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Bitcoin Interest (BCI)

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Bitcoin Interest Basico

Estado Activo
Tipo de activo: Moneda
Página Web:
Descripcíon: Bitcoin Interest is a fork of the Bitcoin blockchain at block height 505,083 (Jan 22, 2018). Bitcoin Interest aims to help in the decentralization of mining for Bitcoin with a new Proof of Work algorithm that also creates a decentralized savings community. Bitcoin Interest will allow wallet holders to stake coins in their wallet and collect interest on it.

Bitcoin Interest Analisis Ténico

Código Fuente:
Minables: Si
Tipo de Trabajo: PoW/PoS
Algoritmo: ProgPoW
El Bloque de Recompensa: 13.50 BCI
Informacíon de Recompensa: 12.5 BCI Block Reward to Miner and 1 BCI Reward to Interest Pool.
Tiempo de Bloque (sec): 600
Premine: 18,510,400
Fecha de Genesis: 29 Agosto 2018
Cantidad Máxima: 22,000,000 BCI

Bitcoin Interest Datos de Blockchain

Actualizado: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 13:05:27
Cantidad en Circulacíon: 18,326,892
Último Bloque: 95,620
Dificultad: 926,382

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