RNS Number : 3265Z

West Bromwich Building Society

25 May 2016

West Bromwich Building Society

Preliminary results announcement for the year ended 31 March 2016

Forward Looking Statements

Statements in this document are forward looking with respect to plans, goals and expectations relating to the future financial position, business performance and results of the West Brom. Although the West Brom believes that the expectations reflected in these forward looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that these expectations will prove to be an accurate reflection of actual results. By their nature, all forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances that are beyond the control of the West Brom including, amongst other things, UK domestic and global economic and business conditions, market related risks such as fluctuation in interest rates and exchange rates, inflation/deflation, the impact of competition, changes in customer preferences, risks concerning borrower credit quality, delays in implementing proposals, the timing, impact and other uncertainties of future acquisitions or other combinations within relevant industries, the policies and actions of regulatory authorities, the impact of tax or other legislation and other regulations in the jurisdictions in which the West Brom operates. As a result, the West Brom's actual future financial condition, business performance and results may differ materially from the plans, goals and expectations expressed or implied in these forward looking statements. Due to such risks and uncertainties the West Brom cautions readers not to place undue reliance on such forward looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Preliminary results announcement

for the year ended 31 March 2016

The West Brom today announces its results for the financial year ended 31 March 2016, reporting pre-tax profits of GBP13.5m and a substantial increase in residential mortgage lending.

Key highlights include:

- A substantial increase in gross residential mortgage lending to GBP673m representing 51% growth (2014/15: GBP446m).

   -      Net residential lending of GBP351m (2014/15: GBP196m). 

- Savings balances grew by 10% to GBP4.4bn (2014/15: GBP4.0bn), driven by strong growth in ISA and web-based products.

   -      A 9% growth in pre-tax profits to GBP13.5m (2014/15: GBP12.4m). 

- Growth in total assets to GBP5.8bn (2014/15: GBP5.6bn), with the increase in the residential mortgage book more than offsetting the reduction in non-core commercial loan balances.

- An increase in the Group's strong Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio to 14.6% (2014/15: 14.4%).

- Successful relocation to new, purpose-built head office premises at Providence Place in West Bromwich town centre, ensuring capacity for future growth.

Jonathan Westhoff, Chief Executive, commented:

The West Brom can be very satisfied with these results, which reflect a strong performance on all fronts.

Most notably we have delivered another year of exceptional growth in terms of residential mortgage lending, confirming the Society as a major player in the market. We are committed to helping people achieve their aspirations for home ownership, offering mortgages locally via our branch network and nationally in England and Wales through our telephone advisers and intermediary partners.

Our growth in lending, which has resulted in the Society increasing total assets for the first time since the onset of the financial crisis in 2008, has been entirely funded by an increase in retail savings deposits.

Seeing our customers saving more is obviously a positive trend that reflects well on the Society's proposition and choice of products. Whilst we remain concerned at the impact ultra-low interest rates is having on the income of many savers, we are encouraged by and are supportive of, efforts to improve this situation through initiatives such as the Personal Savings Allowance and planned Lifetime ISA.

A key focus for the West Brom is customer service and specifically giving customers a variety of methods to interact with their Society and share feedback. We carry out regular satisfaction surveys, with both our branch network and telephoned-based customer services centre averaging an impressive 9 out of 10 for the year.

Service is also one of the driving forces behind the Society's decision to relocate to new head office premises at Providence Place in West Bromwich, which was successfully completed last month. It provides us with the space we need for future expansion and has the facilities and functionality to improve operational efficiency, thereby ensuring better overall experiences for our customers.

With another successful year of increased mortgage lending and sound profit performance completed, the West Brom is positioned as a well capitalised, efficient and modern building society, built on the traditional principles of supporting homeowners, providing a safe home for savers and delivering excellent customer service and satisfaction.

25 May 2016


   The West Brom                                                                0121 796 7785 

Mark Gibbard

Group Finance & Operations Director

Chief Executive's Review


I am pleased to report another year of progress in every respect; a strong growth in new mortgages advanced to home owners, an increase in savings balances that funded the growth in total mortgage balances and an increasing level of profitability which supported a further strengthening of our capital position.

The West Brom is now positioned as a well capitalised, efficient and modern Society, built on the traditional principles of supporting homeowners, providing a safe home for savers and delivering excellent customer service and satisfaction.

Profit before tax was 9% ahead of last year at GBP13.5m (2014/15: GBP12.4m), a sound and sustainable performance.

Gross prime residential mortgage lending increased by 51% to GBP673m (2014/15: GBP446m) and residential lending balances increased by GBP213m (2014/15: GBP73m). This growth was funded entirely by an increase in retail savings deposits which increased by GBP397m (2014/15 GBP248m reduction). This meant that the Society's total assets grew from GBP5.6bn to GBP5.8bn, the first increase since 2008 when the Society undertook a strategic repositioning with a focus on reducing its non-core activities, primarily commercial lending. For the year to 31 March 2016 we have seen a strong residential lending performance resulting in an increase in loan balances which outstrips the reduction in commercial loans.

Importantly, this does not mean that progress is slowing on our carefully managed run down of the non-core commercial property loans. Total balances outstanding reduced a further 19% in the year to GBP0.68bn.

It is, however, satisfying to report that whilst delivering growth, the Society has continued to improve its Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio, the key measure of capital strength, to 14.6% (2014/15: 14.4%).

Strategic investment

In the Spring of 2016 our Head Office and central operations relocated to Providence Place in West Bromwich. The Society's former High Street premises served as our home for nearly 40 years, but had neither the physical space nor facilities to support our aspirations for growth. Our new Head Office is considerably larger, modern, well-equipped and has an open plan layout that supports collaborative working between key departments, thereby improving our operational efficiency. It represents an exciting new era for the Society and, together with continual investment in core infrastructure, enables us to provide members with the level of service they deserve.

Serving our members

The core, traditional building society principle of mutuality remains our cornerstone. As a mutual organisation, the delivery of long-term member value informs all of our decision making.

The West Brom looks after the interests of its members by offering prime residential mortgages for homeowners, competitive retail savings and a range of ancillary products and services designed to meet individual financial needs.

As I have previously reported, a rate adjustment has been applied to certain buy to let loans in the Society's subsidiary West Bromwich Mortgage Company Ltd. Legal proceedings have been ongoing and following our successful defence of this challenge in the High Court an appeal was heard in April 2016, the outcome of which is not yet known.

The continuation of the low rate environment is generally good news for homeowner borrowers but conversely, it is not such good news for our savers. In 2015/16, we offered our savings members a range of products, many of which have featured regularly in the Best Buy tables. These are available through a variety of channels - branch, post and online - to suit the individual customer's preference.

Listening to our members

The West Brom is run in the interests of its members and so it is important we provide opportunities for people to share their views and opinions.

A regular feature in the calendar are our Members' ViewPoint feedback events, which we host in venues located around the Society's branch network and use to capture suggestions for how we can improve our products and services. They also enable members to spend time with representatives from the senior management team in an informal environment and raise any queries or concerns.

To help monitor satisfaction levels we carry out occasional surveys and invite members to rate our service after a transaction in a branch or a telephone enquiry. Branches also now include feedback facilities, where members can conveniently access a web-based facility via their smartphone or mobile device.

The West Brom's Customer Panel continues to grow, with more than 2,000 registered users. During the year we have used the panel to gauge members' opinions on a variety of important topics, including taking out a mortgage and children's savings accounts. It is input such as this that helps us to design products which are properly in tune with members' needs.


The Society has grown both its mortgage lending and total assets in the year. This growth has been on the back of a sound profit performance and increased capital, underpinning our financial strength.

This means that we are well placed to continue with our programme of investment in 2016/17 and we expect to see further growth.

Looking forward, Mark Gibbard our Group Finance & Operations Director has informed the Board of his intention to retire at the end of the 2016/17 financial year. The recruitment of his successor has commenced.

The progress that the Society has made in 2015/16 also means that we can look forward to sustained profitability and further strengthening of our capital base, giving us an optimistic outlook notwithstanding the continued challenge of the low interest rate environment and political uncertainties.

Jonathan Westhoff

Chief Executive

25 May 2016

 Income Statement 
 for the year ended 31 March 2016                      Group     Group 
                                                        2016      2015 
                                                        GBPm      GBPm 
 Interest receivable and similar income                126.7     136.9 
 Interest expense and similar charges                 (66.7)    (72.2) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Net interest receivable                                60.0      64.7 
 Fees and commissions receivable                         3.7       4.2 
 Other operating income                                  3.9       3.8 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Total operating income                                 67.6      72.7 
 Fair value losses on financial instruments            (1.0)    (16.3) 
 Net realised profits                                    0.6       0.1 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Total income                                           67.2      56.5 
 Administrative expenses                              (42.0)    (40.6) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                         (5.1)     (5.4) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Operating profit before revaluation gains, 
  impairment and provisions                             20.1      10.5 
 Gains on investment properties                          5.5       5.5 
 Impairment on loans and advances                      (8.1)     (0.2) 
 Provisions for liabilities                            (4.0)     (3.4) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Profit before tax                                      13.5      12.4 
 Taxation                                              (4.1)     (3.2) 
 Profit for the financial year                           9.4       9.2 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
 Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 for the year ended 31 March 2016                      Group     Group 
                                                        2016      2015 
                                                        GBPm      GBPm 
 Profit for the financial year                           9.4       9.2 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that may subsequently be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
 Available for sale investments 
   Valuation loss taken to equity                      (2.2)     (1.0) 
   Amounts transferred to Income Statement             (0.6)     (0.1) 
 Cash flow hedge losses taken to equity                (0.2)     (0.3) 
 Taxation                                                0.2       0.2 
 Items that will not subsequently be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
 Actuarial losses on defined benefit obligations       (0.9)    (10.7) 
 Taxation                                                0.1       2.1 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Other comprehensive income for the financial 
  year, net of tax                                     (3.6)     (9.8) 
--------------------------------------------------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the financial 
  year                                                   5.8     (0.6) 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
 Statement of Financial Position 
 at 31 March 2016                                      Group     Group 
                                                        2016      2015 
                                                        GBPm      GBPm 
 Cash and balances with the Bank of England            215.4     260.8 
 Loans and advances to credit institutions             204.0     186.5 
 Investment securities                                 410.1     274.3 
 Derivative financial instruments                        8.9      19.0 
 Loans and advances to customers                     4,739.0   4,677.4 
 Deferred tax assets                                    20.4      23.9 
 Trade and other receivables                             2.7       2.7 
 Intangible assets                                       8.2       7.0 
 Investment properties                                 123.7     118.6 
 Property, plant and equipment                          33.9      30.2 
 Retirement benefit assets                               0.8         - 
 Total assets                                        5,767.1   5,600.4 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
 Shares                                              4,385.1   3,988.0 
 Amounts due to credit institutions                    259.0     393.3 
 Amounts due to other customers                        157.0     152.4 
 Derivative financial instruments                       77.1      80.8 
 Debt securities in issue                              368.6     467.1 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                4.7       4.5 
 Trade and other payables                               15.2      12.7 
 Provisions for liabilities                              2.7       2.2 
 Retirement benefit obligations                            -       7.5 
--------------------------------------------------            -------- 
 Total liabilities                                   5,269.4   5,108.5 
 Profit participating deferred shares                  179.5     177.1 
 Subscribed capital                                     74.9      74.9 
 General reserves                                      239.3     233.1 
 Revaluation reserve                                     3.4       3.4 
 Available for sale reserve                              0.9       3.5 
 Cash flow hedging reserve                             (0.3)     (0.1) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Total equity attributable to members                  497.7     491.9 
 Total liabilities and equity                        5,767.1   5,600.4 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
  Statement of Changes 
   in Members' Interest 
  for the year ended 
   31 March 2016 
                                       Profit                                          Available       Cash 
                                participating                                                for       flow 
                                     deferred   Subscribed     General   Revaluation        sale    hedging 
                                       shares      capital    reserves       reserve     reserve    reserve   Total 
  Group                                  GBPm         GBPm        GBPm          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm    GBPm 
  At 1 April 2015                       177.1         74.9       233.1           3.4         3.5      (0.1)   491.9 
  Profit for the financial 
   year                                   2.4            -         7.0             -           -          -     9.4 
  Other comprehensive 
   income for the period 
  Available for sale 
   investments: current 
   year movement net 
   of tax                                   -            -           -             -       (2.6)          -   (2.6) 
  Actuarial losses 
   on defined benefit 
   obligations                              -            -       (0.8)             -           -          -   (0.8) 
  Cash flow hedge losses                    -            -           -             -           -      (0.2)   (0.2) 
  Total other comprehensive 
   income                                   -            -       (0.8)             -       (2.6)      (0.2)   (3.6) 
 ---------------------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ------ 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the year                    2.4            -         6.2             -       (2.6)      (0.2)     5.8 
  At 31 March 2016                      179.5         74.9       239.3           3.4         0.9      (0.3)   497.7 
 ===========================  ===============  ===========  ==========  ============  ==========  =========  ====== 
                                       Profit                                                          Cash 
                                participating                                          Available       flow 
                                     deferred   Subscribed     General   Revaluation    for sale    hedging 
                                       shares      capital    reserves       reserve     reserve    reserve   Total 
  Group                                  GBPm         GBPm        GBPm          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm    GBPm 
  At 1 April 2014                       174.7         74.9       234.9           3.4         4.4        0.2   492.5 
  Profit for the financial 
   year                                   2.4            -         6.8             -           -          -     9.2 
  Other comprehensive 
   income for the period 
  Available for sale 
   investments: current 
   year movement net 
   of tax                                   -            -           -             -       (0.9)          -   (0.9) 
  Actuarial losses 
   on defined benefit 
   obligations                              -            -       (8.6)             -           -          -   (8.6) 
  Cash flow hedge losses                    -            -           -             -           -      (0.3)   (0.3) 
  Total other comprehensive 
   income                                   -            -       (8.6)             -       (0.9)      (0.3)   (9.8) 
 ---------------------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ------ 
  Total comprehensive 
   income for the year                    2.4            -       (1.8)             -       (0.9)      (0.3)   (0.6) 
 ---------------------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ------ 
  At 31 March 2015                      177.1         74.9       233.1           3.4         3.5      (0.1)   491.9 
 ===========================  ===============  ===========  ==========  ============  ==========  =========  ====== 
   Statement of Cash Flows 
 for the year ended 31 March 2016                                  Group            Group 
                                                                    2016             2015 
                                                                    GBPm             GBPm 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities 
  (below)                                                          220.3            103.9 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of investment securities                               (386.7)          (187.9) 
 Proceeds from disposal of investment securities                   298.0            305.6 
 Proceeds from disposal of investment properties                     0.4              2.1 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
  and intangible assets                                            (8.8)           (16.8) 
 Net cash flows from investing activities                         (97.1)            103.0 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Repayment of mortgage backed loan notes                          (98.5)          (134.1) 
 Net cash flows from financing activities                         (98.5)          (134.1) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 
 Net increase in cash                                               24.7             72.8 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                                          444.1            371.3 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                          468.8            444.1 
==================================================  ====================  =============== 
                                                                   Group            Group 
                                                                    2016             2015 
                                                                    GBPm             GBPm 
 Analysis of cash and cash equivalents 
 Cash in hand (including Bank of England 
  Reserve account)                                                 208.7            253.6 
 Loans and advances to credit institutions                         204.0            186.5 
 Investment securities                                              56.1              4.0 
                                                                   468.8            444.1 
==================================================  ====================  =============== 
                                                                   Group            Group 
                                                                    2016             2015 
                                                                    GBPm             GBPm 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit on ordinary activities before tax 
  from continuing activities                                        13.5             12.4 
 Movement in prepayments and accrued income                        (0.2)              0.3 
 Movement in accruals and deferred income                          (0.4)                - 
 Impairment on loans and advances                                    8.1              0.2 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                       5.1              5.4 
 Revaluations of investment properties                             (5.5)            (5.5) 
 Movement in provisions for liabilities                              0.5            (2.9) 
 Movement in derivative financial instruments                        6.4             33.6 
 Movement in fair value adjustments                                (2.3)           (14.0) 
 Change in retirement benefit obligations                          (9.2)            (4.6) 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities before 
  changes in operating assets and liabilities                       16.0             24.9 
 Movement in loans and advances to customers                      (72.4)             13.2 
 Movement in loans and advances to credit 
  institutions                                                       0.6              1.0 
 Movement in shares                                                407.1          (242.3) 
 Movement in deposits and other borrowings                       (129.7)            308.5 
 Movement in trade and other receivables                             2.4            (0.2) 
 Movement in trade and other payables                              (3.7)              0.3 
 Tax paid                                                              -            (1.5) 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities                         220.3            103.9 
==================================================  ====================  =============== 
 for the year ended 31 March 2016                                  Group        Statutory 
                                                                    2016            limit 
                                                                       %                % 
 Lending limit                                                      13.7             25.0 
 Funding limit                                                       8.7             50.0 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 
                                                                   Group            Group 
                                                                    2016             2015 
                                                                       %                % 
 As a percentage of shares and borrowings: 
  Gross capital                                                    10.37            10.85 
  Free capital                                                      7.29             7.78 
  Liquid assets                                                    17.28            15.92 
 As a percentage of mean total assets: 
  Profit for the financial year                                     0.17             0.16 
  Management expenses                                               0.83             0.82 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 
                                                                   Group            Group 
                                                                    2016             2015 
                                                                       %                % 
 Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio                                 14.6             14.4 
--------------------------------------------------  --------------------  --------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 25, 2016 12:35 ET (16:35 GMT)

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