RNS Number : 3130N

Longbow Growth and Income VCT

31 August 2011

Longbow Growth and Income VCT plc

Half-yearly report

For the period ended 30 June 2011


Financial Summary & Investment Policy 1

Chairman's Statement 2

Directors' Responsibility Statement 3

Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties 3

Related Parties 4

Income Statement 6

Balance Sheet 7

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 7

Cash Flow Statement 8

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements 9

Corporate Information 10

Financial Summary

                                       30 June 
 Period ended                             2011 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Net assets                       GBP1,022,903 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Net asset value per share              91.94p 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Investment income                      GBPNil 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Return on ordinary activities 
  before tax 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Revenue                         GBP(42,685) 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Capital                           GBP22,972 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Total                           GBP(19,713) 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Return per share 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Revenue                             (3.84)p 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Capital                               2.07p 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Total                               (1.77)p 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Dividend per share declared 
  in respect of the period 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Revenue                                 Nil 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Capital                                 Nil 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 - Total                                   Nil 
-------------------------------  ------------- 
 Share price at end of period          100.00p 
-------------------------------  ------------- 

Investment Policy

The investment objective of Longbow Growth and Income VCT plc ("Longbow VCT" or "Company") is to provide its shareholders with attractive returns over the medium to long term through investing principally in unquoted UK developing companies with a focus on the life enhancement and wellbeing sectors.

In order to achieve its objective, the Company will focus on providing development and expansion funding to unquoted companies within these sectors. Risk will be spread by investing in a diversified range of companies from the life enhancement and wellbeing sectors across the UK with a particular emphasis on leveraging the Manager's existing relationship with Alliance Boots.

The Company will, within a 3 year period from Admission, have (and subsequently maintain) at least 70 per cent. of the value of its investments represented by VCT-qualifying investments and the maximum amount invested by the Company in any single company or other listed closed ended investment fund will be limited to 15 per cent. of the value of the Company's investments at the time of investment.

The Company will also have the ability to invest in a range of non VCT-qualifying investments.

The Company's investment manager is Longbow Capital LLP ("Longbow Capital" or "Investment Manager").

Chairman's Statement

On behalf of the board of directors, I should like to welcome you as a shareholder of Longbow Growth and Income VCT plc ("Longbow VCT" or "Company") and thank you for your investment in the Company.

Offer for Subscription

Longbow VCT's offer for subscription closed on 30 June 2011 having raised GBP1.16million (of which GBP1.1m had been invested in the Company's shares as at 30 June 2011 with the balance being invested in the Company's shares on 5 July 2011) thereby achieving the minimum subscription of GBP1million. Although we had hoped that we would have raised more, it proved to be an unexpectedly difficult year for VCT fundraising. Several VCT offers were withdrawn because of a poor response and several others, including a few from major players in the sector, raised a similar sum to that which we raised.

Investment Activity

At time of writing, our investment manager, Longbow Capital LLP ("Longbow Capital"), has identified several investment opportunities across the portfolio of companies in which other Longbow funds have invested; due diligence is being undertaken now on one of these opportunities which may lead to our first investment being made before the end of the year. The other opportunities, if supported, would result in the Company's funds being substantially invested within the next two or three years. If that were to happen, Longbow VCT would then hold a reasonably mature portfolio with the prospect of successful realisations significantly earlier than is usual in the VCT sector. It was this possibility which contributed in large measure to our willingness to commit to a minimum subscription of GBP1million for Longbow VCT.

Against this potentially attractive outcome, our investment manager has reported a reorganisation of its staff. This is an unwelcome development: Longbow Capital has, however, assured the Company's Board of Directors that there will be no weakening of the investment management capacity. This development will be monitored closely.


As described above, the Investment Manager has presented a programme of activity which is both encouraging and consistent with the investment outlook presented in the prospectus for the offer for subscription. That said, current market conditions and the general economic outlook are challenging.

The prospectus also anticipated a second fundraising round in the 2011/12 tax year which would look to build on the presentation of the Company's investment proposition to the IFA community in tax year 2010/11. That proposition was well received by VCT commentators and a significant number of IFAs. The failure to convert such support into applications to invest has been attributed to the uncertainty of whether Longbow VCT would achieve its minimum and thereby be launched. IFAs are understandably reluctant to introduce their clients to a VCT which may not go ahead. That bridge, however, has been crossed and the challenge now is to determine whether a further fundraising may be undertaken more successfully in 2011/12 or 2012/13. Much of the speculation about investment appetite for tax-driven product in the current year is centred on Enterprise Investment Schemes as a result of the steps taken by the Government to improve the taxation profile of such Schemes and there is a school of thought that 2011/12 may also be a difficult fundraising year for VCTs. We continue to monitor the market's discussions on this point as we consider our fundraising plans and the best way to realise the full potential of the Company given its current size.

Although our first annual general meeting is some way in the future - May/June 2012 - I look forward to meeting you then and, hopefully, reporting on the satisfactory execution of the investment programme outlined by our investment manager.

Michael J Walker

Chairman 31 August 2011

Responsibility Statement of the Directors in respect of the Half-Yearly Financial Report

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- The condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the Statement "Half-yearly financial reports" issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board

-- The Chairman's Statement (constituting the interim management report) includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R of the "Disclosure and Transparency Rules", being an indication of important events that have occurred during the period ended 30 June 2011 and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements

-- The "Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties" on page 3 is a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R, being a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year

-- The financial statements include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R of the "Disclosure and Transparency Rules", being related party transactions that have taken place in the period ended 30 June 2011 and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the VCT during that period.

By Order of the Board

The City Partnership (UK) Limited

Company Secretary 31 August 2011

Statement of Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Company's assets will consist of equities and fixed interest investments, cash and liquid resources. Its principal risks will be, therefore, market risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. All assets and liabilities are denominated in sterling, hence there is no currency risk.

Market risk

The Board will manage the market risk inherent in the Company's portfolio by maintaining an appropriate spread of market risk and by ensuring full and timely access to relevant information from the Investment Manager. The Investment Manager reviews the investment performance and financial results, as well as compliance with the Company's investment objectives. The Board will seek to ensure that an appropriate proportion of the Company's portfolio is invested in cash and readily realisable securities which are sufficient to meet any funding commitments which may arise. The Company will not use derivative instruments to hedge against market risk. It is highly probable that the equity and fixed interest stocks of the Company's unquoted investee companies will be very seldom traded and, as such, their prices will be more uncertain than those of more frequently traded stocks.

Interest rate risk

Some of the Company's financial assets will be interest bearing, some of which are likely to be at fixed rates and some at variable. As a result, the Company is exposed to interest rate risk due to fluctuations in prevailing levels of market interest rates. The Board will seek to mitigate this risk through regular monitoring of the Company's interest bearing investments. The Company will not use derivative instruments to hedge against interest rate risk.

Credit risk

Credit risk is managed by settling all transactions on the basis of delivery against payment.

Liquidity risk

The investments in equity and fixed interest stocks of unquoted companies that the Company will hold are not traded and thus are not readily realisable. At times the Company may be unable to realise its investments at their carrying values because of an absence of willing buyers. The Company's ability to sell investments may also be constrained by the requirements set down for VCTs. To counter such liquidity risk, sufficient cash and money market funds will be held to meet running costs and other commitments. The Company aims to invest its surplus funds in high quality liquidity funds which are all accessible on an immediate basis.

Other risks faced by the Company include economic, investment, financial and regulatory risks:

Economic risk - events such as a downturn in the life enhancement and wellbeing sectors or a tightening of credit facilities may adversely affect the Company's investee companies and make successful divestments less likely.

Investment risk - the adoption of inappropriate investment policies, sourcing too few investment opportunities of the required standard, and taking investment decisions without having undertaken sufficiently robust due diligence.

Financial risk - poor financial controls which may lead to the misappropriation of assets or inappropriate financial decisions and breaches of regulations through deficient financial reporting.

Regulatory risk - failure to comply with any of the regulations to which the Company is subject which include the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, the UKLA listing rules, applicable Accounting Standards and HMRC VCT regulations.

The Board has adopted a risk management programme whereby it continually identifies the principal risks faced by the Company and reviews both the nature and effectiveness of the internal controls adopted to protect the Company from such risks as far as is possible.

Related Parties

Longbow Capital has been appointed as the Company's investment manager and administrator. Longbow Capital receives (i) an annual management fee of 2.00% of the net asset value of the Company, (ii) an annual administration fee of 0.3 per cent. (plus VAT, if any, at the applicable rate) of the gross amount raised under the Offer and subject to a minimum annual fee of GBP45,000, to be increased annually in line with the retail prices index and (iii) a performance related incentive fee which is described in more detail below. The Investment Manager also bears any excess of the total modified annual running costs over a cap of 3.5% of the Company's average net asset value.

Longbow Capital also agreed to underwrite all the costs of the Offer in return for an initial fee of 5.5 per cent. of the gross funds raised such that the initial net asset value per Ordinary Share of the Company will be equal to 94.5p (excluding the impact of any dilution attributable to the issue of additional Ordinary Shares in relation to the early investor entitlements). Out of this fee, Longbow will be responsible for paying all of the costs of the Offer including any initial intermediary commissions and VAT but excluding any trail commissions.

During the period ended 30 June 2011, the Company has incurred investment management fees of GBP4,798 (exclusive of VAT), administration fees of GBP10,356 (exclusive of VAT) and it is estimated that the Investment Manager owes the Company GBP35,427 (exclusive of VAT) in respect of the cap on the Company's annual running costs. Under the Company's agreement with the Investment Manager, this sum is paid by deduction from the Investment Manager's fee for the year ending 31 December 2012 (or, in the event that the Investment Manager's fee will be insufficient, the balance will be paid by the Investment Manager as soon as audited accounts are available for the year ended 31 December 2011). The Company also incurred a fee of GBP55,984 in respect of its agreement with Longbow Capital whereby Longbow Capital would underwrite all the costs of the Offer.

Performance Related Incentive Fee

After Distributions of 100p (per Ordinary Share issued under the Offer and remaining in issue at the date of calculation) have been paid to its shareholders by the Company, Longbow Capital will become entitled to a performance related incentive fee which will be calculated at the rate of 20 per cent. of Distributions in excess of 100p until total Distributions reach 130p (per Ordinary Share issued under the Offer and remaining in issue at the date of calculation) and 30 per cent. above that level. No payment of the performance related incentive fee will be made to Longbow Capital until Distributions exceed 100p (per Ordinary Share issued under the Offer and remaining in issue at the date of calculation). ( In the foregoing, "Distributions" are amounts paid by way of dividends, tender offers, share buybacks, proceeds on a sale or liquidation of the Company, return of capital and any other proceeds or value received, or deemed to be received, by the Company's shareholders in respect of Ordinary Shares, excluding any income tax relief on subscription.)

Income Statement (unaudited)

for the period ended 30 June 2011

                                         Period ended 30 June 
----------------------------------  ------------------------------ 
                                     Revenue    Capital    Total 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
                                       GBP        GBP       GBP 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Realised/unrealised movements on 
  investments                               -         -          - 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Income                                     -         -          - 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Recovery from Investment Manager 
  re cap on annual running costs        8,856    26,571     35,427 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Investment Manager's fees            (1,199)   (3,599)    (4,798) 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Other expenses                      (50,342)         -   (50,342) 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Return on ordinary activities 
  before tax                         (42,685)    22,972   (19,713) 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Taxation on ordinary activities            -         -          - 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Return attributable to 
  equity shareholders                (42,685)    22,972   (19,713) 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Transfer to reserves                (42,685)    22,972   (19,713) 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 
 Return (pence) per share              (3.84)      2.07     (1.77) 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------  --------- 

The total column of this statement represents the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. The Company has no gains and losses other than those recognised in the Income Statement above and has not therefore prepared a separate statement of total recognised gains and losses.

Balance Sheet (unaudited)

as at 30 June 2011

                                   30 June 
------------------------------  ---------- 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Fixed assets 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Investments                             - 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Debtors                           209,515 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Liquidity funds and cash 
  at bank                          855,267 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Creditors: amounts falling 
  due within one year             (41,879) 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Net current assets              1,022,903 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Net assets                      1,022,903 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Capital and reserves 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Called up share capital            11,126 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Share premium account           1,031,490 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Capital reserve - realised         22,972 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Capital reserve - unrealised            - 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Revenue reserve                  (42,685) 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Total Equity shareholders' 
  funds                          1,022,903 
------------------------------  ---------- 
 Net asset value per share, 
  pence                              91.94 
------------------------------  ---------- 

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds (unaudited)

for the period ended 30 June 2011

                          Period ended 
-----------------------  ------------- 
                          30 June 2011 
-----------------------  ------------- 
-----------------------  ------------- 
 Opening shareholders' 
  funds                            100 
-----------------------  ------------- 
 Capital per share 
  issue                      1,098,500 
-----------------------  ------------- 
 Expenses of offer            (55,984) 
-----------------------  ------------- 
 Return for the period        (19,713) 
-----------------------  ------------- 
 Closing shareholders' 
  funds                      1,022,903 
-----------------------  ------------- 

Cash Flow Statement (unaudited)

for the period ended 30 June 2011

 Period ended                  30 June 
                                 GBP        GBP 
 Operating activities 
 Investment income 
  received                            - 
 Interest received                    - 
 Investment manager's 
  fees paid                     (4,798) 
 Administration fees 
  paid                         (12,427) 
 Cash paid to and 
  on behalf of directors              - 
 Other cash payments               (24) 
 Net cash outflow 
  from operating activities               (17,249) 
 Financial investment 
 Purchase of investments              - 
 Sale of investments                  - 
 Net cash outflow 
  from financial 
  Investment                                     - 
 Corporation tax 
  & dividends 
 Corporation tax 
  paid                                - 
 Equity dividends 
  paid                                - 
 Net cash outflow 
  from tax & dividends                           - 
 Net cash outflow 
  before financing                        (17,249) 
 New share issue                928,500 
 Share issue expenses          (55,984) 
 Cancellation of 
  share premium a/c 
 Net cash inflow 
  from financing                           872,516 
  in cash                                  855,267 

Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

 1.   Accounting Policies 
      The financial information for the period ended 
       30 June 2011 has not been audited and comprises 
       non-statutory accounts as defined in sections 
       434 to 436 of the Companies Act 2006. Statutory 
       accounts will be prepared and audited for 
       the Company's first accounting reference period 
       ending 31 December 2011. 
 2.   Return per Share 
      The return per share has been calculated based 
       on a weighted average number of shares in 
       issue for the period ended 30 June 2011 of 
 3.   Net Asset Value per Share 
      The net asset value per share has been calculated 
       based on 1,112,592 shares being the number 
       of shares in issue as at 30 June 2011. 
 4.   During the period ended 30 June 2011 the Company 
       issued 1,112,592 Ordinary Shares - 100 on 
       incorporation and 1,112,492 in accordance 
       with the terms of the Public Offer. During 
       the period the Company did not buy back any 
 5.   Copies of this half-yearly report will shortly 
       be mailed to shareholders and will be available 
       to the public at the Company's registered 

Corporate Information

 Directors (all non-executive   Longbow Growth and Income 
  & independent)                 VCT plc 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                Incorporated in England 
                                 and Wales 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Michael J Walker (Chairman)    with registered number: 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Duncan Abbot 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Peter Arthur                   Reporting Calendar 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                For the year ending 30 December 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 All of the registered 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Level 13                       Results announced:   Interim - August 
  Broadgate Tower                                     2011 
  20 Primrose Street                                  Annual - March 
  London                                              2012 
  EC2A 2EW 
-----------------------------  -------------------  ----------------- 
 Investment Manager             Secretary 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Longbow Capital LLP            The City Partnership (UK) 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 27-28 Eastcastle Street        Thistle House 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 London                         21 Thistle Street 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 W1W 8DH                        Edinburgh 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                EH2 1DF 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                Telephone: 0131 243 7210 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Auditors                       Registrars 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Scott-Moncrieff                The City Partnership (UK) 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Chartered Accountants          Thistle House 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Exchange Place 3               21 Thistle Street 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Semple Street                  Edinburgh 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 Edinburgh                      EH2 1DF 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
 EH3 8BL                        Telephone: 0131 243 7210 
-----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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