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Ing Groep NV (PK) (INGVF)

Ing Groep NV (PK)
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06/03/202510:14Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
06/03/202506:30Edgar (US Regulatory)Form IRANNOTICE - Notice of disclosure filed pursuant to Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (Exchange Act Section 13(r)).USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
06/03/202506:21Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 20-F - Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers [Sections 13 or 15(d)]USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
13/02/202513:14Edgar (US Regulatory)Form SCHEDULE 13G/A - Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certain Investors: [Amend]USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
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12/11/202411:52Edgar (US Regulatory)Form SC 13G - Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certain InvestorsUSOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
12/06/202414:12Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 11-K - Annual report of employee stock purchase, savings and similar plansUSOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
06/02/202408:36Edgar (US Regulatory)Form SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individualsUSOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
13/06/202309:31Edgar (US Regulatory)Report of Foreign Issuer Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 (6-k)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
08/06/202315:34Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report of Employee Stock Plans (11-k)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
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10/03/202305:56Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual and Transition Report (foreign Private Issuer) (20-f)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
13/02/202314:35Edgar (US Regulatory)Schedule 13g
(sc 13g/a)
01/02/202305:13Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
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18/08/202212:09Edgar (US Regulatory)Securities Registration (foreign Private Issuer) (f-3/a)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
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28/03/202213:55Edgar (US Regulatory)Securities Registration (section 12(b)) (8-a12b)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
23/03/202215:53Edgar (US Regulatory)Prospectus Filed Pursuant to Rule 424(b)(5) (424b5)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
11/02/202211:28Edgar (US Regulatory)Schedule 13gUSOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
08/09/202107:31Edgar (US Regulatory)Free Writing Prospectus - Filing Under Securities Act Rules 163/433 (fwp)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
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12/03/202108:37Edgar (US Regulatory)Post-effective Amendment to an S-8 Filing (s-8 Pos)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
23/09/202009:23Edgar (US Regulatory)Report of Foreign Issuer (6-k)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
25/08/202015:50Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification of the Appointment of an Agent for Service by Certain Foreign Institutions (f-n)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
21/05/202013:20Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Annual Report of Employee Stock Plans (11-k/a)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
15/04/202009:49Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification Filed by National Security Exchange to Report the Removal From Listing and Registration of Matured, Redeemed or ...USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
04/10/201813:46Edgar (US Regulatory)Securities Registration (ads, Immediate) (f-6ef)USOTC:INGVFIng Groep NV (PK)
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