RNS Number:1419M
Cater Allen Equity Growth Fund Ld
25 October 2001

Unaudited Interim Statement 
Six months to 26th July 2001

Cater Allen Investment Management (C.I.) Limited

                     MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION

DIRECTORS                                            BANKERS

I.D. Cameron (Chairman)                              RBSI Custody Bank Limited
R.M. Berkeley                                        P.O. Box 451,
J.D. Crowther                                        Liberte House
S.J. Dowling                                         19-23 La Motte Street,
B.R. Ehrlich                                         St Helier, Jersey JE4 5RL,
P.J.H. Morgan                                        Channel Islands

MANAGER                                              AUDITORS

Cater Allen Investment Management (C.I.) Limited     
P.O. Box 372,                                        Reads & Co.
Cater Allen House,                                   P.O. Box 179,
Commercial Street,                                   40 Esplanade,
St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8UP,                          St. Helier, Jersey JE4 9RL
Channel Islands.                                     Channel Islands.
Telephone: Jersey (01534) 828200     
Fax: Jersey (01534) 828884                           LEGAL ADVISER
e-mail: caim@cater.com 
                                                     Mourant du Fen & Jeune
ADMINISTRATOR, SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR               22 Grenville Street,
                                                     St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8PX,
                                                     Channel Islands.
Cater Allen Trust Company (Jersey) Ltd
P.O. Box 611
Cater Allen House,
Commercial Street,                                   REGISTERED OFFICE
St Helier, Jersey, JE4 5XZ,
Channel Islands.                                     Cater Allen House,
                                                     Commercial Street,
CUSTODIAN                                            St. Helier, Jersey JE4 8UP
                                                     Channel Islands.

RBSI Custody Bank Limited
P.O. Box 451, Liberte House,
19-23 La Motte Street,
St. Helier, Jersey JE4 5RL.
Channel Islands.


NCL Panmure Gordon Investments Limited
33-36 Gracechurch Street,
London, EC3V 0AX

                              DIRECTOR'S REPORT

The Directors present their unaudited report for the period ended 26th July
2001. The Company is limited by shares and was incorporated in Jersey, Channel
Islands an 4th September 1979.


The main aim of the fund is to provide investors with long term capital growth 
from a portfolio of equity share investments. The Participating Redeemable
Preference Shares ("Participating Shares') are listed on the London Stock


The Directors, all of whom have served throughout the period, are listed on page

Mr S.J. Dowling is a Director of Cater Allen Investment Management (C.I.)  
Limited, which by Management Agreements dated 6th September 1979, 1st October 
1981 and 22nd February 1982 was appointed Manager to the Company. Mr J.D. 
Crowther is a Director of Cater Allen Trust Company (Jersey) Limited, which   by
an Administration Agreement dated 4th August 1999 was appointed Administrator  
to the Company. Mr R.M. Berkeley is a Director of NCL Panmure Gordon Investments
Limited (formerly Panmure Gordon & Co), which by an Investment Advisory 
Agreement dated 22nd February 1998 was appointed Investment Manager to the 
Company. There were no other contracts of significance existing during or at the
end of the period under review in which a Director was materially interested.


According to the Register of Directors' Interests, none of the Directors are 
beneficially interested in Participating Shares of the Fund with the exception
of Mr I D Cameron who has an interest in 6,002.220 shares. These interests have
not changed since 27th July 2000.


The Directors of the Fund have not declared an Interim Dividend in respect of
the half year ended 27th July 2000. Subsequently the net income earned in the  
full year ending 31st January 2002 will be distributed by way of a dividend at  
the end of February 2002.


The Company has been certified for the purposes of Chapter V of Part XVII of  
the U.K. Income & Corporation Taxes Act 1988 ("Offshore Funds") as a 
"distributing fund" in respect of the "account" periods ended 31st January 2000.


Jersey Company Law requires the Directors to prepare accounts covering a period
of not more than eighteen months starting from the date of the last accounts or
the date of the Company's incorporation. The accounts must be in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles and show a true and fair view of the
Company's profit or loss for the period, and the state of the Company's affairs 
at the end of the period.

As with the exercise of their other duties, the Directors must, in preparing the
accounts, act honestly and in good faith; with a view to the best interest of
the Company; and with the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably  prudent
person would exercise were he in their position.

The Directors are responsible for ensuring the Company maintains adequate 
accounting records explaining its transactions and disclosing its financial
position from which proper accounts can he prepared.

Cater Allen House,                                    By Order of the Board,
Commercial Street,                                   Cater Allen Trust Company
St Helier,                                           (Jersey) Limited
Jersey JE4 8UP,                                      Secretary
channel Islands                                      DATE

                          INVESTMENT ADVISER'S REPORT

The end of July saw markets fall to their lowest level since November 1998,
extending the run of dismal trading conditions, which have prevailed since
Equities peaked in the final days of 1999. Volatility remained high with market
strength in April proving to be a false dawn as investors fled to the sidelines
in the face of a raft of profit warnings, notably from Marconi, and high profile
corporate failures such as Independent Insurance. Technology, media and
telecommunication (TMT) stocks remained in the limelight and another round of
poor results and trading updates battered investors' confidence. However, poor
performances were not confirmed to the TMT sectors as companies across the  
board have shown signs of pressure from the slowing US economy. Manufacturers  
are still struggling from Sterling's relative strength against the Euro and even
the thus far resilient service sector has started to show signs of weakness -
advertising revenue plummeted and general spend on outsourcing has declined with
companies cutting back on capital spending in preparation for the anticipated
economic slowdown. One ray of light was the strength of the consumer, although
confidence still looks fragile with high and perhaps precarious property prices
contributing much to the "perceived wealth" of the nation.

Once again, the key appears to be the US where analysts are rather desperately
searching for signs of an up-turn following the Federal Reserve Board's 
aggressive loosening of monetary policy and the new President's tax reforms.
These measures, in time, should boost consumer and business confidence, but in
the near term there are no clear signs that the US economy has turned the 

All these factors have taken their toll an markets and stocks worldwide.
Certainly the Equity Growth Fund has not been immune and the downturn has been
seen particularly in the small cap sector, where the market has been 
systematically cutting valuations even of those companies where growth prospects
remain good. Commensurate with our comments at the year end, and with the wish 
to adopt a reasonably defensive stance, the portfolio is less weighted than 
usual towards smaller companies and our involvement in companies with somewhat 
larger market capitalisations has increased.

Our performance here has been a little disappointing, on an offer to offer
basis, the Fund has fallen in value by 19% compared with 16% for the FTSE All
Share Index and 18% for the Small Cap Index. However, on a longer term basis  -
the three years since end July 1998 - the Fund has outperformed these Indices,
rising by 19.9% compared with a gain of 10.6% in the Small Cap Index and a fall
of 6.6% in the All Share. Over the same period, the FTSE 100 Share Index has
fallen by nearly 10%.

Looking ahead, there is no doubt that markets remain nervous and volatile with
many hurdles to overcome on the path to economic recovery. We would not be 
surprised to see further loosening of monetary policy both here and in the US as
the authorities attempt to stimulate growth. If the short term remains somewhat
uncertain we remain confident in the longer term benefits of Equity investment
and remain committed to the policy of individual stock selection in companies
with good management, sound balance sheets and with the prospect for above
average earnings growth.

NCL PanmureGordon                                                 15thJuly 2001



                                                    26-Jul-01         27-Jul-00
                                                        #                 #
Investments                                         8,620,136        10,220,919
Cash and Deposits                                     226,781           784,431
Income receivable                                       1,443            16,130
Debtors                                                25,056            20,434
                                                    8,873,416        11,041,914
Creditors and accrued liabilities                      38,867            65,944
NET ASSETS                                         #8,834,549       #10,975,970

Share Capital                                          11,241            11,165
Capital Reserves                                    6,120,671         8,252,823
Share Premium                                       2,689,083         2,640,256
Revenue Reserves                                       13,554            71,726
                                                   #8,834,549       #10,975,970

                                                            Six Months to
                                                    26-Jul-01         28-Jul-00
                                                        #                 #
Deposit interest                                      19,634            10,480
Investment income                                     99,790           141,906
                                                     119,424           152,386
Administration expenses                               29,512             7,800
Audit fee                                                  0             2,210
Custodian fee                                          4,757             5,254
Directors' fees                                        2,500             2,600
Management fee                                        71,141            66,886
Registrar fee                                              0               780
                                                     108,510            85,530

NET REVENUE FOR THE PERIOD                             10,914            66,856
Net equalisation                                           63               294
Net revenue brought forward                                12             4,576
NET REVENUE CARRIED FORWARD                           #10,989           #71,726

I.D. CAMERON        Director
J.P. NORFOLK        Director
Approved by the Board of Directors

                   THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO AT 26TH JULY 2001

                                                               Market       Net
       Holding                           Security               value    Assets
                                                                    #         % 

Equities             Equities             

                     Automobiles & Parts
           100,000   Mayflower Corp Ord 5p                     99,500      1.13
            40,000   Allied Irish Bank Ord euro 0.32          312,846      3.54
            25,000   Northern Rock Ord GBP0.25                144,750      1.64

            50,000   Allied Domecq Ord GRPO.25                207,500      2.35

            40,000   Johnson Mathey Ord GBP1                  388,000      4.39

                     Construction & Building Materials
            15,000   Gleeson (MJ) Ord 10p shares              151,500      1.71

                     Electronic & Electric Equipment
            40,000   NXT Plc Ord GBP0.25                       73,000      0.83
            80,000   Invensys Ord GB P0.25                     60,560      0.69

                     Engineering & Machinery
            60,000   Morgan Crucible Co Ord GBP0.25           151,800      1.72
            60,000   FKI Ord GBP0.10                          116,400      1.32
            20,000   Turbo Genset Inc Class 'A' Com NPV 
                      (UK List)                                61,000      0.69
           185,715   Corat Group Ord SHS GBP0.01 
                      (PVTE PLCNG)                            156,929      1.78

                     Food Producers & Processors
            50,000   Unilever Ord GBP0.014                    295,500      3.34 
                     Financial Services
            30,000   Numis                                     51,300      0.65

                     General Retailers
           200,000   Partridge Fine Arts Ord GBP0.10          122,000      1.38
            35,000   Great Universal Stores Ord GBP0.25       209,300      2.37

                     Household Goods & Textiles
           100,000   Dewhirst Group Ord 10p                    82,500      0.93
                     Information Technology Hardware
            50,000   Marconi                                   43,000      0.49
             4,000   Transense Technology                      78,940      0.89
            20,000   Emblaze                                   37,400      0.42

           250,000   Windsor                                   46,250      0.52

                     Investment Companies
            60,000   Thompson Clive Investments Ord GBP0.50   313,500      3.55
            50,000   Net Investor Ord GBP0.001                 76,250      0.86

                     Leisure, Entertainment & Hotels
            50,000   Hilton Group Ord GBP0.10                 124,625      1.41
                     Life Assurance
            40,000   CGNU Ord GBP0.25                         390,000      4.41
            32,500   Prudential Ord 5p                        263,575      2.98

                     Media & Photography
         1,425,000   Osprey Communications Ord GBP0.25         21,375      0.24
            25,454   Pearson Ord GBP0.25                      239,013      2.71
            35,000   Reed International Ord GBP0.125          204,225      2.31


Year       Highest Offer Price          Lowest Bid Price        Dividends Paid
                    #                           #                     p

1990               5.24                        3.73                   9.3
1991               4.77                        3.52                  15.0
1992               4.56                        3.18                  14.0
1993               6.31                        4.23                  11.0
1994               6.31                        4.98                   8.5
1995               6.62                        4.91                   6.5
1996               7.46                        6.26                   6.5
1997               7.81                        6.62                   8.0
1998               8.45                        7.12                   9.0
1999               8.83                        6.48                   7.0
2000              12.81                        7.81                   9.0
2001              11.36                        8.63                   7.5

On a reinvestment basis the Equity Growth Fund has reduced in value by 19.95%
for the twelve months to 26th July 2001.

                              NET ASSET HISTORY

                                           Participating         Net Assets per
Date                   Net Assets                 Shares          Participating 
                           #                    in Issue                  Share

30th January 1992       6,967,627              1,806,105                   3.86
30th July 1992          5,964,130              1,688,744                   3.53
28th January 1993       6,022,655              1,404,787                   4.29
29th July 1993          6,694,181              1,344,980                   4.97
27th January 1994       7,856,917              1,347,013                   5.83
28th July 1994          7,086,304              1,330,052                   5.33
26th January 1995       6,688,533              1,319,844                   5.07
27th July 1995          6,932,893              1,264,183                   5.49
1st February 1996       7,916,110              1,231,431                   6.43
31st July 1996          8,154,608              1,242,145                   6.56
30th January 1997       8,638,400              1,274,259                   6.78
31st July 1997          8,618,540              1,258,609                   6.85
29th January 1998       8,725,683              1,247,364                   7.00
30th July 1998          8,527,308              1,169,090                   7.29
28th January 1999       7,528,286              1,128,795                   6.67
29th July 1999          8,033,294              1,003,272                   8.00
27th January 2000      11,496,426              1,011,163                  11.37
27th July 2000         10,975,970              1,011,766                  10.85
1st February 2001      11,198,252              1,016,904                  10.76
26th July 2001          8,834,549              1,012,096                   8.61

Please contact Simon Dowling or Tim Ford if you would like more Information on 
the Equity Growth Fund or other services of the Cater Allen Group of Companies 
in Jersey.

Past performance is not a guide to the future; the price of shares and the 
income from them can go down as well as up.




Euro Income Bond Fund (-)

The Fund is invested primarily in securities, bonds, notes or negotiable
instruments issued or guaranteed by sovereign or corporate borrowers within the
OECD. The Fund aims to pay an attractive level of income while seeking to 
protect the capital value of the shares. 
Minimum investment: EUR 6,000 or Equivalent

Gilt Income Fund (-)

The  Fund seeks to offer capital security whilst aiming to pay a high level of
income, from investment in British Govemment Securities.
Minimum investment: #5,000.


Sterling Money Fund

The Fund is invested in a diversified range of high quality money market
investments to produce a wholesale money market return. This Fund operates as a
roll up Fund. Any income received on the Fund's investments will be accumulated
within the Fund and will not be distributed.
Minimum investment: #50,000

US Dollar Money Fund

The Fund is invested in a diversified range of high quality money market
investments to produce a wholesale money market return. This Fund operates as  a
roll up Fund. Any income received on the Fund's investments will be accumulated
within the Fund and will not he distributed.
Minimum investment. US $100,000.

Balanced Income and Growth Fund (-)

The Fund aims to provide long term 'real growth' of both capital and income,
combined with an above average yield. The Fund is invested in a balanced 
portfolio of high quality ordinary shares, fixed interest stocks, convertible
securities and collective investment funds.
Minimum investment: #5,000.

High Income Bond Fund (GBP) (-)

The Fund's objective is to offer a high level of income combined with the
security associated with a portfolio of high quality fixed interest investments.
The Fund is invested in Eurobonds and other fixed interest securities issued  by
governments and corporate bodies with a high credit rating, including British
Government Securities.
Minimum investment: #5,000.


The Fund aims to provide investors with long term capital growth from a
diversified portfolio of  mainly British equities of predominantly smaller  
companies and special situations.
Minimum investment: 100 shares

(-) Monthly investment scheme available.

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