Castillian Resources Corp. (TSX VENTURE:CT)(OTCQX:CTIIF) ("Castillian" or the
"Company") has completed 5,951 meters of reconnaissance diamond drilling in 21
holes at its Hope Brook Gold Project in southwestern Newfoundland. All of the
holes, except two that were lost, intersected the mineralized silicified zones
as targeted from geological and geophysical data. 

The drilling intersected multiple zones of gold mineralization in a major new
near surface target zone in the Mine Zone - 240 Connector Target ("Connector
Zone"; see Figures 1 and 2), located approximately 900 metres (m) southwest of
the former Hope Brook open pit. Table 1 lists significant results for all holes
completed in the program (see press release dated December 11, 2012 for
discussion of results of first four holes).

Highlights from new drilling include:

--  Major new near surface target zone within the Connector Zone and above
    the 240 Zone which extends along strike for approximately 800m to a
    depth of more than 300m; 
--  Hole HB12-100: 1.51 grams gold per tonne (g Au/t) over 14.0m, including
    2.03 g Au/t over 8.0m and 1.07 g Au/t over 18.1m core length, including
    1.68 g Au/t over 5.5m core length within a 57 m wide silicified zone in
    the Connector Target; and 
--  Hole HB12-101: 1.04 g Au/t over 8.5m core length, 1.44 g Au/t over 2.9m
    core length and 1.35 g Au/t over 5.6m core length within an overall 75m
    wide silicified zone 100m northeast of hole HB12-100. 

Dr. Bill Pearson, P.Geo., President and CEO of Castillian, commented: "This
drill program was successful in outlining a major new near surface zone in the
Connector Zone that has the potential to add significantly to our already strong
mineral resource base. Our exploration team, support staff and drill contractor
did a tremendous job completing the planned program in less than two months and
on budget." Pearson continued: "We are currently completing interpretation of
all of the new drilling data and planning the next drill program. The next
program will focus on testing the new target zone and expanding existing
resources, especially those that are potentially open pittable. In addition, our
technical work has identified a number of areas near the current resource where
there is potential to increase the overall grade of the resource." 

Mr. David Copeland, P.Geo., Chief Geologist added: "Drilling within the
Connector Zone demonstrates continuity of the alteration and mineralizing
systems along a shallow southwest plunge between the Hope Brook Deposit and the
240 Zone. The thickness of the silicified zones and encapsulating argillic
alteration zone is similar to that seen in the former Hope Brook Mine and 240
Zone." Mr. Copeland continued: "A newly recognized fold system affects the rocks
of the 240 and Connector Zone areas, the identification of which has been driven
by drilling outside of the main Hope Brook Mine area. This fold system explains
why the main silicified horizon southwest of the Hope Brook Mine does not come
to surface and why shallow historical drilling within the area failed to
intersect both of the zones. This interpretation is corroborated by geophysical
data. Further structural modelling and geological work in progress is designed
to provide a better understanding of where to target gold mineralization within
this extensive fold system." 

The following provides a more specific description of the drilling completed in
each of the target zones tested.

240 Zone - Mine Zone Connector Target

The Connector Zone was tested with a total of nine drill holes (3,279m; HB12-92
and 93 and HB12-100 to 106). Each of the holes that reached the intended target
depth (seven of nine) within the Connector Zone intersected broad zones of
silicified altered rocks with variable levels of gold mineralization.

Hole HB12-100 encountered several intermittent zones of pyrite and chalcopyrite
bearing grey siliceous alteration from 234.2 to 248.0 m, 288.0 to 319.1 m; and
349.9 to 407.2 m. The silicified zones assayed 1.07 g Au/t over 18.1m (core
length), including 1.68 g Au/t over 5.5m (core length); and 1.52 g Au/t over
14.0m (core length), including 2.03 g Au/t over 8.0m (core length).

Hole HB12-101 intersected buff-grey, pyrite and chalcopyrite - bearing
silicification with intercalated mafic dykes from 329 to 403.8m (core length)
with an 8.5m interval (core length) assaying 1.04 g Au/t. This interval bears
many similarities to that described from historic drilling from the nearby 240
Zone and is being considered the eastern extension of the zone. 

Hole HB12-106 intersected multiple zones of buff to grey, pyrite bearing
siliceous alteration zones from 243.9 to 262.1m, 282.9 to 299.4m, and 331.7 to
334.1m. The siliceous zones were host to multiple minor quartz-tourmaline veins
with trace chalcopyrite. Significant assays include 1.82 g Au/t over 1.5m.

Hole HB12-102 intersected a zone of light grey-buff, pyrite-bearing
silicification from 262.2 to 281.9m and a zone of buff-grey,
pyrite/chalcopyrite-bearing silicification from 151.4 to 183.7m.

Holes HB12-104 and HB12-105 ended short of the Connector Zone mineralization at
depths of 162m and 113m respectively due to poor ground and mechanical issues.

Chetwynd and Chetwynd South Prospects

The potential downdip extensions of the Chetwynd and Chetwynd South Prospects
were tested by six reconnaissance drillholes (HB12-095 to 099 and HB12-103).
Each of the drillholes intersected the targeted silicified alteration rocks with
anomalous gold mineralization. 

Three drill holes (840m; HB12-095, 096, and 097) tested the Chetwynd South
Prospect down dip mineralization encountered in historic holes CW-101, 102, 103,
039, and 098. Each of the drill holes intersected buff to grey, siliceous,
pyrite and/or chalcopyrite-bearing mineralization. Quartz and tourmaline veining
is prevalent and carries much of the gold mineralization. Anomalous gold values
were encountered within the silicified zones and include 1.12 g Au/t over 1.5m
core length in hole HB12-095 and 0.68 g Au/t over 1.5m in hole HB12-097.

Two drill holes (602m; HB12-098 and HB12-099) tested for potential gold
mineralization down-dip of historic drilling and surface exposure at the
Chetwynd Prospect. Although each of the drill holes intersected several zones of
intermittent buff and grey siliceous, pyrite-bearing, fragmental rocks, no
significant gold values were obtained from the Chetwynd Prospect drilling.

Chetwynd to 240 Connector Target

One hole (353 metres; HB12-103) intersected several grey - buff, siliceous units
from 177 - 181.5m, 192.3 - 195.5m, 198 - 202.1m and 229.5 - 230m. The
relationship of these silicified zones with the Chetwynd Prospect and the
240-Zone mineralization is currently not clear and requires further
investigation. No significant gold values were returned from this hole.

NW Target Area

Five reconnaissance drill holes (714 m; HB12-107 to 111) tested the NW Target
area with broad-spacing (75 to 125 m). Each of the drill holes intersected the
targeted silicified alteration zones that locally contained disseminated
chalcopyrite, pyrite and minor bornite. The best result was 1.16% Cu and 0.28 g
Au/t over 1.3m in hole HB-12-109 and 0.68 g Au/t over 1.8m in hole HB 12-108.

Table 1: Significant Diamond Drilling Results, Fall 2012 Program, Hope Brook
Gold Project.

Hole No.             From        To       Core        True       Au   Cu (%)
                      (m)       (m)  Length (m)  Width (m)    (ppm)         
                                 4960 Stope                                 
HB12-091(i)        133.00    138.70        5.70       2.59     1.10     0.00
     and           206.30    235.90       29.60      13.44     2.14     0.45
     incl.         217.60    232.20       14.60       6.63     2.69     0.58
     incl.         227.90    232.20        4.30       1.95     5.24     1.47
     and           253.40    260.40        7.00       3.18     0.98     0.01
HB12-094(i)        106.30    111.00        4.70       1.99     1.11     0.00
     and           156.30    169.00       12.70       5.37     0.34     0.00
     and           180.90    220.00       39.10      16.52     1.90     0.12
     incl.         185.00    197.50       12.50       5.28     3.95     0.07
                       Mine Zone - 240 Connector Zone                       
HB12-092(i)        314.40    330.90       16.50      12.60     0.64     0.02
     incl.         319.60    322.00        2.40       1.80     1.66     0.04
HB12-093(i)        366.60    382.00       15.40      10.10     0.46     0.04
     incl.         370.40    381.00       10.60       6.95     0.52     0.04
HB12-100            349.9     368.0        18.1        7.4     1.07     0.05
     incl.          349.9     355.4         5.5        2.2     1.68     0.11
     and            412.5     426.5        14.0        5.7     1.52     0.04
     incl.          418.5     426.5         8.0        3.3     2.03     0.07
HB12-101            329.1     338.0         8.9        2.8     1.04     0.02
     incl.          329.1     333.0         3.9        1.2     1.85     0.02
     and            344.0     347.0         3.0        0.9     0.63     0.08
     and            355.0     356.0         1.0        0.3     0.83     0.46
     and            365.4     368.3         2.9        0.9     1.44     0.15
     and            371.2     372.1         0.9        0.3     0.59     0.02
     and            374.5     376.0         1.5        0.5     0.67       tr
     and            398.2     403.8         5.6        1.7     1.35     0.03
     and            432.7     433.3         0.6        0.2     1.53       tr
     and            527.5     529.0         1.5        0.5     0.61     0.03
HB12-102            225.4     226.7         1.3        0.9     0.54       tr
     and            271.0     277.0         6.0        4.3     0.60     0.04
     and            282.1     292.6        10.5        7.6     0.63     0.02
HB12-106            174.6     176.0         1.4        0.4     0.60       tr
     and            384.0     385.5         1.5        0.3     0.65     0.02
     and            410.0     411.0         1.0        0.4     0.26     0.15
     and            412.2     413.5         1.3        0.4     0.60     0.04
     and            441.5     443.0         1.5        0.4     1.82     0.38
     and            452.5     454.0         1.5        0.4     0.36     0.23
                        Chetwynd - 240 Connector Zone                       
HB12-103            201.0     203.0         2.0        1.7     0.15     0.13
                              Chetwynd Prospect                             
HB12-098            225.0     230.2         5.2        4.4       tr     0.10
HB12-099                                               no significant values
                               Chetwynd South                               
HB12-095            223.5     224.3         0.8        0.7     0.74     0.11
     and            229.6     231.1         1.5        1.4     1.12     0.14
HB12-096                                               no significant values
HB12-097            188.5    190.00         1.5        1.2     0.68       tr
                               NW Target Zone                               
HB12-107             63.5      64.5         1.0        0.5     0.04     0.12
HB12-108             29.0      30.8         1.8        0.8     0.68     0.25
     and             60.3      60.9         0.6        0.3     0.80     0.87
HB12-109             42.4      43.2         0.8        0.7     0.04     0.11
     and             46.0      47.3         1.3        1.2     0.28     1.16
HB12-110            150.0     151.0         1.0        0.4     0.04     0.24
HB12-111             53.0      54.0         1.0        0.9     0.18     0.84
(i)Holes previously released see press release dated December 11, 2012      
tr = trace                                                                  
Table 2: Collar Coordinates and Orientations of Drill Holes, Fall 2012      
Program, Hope Brook.                                                        
Hole No.       Target                   UTM                 Mine Grid       
                                  Easting    Northing      Easting  Northing
HB12-091       4960 Stope          417919     5287887        11529      5198
HB12-092       Connector Zone      417756     5287323        11072      4829
HB12-093       Connector Zone      417756     5287323        11072      4829
HB12-094       4960 Stope          417940     5287903        11555      5199
HB12-095       Chetwynd South      415631     5285792         8453      4794
HB12-096       Chetwynd South      415683     5285816         8509      4783
HB12-097       Chetwynd South      415752     5285860         8591      4780
HB12-098       Chetwynd            416592     5286508         9651      4829
HB12-099       Chetwynd            416521     5286429         9547      4805
HB12-100       Connector Zone      417229     5287260        10604      5079
HB12-101       Connector Zone      417180     5287155        10504      5021
HB12-102       Connector Zone      417630     5287228        10914      4823
HB12-103       Connector Zone      416879     5286625         9953      4760
HB12-104(i)    Connector Zone      417407     5287498        10887      5173
HB12-105(i)    Connector Zone      417311     5287314        10702      5077
HB12-106       Connector Zone      417332     5287315        10719      5066
HB12-107       NW Target           417675     5287755        11253      5230
HB12-108       NW Target           417727     5287796        11319      5233
HB12-109       NW Target           417947     5287911        11566      5201
HB12-110       NW Target           417736     5287854        11360      5276
HB12-111       NW Target           417844     5287814        11426      5181
Called Off                                                                  
(i)Results for Holes HB12-104 and -105 were not reported as they were lost  
 due to mechanical issues.                                                  

     Hole No.       Target            Elev.   Length       Az      Dip
                                        (i)      (m)     (ii)     (ii)
     HB12-091       4960 Stope         5135      279      145      -51
     HB12-092       Connector Zone     5135      367      325      -63
     HB12-093       Connector Zone     5135      446      325      -74
     HB12-094       4960 Stope         5132      223      145      -51
     HB12-095       Chetwynd South     5055      237      325      -47
     HB12-096       Chetwynd South     5054      320      325      -57
     HB12-097       Chetwynd South     5058      283      325      -57
     HB12-098       Chetwynd           5045      333      325      -53
     HB12-099       Chetwynd           5046      269      325      -51
     HB12-100       Connector Zone     5069      459      145      -51
     HB12-101       Connector Zone     5066      536      145      -52
     HB12-102       Connector Zone     5123      336      325      -65
     HB12-103       Connector Zone     5023      353      325      -59
     HB12-104(i)    Connector Zone     5075      162      145      -49
     HB12-105(i)    Connector Zone     5073      119      145      -49
     HB12-106       Connector Zone     5073      501      147      -55
     HB12-107       NW Target          5087       73      145      -43
     HB12-108       NW Target          5090       88      145      -43
     HB12-109       NW Target          5131      120      325      -45
     HB12-110       NW Target          5104      237      145      -49
     HB12-111       NW Target          5131      196      325      -45
     Called Off                                   14                  
     Total                                     5,951                  
     (i)Results for Holes HB12-104 and -105 were not reported as they 
      were lost due to mechanical issues.                             


The core (NQ (47.6 mm) and BQTK (40.54 mm)) is logged, photographed and then
sawn in half with one-half sent to the laboratory for analysis and the other
half retained and stored on site. All core samples were prepared and assayed at
ALS Minerals, with sample preparation done in Sudbury and analytical work done
in North Vancouver. All locations of ALS Minerals are ISO 9001:2000 certified.
The entire sample received is weighed and crushed to = 70% passing 2mm (10
mesh). A sample split of up to 1000g is then pulverized to = 85% passing 75
microns (200 mesh) to produce a homogenized sample. A 50g aliquot is used for
fire assaying with an atomic absorption (AA) finish to determine gold
concentration. Copper is initially analyzed using a four acid digestion ICP
(inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry) method. Any results
for copper greater than 10,000 ppm are assayed further by a four acid digestion
and "ore grade" ICP method. Internal quality control includes the use of blanks,
duplicates and standards in every batch of samples. The Company also conducts
internal check assaying using certified external reference standards and blanks.
Regular external check assays are performed at a second certified Canadian
commercial laboratory. Castillian also inserts external reference standards as
well as blank granite drill core in each sample batch as a further external

The Company also announces that it has extended the maturity date of the
$250,000 bridge loan provided to the Company by Dr. Pearson to March 31, 2013
(see news release dated October 24, 2012).


David Copeland, P.Geo., Chief Geologist supervised the diamond drilling program
at Hope Brook and Dr. Chris Hale, P.Geo., supervised the geophysical work. Both
are qualified persons as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Copeland and Dr. Bill
Pearson, P.Geo., President & CEO of Castillian, and qualified persons as defined
by NI 43-101, have reviewed and approved the scientific and technical content of
this news release. 


Castillian Resources Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company listed on
the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "CT" and on the OTCQX International
under the symbol "CTIIF". The Company has gold and base metal properties in
Canada and South America. Castillian's flag ship property is the Hope Brook Gold
Project located in southwestern Newfoundland, which has 2.4 million tonnes at
1.48 g Au/t for 590,000 ounces of NI 43-101 compliant indicated mineral
resources and 8.2 million tonnes at 2.07 g Au/t for 548,000 ounces of inferred
mineral resources (see technical report entitled "Updated Mineral Resource
Estimate Technical Report, Hope Brook Gold Project, Newfoundland and Labrador,
Canada", effective October 1, 2012). Castillian has outlined an extensive new
Gold-in-Soil anomaly trend on its Canadian Creek property in the Yukon that is
adjacent to Kaminak's Coffee property.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-looking Information 

This press release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of
applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forward-looking information
includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding exploration prospects and
timing of future exploration. Generally, forward-looking information can be
identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects"
or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates",
"forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes",
or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or
results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be
achieved". Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of
activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different
from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including
but not limited to: general business, economic, competitive, political and
social uncertainties; the actual results of current exploration activities;
future prices of mineral prices; failure of plant, equipment or processes to
operate as anticipated; accidents, labour disputes and shortages and other risks
of the mining industry. Although the Company has attempted to identify important
factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those
contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause
results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no
assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking
information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking
information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

Information Concerning Estimates of Indicated and Inferred Resources 

This news release uses the terms "indicated resources" and "inferred resources".
Castillian advises investors that although these terms are recognized and
required by Canadian regulations (under NI 43-101), the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission does not recognize them. Investors are cautioned not to
assume that any part or all of the mineral deposits in these categories will
ever be converted into mineral reserves. In addition, inferred resources have a
great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and economic and legal
feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an inferred mineral
resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under Canadian rules,
estimates of inferred mineral resources may not form the basis of feasibility or
pre-feasibility studies, or economic studies except for preliminary economic
assessments as defined under NI 43-101. Investors are cautioned not to assume
that part or all of an inferred resource exists, or is economically or legally

To view Figure 1: Hope Brook Longitundinal Section With Targets and Drill Holes
Completed, please visit the following link: 

To view Figure 2: Hope Brook Geological Cross Section, please visit the
following link:

Castillian Resources
Rob Hopkins
Investor Relations Manager

Castillian Resources
Bill Pearson
President & CEO

Castillian Resources
65 Queen Street West, Suite 815,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5H 2M5

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