RNS Number : 9076L

Gateley (Holdings) PLC

08 September 2023

8 September 2023

The following amendment has been made to the 'Audited Results 2023' announcement released on 6 September 2023 at 07:00 under RNS No 4826L.

All references to the final dividend should have read as 6.2p rather than 6.0p, with references to the interim dividend reading as 3.3p rather than 3.5p. The total dividend for the year is unchanged at 9.5p.

All other details remain unchanged.

The full amended text is shown below.

Gateley (Holdings) Plc

("Gateley", the "Group" or the "Company")


Continuing track record of delivery

Gateley (AIM: GTLY), the professional services group, announces its audited results for the year ended 30 April 2023 ("FY23" or the "Period"), which continue its unbroken record of year-on-year revenue and underlying profit growth.

The Group delivered a strong financial performance in FY23, through its diversified and resilient business model, benefitting from a full year's contribution from the prior year's acquisitions, Adamson Jones Limited and Gateley Smithers Purslow Limited.

The Group achieved organic revenue growth of 6.2%, despite macro-economic headwinds, which created challenging market conditions in the second half of the year.

The balance sheet remains strong and the Group has significant headroom in its banking facilities to enable investment in organic and acquisitive growth opportunities, to further the board's diversification strategy.

Financial highlights

We present below our financial performance for the Period both on an underlying and statutory basis. Underlying results are before the adjustments resulting from changes in acquisition accounting treatment of consideration now adopted, which has no cash impact and is explained in the Chief Financial Officer's Review.

 Underlying                                   FY23        FY22    Change 
 Group revenue                           GBP162.7m   GBP137.2m     18.6% 
 Group underlying operating profit(1)     GBP25.0m    GBP22.5m     11.1% 
 Group underlying profit before 
  tax(1)                                  GBP25.1m    GBP21.6m     16.2% 
 Underlying adjusted fully diluted 
  EPS(2)                                    16.28p      14.54p     12.0% 
 Dividend per share                           9.5p        8.5p     11.8% 
 Net assets                               GBP78.1m    GBP75.1m      4.0% 
 Net cash(3)                               GBP4.3m    GBP10.4m   (58.7)% 
 Reported                                 FY23        FY22    Change 
 Group profit before tax              GBP16.2m    GBP26.8m   (39.6)% 
 Group profit after tax               GBP12.2m    GBP23.0m   (47.0)% 
 Basic earnings per share ('BEPS')       9.77p      19.35p   (49.5)% 

For full details on the impact of the change in accounting treatment see note 25 to this announcement

 --   Strong performance as a result of diversification strategy in 
        *    Group organic revenue growth of 6.2%, comprising 4.9% 
             in legal services and 18.4% in consultancy services 
        *    Consultancy services comprise GBP41.8m or 25.7% of 
             total Group revenue (FY22: GBP21.3m or 15.5%) - an 
             increase of 96.4% 
 --   Underlying operating profit margin held up well at 15.4% (FY22: 
       16.4%), despite inflationary pressures throughout the Period 
 --   Net assets increased by 4.0% to GBP78.1m (FY22: GBP75.1m) 
 --   Proposed final dividend of 6.2p (FY22: 5.5p), taking total dividends 
       for the Period to 9.5p per share (FY22: 8.5p) 

Strategic and post-Period highlights

 --   Business Services Platform expanded and further scale established 
       in patent and trade mark attorney services with the acquisition 
       of Symbiosis 
 --   Total headcount at 30 April 2023 of 1,455 (FY22: 1,368), with 
       increase in professional staff of 6.0% from 948 to 1,005 
 --   Internal appointment of Victoria Garrad as Chief Operating Officer 
       from previous position of Group HR Director 
 --   Wider expansion of internal share ownership with FY23 result 
       satisfying three-year performance criteria set out in the Group's 
       first LTIP awards scheme 
 --   Post-Period end acquisition of RJA Consultants, further expanding 
       the Group's chartered surveying services and bringing further 
       breadth to the Property Platform 
 --   Post-Period appointment of Colin Jones as non-executive director 
       who succeeds Suki Thompson as Chair of the Remuneration Committee 

Current trading and outlook

 --   FY24 has started in line with the board's expectations, with 
       a good pipeline of work 
 --   Integration of recently acquired businesses progressing to plan 
       and in line with Platform strategy 
 --   Encouraging pipeline of M&A opportunities 
 --   The Group continues to deliver against the clear strategy set 
       out at IPO, achieving growth and resilience through diversification, 
       and strong returns for its stakeholders 

Rod Waldie, CEO of Gateley, said:

"I am very pleased to report another year of growth for Gateley. This is a strong performance, set against a challenging macro-economic backdrop throughout the second half. It is the result of the hard work and dedication of our people allied to a long-term commitment and adherence to the successful execution of our growth through our diversification strategy, building in resilience through design.

"During the year under review, both our legal services teams and consultancy teams performed strongly and we have made further progress in adding breadth and strength to our Group, expanding the patent and trade mark attorney offer on our Business Services Platform through the acquisition of Symbiosis. Post-Period end, we have added legal services lateral hires to strategically broaden our Business Services Platform dispute resolution teams and have further enhanced our Property Platform with the acquisition of RJA Consultants. Our M&A pipeline for FY24 is encouraging and we will seek to strengthen our Platforms further as opportunities arise.

"Looking forward, we are mindful of ongoing macro-uncertainty and it is difficult to predict market conditions for the rest of FY24. However, our diverse and resilient business model, combined with our proven and consistent track record of delivering strong growth across all economic cycles, means that we have entered FY24 with a positive mindset and cautious optimism."

 (1)   Underlying operating profit and underlying profit before 
        tax excludes remuneration for post-combination services, 
        gain on bargain purchase, share-based payment charges, 
        acquisition related amortisation and exceptional items 
 (2)   Adjusted fully diluted EPS excludes remuneration for 
        post-combination services, gain on bargain purchase, 
        share-based payment charges, acquisition related amortisation 
        and exceptional items. It also adjusts for the future 
        weighted average number of expected unissued shares 
        from granted but unexercised share options in issue 
        based on a share price at the end of the financial year 
 (3)   Net cash excludes IFRS 16 liabilities 


Gateley (Holdings) Plc 
Neil Smith, Chief Financial Officer                Tel: +44 (0) 121 234 
Nick Smith, Acquisitions Director and              Tel: +44 (0) 20 7653 
 Head of Investor Relations                                        1665 
Cara Zachariou, Communications Director            Tel: +44 (0) 121 234 
                                                 0074 Mob: +44 (0) 7703 
                                                                684 946 
Liberum - Nominated Adviser and Broker             Tel: +44 (0) 20 3100 
 Richard Lindley/Ben Cryer/Cara Murphy                             2000 
Belvedere Communications Limited - Financial 
Cat Valentine (cvalentine@belvederepr.com)        Mob: +44 (0) 7715 769 
Keeley Clarke (kclarke@belvederepr.com)           Mob: +44 (0) 7967 816 
Llew Angus (langus@belvederepr.com)               Mob: +44 (0) 7407 023 


Summary of the year

I am delighted to present Gateley's audited final results for the year ended 30 April 2023, another successful year for the business.

With revenue increasing by 18.6% to GBP162.7m and underlying profit before tax increasing by 16.2% to GBP25.1m, Gateley has again demonstrated the strength of its business model and the resilience from its diversification strategy. These strong results led to [a 4.0% increase in Group net assets to GBP78.1m (FY22: GBP75.1m), and] an increase of 12.0% in adjusted fully diluted earnings per share to 16.28p per share (FY22: 14.54p).

I am particularly proud that this year's strong performance was delivered despite challenging circumstances. With the economic recovery from COVID-19 somewhat compromised by inflationary pressures, with uncertainty as a consequence of the terrible events in Ukraine and the onset of higher than usual wage inflation within the legal and indeed other sectors, Gateley has navigated the year well and I am pleased with the resulting benefits for all of our stakeholders.

Strategic delivery

As I enter my ninth, and last, year as Chairman of Gateley, this feels like a good moment to reflect on the progress the Group has made since it became the first legal services group in the UK to undertake an IPO. There are two points that stand out to me and, I believe, are a testament to the quality of the Group and the people within it.

Firstly, consistency. Since IPO, Gateley has delivered an unbroken track record of revenue and underlying profit growth. Above and beyond the absolute progression, Gateley has also outgrown the UK professional services market, which continues to benefit from a number of structural growth drivers. Gateley's growth has been accelerated by acquisitions but underpinning our growth has been the strength of our legal services foundation. Outperformance does not come automatically but is hard earned through a consistency of client delivery and execution across all levels of the Group.

Secondly, commitment. Since IPO, our strategy has been clear; to build a professional services group of scale and breadth. From our legal foundations, we have sought to bring in new business lines, and business models, that complement and add to the suite of services that we offer to our increasingly diverse clients. By sticking to the discipline of our Platform Strategy, we have been able to focus our organic, and inorganic, investment where it has mattered the most. Clearly, part of the motivation behind the IPO was to facilitate this growth strategy and that motivation remains undimmed. In the eight years since IPO, much has happened in the stock market and the wider world that has been out of our control. Yet despite these challenges, Gateley's strategic commitment has not wavered. Our Group is now more diverse and resilient than at any point in the last nine years.

Results overview

During the year we delivered on our strategic intent to further diversify the business, placing the Group in a stronger position to deliver further profitable growth in the coming years. In doing so, we also expanded the breadth and depth of our offering on the Business Services Platform with the acquisition of patent and trade mark attorney business, Symbiosis.

To support our acquisition strategy, we committed to a three-year revolving credit facility of up to GBP30m to assist with acquisitions. This combined with our strong balance sheet places us in a good position to acquire further businesses in the future.

Within our consultancy businesses, overall headcount increased by 23.0% to 358 (FY22: 291) and fee-earner staff by 27.4% to 279 (FY22: 219). Revenues from this part of the Group were over GBP41.8m, demonstrating the further diversification of service offering and the deepening of our relationships with our clients. Our staff have also shown great adaptability to the constant changes throughout the past few years and their dedication towards the business, their colleagues and clients has been first class in what was a challenging year across a wide range of fronts.

As we continue to grow and strengthen our business, the board remains committed to providing its people with the opportunity to own shares in the Company. We believe that employee share ownership secures a strong alignment with the Group's external shareholders, incentivises employees and is reflective of Gateley's long-established culture. At least 65% of current staff are existing share or option holders in the Company.

Responsible Business

The board has made the further development of Gateley's Responsible Business commitment a key strategic priority this year. We achieved this by working together with The Purpose Coalition, an independent ESG consultancy who helped us develop our own set of levelling up goals.

In December 2022, we published our second edition, 2022 Responsible Business report, for which we again received significant positive feedback. We have introduced 15 new responsible business objectives for FY24 and confirmed our intention to reduce our CO 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 and to become net zero by 2040.

Our Responsible Business actions focus on the wellbeing of our employees, on being a force for good in society and within the communities in which we operate, and by playing our part in protecting and repairing our planet. Measuring the value and the impact we are having in all these areas is as important as acting because it enables us to evaluate where we are effecting change and how we can continue to improve over time.

I am delighted with the progress we have made and how this important initiative has been embraced across the Group. We are committed to ensuring diversity, equality and inclusion and our goal is to foster a positive work ethic, whilst remaining results and client focused, and demonstrating our commitment to doing the right thing for our people, our planet and developing potential wherever we can.

Board changes

The UK Corporate Governance Code determines that the recommended tenure for the chair of publicly listed companies is nine years. There is no recommended tenure for non-executive directors, though after nine years they are generally no longer considered to be independent, and this tends to act as a 'de facto' ceiling on tenure. The assessment of the independence of non-executive directors holding office after nine years is a matter of board judgement, thereby allowing boards some room to extend the tenure beyond nine years, where appropriate.

Gateley was admitted to AIM in June 2015, becoming the first commercial law firm to list on the London Stock Exchange. The current financial year ending 30 April 2024 will therefore be the ninth year that Gateley has been on AIM and in line with the above best practice, the following changes to the board will be introduced.

With regards to my own role, as the current year ending 30 April 2024 is my ninth year as Chairman, it will therefore be my last and I will stand down at the Group's AGM in 2024. The board has already begun a process to appoint a new Chairman and an announcement will be made in due course.

With regard to the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee, the financial year ending 30 April 2024 will be Joanne Lake's ninth year in the role and would therefore ordinarily be her last. Given, however, the planned change to my own role and the unforeseen retirement of Suki Thompson, should Joanne also stand down in 2024 then all of the Group's non-executives would leave within the same financial year. I have therefore agreed with the board and with the Group's largest five institutional shareholders that it is in the best interests of all stakeholders for there to be a degree of continuity on the board and that Joanne will serve one more year as Audit and Risk Committee Chair and will stand down at the AGM in 2025.

With regard to the Chair of the Remuneration Committee, Colin Jones, who was appointed to the board today, as non-executive director, succeeds Joanne Lake, who has been temporarily chairing the committee, following Suki Thompson's retirement.

With regard to executive board positions, Victoria Garrad, Group HR Director, was appointed to the board on 1 May 2023, in line with succession planning outlined in the Group's Half Year Results announcement issued on 12 January 2022. Victoria replaced Peter Davies, Chief Operating Officer, who stepped down from the board on 30 April 2023. Victoria joined Gateley in 1996 and has been the Group HR director, a non-plc board role, since 1 May 2017. Prior to this, she was a Partner in the legal services employment team and has been a member of the Operations Board since 2011 and the Strategic Board since 2017.

Upon standing down as Chief Executive on 30 April 2020, Mike Ward agreed to stay on as an executive director of the Group for a period to lend his experience to Rod Waldie, who took over the role on 1 May 2020. Having now been in position for three years, Mike will stand down from the board at the 2023 AGM. On behalf of the board and all of the staff in the Group, I would like to extend my thanks to Mike for his insights whilst in office.


An interim dividend of 3.3p per share (FY22: 3.0p) was paid on 31 March 2023 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 24 February 2023. The board is pleased to propose a final dividend of 6.2p per share (FY22: 5.5p), giving a total dividend for the year of 9.5p per share (FY22: 8.5p), subject to approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 17 October 2023. If approved, this final dividend will be paid in October to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 September 2023. The shares will go ex-dividend on 28 September 2023.

The board's dividend policy remains to distribute up to 70% of specifically adjusted profit after tax to shareholders, whereby the adjustments relate to the remuneration for post-combination services and gains on bargain purchase. The dividend is typically split one third following the Company's half year results and two thirds after the full year results.

Summary and outlook

This year has been another strong one for Gateley. Our people have excelled in client delivery, they have continued to overcome every challenge presented to them, and have delivered further strategic progress for the business, combining to generate an excellent set of results.

As we focus on service line enhancing opportunities that meet our clients' needs and fulfil our strategy to build a broader professional services group, our acquisition pipeline remains strong, trading in the current year is in line with the board's expectations and we look forward to the immediate future with cautious optimism.

Nigel Payne


6 September 2023



I am pleased with the Group's strong performance in FY23, delivered by the highly skilled and dedicated people across our business. These results maintain the Group's unbroken record of year-on-year revenue and underlying profit growth. We are proud of this and of the consistent progress made against our key metrics since our admission to AIM in June 2015.

Throughout the Period a combination of global and UK-specific events created a challenging macro-economic backdrop. This was particularly pronounced during H2 23 and macro-uncertainty remains the dominant characteristic in the market. Despite this, the Group once again demonstrated its resilience and ability to adapt to shifting market conditions. These characteristics are not the product of chance; they result from the implementation, since 2015, of our strategy to operate and grow a diverse professional services business with legal services as its foundation. We have been consistent in our adherence to this proven strategy, which informs all that we do. Since acquiring our first consultancy business in 2016, our disciplined approach to M&A has grown non-legal revenue to GBP41.8m (FY22: GBP21.3m), being 25.7% of the Group's revenue.

We have a highly focused market proposition and differentiate ourselves by making selective investments in, and growing, quality legal and consultancy services on each of our four Platforms, focused on our core markets of Business Services, Corporate, People, and Property. As the Group continues to expand, we have more choice in how to deploy our investments in the legal and wider professional services markets. In the meantime, our mix of services remains unique and clearly enhances our resilience, as evidenced in our FY23 results, during a more challenging period for transactional legal services overall. Our diversification strategy is clear and proven.

Whilst continuing to appraise new acquisition opportunities from our encouraging pipeline, our current operational focus is firmly on the basics in the business; from fee rate increases, cost management and, of course, consistent delivery of excellent service, to maximising cross-selling opportunities on and across each Platform.

On responsible business, as reported at the end of H1 23, with the publication of our second Responsible Business Strategy we achieved all 15 of the initial targets set for FY23. In doing so we reinforced our belief that an integrated Responsible Business Strategy develops solutions that positively impact people, the planet and profit. Our work here is ongoing in line with our Purpose to deliver results that delight our clients, inspire our people and support our communities. We are revising our annual Responsible Business reporting to coincide as closely as possible with the release of our annual results and I therefore look forward to publication of our next report very soon.

Finally, we are delighted to propose a progressive final dividend of 6.2p per share at the Group's AGM on 17 October 2023, taking the total dividend for the Period to 9.5p (FY22: 8.5p), an increase of 11.8% on the prior year.

Results overview

The Group performed well during FY23, building on the progress reported at the half year and delivering growth in revenue and profit. Revenue grew by 18.6% to GBP162.7m (FY22: GBP137.2m) and underlying profit before tax increased by 16.2% to GBP25.1m (FY22: GBP21.6m). Profit before tax decreased by 39.6% to GBP16.2m (FY22 restated: GBP26.8m) as a result of the IFRS 3 related acquisition accounting treatments, further details of which are set out in the Chief Financial Officer's Review. Profit after tax decreased by 47.0% to GBP12.2m (FY22 restated: GBP23.0m).

Salary cost inflation has been and continues to be a post-pandemic characteristic across all professional services businesses. In addition, FY23 saw the return of more discretionary costs (e.g. travel, marketing and entertaining). Planned one-off costs in the Period included significant investment in a new, market-leading business management system and associated integration costs. Despite all of this and general cost inflation, our FY23 results delivered another year of growth.

Our outturn for the Period was underpinned by the quality and breadth of the increasing range of legal and consultancy services offered through our Platforms. Transactional activity was strong in H1 23 but, as reported at the half year, we were beginning to see transactional activity levels reduce from the previous unprecedented highs. During H2 23 the Group started to pivot towards greater activity in the more counter-cyclical service lines that are deliberately designed within each Platform. Although not immune from the effects of challenging market conditions, these services helped our second half performance and continue to perform strongly.

Platform performance

Business Services Platform

This Platform supports clients in dealing with their commercial agreements, managing risks, protecting assets and resolving disputes.

Revenue on this Platform grew by 21.1% to GBP21.8m, buoyed in H1 23 by transactional activity and in H2 23 by an increase in ongoing work across the legal services dispute resolution teams, underpinned by a good performance throughout the whole Period from the Platform's consultancy businesses.

In legal services, the dispute resolution specialists saw an increase in demand from both UK and overseas clients. This trend is continuing. Mandates from UK clients are representative of current economic circumstances and include an increase in instructions from financial services clients as interest rates rise and lending tightens, which often results in default or lays-bare fraudulent activity. Projects from overseas clients include a return of some activity in Central Europe.

We continue to make strategic investment in new dispute service lines, predominantly in competition litigation, class actions and international arbitration where, in all cases, we see huge opportunity and have very recently recruited highly regarded senior expertise, including from within magic circle law firms.

In consultancy services, activity in our growing patent and trade mark attorney business was consistent throughout the Period. It was enhanced by the acquisition of Symbiosis, specialising in the life sciences industry and adding to Adamson Jones' expertise in engineering, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Both businesses are working well together with related legal services across the Group and on shared opportunities. We will continue to build critical mass in these services where typical projects are long-dated and our expertise is highly valued by clients whose businesses are founded upon ideas and inventions that need to be protected to preserve value. More UK and international client opportunities exist here and will be realised as we progress our strategy to grow our business in this space.

In aggregate, consultancy revenue now represents 23.4% of Business Services Platform revenue.

Corporate Platform

This Platform is focused on the corporate, financial services and restructuring markets in both transaction and business support services.

Currently, this Platform is dominated by legal services, some of which encountered more challenging conditions in H2 23. Despite this, Platform revenue grew by 1.8% to GBP38.8m and delivered a strong contribution margin. It is likely that the Corporate Platform will always be legal services dominated. This is because our transactional Corporate teams draw support from consultancy services which are particular to each transaction, whilst in day-to-day terms those consultancies find their more natural, "core" home on one of our other Platforms.

Corporate transactional activity was strong in H1 23, particularly with our private equity clients and in wider M&A. The corporate team generated a deal book in that period comprising an impressive list of complex, high value transactions across a wide range of sectors, which utilised additional legal and consultancy services across the Group. Ultimately, the team had another strong year and the corporate unit remains our biggest internal referrer of business, with most, if not all, other teams benefitting in some way. H2 23 transactional activity was more constrained and remains so. However, the pipeline is reasonable, with anticipated further improvement in activity in H2 24. This pattern is also reflected in our banking team, which had a strong H1 23 but saw a drop-off in support to corporate transactions and a reduction in bank lending during H2 23. However, the team is now seeing an increase in loan covenant reset and refinancing work, this being an excellent example of pro and counter-cyclical revenue opportunities which exist in almost all of our legal service lines.

Our restructuring and recovery teams are a natural counterweight to transactional activity and following a sustained period of quiet trading conditions, activity levels rose by 24% in FY23, as government pandemic support for companies unwound and inflationary pressures and interest rate increases impacted UK businesses. Activity remains strong in these teams and our restructuring team won the Institute for Turnaround's Legal Advisor of the Year Award in 2022, one of the sector's most significant awards. Mandates have been generated both in-market and internally, including working alongside experts in Gateley Vinden and our legal services construction unit in delivery of market-leading services to insurers who have bonded construction projects that have become distressed.

In consultancy services, the team at Gateley Global had a strong year in continuing to help public and private sector global clients realise their international expansion plans, inward and outward of the UK. Revenue increased by 47.4% to GBP1.1m (FY22: GBP0.74m). In addition, the team is a consistent cross-referrer of revenue to other parts of the Group as clients require mixed services to implement expansion.

People Platform

This Platform supports clients in dealing with and developing people and in administering individuals' personal affairs.

Good activity in both legal and consultancy services grew Platform revenue by 6.3% to GBP20.4m. In legal services, our pensions team had a strong year and performance in our employment team was good as clients' HR teams returned to more business-as-usual activity post-pandemic. Our private client team remains focused on high-net-worth clients and related opportunities.

In consultancy services, our pension trustee business Entrust, continues to deliver growing, recurring revenue. The team is seeing an increase in the number of pension schemes looking to complete full liability buy-outs, with Entrust at the helm. In addition, more businesses are looking to out-source management of their pension schemes, which is generating greater opportunity for Entrust to grow both organically and via potential acquisitions.

t-three and Kiddy & Partners, our talent assessment, development and cultural change businesses, are now combined for management purposes. The team won 67 new clients during FY23 and increased, by 45%, the number of clients buying both t-three and Kiddy services, with particular focus on scalable products to high growth clients. Combined revenue grew to GBP6.7m (FY22: GBP6.3m). The pipeline remains strong as most organisations are looking to develop their people and/or transform in some way.

In aggregate, consultancy revenue now represents 32.7% of People Platform revenue.

Property Platform

This Platform is focused on clients' activities in real estate development and investment and in the built environment in the widest sense.

Currently, this is our most diverse and mature Platform. It grew revenue by 33.1% to GBP81.7m during FY23, significantly assisted by strong activity across the Platform's consultancy businesses.

In legal services our real estate development team remains a market-leader in the warehousing and logistics sector, delivering cross-Platform services to complex acquisition and development projects. Whilst activity in the wider commercial property market eased in H2 23 (and continues to be more subdued), we saw and continue to see an increase in non-transactional advisory and dispute resolution services. This includes helping our wide range of residential development clients navigate regulation under the high-profile Building Safety Act (post-Grenfell) and advising on related remediation projects. This is long-dated, specialist work in which we continue to invest, including by long-term redeployment of appropriate resource from within the Group to our construction team, which had a record year and continues to be very busy. Elsewhere, current economic conditions have resulted in an increase in work helping or opposing organisations seeking to exit commercially onerous contracts.

In our market-leading house-builder team, we continue to act for all of the top developers, many of whom have significantly reduced their panel of advisors in favour of larger providers who cover all bases, which describes us both geographically and in service lines. This should result in more work for the team. Despite the fact that developers are currently finding the [retail] housing market slow, we continue to handle over 50 large strategic residential-led schemes, with over 1,000 new homes each. Our clients need to continue to build and sell and have other areas for which they require our services. This includes an increase in advising on shared ownership framework agreements and in bulk sales to housing associations and build-to-rent investors. In addition, housing-led urban regeneration work continues to attract public and private funding. We act for all of the leading developers in this space and remain busy with schemes where our unique combination of legal and consultancy services is relevant to the whole life cycle of the project.

In consultancy services, FY23 was the first full year of Gateley Smithers Purslow following our diversification into specialist services to the property insurance complex claims market. Gateley Smithers Purslow contributed revenue of GBP13.8m (FY22: GBP0.6m), representing annualised growth for that business of 26.1%. We also saw strong revenue growth of 25.6% from Gateley Vinden's broad range of specialist services and growth of 19.9% from Gateley Hamer, which is carrying a strong pipeline of work in regeneration, energy and telecoms projects.

Our recently announced post-Period acquisition of surveyors Richard Julian and Associates Limited ("RJA") extends our reach to organisations that deliver affordable housing, a resilient sector underpinned by high levels of grant to support delivery of the Government's housing targets. The team also has specialists in major loss property claims, which will enhance related expertise in both Gateley Smithers Purslow and Gateley Vinden.

We maintain our view that the range of expertise now housed on our Property Platform puts us in position to compete with well-established, multi-disciplinary property consultancies in the wider market given that FY23 consultancy revenue represented 35.3% of Property Platform revenue, which will be enhanced by RJA's contribution in FY24.

Operational review

During the year, we invested in and delivered the phase one implementation of a new, market leading business management, productivity and financial system, 3E. This caused some short-term disruption to parts of the business during Q1 23, however, phased adoption enables system adaptation based on learnt experience. We are delighted with the system and its functionality and are now looking forward to integrating the remainder of the Group during the remaining phases. This investment was essential for integration of our growing Group. The ability to drive increasing scale through a single system should help us to improve our margin over the longer term.

We also made sensible investments in our office facilities to continue to improve and adapt them to agile working. This is an ongoing exercise, in parallel with the consolidation of offices in our network and the gradual release of vacated space. We have identified further synergies and savings in this regard. Whilst these will take time to realise, our objective is to reduce our office cost in the medium term.

In line with our differentiation strategy, we have focused our internal messaging on the power of our Platforms in delivering commercial, joined-up solutions for our clients. In-Period, this involved a refresh of our website, aligning all services and insights according to the Platforms; the publication of four Platform magazines which share perspectives on the hot topics facing organisations such as equality, diversity and inclusion, innovation and maximising infrastructure efficiencies; and the sharing of case studies and client stories, which demonstrate how the Platforms collaborate to deliver cost-effective solutions.

People and Culture

Attracting, developing and motivating talent, at all levels across the Group, is a key objective every year. In FY23, overall headcount in the Group increased by 6.4% to 1,455 (FY22: 1,368). Legal services headcount growth was 1.9% to 1,097 employees (FY22: 1,077), following growth of 1.7% and 9.0% respectively in FY21 and FY22. Consultancy headcount increased by 23.0% to 358 (FY22: 291), primarily as a result of acquisitions.

The Gateley offering remains differentiated and our broad range of career opportunities is attractive. We continue to evolve our people strategies to drive a stimulating, purposeful and rewarding environment in which our people can progress their careers. We recently announced a total of 126 internal promotions and celebrated these across the Group.

The ability for all of our people to participate in share ownership is attractive and represents a recruitment differentiator. I am pleased for all of our option holders that our FY23 result satisfied the three-year performance criteria set in the first LTIP awards scheme granted in FY20 and also underpins the performance criteria applicable to our in-flight LTIP schemes. Alongside this, our wider CSOP and SAYE schemes will mature during FY24 resulting in the release of circa 3.4m shares to scheme participants. All of this is in line with our strategy of creating wider equity participation for more of our people. Currently circa 65% of our people either hold shares or participate in share schemes.

Once again, we owe the success of our business to the quality and dedication of our people at all levels. Clients come to us for our broad specialist knowledge and experience and our determination to deliver results for them. As we extend our range of services, our strong client relationships enable more cross-selling opportunities, which remains a key focus for us in generating further organic growth.

Responsible Business

Being a responsible business is now an integral part of our purpose and there has been good momentum in our responsible business strategy since we published our second annual report in December 2022. We have introduced 15 new objectives for FY24 and confirmed our intention to reduce our CO 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 and to become net zero by 2040.

The release of our third responsible business report is imminent and will contain a detailed review of our progress during FY23.

Current trading and outlook

Looking forward, like all companies, we are mindful of ongoing macro-uncertainty. It seems that inflation and interest rates will be in the economic headlines for the immediately foreseeable future. Our expectation is that transactional activity in H1 24 is likely to be more constrained than the comparative strong H1 23, but with better trading conditions anticipated in H2 24. In the meantime, non-transactional and consultancy business activity and the pipeline across our increasingly resilient Group remains good.

The professional services industry in the UK has demonstrated steady growth through multiple cycles over the last twenty years. Since our IPO, Gateley has outperformed this already strong backdrop through a combination of organic growth and carefully selected acquisitions. Our strategy has been to build a diversified group of complementary and additive businesses, based on a legal services foundation, that can continue to deliver growth through the cycle. As the Group continues to expand, we have more choice in how to deploy our investments in the wider legal and professional services market. In the meantime, notwithstanding more challenging shorter-term trading conditions for some of our business lines, we remain confident in our vision and ability to deliver.

The Group enters FY24 with a positive mindset and cautious optimism.

Rod Waldie

Chief Executive Officer

6 September 2023


Financial overview

The Group has grown strongly, despite the challenging economic backdrop of FY23, through a combination of organic and acquired growth, with revenue up 18.6% to GBP162.7m. Organic revenue growth from legal services was 4.9%, with exceptional organic growth of 18.4% from consultancy service lines, demonstrating our strategy to build and diversify into a broader professional services group, augmented by our acquisition strategy, which continues to enhance our offering to clients and sets us apart from our listed and unlisted peers.

We saw strong activity levels at the start and the end of the financial year, and despite the September 2022 to December 2022 impact of the mini-budget, the Group overall delivered fee earner utilisation levels at 89% on average across the year. This mid-year pause also caused a delay in the completion of a number of assignments which pushed the billing point, and revenue recognition, into FY24.

FY23 included a full year of costs for Gateley Smithers Purslow and Adamson Jones, and six months of costs following the acquisition of Symbiosis in October 2022. Despite this, the Group's strong cost control and adherence to its important cost to revenue metrics, during a period of significant inflationary pressure, has remained a key focus and assisted significantly in the growth in underlying profit before tax of 16.2% to GBP25.1m. Underlying operating profit margin remained above the 15% group-wide target at 15.4%, compared to 16.4% in FY22, whilst staff costs remained at c.60% of fees. Whilst delivering market expectations, due to the challenging economic back drop, our audited result was below the threshold triggering discretionary staff bonus payments.

Our EPS performance will generate meaningful rewards post year-end to our LTIP, CSOP and SAYE option holders and our dividend per share remains strong, even in an environment of higher interest rates, for all shareholders.

Our revolving credit facility has significant headroom and with a closing net cash position of GBP4.3 million we are well-placed to capitalise on current market conditions, as we have done previously, to enable further expansion and growth.

Post period end, on 19 July 2023, we were pleased to announce the acquisition of Richard Julian and Associates Limited, trading as RJA Consultants ("RJA"), a fast-growing business that complements the existing market leading expertise within Gateley Legal's residential development and construction teams. Its core market, which is affordable housing, is a buoyant sector and the deeper reach into that market adds further resilience to the Group's Property Platform. Total consideration is up to GBP6m including, subject to certain revenue targets being achieved, an incremental profitability-based earn-out, in respect of each twelve-month period expiring 31 March 2024 and 31 March 2025. The acquisition is expected to generate operational synergies and be immediately earnings enhancing.

Revenue and margin by Platform

Group total revenue grew by 18.6% (FY22: 13.0%) to GBP162.7m (FY22: GBP137.2m). Revenue from core legal service lines grew organically by 4.9% (FY22: 8.7%). In addition, total revenue from consultancy businesses grew by 96.4% to GBP41.8m which now represents 25.7% of total revenues (FY22: GBP21.3m or 15.5%), highlighting the ongoing success of our Platforms' diversification strategy.

Despite the Group continuing its important investment in people, it has lowered its percentage of personnel costs to revenue in FY23 to 59.5% (FY22: 63.0%) and we will continue to sensibly manage this key metric as market conditions improve. The full effect of staff wage inflation over the last two years has now been absorbed into our personnel cost base causing our Group and Platform margins to decrease from pre-pandemic levels. We do, however, expect to see an improvement in FY24 as the lagged effect of price increases continues to work through the assignments we work on. Price increases in some aspects of professional services with fixed term pricing arrangements that span multiple years typically lag behind more immediately adjustable pricing structures elsewhere in our Group.

Contentious work types continue to increase in nature and volume as down-cycle trends are starting to materialise in our work streams across all of our Platforms. The sluggish nature of the UK economy continues to extend and pause a number of transactional activities, especially those needing debt support.

The table below represents Platform performance over the last two reported years along with each Platform's direct contribution towards our one profit view of the Group's performance.

                              Services  Corporate     People  Property      Total 
                                  GBPm       GBPm       GBPm      GBPm       GBPm 
Revenue                           21.8       38.8       20.4      81.7      162.7 
Segmental contribution             5.3       13.9        6.0      31.1       56.3 
Contribution margin              24.4%      36.0%      29.3%     38.1%      34.6% 
Revenue                           18.0       38.1       19.2      61.3      136.6 
Segmental contribution             5.7       15.4        6.9      23.0       51.0 
Contribution margin              31.7%      40.4%      35.9%     37.5%      37.3% 
Revenue movement (%)             21.1%       1.8%       6.3%     33.3%      19.1% 
Contribution margin change   (7.3)ppts  (4.4)ppts  (6.6)ppts   0.6ppts  (2.7)ppts 

Underlying operating profit before tax

The Group has recorded strong underlying operating profit before tax of GBP25.0m, up by 11.1% from GBP22.5m in FY22. Whilst we have continued to invest across the business in our legal and consultancy teams, a particular focus has been on headcount investment in Gateley Smithers Purslow since its acquisition in April 2022.

Continuing and robust demand for UK legal services, which led to continued wage inflation pressure in the UK professional services recruitment market, has alleviated in our business following our extensive pay review processes of the last two financial years. Whilst our underlying trading margins have decreased slightly to 15.4% (FY22: 16.4%) we expect operating overheads to level out in FY24 and wage inflation to return to more normalised levels, compared to double digit increases seen across each of the FY22 and FY23 financial years.

Underlying operating profit before tax excludes amortisation of acquisition related intangibles, all share-based charges and exceptional acquisition related items, including the acquisition accounting treatment of consideration payments on acquisitions being reclassified as employment costs in the income statement, as well as gains on bargain purchases arising from the related restatement of acquisition accounting, as further described below. Underlying operating profit before tax has been calculated as an alternative performance measure in order to provide a more meaningful measure and year-on-year comparison of the profitability of the underlying business.

Extract of UK statement of comprehensive income         2023      2022 
                                                     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue                                              162,683   137,249 
Operating profit                                      16,122    27,723 
Operating profit margin (%)                             9.91     20.20 
Reconciliation to alternative performance measure: 
 underlying operating profit before tax 
                                                     -------  -------- 
Operating profit                                      16,122    27,723 
Non-underlying items 
Amortisation of intangible assets                      2,073     1,581 
Share based payment charge - Gateley Plc               1,984     1,100 
Share based payment charge - Gateley Smithers 
 Purslow Limited                                           -       113 
Contingent consideration treated as remuneration       6,190     3,509 
Gain on bargain purchase                             (1,389)  (12,380) 
Acquisitions costs                                         -       373 
One off remuneration charge - Gateley Smithers 
 Purslow Limited                                           -       497 
Underlying operating profit before tax                24,980    22,516 
Adjusted underlying operating profit margin 
 (%)                                                   15.36     16.41 

Personnel costs and operating expenses

Our total personnel costs increased by 11.9% (FY22: 11.7%) to GBP96.8m, as average numbers of legal and professional staff rose by 25.0% (FY22: 3.9%) to 1,000 (FY22: 800), whilst support staff numbers rose by 25.4% to 439 (FY22: 350). This was due to the impact of staff introduced to the business via acquisitions at the end of FY23 and during the year, predominately in consultancy services. However, as a result of the decisions and impact of external factors referred to earlier in this note, personnel costs as a percentage of fees decreased to 59.4% of revenue from 63.0% in FY22, excluding share-based payment charges.

Operating expenses have increased by GBP12.5m or 53.0% to GBP36.1m (FY22: GBP23.6m) due mainly to the investment in new systems and the full year impact following the acquisitions of Gateley Smithers Purslow and Adamson Jones. Like-for-like overheads in specific areas such as travel, marketing and premises have increased as we have seen a greater return to office usage and client interaction during FY23 than in the previous two financial years. On top of this we have not been immune to the effects of current UK-wide inflation impacting ongoing running costs. Overall, operating overheads have increased as a percentage of revenue from 17.2% in FY22 to 22.2% in FY23 but are expected to normalise at this level during FY24 as we continue to work on operational efficiencies across all aspects of the Group.

Restatement of acquisition accounting

During my tenure as Chief Financial Officer of the Group I have always believed it important to keep the accounting treatment as simple as possible and to aid understanding of the Group's financial statements. I have avoided using alternative performance measures where they were not necessary to improve the understanding of the underlying trading performance of the Group. We have accounted sensibly for the substance of all acquisitions as capital in nature and classified them as investing activities so that cash generated from trading is separately visible from cash used for investment purposes. The accounting profession's view has been constantly evolving on the application and interpretation of various accounting standards and as a result of recent changes to the application of IFRS 3 (Business Combinations), many companies have been required to reassess and restate their accounts where there are earn outs relating to acquisitions. Payments for contingent consideration are now required, in many relevant circumstances to be treated as remuneration for post-combination services causing a charge to the income statement rather than treating those payments as capital in nature whereby consideration is recognised on a company's balance sheet as goodwill.

We have been cognisant of this judgemental area and the interpretation of this standard which is why in assessing it in the previous years' financial statements we disclosed fully the rationale for continuing to class all consideration as capital in nature. After discussions with the Financial Reporting Council, and in the best interests of reaching a sensible conclusion to those discussions, we have decided this year to change our accounting treatment on past acquisitions, from FY23 with the prior year, FY22, being restated to reflect this change. This judgement and accounting treatment will be applied to future periods where applicable.

Whilst not affecting the underlying performance of the Group in any way, the Group's reported performance now reflects the above change, bringing statutory results in line with prevailing applicable financial reporting standards. Therefore, this year we have restated the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income, Group statement of financial position and Group cash flow statement in respect of a change of IFRS 3 accounting treatment for consideration paid on all relevant historical acquisitions. These changes have no impact on Group cash, however they do now classify all previously disclosed investing activities for applicable acquisitions as operating in nature. A restatement of such entries has also been made.

The net impact of these changes on the statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income is to typically increase reported profits after tax as a result of recognising profit from bargain purchase gain accounting immediately upon acquisition, followed by decreases in profit after tax in subsequent reporting years as a result of releasing the paid and expected to be paid total consideration as a non-underlying expense as remuneration for post-combination services is released over the relevant period. The impact on the balance sheet is to treat initial consideration as a prepayment and to reduce the goodwill previously created in the Group. Any contingent consideration is accrued over time building a liability to be paid or not when measurement is possible.

Note 25 in this announcement discloses in full the judgements applied resulting in this change.

Earnings Per Share (EPS)

Basic EPS decreased by 49.5% to 9.77p (restated FY22: 73.1% to 19.35p). Basic EPS before non-underlying and exceptional items increased by 12.1% to 16.71p (FY22: 10.6% to 14.90p). Diluted EPS decreased by 49.6% to 9.52p (restated FY22: increased by 70.2% to 18.89p). Diluted EPS before non-underlying and exceptional items increased by 12.0% to 16.28p (FY22: 10.4% to 14.54p).

Share option schemes

Over 65% of our people are existing share or option holders in the Group. The board remains committed to providing its people with the opportunity to own shares in the Company, as further evidenced by the continued issuance of restricted shares awards (RSAs) across senior leaders within the Group during the year. Such share ownership promotes strong alignment with the Group's external shareholders, incentivises employees and is reflective of Gateley's long-established culture of long-term ownership. The RSAs, which vest on receipt, are made on a discretionary basis when an individual is promoted to partner or an equivalent position and also for lateral hires performing in line with their expected business plan. Awards are subject to a five-year non-dealing restriction and are forfeited should employment cease within that period. 1,175,000 RSAs (FY22: 1,267,560) shares were awarded on 23 February 2023.

The board also announced in February 2023, a third vintage of LTIP awards to certain Executive Directors and Senior Management over up to 1,360,000 Ordinary Shares of 10 pence each in the Company ("Ordinary Shares"). Awards under the LTIP vest at the end of a three-year period, dependent upon the achievement of profit-related performance conditions and continuous employment.

Profits used to calculate underlying EPS each year are disclosed below:

                                       2023      2022     2021     2020 
                                    GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Reported profit after tax            12,240    23,023   13,157   11,723 
Adjustments for non-underlying 
 and exceptional items: 
- Amortisation of acquired 
 intangible assets                    2,073     1,581    2,073    1,375 
- Share-based payment adjustments     1,984     1,213      956    1,355 
- Consideration treated 
 as remuneration                      6,190     3,509        -        - 
- Gain on bargain purchase          (1,389)  (12,380) 
- Impairment of software 
 development costs                        -         -        -      463 
- Acquisition-related costs               -       870        -      107 
- Tax impact of above                 (168)      (94)        -     (20) 
Underlying profit after 
 tax                                 20,930    17,722   16,186   15,003 
Weighted average number of 
 ordinary shares for calculating 
 diluted earnings per share        128,527,341  121,893,238  118,508,833  115,599,727 
  Underlying adjusted fully 
  diluted EPS                           16.28p       14.54p       13.66p       12.98p 


The Group's tax charge for the Period was GBP4.0m (FY22: GBP3.8m) which comprised a corporation tax charge of GBP 5.0 m (FY22: GBP4.0m) and a deferred tax credit of GBP1.0m (FY22: credit of GBP0.2m).

The deferred tax charge arises due to a combination of credits in respect of the share schemes that have vested in past years and the release of deferred tax on brands. The total effective rate of tax is 22.6% (FY22: 21.2%) based on reported profits before tax. The increase in the effective rate of tax is as a result of the change in treatment of earn-out related consideration on acquisition now being disclosed as a remuneration charge. Such charges are not allowable for corporation tax purposes.

The net deferred taxation liability decreased to GBP2.1m (FY22: GBP2.5m) as a result of the increased deferred tax asset recognised on share-based payment schemes yet to vest.


The Group paid an interim dividend of 3.3p per share on 31 March 2023 and proposes a final dividend at the Company's Annual General Meeting on 17 October 2023 of 6.2p (FY22: 5.5p) per share, which if approved, will be paid in October to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 September 2023. The shares will go ex-dividend on 28 September 2023. The board's dividend policy remains to distribute up to 70% of specifically adjusted profit after tax to shareholders, whereby the adjustment relates to the remuneration for post-combination services and gains on bargain purchase, typically one third following its half year results and two thirds after the full year results are known. Despite the changes arising from acquisition accounting on FY23 profit after tax, the board has decided to propose the same value of dividend as would have resulted from paying 70% of profit after tax.

Balance sheet

The Group's net asset position has increased by GBP3.0m (FY22: GBP22.3m) to GBP78.1m (FY22: restated GBP75.1m), due to the following movements:

There was a GBP2.2m increase in total current assets, resulting from GBP1.7m additional trade and other receivables through acquired businesses and the strong organic growth of the Group. Contract assets ("unbilled revenue") increased by GBP3.1m and cash at bank decreased by GBP5.0m as excess cash was redeployed into acquisitions and to support working capital required for continued growth.

Non-current assets increased by GBP2.4m, resulting predominantly from an increase of GBP2.5m from a change in property use and right of use asset values as a new lease was entered into in our London office.

The board has carefully considered the impact of macro-economic uncertainties, on the future forecasts used in assessing the value in use of the cash generating units to which the goodwill and intangibles relate and determined that, despite short term reductions, such forecasts are more than sufficient to justify the carrying value of goodwill. Therefore, as at 30 April 2023, the board concluded that the goodwill and intangible assets do not require impairment.

Total liabilities decreased by GBP0.8m, due to the reduction in accrued bonus offset by the increase in lease liabilities and draw down of loans to fund the acquisition of Symbiosis Limited.

Cash flow

During the year, the Group increased its usage of its revolving credit facility from GBP5.7m to GBP6.8m. The facility provides total committed funding of GBP30m until April 2025, split equally between Bank of Scotland and HSBC UK, that is specifically earmarked to fund growth and expansion via acquisition. Interest is payable on the loan at a margin of 1.95% above the SONIA reference rate.

The Group also has in place a litigation funding facility for an initial GBP20m of funding towards significant litigation cases, which has the ability to increase to GBP50m if required. To date the Group has not yet utilised this facility but has a number of large assignments currently being assessed for consideration in FY24.

Cash generation was once again good with net cash inflows from operating activities of GBP9.7m (FY22: GBP5.3m) representing 79.6% (FY22: restated 23.1%) of profit after tax. The Group ended the year with net cash of GBP4.3m (FY22: GBP10.4m), the result of continued strong trading and also management's sustained focus on cost efficiencies and costs management.

Adjusted free cashflow during the year from operations (after adjusting for IFRS 16 and IFRS 3 specific items noted in the table below) was GBP6.0m (FY22: GBP7.4m), which represents an increase to 48.8% (FY22: 32.0%) of reported profit after taxation ("PAT"). Adjusted free cashflows therefore represent a decrease to 28.3% (FY22: 41.4%) of underlying PAT as the Group saw a decrease in margin this year and in continuation of its investment in capital expenditure, mainly through its new finance system. These movements were partially offset by an increase in interest received.

                                                       2023     2022 
                                                    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Net cash generated from operations                   14,065    9,805 
Tax paid                                            (4,320)  (4,497) 
Net interest received                                 1,393        1 
Cash outflow from IFRS 16 leases (rental payments 
 excluded from operating cash flows under IFRS 
 16)                                                (4,579)  (3,870) 
Cash outflow paid on acquisitions                     1,518    7,033 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment           (1,312)    (775) 
Purchase of other intangible assets                   (787)    (319) 
Free cash flow                                        5,978    7,378 
Profit after tax                                     12,240   23,023 
Free cash flow                                        48.8%    32.0% 
Adjusted free cash flow             2023     2022 
                                 GBP'000  GBP'000 
Profit after tax                  12,240   23,023 
Non-underlying operating items     8,858  (6,077) 
Exceptional items                      -      870 
                                 -------  ------- 
U nderlying profit after tax      21,098   17,816 
Free cash flow                     28.3%    41.4% 

Overall, working capital levels remained in line with the previous year, as unbilled revenue represented 53 days in line with last year, of Pro-forma net revenue and Group debtor days have remained at 113 days of Pro-forma net revenue which includes revenue from acquisitions on a full year pro-forma basis. As the Group continues to grow strongly, our volume of debtors has grown proportionately. We have made a good start to collections in FY24. Unbilled revenue recognised in the Group's statutory accounts, from time recorded on non-contingent work, totalled GBP20.4m or 12.5% of revenue recognised over the year (FY22: GBP17.2m or 12.5%).


FY23 continued our long track record of underlying profitable growth through a blend of organic expansion and acquisition which consistently delivers attractive returns for all stakeholders. Results for FY23 reflect another strong year for the Group. They include good organic growth across our legal foundations in a tough market and strong organic growth from consultancy service lines, aided significantly by the full year impact of prior year acquisitions. We have maintained rigid control of costs despite both market specific and macro-economic challenges, and we have a strong balance sheet with significant facility headroom to further expand the Group both organically and through acquisition. Share ownership rewards for our staff continue to play a significant part in our vision of wider, long-term connectivity across the Group and will deliver a significant opportunity to all staff in FY24 and beyond.

Neil Smith

Chief Financial Officer

6 September 2023


for the year ended 30 April 2023

                                                           Note      2023        2022 
                                                                  GBP'000     GBP'000 
  Revenue                                                     3   162,683     137,249 
  Other operating income                                               49           - 
  Personnel costs, excluding IFRS 2 charge                    5  (96,765)    (86,517) 
  Depreciation - Property, plant and equipment               11     (936)       (851) 
  Depreciation - Right-of-use asset                          11   (3,976)     (3,783) 
  Impairment of trade receivables and contract 
   assets                                                         (1,334)       (866) 
  Other operating expenses, excluding non-underlying 
   and exceptional items                                         (34,741)    (22,716) 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
  Operating profit before non-underlying and 
   exceptional items                                          4    24,980      22,516 
  Non-underlying operating items                              4   (8,858)       6,077 
  Exceptional items                                           4         -       (870) 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
                                                                  (8,858)       5,207 
-------------------------------------------------------  ------  --------  ---------- 
    Operating profit                                          4    16,122      27,723 
  Financial income                                            7     1,735         194 
  Financial expense                                           7   (1,645)     (1,141) 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
  Profit before tax                                                16,212      26,776 
  Taxation                                                    8   (3,972)     (3,753) 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
    Profit for the year after tax attributable 
     to equity holders of the parent                               12,240      23,023 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
    Other comprehensive income 
    Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently 
     to profit or loss 
      - Revaluation of other investments                             (26)       (190) 
    - Exchange differences on foreign branch                         (49)          58 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
    Profit for the financial year and total 
     comprehensive income all attributable to 
     equity holders of the parent                                  12,165      22,891 
                                                                 --------  ---------- 
  Statutory Earnings per share 
  Basic                                                    9        9.77p      19.35p 
  Diluted                                                  9        9.52p      18.89p 

The results for the periods presented above are derived from continuing operations.


                                 Note             Restated  Restated 
                                            2023      2022      2021 
                                         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment     11      1,628     1,334     1,323 
 Right of use asset                11     27,098    24,627    27,007 
 Investment property                         164       164       164 
 Deferred tax asset                19        830       638       138 
 Intangible assets & goodwill      12     12,929    14,002     5,617 
 Other intangible assets           14      1,090       564       282 
 Other investments                           147       173       363 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
                                          43,886    41,502    34,894 
 Total non-current assets 
 Current assets 
 Contract assets                   15     20,388    17,239    13,900 
 Trade and other receivables       16     73,272    71,587    46,587 
 Cash and cash equivalents         21     11,105    16,105    19,605 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total current assets                    104,765   104,931    80,092 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total assets                            148,651   146,433   114,986 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Other interest-bearing loans 
  and borrowings                   21    (6,813)   (5,715)         - 
 Lease liability                   23   (28,716)  (25,207)  (27,702) 
 Other payables                    18          -      (40)     (120) 
 Deferred tax liability            19    (2,941)   (3,089)     (772) 
 Provisions                        20    (1,290)     (863)     (763) 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total non-current liabilities          (39,760)  (34,914)  (29,357) 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables          18   (25,933)  (31,719)  (28,897) 
 Lease liability                   23    (3,257)   (3,719)   (2,743) 
 Provisions                        20      (107)     (101)     (176) 
 Current tax liabilities                 (1,482)     (842)   (1,066) 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total current liabilities              (30,779)  (36,381)  (32,882) 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 Total liabilities                      (70,539)  (71,295)  (62,239) 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 NET ASSETS                               78,112    75,138    52,747 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
  Share capital                    22     12,664    12,456    11,792 
  Share premium                           11,846    11,342     9,421 
  Merger reserve                         (9,950)   (9,950)   (9,950) 
  Other reserve                           15,413    14,465     6,815 
  Treasury reserve                         (677)     (261)     (312) 
  Translation reserve                       (51)       (2)      (60) 
  Retained earnings                       48,867    47,088    35,041 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 
 TOTAL EQUITY                             78,112    75,138    52,747 
                                       ---------  --------  -------- 


                               Share     Share    Merger     Other  Treasury   Retained       Foreign     Total 
                             capital   premium   reserve   reserve   reserve   earnings      currency    Equity 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
At 1 May 2021                 11,792     9,421   (9,950)     6,815     (312)     41,560          (60)    59,266 
Impact of restatement 
 (note 25)                         -         -         -         -         -    (6,519)             -   (6,519) 
At 1 May 2021 (restated)      11,792     9,421   (9,950)     6,815     (312)     35,041          (60)    52,747 
  Comprehensive income: 
Profit for the year                -         -         -         -         -     23,023             -    23,023 
Revaluation of other 
 investments                                                                      (190)             -     (190) 
Exchange rate differences          -         -         -         -         -          -            58        58 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                            -         -         -         -         -     22,833            58    22,891 
  Transactions with 
  recognised directly 
  in equity: 
Issue of share capital           664     1,921         -     7,650         -          -             -    10,235 
Purchase of own shares 
 at nominal value                  -         -         -         -         -      (132)             -     (132) 
Sale of treasury 
 shares                            -         -         -         -       127          -             -       127 
Purchase of treasury 
 shares                            -         -         -         -      (76)          -             -      (76) 
Recognition of tax 
 benefit on gain from 
 equity settled share 
 options                           -         -         -         -         -        563             -       563 
Dividend paid                      -         -         -         -         -   (12,430)             -  (12,430) 
Share based payment 
 transactions                      -         -         -         -         -      1,213             -     1,213 
Total equity at 30 
 April 2022 (restated)        12,456    11,342   (9,950)    14,465     (261)     47,088           (2)    75,138 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
At 1 May 2022, as 
 previously presented         12,456    11,342   (9,950)    14,465     (261)     44,863           (2)    72,913 
Impact of restatement 
 (note 25)                         -         -         -         -         -      2,225             -     2,225 
At 1 May 2022 (restated)      12,456    11,342   (9,950)    14,465     (261)     47,088           (2)    75,138 
  Comprehensive income: 
Profit for the year                -     -         -             -         -     12,240             -    12,240 
Revaluation of other 
 investments                       -     -         -             -         -       (26)             -      (26) 
Exchange rate differences          -     -         -             -         -          -          (49)      (49) 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income                            -     -         -             -         -     12,214          (49)    12,165 
  Transactions with 
  recognised directly 
  in equity: 
Issue of share capital           208    504        -           948         -          -             -     1,660 
Purchase of own shares 
 at nominal value                  -     -         -             -         -      (133)             -     (133) 
Sale of treasury 
 shares                            -     -         -             -        20          -             -        20 
Purchase of treasury 
 shares                            -     -         -             -     (436)          -             -     (436) 
Recognition of tax 
 benefit on gain from 
 equity settled share 
 options                           -     -         -             -         -      (398)             -     (398) 
Dividend paid                      -     -         -             -         -   (11,004)             -  (11,004) 
Share based payment 
 transactions                      -     -         -             -         -      1,100             -     1,100 
Total equity at 
 30 April 2023                12,664   11,846   (9,950)     15,413     (677)     48,867          (51)    78,112 
                            --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  ---------  ------------  -------- 

The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within equity:

Share premium - Amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value together with gains on the sale of own shares and the difference between actual and nominal value of shares issued by the Company in the acquisition of trade and assets.

Merger reserve - Represents the difference between the nominal value of shares acquired by the Company in the share for share exchange with the former Gateley Heritage LLP members and the nominal value of shares issued to acquire them.

Other reserve - Represents the difference between the actual and nominal value of shares issued by the Company in the acquisition of subsidiaries.

Treasury reserve - Represents the repurchase of shares for future distribution by Group's Employee Benefit Trust.

Retained earnings - All other net gains and losses and transactions with owners not recognised anywhere else.

Foreign currency translation reserve - Represents the movement in exchange rates back to the Group's functional currency of profits and losses generated in foreign currencies.


                                                   Note              Restated 
                                                              2023       2022 
                                                           GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit for the year after tax                              12,240     23,023 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation and amortisation                 11/12/14      7,246      6,215 
 Financial income                                     7    (1,735)      (194) 
 Financial expense                                    7        495        193 
 Interest charge on capitalised leases                7      1,150        948 
 Equity settled share-based payments                  6      1,100      1,213 
 Gain on bargain purchase                             4    (1,389)   (12,380) 
 Acquisition related earn-out remuneration 
  charge                                              4      6,190      3,509 
 Earn-out consideration paid - acquisition                    (50)          - 
  of subsidiary 
 Initial consideration paid on acquisitions                (1,468)    (7,033) 
 Loss on disposal of property, plant 
  and equipment                                       4         82         16 
 Tax expense                                          8      3,972      3,753 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
                                                            27,833     19,263 
  Increase in trade and other receivables                  (6,942)   (10,299) 
  (Decrease)/increase in trade and 
   other payables                                          (7,259)        816 
  Increase in provisions                             20        433         25 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
 Cash generated from operations                             14,065      9,805 
 Tax paid                                                  (4,320)    (4,497) 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities                    9,745      5,308 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
 Investing activities 
 Acquisition of property, plant and 
  equipment                                          11    (1,312)      (775) 
 Acquisition of other intangible 
  assets                                             14      (787)      (319) 
 Cash acquired on business combinations                        483      1,051 
 Interest received                                    7      1,735        194 
 Net cash used in investing activities                         119        151 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
 Financing activities 
 Interest and other financial income 
  paid                                                7      (371)      (193) 
 Lease repayments                                          (4,550)    (3,870) 
 Receipt of new revolving credit 
  facility, net of refinancing costs                 21      1,000      5,715 
 Proceeds from sale of own shares                                -         90 
 Acquisition of own shares by Employee 
  Benefit Trust                                              (416)       (39) 
 Cash received for shares issued 
  on exercise of SAYE/CSOP options                             477      1,768 
 Dividends paid                                      10   (11,004)   (12,430) 
 Net cash used in financing activities                    (14,864)    (8,959) 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                (5,000)    (3,500) 
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
   of year                                                  16,105     19,605 
                                                         ---------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of year                                            21     11,105     16,105 


1. Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies

The financial information set out in this financial results announcement does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The consolidated statement of comprehensive profit and loss and other comprehensive income, consolidated statement of financial position, consolidated statement of change in equity, consolidated statement of cashflows and the associated notes have been extracted from the Group's financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2023, upon which the auditor's opinion is unqualified and does not include any statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2023 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Annual General Meeting.

These condensed preliminary financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2023 have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as set out in the 2023 financial statements.

While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with those standards. The Group expects to publish full financial statements that comply with International Financial Reporting Standards in September 2023.

1.1 Statement of Directors responsibilities

The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, this condensed set of consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the AIM Rules.

1.2 Cautionary statement

This document contains certain forward-looking statements with respect of the financial condition, results, operations and business of the Group. Whilst these statements are made in good faith based on information available at the time of approval, these statements and forecasts inherently involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that will occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause the actual results of developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts. Nothing in this document should be construed as a profit forecast.

2. Going concern

The Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position, are set out in the Finance Directors review, together with the financial position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity position and borrowings. Financial projections have been prepared to October 2024 which show positive earnings and cash flow generation. The COVID-19 situation during the previous two financial years created an unprecedented and constantly changing challenge to all businesses. Management successfully navigated the business through the impact of the pandemic on the Group's financial performance. The Group typically applies sensitivities (informed by the past experiences of the Group since the onset of the pandemic, including the Group's time recording activity, fee generation and cash collections) to any current financial projections based on various downside scenarios to illustrate the potential impact from a downturn in client activity or any increases in costs.

The Group continues to work closely with its supportive banks, utilising the three-year revolving credit facility, of which GBP7m was drawn down at 30 April 2023, with committed funding of GBP30m until April 2025. As at 30 April 2023 the Group has net cash of GBP4.3m and continues to sensibly managed its cash position within permitted covenants relating to its new facility.

This process included a reverse 'stress test' used to inform downside testing which identified the break point in the Group's liquidity. Whilst the sensitivities applied do show an expected downside impact on the Group's financial performance in future periods, in all scenarios modelled the board have identified the appropriate mitigating actions in order for the Group to maintain a robust balance sheet and liquidity position. In addition, the board have also considered mitigating actions such as lower capital expenditure, reductions in personnel and overhead expenditure and other short-term cash management activities within the Group's control as part of their assessment of going concern.

The Group expects to be able to operate within the Group's existing financing facilities for the foreseeable future and currently demonstrates significant debt capacity headroom based on its strong financial performance. Accordingly, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and they have adopted the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the annual Group financial statements.

3. Revenue and operating segments

The Chief Operating Decision Maker ("CODM") is the Strategic Board. The Group have the following four strategic divisions, comprising both legal and consultancy services, which are its reportable segments and referred to as it's Platforms.

The following summary describes the operations of each reportable segment as reported up to 30 April 2023:

 Reportable segment/Platforms   Legal service lines              Consultancy service 
 Corporate                      Banking                          GEG Services 
                                 Corporate                        International Investment 
                                 Restructuring advisory           Services 
                               -------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Business services              Commercial                       Adamson Jones 
                                 Commercial Dispute Resolution    Symbiosis IP 
                                 Complex International 
                                 Reputation, media and 
                                 privacy law 
                               -------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 People                         Employment                       Entrust Pension 
                                 Pension                          Kiddy and Partners 
                                 Private client                   T-three 
                               -------------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Property                       Real Estate                      Capitus 
                                 Residential Development          Hamer/Persona 
                                 Construction                     Smithers Purslow 
                                 Planning                         Vinden 
                                 Real Estate Dispute 
                               -------------------------------  -------------------------- 

The revenue and operating profit are attributable to the principal activities of the Group. A geographical analysis of revenue is given below:

                             2023     2022 
                          GBP'000  GBP'000 
United Kingdom            151,489  127,386 
Europe                      5,459    5,336 
Middle East                 2,390      923 
North and South America     1,675      692 
Asia                        1,163    1,501 
Other                         507    1,411 
                          -------  ------- 
                          162,683  137,249 
                          -------  ------- 

The Group has no individual customers that represent more than 10% of revenue in either the 2023 or 2022 financial year. The Group's assets and costs are predominately located in the UK save for those assets and costs located in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) via its Dubai subsidiary. Net Group assets of GBP0.08m (2022: Net Group assets of GBP0.08m) are located in the Group's Dubai subsidiary. Revenue generated by the Group's Dubai subsidiary to customers in the UAE totalled GBP2.39m (2022: GBP0.92m) as disclosed above as due from the customers in the Middle East


                                                                                         and movement 
                                     Business                                    Total    in unbilled 
                                     Services  Corporate   People  Property   segments        revenue     Total 
                                      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
Segment revenue from services 
 transferred at a point in 
 time                                   4,952     16,578    8,409    17,002     46,941              1    46,942 
Segment revenue from services 
 transferred over time                 16,872     22,200   12,027    64,642    115,741              -   115,741 
                                    ---------  ---------  -------  --------  ---------  -------------  -------- 
Total segmental revenue                21,824     38,778   20,436    81,644    162,682              1   162,683 
                                    ---------  ---------  -------  --------  ---------  -------------  -------- 
Segment contribution (as reported 
 internally)                            5,330     13,948    5,983    31,037     56,298              1    56,299 
Costs not allocated to segments: 
 Other operating income                                                                                      49 
 Personnel costs                                                                                       (11,091) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                                          (7,246) 
Other operating expenses                                                                               (15,104) 
Share based payment charges                                                                             (1,984) 
Gain on bargain purchase                                                                                  1,389 
Contingent consideration treated 
 remuneration                                                                                           (6,190) 
Net financial expense                                                                                        90 
Profit for the financial year 
 before taxation                                                                                         16,212 

2022 (restated)

                                                                                         and movement 
                                     Business                                    Total    in unbilled 
                                     Services  Corporate   People  Property   segments        revenue     Total 
                                      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
Segment revenue from services 
 transferred at a point in 
 time                                   3,467     10,175    5,901    10,994     30,537            305    30,842 
Segment revenue from services 
 transferred over time                 14,490     27,889   13,264    50,426    106,069            338   106,407 
                                    ---------  ---------  -------  --------  ---------  -------------  -------- 
Total Segment revenue                  17,957     38,064   19,165    61,420    136,606            643   137,249 
                                    ---------  ---------  -------  --------  ---------  -------------  -------- 
Segment contribution (as reported 
 internally)                            5,733     15,373    6,919    22,956     50,981            643    51,624 
Costs not allocated to segments: 
 Other operating income                                                                                       - 
 Personnel costs                                                                                       (10,487) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                                          (6,215) 
 Other operating expenses                                                                              (13,987) 
Share based payment charges                                                                             (1,213) 
Gain on bargain purchase                                                                                 12,380 
Contingent consideration treated 
 remuneration                                                                                           (3,509) 
Exceptional costs                                                                                         (870) 
Net financial expense                                                                                     (947) 
Profit for the financial year 
 before taxation                                                                                         26,776 

Group entities may be engaged on a contingent basis; in such cases the Group considers the satisfaction of the contingent event as the sole performance obligation within the contract. Fees are only billed once the contingent event has been satisfied. The initial financing of these engagements is met by the Group. Due to the nature and timing of the billing, such engagements influence the contract asset balance held in the balance sheet at year end. In the majority of cases the contingent event is expected to be concluded within one year of the engagement date. The Group operates standard payment terms of 30 days. GBP16.4 million of the current period revenue is derived from services satisfied, in part, in the previous period.

Services transferred over time

For non-contingent engagements, fee earners' hourly rates are determined at the point of engagement with all hours attributed to the engagement fully and accurately recorded. The recorded hours are then translated into fees to be billed and invoiced on a monthly basis. The Group typically operates on 30 days credit terms, in line with IFRS 15 the performance obligations are fulfilled over time with revenue being recognised in line with the hours worked.

Contract assets

Under IFRS 15 the Group recognises any goods or services transferred to the customer before the customer pays consideration, or before payment is due, as a contract asset . These assets differ from accounts receivables. Accounts receivable are the amounts that have been billed to the client and the revenue recognised, whereas these contract assets are amounts of work in progress where work has been performed, yet the amounts have not yet been billed to the client. Due to the nature of the services delivered by the Group the significant component of the cost of delivery is staff costs. As a result, there is little to no judgement exercised in determining the costs incurred as they are driven by the time recorded by fee earners. Contract assets are subject to impairment under IFRS 9.

No other financial information has been disclosed as it is not provided to the CODM on a regular basis.

Contract Liabilities

Under IFRS 15 the Group is required to recognise contract liabilities based on those amounts recognised against contracts for which the satisfaction of performance obligations has not yet been met. These liabilities relate to the deferred income recognised within Kiddy & Partners, T-three Consulting Limited and GEG Services Limited as a result of their billing structure. The amounts recognised reflect the agreed cost of the services to be performed and are realised in line with the ongoing cost of delivery. Due to the nature of the services provided, the main component of this cost of delivery is staff costs, as a result there is little to no judgement exercised in determining the value of the liability held at year end.

Practical expedients under IFRS 15

Under IFRS 15 companies are required to disclose the aggregate amount of the transaction price allocated to the performance obligations that are unsatisfied at the end of the reporting period. However, only a small proportion of revenue contracts in issuance are for fixed amounts, rather the company has a right to consideration from the customer in an amount that corresponds directly with the value to the customer of the business' performance completed to date. Therefore, the Group considers it impractical to estimate the potential value of unsatisfied performance obligations and has elected to apply the practical expedient available under IFRS 15.

4. Expenses and auditor's remuneration

Included in operating profit are the following:

                                                     2023      2022 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Depreciation on tangible assets (see note 11)         936       851 
Depreciation on right-of-use asset (see notes 
 11 and 23)                                         3,976     3,783 
Short term and low value lease payments (see 
 note 23)                                              82        75 
Operating lease costs on property (see note 23)       166         - 
Loss on sale of fixed assets                           82        16 
                                                  -------  -------- 
                                                     2023      2022 
                                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-underlying items 
Amortisation of intangible assets (see note 12)     2,073     1,581 
Share based payment charges - Gateley Plc           1,984     1,100 
Share based payment charges - Gateley Smithers 
 Purslow Limited                                        -       113 
Gain on bargain purchase                          (1,389)  (12,380) 
Consideration treated as remuneration               6,190     3,509 
                                                    8,858   (6,077) 
Exceptional items 
Acquisition costs                                       -       373 
One off remuneration charge - Gateley Smithers 
 Purslow Limited                                        -       497 
Total non-underlying and exceptional items          8,858   (5,207) 
                                                  -------  -------- 

Acquisition costs in the 2022 financial year represent professional fees in respect of the acquisition of SP 2018 Limited, Adamson Jones Holdings Limited and the business and assets of Tozer Gallagher LLP.

Share based payment charges in Gateley Plc represent charges in accordance with IFRS 2 in respect of unexercised SAYE, CSOP, LTIP and RSA schemes (See note 6).

Share based payment charges in Gateley Smithers Purslow Limited represent shares awarded to staff following the successful acquisition of SP 2018 Limited (See notes 5 and 6).

Auditor's remuneration

                                                      2023     2022 
                                                   GBP'000  GBP'000 
Fees payable to the Company's Auditor in respect 
 of audit services: 
 Audit of these financial statements                   107       85 
 Audit of financial statements of subsidiaries 
  of the Company                                        22       20 
                                                   -------  ------- 
                                                       129      105 
                                                   -------  ------- 
Amounts receivable by the Company's auditor 
 and its associates in respect of: 
Other assurance services                                34       31 
                                                   -------  ------- 

Other assurance services relate to Solicitors Accounts Rules review with associated reporting to legal regulators. This work is entirely assurance focused.

5. Personnel costs

The average number of persons employed by the Group during the year, analysed by category, was as follows:

                                           Number of employees 
                                          2023            2022 
Legal and professional staff             1,000             800 
Administrative staff                       439             350 
                               ---------------  -------------- 
                                         1,439           1,150 
                               ---------------  -------------- 

The aggregate payroll costs of these persons were as follows:

                                                    2023     2022 
                                                 GBP'000  GBP'000 
Wages and salaries                                83,942   76,672 
Social security costs                              9,984    7,769 
Pension costs                                      2,839    2,076 
                                                 -------  ------- 
                                                  96,765   86,517 
Non-underlying items (see note 4) 
Share based payment expense - Gateley Plc          1,984    1,100 
Share based payment expense - Gateley Smithers 
 Purslow Limited                                       -      113 
                                                 -------  ------- 
                                                  98,749   87,730 
                                                 -------  ------- 

6. Share based payments


At the year end the Group has nine share based payment schemes in existence.

Save As You Earn scheme ('SAYE')

The Group operates a HMRC approved SAYE scheme for all staff. Options under this scheme will vest if the participant remains employed for the agreed vesting period of three years. Upon vesting, each option allows the holder to purchase the allocated ordinary shares at a discount of 20% of the market price determined at the grant date.

During the year 360,365 SAYE 18/19 options vested with 311,806 being exercised by 30 April 2023 leaving 48,559 options still to be exercised. New shares were issued to satisfy these options being 311,806 10p shares with a nominal value of GBP31,181.

Company Share Option Plan ('CSOP')

The Group operates an HMRC approved CSOP scheme for associates, senior associates, legal directors, equivalent positions in Gateley Group subsidiary companies and Senior Management positions in our support teams. Options under this scheme will vest if the participant remains employed for the agreed vesting period of three years. Upon vesting, each option allows the holder to purchase the allocated ordinary shares at the price on the date of grant.

Long Term Incentive Plan ('LTIP')

The Group operates an LTIP for the benefit of Executive Directors and Senior Management. Awards under the LTIP may be in the form of an option granted to the participant to receive ordinary shares on exercise dependent upon the achievement of profit related performance conditions.

Performance conditions

Options granted under the LTIP are only exercisable subject to the satisfaction of the following performance conditions which will determine the proportion of the option that will vest at the end of the three-year performance period. The awards will be subject to an adjusted fully diluted earnings per share performance measure as described in the table below:

 Adjusted, fully diluted earnings per             Amount Vesting % 
  Share Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) 
  over the three year period ending 30 
  April 2023/2025/26 
 Below 5%                                                       0% 
 5%                                                            25% 
 Between 5% and 10%                          Straight line vesting 
 Above 10%                                                    100% 

The options will generally be exercisable after approval of the financial statements during the year of exercise. The performance period for any future awards under the LTIP will be a three-year period from the date of grant. Vested and unvested LTIP awards are subject to a formal malus and clawback mechanism.

Grant of equity share options under the LTIP

Certain senior employees and Executive Directors were granted options on 23 February 2023 based on performance conditions commencing on 1 May 2023. In total, 1,320,000 options have been granted which, subject to satisfying the above performance conditions, will vest in the period following the year ending 30 April 2026

Restricted Share Award Plan ('RSA')

The Group operates an RSA for the benefit of Senior Management. Awards under the RSA entitle the option holder to participate in dividends however, the shares are restricted for a period of 5 years from issue, such that they cannot be traded.

The annual awards granted under all schemes are summarised below:

                 average   Weighted 
               remaining    average                                                                                                             Granted 
             contractual   exercise                              Lapsed/exercised at 30                        At 1 May                          during 
                    life      price          Originally granted              April 2022                            2022                        the year               Lapsed during year      Exercised in the year                                  At 30 April 2023 
                                                         Number                  Number                          Number                          Number                           Number                     Number                                            Number 
SAYE 18/19                                                                                                                                                                     (134,037)                                                                            - 
- 21                                                                          (449,919)                         170,513                               -                                                    (36,476) 
2018             0 years    GBP1.27                     620,432 
SAYE 19/20 
 - 30 
 2019            0 years    GBP1.28                     822,625               (218,412)                         604,213                               -                        (243,848)                  (311,806)                                            48,559 
SAYE 20/21 
 - 6 
 2020          0.5 years    GBP1.02                   2,337,197               (219,826)                       2,117,371                               -                        (243,513)                          -                                         1,873,858 
SAYE 21/22 
 - 25 
 2022          1.3 years    GBP1.70                     673,077                (14,925)                         658,152                               -                        (157,137)                          -                                           501,015 
SAYE 22/23 
 - 22 
 2023          2.4 years    GBP1.55                           -                       -                               -                       1,070,154                         (36,850)                          -                                         1,033,304 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
                                                      4,453,331               (903,082)                       3,550,249                       1,070,154                        (815,385)                  (348,282)                                         3,456,736 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
CSOPS                                                   812,131                                                 184,086                               -                         (62,470)                                                                            - 
18/19 - 24                                                                    (628,045)                                                                                                                   (121,616) 
2018             0 years    GBP1.44 
 20/21 - 7 
 July 2020     0.2 years    GBP1.35                     976,797               (147,045)                         829,752                               -                         (97,969)                          -                                           731,783 
 22/23 - 
 2022          2.6 years    GBP1.74                           -                       -                               -                         300,000                         (10,000)                          -                                           290,000 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
                                                      1,788,928               (775,090)                       1,013,838                         300,000                        (170,439)                  (121,616)                                         1,021,783 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 20/21 - 
 22 July 
 2020          0.2 years    GBP0.00                   1,405,766               (169,331)                       1,236,435                               -                        (134,188)                          -                                         1,102,247 
LTIPS - 27 
 2022          2.0 years    GBP0.00                   1,115,000                       -                       1,115,000                               -                         (90,000)                          -                                         1,025,000 
 Feb 23         2.8years    GBP0.00                           -                       -                               -                       1,320,000                                -                          -                                         1,320,000 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
                                                      2,520,766               (169,331)                       2,351,435                       1,320,000                        (224,188)                          -                                         3,447,247 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
RSA - 27 
 2022          4.0 years    GBP0.00                   1,422,560                       -                       1,422,560                               -                                -                          -                                         1,422,560 
  RSA 23 
  2023         5.0 years    GBP0.00                           -                       -                               -                       1,175,000                         (50,000)                          -                                         1,125,000 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
                                                      1,422,560                       -                       1,422,560                       1,175,000                         (50,000)                          -                                         2,547,560 
                                     --------------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------------  ------------------------------  -------------------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 

Fair value calculations

The award is accounted for as equity-settled under IFRS 2. The fair value of awards which are subject to non-market based performance conditions is calculated using the Black Scholes option pricing model. The inputs to this model for awards granted during the financial year are detailed below:

                                            SAYE     CSOP        LTIP        RSA 
Grant date                            22/09/2022  14/12/2022  23/02/2023  23/02/2023 
Share price at date of grant             GBP1.99     GBP1.74    GBP1.825    GBP1.825 
Exercise price                              1.55        1.74      GBPnil      GBPnil 
Volatility                                   31%         30%         27%         27% 
Expected life (years)                        3.3         3.3         3.3         5.0 
Risk free rate                            3.473%      3.277%      3.523%      3.569% 
Dividend yield                             4.29%       4.22%       4.38%       0.00% 
Fair value per share 
Market based performance condition             -                       -           - 
Non-market based performance             GBP0.55     GBP0.30     GBP1.58    GBP1.825 
 condition/no performance condition 
                                      ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Expected volatility was determined by using historical share price data of the Company since it listed on 8 June 2015. The expected life used in the model has been based on Management's expectation of the minimum and maximum exercise period of each of the options granted.

The total charge to the income statement for all schemes now in place, included within non-underlying items, is GBP1,984,000 (2022: GBP1,213,000).

7. Financial income and expense

Recognised in profit and loss

                                                  2023      2022 
                                               GBP'000   GBP'000 
Financial income 
Interest income                                  1,735       194 
                                               -------  -------- 
Total financial income                           1,735       194 
                                               -------  -------- 
  Financial expense 
Interest expense on bank borrowings measured 
 at amortised cost                               (495)     (193) 
Interest on lease liability                    (1,150)     (948) 
                                               -------  -------- 
Total financial expense                        (1,645)   (1,141) 
                                               -------  -------- 
Net financial income/(expense)                      90     (947) 

8. Taxation

                                                       2023     2022 
                                                    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Current tax expense 
Current tax on profits for the year                   4,974    3,949 
Under provision of taxation in previous period           58       15 
                                                    -------  ------- 
Total current tax                                     5,032    3,964 
                                                    -------  ------- 
Deferred tax expense 
Origination and reversal of temporary differences     (472)    (211) 
Under provision on share-based payment charges        (588)        - 
                                                    -------  ------- 
Total deferred tax expense                          (1,060)    (211) 
                                                    -------  ------- 
Total tax expense                                     3,972    3,753 
                                                    -------  ------- 

The reasons for the difference between the actual tax charge for the year and the standard rate of corporation tax in the United Kingdom applied to profits for the year are as follows:

                                                    2023      2022 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Profit for the year (subject to corporation 
  tax)                                            16,212    26,776 
                                                 -------  -------- 
 Tax using the Company's domestic tax rate 
  of 19%                                           3,080     5,087 
 Expenses not deductible/(deductible) for 
  tax purposes                                     1,422   (1,349) 
Under provision of taxation in previous period        58        15 
Under provision on share-based payment charges     (588)         - 
                                                 -------  -------- 
 Total tax expense                                 3,972     3,753 
                                                 -------  -------- 

The Finance Act 2021 increased the main rate of corporation tax to 25% from 1 April 2023. Closing deferred tax balances have therefore been valued at 25% (2022: 19% or 25% depending on the date they expect to fully unwind).

9. Earnings per share

Statutory earnings per share 
                                                                   2023         2022 
                                                                 Number       Number 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares in 
 issue, being weighted average number of shares 
 for calculating basic earnings per share                   125,244,334  118,961,047 
Shares deemed to be issued for no consideration 
 in respect of share based payments                           3,283,007    2,932,191 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for 
 calculating diluted earnings per share                     128,527,341  121,893,238 
                                                            -----------  ----------- 
                                                                   2023         2022 
                                                                GBP'000      GBP'000 
Profit for the year and basic earnings attributable 
 to ordinary equity shareholders                                 12,240       23,023 
Non-underlying and exceptional items (see note 
Operating expenses                                                8,858      (5,207) 
Tax on non-underlying and exceptional items                       (168)         (94) 
                                                            -----------  ----------- 
Underlying earnings before non-underlying and 
 exceptional items                                               20,930       17,722 
Earnings per share is calculated as follows: 
                                                                   2023         2022 
                                                                  Pence        Pence 
Basic earnings per ordinary share                                  9.77        19.35 
Diluted earnings per ordinary share                                9.52        18.89 
Basic earnings per ordinary share before non-underlying 
 and exceptional items                                            16.71        14.90 
Diluted earnings per ordinary share before non-underlying 
 and exceptional items                                            16.28        14.54 

10. Dividends

                                                        2023     2022 
                                                     GBP'000  GBP'000 
Equity shares: 
Interim dividend in respect of 2023 (3.3p per 
 share) - 24 March 2023                                4,169        - 
Final dividend in respect of 2022 (5.5p per share) 
 - 22 October 2022                                     6,835        - 
Interim dividend in respect of 2021 (2.5p per 
 share) - 28 June 2021                                     -    2,940 
Final dividend in respect of 2021 (5p per share) 
 - 8 October 2021                                          -    5,908 
Interim dividend in respect of 2022 (3p per share) 
 - 31 March 2022                                           -    3,582 
                                                     -------  ------- 
                                                      11,004   12,430 
                                                     -------  ------- 

The board proposes to recommend a final dividend of 6.2p (2022: 5.5p) per share at the AGM. If approved, this dividend will be paid in October 2023 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 29 September 2023. The shares will go ex-dividend on 28 September 2023. This dividend has not been recognised as a liability in these final statements.

11. Property, plant and equipment

                                    Leasehold  Equipment   Fixtures  Right-of-use    Total 
                                 improvements                   and        assets 
                                      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000  GBP'000 
Balance at 1 May 2021                     317      6,493      5,396        34,025   46,231 
Arising on acquisition 
 after fair value adjustments               -        266         63           793    1,122 
Additions                                  23        583        169           610    1,385 
Disposal                                    -      (110)          -             -    (110) 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
As at 30 April 2022                       340      7,232      5,628        35,428   48,628 
Balance at 1 May 2022                     340      7,232      5,628        35,428   48,628 
Additions                                   -        827        485         6,447    7,759 
Disposal                                 (27)      (323)       (88)       (1,722)  (2,160) 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
As at 30 April 2023                       313      7,736      6,025        40,153   54,227 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
Depreciation and impairment 
Balance at 1 May 2021                     209      5,814      4,860         7,018   17,901 
Arising on acquisition 
 after fair value adjustments               -        173         53             -      226 
Depreciation charge for 
 the year                                  22        514        315         3,783    4,634 
Eliminated on disposal                      -       (94)          -             -     (94) 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
Balance at 30 April 2022                  231      6,407      5,228        10,801   22,667 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
Balance at 1 May 2022                     231      6,407      5,228        10,801   22,667 
Depreciation charge for 
 the year                                  16        562        358         3,976    4,912 
Eliminated on disposal                   (27)      (247)       (82)       (1,722)  (2,078) 
Balance at 30 April 2023                  220      6,722      5,504        13,055   25,501 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
  Net book value 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
At 30 April 2022                          109        825        400        24,627   25,961 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 
At 30 April 2023                           93      1,014        521        27,098   28,726 
                                -------------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ------- 

12. Intangible assets and goodwill

                                        Goodwill  Customer   Brands    Total 
                                         GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Deemed cost 
At 1 May 2021 (restated)                   1,550     9,850        -   11,400 
Arising through business combinations          -     6,411    3,518    9,929 
At 30 April 2022                           1,550    16,261    3,518   21,329 
Arising through business combinations          -     1,000        -    1,000 
At 30 April 2023                           1,550    17,261    3,518   22,329 
At 1 May 2021                                  -     5,783        -    5,783 
Charge for the year                            -     1,534       10    1,544 
                                        --------  --------  -------  ------- 
At 30 April 2022                               -     7,317       10    7,327 
Charge for the year                            -     1,838      235    2,073 
                                        --------  --------  -------  ------- 
At 30 April 2023                               -     9,155      245    9,400 
                                        --------  --------  -------  ------- 
  Carrying amounts 
At 30 April 2022                           1,550     8,944    3,508   14,002 
                                        --------  --------  -------  ------- 
At 30 April 2023                           1,550     8,106    3,273   12,929 
                                        --------  --------  -------  ------- 

Goodwill is allocated to the following cash generating units:

                                                       2023     2022 
                                                    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Property Group 
Gateley Capitus Limited                                   -        - 
Gateley Hamer Limited                                     -        - 
GCL Solicitors (acquisition of trade and assets)          -        - 
Persona Associates Limited                               40       40 
Gateley Vinden Limited                                  934      934 
Tozer Gallagher (acquisition of trade and assets)         -        - 
Gateley Smithers Purslow Limited                          -        - 
                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                        974      974 
Employment , Pensions and Benefits Group 
Kiddy & Partners Limited                                  -        - 
International Investment Services Limited                 -        - 
T-three Consulting Limited                                -        - 
                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                          -        - 
Business services Group 
Gateley Tweed (acquisition of goodwill)                 576      576 
Adamson Jones IP Limited                                  -        - 
Symbiosis IP Limited                                      -        - 
                                                        576      576 
                                                    -------  ------- 
                                                      1,550    1,550 
                                                    -------  ------- 

Impairment testing

The Group tests goodwill annually for impairment. The impairment test involves determining the recoverable amount of the cash generating unit (CGU) to which the goodwill has been allocated. The Directors believe that each operating segment represents a cash generating unit for the business and as a result, impairment is tested for each segment, and all the assets of each segment are considered.

The recoverable amount is based on the present value of expected future cash flows (value in use) which was determined to be higher than the carrying amount of goodwill so no impairment loss was recognised.

Value in use was determined by discounting the future cash flows generated from the continuing operation of the Group and was based on the following key assumptions:

 --   A pre-tax discount rate of between 12 and 21% (2022: 12-21%) 
       was applied in determining the recoverable amount. The discount 
       rate is based on the Group's average weighted cost of capital 
       of 10.18% and adjusted according to the risks attributable 
       to each CGU. 
 --   The values assigned to the key assumptions represent Management's 
       estimate of expected future trends and are based on both external 
       (industry experience, historic market performance and current 
       estimates of risks associated with trading conditions) and 
       internal sources (existing Management knowledge, track record 
       and an in-depth understanding of the work types being performed). 
        Growth rates of between 2% to 10% (2022: 2-10%) are based 
         on Management's understanding of the market opportunities 
         for services provided pertaining to the industry in which 
         each CGU is aligned. 
        Increases in costs are based on current inflation rates 
         and expected levels of recruitment needed to generate predicted 
         revenue growth. 
        Attrition rates are based on the historic experience and 
         trends of client activity over a two to three year period 
         and applied to future fee forecasts. 
        Cash flows have been typically assessed over a five-year 
         period which Management extrapolates cash using a terminal 
         value calculation based on an estimated growth rate of 
         2%. The expected current UK economic growth forecasts for 
         the legal services market is 2%. 
 --   The Group has conducted a sensitivity analysis on the impairment 
       test of the CGU carrying value. The Directors believe that 
       any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions on which 
       the recoverable amount of goodwill is based would not cause 
       the aggregate carrying amount to exceed the aggregate recoverable 
       amount of the CGU. 

13. Acquisitions

During the year ended 30 April 2023 the Group completed one acquisition:

Acquisition of Symbiosis IP Limited

On 3 October 2022 Adamson Jones IP Limited acquired the entire issued share capital of Symbiosis IP Limited, a leading practice of chartered quantity surveyors and construction consultants. Symbiosis IP is a patent attorney firm serving exclusively the life science industry. They have a wealth of experience in working closely with academic institutions and early stage start-up companies.

The amounts recognised in respect of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are as set out in the table below:

                                             Pre-acquisition     Policy alignment 
                                                    carrying             and fair 
                                                      amount    value adjustments      Total 
                                                     GBP'000              GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Intangible asset relating to customer 
  list                                                     -                1,000      1,000 
 Cash                                                    483                    -        483 
 Trade receivables                                       330                    -        330 
 Prepayments                                              33                    -         33 
 Total assets                                            846                1,000      1,846 
                                            ----------------  -------------------  --------- 
 Trade payables                                        (119)                    -      (119) 
 Accruals and other payables                            (88)                    -       (88) 
 Deferred tax                                              -                (250)      (250) 
                                            ----------------  -------------------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                                     (207)                (250)      (457) 
                                            ----------------  -------------------  --------- 
 Total identifiable net assets at 
  fair value                                             639                  750      1,389 
 Negative goodwill arising on acquisition                                            (1,389) 
 Total consideration                                                                       - 
 Satisfied by: 
 Initial cash consideration paid                                                         1,468 
 Issue of 523,012 new 10p ordinary 
  shares in Gateley (Holdings) Plc                                                       1,000 
 Less: amounts subject to continuing 
  employment conditions                                                                (2,468) 
 Total consideration                                                                         - 
 Net cash outflow arising on acquisition 
 Cash paid                                                                             (1,468) 
 Net cash acquired                                                                         483 
 Net cash outflow arising on acquisition                                                 (985) 

The negative goodwill of GBP1,389,000 has been recognised immediately in the statement of profit and loss.

From the date of acquisition Symbiosis IP Limited has contributed GBP1.3m of revenue to the Group's Statement of Comprehensive Income together with after tax profit of GBP0.2m. If the acquisition had been completed on the first day of the financial year, Group revenue and profit after tax would have been higher by GBP1.2m and GBP0.2m respectively.

14. Other intangible assets

                                   IT development   Computer 
                                            costs   software      Total 
                                          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Balance at 1 May 2021                         258        121        379 
Additions                                       -        319        319 
At 30 April 2022                              258        440        698 
Additions                                      24        763        787 
At 30 April 2023                              282      1,203      1,485 
                                   --------------  ---------  --------- 
Balance at 1 May 2021                           -         97         97 
Charge for the year                             -         37         37 
                                   --------------  ---------  --------- 
At 30 April 2022                                -        134        134 
Charge for the year                            40        221        261 
                                   --------------  ---------  --------- 
At 30 April 2023                               40        355        395 
                                   --------------  ---------  --------- 
Net book amount at 30 April 2022              258        306        564 
                                   --------------  ---------  --------- 
Net book amount at 30 April 2023              242        848      1,090 
                                   --------------  ---------  --------- 

The Group's amortisation policy is to amortise other intangible assets from the date they are made available for use.

15. Contract assets and liabilities

                      Contract         Trade      Contract 
                        assets   receivables   liabilities 
                       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
As at 30 April 2023     20,388        54,167         (499) 
                      --------  ------------  ------------ 
As at 30 April 2022     17,239        50,201         (569) 
                      --------  ------------  ------------ 

Contract assets

Contract assets consist of unbilled revenue in respect of professional services performed to date.

Contract assets in relation to non-contingent work are recognised at appropriate intervals, normally on a monthly basis in arrears, in line with the performance of the services and engagement obligations. Where such matters remain unbilled at the period end the asset is valued on a contract-by-contract basis at its expected recoverable amount.

Contract assets in relation to contingent work are recognised at a point in time once the uncertainty over the contingent event has been satisfied and all performance obligations satisfied, such that it is no longer contingent, these matters are valued based on the expected recoverable amount. Due to the complex nature of these matters, they can take a considerable time to be finalised therefore performance obligations may be settled in one period but the matter not billed until a later financial period. Until the performance obligations have been performed the Group does not recognise any contract asset value at the year end.

During the year, contract assets of GBPnil (2022: GBP2,661,000) were acquired in business combinations.

An impairment loss of GBP542,000 has been recognised in relation to contract assets in the year (2022: loss GBP108,000). This is based on the expected credit loss under IFRS 9 of these types of assets. The contract asset loss is estimated at 2.7% (2022: loss 0.6%) of the balance.

Contract assets recognised under IFRS 15

Under IFRS 15 the Group is required to recognise contract assets.

                                                  2023       2022 
                                               GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Contract asset value at 1 May 2022             17,239     13,900 
 Contract assets arising on acquisition              -      2,661 
 Contract asset value added in the year         22,333     19,237 
 Contract asset value realised in the year    (19,184)   (18,559) 
                                             ---------  --------- 
 Contract asset value at 30 April 2023          20,388     17,239 
                                             ---------  --------- 

The Group have applied ECLs to unbilled revenue in order to account for the potential default on amounts not yet billed to the client. The ECLs have been calculated on the same basis as those applied to trade receivables.

Contract liabilities

When matters are billed in advance or on a basis of a monthly retainer, this is recognised in contract liabilities and released over time when the services are performed.

Contract liabilities recognised under IFRS 15

Under IFRS 15 the Group is required to recognise contract liabilities.

                                                    2023      2022 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Contract liabilities at 1 May 2022                  569     1,243 
 Contract liabilities gained in the year             469       533 
 Contract liabilities credited to P&L in year      (539)   (1,207) 
                                                --------  -------- 
 Contract liabilities at 30 April 2023               499       569 
                                                --------  -------- 

16. Trade and other receivables

                                                       2023      2022 
                                                    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Trade receivables                                    54,167    50,201 
Prepaid consideration subject to earn-out service 
 conditions                                           6,015     5,712 
Prepayments                                           5,777     5,626 
Other receivables including insurance receivables       233       341 
                                                     66,192    61,880 
                                                    -------  -------- 
Amounts falling due after one year:                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
Prepaid consideration subject to earn-out service 
 conditions                                           7,080     9,707 
                                                    -------  -------- 

Trade receivables

Trade receivables are recognised when a bill has been issued to the client, as this is the point in time that the consideration is unconditional because only the passage of time is required before the payment is due. Trade receivables also includes disbursements.

Bills are payable within thirty days unless otherwise agreed with the client.

All trade receivables are repayable within one year.

Movement in loss allowance

                                                       2023     2022 
                                                    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Brought forward provision                           (3,941)  (4,171) 
Recognition of provisions for businesses acquired         -    (173) 
Provision utilised                                      908    1,161 
Charged to statement of profit and loss               (984)  (1,173) 
Provisions released                                     192      415 
                                                    (3,825)  (3,941) 
                                                    -------  ------- 

The Group applies the simplified approach to providing for the expected credit losses under IFRS 9. Management have also elected to apply an uplift to the IFRS 9 provision in the current year to account for the specific risks in the subsidiary entities where the application of IFRS 9 alone is not considered appropriate. The provision uplift is based on Management's assessment of specific clients and related debts, this is presented separately to the ECL provision detailed below:

 2023                                                              Past due 
                         Not passed     Past due       Past due    than 120 
                                due    0-30 days    31-120 days        days    Total 
 Expected credit 
  loss rate                   2.98%        4.93%          5.96%      17.58% 
 Estimated total 
  gross carrying 
  amount GBP'000             33,175        6,594          5,943      12,280   57,992 
                        -----------  -----------  -------------  ----------  ------- 
 Lifetime ECL GBP'000           987          325            354       2,159    3,825 
 2022                                                              Past due 
                         Not passed     Past due       Past due    than 120 
                                due    0-30 days    31-120 days        days    Total 
 Expected credit 
  loss rate                   3.60%        4.45%          5.11%      18.53% 
 Estimated total 
  gross carrying 
  amount GBP'000             31,544        4,642          5,429      12,526   54,141 
                        -----------  -----------  -------------  ----------  ------- 
 Lifetime ECL GBP'000         1,136          207            277       2,321    3,941 

The carrying amount of financial assets (including contract assets but not including equity investments) recorded in the financial statements, which is net of any impairment losses, represents the Group's maximum expected exposure to credit risk. Financial assets include client and other receivables and cash. The Group does not hold collateral over these balances.

All the Group's trade and other receivables have been reviewed for indicators of impairment. The specifically impaired trade receivables are mostly due to customers experiencing financial difficulties.

An impairment loss of GBP984,000 has been recognised in relation to trade receivables in the year (2022: GBP1,173,000). This is based on the expected credit loss under IFRS 9 of these types of assets. The trade receivables loss is estimated at 1.7% (2022: 2.3%) of the balance.

17. Other interest-bearing loans and borrowings

The contractual terms of the Group's interest-bearing loans and borrowings, which are measured at amortised cost, with the exception of loans to members that are held at fair value, are described below.

                             2023               2022 
                             Fair  Carrying     Fair  Carrying 
                            value    amount    value    amount 
                          GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-Current liabilities 
Bank borrowings             6,813     6,813    5,715    5,715- 
                          -------  --------  -------  -------- 

On 18 April 2022, the Company entered into a revolving credit facility which provides total committed funding of GBP30m until April 2025. Interest is payable at a margin of 1.95% above the SONIA reference rate. On 19 April 2022 GBP6m was drawdown against the facility in order to fund the initial cash consideration in the acquisition of SP 2018 Limited. On 3 October 2022 a further GBP1m was drawdown against the facility in order to fund the cash consideration in the acquisition of Symbiosis IP Limited.

As at 30 April 2023, the Group's non-derivative financial liabilities have contractual maturities (including interest payments where applicable) as summarised below:

30 April 2023                            Current          Non-current 
                              Within        6 to    1 - 5  Later than 
                            6 months   12 months    years     5 years 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000     GBP'000 
Bank borrowings                    -           -    7,997           - 
Trade and other payables       9,665       1,364        -           - 
                           ---------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
Total                          9,665       1,364    7,997           - 
                           ---------  ----------  -------  ---------- 

This compares to the maturity of the Group's non-derivative financial liabilities in the previous reporting period as follows:

30 April 2022                            Current          Non-current 
                              Within        6 to    1 - 5  Later than 
                            6 months   12 months    years     5 years 
                             GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000     GBP'000 
Bank borrowings                    -           -    6,485           - 
Trade and other payables       8,335           -       40           - 
                           ---------  ----------  -------  ---------- 
Total                          8,335           -    6,525           - 
                           ---------  ----------  -------  ---------- 

The above amounts reflect the contractual undiscounted cash flows, which may differ to the carrying values of the liabilities at the reporting date.

18. Trade and other payables

                                                      2023      2022 
                                                   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Trade payables                                       9,370     7,935 
Other taxation and social security payable           9,913    10,122 
Other payables                                         295       374 
Contingent consideration treated as remuneration     1,364        26 
Accruals                                             4,492    12,693 
Deferred income                                        499       569 
                                                   -------  -------- 
                                                    25,933    31,719 
                                                   -------  -------- 
Non-current                                         GBP'000  GBP'000 
Contingent consideration treated as remuneration          -       40 
                                                   --------  ------- 

19. Deferred tax

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are summarised below:

Deferred tax asset

The deferred tax asset recognised in the consolidated statement of financial position represents the future tax impact of issued share based payments schemes that are yet to vest.

 At 1 May 2022                                                  638 
 Credited during the year in the consolidated income 
  statement                                                     590 
 Debited during the year to retained earnings                 (398) 
 At 30 April 2023                                               830 

Deferred tax liability

The deferred tax liability recognised in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position represents the future tax impact of the Group's benefit from customer lists obtained through acquisitions.

At 1 May 2021                                                        772 
Arising through business combinations - Tozer Gallagher LLP, 
 Adamson Jones Holdings Limited and SP 2018 Limited                2,482 
Credited during the year in the Consolidated income statement      (165) 
At 30 April 2022                                                   3,089 
Arising through business combinations - Symbiosis IP Limited         250 
Credited during the year in the Consolidated income statement      (398) 
At 30 April 2023                                                   2,941 

20. Provisions

                                                    2023      2022 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
 Current provision 
 Professional indemnity provision                    107       101 
                                                --------  -------- 
 Total current provision                             107       101 
                                                --------  -------- 
 Non-current provision 
 Professional indemnity provision                    903       649 
 Dilapidations provision                             387       214 
                                                --------  -------- 
 Total non-current provision                       1,290       863 
                                                --------  -------- 
 Total provisions                                  1,397       964 
                                                --------  -------- 
  Professional indemnity estimated claim cost 
                                                    2023        2022 
                                                 GBP'000     GBP'000 
Brought forward                                      750         725 
Provisions made during the year                      350          35 
Provisions reversed during the year                 (90)        (10) 
                                                --------  ---------- 
At end of year                                     1,010         750 
                                                --------  ---------- 
Non-current                                          903         649 
Current                                              107         101 
                                                --------  ---------- 
                                                   1,010         750 
                                                --------  ---------- 

The Group from time to time receives claims in respect of alleged professional negligence which it defends where appropriate but makes provision for the best estimate of probable amounts considered likely to be payable as set out above. Inevitably, these estimates depend on the outcome and timing of future events and may need to be revised as circumstances change. A different assessment of the likely outcome in each case or of the probable cost involved may result in a different level of provision recognised. Professional indemnity Insurance cover is maintained in respect of professional negligence claims.

Dilapidations provision

The Group has leases for a number of offices, some of which include dilapidation clauses. The Group maintains the office buildings throughout each lease term with regular maintenance, however a cost is likely to arise at the end of the lease term in order to return the space to its original condition. Management have therefore elected to introduce a dilapidations provision to account for the future cost. The provision is based on Management's estimate of the total costs across all applicable lease to be recognised on a straight line basis over the total lease terms.

                                   2023       2022 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At 1 May                           214        214 
 Provision made in the year         173          - 
                              ---------  --------- 
 At 30 April                        387        214 
                              ---------  --------- 

21. Net debt

                                                   2023      2022 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
Cash and cash equivalents                        11,105    16,105 
Total loans brought forward                    (34,641)  (30,445) 
Revolving credit facility - due in more than 
 one year                                       (1,098)   (5,715) 
New lease liability in the year                 (7,597)   (2,351) 
Repayment of lease liability                      4,550     3,870 
                                               --------  -------- 
Total loan carried forward                     (38,786)  (34,641) 
Brought forward from previous year             (18,536)  (10,840) 
Movement during year                            (9,145)   (7,696) 
                                               --------  -------- 
Net debt at the year end                       (27,681)  (18,536) 
                                               --------  -------- 

The changes in the Group's liabilities arising from financing activities can be classified as follows:

                                         Long term             Short         Lease    Total 
                                        borrowings   term borrowings   liabilities 
                                           GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000  GBP'000 
1 May 2022                                   5,715                 -        28,926   34,641 
Repayments                                 (2,000)                 -       (4,550)  (6,550) 
Receipt of revolving credit facility         3,000                 -             -    3,000 
Loan arrangement fee unwind                     98                 -             -       98 
New lease liability in the year                  -                 -         7,597    7,597 
30 April 2023                                6,813                 -        31,973   38,786 
                                       -----------  ----------------  ------------  ------- 
                                         Long term             Short         Lease    Total 
                                        borrowings   term borrowings   liabilities 
                                           GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000  GBP'000 
1 May 2021                                       -                 -        30,445   30,445 
Repayments                                       -                 -       (3,870)  (3,870) 
Receipt of revolving credit facility         5,715                 -             -    5,715 
Fair value of acquisition                        -                 -           793      793 
New lease liability in the year                  -                 -         1,558    1,558 
                                       -----------  ----------------  ------------  ------- 
30 April 2022                                5,715                 -        28,926   34,641 
                                       -----------  ----------------  ------------  ------- 

22. Share capital

Authorised, issued and fully paid

                                                    2023        2023         2022        2022 
                                                  Number         GBP       Number         GBP 
Ordinary shares of 10p each 
Brought forward                              124,556,879  12,455,687  117,914,205  11,791,420 
Issued on acquisition of Tozer 
 Gallagher LLP                                         -           -      142,179      14,218 
Issued on acquisition of Adamson 
 Jones IP Limited                                      -           -      543,668      54,367 
Issued on acquisition of Gateley 
 Smithers Purslow Limited                              -           -    3,312,322     331,232 
Issued on acquisition of Symbiosis 
 IP Limited                                      523,012      52,301            -           - 
Issued as part of contingent consideration 
 of Tozer Gallagher LLP                           25,071       2,507            -           - 
Issued on vesting of RSA                       1,175,000     117,500    1,477,560     147,756 
Issued on vesting of SAYE                        356,195      35,620      308,819      30,882 
Issued on vesting of CSOPS                             -           -      858,126      85,813 
                                             -----------  ----------  -----------  ---------- 
At 30 April 2023                             126,636,157  12,663,615  124,556,879  12,455,688 
                                             -----------  ----------  -----------  ---------- 

The Company has one class of Ordinary shares which carry no right to fixed income.

On 3 October 2022 the Company acquired the entire issued share capital of Symbiosis IP Limited in part for the issue of 523,012 10p ordinary shares.

Between 1 May 2022 and 30 April 2023 356,195 10p ordinary shares were issued upon vesting of the 2018/2019 SAYE schemes to participants.

On 23 February 2023 1,175,000 10p ordinary shares were issued upon issue of the 2023 RSA scheme to participants.

23. Leases liabilities - IFRS 16

The Group has leases for offices, vehicles and some IT equipment, with the exception of short-term leases and leases of low-value assets each lease is held on the balance sheet as a right-of-use asset and corresponding lease liability. Property leases have a remaining term of one to ten years. Leases of vehicles and IT equipment have a term of three to five years. Lease payments on all those recognised on the balance sheet are fixed. Unless there is a contractual right for the Group to sublet the asset to a third party, the right of use asset can only be used by the Group.

The table below provides additional information on the right-of-use assets by class of assets:

                         Number            Average        Opening                                     lease 
                      of leased          length of    lease asset   Net additions   Depreciation      asset 
                        assets*    lease remaining        GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Office buildings            15          4.5 years         24,616           4,725        (2,253)     27,088 
 IT equipment                 1          2.5 years             11               0            (2)          9 

* Where properties within the same building are leased on a floor by floor basis on the same contractual terms, the Group has elected to treat these as a portfolio and are counted as a single leased asset within the table

Lease liabilities are presented in the statement of financial position as follows:

                                    2023       2021 
                                 GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Current lease liability           3,257      3,719 
 Non-current lease liability      28,716     25,207 

A number of property leases held by the Group include break or termination options. The lease liability has been calculated based on the likelihood of such option being exercised. An option would only be exercised when in line with the Groups wider strategy.

In line with IFRS 16 Leases the Group has elected not to recognise a lease liability for leases with a term of 12 months or less, or for leases of low value assets. The payments made under such leases are expensed to the profit and loss on a straight-line basis. Any variable lease payments incurred are expensed as incurred.

The table below shows amounts recognised in the Statement of Comprehensive Income for short term and low value leases as at 30 April 2023:

                                           Property  Equipment    Total 
                                            GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000 
Expenses relating to short-term 
 leases                                         166         20      186 
Expenses relating to leases of low-value 
 assets, excluding short-term leases 
 of low value assets                              -         62       62 
                                           --------  ---------  ------- 
                                                166         82      248 
                                           --------  ---------  ------- 

The total minimum undiscounted lease payments at 30 April 2023 under non-cancellable operating lease rentals were:

                                        30 April 2023  30 April 
                                              GBP'000      2022 
Within one year                                 4,088     4,645 
In the second to fifth year inclusive          19,219    22,435 
After five years                               11,437    16,606 
                                               34,744    43,686 
                                        -------------  -------- 

24. Subsequent events

On 19 July 2023, Gateley (Holdings) Plc completed the acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Richard Julian and Associates Limited ('RJA') for a maximum consideration of GBP6,000,000. The initial consideration payable on completion was GBP3,931,000, split as GBP2,027,000 paid in cash and GBP1,904,000 through the issuance of 1,192,163 new ordinary shares of 10 pence each in Gateley ("Ordinary Shares". The cash consideration is being funded by the existing revolving credit facility. RJA is a chartered surveying practice, providing quantity surveying and project management services across a variety of construction sectors. It specialises in the provision of these services to organisations that deliver affordable housing, a resilient sector which is underpinned by high levels of grants to support delivery of the Government's housing targets.

At the time when the financial statements were authorised for issue, the determination of the fair values of the assets and liabilities acquired had not been finalised because the individual valuations had not been concluded. It was not possible to provide detailed information about each class of acquired receivables and any contingent liabilities of the acquired entity.

25. Restatement of acquisition accounting

Impact on group income statement and financial position

Following a review of the prior period annual report by the Financial Reporting Council's ('FRC') Corporate Reporting Review ('CRR') team, we have identified a number of previous acquisitions whereby there is deemed to be a substantive service condition attached to the consideration transferred. Whilst forfeiture of contingent payments by a 'bad leaver' is at the discretion of the remuneration committee, and not automatic, as outlined in IFRS 3 and the January 2013 IFRIC update, this discretion is in the gift of the group and not the leaver and as such, payments should be treated as remuneration for post-combination services, rather than treating them in the initial assessment of consideration transferred at the point of acquisition.

This change of accounting has no impact on the underlying results, cash flow or tax position of the group.

The historical acquisitions that have been impacted by this restatement are as follows:

 --   Gateley Capitus Limited - acquired April 2016 
 --   Gateley Hamer Limited - acquired September 2016 
 --   GCL Solicitors - acquired May 2018 
 --   Kiddy & Partners Limited - acquired July 2018 
 --   Gateley Global Limited (formerly International Investment 
       Services Limited) - acquired November 2018 
 --   t-three Group Limited - acquired December 2019 
 --   Gateley Legal NI and Gateley Legal Ireland (formerly trading 
       as Gateley Tweed) - acquired February 2020 
 --   Gateley Vinden Limited - acquired March 2020 
 --   Tozer Gallagher - acquired July 2021 
 --   Adamson Jones Holdings Limited - acquired January 2022 
 --   Gateley Smithers Purslow Limited - acquired April 2022 

Consequently, the FY22 results, including the April 2021 opening group statement of financial position, have been restated in these financial statements to reflect a decrease in goodwill corresponding to the fair value initially recognised for the relevant earn-outs on these acquisitions, being GBP18.588m at April 2022 (2021: GBP10.148m).

For the acquisitions where the relevant earn-out periods had been fully paid by 30 April 2022, the restated FY22 statement of financial position includes the removal of all related earn-out liabilities, with fair values totalling GBP15.419m (2021: GBP3.949m), the removal of all related earn-out liabilities, with fair values totalling GBP5.460mand the inclusion instead of a liability in respect of the accrued non-underlying remuneration costs, being GBP0.066m as at 30 April 2022 (2021: GBPnil).

Group statement of financial position

                                  2022            Impact          2022      2021 (as            Impact          2021 
                        (as previously    of restatement    (restated)    previously    of restatement    (restated) 
                            presented)                                    presented) 
                               GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Intangible assets 
  & goodwill                    32,590          (18,588)        14,002        15,765          (10,148)         5,617 
 Other non-current 
  assets                        27,500                 -        27,500        29,277                 -        29,277 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Total non-current 
  assets                        60,090          (18,588)        41,502        45,042          (10,148)        34,894 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Current assets                 89,512            15,419       104,931        76,598             3,494        80,092 
 Other payables                (5,360)             5,320          (40)         (120)                 -         (120) 
 Other non-current 
  liabilities                 (34,874)                 -      (34,874)      (29,237)                 -      (29,237) 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Total non-current 
  liabilities                 (40,234)             5,320      (34,914)      (29,357)                 -      (29,357) 
 Trade and other 
  payables                    (31,793)                74      (31,719)      (29,032)               135      (28,897) 
 Other current 
  liabilities                  (4,662)                 -       (4,662)       (3,985)                 -       (3,985) 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Total current 
  liabilities                 (36,455)                74      (36,381)      (33,017)               135      (32,882) 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Net assets                     72,913             2,225        75,138        59,266           (6,519)        52,747 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Retained earnings              44,863             2,225        47,088        41,560           (6,519)        35,041 
 Other equity                   28,050                 -        28,050        17,706                 -        17,706 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Total equity                   72,913             2,225        75,138        59,266           (6,519)        52,747 
                      ----------------  ----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 

The impact on the FY22 income statement is the recognition of a gain on bargain purchase, totalling GBP12.380m, the removal of a net financial cost representing the fair value adjustments to the previously recognised earn-out liabilities, including the unwinding of present value discounting, totalling GBP0.008m, the inclusion of the above mentioned non-underlying remuneration costs, totalling GBP3.509m, and the reversal of the previously recognised credit of GBP0.135m in respect of contingent consideration that was released as earn-out targets were not met.

Group statement of comprehensive income

                                                            2022 (as     Impact of    Restated 
                                                          previously   restatement        2022 
                                                             GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
  Revenue                                                    137,249                   137,249 
  Other operating income                                           -                         - 
  Personnel costs, excluding IFRS 2 charge                  (86,517)                  (86,517) 
  Depreciation - Property, plant and equipment                 (851)                     (851) 
  Depreciation - Right-of-use asset                          (3,783)                   (3,783) 
  Impairment of trade receivables and contract 
   assets                                                      (866)                     (866) 
  Other operating expenses, excluding non-underlying 
   and exceptional items                                    (22,716)                  (22,716) 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
  Operating profit before non-underlying and 
   exceptional items                                          22,516                    22,516 
  Non-underlying operating items                             (2,659)         8,736       6,077 
  Exceptional items                                            (870)                     (870) 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
                                                             (3,529)         8,736       5,207 
-------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------  ---------- 
    Operating profit                                          18,987         8,736      27,723 
  Financial income                                               194                       194 
  Financial expense                                          (1,149)             8     (1,141) 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
  Profit before tax                                           18,032         8,744      26,776 
  Taxation                                                   (3,753)                   (3,753) 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
    Profit for the year after tax attributable 
     to equity holders of the parent                          14,279         8,744      23,023 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
    Other comprehensive income 
    Items that are or may be reclassified subsequently 
     to profit or loss 
      - Revaluation of other investments                       (190)                     (190) 
    - Exchange differences on foreign branch                      58                        58 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
    Profit for the financial year and total 
     comprehensive income all attributable to 
     equity holders of the parent                             14,147         8,744      22,891 
                                                         -----------  ------------  ---------- 
  Statutory Earnings per share 
  Basic                                                        12.00          7.35      19.35p 
  Diluted                                                      11.71          7.18      18.89p 

Group cash flow statement

The resulting impact on the group cash flow statement is to recognise all payments made in acquiring businesses where the vendors are subject to a continuing employment clause as operating activities, rather than investing activities, as previously presented. The associated gains on bargain purchase of GBP12.380m are deducted and the non-underlying remuneration charges of GBP3.509m added back, to arrive at operating cash flows, as set out below. The remaining adjustments are in respect of the GBP0.008m of interest and the reversal of the previously recognised credit of GBP0.135m in respect of contingent consideration that was released as earn out targets were not met.

                                                  2022 (as      Impact of   Restated 
                                                previously    restatement       2022 
                                                   GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit for the year after tax                      14,279          8,744     23,023 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation and amortisation                       6,215              -      6,215 
 Financial income                                    (194)              -      (194) 
 Financial expense                                     201            (8)        193 
 Release of contingent consideration                 (135)            135          - 
 Interest charge on capitalised leases                 948              -        948 
 Equity settled share-based payments                 1,213              -      1,213 
 Gain on bargain purchase                                -       (12,380)   (12,380) 
 Acquisition related earn-out remuneration 
  charge                                                 -          3,509      3,509 
 Initial consideration paid on acquisitions              -        (7,033)    (7,033) 
 Loss on disposal of property, plant 
  and equipment                                         16              -         16 
 Tax expense                                         3,753              -      3,753 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
                                                    26,296        (7,033)     19,263 
  Increase in trade and other receivables         (10,233)           (66)   (10,299) 
  Increase in trade and other payables                 758             58        816 
  Increase in provisions                                25              -         25 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
 Cash generated from operations                     16,846        (7,041)      9,805 
 Tax paid                                          (4,497)              -    (4,497) 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities           12,349        (7,041)      5,308 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
 Investing activities 
 Acquisition of property, plant and 
  equipment                                          (775)              -      (775) 
 Acquisition of other intangible assets              (319)              -      (319) 
 Cash acquired on business combinations            (5,982)          7,033      1,051 
 Interest received                                     194              -        194 
 Net cash flows from investing activities          (6,882)          7,033        151 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
 Financing activities 
 Interest and other financial income 
  paid                                               (201)              8      (193) 
 Lease repayments                                  (3,870)              -    (3,870) 
 Receipt of new revolving credit facility, 
  net of refinancing costs                           5,715              -      5,715 
 Proceeds from sale of own shares                       90              -         90 
 Acquisition of own shares by Employee 
  Benefit Trust                                       (39)              -       (39) 
 Cash received for shares issued on 
  exercise of SAYE/CSOP options                      1,768              -      1,768 
 Dividends paid                                   (12,430)              -   (12,430) 
 Net cash used in financing activities             (8,967)              8    (8,959) 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
  Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents        (3,500)              -    (3,500) 
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
   of year                                          19,605              -     19,605 
                                              ------------  -------------  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of year                                           16,105              -     16,105 

The Annual report and financial statements will be posted to shareholders in due course. Further copies will be available from the Company's website: www.gateleyplc.com .

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 08, 2023 09:56 ET (13:56 GMT)

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