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EBR Systems (EBR)

EBR Systems Inc
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22/08/201218:13Dow Jones NewsBrazil Mulling Proposal to Cut Industrial Energy Tariff 17.4% -SourceNYSE:EBR
28/10/200908:25Dow Jones NewsBrazil Government Looks At Mixed Solution For Broadband Plan-ReportNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
09/09/200909:37Dow Jones NewsStrike At GDF Suez Brazil Power Plant Stops ConstructionNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
01/09/200916:55Dow Jones NewsLula Says New Brazil Hydro Stations 'Revolutionizing' - EstadoNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
05/08/200907:38Dow Jones NewsBrazil Pension Funds Seeks Stake In Jirau Dam - ReportNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
28/05/200910:12Dow Jones NewsImpasse Continues Between Brazil State And GDF SuezNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
27/05/200913:01Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: GDF Suez Brazilian Hydro Project Facing Uphill BattleNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
11/02/200909:26Dow Jones NewsBrazil Energy Cos Make Merrill's Best, And Worst, Stock ListNYSE:EBRCentrais Eletricas Brasileiras S/A (ADS)
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