b/d 85% complete, as of end 
                                April. New units expected 
                                start up in 4Q 2009. 
Motiva     Port Arthur   285.0  Expansion project to increase    1Q 
           TX                   throughput capacity by 325,000   2012 
                                b/d, to 610,000-b/d, slowed. 
                                Completion now seen 1Q 
                                2012, from 2010. 
Shell      Deer Park,    340.0  Hydroprocessing unit, cata-      Oct 24 
                                lytic cracker unit and alky- 
                                lation shut between Oct 1 and 
                                Oct 24 for fall turnaround 
Total      Port Arthur   232.0  Shut unit 805 for Oct. 8 
                                maintenance on Oct. 5. 
                                Shut unit 810 for work Sept.22 
                                Unit 822 restarted Sept. 29 
                                Restarted 837 Oct. 1 
Valero     Corpus        340.0  Coker unit shutdown for econo-   n/a 
           Christi, TX          mic reasons and planned work; 
                                delayed to June 19 from June 
                                12. The 20,000-b/d unit will 
                                remain off line through July 
                                but could restart at any time 
                                if margins improve. 
                                20,000-b/d FCCU in East          n/a 
                                Plant shut; West Plant 
                                50,000-b/d FCCU at reduced 
                                rates since mid-Dec for 
                                economic reasons. 
                                15,000-b/d HCU in East Plant 
                                set for 18 days of work in Jan. 
                                36,000-b/d HCU in West Plant 
                                sent for 18 days of work in Feb. 
Valero     Norco, LA     250.0  Upgrade project to build         2012 
                                a new diesel hydrotreater 
                                unit moved from 2010 to 
                                4Q 2012. 
                                Turnaround at crude/ coker unit    1Q 
                                set for 36 days in Jan. 
                                Entire Plant 
                                to be shut for work. 
                                The coker will operate at 
                                50% of capacity when 
                                restarted due to poor 
Valero     Port Arthur   325.0  77,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
           TX                   rates since mid-Dec for 
                                economic reasons. 
                                45,000 b/d HCU to undergo        Spring 
                                38 days of work in March. 
Valero     Sunray, TX    170.0  55,000-b/d FCCU at reduced       n/a 
                                rates since mid-Dec for 
                                economic reasons. 
Valero     Three Rivers   95.0  Plant-wide 24-day turnaround     Oct. 2 
BP         Carson, CA    265.0  Flaring on Oct. 26-Nov.1 is 
                                related to planned maintenance 
                                of its hydrotreater. 
Valero     Wilmington, Ca 96.86 56,000 b/d FCC/alky to be shut    Dec. 
                                in Nov. for 39 days of work. 