Washington, D.C. 20549


(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg                001-35788                Not applicable
(Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)        (Commission File Number)            (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

 24-26, Boulevard d’Avranches,
L-1160 Luxembourg
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

 Henk Scheffer,
Company Secretary,
24-26, Boulevard d’Avranches,
L-1160 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Fax: +352 2664 9649

((Name and telephone number, including area code,
of the person to contact in connection with this report.)

Check the appropriate box to indicate the rule pursuant to which this Form is being submitted, and provide the period to which the information in this Form applies:

Rule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13p-1) for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2023

Rule 13q-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13q-1) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

Section 2—Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure

Item 2.01 Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure and Report
Disclosure of payments by resource extraction issuers.

The payment disclosure required by Item 2.01 of Form SD is included as Exhibit 2.01 hereto (the “Report”). The Report on payments to governments with respect to its extractive activities is in accordance with the European Union directives 2013/34/EU and 2013/50/EU (“EU Directives”) as transposed into the Luxembourg laws of December 18, 2015 and May 10, 2016 (the “Transparency Law”). These EU Directives have been derived from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (“EITI”), a global standard to promote the open and accountable management of natural resources of which ArcelorMittal is a corporate supporter in order to strengthen governance, foster socio-economic development and help the overall business climate to become more open, fair and competitive. The EU Directives are recognized by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission as an alternative reporting regime that satisfies the transparency objections of Section 13(q) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 for purposes of alternative reporting under Rule 13q-1(c) and paragraph (c) of Item 2.01 of Form SD. The Report has been delivered to the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de commerce et des sociétés – RCS) required by the EU Directives and is available on the Luxembourg Business Registers website. It is also available on the ArcelorMittal website at: https://corporate.arcelormittal.com/corporate-library/reporting-hub?type=Payments%20to%20government#.

Section 3—Exhibits

Item 3.01 Exhibits

The following exhibit is submitted as part of this report.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the authorized undersigned.

/s/ Henk Scheffer
Henk Scheffer
Company Secretary
Date: September 26, 2024

2312 Report on Payments to Governments in respect of Extractive Activities.jpg

Table of content
Basis of preparation
Overview of payments
Payments per government and project
Bosnia and Herzegovina


ArcelorMittal has prepared this consolidated report (the "Report") on payments to governments with respect to its extractive activities in accordance with the European Union directives 2013/34/EU and 2013/50/EU (“EU Directives”) as transposed into the Luxembourg laws of December 18, 2015 and May 10, 2016 (the “Transparency Law”). These EU Directives have been derived from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (“EITI”), a global standard to promote the open and accountable management of natural resources of which ArcelorMittal is a corporate supporter in order to strengthen governance, foster socio-economic development and help the overall business climate to become more open, fair and competitive. The “Basis of preparation” section provides information about the content of the Report, the types of payments included and the reporting principles that have been applied in preparing the Report.
The latest edition of ArcelorMittal’s integrated annual online review “Driving forward” which can be accessed at https://corporate.arcelormittal.com/sustainability provides further details on the broader spectrum of socio-economic contributions ArcelorMittal brings to local communities and countries in respect of its operations.
Basis of preparation
Under the Transparency Law, ArcelorMittal is required to prepare a consolidated report on payments made to governments in relation to its extractive industries including any subsidiary included in its consolidated financial statements, which are available on the Company’s website https://corporate.arcelormittal.com/corporate-library/reporting-hub?type=Payments%20to%20government#.
Reporting principles
The Transparency Law requires payments to be reported when they are made to governments by ArcelorMittal for its extractive activities.
The Report states the total amount of payments made to each government in accordance with the Transparency Law and the amount per type of payment made to each government.
Payments in the Report are also attributed to a specific project or disclosed at an entity level. Where payments have been attributed to a project, the Report shows the total amount of payments made for each project and the amounts per type of payment.
The Transparency Law also prescribes that the disclosure of payments should reflect the substance of each payment and the relevant project concerned. Accordingly, ArcelorMittal has applied the following reporting principles:
Payments made to governments by ArcelorMittal subsidiaries are reported in full including payments made to governments in connection with joint ventures to the extent that ArcelorMittal makes the relevant payment.
Payments made to governments by joint operations in which ArcelorMittal exercises joint control and has rights to the assets and obligations for the liabilities relating to the arrangement are reported in proportion of ArcelorMittal’s share.
Payments made to governments by joint ventures and associates accounted for under the equity method are not included in this Report.
Amounts payable to governments computed for extractive activities which are fully or partly offset by receivable amounts from non-extractive activities and as a consequence result in a nil or reduced net payment to governments are reported as nil or reported up to the net amount.
Where a payment made to a government relates to activities that are both reportable under the Transparency Law and not reportable, the entire payment is reported if it is not possible to disaggregate it on a reasonable basis.
A payment to a government relating to more than one project (for example income tax) is reported in aggregate if it is not possible to disaggregate the payment per project.


Activities within the scope of the Report
The Report includes all payments made to governments with respect to ArcelorMittal’s activities involving exploration, prospection, discovery, development and extraction of minerals. This encapsulates the key stages of extractive activity, beginning with the search for natural resources and includes the evaluation of resource bearing geological features, the construction of facilities to enable the extraction of natural resources and the production of the natural resource up to the point that the extracted material is salable.
Payments made to governments relating to distribution activities and commercial development are not included in this Report as they are not within the scope of the Transparency Law.
Under the Transparency Law, a government is defined as any national, regional or local authority of a country, including department, agency or undertaking controlled by that authority. In some countries, certain aboriginal or indigenous communities fall within the definition of a government.
Except when stated otherwise, payments are reported on a cash basis meaning that they are reported in the period in which the payment occurred as opposed to being reported on an accrual basis which would mean they are reported in the period for which they are due. Refunds are also reported in the period they are received and are presented as negative amounts in the Report.
Payments in kind made to governments would also be included in this Report in accordance with the Transparency Law.
Project definition
The Transparency Law requires payments to be reported by project (as a sub category by country). It defines a project as the operational activities which are governed by a single contract, license, lease, concession or similar legal agreements and form the basis for payment of liabilities to a government. If these agreements are substantially interconnected, they should be treated as a single project. In accordance with the Transparency Law, “substantially interconnected” means forming a set of operationally and geographically integrated contracts, licenses, leases or concessions or related agreements with substantially similar terms that are signed with a government, giving rise to payment liabilities. These agreements may themselves be governed by a single contract, joint venture, production sharing agreement or other overarching legal agreement. Factors used to determine whether contracts or licenses are operationally and geographically integrated may include their common management framework, proximity and use of common infrastructure. The Report only contains details of projects for which reportable payments were made during the reporting period.
Disclosure threshold
The transparency Law requires payments exceeding €100,000 for a single payment or a series of related payments during the financial year to be included in this Report.
Reporting currency
All payments are reported in U.S. dollars corresponding to the presentation currency of ArcelorMittal’s consolidated financial statements. Payments made in currencies other than U.S. dollar have been translated at the average exchange rate of the reporting period.
Types of payments
The Transparency Law refers to “payments” as an amount paid in cash or in kind for relevant activities where the payment is any of the following types:
Production entitlements
Production entitlements refer to production-sharing agreements following which the government is entitled to a share of the ore extracted. Such entitlements are regarded as payments in kind. There were no such payments reportable for the year ended December 31, 2023.
The Report includes taxes levied on income, production or profits from extractive activities or withheld from dividends, royalties and interests. Taxes levied on consumption, sales, environmental taxes, property taxes, custom duties and personal income taxes are not reportable under the Transparency Law.
Royalties represent a share of the output or the profit that can be paid in cash or in kind.

Dividends paid in lieu of production entitlements or royalties are included in this Report. However, dividends paid to a government as a common shareholder are not reported to the extent that the dividend is paid to the government on the same terms as dividends paid to other common shareholders. There were no such payments reportable for the year ended December 31, 2023.
ArcelorMittal has included in this Report license fees, rental fees, entry fees and other payments that are made in consideration for licenses and/or concessions. Fees paid to governments for administrative services or supplies are not included in this Report.
Bonuses included in this Report correspond to signature, discovery and production bonuses. There were no such payments reportable for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Infrastructure improvements
Such payments correspond to payments made for infrastructure (for example roads or buildings) that forms part of the fundamental facilities and systems serving a community or area. Such payments are included in the Report regardless of whether or not these payments constitute a contractual obligation and they are reported when the relevant assets are handed over to the government.
Other considerations
Payments included in this Report are presented in U.S. dollars with all amounts rounded to the nearest thousands.
Overview of payments
The table below shows the payments made to governments by the Company during the year ended December 31, 2023 by country and type of payment.

in thousands U.S. dollarsTaxesRoyaltiesFeesInfrastructure improvements Total
Bosnia and Herzegovina330 1,567 — — 1,897 
Brazil— 11,256 — — 11,256 
510,684 6,378 2,838 — 519,900 
Kazakhstan 2
17,527 — — — 17,527 
Liberia1,034 12,682 3,375 8,419 25,510 
Mexico25,482 — 5,055 — 30,537 
951 — 14,926 — 15,877 
Total556,008 31,883 26,194 8,419 622,504 
1.Taxes include payments or refunds for activities that are both reportable under the Transparency Law and not reportable, as it is not possible to disaggregate on a reasonable basis.
2.On December 7, 2023 ArcelorMittal divested its mining operations in Kazakhstan in the context of the sale of ArcelorMittal Temirtau to the Qazaqstan Investment Corporation (“QIC”), a state-owned investment fund directly controlled by the Government of Kazakhstan. The amount of taxes disclosed in this Report for Kazakhstan relates to the period from January 1 to November 30, 2023 and represent amounts paid in cash except for mineral extraction tax (4,251) which is disclosed on an accrual basis.


Payments per government and project
The tables below show the payments made to governments by the Company on a government and project basis for each type of payment during the year ended December 31, 2023.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesTotal
Republic of Srpska330 1,567 — 1,897 
Payments per projectMine typeTaxesRoyaltiesFeesTotal
Mine PrijedorIron ore330 1,567 — 1,897 
Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesTotal
 DNPM – National Department of Mineral Production — 9,970 — 9,970 
 State Finance Secretary (SEFAZ - MG) — 1,286 — 1,286 
Total Brazil— 11,256 — 11,256 
Payments per projectMine type Taxes Royalties Fees Total
Andrade MineIron ore— 7,034 — 7,034 
Serra Azul MineIron ore— 4,222 — 4,222 
Total Brazil— 11,256 — 11,256 

Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesInfrastructure improvementsTotal
Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak— 6,378 — — 6,378 
Ministère des Finances du Québec193,659 — 1,322 — 194,981 
Ministere des Finances du Québec (Refund)(129)— — — (129)
Receveur général du Canada316,791 — — — 316,791 
Ville de Fermont— — 1,516 — 1,516 
Government of Alberta363 — — — 363 
Total Canada510,684 6,378 2,838 — 519,900 

Payments per projectMine type Taxes Royalties Fees Infrastructure improvements Total
Mines Canada ( Mont Wright - Fire Lake)Iron ore123,630 6,378 2,838 — 132,846 
Payments not allocated to a specific project1
387,054 — — — 387,054 
Total Canada510,684 6,378 2,838 — 519,900 
1.Taxes include payments for activities that are both reportable and not reportable under the Transparency Law, as it is not possible to disaggregate on a reasonable basis.


Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesTotal
Ministry of Finance17,527 — — 17,527 
Total Kazakhstan17,527 — — 17,527 
Payments per projectMine type Taxes Royalties Fees Total
Temirtau iron ore 1
Iron ore4,795 — — 4,795 
Temirtau coal mineCoal12,732 — — 12,732 
Total Kazakhstan17,527 — — 17,527 
1.Information about payments per individual iron ore project is not available for the period January 1 to November 30, 2023.

Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesInfrastructure improvementsTotal
Ministry of Finance /LRA1,034 12,682 1,680 — 15,396 
Ministry of Mines— — 1,695 — 1,695 
Ministry of Public Works— — — 8,419 8,419 
Total Liberia1,034 12,682 3,375 8,419 25,510 
Payments per projectMine typeTaxes Royalties Fees Infrastructure improvements Total
Mine Liberia (Western Range Project)Iron ore1,034 12,682 3,375 8,419 25,510 
Total Liberia1,034 12,682 3,375 8,419 25,510 
Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesTotal
Internal Revenue Service (Secretaria de Hacienda)16,221 — — 16,221 
Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía)9,261 — 5,055 14,316 
Total Mexico25,482 — 5,055 30,537 
Payments per projectMine type Taxes Royalties Fees Total
Faraon / FEIron ore— — 1,908 1,908 
MS OaxacaIron ore— — 1,012 1,012 
Peña ColoradaIron ore22,103 — 456 22,559 
Las TruchasIron ore3,081 — 1,239 4,320 
San JoseIron ore298 — 440 738 
Total Mexico25,482 — 5,055 30,537 


Payments per governmentTaxesRoyaltiesFeesTotal
Municipality of Kryvyi Rih — — 14,926 14,926 
State Fiscal Service (State Budget)1
951 — — 951 
Total Ukraine951 — 14,926 15,877 
Payments per projectMine type Taxes Royalties Fees Total
AM Berislav limestone mine (Staroselskoe pit)Limestone52 — — 52 
AMKR Open Pits (#2 Novokrivorozhskiy and #3 Valyavkinskiy deposit)Iron ore742 — 14,142 14,884 
AMKR Underground Mine (Kirova Mine and Open pit Yuzhnyi)Iron ore157 — 784 941 
Payments not allocated to a specific project1
— — — — 
Total Ukraine951 — 14,926 15,877 
1.Taxes include payments and refunds for activities that are both reportable and not reportable under the Transparency Law, as it is not possible to disaggregate on a reasonable basis.
Document Information
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Document Information:  
Document Type 2.01 SD
Amendment false
CIK 0001243429
Registrant Name ArcelorMittal
Period End Date Dec. 31, 2023
Reporting Currency USD
Payments, by Category - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Total Payments
Total $ 556,008 $ 31,883 $ 26,194 $ 8,419 $ 622,504
Payments, by Project - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Total Payments
Total $ 556,008 $ 31,883 $ 26,194 $ 8,419 $ 622,504
Mine Prijedor [Member]          
Total 330 1,567     1,897
Andrade Mine [Member]          
Total   7,034     7,034
Serra Azul Mine [Member]          
Total   4,222     4,222
Mines Canada ( Mont Wright - Fire Lake) [Member]          
Total 123,630 6,378 2,838   132,846
Temirtau iron ore [Member]          
Total 4,795       4,795
Temirtau coal mine [Member]          
Total 12,732       12,732
Mine Liberia (Western Range Project) [Member]          
Total 1,034 $ 12,682 3,375 $ 8,419 25,510
Faraon / FE [Member]          
Total     1,908   1,908
MS Oaxaca [Member]          
Total     1,012   1,012
Peña Colorada [Member]          
Total 22,103   456   22,559
Las Truchas [Member]          
Total 3,081   1,239   4,320
San Jose [Member]          
Total 298   440   738
AM Berislav limestone mine (Staroselskoe pit) [Member]          
Total 52       52
AMKR Open Pits (#2 Novokrivorozhskiy and #3 Valyavkinskiy deposit) [Member]          
Total 742   14,142   14,884
AMKR Underground Mine (Kirova Mine and Open pit Yuzhnyi) [Member]          
Total $ 157   $ 784   $ 941
Payments, by Government - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Total Payments
Total $ 556,008 $ 31,883 $ 26,194 $ 8,419 $ 622,504
Total 330 1,567     1,897
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA | Republic of Srpska [Member]          
Total 330 1,567     1,897
Total   11,256     11,256
BRAZIL | DNPM – National Department of Mineral Production [Member]          
Total   9,970     9,970
BRAZIL | State Finance Secretary (SEFAZ - MG) [Member]          
Total   1,286     1,286
Total 510,684 6,378 2,838   519,900
CANADA | Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak [Member]          
Total   6,378     6,378
CANADA | Ministère des Finances du Québec [Member]          
Total 193,659   1,322   194,981
CANADA | Ministere des Finances du Québec (Refund) [Member]          
Total (129)       (129)
CANADA | Receveur général du Canada [Member]          
Total 316,791       316,791
CANADA | Ville de Fermont [Member]          
Total     1,516   1,516
CANADA | Government of Alberta [Member]          
Total 363       363
Total 17,527       17,527
KAZAKHSTAN | Ministry of Finance [Member]          
Total 17,527       17,527
Total 1,034 12,682 3,375 8,419 25,510
LIBERIA | Ministry of Finance /LRA [Member]          
Total 1,034 $ 12,682 1,680   15,396
LIBERIA | Ministry of Mines [Member]          
Total     1,695   1,695
LIBERIA | Ministry of Public Works [Member]          
Total       $ 8,419 8,419
Total 25,482   5,055   30,537
MEXICO | Internal Revenue Service (Secretaria de Hacienda) [Member]          
Total 16,221       16,221
MEXICO | Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member]          
Total 9,261   5,055   14,316
Total 951   14,926   15,877
UKRAINE | Municipality of Kryvyi Rih [Member]          
Total     $ 14,926   14,926
UKRAINE | State Fiscal Service (State Budget) [Member]          
Total $ 951       $ 951
Payments, Details - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Subnat. Juris.
Ext. Method
#: 1                
$ 330 Taxes BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA snj:BA-SRP Republic of Srpska [Member] Mine Prijedor [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 2                
1,567 Royalties BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA snj:BA-SRP Republic of Srpska [Member] Mine Prijedor [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 3                
9,970 Royalties BRAZIL   DNPM – National Department of Mineral Production [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 4                
1,286 Royalties BRAZIL   State Finance Secretary (SEFAZ - MG) [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 5                
193,659 Taxes CANADA snj:CA-QC Ministère des Finances du Québec [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 6                
(129) Taxes CANADA snj:CA-QC Ministere des Finances du Québec (Refund) [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 7                
316,791 Taxes CANADA   Receveur général du Canada [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 8                
363 Taxes CANADA snj:CA-AB Government of Alberta [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 9                
1,516 Fees CANADA   Ville de Fermont [Member] Mines Canada ( Mont Wright - Fire Lake) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 10                
1,322 Fees CANADA snj:CA-QC Ministère des Finances du Québec [Member] Mines Canada ( Mont Wright - Fire Lake) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 11                
6,378 Royalties CANADA   Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak [Member] Mines Canada ( Mont Wright - Fire Lake) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 12                
4,795 Taxes KAZAKHSTAN   Ministry of Finance [Member] Temirtau iron ore [Member] Iron Ore [Member]  
#: 13                
12,732 Taxes KAZAKHSTAN   Ministry of Finance [Member] Temirtau coal mine [Member] Coal [Member] Underground Mining
#: 14                
1,034 Taxes LIBERIA   Ministry of Finance /LRA [Member] Mine Liberia (Western Range Project) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 15                
12,682 Royalties LIBERIA   Ministry of Finance /LRA [Member] Mine Liberia (Western Range Project) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 16                
1,680 Fees LIBERIA   Ministry of Mines and Ministry of Finance/LRA [Member] Mine Liberia (Western Range Project) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 17                
1,695 Fees LIBERIA   Ministry of Mines [Member] Mine Liberia (Western Range Project) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 18                
8,419 Infrastructure LIBERIA   Ministry of Public Works [Member] Mine Liberia (Western Range Project) [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 19                
16,221 Taxes MEXICO   Internal Revenue Service (Secretaria de Hacienda) [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 20                
9,261 Taxes MEXICO   Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member]   Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 21                
1,908 Fees MEXICO   Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member] Faraon / FE [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 22                
1,012 Fees MEXICO   Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member] MS Oaxaca [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 23                
456 Fees MEXICO   Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member] Peña Colorada [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 24                
1,239 Fees MEXICO   Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member] Las Truchas [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 25                
440 Fees MEXICO   Ministry of Economy (Secretaria de Economía) [Member] San Jose [Member] Iron Ore [Member] Open Pit
#: 26                
52 Taxes UKRAINE   State Fiscal Service (State Budget) [Member] AM Berislav limestone mine (Staroselskoe pit) [Member] Limestone [Member]  
#: 27                
742 Taxes UKRAINE   State Fiscal Service (State Budget) [Member] AMKR Open Pits (#2 Novokrivorozhskiy and #3 Valyavkinskiy deposit) [Member] Iron Ore [Member]  
#: 28                
157 Taxes UKRAINE   State Fiscal Service (State Budget) [Member] AMKR Underground Mine (Kirova Mine and Open pit Yuzhnyi) [Member] Iron Ore [Member]  
#: 29                
14,142 Fees UKRAINE snj:UA-12 Municipality of Kryvyi Rih [Member] AMKR Open Pits (#2 Novokrivorozhskiy and #3 Valyavkinskiy deposit) [Member] Iron Ore [Member]  
#: 30                
$ 784 Fees UKRAINE snj:UA-12 Municipality of Kryvyi Rih [Member] AMKR Underground Mine (Kirova Mine and Open pit Yuzhnyi) [Member] Iron Ore [Member]  

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