SAO PAULO, Nov. 1, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Companhia de
Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao
Paulo - SABESP ("Company" - BM&FBovespa: SBSP3;
NYSE: SBS), one of the largest water and sewage service
providers in the world based on the number of customers, in
compliance with CVM Rule 358 of January 3,
2002 and amendments, hereby informs to its shareholders and
the market in general that on October 31,
2013, the Sao Paulo State Sanitation and Energy Regulatory
Agency or ARSESP, published Resolution nº 434 and nº 435:
1) Resolution nº 435:
Authorized the tariff adjustment index of 3.1451% to be applied
on a linear basis to all water and sewage consumer categories
as of December 11, 2013.
The aforementioned adjustment is not applicable to the
municipalities of Lins, Magda, Torrinha and Glicerio, which have
different rules.
Upon the readjustment effectiveness, the tariff charts will be
available on Sabesp website at and at the
Company's customer service offices.
2) Resolution nº 434:
Fixes the date of March 10, 2014
for the publication of the definitive Initial Maximum Tariff Price
(P0) and the Efficiency Factor (Factor X) for the tariff cycle
initiated on August 10, 2012, and
establishes the following steps for the completion of the first
Tariff Review:
i) Stage D1 – Sabesp presents the revised Asset Base
ii) Stage D2 – ARSESP publishes its proposals for the Initial
Maximum Tariff Price (P0) and the Efficiency Factor (X Factor),
initiation of a Public Consultation and call for a Public
Hearing (1/10/2014);
iii) Stage D3 – Public Hearing held and Public Consultation
concluded (2/5/2014);
iv) Stage D4 – Publication of results related to the
Initial Maximum Tariff Price (P0) and the Efficiency Factor (X
Factor), report on Public Consultation contributions (3/10/2014);
v) Stage D5 – ARSESP publishes Sabesp's new Tariff
Structure definition and implementation schedule (3/10/2014).
IR Contacts:
Mario Arruda
Sampaio: (55 11) 3388-8664 (
Angela Beatriz Airoldi: (55 11)
3388-8793 (