applications in the Financial Services industry. We are already seeing the benefits of adopting a
more acute focus on the finance sector, where, through the employing of AC technologies, organisations can realise rapid and tangible
competitive advantage. A recent contract won with a major US Stock Exchange is evidence of the success of this strategy. 

    Sale of ESL business
    In January 2008 we completed the sale of the embedded business to Agility Design Solutions, Inc. (previously Catalytic, Inc) which
included those Celoxica assets associated with the electronic design market. This sale has significantly reduced operational costs with
eighteen of the thirty five Celoxica staff moving including engineers and sales who specialised in that.  The Celoxica offices in Austin, US
and Yokohama, Japan also transferred to Agility further reducing operational overheads. The products sold included the DK tool set, Agility
compiler and the RC range of hardware kits with Celoxica retaining the sole distribution rights to sell the DK design suite into the
financial services sector.

    Celoxica business restructure
    In parallel to the ESL sale we have undertaken a complete restructuring of our business. The summary of this restructuring is as

    Clarity of business strategy and focus
    In identifying Financial Services as our target market, Celoxica is moving from a technology company to a solution provider. In
particular we have identified the demand for Accelerated Solutions within Investment Banks, Market Data providers and Exchanges. These
organisations specifically need both low-latency and high bandwidth solutions - two requirements that we believe are uniquely met with the
implementation of Celoxica's acceleration solution. 

    Value proposition
    Whilst our technology is without question at the forefront of accelerated computing techniques, I feel that it has in the past lacked a
clear value proposition to our potential customers. We have now identified several scenarios where the 'Accelerator' series delivers a clear
value proposition to the customer - often where ROIs can potentially be measured in minutes or even seconds. The first such environment is
that of Market Data Capture. 
    Our solutions comprise of hardware, firmware, APIs and services and offer a clear value proposition to trading firms - our low latency
products enable users to capture market data faster than any alternative offering on the market today, and therefore empower the client to
react to market conditions more quickly and trade faster than the competition. Early benchmark testing has shown that our solution can
deliver sub 5 micro second latency and extremely high bandwidth (over 10 million messages per second). 

    Business model 
    The new solution set will be provided as a service offering and will therefore enable Celoxica to build a recurring revenue stream to
support the running of the business. We believe that not only is this model preferred by the market, it also reduces revenue volatility and
risk which is in the best interests of our shareholders.

    It remains clear that our technology can be applied to other industry sectors and we will continue to support partners who specialise in
providing solutions into those industry sectors and explore opportunities with new partners where an opportunity has arisen in an emerging
sector such as Life Sciences or Oil & Gas.

    Board appointment 
    I am very happy to welcome Jean-Marc Bouhelier to the board. Jean-Marc joined as a non-executive director in October 2007 and brings
with him a wealth of experience in the financial services sector. His knowledge of both the Investment Banking and Exchange businesses,
coupled with his understanding of the technology used to support these businesses, will be a huge asset to Celoxica moving forward.

    Advisory Committee
    I am also pleased to announce the formation of our new Technical Advisory Committee. This committee has already helped to define our
product and solution roadmap for 2008 and will be headed by John Oddie. John brings a raft of experience to Celoxica, having worked at
Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and Instinet. 

    I believe our restructuring provides us with a platform to exploit unique advantages in a specific target market.  Timing is now right
as companies appreciate that acceleration solutions are the right way to deliver competitive edge in high volume trading environments. Our
initial feedback has been very encouraging with one Chicago based trading group describing our solution and bench marking results as 'game

    I would like to thank our shareholders for their continued support. The year has started well and we look forward to 2008 and
successfully executing the new Celoxica business strategy.

    Lee Staines
    Chief Executive Officer
      Consolidated income statement for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                 Note         2007         2006
                                                                 £            £

 Continuing operations
 Revenue                                          2        353,908      166,285
 Cost of sales                                           (240,300)    (173,526)

 Gross profit                                              113,608      (7,241)

 Administrative expenses                               (2,278,100)  (1,874,795)

 Operating loss                                        (2,164,492)  (1,882,036)

 Finance income                                             22,800       37,740
 Finance costs                                            (25,943)     (52,766)

 Loss on ordinary activities before tax                (2,167,635)  (1,897,062)

 Tax on loss on ordinary activities                         85,740      102,357

 Loss for the year from continuing operations          (2,081,895)  (1,794,705)

 Discontinued operations

 Loss for the year from discontinued operations   4    (1,647,873)  (2,240,011)

 Retained loss for the period                          (3,729,768)  (4,034,716)

 Loss per share (pence)

 From continuing operations
 Basic and Diluted                                          (2.9p)       (3.5p)

 From continuing and discontinued operations
 Basic and Diluted                                          (5.2p)       (7.8p)

    Consolidated Statement of recognised income and expense 
    Year ended 31 December 2007

                                                               2007         2006
                                                                  £            £

 Exchange differences on translation of foreign             (2,412)      (6,292)

 Net expense recognised directly in equity                  (2,412)      (6,292)

 Loss for the year                                      (3,729,768)  (4,034,716)

 Total recognised income and expense for the year       (3,732,180)  (4,041,008)
 attributable to equity holders of the parent

    Consolidated balance sheet as at 31 December 2007

                                                Note          2007          2006
                                                                 £             £
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                              27,378       149,222

                                                            27,378       149,222

 Current assets
 Inventories                                                27,747       161,888
 Trade and other receivables                               561,497     1,137,302
 Cash                                                       21,665       157,160

                                                           610,909     1,456,350

 Non-current assets classified as held for       5         141,614             -

 Total assets                                              779,901     1,605,572

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                                (640,772)   (1,114,601)
 Bank overdrafts and loans                               (172,111)     (525,387)
 Provisions                                               (85,399)             -

                                                         (898,282)   (1,639,988)

 Liabilities directly associated with            5       (124,490)             -
 non-current assets classified as held for

 Net current liabilities                                 (411,863)     (183,638)

 Net liabilities                                         (242,871)      (34,416)

                                                Note          2007          2006
                                                                 £             £
 Share capital                                   6      13,215,359    12,887,796
 Share premium                                   6       4,500,310     1,349,339
 Merger reserve                                  6      23,729,845    23,729,845
 Share Option Reserve                            6         299,829       254,638
 Translation reserve                             6         (8,704)       (6,292)
 Retained earnings                               6    (41,979,510)  (38,249,742)

 Total equity                                            (242,871)      (34,416)

    Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2007

                                                               2007         2006
                                                                  £            £

 Cash flows from operating activities
 Loss before taxation - continuing and discontinued     (3,883,374)  (4,264,826)
 Adjustments for:                                     
 Depreciation                                                70,659       87,952
 Loss/(profit) on disposal of property, plant &               4,724      (3,143)
 Share based payments                                        45,191       13,554
 Currency translation differences                           (3,540)        3,570
 Income tax received                                        234,074      378,051
 Net interest                                               (3,713)     (37,492)

                                                        (3,535,979)  (3,822,334)
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                    448,120      532,190
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories                         102,074      (7,661)
 Decrease in trade and other payables                     (263,939)    (479,070)

 Net cash outflow from operating activities             (3,249,724)  (3,776,875)

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and                  1,325        3,304
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                (12,354)     (86,713)

 Net cash used in investing activities                     (11,029)     (83,409)

 Cash flows from financing activities
                                                          (525,387)    (502,591)
 Repayments of borrowings
                                                          3,478,534        2,666
 Issue of share capital

 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities             2,953,147    (499,925)

 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                (307,606)  (4,360,209)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year             157,160    4,517,369

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                 (150,446)      157,160

      1                  Basis of preparation

                          The principal accounting policies of the Group have remained unchanged from those set out in the group's 2007
interim results, a copy of which can be found on the 
                    Group's  website.

    Transition to EU Adopted IFRS
    The Group is preparing its financial statements in accordance with EU Adopted IFRS for the first time and consequently has applied IFRS
1. IFRS 1 grants certain exemptions from the full requirements of IFRS in the transition period. The following exemptions have been taken in
these financial statements: 
    *     Business combinations - Business combinations that took place prior to 1 January 2006 have not been restated.
    *     Fair value or revaluation as deemed cost - At the date of transition, fair value has been used as deemed cost for property, plant
and equipment assets previously measured at fair value.
    *     Cumulative translation differences - Cumulative translation differences for all foreign operations have been set to zero at 1
January 2006.
    Going Concern
    The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis, under the historical cost convention, which is supported by the
projected revenue and cash flow of the Group. The projections reflect the expected increase in the level of sales from the Group's main
business activities. As a consequence of the change in focus, the Directors recognise that the timing and amount of increases in sales
activity are not guaranteed and that as a result the Group's financial position cannot be certain. However, the Directors have a reasonable
expectation that the Group will have sufficient working capital for the foreseeable future and consequently believe that it is appropriate
for the financial statements to be prepared on a going concern basis. The Directors have also reviewed strategic options, including
discussions with providers of finance, to secure additional funding for the Group.
    As a result, the Group also completed a Share Subscription round on 23 May 2008. This was at 1p per share and raised a total of
£2,000,000 (before expenses).  
    The Directors believe that this subscription, combined with the US $3m proceeds from the sale of the Electronic System Level Design
portion of its business, provide the Group with sufficient capital for it to be considered a going concern. 
    The financial statements do not contain any adjustments that would arise if the financial statements were not drawn up on a going
concern basis. If required these adjustments would be made to the balance sheets of the company and the group to increase or reduce the
balance sheet values of assets to their recoverable amounts, to provide for further liabilities that might arise and to reclassify fixed
assets and long term liabilities as current assets and liabilities.
    Non-current assets held for sale
    Immediately before classification as held for sale, the measurement of the assets (and all assets and liabilities in a disposal group)
is brought up-to-date in accordance with applicable IFRS. Then, on initial classification as held for sale, non current assets and disposal
groups are recognised at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.
    Impairment losses on initial classification as held for sale are included in profit or loss, even when there is a revaluation. The same
applies to gains and losses on subsequent re-measurement.
    Non-current assets and disposal groups are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered through a sale
transaction rather than through continuing use. This condition is regarded as met only when the sale is highly probable and the asset (or
disposal group) is available for immediate sale in its present condition. Management must be committed to the sale which should be expected
to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year from the date of classification.
    2       Revenue

             An analysis of the group*s revenue is as follows:

                                  2007       2006
                                     £          £
 Continuing Operations :
 Provision of services         118,836    149,118
 Sales of goods                235,072     17,167

                               353,908    166,285
                                39,000          -
 Other operating income
                                40,850     84,844
 Investment income

                               433,758    251,129
 Discontinued Operations
 Sales                       1,349,432  3,397,626

                             1,783,190  3,648,755

3          Business and Geographical Segments
    The primary format used for segmental reporting by the Group is geographical.

Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as other shared items allocated on a
reasonable basis.
Unallocated expenses comprise cash, borrowings, tax assets and liabilities and retirement benefit obligation. Inter-group trading is
determined on an arms length basis.
Geographic segments
The group comprises the following geographic segments:
·         Europe, Middle East, Africa and India (EMEAI)
·         Asia Pacific (APAC)
·         The Americas (USA)
The group was also previously involved in the Electronic System Level Design (ESL) market. That operation was discontinued with effect from
4 January 2008 (see note 3). Revenues and costs directly attributable to that business and not ongoing are disclosed within Discontinued
operations. Costs incurred within that business but not directly attributable or ongoing are not.
Segment information about these geographic areas is presented below.

 2007                                EMEAI    APAC        USA  Discontinued operations  Consolidated
                                      2007    2007       2007                     2007          2007
                                         £       £          £                        £             £

 Revenue from external               9,895  45,190    298,823                1,349,432     1,703,340

 Segment result                  (162,444)  35,791  (127,618)              (1,713,248)   (1,967,519)

 Unallocated corporate expenses                                                          (1,910,224)

 Operating loss                                                                          (3,877,743)
 Net finance costs                                                                           (5,631)

 Loss before tax                                                                         (3,883,374)
 Tax                                                                                         153,606

 Net loss for the year                                                                   (3,729,768)

 Other information        EMEAI       APAC        USA          Discontinued  Consolidated
                           2007       2007       2007            operations          2007
                              £          £          £                  2007             £

 Capital additions        3,194          -      7,037                 2,123        12,354
 Depreciation            15,551      6,837      1,794                46,477        70,659

 Balance sheet

 Segment assets         507,573     62,863     67,851               141,614       779,901

 Segment liabilities  (638,782)  (157,838)  (101,662)             (124,490)   (1,022,772)

 2006                                EMEAI  APAC        USA  Discontinued operations  Consolidated
                                      2006  2006       2006                     2006          2006
                                         £     £          £                        £             £

 Revenue from external              83,035     -     83,250                3,397,626     3,563,911

 Segment result                  (124,644)     -  (227,580)              (2,349,010)   (2,701,234)

 Unallocated corporate expenses                                                        (1,529,812)

 Operating loss                                                                        (4,231,046)
 Net finance costs                                                                        (33,780)

 Loss before tax                                                                       (4,264,826)
 Tax                                                                                       230,110

 Net loss for the year                                                                 (4,034,716)

 Other information                    EMEAI      APAC        USA          Discontinued  Consolidated
                                       2006      2006       2006            operations          2006
                                          £         £          £                  2006             £

 Capital additions                   31,889         -      2,202                52,622        86,713
 Depreciation and amortisation       18,698         -        717                68,537        87,952

 Balance sheet

 Segment assets                     892,103   165,951    232,259               315,259     1,605,572

 Segment liabilities            (1,242,073)  (25,308)  (138,484)             (234,123)   (1,639,988)

    Business segments
    The group has two principal business segments based on services provided through its subsidiary selling offices and through a
distributor network.
    The following table provides an analysis of the Group's sales by business segment:
                              Sales revenue by business segment
                                         2007              2006
                                            £                 £
 Accelerated computing                353,908           166,285
 Embedded systems                   1,349,432         3,397,626
 Consolidated                       1,703,340         3,563,911

    Revenue from the group's discontinued operations was derived in totality from the Embedded Systems market.

    4       Loss per share

             From continuing and discontinued operations
         The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share is based on the following data:


                                                              2007        2006
                                                                 £           £
 Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted loss         3,729,766   4,034,716
 per share

                                                            Number      Number
 Number of shares
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the     71,846,612  51,546,679
 purposes of basic losses per share

 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares:
 Share options and warrants                              5,628,571   3,650,264

 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the     77,475,183  55,196,943
 purposes of diluted losses per share

    From continuing operations
                                                             2007         2006
                                                                £            £
 Net loss attributable to equity holders of the       (3,729,768)  (4,034,716)

 Adjustments to exclude loss for the period from        1,647,873    2,240,011
 discontinued operations

 Losses from continuing operations for the            (2,081,895)  (1,794,705)
 purpose of basic and diluted earnings per share
 excluding discontinued operations

The denominators used are the same as those detailed above for both basic and diluted earnings per share from continuing and discontinued
From discontinued operations

                         2007    2006
                        pence   pence

 Basic and diluted     (2.3p)  (4.3p)

    5      Non-current asset held for sale

        On 18 December 2007, the group announced the proposed sale of its ESL business to Catalytic Inc for an aggregate consideration of
US$3 million (comprising of US$ 2.7 
        million paid at completion, with US$ 0.3 million held in escrow until the end of the warranty period in respect of non-IP claims,
being 12 months after completion, subject to any 
        subsisting warranty claims by Catalytic Inc at that time).

        These operations classified as a disposal group held for sale and are therefore presented separately in the balance sheet. 

        The disposal was completed on 4 January 2008, on which date control of the Electronic System Level Design business passed to the
acquirer. This disposal was effected in 
        order to generate cash flow for the expansion of the group*s other businesses. 

        The operations are included in the ESL segment in the segmental analysis in note 2. The proceeds of disposal exceeded the book value
of the related net assets and 
        accordingly no impairment losses have been recognised on the classification of these operations as held for sale.

        The results of the discontinued operations, which have been included in the consolidated income statement, were as follows:

                                                             2007            6
                                                                £            £

 Revenue                                                1,349,432    3,397,625
 Expenses                                             (3,065,171)  (5,765,389)

 Operating Loss                                       (1,713,248)  (2,349,010)
 Net Finance Costs                                        (2,491)     (18,754)

 Loss before tax                                      (1,715,739)  (2,367,764)

 Attributable tax income                                   67,866      127,753

 Net loss attributable to discontinued operations     (1,647,873)  (2,240,011)

    During the year, the ESL business used £1.4million (2006: £2.3million) of the group's net operating cash flows, received £1,325
(2006: £49,318) in respect of investing activities and paid £nil (2006: nil) in respect of financing activities.
    The major classes of assets and liabilities comprising the operations classified as held for sale are as follows:
                                                              31 December 2007

 Property, plant and equipment                                          58,618
 Inventories                                                            32,067
 Trade and other receivables                                            50,929

 Total assets classified as held for sale                              141,614

 Total liabilities associated with assets classified as              (124,490)
 held for sale

 Net assets of disposal group                                           17,124

    6    Reconciliation of movement in capital and reserves
                                 Share capital    premium  Translation reserve  Share Option reserve  Merger reserve  Retained losses       
                                                        £                    £                     £               £                £

 At 1 January                       12,885,130  1,349,339                    -               241,084      23,729,845     (34,215,026)   
 Total recognised income and                 -          -                    -                     -               -      (4,034,716) 
 Exchange differences                        -          -              (6,292)                     -               -                -     
 New shares issued                       2,666          -                    -                     -               -                -       
 Share options expensed                      -          -                    -                13,554               -                -      

 At 31 December 2006                12,887,796  1,349,339              (6,292)               254,638      23,729,845     (38,249,742)    
 Total recognised income and                 -          -                    -                     -               -      (3,729,768) 
 Exchange differences                        -          -              (2,412)                                                            
 New shares issued                     327,563  3,150,971                    -                     -               -                -   
 Share options expensed                      -          -                    -                45,191               -                -      

 At 31 December 2007                13,215,359  4,500,310                                                                (41,979,510)   

                                                                                             299,829      23,729,845

    The Merger Reserve was created on the acquisition of Celoxica Limited by Celoxica Holdings plc in 2001, representing the balance on the
share premium account of Celoxica Limited at that time.

     7    Events after the balance sheet date

      The Group completed the sale of its ESL business on 4 January 2008 to Agility Design Solutions, Inc (previously Catalytic Inc) for US
$3m. All assets and liabilities disclosed as 
      held for resale within these statements have been sold as part of the sale. Full details of the sale can be found in note 3.

      The Group also completed a Subscription round on 23 May 2008. The round was at 1p per share and raised a total of £2,000,000 before

      Shareholders' Meeting

      The following resolutions were passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 23 May 2008 :

 Resolution 1  to grant the Directors authority for the purposes of section 80
               of the Act to allot relevant securities up to an aggregate
               nominal value equal to £2,500,000 (250,000,000 Ordinary
               Shares). This authority covers the issue of the Subscription
               Shares and the granting of options up to a maximum of 12.5 per
               cent. of the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital (assuming
               subscription in full of the subscription shares) when
               aggregated with the existing options granted to date by the
               Company. The authority sought by Resolution 1 will last for a
               period of 15 months from the date of the passing of the
               Resolution or, if earlier, the date of the 2008 Annual General
               Meeting; and 
 Resolution 2  to grant the Directors authority to disapply the statutory
               pre-emption rights contained in section 89 of the Act limited
               to (i) an aggregate nominal amount of £2,000,000 (200,000,000
               Ordinary Shares) in connection with the Share Subscription,
               (ii) the issue of shares in respect of a rights issue, (iii) in
               connection with the grant of options in the Company and (iv)
               any other issue of equity securities for cash for up to 10 per
               cent. of the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital assuming full
               subscription of the Subscription Shares. The authorities sought
               by Resolution 2 will last for 15 months from the date of the
               passing of the Resolution or, if earlier, until the Annual
               General Meeting in 2008. 

    8       Financial Information

             The financial information set out in the preliminary statement does not comprise the Group*s statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 

         The preliminary statement is prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2007. 

         The financial information has been extracted from the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 upon which the
auditors, Grant Thornton UK LLP, gave 
         an unqualified opinion. The Group*s statutory accounts will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales in due
course and will also be sent to 

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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