RNS Number : 3663U

Teathers Financial PLC

29 July 2015

Teathers Financial PLC


Unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 April 2015

Teathers Financial PLC ("Teathers" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its interim results for the six months ended 30 April 2015.

Period highlights:

   --      Change of name to Teathers Financial plc 
   --      Disposal of the legacy buttons and trimmings business 

-- Became an Investing Company under the AIM Rules with the Investing Policy approved by shareholders on 3 December 2014

   --      GBP993,000 of equity funds raised 

-- A small number of investments made during the reporting period, with further investments made post period end

   --      Launch of the Teathers crowd equity app at the UK Investor Show on 18 April 2015 

-- Net Asset Value increased by 140% to GBP1.2m (30 April 2014 GBP0.4m and 31 October 2014 GBP0.5m)

-- Increase in cash at bank to GBP919,000 (30 April 2014: GBP174,599 and 31 October 2014 GBP260,258)

-- Comprehensive loss for the period of GBP161,000 (30 April 2014: profit GBP200,832, which includes the GBP350,000 exceptional gain on disposal from the freehold premises)

Chairman's Statement

The period under review was one of significant change for the Company. During the period the Company, with shareholder approval: disposed of its legacy loss making buttons and trimmings business; changed the name of the Company to Teathers Financial Plc; and implemented a new Investing policy.

During the period the Company raised a total of GBP993,000 though placings of GBP600,000 and GBP393,000, through the exercise of Company warrants at a price of 3p (GBP378,000) and 6p (GBP15,000), allowing the initial implementation of the Company's Investing Policy.

The Investing Policy, which is to invest in AIM quoted companies either on flotation, through secondary offerings or by purchasing shares in the market and unquoted companies, joint ventures or projects which the Board believes will be seeking a quotation on AIM within 12 to 18 months of such investment, saw Teathers participate in several investments during the period. These included an investment in Tech Financial Plc, which was subsequently disposed of with a 21% return in profit. The Company continues to seek further investments in line with its Investing Policy.

The Company also progressed with the development of its proprietary Crowd Equity Service and Mobile App ("App") that will provide Private investors access to placing's and IPOs. The App was launched at the UK Investor Show on 18 April 2015.

The App, the development of which is now predominantly being outsourced, but for which Teathers owns the intellectual property rights, is designed to provide private investors with stock market and quoted company information and importantly to enable qualified users to buy shares in initial public offerings and placings at the same price and on the same deal terms as institutional investors.

The App is free to download from iTunes Connect (Apple), Google Play and Android. It should however be noted that the offering of equity placings through the App is an activity requiring an appropriate Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") regulated structure. To that end the Company is currently in contractual negotiations with a partner for the operation of the App, including the basis for the sharing of commissions, and anticipates that the App will be functional in the next few weeks.

Once operational, the App is intended to create a revenue stream for Teathers and will support Teathers' main investing activities under its Investing Policy. It is still intended that investment through the App by qualifying investors will be commission free.

It is further anticipated that a "white label" version of the App will be offered to financial services organisations in the future, enabling them to offer equity placings they are conducting to their private investor clients. A number of expressions of interest have already been received in this technology and the Company believes that this could become an important source of revenue for Teathers in the future.

Results for the Period

Operational highlights for the first half of 2014:

The Company reports a comprehensive loss to members of GBP160,970 during the period. In the same period in the previous year, the Company reported a profit of GBP200,832 (which included an exceptional gain on disposal of the freehold building of GBP415,000). The cash balance was GBP916,000 (April 2014: GBP174,599) and Net Assets were GBP1,209,383 (April 2014 GBP345,388).

Post period end, Oliver Fattal was appointed Chief Operating Officer and an Executive Director of the Company, having previously held the position of Non-Executive Director.

Commenting on the results, Jason Drummond, Executive Chairman said: "The first half of our financial year was one of significant change for Teathers. We successfully transformed the business into an AIM Investment Company and in line with our stated strategy launched the Teathers Crowd Equity App. Development of the App continues apace and we look forward to launching version 2, together with announcing a significant partnership for the operation of the App in the coming weeks."

For further information please contact:

 Teathers Financial Plc 
 Jason Drummond, Executive Chairman      Tel: +44 203 021 
   Beaumont Cornish Limited (Nominated 
   Adviser & Joint Broker) 
 Roland Cornish / Emily Staples          Tel: 0207 628 
 Peterhouse Corporate Finance (Joint 
 Lucy Williams / Duncan Vasey            Tel: 020 7469 
 IFC Advisory (Financial PR and IR) 
 Tim Metcalfe / Graham Herring /         Tel: 020 3053 
  Heather Armstrong                       8671 



Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the six months ended 30 April 2015

                                     Six months   Six months     Year to 
                                             to           to 
                                      30-Apr-15    30-Apr-14   31-Oct-14 
                                      Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                            GBP          GBP         GBP 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations 
 Turnover                                     -       88,891           - 
 Cost of sales                                -     (49,667)           - 
 Gross profit                                 -       39,224           - 
 Administrative expenses              (172,321)    (188,465)   (351,085) 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Operating loss                       (172,321)    (149,241)   (351,085) 
 Finance costs                            (303)                        - 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Loss on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                     (172,625)    (149,241)   (351,085) 
 Income tax credit                            -            -         237 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period from 
  continuing operations               (172,625)    (149,241)   (350,848) 
 Discontinued operations 
 Profit/(loss) for the 
  period from discontinued 
  operations                            (9,491)      350,073     172,292 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period attributable 
  to owners of the company            (182,116)      200,832   (178,556) 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Gains on property revaluation                -            -      22,128 
 Gain on disposal of Investments         21,145            -           - 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
                                         21,145            -      22,128 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the period                      (160,970)      200,832   (156,428) 
 (Loss)/earnings per ordinary             Pence        Pence       Pence 
  share from continuing 
  and discontinued operations 
  attributable to the equity 
  holders of the Company 
  during the period 
 From continuing operations 
  - Basic and fully diluted             (0.004)         0.01      (1.25) 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 From discontinued operations 
  - Basic and fully diluted                   -            -        0.62 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 From continuing and discontinued 
  operations - Basic and 
  fully diluted                         (0.004)         0.01      (0.64) 
                                    -----------  -----------  ---------- 



Statement of Financial Position as at 30 April 2015

                                 Six months   Six months        Year 
                                         to           to          to 
                                  30-Apr-15    30-Apr-14   31-Oct-14 
                                  Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                          14,142       13,363           - 
 Software Development               124,990            -           - 
 Total non-current assets           139,132       13,363           - 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables         50,323      120,616      95,164 
 Inventories                              -       36,810           - 
 Investments                        100,000            -     100,000 
 Cash and cash equivalents          919,927      174,599     260,258 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total current assets             1,070,251      332,025     455,422 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                     1,209,383      345,388     455,422 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Equity attributable 
  to owners of the company 
 Share capital                      303,710       96,418     171,043 
 Share premium                    1,449,212      319,120     650,379 
 Revaluation reserve                      -       22,128           - 
 Retained earnings                (648,992)    (159,066)   (488,021) 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total equity                     1,103,930      278,600     333,401 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           105,453       66,788     122,021 
 Borrowings                               -            -           - 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total current liabilities          105,453       66,788     122,021 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                  105,453       66,788     122,021 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total equity and liabilities     1,209,383      345,388     455,422 
                                -----------  -----------  ---------- 



Statement of Changes in Equity

For the six months ended 30 April 2015

                             Share      Share        Revaluation   Retained     Total 
                              capital    premium      reserve       earnings 
                               GBP         GBP           GBP          GBP          GBP 
 Changes in Equity 
  for the period ended 
  30 April 2015 
                                                                    ( 488,021 
 At 31 October 2014           171,043    650,379      -              )           333,401 
 Comprehensive income 
                                                                    ( 182,116 
 Loss for the period                                                 ) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income                                                            21,146 
 Total Comprehensive                                                ( 648,992 
  loss for the year           171,043    650,379      -              )           333,401 
                            ---------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Transactions with 
 Proceeds from share 
  issue (net of expenses)     132,667    798,833 
 Total contributions 
  by the owners               132,667    798,833      -             -            931,500 
                            ---------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                    ( 648,992 
 At 30 April 2015             303,710    1,449,212    -              )           1,103,930 
 Changes in Equity 
  for the period ended 
  30 April 2014 
                                                                    ( 359,897    ( 287,769 
 At 31 October 2013           50,000     -            22,128         )            ) 
 Comprehensive income 
 Profit for the period        -          -            -             200,831      200,831 
 Total Comprehensive                                                ( 159,066    ( 86,938 
  loss for the year           50,000     -            22,128         )            ) 
                            ---------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Transactions with 
 Proceeds from share 
  issue (net of expenses)     46,418     319,120      -             -            365,538 
 Total contributions 
  by the owners               46,418     319,120      -             -            365,538 
                            ---------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                    ( 159,066 
 At 30 April 2014             96,418     319,120      22,128         )           278,600 
 Changes in Equity 
  for the year ended 
  31 October 2014 
                                                                    ( 359,897    ( 287,769 
 At 31 October 2013           50,000     -            22,128         )            ) 
 Comprehensive income 
                                                                    ( 178,556    ( 178,556 
 Loss for the year            -          -            -              )            ) 
 Other comprehensive                                  ( 22,128 
  income                      -          -             )            22,128       - 
 Total Comprehensive                                  ( 22,128      ( 156,428    ( 178,556 
  loss for the year           -          -             )             )            ) 
                            ---------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Transactions with 
 Proceeds from share 
  issue (net of expenses)     121,043    650,379      -             -            771,422 
 Share based payment          -          -            -             28,304       28,304 
 Total contributions 
  by the owners               121,043    650,379      -             28,304       799,726 
                            ---------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                    ( 488,021 
 At 31 October 2014           171,043    650,379      -              )           333,401 



Statement of Cash Flows

For the six months ended 30 April 2015

                               Six months   Six months      Year to 
                                       to           to 
 Statement of Cash              30-Apr-15    30-Apr-14    31-Oct-14 
                                Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                      GBP          GBP          GBP 
 Cash flow from operating 
 Cash used in operations        (155,307)      200,832    (753,310) 
 Interest paid                      (304)            -            - 
 Decrease in Inventory                  -        5,000            - 
 Increase/(decrease)                    -     (19,162)            - 
  in creditors 
 (Increase)/decrease                    -    (374,371)            - 
  in debtors 
 Gain on disposal                       -    (349,003)            - 
  of tangible asset 
                                (155,611)    (536,704)    (753,310) 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net cash used operating 
 Cash flow from investing 
 Purchase of investments                -            -    (100,000) 
 Investment in intangible       (137,365)            -            - 
 Proceeds from sale                21,146            -            - 
  of Investments 
 Proceeds from sale 
  of PPE                                -      400,000      406,215 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net cash generated 
  from investing activities     (116,220)      400,000      306,215 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from 
  financing activities 
 Finance Cost                           -     (13,165)            - 
 Proceeds from issuance 
  of ordinary shares              931,500      365,537      771,422 
 New borrowings                         -            -       75,000 
 Repayment of borrowings                -     (44,000)    (142,000) 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net cash generated 
  by financing activities         931,500      308,372      704,422 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash 
  equivalents                     659,669      171,668      257,327 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of 
  year                            260,258        2,931        2,931 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 
 Cash carried forward             919,927      174,599      260,258 
                              -----------  -----------  ----------- 


Consolidated Notes to the Interim Financial Information

   1.   General Information 

The principal activity of Teathers Financial PLC ("the Company") during the period was that of an investment company which aims to invest in disruptive products or technologies that are either proven or at the later stages of development, which own or have exclusive licence to the relevant intellectual property and may benefit from feed-in tariffs or other renewable energy incentives.

Teathers Financial PLC is a company incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales and quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange. The address of its registered office is The Plaza, 535 Kings Road, London SW10 0SZ

   2.   Basis of Preparation 

The condensed interim financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. It has been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union. The financial information for the year ended 31 October 2014 has been extracted from the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2014 which were approved by the Board of Directors on 29 April 2015 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those financial statements was unqualified.

The condensed interim financial information for the six months ended 30 April 2015 has not been reviewed or audited. The interim financial report has been approved by the Board on 28 July 2015.

The 2015 condensed interim financial statements of the Company have not been reviewed by the Company's auditor, Welbeck Associates.

Change in accounting policy

These interim financial statements, for the 6 months ended 30 April 2015, are the first the Company has prepared in accordance with IFRS. The adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards occurred during the year to 31 October 2014. For periods up to and including 30 April 2014, the Company prepared its financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP). For the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS there are no material differences, which the Directors feel need to be disclosed within these interim financial statements to enable the user to better understand the effect of the change in accounting policy.

Going concern

The Directors, having made appropriate enquiries, consider that adequate resources exist for the Company to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and that, therefore, it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the interim financial statements for the period ended 30 April 2015.

Risks and uncertainties

The Board continuously assesses and monitors the key risks of the business. The key risks that could affect the Company's medium term performance and the factors that mitigate those risks have not substantially changed from those set out in the Company's 2014 Annual Report and Financial Statements, a copy of which is available on the Company's website: www.teathers.com.

Critical accounting estimates

The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the end of the reporting period. Significant items subject to such estimates are set out in note 4 of the Company's 2014 Annual Report and Financial Statements. The nature and amounts of such estimates have not changed significantly during the interim period.

   3.   Significant Accounting Policies 

The accounting policies applied are consistent with those of the annual nancial statements for the year ended 31 October 2014, as described in those annual nancial statements.

4. Segmental Analysis

The Company's primary reporting format is business segments and its secondary format is geographical segments. The Company only operates in a single business and geographical segment. Accordingly no segmental information for business segment or geographical segment is required.

   5.   Earnings per share 
                               Six months    Six months          Year 
                                       to            to            to 
                                30-Apr-15     30-Apr-14     31-Oct-14 
                                Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited 
                                      GBP           GBP           GBP 
 Profit (loss) attributable 
  to equity holders 
  of the company                (160,970)       200,832     (178,556) 
 Loss from continuing 
  operations attributable 
  to equity holders 
  of the company                (160,970)       200,832     (350,848) 
 Profit/(loss) from 
  discontinued operations 
  attributable to 
  equity holders 
  of the company                        -             -       172,292 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Weighted average 
  number of ordinary 
  shares in issue              39,657,895    19,283,478    28,007,122 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
                                Pence per     Pence per         Pence 
                                    share         share     per share 
 Basic (loss) per 
  share                           (0.004)          0.01        (0.64) 
 Basic (loss) per 
  share from continuing 
  operations                      (0.004)          0.01        (1.25) 
 Basic earnings/(loss) 
  per share from 
  discontinued operations               -             -          0.62 
   6.   Taxation 

The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable or recoverable together with deferred tax.

The tax currently recoverable is based on taxable loss for the year. Taxable loss differs from net loss as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Income because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that are never taxable or deductible. The Corporation Tax recoverable is calculated by using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period.

   7.   Post period end 

Oliver Fattal was appointed Chief Operating officer and Executive Director of the Company, previously he held the position of Non-Executive Director.

The Company made a number of investments and disposals, details of which can be found on the Company's website.

Copies of this interim financial information document are available from the Company at its registered office at The Plaza, 535 Kings Road, London SW10 0SZ. The interim financial information document will also be available on the Company's website www.teathers.com.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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