RNS Number:0439Q
Game Group PLC
23 September 2003

                                                             23rd September 2003


             Interim Results for the six months ended 31 July 2003


Interim Results for the six months ended 31 July 2003

*  Turnover up 8% to #231m (#215m) with like for like sales down 0.3%

*  Gross Margin percentage maintained in competitive market

*  Half year profit, before goodwill amortisation, of #2.1m (#3.1m) - only the 
   4th time in the Group's history a profit has been achieved in the first half

*  23%* year to date growth in UK installed base of key hardware formats
   together with imminent release of strong titles augurs well for Christmas 

*  Interim dividend increased by 11% to 0.5p reflecting your Board's
   confidence in the prospects of the Group

Peter Lewis, Chairman said:-

"These are solid and reassuring results coming on top of last years' 50% sales
increase.  The stage is set for an exciting Christmas."

For further information please contact:

Martin Long, Chief Executive Designate & Chief Financial Officer
Lisa Morgan, Deputy Chief Executive Designate
Simon Soffe, Head of PR & Communication
The GAME Group                                                Tel: 01344 464515

Nic Bennett / Ben Foster / Charlie Armitstead
Financial Dynamics                                            Tel: 020 7831 3113

* source: ChartTrack (includes PS2/ Xbox/ Gamecube/ GBA/ SP)

Chairman's account to the owners for the six months to 31 July 2003

Dear Owner

For the second successive year, your seasonal business has achieved a first half
profit, with operating profit before goodwill amortisation of  #1.8m (#2.7m) and
pre-tax profit before goodwill amortisation of #2.1m (#3.1m).  The difference
from the previous year is almost wholly attributable to increased seasonal
losses in Europe of #1.5m (loss #0.6m) in line with expectations given the
significant increase in the store base.  We continue to increase our activities
in France, Spain and Sweden by organic growth and fully expect to see the
rewards of our investment in future years.

Group turnover increased by 8% to #231m (#215m), with like for like sales down
0.3% compared with a year ago when a 29% increase was recorded.  Gross margins
were marginally improved at 28.7% (28.5%).

The industry background has been relatively calm compared to the frenzy of
activity in the market in the first half of 2002, when we had the launch of the
Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Gamecube.  As such these results are very
satisfactory and the Board is proposing to increase the interim dividend by 11%
to 0.5p (0.45p), reaffirming its confidence in the future prospects for your

Your business in the period

In a comparatively quiet period for new products, the only notable hardware
launch was that of Gameboy SP at the end of March which made a useful
contribution to volume growth. We have seen some creditable performances from
software titles, but as a general rule there has been a shortage of major
software titles to take advantage of the ever increasing installed console base.
However, a whole host of blockbuster titles is now scheduled for the latter part
of the year.

As I reported to you in the 2003 Annual Accounts, your management team has
focussed attention on developing GAME's competitive advantages which are proving
effective in an increasingly challenging market place.  The improved preowned
programme, promotional product offers, the widest available product range,
emphasis on in-store service and local price competitiveness have all helped
increase our UK market share whilst securing a modest rise in the gross margin
percentage.  The continuing success of the GAME loyalty card is a reflection of
our customer appeal.  Current membership is 4.2m (3.3m) with the weekly sign-up
rate averaging 15,000 new customers.

At the end of July we traded from 518 stores, concessions and franchises
compared with 465 a year earlier:-

Stores trading at 31 July                            2003                       2002
Company Owned and concessions

UK                                                   340                        326
Europe                                               123                        78


Europe                                               55                         61

Total Outlets                                        518                        465

During the period there were 14 net new stores and with planned openings in all
territories in the second half of the year we expect to trade from over 540
outlets for Christmas, up from 507 outlets last year.

We have made headway in Europe during the year in enhancing the infrastructure
of our fledgling business.  In France in particular, a great deal of progress
has been made, with the store remodelling programme now well under way. The new
IT systems rollout is now complete and key new management appointments have been
made. In both Spain and Sweden our store opening programme has continued.

We reported on 28 February that last November's decision by the High Court to
maintain the Services Agreement between GAME and Electronics Boutique Inc ("EBI
"), had been upheld by the Court of Appeal.  Therefore, the agreement, which
essentially requires GAME to pay EBI 1% of its UK turnover, remains in effect.
It is due to expire in January 2006 with a current annual cost of circa. #5m.

Your Board continues to take a carefully measured approach to the operation of
GAME Digital where losses reduced to #0.5m (#0.8m). In the light of the slow
development of the online PC gaming market in the UK, the Board is undertaking a
review of its activities in this area with the intention of improving Group
profitability.  The cost implications of this review are not material.  It is
anticipated that the conclusion of this review will be announced at the time of
the Christmas trading statement in early January.


Capital expenditure of #13.2m (#8.7m) was dominated by the acquisition of
freehold land in Basingstoke for the new Distribution and Head Office facility
which is on schedule to be operational in the first half of next year.  Some
#9.0m of capital expenditure in the period was in respect of Basingstoke and
adequate bank finance has been put in place to facilitate construction.

During the period, #8.2m was spent on the purchase of 17.7m of our own shares
for cancellation at an average price of 46p.  Net cash outflow from operating
activities was #8.9m (#7.4m) and, as is seasonally customary, we expect to
generate strong positive cash flow in the second half of the year.

Staff & Management

Your staff and management at all levels have worked incredibly hard to hone and
deliver to customers our distinctive differences which have enabled GAME to
perform well in the face of new competitive challenges.  We thank them all.

Your Board

Mr Albert Scardino, non-executive director, has resigned to return to journalism
as a senior editor at a national news organisation.  His resignation is
effective 30 September.  We are grateful for his contribution to your Group's
affairs and wish him every success.  A new appointment will be made in due
course.  Christopher Bell has been appointed Chairman of the Remuneration

Current & Future Trading

In the 7 weeks to 20 September like for like sales were down 4% which is to be
expected given the shortage of major new releases this year, and last year's
price reduction of both Xbox and PlayStation 2 in August.  In the circumstances
this is a strong performance for the year to date and we continue to perform in
line with our expectations, but it is the Christmas season which matters.

The principle drivers for growth are the increase in the installed base of
machines (which prompts demand for software) and the quality of new software
titles (which spurs further consumer demand).

So far this year, strong new titles have been few and far between, but that will
change this Autumn with an impressive line-up of releases including:- Medal of
Honor: Rising Sun, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, FIFA football 2004
(all from Electronic Arts), True Crime: Streets of LA (Activision), Prince of
Persia: The Sands of Time and Rainbow six 3 (Ubisoft), Max Payne 2 (Take Two)
and Mario Kart Double Dash (Nintendo).

In contrast to the quiet period for software, in the first half hardware unit
sales have continued to grow.  The installed base for key hardware formats in
the UK has increased by 23%  since last December to a current total of 7.9m*.

This source of expanded demand coupled with strong new software releases makes
your Board confident of strong software sales this Christmas.  In addition we
expect, as traditionally experienced, to see consumer demand heightened by
further much welcomed price moves from console manufacturers.

Set against our optimism about the fundamentals of the strength of both the
industry as a whole and our business model, there needs to be an element of
caution about the potential impact on software margins of yet more competitive
pricing in the coming months.  Your Board has taken steps to ensure that your
Group is best prepared for the Christmas season and is cautiously confident of
making further satisfactory progress this year.

Peter Lewis

* source: ChartTrack (includes PS2/ Xbox/ Gamecube/ GBA/ SP)

Unaudited consolidated profit and loss account
for the six months ended 31 July 2003

                                                   Notes        Six months      Six months            Year
                                                                     ended           ended           ended
                                                                   31 July         31 July      31 January
                                                                      2003            2002            2003
                                                                 Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited

                                                                     #'000           #'000           #'000

Turnover                                                           231,015         214,664         560,065
Cost of sales                                                      164,710         153,388         402,910

Gross profit                                                        66,305          61,276         157,155
Other operating expenses                             1              67,358          61,779         130,786

Operating profit before goodwill

amortisation and re-branding costs                                   1,800           2,693          32,395
Goodwill amortisation                                              (2,853)         (3,196)         (5,923)
Re-branding costs                                                        -               -           (103)

Operating (loss)/profit                                            (1,053)           (503)          26,369
Net interest receivable                                                259             423             796

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                                                      (794)            (80)          27,165
Taxation on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities     2                 675           1,013          10,608

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities after
taxation                                                           (1,469)         (1,093)          16,557
Dividends                                            3               1,790           1,667           3,758

(Loss)/profit for the period                                       (3,259)         (2,760)          12,799

(Loss)/earnings per share      - basic               4             (0.40p)         (0.30p)           4.40p
                               - diluted             4             (0.40p)         (0.30p)           4.36p

Earnings per share before goodwill amortisation
                               - basic               4               0.38p           0.57p           5.98
                               - diluted             4               0.38p           0.56p           5.91p

Number of stores trading (including concessions)
At beginning of period                                                 449             389             389
At end of period                                                       463             404             449

Unaudited consolidated balance sheet
as at 31 July 2003

                                                   Notes               As at         As at             As at
                                                                     31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                        2003          2002              2003
                                                                   Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                       #'000         #'000             #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible                                           5                89,553       110,068            92,160
Tangible                                             6                42,350        30,346            41,742
Assets under construction                            7                 8,984             -                 -

                                                                     140,887       140,414           133,902

Current assets
Stocks                                                                43,610        39,249            38,205
Debtors                                              8                21,875        21,976            17,523
Cash at bank and in hand                                               8,862        15,652            37,972

                                                                      74,347        76,877            93,700

Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year                                  9                62,554        63,563            71,923

Net current assets                                                    11,793        13,314            21,777

Total assets less current liabilities                                152,680       153,728           155,679

Creditors: amounts falling due
after more than one year                            10                 7,925         4,466             1,361

Accruals and deferred income
Leasehold property incentives                                          1,592         1,457             1,733

Net assets                                                           143,163       147,805           152,585

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                               17,899        18,820            18,772
Share premium account                                                 38,625        37,680            38,513
Capital redemption reserve                                               935             -                50
Shares to be issued                                                        -        11,232                 -
Other reserves                                                        76,907        76,907            76,907
Profit and loss account                             11                 8,797         3,166            18,343

Equity shareholders' funds                                           143,163       147,805           152,585

Approved by the Board on 23 September 2003.

M Long

Unaudited consolidated cash flow statement
for the six months ended 31 July 2003

                                                   Notes          Six months    Six months              Year
                                                                       ended         ended             ended
                                                                     31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                        2003          2002              2003
                                                                   Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                       #'000         #'000             #'000

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating
activities                                          12               (8,868)       (7,384)            37,366

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance                                                               259           423               796

Taxation                                                             (4,965)       (4,429)          (10,648)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
                         - assets under construction                 (8,984)             -                 -
                         - other                                     (3,984)       (8,863)          (22,263)

Acquisitions                                                           (278)         (268)             (569)

Equity dividends paid                                                (2,065)       (1,482)           (3,175)

Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                              (28,885)      (22,003)             1,507

Financing        - share buyback                                     (8,218)             -             (310)
                 - other                                               8,025           803               303

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period           13              (29,078)      (21,200)             1,500

Notes to the interim results

1         Other operating expenses

                                                                 Six months    Six months              Year
                                                                      ended         ended             ended
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

Selling and distribution                                             52,997        47,932           100,974
Administrative expenses                                              11,508        10,651            23,889
Goodwill amortisation                                                 2,853         3,196             5,923

                                                                     67,358        61,779           130,786

2         Taxation

                                                                 Six months    Six months              Year
                                                                      ended         ended             ended
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000
Current year
UK corporation tax                                                    1,208         1,013            10,278
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                                   -             -              (23)
Overseas tax payable                                                      6             -                26

Total current tax                                                     1,214         1,013            10,281

Deferred tax:
Origination and reversal of timing                                    
differences                                                           (539)             -               327

                                                                        675         1,013            10,608

The UK corporation tax charge has been included at a corporation tax rate in
line with the previous year.

3         Dividends

                                                                 Six months    Six months              Year
                                                                      ended         ended             ended
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000
Ordinary dividends
Interim 0.50p per ordinary share (2002: 0.45p)                        1,790         1,667             1,693
Final 0.55p per ordinary share                                            -             -             2,065

                                                                      1,790         1,667             3,758

The interim dividend is payable on 28 November 2003 to shareholders on the
register on 7 November 2003.

4         (Loss)/earnings per share

The calculation of loss per share for the six months ended 31 July 2003 is based
on the loss after taxation of #1,469,000 (2002 interim: loss after taxation of
#1,093,000; full year: profit after taxation of #16,557,000)  The calculation of
the earnings per share before goodwill amortisation is based on a profit of
#1,384,000 (2002 interim: profit of #2,103,000; full year:  profit of
#22,480,000)  The calculation of basic loss per share is based on a weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period of 363,823,016 (2002
interim: 370,399,899; full year: 376,009,811).  The calculation of diluted loss
per share is based on a weighted average number of shares in issue during the
period of 364,621,789 (2002 interim: 375,144,225; full year 380,174,783).

Reconciliation of denominators used for basic and diluted loss per share
                                                                                Effect of
                                                                      Basic       options           Diluted
                                                                     Number        Number            Number

31 July 2003                                                    363,823,016       798,773       364,621,789
31 July 2002                                                    370,399,899     4,744,326       375,144,225
31 January 2003                                                 376,009,811     4,164,972       380,174,783

5         Goodwill

                                                                      As at         As at             As at
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited
                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

Net book value at beginning of period                                92,160       112,720           112,720
Amortisation for period                                             (2,853)       (3,196)           (5,923)
Other movements                                                         246           544          (14,637)

Net book value at end of period                                      89,553       110,068            92,160

Goodwill arising on acquisitions of subsidiary undertakings is capitalised as an
intangible fixed asset and either amortised over the useful life, when this can
be identified, or amortised over a period of 20 years or less.

6         Tangible fixed assets

                                                                      As at         As at             As at
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited
                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000
At beginning of period                                               73,787        61,593            61,593
Acquisitions                                                             25            35                60
Additions                                                             4,187         8,683            22,794
Fair value adjustment                                                     -             -               817
Foreign exchange adjustment                                           1,292           170               480
Disposals                                                           (1,018)       (6,375)          (11,957)

At end of period                                                     78,273        64,106            73,787

At beginning of period                                               32,045        35,618            35,618
Acquisitions                                                              -             -                 -
Charge for the period                                                 4,545         4,152             7,862
Foreign exchange adjustment                                             276            51               146
Disposals                                                             (943)       (6,061)          (11,581)

At  end of  period                                                   35,923        33,760            32,045

Net book value                                                       42,350        30,346            41,742

7         Assets under construction

Assets under construction comprises the purchase of land at Basingstoke, and
construction costs to date, in relation to the new Distribution facility and
Head Office, which is expected to be completed in early 2004.

8         Debtors

                                                                      As at         As at             As at
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

Amounts falling due within one year:

Trade debtors                                                         2,541         4,912             4,224
Other debtors                                                         1,676           536             2,211
VAT                                                                     896           541               672
Corporation tax                                                         134           157               137
Deferred tax asset                                                    1,694         1,152             1,155
Prepayments and accrued income (principally rent                     14,934        14,678             9,124
& rates)

                                                                     21,875        21,976            17,523

9         Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

                                                                      As at         As at             As at
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited
                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

Bank overdraft                                                          555           967               587
Bank loans                                                            2,045         1,070               936
Other loans                                                             496             -                 -
Trade creditors                                                      34,138        33,239            32,396
Other creditors                                                       1,291           850               746
Taxation and social security costs                                    1,906         1,330             1,905
VAT payable                                                           3,664         4,914            13,963
Dividends payable                                                     1,790         1,667             2,065
Corporation tax                                                       1,331         2,094             5,085
Obligations under finance leases and hire
purchase contracts
                                                                        533           536               533
Accruals and deferred income                                         14,805        16,646            13,707
Deferred consideration                                                    -           250                 -

                                                                     62,554        63,563            71,923

10     Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                                                      As at         As at             As at
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited
                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

Deferred consideration                                                    -         3,022                 -
Bank loans                                                            7,168             -                 -
Other loans                                                             495         1,020               991
Obligations under finance leases and hire
purchase contracts                                                      262           424               370

                                                                      7,925         4,466             1,361

11     Profit and loss account

The reduction in the profit and loss account, from the 31 January 2003 to the 31
July 2003, is explained by the loss for the period of #3,259,000, the share
buyback of #8,218,000 and foreign exchange movements of #1,931,000.

12     Reconciliation of operating (loss)/ profit to net cash (outflow)/ inflow
       from operating activities

                                                                 Six months    Six months              Year
                                                                      ended         ended             ended
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

Operating (loss)/profit                                             (1,053)         (503)            26,369
Amortisation of intangible assets                                     2,853         3,196             5,923
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                                71           308               184
Depreciation                                                          4,545         4,152             7,862
Foreign exchange loss on non-monetary                                    
assets                                                                    -            91                 -
Increase in stocks                                                  (5,275)       (1,419)             (806)
Increase in debtors                                                 (3,816)       (6,566)           (1,995)
Decrease in creditors                                               (6,052)       (6,951)             (755)
(Decrease)/ increase in leasehold                                     
property incentives                                                   (141)           308               584

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating                            
activities                                                          (8,868)       (7,384)            37,366

13     Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net (debt)/ funds

                                                                 Six months    Six months              Year
                                                                      Ended         ended             Ended
                                                                    31 July       31 July        31 January
                                                                       2003          2002              2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited           Audited

                                                                      #'000         #'000             #'000

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                          (29,078)      (21,200)             1,500
Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/
decrease in debt and lease financing                                (7,901)           714             1,239

Change in net funds resulting from cash                            (36,979)      (20,486)             2,739

New finance leases                                                    (199)          (45)             (339)
Deferred consideration on acquisitions                                    -             -             3,500
Translation differences                                                (69)          (64)              (75)

Movement in net funds in the period                                (37,247)      (20,595)             5,825

Net funds at start of period                                         34,783        28,958            28,958

Net (debt)/ funds at end of period                                  (2,464)         8,363            34,783

This interim report was approved by the Board of Directors on 23 September 2003.

The interim financial information has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 January

The interim financial information does not comprise statutory accounts as
defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2003 is an extract from
the latest group accounts.  The accounts received an unqualified auditor's
report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

Copies of this Interim Report are being posted to shareholders and are available
from the Company's office at Link House, Ellesfield Avenue, Bracknell, Berkshire
RG12 8TB.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange