Washington, D.C. 20549
For the month of August, 2024
Commission File Number: 001-38027
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)
100 Queen’s Quay East, 22nd Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Address of principal executive office)
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Form 20-F Form 40-F
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Exhibits 99.1 and 99.2 to this report of a Foreign Private Issuer on Form 6-K are deemed filed for all purposes under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.  

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Canada Goose Holdings Inc.
 By: /s/ Neil Bowden
 Name: Neil Bowden
 Title: Chief Financial Officer
Date: August 1, 2024  

Canada Goose Holdings Inc.
Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
As at and for the first quarter ended
June 30, 2024 and July 2, 2023

Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Loss
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts)
First quarter ended
 NotesJune 30,
July 2,
Revenue388.1 84.8 
Cost of sales635.5 29.6 
Gross profit52.6 55.2 
Selling, general & administrative expenses149.5 154.9 
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)
Net interest, finance and other costs103.2 14.5 
Loss before income taxes(100.1)(114.2)
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company(77.4)(81.1)
Non-controlling interest3.4 (3.9)
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Loss per share attributable to shareholders of the Company
Basic and diluted4$(0.80)$(0.78)
The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Loss
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts)
First quarter ended
 NotesJune 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Other comprehensive loss
Items that may be reclassified to earnings, net of tax:
Cumulative translation adjustment gain (loss) 5.4 (2.4)
Net (loss) gain on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges15(1.1)9.8 
Reclassification of net gain on cash flow hedges to income15(0.1)(0.5)
Other comprehensive income4.2 6.9 
Comprehensive loss(69.8)(78.1)
Attributable to:
 Shareholders of the Company(73.2)(73.8)
 Non-controlling interest3.4 (4.3)
Comprehensive loss(69.8)(78.1)
The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
NotesJune 30,
July 2,
March 31,
 $$ $
Current assets
Cash61.9 48.0 144.9 
Trade receivables550.4 50.9 70.4 
Inventories6484.3 522.1 445.2 
Income taxes receivable31.0 6.6 28.0 
Other current assets1457.4 76.9 52.3 
Total current assets685.0 704.5 740.8 
Deferred income taxes96.8 92.5 76.3 
Property, plant and equipment165.7 172.0 171.8 
Intangible assets133.6 133.1 135.1 
Right-of-use assets7293.8 281.3 279.8 
Goodwill70.4 62.8 70.8 
Other long-term assets145.4 12.3 7.0 
Total assets1,450.7 1,458.5 1,481.6 
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities8, 14144.3 178.6 177.7 
Provisions2, 940.8 37.7 49.1 
Income taxes payable15.2 9.6 16.8 
Short-term borrowings1036.8 48.4 9.4 
Current portion of lease liabilities782.5 75.3 79.9 
Total current liabilities319.6 349.6 332.9 
Provisions2, 914.6 12.8 14.3 
Deferred income taxes10.7 12.3 17.2 
Revolving Facility1053.3 — — 
Term Loan10391.5 383.0 388.5 
Lease liabilities7262.2 252.6 250.6 
Other long-term liabilities1443.4 62.6 54.6 
Total liabilities1,095.3 1,072.9 1,058.1 
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company345.5 381.9 417.0 
Non-controlling interests9.9 3.7 6.5 
Total equity355.4 385.6 423.5 
Total liabilities and equity1,450.7 1,458.5 1,481.6 
The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Changes in Equity
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
Share capitalContributed surplusRetained earningsAccumulated other comprehensive incomeTotal attributable to shareholders Non-controlling interestTotal
NotesMultiple voting sharesSubordinate voting sharesTotal
 $ $ $ $ $ $$$ $
Balance at March 31, 20241.4 103.5 104.9 54.4 252.5 5.2 417.0 6.5 423.5 
Tax on normal course issuer bid purchase of subordinate voting shares in fiscal 20242— — — — (0.6)— (0.6)— (0.6)
Issuance of shares11— 3.9 3.9 (3.9)— — — — — 
Net (loss) income— — — — (77.4)— (77.4)3.4 (74.0)
Other comprehensive income— — — — — 4.2 4.2 — 4.2 
Share-based payment12— — — 2.3 — — 2.3 — 2.3 
Balance at June 30, 20241.4 107.4 108.8 52.8 174.5 9.4 345.5 9.9 355.4 
Balance at April 2, 20231.4 117.3 118.7 28.5 316.5 5.8 469.5 8.0 477.5 
Normal course issuer bid purchase of subordinate voting shares11— (2.6)(2.6)— (23.7)— (26.3)— (26.3)
Liability to broker under automatic share purchase plan11— — — 10.0 — — 10.0 — 10.0 
Issuance of shares11— 3.8 3.8 (3.8)— — — — — 
Net loss— — — — (81.1)— (81.1)(3.9)(85.0)
Other comprehensive income (loss)— — — — — 7.3 7.3 (0.4)6.9 
Share-based payment12— — — 2.5 — — 2.5 — 2.5 
Balance at July 2, 20231.4 118.5 119.9 37.2 211.7 13.1 381.9 3.7 385.6 
The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
First quarter ended
NotesJune 30,
July 2,
 $ $
Operating activities
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Items not affecting cash:
Depreciation and amortization32.7 29.2 
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Interest expense1011.8 7.4 
Foreign exchange gain(1.9)(4.7)
Gain on disposal of assets— (0.1)
Share-based payment122.2 2.5 
Remeasurement of put option 142.1 8.1 
Remeasurement of contingent consideration 14(10.7)(1.0)
Changes in non-cash operating items16(63.1)(98.9)
Income taxes paid(5.4)(30.1)
Interest paid(10.5)(7.5)
Net cash used in operating activities(142.9)(209.3)
Investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment(2.2)(5.2)
Investment in intangible assets— (0.2)
Initial direct costs of right-of-use assets7(0.1)(0.3)
Net cash used in investing activities(2.3)(5.7)
Financing activities
Mainland China Facilities borrowings1016.6 12.6 
Japan Facility borrowings1010.8 8.3 
Term Loan repayments10(1.0)(1.0)
Revolving Facility borrowings1054.3 — 
Transaction costs on financing activities10(0.2)— 
Normal course issuer bid purchase of subordinate voting shares11— (27.5)
Principal payments on lease liabilities7(20.8)(13.4)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities59.7 (21.0)
Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash2.5 (2.5)
Decrease in cash(83.0)(238.5)
Cash, beginning of period144.9 286.5 
Cash, end of period61.9 48.0 
The accompanying notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Note 1.     The Company
Canada Goose Holdings Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) design, manufacture, and sell performance luxury apparel for men, women, youth, children, and babies. The Company’s product offerings include various styles of heavyweight down and lightweight down jackets, rain and everyday jackets, fleece, vests, apparel, footwear, and accessories for the fall, winter, and spring seasons. The Company’s head office is located at 100 Queens Quay East, Toronto, Canada, M5E 1V3. The use of the terms “Canada Goose”, “we”, and “our” throughout these notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements ("Interim Financial Statements") refer to the Company.
Canada Goose is a public company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol “GOOS”. The principal shareholders of the Company are investment funds advised by Bain Capital LP and its affiliates (“Bain Capital”), and DTR LLC ("DTR"), an entity indirectly controlled by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. The principal shareholders hold multiple voting shares representing 52.7% of the total shares outstanding as at June 30, 2024, or 91.8% of the combined voting power of the total voting shares outstanding. Subordinate voting shares that trade on public markets represent 47.3% of the total shares outstanding as at June 30, 2024, or 8.2% of the combined voting power of the total voting shares outstanding.
Statement of compliance
The Interim Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). Certain information, which is considered material to the understanding of the Interim Financial Statements and is normally included in the audited annual consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as issued by the IASB, is not provided in these notes. These Interim Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the Company's audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024.
The Interim Financial Statements were authorized for issuance in accordance with a resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors on July 31, 2024.
Fiscal year
The Company's fiscal year is a 52 or 53-week reporting cycle with the fiscal year ending on the Sunday closest to March 31. Each fiscal quarter is 13 weeks for a 52-week fiscal year. Fiscal 2025 is a 52-week fiscal year.
Operating segments
The Company classifies its business in three operating and reportable segments: Direct-to-Consumer ("DTC"), Wholesale, and Other. The DTC segment comprises sales through country-specific e-Commerce platforms available across numerous markets, which includes the recommerce platform Canada Goose Generations, currently available in the United States and Canada, and our Company-owned retail stores located in luxury shopping locations.
The Wholesale segment comprises sales made to a mix of retailers and international distributors, who are partners that have exclusive rights to an entire market, and travel retail locations.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
The Other segment comprises revenue and costs that are not related to the Company’s DTC or Wholesale segments, such as sales to employees, friends and family sales, and results from the Paola Confectii business.
Our business is seasonal, and we have historically realized a significant portion of our Wholesale revenue and operating income in the second and third quarters of the fiscal year and DTC revenue and operating income in the third and fourth quarters of the fiscal year. Thus, lower-than-expected revenue in these periods could have an adverse impact on our annual operating results.
Cash flows from operating activities are typically highest in the third and fourth quarters of the fiscal year due to revenue from the DTC segment and the collection of trade receivables from Wholesale revenue earlier in the year. Working capital requirements typically increase as inventory builds. Borrowings have historically increased in the first and second quarters and been repaid in the third quarter of the fiscal year.
Note 2.    Material accounting policy information
Basis of presentation
The accounting policies and critical accounting estimates and judgments as disclosed in the Company's audited annual financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2024 have been applied consistently in the preparation of these Interim Financial Statements except as noted below. The Interim Financial Statements are presented in Canadian dollars, the Company’s functional and presentation currency.
As at March 31, 2024, the Company amended the allocation basis for certain selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses between the operating segments to provide more relevant information on financial performance of each operating segment. The reclassification did not impact net income, earnings per share, or the consolidated statements of financial position in the comparative year. Comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year presentation.
Principles of consolidation
The Interim Financial Statements include the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries and those investments over which the Company has control. All intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Standards issued and not yet adopted
Certain new standards, amendments, and interpretations to existing IFRS standards have been published but are not yet effective and have not been adopted early by the Company. Management anticipates that pronouncements will be adopted in the Company’s accounting policy for the first period beginning after the effective date of the pronouncement.
Standards issued and adopted
In January 2020, the IASB issued an amendment to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements to clarify its requirements for the presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position. The limited scope amendment affected only the presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position and not the amount or timing of its recognition. The amendment clarified that the classification of liabilities as current or non-current is based on rights that are in existence at the end of the reporting period and specified that classification is unaffected by expectations about whether an entity will exercise its right to defer settlement of a liability. It also introduced a definition of ‘settlement’ to make clear that settlement refers to the transfer to the counterparty of cash, equity instruments, other assets or services. On October 31, 2022, the IASB issued Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants (Amendments to IAS 1). These amendments specify that covenants to be complied with after the reporting date do not affect the classification of debt as current or non-current at the reporting date. These amendments are effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024.
The adoption of the amendments was recognized as a change in accounting policy in accordance with IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors ("IAS 8"). The Company amended the existing accounting policies related to its presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position as at April 1, 2024. The Company assessed the impact of the amendments and identified $23.0m of liabilities at the date of adoption, recognized as long-term liabilities on the provisions line related to warranty that can no longer be classified as such in accordance with the amendments. As a result, this balance was reclassified to current liabilities on the provisions line in the statement of financial position.
In accordance with IAS 8, retrospective application is required for accounting policy changes and comparative financial information was restated in the statement of financial position. As a result, $21.4m and $23.0m was reclassified from long-term provisions to current provisions for July 2, 2023 and March 31, 2024, respectively.
In May 2023, the IASB issued International Tax Reform, Pillar Two Model Rules, Amendments to IAS 12, Income Taxes (the “Amendments”). The Amendments provide the Company with an exception from recognition and disclosure requirements for deferred tax assets and liabilities arising from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD") Pillar Two international tax reform.
The Company is within the scope of the OECD Pillar Two rules. Under these rules, Canada Goose Holdings Inc., (the parent entity of Canada Goose Inc.) will be generally required to pay in Canada a top-up tax on profits of its subsidiaries that are taxed at an effective tax rate (determined in accordance with the Canadian Pillar Two rules) of less than 15%, unless the jurisdiction of incorporation have implemented similar legislation. On June 20, 2024, Pillar Two legislation was enacted in Canada. These rules apply to the Company from April 1, 2024.
An assessment of the potential exposure to Pillar Two income taxes has been performed. Based on this assessment, the Company does not estimate a significant tax impact to arise from this new regulation. The Company continues to monitor legislative action in the jurisdictions in which it operates and to refine this assessment.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
On June 20, 2024, the tax on normal course issuer bid purchases of subordinate voting shares was enacted in Canada. The rules pertain to transactions that occur on or after January 1, 2024. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, there were no repurchases made. However, due to repurchases made during fiscal 2024, $0.6m in taxes on normal course issuer bid purchases of subordinate voting shares was recorded in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 and charged to retained earnings.
Note 3.    Segment information
The Company has three reportable operating segments: DTC, Wholesale, and Other. The Company measures each reportable operating segment’s performance based on revenue and segment operating loss, which is the profit metric utilized by the Company's chief operating decision maker, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, for assessing the performance of operating segments. No single customer contributed 10 per cent or more to the Company’s revenue for the first quarters ended June 30, 2024 and July 2, 2023.
As at March 31, 2024, the performance measure for our Other segment was revised to exclude corporate general and administrative expenses; these expenses were presented as a reconciling item to the Company’s consolidated operating income. This change in segment reporting was made to improve the understanding of financial performance in the Other segment.
Corporate expenses comprises costs that do not occur through the DTC, Wholesale, or Other segments, including the cost of marketing expenditures to build brand awareness across all segments, management overhead costs in support of manufacturing operations, other corporate costs, and foreign exchange gains and losses not specifically associated with segment operations. Comparative figures have been reclassified to conform with the current year presentation.
The following table presents key performance information of the Company’s reportable operating segments:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
 $ $
DTC63.1 55.8 
Wholesale16.0 27.1 
Other9.0 1.9 
Total segment revenue88.1 84.8 
Operating (loss) incomeReclassified
Total segment operating loss

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
The following table reconciles the Company’s reportable total segment operating loss to loss before income taxes:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
 $ $
Total segment operating loss
Corporate expenses(69.0)(86.1)
Total operating loss
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 
Loss before incomes taxes
The following table summarizes depreciation and amortization in SG&A expenses of each reportable operating segment and depreciation and amortization included in corporate expenses:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
Depreciation and amortization expense
DTC24.7 22.1 
Wholesale1.0 1.0 
Other0.3 — 
Total segment depreciation and amortization expense26.0 23.1 
Corporate expenses4.0 3.5 
Total depreciation and amortization expense
30.0 26.6 
Geographic information
The Company determines the geographic location of revenue based on the location of its customers.
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
Canada21.9 23.5 
United States18.5 18.1 
North America40.4 41.6 
Greater China1
21.9 19.5 
Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China)1
8.9 5.0 
Asia Pacific30.8 24.5 
16.9 18.7 
Total revenue88.1 84.8 
1.Greater China comprises Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
2.EMEA comprises Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
The Company’s non-current, non-financial assets (comprising property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right-of-use assets) are geographically located as follows:
June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
 $ $$
Canada216.1 231.3 222.1 
United States134.3 120.5 140.7 
North America350.4 351.8 362.8 
Greater China1
72.9 78.1 63.6 
Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China1)
43.2 29.0 34.1 
Asia Pacific116.1 107.1 97.7 
126.6 127.5 126.2 
Non-current, non-financial assets593.1 586.4 586.7 
1.Greater China comprises Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
2.EMEA comprises Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.
Note 4.     Earnings per share
The following table presents details for the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share:
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share and per share amounts)June 30,
July 2,
Net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company$(77.4)$(81.1)
Weighted average number of multiple and subordinate voting shares outstanding1
96,611,725 103,710,762 
Loss per share attributable to shareholders of the Company
Basic and diluted$(0.80)$(0.78)
1.Subordinate voting shares issuable on exercise of stock options are not treated as dilutive if including them would decrease the loss per share. For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, 1,138,989 potentially dilutive shares have been excluded from the calculation of diluted loss per share because their effect was anti-dilutive (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - 788,450 shares).
Note 5.    Trade receivables
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
 $ $ $
Trade accounts receivable37.6 38.0 57.1 
Credit card receivables2.3 2.1 3.7 
Other receivables12.8 11.8 12.3 
52.7 51.9 73.1 
Less: expected credit loss and sales allowances(2.3)(1.0)(2.7)
Trade receivables50.4 50.9 70.4 

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Note 6.     Inventories
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
 $ $$
Raw materials44.6 52.5 48.4 
Work in progress19.6 19.2 25.8 
Finished goods420.1 450.4 371.0 
Total inventories at the lower of cost and net realizable value484.3 522.1 445.2 
Inventories are written down to net realizable value when the cost of inventories is estimated to be unrecoverable due to obsolescence, damage, or declining rate of sale.
The breakdown of the provision for obsolescence is presented as follows:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Raw material shrink reserves0.1 0.2 0.1 
Finished goods shrink reserves0.8 0.9 0.9 
Raw material obsolete inventory reserves22.8 19.0 22.1 
Finished goods obsolete inventory reserves38.7 22.4 37.7 
Provision for obsolescence62.4 42.5 60.8 
Amounts charged to cost of sales comprise the following:
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
Cost of goods manufactured32.8 27.0 
Depreciation and amortization included in costs of sales2.7 2.6 
35.5 29.6 

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Note 7.    Leases
Right-of-use assets
The following table presents changes in the cost and the accumulated depreciation of the Company’s right-of-use assets:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Retail storesManufacturing facilitiesOtherTotal
March 31, 2024450.3 44.2 60.9 555.4 
Additions30.1 — 0.9 31.0 
Lease modifications2.9 — (0.1)2.8 
Impact of foreign currency translation2.2 — 0.1 2.3 
June 30, 2024485.5 44.2 61.8 591.5 
April 2, 2023396.7 44.9 58.4 500.0 
Additions8.1 — 0.5 8.6 
Lease modifications4.5 — — 4.5 
Derecognition on termination(4.0)— — (4.0)
Impact of foreign currency translation(9.4)— (0.8)(10.2)
July 2, 2023395.9 44.9 58.1 498.9 
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Retail storesManufacturing facilitiesOtherTotal
Accumulated depreciation$$$$
March 31, 2024229.7 24.0 21.9 275.6 
Depreciation17.2 1.3 2.2 20.7 
Impact of foreign currency translation1.3 — 0.1 1.4 
June 30, 2024248.2 25.3 24.2 297.7 
April 2, 2023171.1 20.6 16.5 208.2 
Depreciation15.1 1.5 1.4 18.0 
Derecognition on termination(4.0)— — (4.0)
Impact of foreign currency translation(4.3)— (0.3)(4.6)
July 2, 2023177.9 22.1 17.6 217.6 
Net book value
June 30, 2024237.3 18.9 37.6 293.8 
July 2, 2023218.0 22.8 40.5 281.3 
March 31, 2024220.6 20.2 39.0 279.8 

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Lease liabilities
The following table presents the changes in the Company's lease liabilities:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Retail storesManufacturing facilitiesOtherTotal
March 31, 2024255.7 23.8 51.0 330.5 
Additions29.9 — 1.0 30.9 
Lease modifications2.9 — (0.1)2.8 
Principal payments(17.3)(1.4)(2.1)(20.8)
Impact of foreign currency translation1.2 — 0.1 1.3 
June 30, 2024272.4 22.4 49.9 344.7 
April 2, 2023259.2 27.7 47.9 334.8 
Additions8.1 — 0.2 8.3 
Lease modifications4.5 — — 4.5 
Principal payments(13.5)(1.3)1.4 (13.4)
Impact of foreign currency translation(5.8)— (0.5)(6.3)
July 2, 2023252.5 26.4 49.0 327.9 
Lease liabilities are classified as current and non-current liabilities as follows:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Retail storesManufacturing facilitiesOtherTotal
Current lease liabilities68.2 6.3 8.0 82.5 
Non-current lease liabilities204.2 16.1 41.9 262.2 
June 30, 2024272.4 22.4 49.9 344.7 
Current lease liabilities63.5 6.0 5.8 75.3 
Non-current lease liabilities189.0 20.4 43.2 252.6 
July 2, 2023252.5 26.4 49.0 327.9 
Current lease liabilities65.8 6.3 7.8 79.9 
Non-current lease liabilities189.9 17.5 43.2 250.6 
March 31, 2024255.7 23.8 51.0 330.5 
For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, $3.1m of lease payments were not included in the measurement of lease liabilities (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $2.8m respectively). The majority of these balances related to short-term leases and variable rent payments, net of rent concessions, which are expensed as incurred.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Note 8.     Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities consist of the following:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
 $$ $
Trade payables39.9 44.5 57.6 
Accrued liabilities68.2 86.2 73.5 
Employee benefits30.5 26.8 38.6 
Derivative financial instruments1.6 9.0 1.9 
ASPP liability (note 11)— 10.0 — 
Other payables4.1 2.1 6.1 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities144.3 178.6 177.7 
Note 9.    Provisions
The Company amended the existing accounting policies related to its presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position as at April 1, 2024 and identified warranty provisions within long-term liabilities can no longer be classified as such. As a result, this balance along with $21.4m and $23.0m for July 2, 2023 and March 31, 2024, respectively, was reclassified to current liabilities on the provisions line in the statement of financial position. See "Note 2. Material accounting policy information" for more details on the reclassification.
Provisions are classified as current and non-current liabilities based on legal rights which exist as at the reporting date as follows:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)WarrantySales returnsAsset retirement obligationsTotal
Current provisions28.6 12.2 — 40.8 
Non-current provisions— — 14.6 14.6 
June 30, 202428.6 12.2 14.6 55.4 
WarrantySales returnsAsset retirement obligationsTotal
Current provisions28.8 8.9 — 37.7 
Non-current provisions— — 12.8 12.8 
July 2, 202328.8 8.9 12.8 50.5 
WarrantySales returnsAsset retirement obligationsTotal
Current provisions30.3 18.8 — 49.1 
Non-current provisions— — 14.3 14.3 
March 31, 202430.3 18.8 14.3 63.4 

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Note 10.     Borrowings
Amendments to borrowings
Post June 28, 2024, Canadian Dollar Offered Rate rates were no longer being published. As a result, in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company entered into amendments for its Revolving Facility (as defined below) to transition from the Canadian Dollar Offered interest benchmarks to the Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average ("CORRA”). There were no further amendments to borrowings in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024.
Revolving Facility
The Company has an agreement with a syndicate of lenders for a senior secured asset-based revolving credit facility ("Revolving Facility") in the amount of $467.5m, with an increase in commitments to $517.5m during the peak season (June 1 - November 30). The Revolving Facility matures on May 15, 2028. Amounts owing under the Revolving Facility may be borrowed, repaid and re-borrowed for general corporate purposes. The Company has pledged substantially all of its assets as collateral for the Revolving Facility. The Revolving Facility contains financial and non-financial covenants which could impact the Company’s ability to draw funds.
The Revolving Facility has multiple interest rate charge options that are based on the Canadian prime rate, the lenders' Alternate Base Rate, European Base Rate, SOFR rate, or EURIBOR rate plus an applicable margin, with interest payable the earlier of quarterly or at the end of the then current interest period (whichever is earlier).
As at June 30, 2024, the Company had $54.3m owing on the Revolving Facility (July 2, 2023 - $nil, March 31, 2024 - $nil). As at June 30, 2024, $0.3m interest and administrative fees remain outstanding (July 2, 2023 - $nil, March 31, 2024 - $nil). Deferred financing charges in the amounts of $1.0m as at June 30, 2024 (July 2, 2023 - $1.1m, March 31, 2024 - $1.0m) were included in other long-term liabilities. As at and during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company was in compliance with all covenants.
The Company had unused borrowing capacity available under the Revolving Facility of $335.2m as at June 30, 2024 (July 2, 2023 - $402.9m, March 31, 2024 - $203.7m).
The revolving credit commitment also includes a letter of credit commitment in the amount of $25.0m, with a $5.0m sub-commitment for letters of credit issued in a currency other than Canadian dollars, U.S. dollars, euros or British pounds sterling, and a swingline commitment for $25.0m. As at June 30, 2024, the Company had letters of credit outstanding under the Revolving Facility of $1.6m (July 2, 2023 - $1.8m, March 31, 2024 - $1.5m).
Term Loan
The Company has a senior secured loan agreement with a syndicate of lenders that is secured on a split collateral basis ("Term Loan") alongside the Revolving Facility. The Term Loan has an aggregate principal amount of USD300.0m, with quarterly repayments of USD0.75m on the principal amount and a maturity date of October 7, 2027. Moreover, the Term Loan has an interest rate of SOFR plus a term SOFR adjustment of 0.11448% with an applicable margin of 3.50% payable monthly in arrears. SOFR plus the term SOFR adjustment may not be less than 0.75%.

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Voluntary prepayments of amounts owing under the Term Loan may be made at any time without premium or penalty, once repaid may not be reborrowed. As at June 30, 2024, the Company had USD289.5m (July 2, 2023 - USD292.5m, March 31, 2024 - USD290.3m) aggregate principal amount outstanding under the Term Loan. The Company has pledged substantially all of its assets as collateral for the Term Loan. The Term Loan contains financial and non-financial covenants which could impact the Company’s ability to draw funds. As at and during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company was in compliance with all covenants.
As the Term Loan is denominated in U.S. dollars, the Company remeasures the outstanding balance plus accrued interest at each balance sheet date.
The amount outstanding with respect to the Term Loan is as follows:
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Term Loan396.0 387.6 393.1 
Unamortized portion of deferred transaction costs(0.5)(0.6)(0.6)
Term Loan, net of unamortized deferred transaction costs395.5 387.0 392.5 
Mainland China Facilities
A subsidiary of the Company in Mainland China has uncommitted loan facilities in the aggregate amount of RMB510.0m ($96.0m) ("Mainland China Facilities"). The term of each draw on the loans is one, three or six months or such other period as agreed upon and shall not exceed twelve months (including any extension or rollover). The interest rate on each facility is equal to 3.1% or the loan prime rate of 1 year, minus a marginal rate of 0.5%, and payable quarterly. Proceeds drawn on the Mainland China Facilities are being used to support working capital requirements and build up of inventory for peak season sales. As at June 30, 2024, the Company had $16.6m (RMB88.3m) owing on the Mainland China Facilities (July 2, 2023 - $22.4m (RMB122.3m), March 31, 2024 - no amounts owing).
Japan Facility
A subsidiary of the Company in Japan has a loan facility in the aggregate amount of JPY4,000.0m ($34.0m) ("Japan Facility") with a floating interest rate of Japanese Bankers Association Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate plus an applicable margin of 0.30%. The term of the facility is 12 months and each draw on the facility is payable within the term. Proceeds drawn on the Japan Facility are being used to support build up of inventory for peak season sales. As at June 30, 2024, the Company had $16.2m (JPY1,900.0m) owing on the Japan Facility (July 2, 2023 - $22.0m (JPY2,400.0m), March 31, 2024 - $5.4m (JPY600.0m)).
Short-term Borrowings
As at June 30, 2024, the Company has short-term borrowings in the amount of $36.8m. Short-term borrowings include $16.6m (July 2, 2023 - $22.4m, March 31, 2024 - $nil) owing on the Mainland China Facilities, $16.2m (July 2, 2023 - $22.0m, March 31, 2024 - $5.4m) owing on the Japan Facility, and $4.0m (July 2, 2023 - $4.0m, March 31, 2024 - $4.0m) for the current portion of the quarterly principal repayments on the Term Loan. Short-term borrowings are all due within the next 12 months.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Net interest, finance and other costs consist of the following:
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
Interest expense
Mainland China Facilities1
— 0.1 
Japan Facility1
— — 
Revolving Facility0.5 0.1 
Term Loan5.1 5.0 
Lease liabilities4.3 4.6 
Standby fees0.3 0.3 
Foreign exchange losses (gains) on Term Loan net of hedges1.7 (2.2)
Fair value remeasurement on the put option liability (note 14)2.1 8.1 
Fair value remeasurement on the contingent consideration (note 14)(10.7)(1.0)
Interest income(0.3)(0.7)
Other costs0.2 0.2 
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 
1.The net interest expense for the Mainland China Facilities and Japan Facility is less than $0.1m and less than $0.1m, respectively, for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.1m and less than $0.1m, respectively).
Note 11.     Shareholders' equity
Share capital transactions for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024
Normal course issuer bid for Fiscal 2024
The Board of Directors authorized the Company to initiate a normal course issuer bid, in accordance with the requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange, to purchase up to 4,980,505 subordinate voting shares over the 12-month period from November 22, 2023 and ending no later than November 21, 2024 (the "Fiscal 2024 NCIB"). Purchased subordinate voting shares will be cancelled.
In connection with the Fiscal 2024 NCIB, the Company also entered an automatic share purchase plan (the “Fiscal 2024 ASPP”) under which a designated broker may purchase subordinate voting shares under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB during the regularly scheduled quarterly trading blackout periods of the Company. The repurchases made under the Fiscal 2024 ASPP will be made in accordance with certain purchasing parameters and will continue until the earlier of the date in which the Company has acquired the maximum limit of subordinate voting shares pursuant to the Fiscal 2024 ASPP or upon the date of expiry of the Fiscal 2024 NCIB.
During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company made no repurchases under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB.
Since the commencement of the Fiscal 2024 NCIB, the Company purchased 3,586,124 subordinate voting shares for total cash consideration of $56.9m. Of the 3,586,124 subordinate voting shares purchased, 3,088,648 were purchased under the Fiscal 2024 ASPP for total cash consideration of $49.6m.

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The transactions affecting the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company are described below:
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share amounts)Multiple voting sharesSubordinate voting sharesTotal
March 31, 202451,004,076 1.4 45,528,438 103.5 96,532,514 104.9 
Exercise of stock options— — 26,484 — 26,484 — 
Settlement of RSUs— — 171,875 3.9 171,875 3.9 
Total share issuances— — 198,359 3.9 198,359 3.9 
June 30, 202451,004,076 1.4 45,726,797 107.4 96,730,873 108.8 
Share capital transactions for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023
Normal course issuer bid for Fiscal 2023
The Board of Directors authorized the Company to initiate a normal course issuer bid, in accordance with the requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange, to purchase up to 5,421,685 subordinate voting shares over the 12-month period which started on November 22, 2022 and concluded on November 21, 2023 (the "Fiscal 2023 NCIB").
In connection with the Fiscal 2023 NCIB, the Company had also entered an automatic share purchase plan (the “Fiscal 2023 ASPP”) under which a designated broker may purchase subordinate voting shares under the Fiscal 2023 NCIB during the regularly scheduled quarterly trading blackout periods of the Company. This Fiscal 2023 ASPP terminated on November 21, 2023, along with the Fiscal 2023 NCIB, and the liability to the broker was fully settled at the end of the plan.
During the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, the Company purchased 1,156,959 subordinate voting shares for cancellation for total cash consideration of $26.3m. The amount to purchase the subordinate voting shares was charged to share capital, with the remaining $23.7m charged to retained earnings. Of the 1,156,959 subordinate voting shares purchased, 250,100 were purchased under the Fiscal 2023 ASPP for total cash consideration of $6.2m.
In addition, subordinate voting shares held for cancellation as at April 2, 2023 valued at $1.2m were settled in the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. Since the commencement of the Fiscal 2023 NCIB, the Company purchased 2,309,761 subordinate voting shares for cancellation for total cash consideration of $54.2m.
A liability representing the maximum amount that the Company could be required to pay the designated broker under the ASPP was $10.0m as at first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The amount was charged to contributed surplus. Subsequent to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, the Company purchased an additional 422,544 subordinate voting shares for cancellation for total cash consideration of $10.0m under the ASPP.

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The transactions affecting the issued and outstanding share capital of the Company are described below:
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share amounts)Multiple voting sharesSubordinate voting sharesTotal
April 2, 202351,004,076 1.4 53,184,912 117.3 104,188,988 118.7 
Purchase of subordinate voting shares— — (1,156,959)(2.6)(1,156,959)(2.6)
Total share purchases— — (1,156,959)(2.6)(1,156,959)(2.6)
Exercise of stock options— — — — — — 
Settlement of RSUs— — 133,659 3.8 133,659 3.8 
Total share issuances— — 133,659 3.8 133,659 3.8 
July 2, 202351,004,076 1.4 52,161,612 118.5 103,165,688 119.9 
Note 12.    Share-based payments
Stock options
The Company issued stock options to purchase subordinate voting shares under its incentive plans, prior to the public share offering on March 21, 2017, the Legacy Plan, and subsequently, the Omnibus Plan. All options are issued at an exercise price that is not less than market value at the time of grant and expire ten years after the grant date.
Stock option transactions are as follows:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share and per share amounts)Weighted average exercise priceNumber of sharesWeighted average exercise priceNumber of shares
Options outstanding, beginning of period$33.51 4,608,777$36.58 4,055,199 
Granted to purchase shares$18.98 770,434$22.24 752,811 
Exercised$0.76 (26,484)$— — 
Cancelled$37.70 (398,184)$26.97 (91,884)
Options outstanding, end of period$31.09 4,954,543$34.48 4,716,126

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Restricted share units
The Company grants shares as part of the Restricted Share Unit ("RSU") program under the Omnibus Plan to employees of the Company. The RSUs are treated as equity instruments for accounting purposes. We expect that vested RSUs will be paid at settlement through the issuance of one subordinate voting share per RSU. The RSUs vest over a period of three years, a third on each anniversary of the date of grant.
RSU transactions are as follows:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
Number of sharesNumber of shares
RSUs outstanding, beginning of period480,518 318,082 
Granted402,440 374,656 
RSUs outstanding, end of period674,805556,120
Performance share units
In May 2023, the Company implemented a Performance Share Unit (“PSU”) program under the Omnibus Plan. A PSU represents the right to receive a subordinate voting share settled by the issuance of shares at the vesting date. PSUs vest on the third anniversary of the award date and are earned only if certain performance targets are achieved. Shares issued per PSU at the vesting date can decrease or increase if minimum or maximum performance targets are achieved ranging from 0% to 200% of the PSU award granted. If performance targets are achieved, the Company expects that those vested PSUs will be paid at settlement through the issuance of one subordinate voting share per PSU. PSUs are treated as equity instruments for accounting purposes.
PSU transactions are as follows:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
Number of sharesNumber of shares
PSUs outstanding, beginning of period342,925 — 
Granted415,892 395,577 
PSUs outstanding, end of period717,277395,577
Shares reserved for issuance
As at June 30, 2024, subordinate voting shares, to a maximum of 4,171,139 shares, have been reserved for issuance under equity incentive plans to select employees of the Company, with vesting contingent upon meeting the service, performance goals and other conditions of the Omnibus Plan.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Accounting for share-based awards
For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded $2.2m as compensation expense for the vesting of stock options, RSUs and PSUs (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $2.5m). Share-based compensation expense is included in SG&A expenses.
The assumptions used to measure the fair value of options granted under the Black-Scholes option pricing model at the grant date were as follows:
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share and per share amounts)June 30,
July 2,
Weighted average stock price valuation$18.98 $22.24 
Weighted average exercise price$18.98 $22.24 
Risk-free interest rate4.17 %4.11 %
Expected life in years
Expected dividend yield— %— %
Volatility40 %40 %
Weighted average fair value of options issued$6.43 $7.51 
RSU and PSU fair values are determined based on the market value of the subordinate voting shares at the time of grant. As at June 30, 2024, the weighted average fair value of RSUs was $18.98 (July 2, 2023 - $22.24). As at June 30, 2024, the weighted average fair value of PSUs was $18.98 (July 2, 2023 - $22.24).
Note 13.    Related party transactions
The Company enters into transactions from time to time with its principal shareholders, as well as organizations affiliated with members of the Board of Directors and key management personnel by incurring expenses for business services. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company incurred expenses with related parties of $0.5m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.3m) from companies related to certain shareholders. Balances owing to related parties as at June 30, 2024 were $0.4m (July 2, 2023 - $0.4m, March 31, 2024 - $0.2m).
A lease liability due to the former controlling shareholder of the acquired Baffin Inc. business (the "Baffin Vendor") for leased premises was $2.3m as at June 30, 2024 (July 2, 2023 - $2.9m, March 31, 2024 - $2.5m). During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company paid principal and interest on the lease liability, net of rent concessions, and other operating costs to entities affiliated with the Baffin Vendor totalling $0.4m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.4m). No amounts were owing to Baffin entities as at June 30, 2024, July 2, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
The joint venture between the Company and Sazaby League ("Japan Joint Venture"), has lease liabilities due to the non-controlling shareholder, Sazaby League for leased premises. Lease liabilities were $1.6m as at June 30, 2024 (July 2, 2023 - $2.4m, March 31, 2024 - $1.9m). During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company incurred principal and interest on lease liabilities, royalty fees, and other operating costs to Sazaby League totalling $1.3m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $1.1m). Balances owing to Sazaby League as at June 30, 2024 were $0.3m (July 2, 2023 - $0.2m, March 31, 2024 - $0.3m).
During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Japan Joint Venture sold inventory of less than $0.1m to companies wholly owned by Sazaby League (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - less

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than $0.1m). As at June 30, 2024, the Japan Joint Venture recognized a trade receivable of less than $0.1m from these companies (July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m, March 31, 2024 - $0.1m).
In connection with the Paola Confectii business combination that occurred during the year ended March 31, 2024, subject to the controlling shareholders of Paola Confectii SRL ("PCML Vendors") remaining employees through November 1, 2025, a further amount is payable to the PCML Vendors if certain performance conditions are met based on financial results (“Earn-Out”). For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company recognized $0.9m of remuneration costs related to the Earn-Out based on the estimated value of $7.5m for the payout. These costs have been included in other long-term liabilities on the statement of financial position, and reflects the amount owing to the PCML Vendors as at June 30, 2024.
A lease liability due to one of the PCML Vendors for leased premises was $1.2m as at June 30, 2024. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company paid principal and interest on the lease liability, to one of the PCML Vendors totalling less than $0.1m. No amounts were owing to one of the PCML Vendors as at June 30, 2024.
Note 14.    Financial instruments and fair value
The following table presents the fair values and fair value hierarchy of the Company’s financial instruments and excludes financial instruments carried at amortized cost that are short-term in nature:
June 30,
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Level 1Level 2Level 3Carrying valueFair value
 $ $ $ $ $
Financial assets
Derivatives included in other current assets— 14.7 — 14.7 14.7 
Derivatives included in other long-term assets— 5.1 — 5.1 5.1 
Financial liabilities
Derivatives included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities— 1.6 — 1.6 1.6 
Mainland China Facilities— 16.6 — 16.6 16.6 
Japan Facility— 16.2 — 16.2 16.2 
Revolving Facility — 54.3 — 54.3 54.3 
Term Loan— 395.5 — 395.5 394.0 
Derivatives included in other long-term liabilities— 2.9 — 2.9 2.9 
Put option liability included in other long-term liabilities— — 30.0 30.0 30.0 
Contingent consideration included in other long-term liabilities— — 6.2 6.2 6.2 
Earn-Out included in other long-term liabilities (note 13)— — 2.3 2.3 2.3 

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July 2,
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Level 1Level 2Level 3Carrying valueFair value
Financial assets
Derivatives included in other current assets— 32.4 — 32.4 32.4 
Derivatives included in other long-term assets— 12.2 — 12.2 12.2 
Financial liabilities
Derivatives included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities— 9.0 — 9.0 9.0 
Mainland China Facilities— 22.4 — 22.4 22.4 
Japan Facility— 22.0 — 22.0 22.0 
Term Loan— 387.0 — 387.0 424.0 
Derivatives included in other long-term liabilities— 10.2 — 10.2 10.2 
Put option liability included in other long-term liabilities— — 37.1 37.1 37.1 
Contingent consideration included in other long-term liabilities— — 14.2 14.2 14.2 
March 31,
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Level 1Level 2Level 3Carrying valueFair value
Financial assets
Derivatives included in other current assets— 15.1 — 15.1 15.1 
Derivatives included in other long-term assets— 6.9 — 6.9 6.9 
Financial liabilities
Derivatives included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities— 1.9 — 1.9 1.9 
Japan Facility— 5.4 — 5.4 5.4 
Term Loan— 392.5 — 392.5 389.2 
Derivatives included in other long-term liabilities— 5.3 — 5.3 5.3 
Put option liability included in other long-term liabilities— — 29.4 29.4 29.4 
Contingent consideration included in other long-term liabilities— — 17.7 17.7 17.7 
Earn-Out included in other long-term liabilities (note 13)— — 1.5 1.5 1.5 

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
In connection with the Japan Joint Venture, for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded a decrease of JPY1,259.1m ($11.6m, excluding translation losses of $0.9m) on the remeasurement of the contingent consideration. The Company recorded an increase of JPY242.5m ($0.6m, excluding translation losses of $1.5m) on the remeasurement of the put option liability during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024. The change in fair value of the put option liability was driven by progression through the 10-year term, whereas the change in fair value of the contingent consideration was driven by the extension in term. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company and Sazaby League amended the Joint Venture Agreement to extend the period by which the deferred contingent consideration is payable if an agreed cumulative adjusted EBIT target is not reached through the period ended June 30, 2026 to April 2, 2028.
For the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, the Company recorded a decrease of JPY110.2m ($2.6m, excluding translation losses of $1.6m) on the remeasurement of the contingent consideration. The Company recorded an increase of JPY885.5m ($5.0m, excluding translation losses of $3.1m) on the remeasurement of the put option liability during the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
Note 15.    Financial risk management objectives and policies
The Company’s primary risk management objective is to protect the Company’s assets and cash flow, in order to increase the Company’s enterprise value.
The Company is exposed to capital management risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk, foreign exchange risk, and interest rate risk. The Company’s senior management and Board of Directors oversee the management of these risks. The Board of Directors reviews and agrees upon policies for managing each of these risks which are summarized below.
Capital management
The Company manages its capital and capital structure with the objectives of safeguarding sufficient working capital over the annual operating cycle and providing sufficient financial resources to grow operations to meet long-term consumer demand. The Board of Directors of the Company monitors the Company’s capital management on a regular basis. The Company will continually assess the adequacy of the Company’s capital structure and capacity and make adjustments within the context of the Company’s strategy, economic conditions, and risk characteristics of the business.
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Company’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have sufficient liquidity to satisfy the requirements for business operations, capital expenditures, debt service and general corporate purposes, under normal and stressed conditions. The primary source of liquidity is funds generated by operating activities; the Company also relies on the Mainland China Facilities, the Japan Facility, and the Revolving Facility as sources of funds for short-term working capital needs. The Company continuously reviews both actual and forecasted cash flows to ensure that the Company has appropriate capital capacity.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
The following table summarizes the amount of contractual undiscounted future cash flow requirements as at June 30, 2024:
Contractual obligations by fiscal yearQ2 to Q4 202520262027202820292030ThereafterTotal
(in millions of Canadian dollars)$$$$$$$$
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities144.3 — — — — — — 144.3 
Mainland China Facilities16.6 — — — — — — 16.6 
Japan Facility16.2 — — — — — — 16.2 
Revolving Facility54.3 — — — — — — 54.3 
Term Loan3.0 4.1 4.1 384.8 — — — 396.0 
Interest commitments relating to borrowings1
30.6 35.5 35.5 8.9 — — — 110.5 
Lease obligations44.5 76.8 78.9 54.4 37.8 28.7 66.9 388.0 
Pension obligation— — — — — — 1.8 1.8 
Total contractual obligations309.5 116.4 118.5 448.1 37.8 28.7 68.7 1,127.7 
1.Interest commitments are calculated based on the loan balance and the interest rate payable on the Mainland China Facilities, the Japan Facility, Revolving Facility, and the Term Loan of 3.00%, 0.48%, 6.30%, and 8.96% respectively, as at June 30, 2024.
As at June 30, 2024, we had additional liabilities which included provisions for warranty, sales returns, asset retirement obligations, deferred income tax liabilities, the Earn-Out to the PCML Vendors, the put option liability and the contingent consideration on the Japan Joint Venture. These liabilities have not been included in the table above as the timing and amount of future payments are uncertain.
Letter of guarantee facility
On April 14, 2020, Canada Goose Inc. entered into a letter of guarantee facility in the amount of $10.0m. Letters of guarantee are available for terms of up to twelve months and will be charged a fee equal to 1.0% per annum calculated against the face amount and over the term of the guarantee. Amounts issued on the facility will be used to finance working capital requirements of Canada Goose Inc. through letters of guarantee, standby letters of credit, performance bonds, counter guarantees, counter standby letters of credit, or similar credits. The Company immediately reimburses the issuing bank for amounts drawn on issued letters of guarantees. At June 30, 2024, the Company had $7.5m outstanding.
In addition, a subsidiary of the Company in Mainland China entered into letters of guarantee and as at June 30, 2024 the amount outstanding was $9.2m. Amounts will be used to support retail operations of such subsidiaries through letters of guarantee, standby letters of credit, performance bonds, counter guarantees, counter standby letters of credit, or similar credits.
Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will not meet its obligations under a financial instrument or customer contract, leading to a financial loss.
Credit risk arises from the possibility that certain parties will be unable to discharge their obligations. The Company manages its credit risk through a combination of third-party credit insurance and internal house risk. Credit insurance is provided by a third party for customers and is subject to continuous monitoring of the credit worthiness of the Company's customers. Insurance covers a specific amount of revenue, which may be less than the Company's total revenue with a specific customer. The Company has an agreement with a third party who has insured the risk of loss for up to 90% of trade accounts receivable from certain designated

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
customers subject to a total deductible of $0.1m, to a maximum of $30.0m per year. As at June 30, 2024, trade accounts receivable totalling approximately $12.0m (July 2, 2023 - $22.8m, March 31, 2024 - $14.8m) were insured subject to the policy cap. Complementary to the third-party insurance, the Company establishes payment terms with customers to mitigate credit risk and continues to closely monitor its trade accounts receivable credit risk exposure.
Within CG Japan, the Company has an agreement with a third party who has insured the risk of trade accounts receivable for certain designated customers for a maximum of JPY540.0m per annum subject to a deductible of 10% and applicable only to accounts with receivables over JPY100k. As at June 30, 2024, trade accounts receivable totalling less than $0.1m (JPY2.9m) were insured subject to the policy cap (July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m (JPY0.4m), March 31, 2024 - $0.3m (JPY32.5m)).
Trade accounts receivable factoring program
A subsidiary of the Company in Europe had an agreement to factor, on a limited recourse basis, certain of its trade accounts receivable up to a limit of EUR20.0m in exchange for advanced funding equal to 100% of the principal value of the invoice. On April 12, 2024, this agreement was terminated with an immaterial impact to the Company’s trade accounts receivables.
For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company received cash proceeds from the sale of trade accounts receivable with carrying values of $0.1m which were derecognized from the Company's statement of financial position (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.4m). No fees were incurred during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m) and included in net interest, finance and other costs in the interim statements of loss. As at June 30, 2024, the outstanding amount of trade accounts receivable derecognized from the Company’s statement of financial position, but which the Company continued to service, was $nil (July 2, 2023 - $nil, March 31, 2024 - $0.6m).
Market risk
Market risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market prices comprise foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk.
Foreign exchange risk
Foreign exchange risk in operating cash flows
The Company’s Interim Financial Statements are expressed in Canadian dollars, but a substantial portion of the Company’s revenues, purchases, and expenses are denominated in other currencies, principally U.S. dollars, euros, British pounds sterling, Swiss francs, Chinese yuan, Hong Kong dollars, and Japanese yen. The Company has entered into forward foreign exchange contracts to reduce the foreign exchange risk associated with revenues, purchases, and expenses denominated in these currencies. Certain forward foreign exchange contracts were designated at inception and accounted for as cash flow hedges. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company executed the operating cash flow hedge program for fiscal 2025.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Revenues and expenses of all foreign operations are translated into Canadian dollars at the foreign currency exchange rates that approximate the rates in effect at the dates when such items are recognized. As a result, we are exposed to foreign currency translation gains and losses. Appreciating foreign currencies relative to the Canadian dollar, to the extent they are not hedged, will positively impact operating income and net income by increasing our revenue, while depreciating foreign currencies relative to the Canadian dollar will have the opposite impact.
The Company recognized the following unrealized gains in the fair value of derivatives designated as cash flow hedges in other comprehensive loss:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
Net gain
Tax expense
Net gainTax expense
Forward foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges0.1 (0.3)7.2 (1.8)
The Company reclassified the following losses and gains from other comprehensive loss on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges to locations in the Interim Financial Statements described below:
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
Loss (gain) from other comprehensive loss
Forward foreign exchange contracts designated as cash flow hedges
Revenue0.1 0.1 
SG&A expenses(0.2)(0.1)
Inventory— (0.1)
For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, unrealized gains of $0.3m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - unrealized gains of $2.2m) on forward exchange contracts that were not treated as hedges were recognized in SG&A expenses in the interim statements of loss.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Foreign currency forward exchange contracts outstanding as at June 30, 2024 related to operating cash flows were:
(in millions)Aggregate AmountsCurrency
Forward contract to purchase Canadian dollarsUSD82.3 U.S. dollars
99.0 euros
¥2,558.5 Japanese yen
Forward contract to sell Canadian dollarsUSD17.2 U.S. dollars
42.9 euros
Forward contract to purchase eurosCNY629.7 Chinese yuan
£33.1 British pounds sterling
HKD46.2 Hong Kong dollars
Forward contract to sell eurosCHF4.3 Swiss francs
CNY40.8 Chinese yuan
£6.2 British pounds sterling
HKD28.9 Hong Kong dollars
Foreign exchange risk on borrowings
The Company enters into derivative transactions to hedge a portion of its exposure to interest rate risk and foreign currency exchange risk related to principal and interest payments on the Term Loan denominated in U.S. dollars (see "Note 10. Borrowings"). The Company also entered into a five-year forward exchange contract by selling $368.5m and receiving USD270.0m as measured on the trade date, to fix the foreign exchange risk on a portion of the Term Loan borrowings.
The Company recognized the following unrealized losses and gains in the fair value of derivatives designated as hedging instruments in other comprehensive loss:
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
(in millions of Canadian dollars)Net lossTax recoveryNet gainTax expense
Swaps designated as cash flow hedges(1.2)0.4 2.6 (1.2)

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
The Company reclassified the following gains from other comprehensive loss on derivatives designated as hedging instruments to net interest, finance and other costs:
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
Gain from other comprehensive income
Swaps designated as cash flow hedges(0.3)(0.5)
For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, unrealized gains of $2.2m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - unrealized loss of $5.6m) in the fair value of the long-dated forward exchange contract related to a portion of the Term Loan balance were recognized in net interest, finance and other costs in the interim statements of loss.
Interest rate risk
The Company is exposed to interest rate risk related to the effect of interest rate changes on the borrowings outstanding under the Mainland China Facilities, Japan Facility, Revolving Facility, and the Term Loan, which currently bear interest rates at 3.00%, 0.48%, 6.30% and 8.96%, respectively.
Interest rate risk on the Term Loan is partially mitigated by interest rate swap hedges. The Company has entered into five-year interest rate swap agreements terminating December 31, 2025 to pay fixed interest rates and receive floating interest rates on notional debt of USD270.0m. The floating interest benchmark reference rate contained within the swap agreements is SOFR with the average fixed rates of 1.76%. These swap agreements fix the interest rate on the USD300.0m Term Loan. The interest rate swaps continue to be designated and accounted for as cash flow hedges.
Based on the closing balance of outstanding borrowings, a 1.00% increase in the closing interest rate during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 would have increased interest expense on the Mainland China Facilities, Japan Facility, Revolving Facility and the Term Loan before hedging, by less than $0.1m, less than $0.1m, $0.1m and $1.0m, respectively (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m, less than $0.1m, $nil and $1.0m, respectively).
Until the third quarter ended December 31, 2023, the Company calculated interest rate sensitivity on debt facilities using the average balance of the facility and average interest rate in the reporting period. Following the third quarter, and applicable for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company calculated interest rate sensitivity on debt facilities using the closing balance of the facility and the closing interest rate. The Company believes this change provides more relevant information on interest rate sensitivity. The Company has recognized this change as a change in estimates and had adjusted the disclosure prospectively.

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Note 16.    Selected cash flow information
Changes in non-cash operating items
First quarter ended
(in millions of Canadian dollars)June 30,
July 2,
Trade receivables20.4 (0.5)
Other current assets(5.5)(5.0)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities(35.0)(35.3)
Other4.0 1.8 
Change in non-cash operating items(63.1)(98.9)
Changes in liabilities and equity arising from financing activities
Mainland China FacilitiesJapan FacilityRevolving FacilityTerm LoanLease liabilitiesShare capital
March 31, 2024— 5.4 (1.0)
330.5 104.9 
Cash flows:
Mainland China Facilities borrowings16.6 — — — — — 
Japan Facility borrowings— 10.8 — — — — 
Revolving Facility borrowings— — 54.3  — — 
Term Loan repayments— — — (1.0)— — 
Transactions costs on financing activities— — (0.2)— — — 
Principal payments on lease liabilities— — — — (20.8)— 
Non-cash items:
Amortization of deferred transaction costs— — 0.2 — — — 
Unrealized foreign exchange loss— — — 4.0 1.3 — 
Additions and amendments to lease liabilities (note 7)— — — — 33.7 — 
Contributed surplus on share issuances (note 18)— — — — — 3.9 
June 30, 202416.6 16.2 53.3 395.5 344.7 108.8 

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Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements
Mainland China Facilities
Japan Facility
Revolving Facility
Term Loan
Lease liabilitiesShare capital
April 2, 20239.8 13.7 (0.5)395.7 334.8 118.7 
Cash flows:
Mainland China Facilities borrowings12.6 — — — — — 
Japan Facility borrowings— 8.3 — — — — 
Term Loan repayments— — — (1.0)— — 
Normal course issuer bid purchase of subordinate voting shares— — — — — (26.3)
Principal payments on lease liabilities— — — — (13.4)— 
Non-cash items:
Accrued transaction costs— — (0.7)— — — 
Amortization of deferred transaction costs— — 0.1 — — — 
Unrealized foreign exchange gain— — — (7.7)(6.3)— 
Additions and amendments to lease liabilities (note 7)— — — — 12.8 — 
Share purchase charge to retained earnings (note 11)— — — — — 23.7 
Contributed surplus on share issuances (note 11)— — — — — 3.8 
July 2, 202322.4 22.0 (1.1)387.0 327.9 119.9 

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For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024
The following Management’s Discussion and Analysis (“MD&A”) for Canada Goose Holdings Inc. (“us,” “we,” “our,” “Canada Goose” or the “Company”) is dated July 31, 2024 and provides information concerning our results of operations and financial condition for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024. All figures are presented in Canadian (“CAD”) dollars, unless otherwise noted. You should read this MD&A together with our unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements and the related notes as at and for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (“Interim Financial Statements”) and our audited consolidated financial statements and the related notes for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (“Annual Financial Statements”). Additional information about Canada Goose is available on our website at www.canadagoose.com, on the SEDAR+ website at www.sedarplus.ca, and on the EDGAR section of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) website at www.sec.gov, including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (“Annual Report”).
This MD&A contains forward-looking statements. These statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of our business, future plans and strategies, and other future conditions. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “predict,” “project,” “potential,” “should,” “will,” “would,” and other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. These forward-looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. They appear in many places throughout this MD&A and include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs, or current expectations concerning, among other things, our results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, business prospects, growth, strategies, expectations regarding industry trends and the size and growth rates of addressable markets, our business plan, and our growth strategies, including plans for expansion to new markets and new products, expectations for seasonal trends, and the industry in which we operate.
Certain assumptions made in preparing the forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A include:
our ability to implement our growth strategies;
our ability to maintain strong business relationships with our customers, suppliers, wholesalers, and distributors;
our ability to keep pace with changing consumer preferences;
our ability to protect our intellectual property;
our ability to adapt to changes to our business as a whole due to environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) considerations;
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the continued absence of material global supply chain disruptions to our business, and our ability to fulfill demand and maintain sufficient inventory levels, which we continue to monitor; and
the absence of material adverse changes in our industry or the global economy.
By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. We believe that these risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those described in the “Risk Factors” section of our Annual Report and other risk factors described herein, which include, but are not limited to, the following risks:
we may not open retail stores or expand e-Commerce access on our planned timelines;
we may be unable to maintain the strength of our brand or to expand our brand to new products and geographies;
unanticipated changes in the effective tax rate or adverse outcomes from audit examinations of corporate income or other tax returns;
our indebtedness may adversely affect our financial condition, and we may not be able to refinance or renegotiate such indebtedness on favourable or satisfactory terms;
an economic downturn and general economic conditions (for example, inflation and rising interest rates) may further affect discretionary consumer spending;
we may not be able to satisfy changing consumer preferences;
global political events, including the impact of political disruptions and protests, which may cause business interruptions;
our ability to procure high quality raw materials and certain finished goods globally;
our ability to manage inventory and forecast our inventory need, which we continue to monitor, and to manage our production distribution networks. In anticipation of our expected growth and as an important hedge against inflation, we have built up our inventory to elevated levels. If our supply exceeds demand, we may be required to take certain actions to reduce inventory which could damage our brand;
we may not be able to protect or preserve our brand image and proprietary rights globally;
the success of our business strategy;
our ability to manage our exposure to data security and cyber security events;
disruptions to manufacturing and distribution activities due to factors such as operational issues, disruptions in transportation logistic functions or labour shortages or disruptions;
risks and global disruptions associated with geopolitical events, which may further affect general economic and operating conditions;
fluctuations in raw material costs, interest rates and currency exchange rates;
we may be unable to maintain effective internal controls over financial reporting; and
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our ability to successfully realize expected benefits from the Company’s multi-phase program (“Transformation Program”) implemented to increase operational efficiencies by optimizing production and procurement, developing people and resources and focusing on our consumers to allow sustainable growth, profitability and long term value.
Although we base the forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A on assumptions that we believe are reasonable, we caution you that actual results and developments (including our results of operations, financial condition, liquidity and capital resources, and the development of the industry in which we operate) may differ materially from those made in or suggested by the forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A. Additional impacts may arise that we are not aware of currently. The potential of such additional impacts intensifies the business and operating risks which we face, and these should be considered when reading the forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A. In addition, even if results and developments are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this MD&A, those results and developments may not be indicative of results or developments in subsequent periods. As a result, any or all of our forward-looking statements in this MD&A may prove to be inaccurate. No forward-looking statement is a guarantee of future results. Moreover, we operate in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment in which new risks often emerge. It is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make.
You should read this MD&A and the documents that we reference herein completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect. The forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this MD&A, and we do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws.
The Interim Financial Statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), specifically International Accounting Standard (“IAS”) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (“IASB”). The Interim Financial Statements do not include all of the information required for Annual Financial Statements and should be read in conjunction with the Annual Financial Statements. Certain financial measures contained in this MD&A are non-IFRS financial measures and are discussed further under “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” below.
The Interim Financial Statements and the accompanying notes have been prepared using the accounting policies described in “Note 2. Material accounting policy information” in the Interim Financial Statements.
All references to “$”, “CAD” and “dollars” refer to Canadian dollars, “USD” refers to U.S. dollars, “GBP” refers to British pounds sterling, “EUR” refers to euros, “CHF” refers to Swiss francs, “CNY” refers to Chinese yuan, ”RMB” refers to Chinese renminbi, “HKD” refers to Hong Kong dollars, and “JPY” refers to Japanese yen unless otherwise indicated. Certain totals, subtotals and percentages throughout this MD&A may not reconcile due to rounding. This MD&A and the accompanying Interim Financial Statements are presented in millions of Canadian dollars except where otherwise indicated.
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All references to “fiscal 2023” are to the Company’s fiscal year ended April 2, 2023; to “fiscal 2024” are to the Company’s fiscal year ended March 31, 2024; and to “fiscal 2025” are to the Company’s fiscal year ending March 30, 2025.
The Company's fiscal year is a 52 or 53-week reporting cycle with the fiscal year ending on the Sunday closest to March 31. Each fiscal quarter is 13 weeks for a 52-week fiscal year. The additional week in a 53-week fiscal year is added to the third quarter. Fiscal 2023, fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2025 are each 52-week fiscal year.
Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to align selling, general and administrative (“SG&A”) expense allocations to conform with the current year presentation. In fiscal 2024, the Company amended the allocation basis for certain SG&A expenses between the operating segments to provide more relevant information on financial performance of each operating segment. The reclassification did not impact net income, earnings per share, or the condensed consolidated interim statements of financial position in the comparative year.
Refer to “Basis of Presentation” in the Annual Report for additional details on the updates made to the comparable period.
Refer to “Components of our Results of Operations” in the MD&A section of our fiscal 2024 Annual Report for a description of the Company’s financial measures in accordance with IFRS. There have been no material changes in the Company’s components of our results of operations since March 31, 2024.
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The following table summarizes results of operations for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, and expresses the percentage relationship to revenue of certain financial statement captions. Basis points (“bps”) expresses the changes between percentages. See “Results of Operations” for additional details.
CAD $ millions
(except per share data)
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
Revenue88.1 84.8 3.9 %
Gross profit52.6 55.2 (4.7)%
Gross margin 59.7 %65.1 %(540) bps
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)2.8 %
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)12.9 %
Net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company(77.4)(81.1)4.6 %
Loss per share attributable to shareholders of the Company
Basic and diluted1
1. Subordinate voting shares issuable on exercise of stock options are not treated as dilutive if including them would decrease the loss per share, or if the weighted average daily closing share price for the period was greater than the exercise price. Accordingly, for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, 1,138,989 potentially dilutive shares have been excluded from the calculation of diluted loss per share because their effect was anti-dilutive (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - 788,450 shares).
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Financial Position:
Cash61.9 48.0 144.9 
Total assets1,450.7 1,458.5 1,481.6 
Total non-current liabilities775.7 723.3 725.2 
Equity355.4 385.6 423.5 
1. The Company amended the existing accounting policies related to its presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position as at April 1, 2024 and identified warranty provisions within long-term liabilities can no longer be classified as such. As a result, this balance along with $21.4m and $23.0m for July 2, 2023 and March 31, 2024, respectively, was reclassified to current liabilities on the provisions line in the statement of financial position. See "Note 2. Material accounting policy information" in our Interim Financial Statements for more details on the reclassification.
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We believe that our performance depends on many factors including those discussed below.
Growth in our Direct to Consumer (“DTC”) Channel. We plan to continue executing our global strategy through retail and e-Commerce expansion, though the scale of such expansion may be delayed due to current global conditions. We continue to monitor these conditions and their potential impact on our ability to achieve positive DTC comparable sales growth1.
1.DTC comparable sales (decline) growth is a supplementary financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
Wholesale. We plan to increasingly control our distribution through progressively shifting sales from our wholesale channel to our DTC channel and this will impact the portion of revenue this channel represents in total revenue.
New Products. We intend to continue investing in design, innovation and the development and introduction of new products, including talent development, as well as expand offerings in our existing product categories, across styles, uses, and climates that have varying margin profiles.
Inflationary Environment. Inflationary pressures may persist in future fiscal periods and may fluctuate materially between markets. Such pressures may, among other impacts globally, have an adverse effect on our ability to maintain current gross margin and SG&A expenses as a percentage of revenue. Elevated interest rates may impact our business, including borrowing and other costs, and the markets in which we operate. In addition, inflationary pressures may affect the amount of discretionary income available for certain customers to purchase our products.
Macroeconomic Conditions. We are subject to risks and exposures from the evolving macroeconomic environment, including supply chain disruptions, economic uncertainty, customer budgetary constraints, inflation, and resulting fears of potential economic slowdowns or recessions, all of which may negatively impact consumer demand for our products. We continuously monitor the direct and indirect impacts of these circumstances on our business and financial results.
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Seasonality. We experience seasonal fluctuations in our revenue and operating results and have historically realized a significant portion of our annual wholesale revenue during our second and third fiscal quarters, and our annual DTC revenue in our third and fourth fiscal quarters. We generated 78.1% and 78.9% of our annual wholesale revenue in the combined second and third fiscal quarters of fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2023, respectively. Additionally, we generated 82.6% and 83.9% of our annual DTC revenue in the combined third and fourth fiscal quarters of fiscal 2024 and fiscal 2023, respectively. Because of seasonal fluctuations in revenue and fixed costs associated with our business, particularly the headcount growth and premises costs associated with our expanding DTC channel, we typically experience negative and substantially reduced net income and adjusted EBIT1 in the first and fourth quarters, respectively. As a result of our seasonality, changes that impact gross margin and adjusted EBIT1 among others can have a disproportionate impact on the quarterly results when they are recorded in our off-peak revenue periods. Business performance can also be impacted by the timing and intensity of cold weather, which may affect purchasing behaviour, including causing earlier or later purchases relative to prior periods, especially in our DTC channel.
1    Adjusted EBIT is a non-IFRS financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
Working capital requirements typically increase as inventory builds. We finance these needs through a combination of cash on hand and borrowings on our revolving credit facility, the Mainland China credit facilities, and the Japan credit facility. Historically, cash flows from operations have been highest in the third and fourth fiscal quarters of the fiscal year due to revenue from the DTC channel and the collection of receivables from wholesale revenue earlier in the year.
Global Climate Trends. A portion of our business is dependent on cold-weather seasons and patterns to generate consumer demand for our products. Consumer demand for our products may be negatively affected to the extent global climate patterns trend warmer, reducing typical patterns of cold-weather events or increasing weather volatility.
Foreign Exchange. We sell a significant portion of our products to customers outside of Canada, which exposes us to fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates. In fiscal years 2024 and 2023, we generated 70.5% and 70.1%, respectively, of our revenue in currencies other than Canadian dollars.
Refer to “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk - Foreign exchange risk” in the MD&A below for more details on foreign exchange.
Global Political Events and Other Disruptions. We are conscious of risks related to social, economic, and political instability, including geopolitical tensions, regulatory matters, market volatility, and social unrest that are affecting consumer spending, international travel, credit markets, logistics, and foreign exchange in certain countries and travel corridors.
We remain concerned about the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East and continue to suspend all wholesale and e-Commerce sales to Russia. We continue to monitor these ongoing conflicts and their impacts on human life.
We have been, and may in the future be, impacted by widespread protests and other disruptions. To the extent that such disruptions persist, we expect that operations and traffic at our retail stores may be impacted.
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Our reporting segments align with our sales channels: Direct-to-Consumer (“DTC”), Wholesale, and Other. We measure each reportable operating segment’s performance based on revenue and operating income.
Our DTC segment includes sales to customers through our directly operated retail stores and our e-Commerce website available across numerous markets, which includes the newly launched recommerce platform Canada Goose Generations, currently available in the United States and Canada.
Through our Wholesale segment, we sell to a mix of retailers and international distributors, who are partners that have partial or full exclusive territory rights to sell our products to a particular market through their own DTC channels or local wholesalers. The Wholesale segment includes the introduction of travel retail within the second quarter ended of fiscal 2024.
The Other segment comprises sales and costs not directly allocated to the DTC or Wholesale segments, such as sales to employees, friends and family sales, certain SG&A expenses, and results from the newly acquired Paola Confectii knitwear manufacturing business.
During fiscal 2024, the performance measure for our Other segment was revised to exclude corporate general and administrative expenses; these expenses are now presented as a reconciling item to the Company’s consolidated operating income. This change in segment reporting was made to improve the understanding of financial performance in the Other segment.
Corporate expenses comprises costs that do not occur through the DTC, Wholesale, or Other segments, including the cost of marketing expenditures to build brand awareness across all segments, management overhead costs in support of manufacturing operations, other corporate costs, and foreign exchange gains and losses not specifically associated with segment operations
As at June 30, 2024, our DTC segment by geography included the following directly operated permanent retail stores:
Fiscal 2025
March 31,
Q1 AdditionsJune 30,
United States16 — 16 
North America25 — 25 
Greater China1
26 — 26 
Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China1)
Asia Pacific34 — 34 
Total permanent stores68 — 68 
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Fiscal 2024
April 2,
Q1 AdditionsQ2 AdditionsQ3 AdditionsQ4 AdditionsMarch 31,
Canada— — — — 
United States16 
North America17 25 
Greater China1
23 — — 26 
Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China1)
Asia Pacific26 — 34 
— — — 
Total permanent stores51 68 
1Greater China comprises Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
2EMEA comprises Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.

For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023
The following table summarizes results of operations and expresses the percentage relationship to revenue of certain financial statement captions.
CAD $ millions
(except share and per share data)
First quarter ended$
June 30,
July 2,
Revenue88.1 84.8 3.3 3.9 %
Cost of sales35.5 29.6 (5.9)(19.9)%
Gross profit52.6 55.2 (2.6)(4.7)%
Gross margin59.7 %65.1 %(540) bps
SG&A expenses149.5 154.9 5.4 3.5 %
SG&A expenses as % of revenue169.7 %182.7 %1,300  bps
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)2.8 2.8 %
Operating margin(110.0)%(117.6)%760  bps
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 11.3 77.9 %
Loss before income taxes(100.1)(114.2)14.1 12.3 %
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)(3.1)(10.6)%
Effective tax rate26.1 %25.6 %50  bps
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)11.0 12.9 %
Net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interest3.4 (3.9)7.3 187.2 %
Net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company(77.4)(81.1)3.7 4.6 %
Weighted average number of shares outstanding
Basic and diluted96,611,725103,710,762
Loss per share attributable to shareholders of the Company
Basic and diluted1
1. Subordinate voting shares issuable on exercise of stock options are not treated as dilutive if including them would decrease the loss per share, or if the weighted average daily closing share price for the period was greater than the exercise price. Accordingly, for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, 1,138,989 potentially dilutive shares have been excluded from the calculation of diluted loss per share because their effect was anti-dilutive (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - 788,450 shares).
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First quarter ended$ Change% Change
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
As reportedForeign exchange impact
In constant currency1
As reported
In constant currency1
DTC63.1 55.8 7.3 (0.4)6.9 13.1 %12.4 %
Wholesale16.0 27.1 (11.1)(0.2)(11.3)(41.0)%(41.7)%
Other9.0 1.9 7.1 — 7.1 373.7 %373.7 %
Total revenue88.1 84.8 3.3 (0.6)2.7 3.9 %3.2 %
1Constant currency revenue is a non-IFRS financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
Revenue by geography
First quarter ended$ Change% Change
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
As reportedForeign exchange impact
In constant currency3
As reported
In constant currency3
Canada21.9 23.5 (1.6)— (1.6)(6.8)%(6.8)%
United States18.5 18.1 0.4 (0.1)0.3 2.2 %1.7 %
North America40.4 41.6 (1.2)(0.1)(1.3)(2.9)%(3.1)%
Greater China1
21.9 19.5 2.4 (0.3)2.1 12.3 %10.8 %
Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China1)
8.9 5.0 3.9 0.1 4.0 78.0 %80.0 %
Asia Pacific30.8 24.5 6.3 (0.2)6.1 25.7 %24.9 %
16.9 18.7 (1.8)(0.3)(2.1)(9.6)%(11.2)%
Total revenue88.1 84.8 3.3 (0.6)2.7 3.9 %3.2 %
1Greater China comprises Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
2EMEA comprises Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.
3Constant currency revenue is a non-IFRS financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
Revenue for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 was $88.1m, an increase of $3.3m or 3.9%, from $84.8m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. On a constant currency1 basis, revenue increased by 3.2% for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, reflecting the strengthening of the euro relative to the Canadian dollar in the current quarter and gains on foreign exchange derivative contracts for the Chinese yuan.
Revenue generated from our DTC and Wholesale segments represented 71.6% and 18.2%, respectively, of total revenue for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to 65.8% and 32.0%, respectively, for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
Within our product categories, non-Heavyweight Down grew compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023 and expanded its share of revenue and units sold within the overall mix. This was driven by growth in revenue and units sold within the apparel and everyday product lines. Revenue for Heavyweight Down decreased compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, however Asia Pacific, excluding Greater China, experienced revenue growth for Heavyweight Down, driven by the DTC segment.
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Revenue from our DTC segment was $63.1m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $55.8m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase of $7.3m or 13.1% was driven by the following factors:
Fiscal 2024 retail expansion with 17 new directly operated permanent stores mainly in the United States and Asia Pacific as prior year store openings ran for the full quarter in fiscal 2025.
Within our product categories non-Heavyweight Down grew across all geographies compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023 and expanded its share of revenue and units sold within the overall mix, this was driven by apparel and everyday product lines.
Revenue for Heavyweight Down was flat compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. This was driven by Asia Pacific where both revenue and units increased compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023; while lower results in North America and EMEA offset these positive trends.
DTC comparable sales decline1 was 4.4%, which was experienced across all regions.
1DTC comparable sales (decline) growth is a supplementary financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
Revenue from our Wholesale segment was $16.0m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $27.1m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease of $11.1m or (41.0)% was due to:
Planned lower order book value as we tightened supply to wholesale partners in a weaker business environment; and
Continued streamlining of the Wholesale segment by reducing partnerships as we elevate the quality of our partners in this channel, particularly in EMEA.
Revenue from our Other segment was $9.0m, for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, and increased compared to $1.9m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase of $7.1m was attributable to revenue contributed by Paola Confectii and friends and family events related advancing our exit inventory strategy.
Gross Profit
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
CAD $ millionsReportedGross marginReportedGross margin$
in bps
Gross profit52.6 59.7 %55.2 65.1 %(2.6)(540) bps
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Gross profit and gross margin for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 were $52.6m and 59.7%, respectively, compared to $55.2m and 65.1%, respectively, for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease in gross profit of $2.6m was attributable to gross margin compression partially offset by higher revenue. Gross margin in the current quarter was unfavourably impacted due to lower margin revenue contribution from our European manufacturing facility that we acquired in the third quarter of fiscal 2024 and a higher proportion of non-Heavyweight down revenue within the product mix partially offset by lower inventory provisioning.
SG&A Expenses

First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
CAD $ millionsReported % of revenueReported% of revenue$
SG&A expenses149.5 169.7 %154.9 182.7 %5.4 1,300  bps
SG&A expenses were $149.5m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $154.9m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. SG&A expenses as a percentage of revenue decreased by 1,300 bps to 169.7% in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to 182.7% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023 primarily due to the significant reduction of corporate expenses.
The decrease of $5.4m or 3.5% was attributable to:
An increase of $11.7m in costs related to our operating segments, driven by:
$7.6m increase in costs attributable to the continued retail expansion, as prior year store openings ran for the full quarter in fiscal 2025, primarily due to the following:
Higher depreciation and amortization from retail stores;
Increased occupancy and maintenance costs, including higher costs from variable rent in Asia Pacific resulting from increased revenue compared to fiscal 2024; and
Higher personnel costs primarily due to headcount growth related to the expanded retail network in the United States and Asia Pacific;
Increased technology costs primarily for licenses and fees related to the e-Commerce infrastructure; and
Higher warehouse costs with the introduction of a new facility that opened subsequent to the comparative period in fiscal 2024, as well as increased freight costs due to a higher number of units sold in the e-Commerce channel and increased logistics costs.
A decrease of $17.1m in costs related to corporate expenses, driven by:
$7.8m of consultancy costs that were incurred in the comparative period related to the Transformation Program, which did not recur;
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$7.2m of lower personnel costs primarily attributable to the reduction in corporate personnel that took place in the prior year; and
$4.6m of favourable foreign exchange fluctuations.
The decrease in corporate expenses was partially offset by $3.6m of higher spend on marketing activities, driven by the launch campaign for Haider Ackermann’s appointment as our Creative Director.
Operating Loss and Operating Margin
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
CAD $ millionsReportedOperating marginReportedOperating margin$
in bps
DTC(23.1)(36.6)%(17.3)(31.0)%(5.8)(560) bps
Wholesale(4.1)(25.6)%3.1 11.4 %(7.2)(3,700) bps
Other(0.7)(7.8)%0.6 31.6 %(1.3)(3,940) bps
Total segment operating loss1
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
CAD $ millionsReportedOperating marginReportedOperating margin$
in bps
Total segment operating loss1
Corporate expenses(69.0)(86.1)17.1 
Total operating loss(96.9)(110.0)%(99.7)(117.6)%2.8 760  bps
1.Total segment operating (loss) income is a non-IFRS financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
Operating loss and operating margin were $96.9m and (110.0)% for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $99.7m and (117.6)% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease in operating loss of $2.8m was attributable to lower SG&A costs, partially offset by lower gross profit as noted above. The increase in operating margin of 760 bps was attributable to lower SG&A costs, partially offset by gross margin compression.
DTC segment operating loss and operating margin were $23.1m and (36.6)% for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $17.3m and (31.0)% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase in operating loss of $5.8m was attributable to higher operating costs associated with the expansion of the retail network, partially offset by improved revenue and gross profit.
The decrease in operating margin of (560) bps was attributable to:
Gross margin - unfavourably decreased by (80) bps to 72.3% in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to 73.1% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The
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decrease in gross margin was mainly driven by product mix due to a lower proportion of Heavyweight Down sales which were flat with last year.
SG&A expenses as a percentage of revenue - unfavourably increased by 480 bps to 108.9% for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to 104.1% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase was primarily driven by the growth in freight and warehouse costs as well as increased technology costs in the e-Commerce channel as described above.
Wholesale segment operating loss and operating margin were $4.1m and (25.6)% for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to wholesale segment operating income of $3.1m and 11.4% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease in operating loss of $7.2m was attributable to lower gross profit, driven by a decline in revenue from a lower order book value and the continued streamlining of the Wholesale segment, partially offset by lower SG&A expenses.
The decrease in operating margin of (3,700) bps was attributable to:
Gross margin - unfavourably decreased by (1,280) bps to 38.1% in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to 50.9% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease in gross margin was mainly driven by product mix primarily due to a lower proportion of Heavyweight Down sales and channel mix.
SG&A expenses as a percentage of revenue - unfavourably increased by 2,420 bps to 63.7% for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, compared to 39.5% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase was primarily attributable to the decline in segment revenue that outpaced the reduction of SG&A expenses, driven by warehouse and freight costs, consulting fees, and personnel costs.
Other segment operating loss was $0.7m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to other segment operating income of $0.6m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase in operating loss of $1.3m was attributable to higher SG&A expenses primarily due to Paola Confectii which was acquired in the third quarter of fiscal 2024, partially offset by higher gross profit realized in this segment.
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Net Interest, Finance and Other Costs
First quarter ended
June 30, 2024July 2, 2023
CAD $ millionsReported Reported$
Net interest, finance and other costs3.214.511.377.9 %
Net interest, finance and other costs were $3.2m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $14.5m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease of $11.3m was driven by the increase in net gain of $15.8m on the fair value remeasurement of the put option (liability decrease of $4.4m, excluding translation gains of $1.7m) and contingent consideration (liability decrease of $8.9m, excluding translation gains of $0.8m) related to the Company’s joint venture with Sazaby League (“Japan Joint Venture”). The change in fair value of the put option liability was driven by progression through the 10-year term, whereas the change in fair value of the contingent consideration was driven by the extension in term. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company and Sazaby League amended the agreement to extend the period by which the deferred contingent consideration is payable if an agreed cumulative adjusted EBIT target is not reached through the period ended June 30, 2026 to April 2, 2028. The decrease was partially offset by unfavourable foreign exchange fluctuations related to the term loan facility, which is denominated in USD, net of hedging impacts, of $3.9m.
Income Taxes
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
CAD $ millionsReported Effective tax rateReportedEffective tax rate$
Change in bps
Income tax recovery(26.1)26.1 %(29.2)25.6 %(3.1)50  bps
Income tax recovery was $26.1m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $29.2m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the effective and statutory tax rates were 26.1% and 25.5%, respectively, compared to 25.6% and 25.3% for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, respectively. Given our global operations, the quarter to date effective tax rate is largely impacted by our profit or loss in taxable jurisdictions relative to the applicable tax and by the fair value remeasurement of the put option related to the Japan Joint Venture.
Net Loss
Net loss for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 was $74.0m compared to $85.0m for first quarter ended July 2, 2023, driven by the factors described above.
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Quarterly Financial Information
The following is a summary of selected consolidated financial information for each of the eight most recently completed quarters:
CAD $ millions (except per share data)Revenue% of fiscal year revenueNet (loss) income attributable to shareholders of the Company(Loss) earnings per share attributable to shareholders of the CompanyOperating (loss) income
Adjusted EBIT1
Adjusted net (loss) income per diluted share attributable to shareholders of the Company1
Fiscal 2025
First Quarter63.1 16.0 9.0 88.1 — %(77.4)$(0.80)$(0.80)(96.9)(96.0)$(0.79)
Fiscal 2024
Fourth Quarter271.5 41.4 45.1 358.0 26.8 %5.0 $0.05 $0.05 23.1 40.1 $0.19 
Third Quarter514.0 81.8 14.1 609.9 45.7 %130.6 $1.30 $1.29 198.8 207.2 $1.37 
Second Quarter109.4 162.0 9.7 281.1 21.1 %3.9 $0.04 $0.04 2.3 15.6 $0.16 
First Quarter55.8 27.1 1.9 84.8 6.4 %(81.1)$(0.78)$(0.78)(99.7)(91.1)$(0.70)
Fiscal 2023
Fourth Quarter227.5 45.5 20.2 293.2 24.1 %(3.1)$(0.03)$(0.03)17.6 26.6 $0.13 
Third Quarter450.2 114.4 12.1 576.7 47.4 %134.9 $1.28 $1.28 190.7 197.1 $1.27 
Second Quarter94.8 180.7 1.7 277.2 22.8 %3.3 $0.03 $0.03 21.5 26.3 $0.19 
1Adjusted EBIT and adjusted net (loss) income attributable to shareholders of the Company are non-IFRS financial measures, and adjusted net (loss) income per diluted share attributable to shareholders of the Company is a non-IFRS ratio. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of these measures and ratio, and a reconciliation of the non-IFRS financial measures to the nearest IFRS measure.
Revenue is highest in our Wholesale segment in our second and third quarters as we fulfill wholesale customer orders in time for the Fall and Winter retail seasons, and, in our DTC segment, in the third and fourth quarters. Our net income is typically negative in the first quarter and negative or reduced in the fourth quarter as we invest ahead of our peak season.
Over the last eight quarters, revenue has been impacted by the following:
timing of store openings;
launch and expansion of international e-Commerce sites;
streamlining of wholesale partnerships, resulting in a lower order book;
timing and extent of SG&A, including demand generation activities;
increased manufacturing flexibility with higher in-house production, which has an impact on the timing of wholesale order shipments and customer demand;
timing of end-consumer purchasing in the DTC segment and the availability of new products;
successful execution of global pricing strategy;
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shift in mix of revenue from Wholesale to DTC, which has impacted the seasonality of our financial performance;
shift in geographic mix of sales to increase sales outside of Canada, where average unit retail pricing is generally higher;
fluctuation of foreign currencies relative to the Canadian dollar;
revenue generated from the Japan Joint Venture formed on April 4, 2022;
revenue generated from the new subsidiary Paola Confectii formed on November 1, 2023, in connection with the business combination; and
impacts from COVID-19 that began in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020.
Net (Loss) Income
Over the last eight quarters, net (loss) income has been affected by the following factors:
impact of the items affecting revenue, as discussed above;
increase and timing of our investment in brand, marketing, and administrative support as well as increased investment in property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets to support growth initiatives;
increase in fixed SG&A costs associated with our business, particularly the headcount growth and premises costs associated with our expanding DTC channel, resulting in net losses in our seasonally low-revenue first and fourth quarters, respectively;
impact of foreign exchange;
fluctuations in average cost of borrowings to address growing net working capital requirements and higher seasonal borrowings in the first and second quarters of each fiscal year to address the seasonal nature of revenue;
pre-store opening costs incurred, timing of leases signed, and opening of stores;
the nature and timing of transaction costs in connection with the Japan Joint Venture and amendments to long-term debt agreements;
the proportion of taxable income in non-Canadian jurisdictions and changes to rates and tax legislation in those jurisdictions;
increased freight costs, limitations on shipping and other disruptions in the transportation and shipping infrastructure;
increased product costs due to cost inflation and higher interest rates;
the repurchase of our subordinate voting shares pursuant to our normal course issuer bids;
costs associated with the formation of the Japan Joint Venture on April 4, 2022 and the business combination resulting in the acquisition of Paola Confectii on November 1, 2023; and
costs and expenses related to the continued implementation of our Transformation Program, including consulting fees and workforce reduction costs.
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The Company uses certain financial measures that are “non-IFRS financial measures”, including adjusted EBIT, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net (loss) income attributable to the shareholders of the Company, constant currency revenue, and net debt, certain financial measures that are “non-IFRS ratios”, including adjusted EBIT margin, adjusted net (loss) income per basic and diluted share attributable to shareholders of the Company and, net debt leverage, as well as DTC comparable sales (decline) growth which is a “supplementary financial measure”, in each case in this document and other documents. These financial measures are employed by the Company to measure its operating and economic performance and to assist in business decision-making, as well as providing key performance information to senior management. The Company believes that, in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with IFRS, certain investors and analysts use this information to evaluate the Company’s operating and financial performance and its financial position. These financial measures are not defined under IFRS, nor do they replace or supersede any standardized measure under IFRS. Other companies in our industry may calculate these measures differently than we do, limiting their usefulness as comparative measures.
First quarter ended
CAD $ millions (except per share data)June 30,
July 2,
Adjusted EBIT(96.0)(91.1)
Adjusted EBIT margin(109.0)%(107.4)%
Adjusted EBITDA(63.3)(62.6)
Adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company(76.1)(73.1)
Adjusted net loss per basic and diluted share attributable to shareholders of the Company$(0.79)$(0.70)
CAD $ millions June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Net debt(765.9)(711.9)(584.1)
Adjusted EBIT, adjusted EBIT margin, adjusted EBITDA, adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company, and adjusted net loss per basic and diluted share attributable to shareholders of the Company.
These measures exclude the impact of certain non-cash items and certain other adjustments related to events that are non-recurring or unusual in nature, that we believe are not otherwise reflective of our ongoing operations and/or that make comparisons of underlying financial performance between periods difficult. We use, and believe that certain investors and analysts use, this information to evaluate our core financial and operating performance for business planning purposes, as well as to analyze how our business operates in, or responds to, swings in economic cycles or to other events that impact the apparel industry.
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Constant currency revenue
Constant currency revenue is calculated by translating the prior year reported amounts into comparable amounts using a single foreign exchange rate for each currency calculated based on the current period exchange rates. We use, and believe that certain investors and analysts use, this information to assess how our business and geographic segments performed excluding the effects of foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations. See “Results of Operations - Revenue” for a reconciliation of reported revenue and revenue on a constant currency basis.
Net debt and net debt leverage
We define net debt as cash less total borrowings and lease liabilities, and net debt leverage as the ratio of net debt to adjusted EBITDA, measured on a spot basis. We use, and believe that certain investors and analysts use, these non-IFRS financial measures and ratios to determine the Company’s financial leverage and ability to meet its debt obligations. See “Liquidity and Capital Resources - Indebtedness” below for a table providing the calculation of net debt and discussion of net debt leverage.
DTC comparable sales (decline) growth
DTC comparable sales (decline) growth is a supplementary financial measure defined as a rate of growth/decline of sales on a constant currency basis from e-Commerce sites and stores which have been operating for one full year (12 successive fiscal months). The measure excludes store sales from both periods for the specific trading days when the stores were closed, whether those closures occurred in the current period or the comparative period.The DTC comparable sales (decline) growth metric we report may not be equivalent to similarly titled metrics reported by other companies.
Total Segment Operating (Loss) Income
Total segment operating (loss) income is a non-IFRS financial measure defined as revenue minus cost of goods sold and SG&A expenses directly related to the operating segment. The total segment operating (loss) income metric we report may not be equivalent to similarly titled metrics reported by other companies. See “Operating Loss and Operating Margin” discussion above for reconciliation.
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The tables below reconcile net (loss) income to adjusted EBIT, adjusted EBITDA, and adjusted net (loss) income attributable to shareholders of the Company for the periods indicated. Adjusted EBIT margin is equal to adjusted EBIT for the period presented as a percentage of revenue for the same period.
First quarter ended
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Add (deduct) the impact of:
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)
Head office transition costs (a)— 0.8 
Transformation Program costs (d)— 7.8 
Paola Confectii Earn-Out costs (e)0.9 — 
Total adjustments0.9 8.6 
Adjusted EBIT(96.0)(91.1)
Adjusted EBIT margin(109.0)%(107.4)%
First quarter ended
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Add (deduct) the impact of:
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)
Head office transition costs (a)— 0.8 
Transformation Program costs (d)— 7.8 
Paola Confectii Earn-Out costs (e)0.9 — 
Net depreciation and amortization (i)32.7 28.5 
Total adjustments33.6 37.1 
Adjusted EBITDA(63.3)(62.6)
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First quarter ended
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Add (deduct) the impact of:
Head office transition costs (a) (b)— 1.2 
Japan Joint Venture remeasurement (gain) loss on contingent consideration and put option (c)(8.6)7.1 
Transformation Program costs (d)— 7.8 
Paola Confectii Earn-Out costs (e)0.9 — 
Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain) on Term Loan (f)1.7 (2.2)
Tax effect of adjustments(0.4)(1.8)
Deferred tax adjustment (g)— (0.5)
Adjusted net loss(80.4)(73.4)
Adjusted net loss attributable to non-controlling interest (h)4.3 0.3 
Adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company(76.1)(73.1)
Weighted average number of shares outstanding96,611,725 103,710,762 
Adjusted net loss per basic share attributable to shareholders of the Company$(0.79)$(0.70)
(a)Costs incurred for the corporate head office transition, including depreciation on right-of-use assets.
(b)Corporate head office transition costs incurred in (a) as well as $nil of interest expense on lease liabilities for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.4m).
(c)Changes to the fair value remeasurement of the contingent consideration and put option liability, inclusive of translation gains and losses, related to the Japan Joint Venture. The Company recorded a gain of $8.6m on the fair value remeasurement of the contingent consideration and put option during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - loss of $7.1m). These gains and losses are included in net interest, finance and other costs within the interim statements of loss.
(d)Transformation Program costs include consultancy fees of $7.8m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
(e)Additional consideration payable to the controlling shareholders of Paola Confectii SRL (“PCML Vendors”) if certain performance conditions are met based on financial results (“Earn-Out”) related to the acquisition of Paola Confectii SRL, recognized as renumeration expense.
(f)Unrealized gains and losses on the translation of the term loan facility from USD to CAD, net of the effect of derivative transactions entered into to hedge a portion of the exposure to foreign currency exchange risk. These costs are included in net interest, finance and other costs within the interim statements of loss.
(g)Deferred tax adjustment recorded as the result of Swiss tax reform in Canada Goose International AG.
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(h)Calculated as net (loss) income attributable to non-controlling interest within the interim statements of loss of $4.3m for the put option liability and contingent consideration revaluation related to the non-controlling interest within the Japan Joint Venture for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024. Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest within the interim statements of loss of $3.9m less $(3.6)m for the gross margin adjustment and the put option liability and contingent consideration revaluation related to the non-controlling interest within the Japan Joint Venture for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
(i)Calculated as depreciation and amortization as determined in accordance with IFRS, less the depreciation impact for corporate head office transition costs (a) in the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. Depreciation and amortization includes depreciation on right-of-use assets under IFRS 16, Leases.
Cash Flows
The following table summarizes the Company’s consolidated statement of cash flows for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
First quarter ended
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
Total cash (used in) from:
Operating activities(142.9)(209.3)66.4 
Investing activities(2.3)(5.7)3.4 
Financing activities59.7 (21.0)80.7 
Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash2.5 (2.5)5.0 
(Decrease) increase cash(83.0)(238.5)155.5 
Cash, beginning of period144.9 286.5 (141.6)
Cash, end of period61.9 48.0 13.9 
Cash Requirements
Our primary need for liquidity is to fund net working capital, capital expenditures including new stores, debt services, and general corporate requirements of our business. Our primary source of liquidity to meet our cash requirements is cash generated from operating activities over our annual operating cycle. We also utilize the Mainland China credit facilities, the Japan credit facility, and the revolving credit facility, to provide short-term liquidity and to have funds available for net working capital. Our ability to fund our operations, invest in planned capital expenditures, meet debt obligations, and repay or refinance indebtedness depends on our future operating performance and cash flows, which are subject, but not limited to, prevailing economic, financial, and business conditions, some of which are beyond our control. Cash generated from operating activities is significantly impacted by the seasonality of our business. Historically, cash flows from operating activities have been highest in the third and fourth fiscal quarters of the fiscal year due to revenue from the DTC channel and the collection of receivables from wholesale revenue recognized earlier in the year.
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At June 30, 2024, total inventory was $484.3m, compared to $522.1m at July 2, 2023, reflecting a decrease of $37.8m. Raw materials inventory decreased by $7.9m from the comparative quarter mainly due to lower safety stock purchases. Finished goods inventory decreased by $30.4m driven by inventory management of slow moving inventory through revenue generated in the Other segment, and movement of finished goods from inventory to obsolescence resulting in higher finished goods obsolescence provisioning.
As at June 30, 2024, the increase in total inventory compared to March 31, 2024 was attributable to higher finished goods which is in line with the seasonality of our business as inventory levels increase ahead of peak selling season. This was partially offset with a decrease in raw materials due to an adjustment to purchasing processes to better align supply with production needs.
We continue to monitor the levels of inventory in each of our sales channels and across geographic regions and intend to continue to align inventory with demand that we forecast in each region.
Cash flows used in operating activities
Cash flows used in operating activities were $142.9m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $209.3m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease in cash flows used in operating activities of $66.4m was due to lower net loss, lower taxes paid of $24.7m, lower inventory production, and lower accounts receivable as a result higher collections.
Cash flows used in investing activities
Cash flows used in investing activities were $2.3m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to $5.7m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The decrease in cash flows used in investing activities of $3.4m was primarily due to lower capital expenditures related to upcoming retail expansions of $3.0m.
Cash flows (used in) from financing activities
Cash flows from financing activities were $59.7m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 compared to cash flow used in financing activities of $21.0m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. The increase in cash flows from financing activities of $80.7m was a result of no share repurchases, compared to $27.5m in the comparative period, related to the normal course issuer bid (“NCIB”) as described below, and increased borrowings of $54.3m on the revolving credit facility and $4.0m on the Mainland China credit facilities. This was slightly offset by increased principal payments on lease liabilities of $7.4m.
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The following table presents our net debt1 as at June 30, 2024, July 2, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Cash61.9 48.0 13.9 144.9 (83.0)
Mainland China Facilities(16.6)(22.4)5.8 — (16.6)
Japan Facility(16.2)(22.0)5.8 (5.4)(10.8)
Revolving Facility(54.3)— (54.3)— (54.3)
Term Loan(396.0)(387.6)(8.4)(393.1)(2.9)
Lease liabilities(344.7)(327.9)(16.8)(330.5)(14.2)
Net debt1
1Net debt is non-IFRS financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
As at June 30, 2024, net debt1 was $765.9m compared to $711.9m as at July 2, 2023. The increase of $54.0m was driven by an increase in borrowings on the revolving credit facility. Net debt leverage1 as at June 30, 2024 was 2.8 times adjusted EBITDA, compared to 2.7 times adjusted EBITDA as at July 2, 2023.
Net debt1 was $584.1m as at March 31, 2024. The increase of $181.8m as at June 30, 2024 was driven by a decrease in cash of $83.0m and increased borrowings on the revolving credit facility, Mainland China credit facilities and Japan credit facility, in line with the seasonality of our working capital requirements.
1.Net debt is a non-IFRS financial measure and net debt leverage is a non-IFRS ratio. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of these measures.
Amendments to borrowings
Post June 28, 2024, Canadian Dollar Offered Rates were no longer being published. As a result, in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company entered into amendments to its revolving credit facility to transition from the Canadian Dollar Offered interest benchmarks to the Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average ("CORRA”). There were no further amendments to borrowings in the first quarter ended June 30, 2024.
See “Note 10. Borrowings” in our Interim Financial Statements, “Note 17. Borrowings”, “Factors affecting performance” and “Indebtedness” in our fiscal 2024 Annual Report for detailed information on our debt facilities and seasonality of the business.
Normal Course Issuer Bids
Share capital transactions for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024
Normal course issuer bid for Fiscal 2024
During fiscal 2024, the Company renewed its normal course issuer bid in relation to its subordinate voting shares (“Fiscal 2024 NCIB”). The Company is authorized to make purchases under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB from November 22, 2023 to November 21, 2024, in accordance with the requirements of the Toronto Stock Exchange (the “TSX”). The Board of Directors of the Company has authorized the Company to repurchase up to 4,980,505 subordinate voting shares, representing 10.0% of the Public Float (as defined in the rules of the TSX) for the
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subordinate voting shares as at November 10, 2023. Purchases will be made by means of open market transactions on both the TSX and the New York Stock Exchange (the “NYSE”), or alternative trading systems, if eligible, and will conform to their regulations. Under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB, the Company is allowed to repurchase daily, through the facilities of the TSX, a maximum of 71,846 subordinate voting shares, representing 25% of the average daily trading volume, as calculated per the TSX rules for the six-month period starting on May 1, 2023 and ending on October 31, 2023. A copy of the Company's notice of intention to commence a NCIB through the facilities of the TSX may be obtained, without charge, by contacting the Company. The Company believes that the purchase of its subordinate voting shares under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB is an appropriate and desirable use of available excess cash.
In connection with the Fiscal 2024 NCIB, the Company also entered an automatic share purchase plan (the “Fiscal 2024 ASPP”) under which a designated broker may purchase subordinate voting shares under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB during the regularly scheduled quarterly trading blackout periods of the Company. The repurchases made under the Fiscal 2024 ASPP will be made in accordance with certain purchasing parameters and will continue until the earlier of the date in which the Company has purchased the maximum value of subordinate voting shares pursuant to the Fiscal 2024 NCIB or upon the date of expiry of the Fiscal 2024 NCIB.
During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company made no repurchases under the Fiscal 2024 NCIB.
Since the commencement of the Fiscal 2024 NCIB, the Company purchased 3,586,124 subordinate voting shares for cancellation, for total cash consideration of $56.9m.
Normal course issuer bid for Fiscal 2023
Prior to the Fiscal 2024 NCIB, the Company maintained another normal course issuer bid in relation to its subordinate voting shares (“Fiscal 2023 NCIB”). The Company was authorized to make purchases from November 22, 2022 to November 21, 2023 under the Fiscal 2023 NCIB, in accordance with the rules of the TSX.
During the first quarter ended July 2, 2023, under the Fiscal 2023 NCIB, the Company purchased 1,156,959 subordinate voting shares for cancellation for total cash consideration of $26.3m.
See “Note 11. Shareholders’ equity” in our Interim Financial Statements and “Note 18. Shareholders’ equity” in our fiscal 2024 Annual Report for detailed information on the Fiscal 2024 NCIB and Fiscal 2023 NCIB.
Contractual Obligations
Refer to “Contractual Obligations” in the MD&A section of our fiscal 2024 Annual Report and “Note 15. Financial risk management objectives and policies” of our Interim Financial Statements for a summary of the significant contractual obligations and other obligations of the Company. There have been no material changes since March 31, 2024.
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The Company uses off-balance sheet arrangements including letters of credit and guarantees in connection with certain obligations including leases. In Europe, a subsidiary of the Company maintained an agreement to factor, on a limited recourse basis, certain of its trade accounts receivable up to a limit of EUR20.0m in exchange for advanced funding equal to 100% of the principal value of the invoice. On April 12, 2024, this agreement was terminated. Other than those items disclosed here and elsewhere in this MD&A and our financial statements, we did not have any material off-balance sheet arrangements or commitments as at June 30, 2024.
See “Note 15. Financial risk and management objectives and policies” in the Interim Financial Statements and “Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements” in our fiscal 2024 Annual Report for detailed information on our off-balance sheet arrangements.
Canada Goose is a publicly traded company and the subordinate voting shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: GOOS) and on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: GOOS). As at July 26, 2024, there were 45,726,797 subordinate voting shares issued and outstanding, and 51,004,076 multiple voting shares issued and outstanding.
As at July 26, 2024, there were 4,866,042 options, 655,032 restricted share units, and 680,210 performance share units outstanding under the Company’s equity incentive plans, of which 2,587,725 options were vested as of such date. Each option is exercisable for one subordinate voting share. We expect that vested restricted share units and performance share units, including any additional performance share units, vested for performance achieved above target, will be paid at settlement through the issuance of one subordinate voting share per unit.
We are exposed to certain market risks arising from transactions in the normal course of our business. Such risk is principally associated with credit risk, foreign currency risk, and interest rate risk.
Credit risk
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will not meet its obligations under a financial instrument or customer contract, leading to a financial loss. Credit risk arises from the possibility that certain parties will be unable to discharge their obligations. The Company manages its credit risk through a combination of third party credit insurance and internal house risk. The Company has an agreement with a third-party who has insured the risk of loss for up to 90% of trade accounts receivable from certain designated customers subject to a total deductible of $0.1m, to a maximum of $30.0m per year. Moreover, within CG Japan, the Company has an agreement with a third party who has insured the risk of trade accounts receivable for certain designated customers for a maximum of JPY540.0m per annum subject to a deductible of 10% and applicable only to accounts with receivables over JPY100k.
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In addition, a subsidiary of the Company in Europe managed credit risk through the agreement to factor, on a limited recourse basis, certain of its trade accounts receivable up to a limit of EUR20.0m in exchange for advanced funding equal to 100% of the principal value of the invoice. On April 12, 2024, this agreement was terminated with an immaterial impact to the Company’s trade accounts receivables.
Our exposure to credit risk has not significantly changed from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. See “Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures about Market Risk” in our fiscal 2024 Annual Report for detailed information on the Company’s credit risk.
Foreign exchange risk
Foreign exchange risk in operating cash flows
Our Interim Financial Statements are expressed in Canadian dollars, but a substantial portion of the Company’s revenues, purchases, and expenses are denominated in foreign currencies, primarily U.S. dollars, euros, British pounds sterling, Swiss francs, Chinese yuan, Hong Kong dollars, and Japanese yen. Furthermore, as our business in Greater China grows, transactions in Chinese yuan, Hong Kong dollar and Taiwanese dollar are expected to increase. Net monetary assets denominated in currencies other than Canadian dollars that are held in entities with Canadian dollar functional currency are translated into Canadian dollars at the foreign currency exchange rate in effect at the balance sheet date. Revenues and expenses of all foreign operations are translated into Canadian dollars at the foreign currency exchange rates that approximate the rates in effect at the dates when such items are recognized. As a result, we are exposed to foreign currency translation gains and losses from our foreign operations into Canadian dollars. Appreciating foreign currencies relative to the Canadian dollar, to the extent they are not hedged, will positively impact operating income and net income by increasing our revenue, while depreciating foreign currencies relative to the Canadian dollar will have the opposite impact.
We are also exposed to fluctuations in the prices of U.S. dollar and euro denominated purchases as a result of changes in U.S. dollar or euro exchange rates. Most of our raw materials are sourced outside of Canada, primarily in U.S. dollars, and SG&A expenses are typically denominated in the currency of the country in which they are incurred. As a result, we are exposed to foreign currency exchange fluctuations on multiple currencies. A depreciating Canadian dollar relative to the U.S. dollar or euro will negatively impact operating income and net income by increasing our costs of raw materials, while an appreciating Canadian dollar relative to the U.S. dollar or euro will have the opposite impact.
As part of our risk management program, we have entered into foreign exchange derivative contracts to manage certain of our exposures to exchange rate fluctuations for future foreign currency transactions, which is intended to reduce the variability of our operating costs and future cash flows denominated in local currencies. Certain forward foreign exchange contracts were designated at inception and accounted for as cash flow hedges.
Foreign exchange risk on borrowings
We are further exposed to translation and transaction risks associated with foreign currency exchange fluctuations on foreign currencies denominated principal and interest amounts payable on the Mainland China credit facilities, the Japan credit facility, the revolving credit facility, and the term loan facility. The Company has entered into foreign exchange forward
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contracts to hedge 90% or USD270.0m of its exposure to foreign currency exchange risk related to principal payments on the term loan facility denominated in U.S. dollars.
See “Note 15. Financial risk and management objectives and policies” in our Interim Financial Statements, and the “Foreign exchange risk” section of our fiscal 2024 Annual Report for detailed information about the Company’s hedging program.
Interest rate risk
The Company is exposed to interest rate risk related to the effect of interest rate changes on the borrowings outstanding under the Mainland China credit facilities, the Japan credit facility, the revolving credit facility, and the term loan facility, which currently bear interest rates at 3.00%, 0.48%, 6.30% and 8.96%, respectively.
Interest rate risk on the term loan facility is partially mitigated by interest rate swap hedges. The Company has entered into five-year interest rate swap agreements terminating December 31, 2025 to pay fixed interest rates and receive floating interest rates on notional debt of USD270.0m. The floating interest benchmark reference rate contained within the swap agreements is SOFR with the average fixed rates of 1.76%. These swap agreements fix the interest rate on the USD300.0m Term Loan. The interest rate swaps continue to be designated and accounted for as cash flow hedges.
Based on the closing balance of outstanding borrowings, a 1.00% increase in the closing interest rate during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 would have increased interest expense on the Mainland China credit facilities, Japan credit facility, Revolving credit facility and the term loan facility before hedging, by less than $0.1m, less than $0.1m, $0.1m and $1.0m, respectively (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m, less than $0.1m, $nil and $1.0m, respectively).
Until the third quarter ended December 31, 2023, the Company calculated interest rate sensitivity on debt facilities using the average balance of the facility and average interest rate in the reporting period. Following the third quarter, and applicable for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company calculated interest rate sensitivity on debt facilities using the closing balance of the facility and the closing interest rate. The Company believes this change provides more relevant information on interest rate sensitivity. The Company has recognized this change as a change in estimates and had adjusted the disclosure prospectively.
The Company enters into transactions from time to time with its principal shareholders, as well as organizations affiliated with members of the Board of Directors and key management personnel by incurring expenses for business services. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company incurred expenses with related parties of $0.5m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.3m) from companies related to certain shareholders. Balances owing to related parties as at June 30, 2024 were $0.4m (July 2, 2023 - $0.4m, March 31, 2024 - $0.2m).
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A lease liability due to the former controlling shareholder of the acquired Baffin Inc. business (the "Baffin Vendor") for leased premises was $2.3m as at June 30, 2024 (July 2, 2023 - $2.9m, March 31, 2024 - $2.5m). During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company paid principal and interest on the lease liability, net of rent concessions, and other operating costs to entities affiliated with the Baffin Vendor totalling $0.4m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.4m). No amounts were owing to Baffin entities as at June 30, 2024, July 2, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
The Japan Joint Venture has lease liabilities due to the non-controlling shareholder, Sazaby League, for leased premises. Lease liabilities were $1.6m as at June 30, 2024 (July 2, 2023 - $2.4m, March 31, 2024 - $1.9m). During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company incurred principal and interest on lease liabilities, royalty fees, and other operating costs to Sazaby League totalling $1.3m (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $1.1m). Balances owing to Sazaby League as at June 30, 2024 were $0.3m (July 2, 2023 - $0.2m, March 31, 2024 - $0.3m).
During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Japan Joint Venture sold inventory of less than $0.1m to companies wholly owned by Sazaby League (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m). As at June 30, 2024, the Japan Joint Venture recognized a trade receivable of less than $0.1m from these companies (July 2, 2023 - less than $0.1m, March 31, 2024 - $0.1m).
In connection with the Paola Confectii business combination that occurred during the year ended March 31, 2024, the Company recognized $0.9m of remuneration costs related to the Earn-Out based on the estimated value of $7.5m for the payout for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024. These costs have been included in other long-term liabilities on the statement of financial position, and reflect the amount owing to the PCML Vendors as at June 30, 2024.
A lease liability due to one of the PCML Vendors for leased premises was $1.2m as at June 30, 2024. During the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, the Company paid principal and interest on the lease liability, to one of the PCML Vendors totalling less than $0.1m. No amounts were owing to one of the PCML Vendors as at June 30, 2024.
Our Interim Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB. The preparation of our financial statements requires us to make estimates and judgments that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses. We base our estimates on historical experience and on various other assumptions that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. See “Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates” in our MD&A within the fiscal 2024 Annual Report for detailed information.
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Standards issued and not yet adopted
Certain new standards, amendments, and interpretations to existing IFRS standards have been published but are not yet effective and have not been adopted early by the Company. Management anticipates that pronouncements will be adopted in the Company’s accounting policy for the first period beginning after the effective date of the pronouncement.
Standards issued and adopted
In January 2020, the IASB issued an amendment to IAS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements to clarify its requirements for the presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position. The limited scope amendment affected only the presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position and not the amount or timing of its recognition. The amendment clarified that the classification of liabilities as current or non-current is based on rights that are in existence at the end of the reporting period and specified that classification is unaffected by expectations about whether an entity will exercise its right to defer settlement of a liability. It also introduced a definition of ‘settlement’ to make clear that settlement refers to the transfer to the counterparty of cash, equity instruments, other assets or services. On October 31, 2022, the IASB issued Non-Current Liabilities with Covenants (Amendments to IAS 1). These amendments specify that covenants to be complied with after the reporting date do not affect the classification of debt as current or non-current at the reporting date. These amendments are effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024.
The adoption of the agenda decision was recognized as a change in accounting policy in accordance with IAS 8, Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (“IAS 8”). The Company amended the existing accounting policies related to its presentation of liabilities in the statement of financial position as at April 1, 2024. The Company assessed the impact of the change in presentation and identified $21.2m of liabilities as at June 30, 2024, recognized as long term liabilities on the provision line related to warranty that can no longer be disclosed as such in accordance with the agenda decision. As a result, this balance was reclassified to current liabilities on the provisions line of the statement of financial position.
In accordance with IAS 8, retrospective application is required for accounting policy changes and comparative financial information was restated in the statement of financial position. As a result, $21.4m and $23.0m was reclassified from long term provisions to current provisions for July 2, 2023 and March 31, 2024, respectively.
In May 2023, the IASB issued International Tax Reform, Pillar Two Model Rules, Amendments to IAS 12, Income Taxes (the “Amendments”). The Amendments provide the Company with an exception from recognition and disclosure requirements for deferred tax assets and liabilities arising from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Pillar Two international tax reform.
The Company is within the scope of the OECD Pillar Two rules. Under these rules, Canada Goose Holdings Inc., (the ultimate parent entity of Canada Goose Inc.) will be generally required to pay in Canada a top-up tax on profits of its subsidiaries that are taxed at an effective tax rate (determined in accordance with the Canadian Pillar Two rules) of less than 15%, unless the jurisdiction of incorporation have implemented similar legislation. On June 20, 2024, Pillar Two legislation was enacted in Canada. These rules apply to Canada Goose from April 1, 2024.
An assessment of the potential exposure to Pillar Two income taxes has been performed. Based on this assessment, the Group does not estimate a significant tax impact to arise from this new
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regulation. The Company continues to monitor legislative action in the jurisdictions in which it operates and to refine this assessment.
Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Management, including the CEO and CFO, has evaluated the effectiveness of our disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) and Rule 15d-15(e) of the Exchange Act). Based on that evaluation, the CEO and CFO concluded that such disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of June 30, 2024 to provide reasonable assurance that the information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports it files is recorded, processed, summarized and reported, within the appropriate time periods and is accumulated and communicated to management, as appropriate to allow timely decisions regarding required disclosure.
Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. Internal control over financial reporting is a process designed by, or under the supervision of, the CEO and the CFO and effected by the Board of Directors, management and other personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The Company’s internal control over financial reporting includes policies and procedures that:
Pertain to the maintenance of records that accurately and fairly reflect, in reasonable detail, the transactions and dispositions of assets of the Company;
Provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS and that the receipts and expenditures of the Company are made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors; and
Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the assets of the Company that could have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements.
There has been no change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. Management determined that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as of June 30, 2024.
Limitations of Controls and Procedures
Due to its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect all misstatements. Management's projections of any evaluation of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as to future periods are subject to the risks that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
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Exhibit 99.3
I, Dani Reiss, certify that:
1.I have reviewed the financial statements and MD&A for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 of Canada Goose Holdings Inc.;
2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4.The company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and we have:
 a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
 c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
 d)Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the company’s most recent fiscal quarter (the company’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5.The company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):
 a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
 b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: August 1, 2024
 /s/ Dani Reiss
 Dani Reiss
 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Exhibit 99.4
I, Neil Bowden, certify that:
1.I have reviewed the financial statements and MD&A for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 of Canada Goose Holdings Inc.;
2.Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;
3.Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the company as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;
4.The company’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the company and we have:
 a)Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the company, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;
b)Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
 c)Evaluated the effectiveness of the company’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end of the period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and
 d)Disclosed in this report any change in the company’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the company’s most recent fiscal quarter (the company’s fourth fiscal quarter in the case of an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the company’s internal control over financial reporting; and

5.The company’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internal control over financial reporting, to the company’s auditors and the audit committee of the company’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent function):
 a)All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the company’s ability to record, process, summarize and report financial information; and
 b)Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the company’s internal control over financial reporting.
Date: August 1, 2024
 /s/ Neil Bowden
 Neil Bowden
 Chief Financial Officer


Canada Goose Reports First Quarter Fiscal 2025 Results
First quarter revenue increased 4% to $88.1M

Toronto - August 1, 2024 – Canada Goose Holdings Inc. (NYSE, TSX: GOOS) announced today financial results for the first quarter of fiscal 2025, which ended June 30, 2024. All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise indicated.

“Canada Goose had a solid start to the year, as our Spring-Summer 2024 collection attracted new and existing customers to shop in our stores and online, contributing to revenue growth in our first quarter, which was especially robust in the Asia Pacific region,” said Dani Reiss, Chairman and CEO of Canada Goose. “I’m encouraged by the early progress we made across our fiscal 2025 key operating imperatives, evolving our brand and product, welcoming our first-ever Creative Director, Haider Ackermann, advancing our retail execution plans, and introducing new ways of working to inspire greater operating discipline and efficiencies across the organization.”

First Quarter Fiscal 2025 Business Highlights:
During the first quarter of fiscal 2025, we progressed initiatives across our three key operating imperatives: setting the foundation for brand and product evolution, implementing best-in-class retail execution, and simplifying and focusing the way we operate internally. Notable highlights were as follows:
Announced Haider Ackermann, our first-ever Creative Director, along with the launch of his inaugural design, the Polar Bears International Hoodie and related brand campaign, which marked our most successful brand campaign results in our company’s history generating more than double the earned media impressions compared to our previously most successful campaign.
Launched our Spring-Summer 2024 collection, featuring several lightweight styles suited for the wetter and warmer seasons. We also introduced the Vancouver Rain Boot, our very first rain boot, further expanding our category of functional and stylish footwear.
Grew our apparel, wind wear, and footwear product sales year-over-year in the first quarter of fiscal 2025, with share of revenue and units sold across these product lines expanding within the overall mix in our DTC and wholesale channels.

Subsequent to First Quarter Fiscal 2025
Opened two permanent stores in July in Wuhan, Mainland China and in Cotai, Macau, bringing our total permanent store count to 70.
Published our fiscal 2024 ESG Report, which provides an update on the progress of our Sustainable Impact Strategy to achieve our purpose of keeping the planet cold and the people on it warm. Highlights were as follows:
Progressed our carbon emissions reduction initiatives toward achieving our Net Zero target, improving our manufacturing and building efficiencies and investing in carbon offsets and renewable energy certificates, which resulted in a 6% decrease in Scope 1 and 2 emissions in fiscal 2024 compared with fiscal 2023.
Continued to source more responsible materials, increasing the amount of Preferred Fibre and Materials sourced for domestically manufactured products in fiscal 2024 compared with fiscal 2023, and reached 100% of products made in Canada in fiscal 2024 being PFAS-free.


First Quarter Financial Highlights1:

Total revenue increased 4% to $88.1m compared to the same period in the prior year, up 3% on a constant currency basis2.
DTC revenue grew 13% to $63.1m, up 12% on a constant currency basis2, driven by strong retail sales in Asia Pacific. DTC comparable sales3 decreased 4.4% year-over-year.

Wholesale revenue decreased (41)% to $16.0m or (42)% on a constant currency basis2 due to a planned lower order book resulting from fewer orders from existing customers compared to the same period in the prior year and the continued optimization of wholesale relationships as we elevate the quality of our partners in this sales channel.

Other revenue increased $7.1m to $9.0m due to incremental revenue from the knitwear facility we acquired in third quarter fiscal 2024, higher employee sales, and friends and family sales, which is aimed at exiting slow-moving and discontinued inventory.

Gross profit decreased (5)% to $52.6m, compared to the same prior year period. Gross margin for the quarter was 59.7% compared to 65.1% in the first quarter of fiscal 2024 primarily due to lower margin revenue contribution from our European manufacturing facility that we acquired in the third quarter of fiscal 2024 and a higher proportion of non-Heavyweight down revenue within the product mix.

Selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expenses were $149.5m, compared to $154.9m in the prior year period. The reduction in SG&A was primarily due to cost savings resulting from the workforce reductions implemented in fiscal 2024 and costs incurred associated with the Transformation Program in fiscal 2024 that did not repeat in first quarter of fiscal 2025, partially offset by an increase in expenses related to the expansion of our global retail network.

Operating Loss was $(96.9)m, compared to $(99.7)m in the prior year period.

Adjusted EBIT4 was $(96.0)m, compared to $(91.1)m in the prior year period.

Net loss attributable to shareholders was $(77.4)m, or $(0.80) per basic share, compared with a net loss attributable to shareholders of $(81.1)m, or $(0.78) per basic share in the prior year period.

Adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders4 was $(76.1)m, or $(0.79) per basic share, compared with an adjusted net loss attributed to shareholders of $(73.1)m, or $(0.70) per basic share in the prior year period.

Balance Sheet Highlights

Inventory of $484.3m for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, was 7% lower compared to the first quarter fiscal 2024 ended July 2, 2023, with finished goods inventory declining 7% over the same comparable period due to a combination of sales through our DTC, Wholesale, and Other channels and reducing production levels.

The company ended the first quarter of fiscal 2025 with net debt4 of $765.9m, compared with $711.9m at the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2024. This net debt position includes borrowings on our revolving facility which is seasonally typical for us as we build inventory to prepare for our peak selling season.

1 Comparisons to first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
2 Constant currency revenue is a non-IFRS financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for more information.
3 DTC comparable sales growth is a supplementary financial measure. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for a description of this measure.
4 Adjusted EBIT, adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company, and net debt are non-IFRS financial measures, and Adjusted EBIT margin, and adjusted net loss per basic share attributable to the shareholders of the Company are non-IFRS financial ratios. See “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures” for more information.

Fiscal 2025 Outlook5

The outlook that follows constitutes “financial outlook” and “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities laws, and is based on a number of assumptions and subject to a number of risks. The purpose of this outlook is to provide a description of management's expectations regarding the Company's annual financial performance and may not be appropriate for other purposes. Actual results could vary materially as a result of numerous factors, including certain risk factors, many of which are beyond the company’s control. Please see "Forward-looking Statements" below for more information.

Canada Goose is maintaining the fiscal 2025 guidance issued with fourth quarter and fiscal 2024 results published on May 16, 2024. As disclosed previously, we continue to expect:

Total revenue to grow in the low-single-digits year-over-year, with an approximate 25%/75% distribution split between 1H and 2H of fiscal 2025, respectively, which is relatively consistent with fiscal 2024.
DTC comparable sales growth in the low-single-digits year-over year, and incremental revenue from three new stores and four concession-based shop-in-shops to contribute to DTC revenue growth.
An average mid-single digit percentage pricing increase over fiscal 2024.
A 20% year-over-year decrease in wholesale revenue due to a tightening of our wholesale order book to largely offset the benefit contributed by DTC revenue growth and the planned pricing increase.
Consolidated gross margin percentage to be similar to fiscal 2024.
As a result of the above, non-IFRS adjusted EBIT margin to expand by approximately 100 basis points compared to fiscal 2024.
Non-IFRS adjusted net income per diluted share to grow by a mid-teen percentage year-over-year.
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding of approximately 99m for fiscal 2025.

Our fiscal 2025 financial outlook continues to assume global consumer spending to be pressured amid persistently high interest rates and geopolitical uncertainty. Within our business, we assume continued operational discipline and execution of initiatives focused on delivering further cost efficiencies.

Conference Call Information
The Company will host the conference call at 8:30 a.m. EDT on August 1, 2024. The conference call can be accessed by using the following link: https://events.q4inc.com/attendee/206596839. After registering, an email will be sent including dial-in details and a unique conference call pin required to join the live call. A live webcast of the conference call will also be available on the investor relations page of the Company's website at http://investor.canadagoose.com.

About Canada Goose
Canada Goose is a performance luxury outerwear, apparel, footwear and accessories brand that inspires all people to thrive in the world outside. We are globally recognized for our commitment to Canadian manufacturing and our high standards of quality, craftsmanship and functionality. We believe in the power of performance, the importance of experience, and that our purpose is to keep the planet cold and the people on it warm. For more information, visit www.canadagoose.com.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements relating to our fiscal 2025 financial outlook, the related assumptions included herein, the execution of our proposed strategy, and our operating performance and prospects. These forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of words such as “believe,” “could,” “continue,” “expect,” “estimate,” “may,” “potential,” “would,” “will,” and other words of similar meaning. Each forward-looking statement contained in this press release is subject to substantial risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statement. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, among others, the impact on our operations of the current global economic conditions and their evolution and are discussed under “Cautionary Note regarding Forward-Looking
5The Company is not able to provide, without unreasonable effort, a reconciliation of the guidance for non-IFRS adjusted EBIT and non-IFRS adjusted net income per diluted share to the most directly comparable IFRS measure because the Company does not currently have sufficient data to accurately estimate the variables and individual adjustments included in the most directly comparable IFRS measure that would be necessary for such reconciliations, including (a) income tax related accruals in respect of certain one-time items (b) the impact of foreign currency exchange and (c) non-recurring expenses that cannot reasonably be estimated in advance. These adjustments are inherently variable and uncertain and depend on various factors that are beyond the Company's control and as a result it is also unable to predict their probable significance. Therefore, because management cannot estimate on a forward-looking basis without unreasonable effort the impact these variables and individual adjustments will have on its reported results in accordance with IFRS, we are unable to provide a reconciliation of the non-IFRS measures included in our fiscal 2025 guidance.

Statements” and “Factors Affecting our Performance” in our Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") as well as under “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended March 31, 2024. You are also encouraged to read our filings with the SEC, available at www.sec.gov, and our filings with Canadian securities regulatory authorities available on SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.ca for a discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties. Investors, potential investors, and others should give careful consideration to these risks and uncertainties. We caution investors not to rely on the forward-looking statements contained in this press release when making an investment decision in our securities.

Although we base the forward-looking statements contained in this press release on assumptions that we believe are reasonable, we caution readers that actual results and developments (including our results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, and the development of the industry in which we operate) may differ materially from those made in or suggested by the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Additional impacts may arise that we are not aware of currently. The potential of such additional impacts intensifies the business and operating risks which we face, and these should be considered when reading the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. In addition, even if results and developments are consistent with the forward-looking statements contained in this press release, those results and developments may not be indicative of results or developments in subsequent periods. As a result, any or all of our forward-looking statements in this press release may prove to be inaccurate. No forward-looking statement is a guarantee of future results. Moreover, we operate in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment in which new risks often emerge. It is not possible for our management to predict all risks, nor can we assess the impact of all factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements we may make. Consequently, all of the forward-looking information contained herein is qualified by the foregoing cautionary statements. You should read this press release and the documents that we reference herein completely and with the understanding that our actual future results may be materially different from what we expect. The forward-looking statements contained herein are made as of the date of this press release (or as of the date specifically indicated therein), and we do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as required by applicable laws. For greater certainty, references herein to “forward-looking statements” include “forward-looking information” within the meaning of Canadian securities laws.

Investors: ir@canadagoose.com
Media: media@canadagoose.com

Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Loss
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except share and per share amounts)
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
Revenue88.1 84.8 
Cost of sales35.5 29.6 
Gross profit52.6 55.2 
Selling, general & administrative expenses149.5 154.9 
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 
Loss before income taxes(100.1)(114.2)
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Attributable to:
Shareholders of the Company(77.4)(81.1)
Non-controlling interest3.4 (3.9)
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Loss per share attributable to shareholders of the Company
Basic and diluted$(0.80)$(0.78)

Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Comprehensive Loss
(in millions of Canadian dollars, except per share amounts)
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Other comprehensive loss
Items that may be reclassified to earnings, net of tax:
Cumulative translation adjustment gain (loss) 5.4 (2.4)
Net (loss) gain on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges(1.1)9.8 
Reclassification of net gain on cash flow hedges to income(0.1)(0.5)
Other comprehensive income
4.2 6.9 
Comprehensive loss(69.8)(78.1)
Attributable to:
 Shareholders of the Company(73.2)(73.8)
 Non-controlling interest3.4 (4.3)
Comprehensive loss(69.8)(78.1)

Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Financial Position
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
June 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Assets $ $$
Current assetsReclassifiedReclassified
Cash61.9 48.0 144.9 
Trade receivables50.4 50.9 70.4 
Inventories484.3 522.1 445.2 
Income taxes receivable31.0 6.6 28.0 
Other current assets57.4 76.9 52.3 
Total current assets685.0 704.5 740.8 
Deferred income taxes96.8 92.5 76.3 
Property, plant and equipment165.7 172.0 171.8 
Intangible assets133.6 133.1 135.1 
Right-of-use assets293.8 281.3 279.8 
Goodwill70.4 62.8 70.8 
Other long-term assets5.4 12.3 7.0 
Total assets1,450.7 1,458.5 1,481.6 
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities144.3 178.6 177.7 
Provisions40.8 37.7 49.1 
Income taxes payable15.2 9.6 16.8 
Short-term borrowings36.8 48.4 9.4 
Current portion of lease liabilities82.5 75.3 79.9 
Total current liabilities319.6 349.6 332.9 
Provisions14.6 12.8 14.3 
Deferred income taxes10.7 12.3 17.2 
Revolving Facility53.3 — — 
Term Loan391.5 383.0 388.5 
Lease liabilities262.2 252.6 250.6 
Other long-term liabilities43.4 62.6 54.6 
Total liabilities1,095.3 1,072.9 1,058.1 
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company345.5 381.9 417.0 
Non-controlling interests9.9 3.7 6.5 
Total equity355.4 385.6 423.5 
Total liabilities and equity1,450.7 1,458.5 1,481.6 


Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of Cash Flows
(in millions of Canadian dollars)
First quarter ended
June 30,
July 2,
 $ $
Operating activities
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Items not affecting cash:
Depreciation and amortization32.7 29.2 
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Interest expense11.8 7.4 
Foreign exchange gain
Gain on disposal of assets
— (0.1)
Share-based payment2.2 2.5 
Remeasurement of put option 2.1 8.1 
Remeasurement of contingent consideration (10.7)(1.0)
Changes in non-cash operating items(63.1)(98.9)
Income taxes paid(5.4)(30.1)
Interest paid(10.5)(7.5)
Net cash used in operating activities(142.9)(209.3)
Investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment(2.2)(5.2)
Investment in intangible assets— (0.2)
Initial direct costs of right-of-use assets(0.1)(0.3)
Net cash used in investing activities(2.3)(5.7)
Financing activities
Mainland China Facilities borrowings16.6 12.6 
Japan Facility borrowings10.8 8.3 
Term Loan repayments(1.0)(1.0)
Revolving Facility borrowings54.3 — 
Transaction costs on financing activities(0.2)— 
Normal course issuer bid purchase of subordinate voting shares— (27.5)
Principal payments on lease liabilities(20.8)(13.4)
Net cash from (used in) financing activities59.7 (21.0)
Effects of foreign currency exchange rate changes on cash2.5 (2.5)
Decrease in cash(83.0)(238.5)
Cash, beginning of period144.9 286.5 
Cash, end of period61.9 48.0 

Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures
This press release includes references to certain non-IFRS financial measures such as adjusted EBIT, adjusted net income (loss) attributable to shareholders of the Company, net debt, and constant currency revenue and certain non-IFRS ratios such as, adjusted EBIT margin and adjusted net income (loss) per basic and diluted share attributable to the shareholders of the Company. These financial measures are employed by the Company to measure its operating and economic performance and to assist in business decision-making, as well as providing key performance information to senior management. The Company believes that, in addition to conventional measures prepared in accordance with IFRS, certain investors and analysts use this information to evaluate the Company’s operating and financial performance. These financial measures are not defined under IFRS nor do they replace or supersede any standardized measure under IFRS. Other companies in our industry may calculate these measures differently than we do, limiting their usefulness as comparative measures. Additional information, including definitions and reconciliations of non-IFRS financial measures to the nearest IFRS financial measure can be found in our MD&A for the first quarter and three month period ended June 30, 2024, under “Non-IFRS Financial Measures and Other Specified Financial Measures”. Such reconciliations can also be found in this press release under “Reconciliation of Non-IFRS Measures” below.
This press release also includes references to DTC comparable sales (decline) growth which is a supplementary financial measure defined as a rate of (decline) growth of sales on a constant currency basis from e-Commerce sites and stores which have been operating for one full year (12 successive fiscal months). The measure excludes store sales from both periods for the specific trading days when the stores were closed, whether those closures occurred in the current period or the comparative period.
Reconciliation of Non-IFRS Measures
The tables below reconcile net income to adjusted EBIT and adjusted net income attributable to shareholders of the Company for the periods indicated, and reconcile constant currency revenue to revenue across segments and geographies, and reconcile net debt for purposes of presenting its calculation. Adjusted EBIT margin is equal to adjusted EBIT for the period presented as a percentage of revenue for the same period.
First quarter ended
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Add (deduct) the impact of:
Income tax recovery(26.1)(29.2)
Net interest, finance and other costs3.2 14.5 
Operating loss(96.9)(99.7)
Head office transition costs (a)— 0.8 
Transformation Program costs (d)— 7.8 
Paola Confectii Earn-Out costs (e)0.9 0.0 
Total adjustments0.9 8.6 
Adjusted EBIT(96.0)(91.1)
Adjusted EBIT margin(109.0)%(107.4)%

First quarter ended
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
Net loss(74.0)(85.0)
Add (deduct) the impact of:
Head office transition costs (a) (b)— 1.2 
Japan Joint Venture remeasurement (gain) loss on contingent consideration and put option (c)(8.6)7.1 
Transformation Program costs (d)— 7.8 
Paola Confectii Earn-Out costs (e)
0.9 — — 
Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain) on Term Loan (f)1.7 (2.2)
Tax effect of adjustments(0.4)(1.8)
Deferred tax adjustment (g)— (0.5)
Adjusted net loss(80.4)(73.4)
Adjusted net loss attributable to non-controlling interest (h)4.3 0.3 
Adjusted net loss attributable to shareholders of the Company(76.1)(73.1)
Weighted average number of shares outstanding96,611,725 103,710,762 
Adjusted net loss per basic share attributable to shareholders of the Company$(0.79)$(0.70)
1.Subordinate voting shares issuable on exercise of stock options are not treated as dilutive if including them would decrease the loss per share. For the first quarter ended June 30, 2024, 1,138,989 potentially dilutive shares have been excluded from the calculation of diluted loss per share because their effect was anti-dilutive (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - 788,450 shares).
(a)Costs incurred for the corporate head office transition, including depreciation on right-of-use assets.
(b)Corporate head office transition costs incurred in (a) as well as $nil of interest expense on lease liabilities for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - $0.4m).
(c)Changes to the fair value remeasurement of the contingent consideration and put option liability, inclusive of translation gains and losses, related to the Japan Joint Venture. The Company recorded a gain of $8.6m on the fair value remeasurement of the contingent consideration and put option during the first quarter ended June 30, 2024 (first quarter ended July 2, 2023 - loss of $7.1m). These gains and losses are included in net interest, finance and other costs within the interim statements of loss.
(d)Transformation Program costs includes consultancy fees of $7.8m for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
(e)Additional consideration payable to the controlling shareholders of Paola Confectii SRL (“PCML Vendors”) if certain performance conditions are met based on financial results (“Earn-Out”) related to the acquisition of Paola Confectii SRL, recognized as renumeration expense.
(f)Unrealized gains and losses on the translation of the term loan facility from USD to CAD, net of the effect of derivative transactions entered into to hedge a portion of the exposure to foreign currency exchange risk. These costs are included in net interest, finance and other costs within the interim statements of loss.
(g)Deferred tax adjustment recorded as the result of Swiss tax reform in Canada Goose International AG.
(h)Calculated as net income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interest within the interim statements of loss of $4.3m for the put option liability and contingent consideration revaluation related to the non-controlling interest within the Japan Joint Venture for the first quarter ended June 30, 2024. Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest within the interim statements of loss of $3.9m less $(3.6)m for the gross margin adjustment and the put option liability and contingent consideration revaluation

related to the non-controlling interest within the Japan Joint Venture for the first quarter ended July 2, 2023.
(i)Calculated as depreciation and amortization as determined in accordance with IFRS, less the depreciation impact for corporate head office transition costs (a) in the first quarter ended July 2, 2023. Depreciation and amortization includes depreciation on right-of-use assets under IFRS 16, Leases.


Revenue By Segment
First quarter ended$ Change% Change
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
As reportedForeign exchange impactIn constant currencyAs reportedIn constant currency
DTC63.1 55.8 7.3 (0.4)6.9 13.1 %12.4 %
Wholesale16.0 27.1 (11.1)(0.2)(11.3)(41.0)%(41.7)%
Other9.0 1.9 7.1 — 7.1 373.7 %373.7 %
Total revenue88.1 84.8 3.3 (0.6)2.7 3.9 %3.2 %
Revenue by Geography
First quarter ended$ Change% Change
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
As reportedForeign exchange impactIn constant currencyAs reportedIn constant currency
Canada21.9 23.5 (1.6)— (1.6)(6.8)%(6.8)%
United States18.5 18.1 0.4 (0.1)0.3 2.2 %1.7 %
North America40.4 41.6 (1.2)(0.1)(1.3)(2.9)%(3.1)%
Greater China1
21.9 19.5 2.4 (0.3)2.1 12.3 %10.8 %
Asia Pacific (excluding Greater China1)
8.9 5.0 3.9 0.1 4.0 78.0 %80.0 %
Asia Pacific 30.8 24.5 6.3 (0.2)6.1 25.7 %24.9 %
16.9 18.7 (1.8)(0.3)(2.1)(9.6)%(11.2)%
Total revenue88.1 84.8 3.3 (0.6)2.7 3.9 %3.2 %
1.Greater China comprises Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
2.EMEA comprises Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.
CAD $ millionsJune 30,
July 2,
March 31,
Cash61.9 48.0 13.9 144.9 (83.0)
Mainland China Facilities(16.6)(22.4)5.8 — (16.6)
Japan Facility(16.2)(22.0)5.8 (5.4)(10.8)
Revolving Facility(54.3)— (54.3)— (54.3)
Term Loan(396.0)(387.6)(8.4)(393.1)(2.9)
Lease liabilities(344.7)(327.9)(16.8)(330.5)(14.2)
Net debt


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Canada Goose (NYSE:GOOS)
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