RNS Number:6338D
Virotec International PLC
11 September 2007

                                INTERIM RESULTS

                       FOR THE SIX MONTHS TO 30 JUNE 2007

During the six months ended 30 June 2007, Virotec International plc ("Virotec"
or the "Company") has continued to operate in three main regions - Australia and
Asia, Europe and USA.

In Australia, the Group's environmental remediation company posted record months
in April and May in terms of revenue and profitability. Australia and Asia are
markets where Virotec has operated the longest and have been the proving ground
for our core Technologies, developing the various environmental remediation and
waste treatment applications and proving their commercial acceptance and
viability. This company was profitable last year and continues to increase both
its revenue and profitability.

In Europe, the main focus to date has been in the United Kingdom. Initially,
Virotec targeted water companies with its ViroFilterTM Technology for phosphate
removal from municipal wastewater. This Technology had been successfully
trialled by an independent body, the Water Research Council and has now been
verified by one of the country's largest water companies. Now Virotec is working
with a number of water companies, and has recently announced a significant
municipal wastewater project to be implemented in the next few months. Due to
customer budgetary cycles, this part of the market has taken longer than
expected to penetrate. During the period, a new general manager for UK
operations was appointed, and the business has been refocused on other areas of
waste treatment, including hazardous solids waste management, that have had
successfully exploited in Australia and which are expected to generate a faster
return in the UK.

The USA is our largest target market and three key industries have been
identified for near-term focus by Virotec.

1. Drinking Water from Wells - Virotec has spent a significant amount of time
addressing the regulatory issues associated with drinking water, particularly
where contaminants include radium, uranium, gross alpha and/or arsenic. Support
from regulators is encouraging and it is expected that this market will grow
significantly over the next 12 months. The initial focus has been radium in
drinking water, where in South Carolina alone we have been advised there are
over 500 wells that require some level of radium treatment. This problem exists
in a number of states (Virotec is at different stages of negotiations with
companies in seven states) and to date, four wells have contracted to use our
ViroFlowTM Technology solution. The first customer is now on line, and our sales
effort has increased in this regard. Virotec expects that more wells will be
signed up progressively throughout the remainder of the year (and beyond).

2. Phosphate Removal from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) Lagoons -
In June 2007, Virotec was contracted to treat 13 lagoons for the largest hog
farmer in the world. The treatments have been completed and the results are
currently being monitored. Once this monitoring has been completed, it is
expected that further contracts to treat additional lagoons will follow. These
results will allow part of our ongoing sales efforts to target other CAFOs.
Again, Virotec is encouraged that the regulators are cracking down on phosphate
discharge limits in waterways, and Virotec has demonstrated an effective
solution to this growing problem.

3. Wastewater Treatment Plants - To date four wastewater treatment plants have
been contracted to use ViroFlowTM Technology to treat their waste lagoons for
phosphate and odour reduction. These treatments have been successful and Virotec
now has important reference sites to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
Technology to other companies.

Virotec operates in areas where regulatory approvals and customer acceptance
take time to obtain. These approvals have taken longer than the Company
expected, however now that these milestones have been achieved, Virotec is
focussed on the commercial roll out of its products and services.

Looking to the financial results for the six months to June 2007, Virotec
recorded a loss of AUD$6.0 million. This compares to a profit of AUD$2.8 million
for the corresponding period to June 2006, which included substantial revenue
(of AUD$12.2 million) for the sub-licence and sale of non-core technologies to
The Greenhouse Fund Limited. When the effect of this transaction is removed from
the prior period to produce a like comparative, the result becomes a loss for
the period to June 2006 of AUD$9.2 million.

Revenue derived from Virotec's environmental remediation operations has
continued to increase period-on-period, with a 31% increase over the six months
to December 2006 and 504% over the six months to June 2006 (after adjusting for
the revenue from the Greenhouse transaction noted above). Although these revenue
numbers are modest, the Directors of the Company are satisfied that they
evidence growing acceptance of Virotec's Technologies with successful
implementation of many projects, and this success underpins the substantial
potential for further growth.

As the result of sub-licences and sales of technologies by Virotec over the last
few years, including the transaction with The Greenhouse Fund noted above,
Virotec retains shareholdings in The Greenhouse Fund and the HydroDec Group plc,
with market values of AUD$8.5 million and AUD$34.7 million respectively at 30
June 2007. In addition, Virotec is entitled to royalties from revenue earned
from the exploitation of certain technologies, and during the period the first
of these royalties have been earned.

The Directors have never been more confident of the benefits of our products and
services and that we provide the only viable solution for a number of key
environmental problems is a key to our continued success. As the development of
our Technologies and regulatory sign offs are now completed, the Directors
believe it is only a matter of time before the Technologies will gain even wider
market acceptance.

Brian Sheeran
11 September 2007

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 2007

                                        Unaudited        Unaudited       
                                     30 June 2007     30 June 2006   31 Dec 2006
                                         AUD$'000        AUD$'000       AUD$'000
  Property, plant and equipment             5,886           4,161         6,019
  Investments in equity accounted           4,618           6,719         5,396
  Investments                               8,499          10,978         9,680
  Receivables                                 529             521           521
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total non-current assets                 19,532          22,379        21,616
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Inventories                               1,251           1,360         1,475
  Trade and other receivables               1,971             440         1,955
  Cash and cash equivalents                 4,062          10,812         3,283
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total current assets                      7,284          12,612         6,713
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total assets                             26,816          34,991        28,329
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Share capital                             6,535               -         5,959
  Reserves                                109,493         110,126       105,944
  Retained deficit                        (92,734)        (77,149)      (86,890)
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total equity attributable to             23,294          32,977        25,013
  equity holders of the Company
  Minority interest                             -              47             -
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total equity                             23,294          33,024        25,013
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Interest-bearing loans and                  184               2           551
  Provisions                                  690             670           690
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total non-current liabilities               874             672         1,241
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Interest-bearing loans and                  160              22           139
  Trade and other payables                  2,237           1,062         1,705
  Employee benefits                           226             161           206
  Provisions                                   25              50            25
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total current liabilities                 2,648           1,295         2,075
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total liabilities                         3,522           1,967         3,316
                                         ---------       ---------      --------
  Total equity and liabilities             26,816          34,991        28,329
                                         ---------       ---------      --------

Consolidated Income Statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2007

                             Unaudited           Unaudited       
                      six months ended    six months ended     Six months ended       
                          30 June 2007        30 June 2006     31 December 2006
                             AUD $'000           AUD $'000            AUD $'000

Revenue                          2,061              12,539                1,570
Cost of sales                     (906)               (520)              (1,053)
                              ---------           ---------            ---------
Gross profit                     1,155               12,019                 517

Other income                        46                   17                  33
Sales and marketing expenses    (1,633)              (1,091)             (2,681)
Administrative expenses         (5,148)              (7,397)             (4,195)
                              ---------            ---------           ---------
Loss from operating             (5,580)               3,548              (6,326)
activities                    ---------            ---------           ---------

Financial  income                   99                  456                 204
Financial expenses                 (18)                  (2)                (31)
                              ---------            ---------           ---------
Net financing income                81                  454                 173
                              ---------            ---------           ---------
Share of loss  of associate       (515)              (1,219)             (1,412)
                              ---------            ---------           ---------
Loss before tax                 (6,014)               2,783              (7,565)
Taxation                             -                    -                   -
                               --------            ---------           ---------
Loss after  tax                 (6,014)               2,783              (7,565)
                               --------            ---------           ---------

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent    (6,014)               3,056              (7,565)
Minority                             -                 (273)                  -
                              ---------            ---------            --------
Loss for the period             (6,014)               2,783              (7,565)
                              ---------            ---------            --------

Earnings per ordinary share:
Basic earnings per share (AUD$)  (0.02)               0.012              (0.032)
                              ---------            ---------           ---------
Diluted earnings per share (AUD$)(0.02)               0.012              (0.032)
                              ---------            ---------           ---------

Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense

                            Unaudited            Unaudited       
                      six months ended    six months ended     Six months ended       
                          30 June 2007        30 June 2006     31 December 2006
                             AUD $'000           AUD $'000            AUD $'000
Foreign currency translation    (1,014)                466                 (420)
differences for foreign operations
Net change in fair value of       (885)               (558)              (1,298)
financial assets              ---------           ---------           ---------
Income and expense recognised   (1,899)                (92)              (1,718)
directly in equity
Loss for the period             (6,014)              2,783               (7,565)
                              ---------           ---------            ---------
Total recognised income         (7,913)              2,691               (9,283)
and expense for the period    ---------           ---------            ---------

Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Company   (7,913)              2,964               (9,283)
Minority interest                    -                (273)                  -
                              ---------           ---------            ---------
Total recognised  income        (7,913)              2,691               (9,283)
and expense for the period    ---------           ---------            ---------

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                                Unaudited  Unaudited       
                                               six months six months  Six months 
                                                    ended      ended       ended
                                                  30 June    30 June 31 December 
                                                     2007       2006       2006
                                                AUD $'000  AUD $'000   AUD $'000
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash receipts in the course of operations          2,360      2,289      1,035
Cash payments in the course of operations         (5,634)    (6,248)    (7,049)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------
Cash generated from operations                    (3,274)    (3,959)    (6,014)
Interest received                                     99        441        205
Interest paid                                        (18)        (3)       (11)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash from operating activities                (3,193)    (3,521)    (5,820)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------

Cash flows from investing activities
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and             46         11         20
Proceeds from sale of investment                       -        503          -
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment        (495)    (1,903)    (2,395)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash from investing activities                  (449)    (1,389)    (2,375)
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from the issue of share capital           4,984          -          -
Share issue costs                                   (216)         -          -
Increase/(decrease) in borrowings                   (347)         -        666
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------
Net cash from financing activities                 4,421          -        666
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash             779     (4,910)    (7,529)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January             3,283     15,722     10,812
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June               4,062     10,812      3,283
                                                 ---------  ---------  ---------

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements


    Virotec International plc (the "Company") is a company domiciled in England.
    The address of the Company's registered office is Bioscience Centre,
    International Centre for Life, Times Square, Newcastle, England. The
    consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the period
    ended 30 June 2007 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together
    referred to as the "Group") and the Group's interest in associates. The
    Group primarily is involved in the provision of environmental services.
    On 25 August 2006, the Company became the holding company of Virotec
    International Ltd. The former Virotec International Ltd shareholders were
    issued new shares in the Company on a one-for-one basis under the terms of
    the Scheme of Arrangement (the "Scheme") approved by Virotec International
    Ltd shareholders. Immediately following the Scheme, the former shareholders
    of Virotec International Ltd held the same economic interest in Virotec
    International plc as they held in Virotec International Ltd immediately
    prior to its implementation.
    Accordingly, the acquisition of Virotec International Ltd via the Scheme has
    been accounted for as a reverse acquisition under IFRS3 "Business
    Combinations". For accounting purposes in a reverse acquisition, the
    acquirer (Virotec International Ltd) is the entity whose equity interests
    have been acquired and the issuing entity (Virotec International plc) is the
    acquiree. The effect of this is that the financial statements of the
    combined group represent a continuation of Virotec International Ltd's
    financial statements.
    Virotec International plc, together with is subsidiaries, is referred to as
    the "Group". Consolidated financial information has been presented for the
    Group for the six month periods ended 30 June 2007, 31 December 2006 and 30
    June 2006.

    The interim consolidated financial statements for the six months ended 30
    June 2007 have been prepared under applicable International Financial
    Reporting Standards adopted by the European Union ("IFRS") which include
    International Accounting Standards and interpretations issued by the
    International Accounting Standards Board and its committees, which are
    expected to be endorsed by the European Union.
    This interim financial information has been prepared on the historical cost
    basis, except for financial assets available for sale which are held at fair
    value. The accounting policies applied are consistent with those adopted and
    disclosed in the annual financial statements for the period ended 31
    December 2006. The financial information for the comparative six months
    ended 30 June 2006 was prepared under Australian Accounting Standards
    (AASBs), IFRS form the basis of AASBs and no adjustment to the comparative
    information has been necessary as no material differences have been
    The financial information included in this document does not comprise
    statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies act
    1985.  The comparative figures for the financial period ended 31 December
    2006 are extracted from the statutory financial statements for that period
    which have been filed with he Registrar of Companies and on which the
    auditor gave an unqualified report, without any statement under section 237
    (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    The financial information is unaudited and has not been reviewed by the


    Business segments

    The Group operates within one business segment of environmental services -
    the provision of solutions to industry for the treatment of contaminated
    water and soil. Previously the Group has also operated in the business
    segment of research and development into different applications, but has
    stopped this work since June 2006 when all non-core technologies were sold
    to the Greenhouse Fund Limited. All research and development work conducted
    during the period relates to the core business of the Group, being the
    provision of solutions for environmental problems.
   The Group also retains mining tenements, however as they represent less
   than 10% of the Group's assets, are not considered significant, and are
   therefore not reported separately.

   Geographical segments

   The environmental services segment is managed on a worldwide basis, and
   operates in three principal geographical areas:
   -          Australia, Asia and the Middle East;
   -          Europe; and
   -          North America.

   In presenting information on the basis of geographical segments, segment
   revenue is based on the geographical location of customers.  Segment assets
   are based on the geographical location of the assets.

                    Australia, Asia    North America     Europe     Consolidated
                    and Middle East
                           AUD$'000         AUD$'000   AUD$'000         AUD$'000
30 June 2007

Revenue                       1,374              490         197           2,061
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------
Segment assets               10,972            5,484      11,100          27,556
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------
Capital Expenditure             133              332          30             495
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------

30 June 2006

Revenue                      12,327               15         197          12,539
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------
Segment assets               29,634            3,601       1,756          34,991
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------
CapitalExpenditure              255            1,630          18           1,903
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------

31 December 2006

Revenue                         890              127         553           1,570
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------
Segment assets               19,913            6,418       1,998          28,329
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------
Capital Expenditure              76            2,283          36           2,395
                          ---------         --------   ---------        --------


    Issues                    Number of      Nominal      Merger  Share Premium 
                        Ordinary Shares        Value     Reserve        Reserve           
                                            AUD$'000    AUD$'000       AUD$'000
    Issued on incorporation          2             -          -              -
    Shares issued to acquire Virotec
    International Ltd      240,162,440         5,959      96,417             -
                             ---------       -------    --------       --------
    Balance at 31 December 
    2006                   240,162,442        5,959      96,417             -
                             ---------       -------    --------       --------

    Shares issued under     17,350,000           415           -         4,569
    a placing agreement at
    12p per share
    Shares issued under      6,655,789           161           -         3,798
    executive incentive
    agreements at
    14p per share
    Capital raising costs            -             -           -          (216)
                             ---------       -------    --------       --------
    Balance at 30      
    June 2007              264,168,231         6,535      96,417          8,151
                             ---------       -------    --------       --------

    Authorised issued and fully paid share capital
                                           30 June 2007 30 June 2006 31 Dec 2006
                                               AUD$'000     AUD$'000    AUD$'000
Authorised share capital
900,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each            22,332     22,332     22,332
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------

Called up, allotted and fully paid 264,168,231     6,535          -      5,959
ordinary shares of 1p each                      ----------  ---------  ---------

As at 30 June 2007 the Company has also granted a total of 16,480,000 options.
(30 June 2006: 11,460,000 options).

          Share  Merger Share   Trans- Fair  Share Retained Total Minority Total         
        capital reserve premium lation value  based earnings     interest equity
                        reserve reservereservepayments 
                  AUD    AUD   AUD   AUD   AUD    AUD     AUD    AUD   AUD   AUD
                $'000  $'000 $'000 $'000 $'000  $'000   $'000  $'000 $'000 $'000
Effect of           - 102,376    - 155      -   7,595 (77,149) 32,977  47 33,024
Prior period        -       -    -   -      -   2,176  (2,176)*    -   -      -
Total               -       -    -(420)(1,298)      -  (7,565)(9,283)(47)(9,330)
recognised                                                        **
income and
expense                                                                      -
Equity settled      -       -    -    -      -   1,319       -  1,319   -  1,319
Share issues    5,959  (5,959)   -    -      -       -       -      -   -      -
Balance at 31   5,959  96,417    - (265)(1,298) 11,090 (86,890) 25,013  - 25,013
Total               -       -    -(1,014)(885)       -  (6,014)(7,913) - (7,913)
income and
Equity settled      -       -    -     -    -    1,426      -   1,426  -   1,426
Share issues      576       - 8,367    -    -   (4,129)   170   4,984  -   4,984
Capital             -       - (216)    -    -        -      -   (216)  -   (216)
costs         ------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance at 30   6,535 96,417 8,151(1,279)(2,183) 8,387 (92,734)23,294  -  23,294
June 2007

      *  Previous year adjustment relating to an IFRS conversion error.
      ** Minority interest no longer recognised as related entity has moved
         into net liabilities.


   Profit attributable to ordinary shareholders

                                        Six Months    Six Months     Six Months
                                             ended         ended          ended  
                                         June 2007  30 June 2006    31 Dec 2006
                                          AUD$'000      AUD$'000       AUD$'000

  Loss for the period                       (6,014)        2,783         (7,565)
                                         ----------    ----------     ----------
  Loss attributable to ordinary             (6,014)        3,056         (7,565)
  shareholders                           ----------    ----------     ----------

   Weighted average number of ordinary shares

                                            Number        Number        Number
  Weighted average number of ordinary  250,312,825   240,162,442    240,162,442
  shares used in the calculation of     
  basic earnings per share              ----------    ----------      ----------
  The options noted above are potential ordinary shares which were not
  considered dilutive at 30 June 2007, 31 December 2006 or 30 June 2006.

                           VIROTEC INTERNATIONAL PLC
                              Company No. 5796515
                               Bioscience Centre
                         International Centre for Life
                                  Times Square
                          Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4EP

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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