RNS Number : 3977T

Park Group PLC

06 December 2011



06 December 2011

    Summary                                   Half Year     Half Year    Year to 
                                            to 30.09.11   to 30.09.10   31.03.11 
                                                GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
    Customer billings                            48,583        50,911    297,612 
                                        ---------------  ------------  --------- 
    Revenue                                      46,043        50,911    279,938 
    Operating (loss)/profit excluding 
     other operating income                     (5,228)       (4,525)      5,619 
    (Loss)/profit before taxation               (4,396)           541     12,507 
    (Loss)/profit for the period                (3,253)         1,015      9,514 
    Dividend per share                           0.525p         0.50p      1.70p 
    (Loss)/earnings per share                   (1.94)p         0.61p      5.76p 

Park Group plc (AIM: PKG.L, "Park" or "the Company") is one of the UK's leading multi-redemption voucher and prepaid gift card businesses focused on the corporate and consumer markets. Park's business is generally seasonal and the first half of the year is traditionally loss making with the bulk of annual revenues and profit generated in the second half.

Commenting on the results and outlook for the full year, Peter Johnson, Chairman, said:

"The second half of the year has started well in the corporate and consumer businesses with orders running ahead of the same time last year. There is no doubt that the prepaid card and our application of online technologies is transforming Park and offers exciting growth opportunities in both existing and new market areas. The outlook for Park is encouraging; the dividend increase reflects this confidence. Park is in a strong position and we anticipate another year of growth."

Summary of key points:

 --   Revenue GBP46.0m (2010: GBP50.9m). Impacted by timing 
       difference and changes to the way revenue from prepaid 
       cards is recognised 
 --   Operating loss excluding other operating income of GBP5.2m 
       (2010: loss GBP4.5m). Increase due to first time seasonal 
       cost of Irish operation and full period of flexecash(R) 
       operating costs 
 --   28 per cent uplift in finance income to GBP0.83m (2010: 
 --   Interim dividend raised 5 per cent to 0.525p per share 
       (2010: 0.50p) 
 --   Total cash balances peaked at a record GBP152m (2010: 
 --   Underlying strength of corporate business continuing, 
       8 per cent rise in customer numbers 
 --   flexecash(R) prepaid card achieving rapid sales growth 
 --   Consumer Christmas savings 2011 agents increased to 114,000 
       (2010: 110,000) 
 --   Average consumer order value well ahead of last year at 
       GBP417 (2010: GBP401) 
 --   Online business growing strongly 

Commenting on the consumer business, providing Christmas savings schemes, Mr Johnson added:

"The consumer business has experienced a busy trading period with revenue increased to GBP6.7m (2010: GBP5.8m). The level of orders placed in the first half indicates a strong outturn for the year. The level of economic activity in the UK and Ireland inevitably makes consumers cautious about committing themselves financially. Park's savings business is popular with customers because it offers them a controlled, disciplined and structured method of preparing for the festive season by spreading expenditure over the year. The attractions of Park's long standing Christmas savings operation is well understood and appreciated by its thousands of regular users."


 Park Group plc       Arden Partners plc   Tavistock Communications 
 Peter Johnson        Adrian Trimmings     John West 
  Chris Houghton       Jamie Cameron        Andrew Dunn 
 Tel: 0151 653 1700   Tel: 020 7614 5917   Tel: 020 7920 3150 


Park Group has enjoyed another active trading period with sound performances across all its business divisions. The economic uncertainty referred to at the time of our annual general meeting in September remains the back drop against which we have operated with considerable success for the past three years.

The exciting transformation of our business continues apace, backed by the rapid growth of our innovative prepaid card operation, flexecash(R), which is being rolled out across both our corporate and consumer divisions. Performance was also boosted by the continued expansion and development of web based trading and order taking. While conditions may remain difficult for many of our loyal customers, we are focused on delivering to them the product quality, value and service that has underpinned our reputation for many years.

Trading results

The seasonality of Park's operations means that the first half of the year, although always busy and important in terms of securing orders, is traditionally loss making, as over 80 per cent of sales are not dispatched and invoiced until the second half.

Group customer billings in the first six months amounted to GBP48.6m (2010: GBP50.9m). Revenue on continuing operations for the six months to 30 September 2011 was GBP46.0m (2010: GBP50.9m).

It is important to note that customers billings differ from revenue and reflect the flexecash(R) card accounting policy announced in our results statement of June 2011. Revenue from prepaid cards is recorded differently to revenue from paper vouchers and is the margin earned based on customer billings, recognised when the value loaded on the card has been redeemed. This policy has no effect on the level of margin contribution or profit but delays recognition. The reduction in revenue is largely attributable to activities with a major customer being delayed into the second half of the year, in addition to the changes to the way revenue is recognised.

The operating loss in the period before finance income and taxation was GBP5.2m (2010: loss GBP0.1m). The 2010 operating loss included a one-off profit of GBP4.4m arising from the settlement of Park's VAT "Fleming claim". Excluding this one-off profit, the loss increased by GBP0.7m to GBP5.2m. This reflects the inclusion, for the first time, of the seasonal loss from our Irish business, which has now been fully integrated, and the cost of the prepaid card operation, launched in June 2010, for the full six month period.

Finance income is a significant element of the Company's performance and is the interest Park earns on the cash balances it holds on behalf of customers. Our treasury management remains careful and cautious in the continuing low interest rate environment. Interest earned in the period increased by over 28 per cent to GBP0.83m (2010: GBP0.65m). This reflects the combination of our conservative approach and improved cash balances, which peaked at a record GBP152m (2010: GBP140m), strengthening the group's working capital.


The board is pleased to declare an interim dividend of 0.525p per share (2010: 0.50p) to be paid on 10 April 2012 to shareholders on the register on 9 March 2012. In June 2011 the final dividend was increased by 36 per cent to 1.20p, demonstrating the board's confidence in the growth prospects for Park and the substantial profit contribution generated in the second half of the year.

Operational review

The corporate business, which supplies Park's incentive and reward schemes to over 5,000 customers across the GBP4 billion UK gift card and voucher market, delivered another solid performance. Revenue in the first half was GBP39.4m (2010: GBP45.1m).

One of our largest customers placed fewer orders than expected during the period, for delivery in the first half, and this is reflected in the figure for billings and revenue. This has been followed by higher than expected orders to date from the same customer for delivery in the second half of the year. This change in the timing of orders is not expected to affect the full year's result, but has had a disproportionate impact on the first half performance. The underlying progress of the corporate business was maintained with good growth in customer numbers, ahead by 8 per cent compared with the same period last year.

The consumer business, which focuses on providing Christmas savings schemes, experienced a very busy trading period with revenue increased to GBP6.7m (2010: GBP5.8m). It is worth noting that it is normal for first half revenue in this seasonal business to be low, as the vast majority of business is invoiced in the second half, when customers take delivery of seasonal purchases.

The level of orders placed in the first half indicates a strong outturn for the year. The level of economic activity in the UK and Ireland inevitably makes consumers cautious about committing themselves financially. Park's savings business is popular with customers because it offers them a controlled, disciplined and structured method of preparing for the festive season by spreading expenditure over the year. The attractions of Park's long standing Christmas savings operation is well understood and appreciated by its thousands of regular users.

The number of UK agents trading for Christmas 2011 has increased to 114,000 from 110,000 last year; customer numbers have increased to 415,000 from 410,000. Total orders for Christmas 2011 are substantially completed and are currently 5 per cent above last year's total. Average customer order values to date have increased to GBP417 from last year's average of GBP401. Orders for Christmas 2012 are progressing well at this early stage in both the UK and Ireland. Orders from Irish customers are in line with expectations and the introduction of our Euro Love2shop voucher has been successful, with 28 retailers with 500 branches, including many Irish retail brands, now accepting the voucher.

The rate of growth of flexecash(R), our prepaid card launched last year, continues to impress and the product is securing significant new business. Since inception, Park has issued over 550,000 flexecash(R) cards with a total value of over GBP60m supplying more than 500 corporate customers. The Company is processing in excess of GBP1m of transactions per day in the run up to Christmas. A new feature of flexecash(R) is that it can be used to purchase online retailer vouchers. 19 retailers including Amazon, Hamleys and Marks & Spencer can be accessed through our more2you web site.

Our web development continues to drive the business as we utilise the latest technology to maintain our market leadership and offer customers ever broader ranges of products and services. highstreetvouchers.com, our web based gift voucher retailer, increased sales by an impressive 35 per cent to GBP3.7m (2010: GBP2.7m) as customers selected this option to purchase vouchers and gift cards for immediate use. During recent months we have developed mobile applications that enable us to communicate with and support our customers using our vouchers and prepaid cards. The first of these apps was launched in November this year.


The second half of the year has started well in the corporate and consumer businesses, with orders running ahead of the same time last year. Overall, there is no doubt that the prepaid card and our application of online technologies is transforming Park's business and offers exciting growth opportunities in both existing and new market areas. The outlook for Park is encouraging; the dividend increase reflects this confidence. Park is in a strong position and we anticipate another year of growth.

Peter Johnson


6 December 2011




                                    Notes      Half Year      Half Year      Year to 
                                             to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10     31.03.11 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Billings                                         48,583         50,911      297,612 
                                           -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Revenue                                          46,043         50,911      279,938 
 Cost of sales                                  (46,173)       (50,749)    (259,819) 
                                           -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Gross (loss)/profit                               (130)            162       20,119 
 Other operating income                                -          4,418        5,506 
 Distribution costs                                (230)          (188)      (2,548) 
 Administrative expenses                         (4,868)        (4,499)     (11,952) 
 Operating (loss)/profit                         (5,228)          (107)       11,125 
 Finance income                                      834            649        1,384 
 Finance costs                                       (2)            (1)          (2) 
 (Loss)/profit before taxation                   (4,396)            541       12,507 
 Taxation                                          1,143            474      (2,993) 
 (Loss)/profit for the period 
  attributable to equity holders 
  of the parent                                  (3,253)          1,015        9,514 
                                           -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 (Loss)/earnings per share            3 
 - basic (p)                                      (1.94)           0.61         5.76 
 - adjusted basic (p)                             (1.94)         (1.68)         3.17 
 - diluted (p)                                    (1.87)           0.61         5.53 
 - adjusted diluted (p)                           (1.87)         (1.67)         3.05 

All activities derive from continuing operations.



                                           Half Year      Half Year      Year to 
                                         to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10     31.03.11 
                                             GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 (Loss)/profit for the period                (3,253)          1,015        9,514 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Actuarial losses on defined benefit 
  pension plans                                    -              -        (235) 
 Deferred tax on actuarial losses on 
  defined benefit pension plans                    -              -           61 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  period, net of tax                               -              -        (174) 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                     (3,253)          1,015        9,340 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------- 




                                               As at          As at      As at 
                                            30.09.11       30.09.10   31.03.11 
                                             GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                      1,407          1,452      1,407 
 Other intangible assets                       4,285          3,443      4,519 
 Investments                                       2              2          2 
 Investment property                             259            265        262 
 Property, plant and equipment                 9,054          3,855      8,873 
 Trade and other receivables                   1,177              -      1,543 
 Deferred tax assets                             422            465        422 
                                              16,606          9,482     17,028 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                  11,636         11,098      1,325 
 Trade and other receivables                  10,473         10,846      6,587 
 Tax receivable                                    -             65          - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     3,242         11,258      6,808 
 Monies held in trust                        119,498        102,191     39,607 
 Assets held for sale                              -            725          - 
                                             144,849        136,183     54,327 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
  Total assets                               161,455        145,665     71,355 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                  (150,066)      (136,580)   (52,123) 
 Tax payable                                   (103)              -    (2,066) 
 Provisions                                 (34,457)       (35,181)   (34,063) 
                                           (184,626)      (171,761)   (88,252) 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit obligation               (3,556)        (3,721)    (3,821) 
                                             (3,556)        (3,721)    (3,821) 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                         (188,182)      (175,482)   (92,073) 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
 Net liabilities                            (26,727)       (29,817)   (20,718) 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 
 Equity attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent 
 Share capital                                 3,361          3,301      3,361 
 Share premium account                         1,638          1,070      1,638 
 Retained earnings                          (31,726)       (34,188)   (25,717) 
 Total equity                               (26,727)       (29,817)   (20,718) 
                                   -----------------  -------------  --------- 



                                               Share                    Retained      Total 
                                             capital   Share premium    earnings     equity 
                                             GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2011                               3,361           1,638    (25,717)   (20,718) 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period 
 Loss                                              -               -     (3,253)    (3,253) 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                       -               -     (3,253)    (3,253) 
                                           ---------  --------------  ----------  --------- 
 Transactions with owners, recorded 
  directly in equity 
 Equity settled share-based payment 
  transactions                                     -               -         100        100 
 Dividends                                         -               -     (2,856)    (2,856) 
                                           ---------  --------------  ----------  --------- 
 Total contributions by and distribution 
  to owners                                        -               -     (2,756)    (2,756) 
                                           ---------  --------------  ----------  --------- 
 At 30 September 2011     3,361   1,638   (31,726)   (26,727) 
                        -------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 At 1 April 2010                     3,301   1,070   (33,769)   (29,398) 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period 
 Profit                                  -       -      1,015      1,015 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                             -       -      1,015      1,015 
                                  --------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Transactions with owners, recorded 
  directly in equity 
 Equity settled share-based payment 
  transactions                                 -     -        20        20 
 Dividends                                     -     -   (1,454)   (1,454) 
                                           -----  ----  --------  -------- 
 Total contributions by and distribution 
  to owners                                    -     -   (1,434)   (1,434) 
                                           -----  ----  --------  -------- 
 At 30 September 2010     3,301   1,070   (34,188)   (29,817) 
                        -------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 At 1 April 2010                        3,301   1,070   (33,769)   (29,398) 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period 
 Profit                                     -       -      9,514      9,514 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Actuarial losses on defined benefit 
  pension plans                             -       -      (235)      (235) 
 Tax on other comprehensive income          -       -         61         61 
 Total other comprehensive income           -       -      (174)      (174) 
                                       ------  ------  ---------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the period                                  -     -     9,340     9,340 
                                           ----  ----  --------  -------- 
 Transactions with owners, recorded 
  directly in equity 
 Equity settled share-based payment 
  transactions                                -     -       165       165 
 Share options exercised                     60   568         -       628 
 Dividends                                    -     -   (1,453)   (1,453) 
                                           ----  ----  --------  -------- 
 Total contributions by and distribution 
  to owners                                  60   568   (1,288)     (660) 
                                           ----  ----  --------  -------- 
 At 31 March 2011    3,361   1,638   (25,717)   (20,718) 
                    ------  ------  ---------  --------- 




                                                                               Year to 
                                                 Half Year      Half Year     31.03.11 
                                               to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10 
                                                   GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Cash used in operations                             (762)        (2,979)        (485) 
 Interest received                                     556            240          970 
 Interest paid                                         (2)            (1)          (2) 
 Tax paid                                            (820)          (115)      (1,347) 
 Net cash used in operating activities             (1,028)        (2,855)        (864) 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Proceeds from sale of assets held 
  for sale                                             235              -           10 
 Purchase of other intangible assets                 (206)          (210)      (1,518) 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment           (463)          (235)      (5,474) 
 Net cash used in investing activities               (434)          (445)      (6,982) 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Net proceeds from issue of ordinary 
  share capital                                          -              -          628 
 Dividends paid to shareholders                    (2,104)          (921)      (1,453) 
 Net cash used in financing activities             (2,104)          (921)        (825) 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents         (3,566)        (4,221)      (8,671) 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                          6,808         15,479       15,479 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of period                                          3,242         11,258        6,808 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents comprise: 
 Cash                                                3,242         11,258        6,808 
                                             -------------  -------------  ----------- 



                                            Half Year      Half Year     Year to 
                                          to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10    31.03.11 
                                              GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Continuing operations 
 Consumer                                       6,681          5,820     168,416 
 Corporate                                     39,362         45,091     111,522 
 External revenue                              46,043         50,911     279,938 
 Consumer                                           -              -           - 
 Corporate                                      5,452          4,401     136,300 
 Elimination                                  (5,452)        (4,401)   (136,300) 
 Inter-segment revenue                              -              -           - 
 Consumer                                       6,681          5,820     168,416 
 Corporate                                     44,814         49,492     247,822 
 Elimination                                  (5,452)        (4,401)   (136,300) 
 Total revenue                                 46,043         50,911     279,938 
 Consumer                                     (3,758)        (3,165)       4,470 
 Consumer - other operating income                  -          4,490       4,416 
 Corporate                                      (749)          (519)       3,934 
 All other segments                             (721)          (841)     (2,785) 
 All other segments - other operating 
  income                                            -           (72)       1,090 
 (Loss)/profit before interest                (5,228)          (107)      11,125 


(1) Basis of preparation

The financial information in this interim report has been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and the AIM rules of the London Stock Exchange and on the basis of the accounting policies described in Park Group plc's annual report & accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011. These accounting policies have been based on the current standards and interpretations expected to be effective at 31 March 2012. The group does not expect there to be a significant impact on the results from standards, amendments or interpretations which are available for early adoption but which have not yet been adopted.

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the accounting for financial instruments at fair value. In addition this interim financial report does not comply with IAS34 Interim Financial Reporting, which is not currently required to be applied under AIM rules.

The directors are of the opinion that the financial information should be prepared on a going concern basis, in the light of current trading and the forecast positive cash balances for the foreseeable future.

The financial information included in this interim financial report for the six months ended 30 September 2011 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and is unaudited. A copy of the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011, on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion and did not make a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006, has been filed with the registrar of companies.

(2) Taxation

The taxation credit for the six months to 30 September 2011 has been calculated using an overall effective tax rate of 26.0 per cent which has been applied to the taxable income (half year to 30 September 2010 - 29.0 per cent).

(3) Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Adjusted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders, before taking into account other operating income, by the appropriate number of shares as detailed above for both basic and diluted calculations.

The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following figures:

                                              Half year      Half year           Year 
                                            to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10    to 31.03.11 
                                                GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 (Loss)/earnings before other operating 
  income                                        (3,253)        (2,770)          5,244 
 Other operating income                               -          3,785          4,270 
                                          -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total (loss)/earnings for period               (3,253)          1,015          9,514 
                                          -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                           Half year      Half year   Year to 31.03.11 
                                         to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10 
 Weighted average number of shares 
 Basic eps - weighted average number 
  of shares                              168,030,990    165,064,410        165,251,345 
 Diluting effect of employee share 
  options                                  6,314,457        598,616          6,889,894 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
 Diluted eps - weighted average 
  number of shares                       174,345,447    165,663,026        172,141,239 
                                       -------------  -------------  ----------------- 
                                         Half year      Half year       Year to 
                                       to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10      31.03.11 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  in issue                             168,030,990    165,064,410   165,251,345 
 Total (p)                                  (1.94)           0.61          5.76 
                                     -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                         Half year      Half year       Year to 
                                       to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10      31.03.11 
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  in issue                             174,345,447    165,663,026   172,141,239 
 Total (p)                                  (1.87)           0.61          5.53 
                                     -------------  -------------  ------------ 

Adjusted earnings per share

                                         Half year      Half year       Year to 
                                       to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10      31.03.11 
 Basic (loss)/earnings per share 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  in issue                             168,030,990    165,064,410   165,251,345 
 Total (p)                                  (1.94)         (1.68)          3.17 
                                     -------------  -------------  ------------ 
                                         Half year      Half year       Year to 
                                       to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10      31.03.11 
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per share 
 Weighted average number of shares 
  in issue                             174,345,447    165,663,026   172,141,239 
 Total (p)                                  (1.87)         (1.67)          3.05 
                                     -------------  -------------  ------------ 

(4) Prior period customer billings

The difference between the prior period revenue as stated in the interim report for September 2010, and the revenue after applying the updated revenue recognition policy, is immaterial. Therefore no adjustment has been made.

(5) Reconciliation of net (loss)/profit to net cash outflow from operating activities

                                     Half year      Half year           Year 
                                   to 30.09.11    to 30.09.10    to 31.03.11 
                                       GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Net (loss)/profit                     (3,253)          1,015          9,514 
 Adjustments for: 
 Tax                                   (1,143)          (474)          2,993 
 Interest income                         (834)          (649)        (1,384) 
 Interest expense                            2              1              2 
 Depreciation and amortisation             724            476            932 
 Impairment of goodwill                      -              -             45 
 Profit on sale of assets 
  held for sale                              -              -        (1,090) 
 Increase in inventories              (10,311)       (10,220)          (447) 
 Increase in trade and 
  other receivables                    (3,476)        (5,536)        (1,011) 
 Increase in trade and 
  other payables                        97,191         88,262          4,339 
 Increase in provisions                    394          4,988          3,870 
 Increase in monies held 
  in trust                            (79,891)       (80,734)       (18,150) 
 Decrease in retirement 
  benefit obligation                     (265)          (128)          (263) 
 Share-based payments                      100             20            165 
 Net cash outflow from 
  operating activities                   (762)        (2,979)          (485) 
                                 -------------  -------------  ------------- 

(6) Approval

This statement was approved by the board on 5 December 2011.

(7) Reports

A copy of this announcement will be available on the Company's website from today www.parkgroup.co.uk and will be mailed to shareholders on 10 January 2012. Copies will also be available for members of the public at the Company's registered office - Valley Road, Birkenhead CH41 7ED and also at the offices of the Company's registrars, Computershare Investor Services PLC, P O Box 82, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 7NH.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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