The Company’s activities include development and exploratory drilling. Our strategy is to develop the Company’s extensive oil and gas reserves primarily through horizontal drilling. This strategy includes targeting reservoirs with high initial production rates and cash flow as well as targeting reservoirs with lower initial production rates but with higher expected return on investment. We believe that with today’s technology, horizontal development of our reserves provides superior economic results as compared to vertical development, by delivering higher production rates through greater contact and stimulation of a larger volume of reservoir rock while minimizing the surface footprint required to develop those same reserves.
Maintaining a strong balance sheet and ample liquidity are key components of our business strategy. In 2023, we will continue our focus on preserving financial flexibility and ample liquidity as we manage the risks facing our industry. Our capital budget for the year is reflective of current commodity prices and has been established based on an expectation of available cash flows, with any cash flow deficiencies expected to be funded by borrowings under our revolving credit facility. As we have done historically to preserve or enhance liquidity, we may adjust our capital program throughout the year, divest non-strategic assets, or enter into strategic joint ventures.
We are actively developing our leasehold acreage in West Texas and in Oklahoma and on track to drill and complete approximately 40 wells in 2023. The following is a description of recent, current, and expected near-term drilling activities.
In 2021, The Company participated for 47.5% interest with Apache Corporation in the drilling of nine two-mile-long horizontal wells in Upton County, Texas, and with Ovintiv Mid-Continent for 11.25% interest in four two-mile horizontal wells in Canadian County, Oklahoma. Twelve of these horizontal wells were completed and placed into production in the fourth quarter of 2021. One of the Ovintiv wells, however, had a casing leak issue and has been temporarily abandoned. The Company invested approximately $32 million in these thirteen wells.
In the first three quarters of 2022, the Company participated in eight horizontal wells. Four of these wells are located in Irion County, West Texas, operated by SEM Operating Company, and four are located in Canadian County, Oklahoma, operated by Ovintiv Mid-Continent, Inc. Our investment in these eight wells was approximately $4 million and all were brought on production in August of 2022.
In the fourth quarter of 2022, we began participation in the drilling of 20 horizontal wells located in West Texas operated by three different operators. In Martin County, we are participating with ConocoPhillips in five 2.5-mile-long horizontal wells in which the Company has 20.83% interest with a planned capital investment of $12.1 million. In Reagan County, we are participating with Hibernia Energy III in 10 two-mile horizontals with 25% interest and an expected investment of $25.6 million. Also in Reagan County, we are participating with Double Eagle (DE IV) in five two-mile-long horizontals with nearly 50% interest, carrying an expected net capital outlay of $23.4 million. All twenty of these West Texas wells have been drilled and are either producing or in the process of being completed. All 10 of the wells operated by Hibernia Energy III were put on production in late April 2023. The five wells operated by Double Eagle are expected to be on production in June of 2023. The remaining five wells with ConocoPhillips are expected to start completion in June and be on production in August of 2023.
In January of 2023, the Company joined Ovintiv USA, Inc. in the spudding of three 3-mile-long horizontal wells in Canadian County, Oklahoma with 1.96% interest and an expected investment of $645,000. Production is expected to begin in June of 2023. In addition, in March of 2023, Apache Corporation spud two 3-mile-long horizontals in Upton County, Texas in which the Company has 49.4% interest with an expected total capital investment of $16.1 million. We anticipate completion of these two 15,000’ long horizontals in Upton County in May and initial production to occur in the third quarter of 2023.
In total, the Company expects to invest $78 million in these 25 horizontal wells. In December 2022, we prepaid $32 million toward drilling costs, and the remaining $46 million in estimated drilling and completion expenses will be incurred in 2023. All 25 wells have been drilled as of May 1, 2023. Ten wells were put into production in late April, eight more are expected to be on-line in June of 2023 and the remaining seven wells are expected to be on production in June or early in the third quarter of 2023.
We anticipate that success from the 22 horizontals in West Texas described above will lead to additional near-term horizontal drilling covering five leasehold blocks in three counties of West Texas: 26 additional 10,000’ long horizontals in Reagan County from Hibernia, Double Eagle, and BTA Oil Producers (or its successor in the South Stiles Project), ten additional 12,500’ long horizontals in Martin County by ConocoPhillips, and six additional 15,000’ long horizontals in Upton County by Apache. Based on the success of their recent 10 wells in Reagan County, Texas, Hibernia has indicated their intent to drill 16 additional 10,000’ long horizontal wells this year with spud dates to occur late in the third quarter and production to begin in the first quarter of 2024. Our interest in these wells will be from 37.5% to 50% with an average of 41.18% and our investment will be approximately $75 million. In addition, Double Eagle has notified us of their plans to drill six 10,000’ horizontal wells in Reagan County with spud dates in July and production start expected in December 2023. These six wells will be drilled on an acreage block that is an extension to Double Eagle’s Hughes Alpine development described above and where the Company has leasehold acreage giving us the right to participate for approximately 6.5% interest in these two-mile-long horizontals. Our share of the investment in these wells will be approximately $4 million.