29 August 2008

                                 Adwalker Plc

                        ("Adwalker" or "the company")

                                Final Results

                     For the year ended 28 February 2008

The board of Adwalker, the AIM listed specialist in digital media
solutions, is pleased to announce its final results for the year ended 28
February 2008.

The Adwalker interactive media platform, Adwalker's primary source
of revenue generation, is an advertising and media platform which is worn by
its operators ('Adwalkers') as a compact body pack incorporating a LCD screen,
wearable computer, touch screen and printer, enabling services and
applications which include brand advertising, point-of-sale, games &
competitions and data capture.


-    Turnover for the year up 11 per cent. to Euro1,770,195 (2007: Euro1,599,645);

-    Award of Euro250,000 Research & Development grant;

-    Global Reseller strategy adds partners in Turkey, Macau, Trinidad & Tobago, 
     Northern Ireland, Brazil, Bermuda, Australia, New Zealand and Holland;

-    Lease Hire strategy in key operating territories of UK, USA and Ireland 
     increases gross profit margin to 47 per cent. (2007: 28 per cent.)

-    Placings during the period raised �1,680,000, before expenses;

-    Negotiations continue for Interactive Digital Screen Network with Global FMCG Group;

-    An additional three groups across Ireland and the USA are at various stages 
     of negotiation for Interactive Digital Screen Networks; and

-    Value of contracts and commitments in the first six months of the current 
     fiscal year up by 13 per cent. compared with the revenue achieved in the 
     financial year ended 28 February 2008.

Commenting on today's results Adwalker's Chairman, Padraic
O'Connor, said:

"I am pleased to report the annual results for the year ended 28
February 2008, the third set of annual results since the company's shares were
admitted to trading on AIM in August 2005. It has been another year of growth
for the company that has produced its strongest set of results to date. The
Board is encouraged by the progress made in the year and since the year-end."


Adwalker plc Tel: +353 (1) 866 9000

Simon Crisp


John East & Partners Limited Tel: 020 7628 2200

Simon Clements/David Worlidge

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report the annual results for the year ended 28
February 2008, the third set of annual results since the company's shares were
admitted to trading on AIM in August 2005. It has been another year of growth
for the company that has produced its strongest set of results to date. The
Board is encouraged by the progress made in the year and since the year-end.


Turnover for the year was Euro1,770,195 (2007: Euro1,599,645) resulting
in a loss of Euro2,425,322 (2007: Euro3,178,532). The diluted loss per share
amounted to 0.87 cents (2007: 1.80 cents). As at 28 February 2008, the net
cash resources amounted to Euro185,740.

In February 2008, the company was awarded a research and
development grant of up to Euro250,000. The grant is being drawn down through the
reimbursement of costs associated with the development of digital screen

During the period under review the company raised �1,680,000 (net
of expenses) from placings of new shares.

The company is currently operating within its existing bank
facilities. In order to continue to operate within these facilities the
company needs to grow its revenue base significantly. The expected near-term
growth in income in the company's core business, being the lease of the
Adwalker platform, is heavily dependent on its global media partners. In the
event that this near-term growth in income is not achieved then the company
will be required to explore ways of raising additional capital.

Current Trading & Prospects - Adwalker Wearable Media

As stated in the AGM statement released on 28 February 2008 the
company launched a VAR (Value Added Reseller) model that enables companies
across the world to adopt the Adwalker platform in local markets beyond
Adwalker's key operating territories in the USA, UK and Ireland. Initial
results of the model are encouraging with reseller licenses signed in Turkey,
China (Macau market), Trinidad & Tobago, Northern Ireland, Brazil, Bermuda,
Australia, New Zealand and Holland.

In the year ended 28 February 2008 our USA, UK and Irish offices
continued to encourage their clients to lease/hire the Adwalker units for
their campaigns, as opposed to Adwalker hiring and deploying its own
personnel. This has resulted in two significant benefits; reducing the
operational dependency on the company and increasing gross profit margin to in
excess of 45 per cent. in 2008 from 28.1 per cent. in the corresponding period
in 2007.

Bookings and commitments for the first six months of the financial
period, are up almost 14 per cent. compared with the revenue achieved in the
financial year ended 28 February 2008. In addition, gross profit margin is up
39 per cent. in the same period.

The Board believes the dual strategies of appointing global value
added resellers and adopting the lease/hire model in the USA, UK and Ireland
are well founded at this time and are encouraged by the contributions of both
of these new sales initiatives in the current period. The Adwalker management
team has worked hard to develop the scalability of the Adwalker wearable media
platform in terms of operational and technological deployment and as a result
intend to increase the accessibility of this platform throughout the world.

As indicated in my last Chairman's statement in the 2007 Annual
Report the Board believes that Adwalker is still working with `early adopting'
clients. Generally, digital media continues to increase in acceptance and we
remain confident that the Adwalker wearable media platform will increase in
importance and ultimate usage, as a result.

Current Trading & Prospects - Interactive Digital Fixed Screen

As announced in July 2007, Adwalker commenced a pilot study on
behalf of a FTSE 100 FMCG company for the roll-out of an interactive fixed
screen digital network. Following the very encouraging results of the pilot
study up to the period ended 31 March 2008 I can confirm that negotiations
continue concerning the roll-out of this network and I hope to be able to
update you as to progress later this year.

Additionally, the company is also in negotiations with three
further groups to supply similar interactive fixed screen networks into
Ireland and the USA.

Whilst there can be no guarantee of concluding negotiations with
the FMCG company or any of the groups that have expressed an interest in
working with Adwalker, the Board remains confident that the company will make
further progress in this area in the short to medium term.

Strengthened Client List

As foreseen in the Adwalker 2007 Annual Report; the worlds largest
media marketplace has continued to contribute significantly to revenues over
the period. In the year ended 28 February 2008 the USA office was responsible
for 81 per cent. of the company's total revenues.

In the first six months of the current fiscal year campaigns have
been booked with the following clients; Betdaq, Diageo (Corporate), Carlsberg,
Guinness, Mattel, GAA, WKD, Castrol, Disney, Fender, Game Loft, Panasonic,
Sainsbury's, Chevron, Wall Street Journal, Cricket Twenty/20, Coffee Mate,
Cell South, Chrysler, Cirque Dreams, Conde Nast, Cuervo, Ice Road Truckers,
Nintendo, Toys R Us, Sprint, Univision.

The Board is encouraged by the even distribution between repeat and
new client usage over the first six months of the current financial period.

Intellectual Property

In addition to the US and Irish patents held by the company, the
United Kingdom Patent Office has granted Adwalker a patent for its wearable
media platform. Specifically this patent covers "the apparatus for supporting
a mobile electronic display system". The patent is valid until September 2024.

Other Developments

In February 2008, the company announced that Alan Rutherford, CEO
of Digitas Global, and Eric Newnham, Global CEO of Kinetic Worldwide Group
Ltd, were appointed as Non-Executive Directors. I welcome both Alan and Eric
to the board and look forward to working with them.


Over a relatively short period of time since the company's
admission to AIM, the executive management team have taken the platform that
they conceived and have built, developed, marketed and established a new
channel in the marketing of consumer brands. In establishing its interactive
wearable media the company has faced difficult challenges in ensuring that it
is accepted by the commercial sector. Continuing challenges are anticipated in
the form of the current economic climate and its adverse effect on consumer
confidence in the key Adwalker operating territories in the USA, UK and

However, the Board believes that the strategies the management team
have implemented over the last year and the exciting prospect of the fixed
interactive digital network channel will see the company through the current
challenging global economic climate.

Padraic O'Connor


29 August 2008

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 28 February 2008

                                                        As at       As at
                                         Notes    28 February 28 February
                                                         2008        2007
                                                            Euro           Euro
Non-current assets
Plant and equipment                        7          266,215     609,973
Intangible assets                                     205,346     339,642
                                                      471,561     949,615
Current assets
Trade and other receivables                           205,297     234,552
Bank and cash balances                     9          218,731     109,738
                                                      424,028     344,290
Total assets                                          895,589   1,293,905
Equity and liabilities
Capital and reserves
Share capital                                       5,272,676   3,372,664
Capital reserves                                    5,753,559   5,392,689
Other reserve                                        (37,550)     (8,519)
Share options                                         522,860     493,410
Accumulated losses                               (11,614,170) (9,188,848)
Total equity                                        (102,625)      61,396
Non current liabilities
Obligations under finance leases - due
after one year
                                                       28,746      63,509
                                                       28,746      63,509
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                              777,561     886,296
Bank overdrafts and loans- due within                  32,991      98,139
one year
Tax liabilities                                       120,398     145,829
Obligations under finance leases - due                 38,518
within one year
                                                      969,468   1,169,000
Total equity and liabilities                          895,589   1,293,905

Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 28 February 2008

                                                    Year ended  Year ended
                                         Notes     28 February 28 February
                                                          2008        2007
                                                             Euro           Euro
Revenue - continuing operations                      1,770,195   1,599,645
Cost of sales                                        (942,849) (1,149,190)
Gross profit                                           827,346     450,455
Distribution costs                                     (9,565)    (24,727)
Administrative and other operating
expenses                                           (3,297,837) (3,624,733)
Loss from operations - continuing
operations                                         (2,480,056) (3,199,005)
Finance costs                              3           (1,768)     (3,832)
Income from investments                    4             3,720      36,448
Exchange profit/(loss)                                  52,981    (20,756)
Loss before tax - continuing operations            (2,425,123) (3,187,145)
Income tax expense                         5             (199)       8,613
Net loss for the period - continuing               (2,425,322) (3,187,145)
Loss per share
Basic loss per share                       6       (0.92 cent) (1.88 cent)
Diluted loss per share                     6       (0.87 cent) (1.80 cent)

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 28 February 2008

                        Share      Share      Share      Other   Accumulated       Total
                      Capital    Premium    Options   Reserves        Losses      equity
                            Euro          Euro          Euro          Euro             Euro           Euro
Balance at 1 March
2006                3,372,664  5,392,689    434,684          -   (6,010,316)   3,189,721
Net loss for the
year                        -          -          -          -   (3,178,532) (3,178,532)
Exchange rate
movement                    -          -          -    (8,519)             -     (8,519)
Share options
granted                     -          -     58,726          -             -      58,726
Balance at 28
February 2007       3,372,664  5,392,689    493,410    (8,519)   (9,188,848)      61,396
Balance at 1 March
2007                3,372,664  5,392,689    493,410    (8,519)   (9,188,848)      61,396
Net loss for the
year                        -          -          -          -   (2,425,322) (2,425,322)
Exchange rate
movement                    -          -          -   (29,031)             -    (29,031)
Share options
granted                     -          -     29,450          -             -      29,450
Shares Issued       1,900,012    360,870          -          -             -   2,260,882
Balance at 28
February 2008       5,272,676  5,753,559    522,860   (37,550)  (11,614,170)   (102,625)

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 28 February 2008
                                                        Year ended   Year ended
                                                       28 February  28 February         
                                                              2008         2007
                                                                 Euro            Euro
Operating activities
Net loss for the year                                  (2,480,056)  (3,178,532)
Adjustments for:
Income taxation expense recognised                               -      (8,613)
Depreciation                                               365,759      553,255
Share options                                               29,450       58,726
Amortisation of ACOMS system and patents                   159,539      152,633
Investment income                                          (3,720)     (36,448)
Foreign exchange gain                                     (52,981)     (20,756)
Interest expense                                             1,768        3,832
Operating cash flows before movements in
working capital                                        (1,980,241)  (2,475,903)
Decrease in inventories                                          -        5,390
Decrease in receivables                                     22,292      282,052
(Decrease)/Increase in payables                          (106,495)      423,044
Cash generated by operations                           (2,064,444)  (1,765,417)
Interest paid                                              (1,768)      (3,832)
Income taxation refunded                                     6,764        1,251
Net cash outflow from operating activities             (2,059,448)  (1,767,998)
Investing activities
Interest received                                            3,720       36,448
Purchases of plant and equipment                          (22,001)     (82,111)
Purchases of patents and trademarks                       (25,244)     (21,905)
Net cash used in investing activities                     (43,525)     (67,568)
Financing activities
Shares issued                                            2,260,882            -
Decrease in finance leases                                (36,749)     (37,678)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing
activities                                               2,224,133     (37,678)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                                                121,160  (1,873,244)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period                                                      11,599    1,864,087
Effects of exchange rate changes                            52,981       20,756
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                 185,740       11,599

Notes to the preliminary Results

1. Publication of non-statutory accounts

The financial information set out above does not constitute the company's
statutory financial statements for the years ended 28 February 2008 or 28
February 2007 but is derived from those financial statements. Statutory
financial statements for 2007 have been delivered to the Companies
Registration Office and those for 2008 will be delivered in due course. The
auditors have reported on those financial statements; their reports were
unqualified, and did include a reference to a material uncertainty which may
cast significant doubt about the group's ability to continue as a going
concern, by way of emphasis without qualifying their report. The auditors have
not made a report under section 193 of the Companies Act, 1990 in respect of
the company's statutory financial statements for the years ended 28 February
2008 or 28 February 2007.

2. Basis of preparation

The group financial statements consolidate those of the company and its
subsidiaries (together referred to as the "group").

The group financial statements have been prepared and approved by the
directors in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as
adopted by the EU ("IFRS") and applicable law.

The statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. This assumption is
dependent on the group meeting its projected revenue and expenditure targets.

The group incurred losses of approximately Euro2.4 million in the year to 28
February 2008. The group had a cash reserve of Euro185,740 as at 28 February

The directors are confident that the group is taking the necessary steps to
grow the business to achieve profitability in the short to medium term. Should
projected profit levels not materialise the directors will take whatever steps
necessary to ensure the group has sufficient working capital for its needs.

The directors have reviewed the forecasted profit and loss account and cash
flows of the group for a period of one year from the date of approval of these
financial statements. They are satisfied that in view of the group's bank
facilities and the expected trading and cash flow performance, the group has
the necessary resources to continue trading for the foreseeable future.
Inherently, there can be no certainty in any of these respects. Accordingly,
they believe that it is appropriate for the financial statements to be
prepared on the going concern basis.

If the group was unable to continue in operational existence for the
foreseeable future, adjustments would have to be made to adjust the balance
sheet values of assets to their recoverable amounts, to provide for further
liabilities that might arise and to reclassify fixed assets and long term
liabilities or current assets and liabilities.

3. Finance costs

                                         Year ended    Year ended
                                        28 February   28 February
                                               2008          2007
                                                  Euro             Euro
Interest on bank overdrafts                   1,768         3,832

4. Income from investments

                                         Year ended    Year ended
                                        28 February   28 February
                                               2008          2007
                                                  Euro             Euro
Interest received on bank                     3,720        36,448
5. Income tax expense

Domestic income tax is calculated at 12.5 per cent. of the
estimated assessable profit for the period.

Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates
prevailing in the respective jurisdictions.

                                         Year ended    Year ended
                                        28 February   28 February
                                               2008          2007
                                                  Euro             Euro
Income tax expense                              199       (8,613)

6. Loss per share

Basic loss per share is based on a loss of Euro2,425,322 (2007:
Euro3,178,532) and a weighted average number of shares in issue of 263,633,702
(2007: 168,633,087).

In 2008 the diluted loss per share has been calculated on the same
basis as basic loss per share because the effect of the potential ordinary
shares (share options) reduces the net loss per share and is therefore

7. Plant and equipment

                  Adwalker Fixtures &  Computer    Leasehold
                     Packs   Fittings Equipment Improvements     Total
                         Euro          Euro         Euro            Euro         Euro
Cost or
At 1 March 2007  1,334,619    131,256   178,555       89,174 1,733,604
Additions                -          -    22,001            -    22,001
At 28 February
2008             1,334,619    131,256   200,556       89,174 1,755,605
depreciation and
At 1 March 2007    915,600     41,652   139,218       27,161 1,123,631
Charge for the
period             287,553     23,259    36,862       18,085   365,759
At 28 February
2008             1,203,153     64,911   176,080       45,246 1,489,390
Carrying amount
At 28 February
2008               131,466     66,345    24,476       43,928   266,215
At 28 February
2007               419,019     89,604    39,337       62,013   609,973

The carrying amount of assets held under finance lease by the group at 28
February 2008 is Euro35,986 (28 February 2007: Euro69,535).

8. Operating lease commitments

The future minimum lease payments under non-cancellable operating leases by
the group are as follows:

                                                   Land & Buildings

                                                  As at          As at
                                            28 February    28 February
                                                   2008           2007
                                                      Euro              Euro
Not later than one year                           1,868              -
Within 2 to 5 years                              73,450         34,971
                                                 75,318         34,971
9. Bank and cash balances
                                                  As at          As at
                                            28 February    28 February
                                                   2008           2007
                                                      Euro              Euro
Balance with banks                              218,731        109,738
Cash and cash equivalents comprise the            As at          As at
                                            28 February    28 February
                                                   2008           2007
                                                      Euro              Euro
Euro                                            195,404        101,608
Pound Sterling                                    2,838            248
United States Dollars                            20,300          7,574
Hong Kong Dollars                                   189            308
                                                218,731        109,738

10. Dividends

The Directors are not proposing the payment of a dividend in
respect of the year ended 28 February 2008.

11. Copies of report and accounts

Copies of the Report and Accounts will be sent to shareholders today and will
be available to members of the public from the company's registered office,
Crescent Building, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9 and on the company's website


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